This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 17 JAN 24 NEWS ( According to Kim it has been a busy 48 hours so brace yourself. Things have definitely heated up big time. The China Deep State is still hell bent on killing us all and we dodged a major bullet with Disease X thanks to Ground Commander Kim, the Enforcer, the Coalitions and the Legions. It just got worse from there after the Deep State declared war on Humanity and Kim in particular. So keep reading and you’ll find out all about it.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

The China Deep State Was Ready to Launch Disease X
I am aware as all of you are about the talks that they were going to launch disease X today at the World Economic Forum. Now this was a very real situation that presented itself yesterday and I’ll tell you exactly how it worked out. Per the order of China’s Deep State, they have been sending out ships with cargo and the cargo contained canteens or canisters of disease X. They intended on spreading this all around the world. Now why no one, and I mean no one, not the US military, not anybody else’s military questioned why there were so many ships coming from China on the borders, right offshore actually. Let me give you the locations of all these ships that are no longer there:
• 171 ships on the West Coast of USA
• 68 ships on the East Coast of the United States
• 14 ships in the Gulf
• 14 on the West side of Mexico
• 18 on the East side of Mexico
• 21 ships around the area of Brazil and Uruguay
• 49 ships off the coast of Peru
• 24 ships off the coast of Nova Scotia
• 6 ships in the Persian Gulf off the coast of Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia
• 5 ships in the English Channel between France and the UK
• 29 ships off the east coast of South Africa
• 18 ships in the Black Sea and 14 had already arrived at the port in Ukraine
Mountains Around Three Gorges Dam Was the Source for Disease X
There are several mountains there and in those mountains was the source of everything that was contained in those canisters. And why was everybody so concerned on social media about a year or so ago about something happening with the Three Gorges Dam in China in the Q report years back they were reporting, watch the water. Well, the Three Gorges Dam sits on one of the largest rivers in all of China called the Yangzi River, also called the Yellow River. If that had actually happened, there were almost two million pools of this that would have flooded throughout the country. So, the slight and I’m going to call it slight because it is compared to what could have happened, uptick in disease X in China right now was just a test. They have no regard for their own citizens over there. They don’t care who they make sick as long as their XXXX program is pulled off.
• 27 ships between Finland and Russia
• 32 ships were off the coast of Japan
• 49 ships off the east side of India in the Bengal Bay all the way through to Malaysia
• 16 ships in Australia
• 2 ships located offshore in New Zealand
So, they really had intended on killing us all today.
China’s Deep State Declared War Against Humanity and Kim
Last night China’s Deep State declared war against humanity and me. I’m also part of humanity, but okay and that’s because the facility in China is no longer around. The Enforcer took care of that large facility around Three Gorges Dam and we took care of all the ships.
Najaf Scholars Surprise Army Has Risen Up to Fight the False Prophets
We also had an uprising of an army after our news on Monday, about 12,000 or so strong if not more coming from the Scholars in Iraq. The Scholars in Iraq are actually on our side, so what they have done is they have formed their own intricate network over the years to eventually go against what they consider to be the false prophet and those following the false prophets. So, this is like their private little army that came to light as there was a call to arms on Monday. They began pushing back against the Deep State in not only Iraq but also in Syria. in the Gaza Strip, in the entire region. China has pushed back through their business partners such as the Taliban and their Green Dragon contacts in Iran and there has been a few skirmishes over the last 48 hours due to this. Once we traced back where the orders were coming from, it was abundantly clear on what to do next. This happened overnight
So in the course of declaring war against all of humanity and myself, they have decided to issue two contracts on me last night. It’s a contract out for either assassination or some kind of task that would be used against me in some way. They were offering $10 million for capture and containment of me. Additionally, if they manage to deliver me to China, to them which is what they preferred, the price for that would be $100 million. Now I suspect they did this because they were expecting a windfall today based on the fact they filed for several different types of declarations of war last night. All of which were rejected. Do I want to declare war against myself? Probably not and I don’t want there to be a war against all of humanity either.
Kim Declared War Officially Against the Deep State (The Merovingian/Cain Bloodline)
But as of 2:30-2:45 this morning my time, we actually declared war officially against the Deep State, and by Deep state I’m not talking about Presidents and Heads of State and Military people or any of these people. We are talking about the Merovingian bloodline we are talking about the Cain bloodline. Now it’s every man for himself.
