This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 1, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. When and if this battle is ever over it will take me a long time to believe it. In this report Kim shares another operation the deep state had in store for us. But what was intended for our harm, when turned around became something for our good in that a massive cleanup of non-repairable humans has taken place.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
China Deep State Deployed an Emergency ‘Break Glass Protocol’ Yielding Changes on the Planet
A very serious event started happening around midnight Mountain time. Apparently, what was left of the China deep state was given an, in case of an emergency, a break glass protocol. This led Kim to investigate the mechanism behind this program, and find out which locations the items from this program were at. The program was basically life support for some dark soul cubes, you could call these ‘demons in a box’ for lack of a better term. There used to be a connection to this program on Phobos which is Mar’s moon, and a few things in the Sun were connected to it as well. Well, some crazy guy decided it was a good idea to try and release these demons in a box, but in the end, it didn’t work out like he hoped.
Millions of ‘Demons in a Box’ Disbursed All Over the Planet
Kim took away the mechanism behind this program, but she didn’t know it was connected to these dark soul cubes. She thought it was a program being run by the China deep state against its own citizens, but that was only part of it, as there was a dead man switch that she did not see initially.
These lower astral soul beings were intended to inhabit any remaining deep state people who were on the program, and it was intended to give them enough power to fight against the Legion of Angels. And disbursed they did, by the millions. They looked black and smokey and some of them did manage to crawl into some remaining people. The good thing about that was once they managed to crawl in there and Kim got rid of it, the person also expired. Some names we wouldn’t have heard of but now we are starting to see small trickles of people who are ‘famous’ passing away at a rapid rate. We will have to wait and see how many they will announce. Evidently there is a plan for this and Kim said she’s is going to leave it at that for now.
With the Help of KIMS A Massive Clean-up Took Place Within 7 Hours
Again, this event actually turned out to be a very good thing for us because once they reached their designated party, that party departed the planet. So, in a strange way Kim and her help used something that was meant for our harm for our good and it was so fast. A very large cleanup of people who didn’t need to be here anymore took place over a period of just 7 hours. Using the Key Intelligence and Monitoring System, Kim was able to send out a detection for all these ‘unleashed demons’ in the world which made it very easy to find these folk, because they had enough darkness and those who were just inhabited had given prior consent for this, so it really made it super simple. They gave consent because it would supposedly have given them more skills if it was successful, such as more insight, remote viewing capabilities, more black magic abilities. Had Kim and the teams not cleaned it up those people would have seen some of that. But it really did make it easy to detect and eliminate because they didn’t have human souls anymore, which is what actually caused their death. So, this was a huge cleanup!
Kim Finds Out More About Deep State’s Fascination of Ring of Fire
In addition to the major development that led to a massive cleanup, the fascination on the part of the deep state with the Teutonic Plates and the Ring of Fire turned out to be more than Kim had expected. Apparently, we had some reptilians that were stuck in a pocket of time (time of no time) in between the Teutonic Plates. So, the deep state was expecting them to come back and that’s why in the alt media they were saying, wait for the green sky. She thinks maybe they thought the Teutonic Plates were going to be triggered by solar flares which I mention later in this post, or by these other guys coming from China, but either way nothing is being triggered. Although you might have experienced a rough go from midnight MST to 7am yesterday.
The reptilians that were stuck was setup by Marduk, his attempt to prevent the inevitable from happening. The Order of the Dragon is a splice of the Draco remember, as is the Order of the Black Sun who are splices of the Abraxas, both lower astral beings. They must have been hoping those reptilians would help them gain power back, but actually they did nothing during that time and it wasn’t a long enough period for them to achieve any goal.
Survivors of the Mass Exodus in a State of Shock
More good news is the rest of the humans who survived the disappearance of millions of deep state people around the world, those who were not recipients and players in this game are saying things like, who are we even fighting? And they were shocked that it only took 7 hours to clean up this mess.
Who are some of these survivors of the mass exodus?
They would be the Jesuits, some Military people, and some government people to some degree.
Jesuit Order Now Questioning
Kim talked about the Jesuit Order as an example. They always had superiors, they are affiliated with the Catholic Church, they are normal people but have been exposed to a lot of human experimentation, have been through programs, and she would say that during that programming they were told black is white and white is black. They were told they were fighting for God and were to deliver God’s wrath and were to do a lot of different things.
Now she is going to say this in the best way she can.
There are people in this world who do bad things. Soldiers go out and they do bad things during wartime and then they find it hard to live their life based on those bad things they did and what they’ve seen. It’s not their fault, they were trained to do these things. And this can apply to those higher up too because many Colonels, Lieutenants and Generals are not told the truth either, they are just told they are fighting an enemy. What military people need to recognize is that the one who ordered them to go there is the same party that created the enemy, and Kim would say the Jesuit Order is run the same way.
