Fake Currencies, People & Wars, Constant Lies & Promises Cannot Hold Up Forever | The Plan: Trade Stolen Deposits with Systems That No Longer Exist, Now Money is Gone With No Way to Put it Back in Banking System | Banks Can’t Continue Accepting IOU’s from Langley 5 & Rothschild | Why Rothschild & Langley 5 Still Think They Had a Shot | Good News, Global Archivists Given Green Light to ‘Clear the Field’ (aka Earth)!| First Stop Was the Pentagon Which Now Has 8 Less Troublemakers | The Coalition Also Given Green Light to ‘Clear the Field’! | Who Were the Majestic 12? | Where Did the Archivists Find 3 of Them & Why Are the Generals & Rothschild Freaking Out?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 6, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update the remaining deep state continues to repeat past operations with less success. No money has operatives sitting on the sidelines. The IOUs are piling up and the banks can’t keep paying out as the bill […]

Fake Currencies, People & Wars, Constant Lies & Promises Cannot Hold Up Forever | The Plan: Trade Stolen Deposits with Systems That No Longer Exist, Now Money is Gone With No Way to Put it Back in Banking System | Banks Can’t Continue Accepting IOU’s from Langley 5 & Rothschild | Why Rothschild & Langley 5 Still Think They Had a Shot | Good News, Global Archivists Given Green Light to ‘Clear the Field’ (aka Earth)!| First Stop Was the Pentagon Which Now Has 8 Less Troublemakers | The Coalition Also Given Green Light to ‘Clear the Field’! | Who Were the Majestic 12? | Where Did the Archivists Find 3 of Them & Why Are the Generals & Rothschild Freaking Out? Read More »

Glitch in Deposits Connected to Closed Loop Called ‘Q’ in Omega | Wingnuts Continue to Submit Crazy Agreements & Ask for Money | Latest Plan to Open Gate in Israel with Stolen Artifacts Fails | ‘White Hat’ Military is Saving the World is Hogwash! | 10,000 Dead in Gaza Strip, 70% Are Women & Children | Are They Trying to Install a Muslim Pope? | Weapons Being Delivered Everywhere in Middle East & Stockpiles Allegedly ‘Protected’ in Cyprus? | KGB Still Running Russian-Ukraine Situation On Behalf of Langley 5 | Only 1% of Operatives Still Believe Rothschild Lies | Anti-Source Has Left Them, Lucifer Has Left Them But They Will Not Accept It!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 3, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update Kim is a bit heated and who can blame her. No one has stopped taking orders from Langley 5 and Rothschilds, not any military, alleged white hats or otherwise. No agency either. They are marching

Glitch in Deposits Connected to Closed Loop Called ‘Q’ in Omega | Wingnuts Continue to Submit Crazy Agreements & Ask for Money | Latest Plan to Open Gate in Israel with Stolen Artifacts Fails | ‘White Hat’ Military is Saving the World is Hogwash! | 10,000 Dead in Gaza Strip, 70% Are Women & Children | Are They Trying to Install a Muslim Pope? | Weapons Being Delivered Everywhere in Middle East & Stockpiles Allegedly ‘Protected’ in Cyprus? | KGB Still Running Russian-Ukraine Situation On Behalf of Langley 5 | Only 1% of Operatives Still Believe Rothschild Lies | Anti-Source Has Left Them, Lucifer Has Left Them But They Will Not Accept It! Read More »

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