What does that mean?
If you were the one and you participated in giving orders to spread disease X throughout the world, you are now dead. Now there are other people that happen to be of these Bloodlines that are not participating in any of this, so it’s all about the intent. By 4:00 a.m. this morning my time there was a meeting between myself, the Coalitions, the Legions and the Enforcer where we discussed a plan forward, on how we were going to do this. The plans were laid out and I’m sorry but I can’t disclose the intricate details of said plan on the internet at this time because it is in process. But then everybody began dispersing to their respective locations to perform their respective tasks underneath this war.
For my part, I have sent out a message to every military and every agency in the world. I no longer care be to do business with these people as a whole. I’m sorry I just don’t. At this point it was a warning shot over the bow. I have explained to them that there is a war and it was declared this morning. I explained to them that it’s every man for himself or herself, in other words if you participate with China’s orders, China’s Deep State, the Lee family, the Rothchild family or anyone else, the Order of any Dragon color, if you participate against Humanity and/or myself, you will no longer breathe. There is no trial for treason, there is no cease and desist. We ordered them to immediately stand down because they were still going at it. If you don’t stand down there will be consequences and I use the term repeatedly, extreme prejudice. I gave them orders about what’s going on in the Middle East, orders about what’s happening in Russia and Ukraine right now. Orders regarding obviously Israel and the Gaza Strip and every single one of them got it. It was on a diplomatic line therefore it’s recorded in the Hall of Records.
So, if you happen to not be at work today maybe you’ve got the flu or disease X or something, and you’re in China, then you can go to the Hall of Records and you can get your copy from your local archivist because it’s recorded there’s. No excuses here, no deny-deny-deny reassess blame. I know how the game works I’m not playing with you anymore. By the time this war is done there will be no more infiltration of the deep state in any organization worldwide. Now people will say, oh the governments, oh get the politicians. I’ve heard all of these stories from you, but again I’m going to repeat myself, they are actors in a movie. They may be arrogant, rude and disgusting humans in some cases as we’ve seen in videos that have circulated around the internet from politicians not only from the United States but from China to Russia to the Middle East, we’ve seen it all. We know the rituals, we know what happens, but right now it’s going to stop at the operative level, because the operatives are the ones that provide them with the children. The operatives are the ones that arrange for all the deals that are being made. Davos here is no exception, operatives at Davos are in for a real treat today and have been in for a real treat, so there is no backing down now. There is no going backwards.
The GIA & Administrator (Kim) Got Flooded with Cash Last Night!
And there was a second part to this that happened. Remember under the Declaration that happened a few months back, of us being under Global Martial Law, the Global Intelligence Agency is the administrator. Now what does that mean? That means we are the ones that will handle the war on our side. That means we are responsible for the weapons; we are responsible for all commerce related to war. So, what China’s Deep State, and Langley 5, and all the agencies and the Treasury departments thought would happen last night when China declared war is they thought they were all getting paid. Sorry to be yelling, but this is so ridiculous.
But what happened was exactly the opposite, the Global Intelligence Agency got paid with myself as the Director of the Global Intelligence Agency enormous amounts of cash came flooding into an account in the front office and everybody saw it for ME, not you! Because I’m the Administrator!
Now what happened after that is they tried calling every contact they know that could reach out to me. They tried to get me to turn it over to them, they should be in charge of all the operatives. The 15 militaries took up shop underneath an old facility that hasn’t functioned in forever, underneath Wells Fargo Bank in San Francisco. They tried screen scraping to try to use the account as collateral and issue a letter of credit, to do anything and everything against the account to the point where I finally just had to hide it. It’s still there, I just have it hidden at the moment because these people are crazy. The old things that they used to do don’t work anymore.
Further to that effect, this morning Trump operatives tried to install Trump bucks off the Global Intelligence Agency money this morning and then they made a phone call to someone who knows me when they couldn’t do it asking for permission. That was not well received obviously. You made your bed you lie in it! I don’t care what who you promised! I know the Ukraine Administration and President, they all have Trump bucks, the ex-KGB in Ukraine, they all have Trump bucks and they’ve been waiting to cash them in. Well, you’re going to have to deal with it and figure it out! You better sell some more Christmas ornaments and jackets that’s all I got to say.