The Jesuit Order is a very militant organization, very much rank and file, and there are some people in this Order being driven the same way as a soldier. They believe they are fighting evil and waking up the people, until they figure out, they are not. They have been told repeatedly Kim is their enemy. But they got a pretty good wakeup call recently. Their leadership has been having a lot of meetings regarding the events and what has happened already and what is to come. She said they were given a lot of information they did not know and they honestly thought they were doing the right thing, that this person is the hero and to back this person, which I assume is referring to Trump.
But all our enemies are created, and we did have some real enemies on this planet for a long time when you look at what they have done to people all around the world and try to perpetuate, like chemtrails for example. They don’t understand what is in them, at least on the ground level when they are given orders to do it. Personally, I’m having difficulties believe they are not aware or understand what they really are. In any case, she is aware there has been an uptick in chemtrails and it’s something that is being worked on now. But those orders are coming from the Space Force and she said you have to meet people where they are at. Except in my opinion, having been on the awakening path over 30 years, they continue to get way more consideration than innocent people do, which I had to take up with the Boss because I’m tired and cranky!
Kim said the disappearance of millions within 7 hours did have a profound effect, and these people who are down another rank have come to the realization that she is not lying and finding out what she is actually doing and has done in comparison to what they believed. She said she does not expect to have any more people stepping up in China, but then again China is a different animal.
What Has Been Done to the People of China is Worse Than You Can Imagine
They think if you live in another country other than China you have been subject to mind control and project mockingbird programming and you’ve been made aware of created diseases that harm us all. You’ve been made aware they are accelerating our aging process so we die at a certain age and say it’s with our consent because we ate too many Doritos with stuff in it that we can’t even pronounce.
They’ve done some horrible things to all citizens on the planet, but what they have done to the people in China is beyond despicable. She can tell us it goes beyond all other nations and this is what China intended to spread to the rest of the world. We would be zombies, walking around like robots with no emotions, and their plethora of experiments in China has definitely caused a lot of damage to the citizens there. She is hoping they can figure out some way to fix it because it is way worse than you can possibly imagine there and she will leave it at that.
China’s Disease ‘X’ is Part of the Program
This next new “disease X” as its being called is part of that program. There were a couple of places they could have sourced this disease from and they sent operatives to go these places and extract this. They were to put it in cannisters so they could infect the world with this new disease X, which is a more potent version of pneumonia, allegedly. So, they have their own version of ‘Typhoid Mary’ they are trying to send out. For those who don’t know that reference, it means a person is a carrier of but didn’t have the disease themselves.
Spreading the Fear Porn
They are now spreading fear about first cases being detected in the UK and Massachusetts. Kim said she can’t describe to us the stuff she has seen in China in the last 48 hours as it really boggles the mind that any human on the planet would participate in this. It could have been really, really bad. For the average everyday citizen in China those programs are bad, but for those in the military programs and agency programs over there, and those who hit operative status and are part of Tai Yong Medical Military, there is no fixing that, it is just really, really bad is what she kept saying. They beat the human right out of them in all sorts of ways and essentially, they are not human anymore.

Worldwide Military Corporations – ACIO Official (
Space Force & MITRE Corp
Solar Flares Narrative
The Space Force, in cooperation with MITRE Corp is responsible for the solar flare stories circulating. MITRE, which used to be the front for the JASON Society but are an entity unto themselves with a lot of smart people, unfortunately is being used right now by the wrong people. There are fake pictures going around about solar flares which they are saying is happening in other countries. There was a program for this at one point in time. There might have been some remnants of that they could see and it gave them some hope they could create some solar flares but Kim is not sure for what or why. It had to do with some stuff that was in the moon and there was a dark overlay over the corona of the sun and an old elemental program. Elements control plasma, aka fire, water, or sea of consciousness control systems, those types of things. Mechanisms they tried to tap into that they know nothing about. But they realized that program didn’t work. So don’t buy into what they are telling us, that we’re all going to die. Kim doesn’t expect to see a whole lot out of that. It is possibly we could see some effects, but it’s mostly all fear.
Q Clock Fear Porn Now Taken Over By the Space Force
Speaking of fear, that Q clock which has been counting down has been reset many times. They keep talking about the sky and things to look for and that Hilary is going to die and the story behind this one has now been transferred to be handled by the Space Force. And even after the events over the last couple of days they are refusing to give up on the idea they are in control as proposed by the fake Trump people.