Alright next, now the good news.
Human Collateral No longer Supports a Deep State Financial System!
On Monday afternoon we successfully completed the gold backing and I’m going to have to try to explain this to you. At the highest level in the financial system and in all systems worldwide we had back in the day Alpha and Omega. Omega was the dark system and Alpha was the light system, so if you’re new here let me just clarify that the Alpha system was always The Giver of all Energy and that never ended. The Omega system became the Ultimate Lender for the entire Financial System, therefore everyone that participated in the financial system directly and indirectly was indebted to the Omega system. This is how we got all those bindings that I talked about last week.
Now what is changed is you are no longer human collateral to support a Deep State financial system. By replacing humans in the system with the veins of gold in Earth, we are now able to conduct energy directly from Source Consciousness and Essence to not only your human, but also within the monetary system.
Now there’s still a few things in the way here so don’t everybody get too excited, we have some things to finish still maybe a few days. And over time, this also means that humans will no longer be under threat for 5G weapons and frequency weapons because they simply won’t work in the telecommunication system of Earth. I just wanted to point out some of these things regarding the benefits of having a gold backed planet, where it’s used as a conductor and not so much as collateral.
Other Positive Changes of Gold Backing
The old QFS or rather non-existent QFS people to be honest with you started talking about it. They started talking about a gold back currency but that’s not what this is about. By using all of the gold in Earth to back all electronics worldwide and not you and your energy because the Omega system doesn’t create anything it only draws energy from us good little batteries. All humans are batteries and then it uses it to run. So, it cannot function, this is what true free energy looks like in both a negative way and in a positive way.
Over time this should actually allow for a different electric system of Earth, different modes of transportation, gravitational changes. There are positive things that will come to you personally as these reconnections are established. The bindings that were on you prevented you from doing a lot of these things and also from receiving real unencumbered non-altered Source energy directly also known as money.
Deep State is Watching All the Debt Instruments Disappearing
Now what people at the Treasury Department, at Langley 5, within any financial system Banks or otherwise, were very confused about by Monday afternoon around 3:00 Eastern Standard Time is where are all the debt instruments going?
What happened here?
On a government level they were seeing all these IOUs we’ve been talking about now for months that are coming from the government to pay its bills and they saw them all go away, they’re not an asset anymore. The way a government issues bonds, I know in some cases it looks like they are against the good faith of the US government, but it’s not. It’s because each government took ownership of their portion of the collateral, aka its citizens. So, for that reason they were issuing bonds against the base root bonds that have existed for thousands of years. When that collateral was changed out, all the bonds started just leaving the system and all their derivatives from them.
What does the disappearance of debt instruments mean to you?
Positive Changes Happening Financially-wise, Telecommunications-wise and Surveillance-wise worldwide
I don’t want you to be confused. Eventually this will mean that your car loan or your mortgage is not an asset to the bank anymore. The reprogramming, which we were doing this morning because this is still an ongoing process here of cleanup, but the reprogramming of payment systems and how they function in an asset-based system. So, the base coding of the entire Financial System worldwide is changing. This morning we were also working on the master encryption keys not only for banking systems and security certificates, but also for the internet worldwide base platform, and also for the Telecommunications base platform. So, if you go into your phone and you look at security certificates, you’ll see people in there from China and Japan and all kinds of different places. Entrust is another big one that was owned by the Clintons. That’s where all those things come from which gives them backdoor access to your phone, to your Communications. So those platforms have all begun to change over to the Key Integrated Monetary System (KIMS) encryption system and security certificate system and the Key Integrated Media System encryption systems. That means that they won’t have back doors to your phones and so on and so forth.