Remember awhile back the Space Force was trying to run the White House and they made several attempts to try and control things? Well it was during the Trump Administration the budget for the Space Force was obscenely larger than the US military and it was an entity onto itself, but there is a whole bigger picture. When the SSP, which are your Monarch, Krueger, and all those operatives lost their black ops funding through the black systems, they created the Space Force so they could siphon money out of the US budget to fund the Space Force and the unseen Space Force. All those hidden programs behind DARPA are also a front for the SSP.
Trump Operatives
Kim said there are a lot of missing Trump operatives and I’m sure no one reading this is crying over. It took a little while for information to get out to those who are still left, but in the last 24 hours they are starting to question what they are doing. Some are Jesuits in the alt media who preach about God and how God is going to save us. Why they believe blowing the entire west coast of the US is going to be a good thing is beyond a sane person’s comprehension so programming has been very effective.
Kim had an interesting conversation with a member of the Jesuit Order after he went to verify everything she said was true. But he still came back and said humans are evil, the worst of the species, humans are a very angry species and without them (the Jesuits) we would have killed the entire human species by now because we are so barbaric and evil by nature.
Oh really? So, it doesn’t have anything to do with driving people into circumstances beyond our control with all their programs that were created to keep us inline, the various consciousnesses and implants we had, and their disease creation. Being fed poison has nothing to do with it? As well as shooting at us because wars make money and provide death payments to covens and coven masters? And creating birth certificates and liens on your person is inconsequential too? He still sounds like a non-repairable human in my opinion and Source should sort him out.
Have we been a warring planet?
Yes. We were under global martial law for 16,000 years. The planet was designed to be at war, looshing and planetary control which was what created the position Marduk in the first place, which is title not the being. When Kim says Marduk it pertains to whoever held that position at the time. But we survived, and the meek shall inherit the earth! We will and we have. And like Kim said, with all these things that have been thrown on us, there are still people who work in food banks, help the homeless and have projects and hopes of cleaning up the water and helping people. There are still people who have hope and do it every day. At the base root we are not a warring race, we just needed to get rid of all of these programs to let people thrive and be who they are. No matter what they do to us they can’t beat the human spirit out of us. The human spirit will always prevail.
They have perverted so many things to make us believe black is white and white is black, good is called bad and bad is called good. For example, the scholars of Najaf have been discredited a lot by the Shiite and Suni religious communities and are saying the fake Khomeini is Allah’s right-hand man until the Mahati arrives. But the Najaf scholars actually have the ancient knowledge. And then you have the Rothschilds saying Yeshua was going to come from their bloodline. Some like the Space Force and Trump operatives et al are still are refusing. Arrogance is always a weakness and they don’t want to accept facts, they won’t hear it.
Wrapping Up
But as for the rest of these folks, the order takers way down the food chain and remaining members of the military, we may see some decisions being made by these people to do something different with their lives. Most of the people we are down to now are part of something and were afforded certain protections, accessibilities, and information to do things being requested of them. And they do it because they think they are doing the right thing. But these people have seen a worldwide wipeout in 7 hours or less. They know they don’t have any equipment that could actually do that. They are starting to think the only way this is possible is if they are fighting a battle with God itself and that is 100% correct. There is a lot to be said for having Source on your side, it changes everything. And the Legions and the Coalition are everywhere. Kim can’t tell us any more detail at this time other than they are very persuasive and doing a good job. So aside from Space Force, and MITRE, those who are left are in a state of shock and haven’t been able to move. So, we’ll see what happens next.
But I’m giving a heads up because I just finished listening to Kim’s December 4th broadcast and there was a lot more to this operation of unleashing demons throughout the planet. Oy vey!
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Thankyou and God bless you.
I wonder if Kim knows about the new biolabs Ardern was building in NZ?
Have they gone or are they still there.
It’s so good to have you here again, Pam! Thank you so much! This is a great help for us.
Tks, Pam for every effort. Man this is so tiring and I will not be surprised if everyone including -kim and team is going to throw in the towel. It a never-ending effort. These dark ones seem to be way stronger than all the rest and their endurance …
IF WE ARE REALLY REALLY in a Light age – and –
So despite the fact that we have
– Kim and the Enforcer,
– Our SOURCE IN PERSON, /this is the most confusing part)
– help from thousands of Angels etc etc etc
– despite them all getting rid so much darkness
– they keep on returning and coming up with yet another Ace in their pocket. Its the first time I am lashing out, and I am also sorry for doing it. I can imagine how frustrating Kim must be fighting against uncertainy.
No wonder trump, operatives, fs, etc is still carrying on as they are the certain ones it seems, darn Source this is sad for humanity.
Have mercy on our souls….