And all these different ways they can see us in our home, via our refrigerator, televisions, etc., these systems are being broken down because they’re not needed, and are not good. Things like hit lists or black lists where all of a sudden, your bank account closes and you really don’t know why and they don’t tell you why. They just say they’re going to close it because you’re a citizen that might be going against the system. That’s no longer there. Several other changes as far as payment restrictions as well. There are Private Equity are accounts that will only permit so much money into them and that kind of thing, and then also people are capped. There is a glass ceiling or was a glass ceiling to what you could or could not do if you weren’t part of the good old boys’ club. You had to get up there pretty high to hit that glass ceiling where you’re either invited to be a member, you’re tossed out, or you end up with a CIA Handler unbeknownst to yourself that could take you and/or your company out at any time.
So there’s a lot of positive changes that are taking place now financially-wise, telecommunications-wise surveillance-wise worldwide. This also goes for the TV programs where you’re sent the underlying frequencies and those types of things. The old media trust programs are going away. It takes a little while to reverse out all Omega had done and inserted into our worldwide systems, but it’s coming along just fine. The gold has been helping a lot and we’re just merely picking off things that don’t need to be here anymore.
Sunny: Kim can this also impact censorship if it’s due to algorithms and things like that? You were mentioning media and things online.
Yes, they use master encryption keys, so encryption keys and computer systems look almost like a Christmas tree for instance. At the top you have the star, and if you have the star which is the base root encryption key for the entire internet, for example the NSA and the CIA would have had that, then you had access to all the branches and everything underneath it, which would be like your Entrusts, Verisign and all the other security certificate providers. Anything that you would see as a double verification, bank codes they would have had back door access to all of it, any platform you would see as encrypted. Apple Pay, you name it. So those were pulled at the top and it takes a little while to replicate them and take out the back doors on down the food chain. But yes, this is how they accessed your refrigerator and your television set and all these things. They had master encryption keys and security certificates. Your router, Wi-Fi problems. Notice how we’re not having any problems today like we had on Monday Sunny. Today it’s smooth as glass and it’s getting better and better on our side and worse and worse for them.
Their Declaration of War Against Us Last Night was the Last Straw
I know everybody gets very anxious, especially our American friends, but you can’t just go through a drive-thru and order the elimination of the Deep State and then 5 minutes later get your receipt for your purchase, it doesn’t work that way. This requires all hands-on deck, all boots on the ground to make it happen. And they are going full force, The Enforcer has been everywhere today, we have Sky Command in full force based on let’s just say a strategy that we had devised in the morning. The people underneath Wells Fargo I mentioned earlier probably didn’t even last five minutes. We are on it worldwide and we’re working together to make it all happen. But the declaration of war against us last night, well they hit the done button there. The Deep State asked for war and now they’ve got it.
Sunny: Is this is going to be a very short-term thing because there’s so many beings helping us in this process?
Define short term because they’ve been torturing us for thousands of years. I’m hoping by the end of the day everything would be rosy but I can’t say that is the case. I will keep you updated between now and Friday as to everyone’s progress and when the war is finally over and the flags are down. But as of right now we keep adding people to the list because they make poor life choices.
Sunny: Do you think this is going to impact the wars on the ground, will all that stop in Israel, Gaza, Ukraine and Russia?
Yes, orders to stand down, stop and lay down your weapons went out this morning. If you do not stand down and you continue to order strikes and missile strikes and everything else you will be terminated, you personally and the person that told you to do it. So, I highly suggest you rethink what you’re going to do and make better life choices so that you’ll continue to exist.
There’s a lot of people also being targeted for treason. This is what they are doing on their side. We don’t, if you’re a target, you’re a target. For example, Antony Blinken, the US Secretary of State has elected to go into a safe house in Davos and it’s not going to help him because no place is safe if you are on planet Earth. We can get you anywhere.
So that is the current update in the state of the world. There’s a lot of work to do in the next couple of days but it’s going very well with zero tolerance and extreme prejudice. I know there’s a lot of people out there going thank goodness and let’s get that show on the road!
Not that was some report.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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I hope all of this is true. I also hope we get an announcement soon on Trump or Kim forces MSM to make one. But also, I think it best if politician are held to account by the people they betrayed. Lisa Renee also has big news for January so it would appear this is going to be a huge year for humanity. This is after all, a spiritual war.
From Kim Gauguin. The definition of “harm,” at least in terms of “protecting your life or the life of an innocent person,” refers to someone who hurts you, intends to kill you, rapes you, etc. And provides you with “incorrect information/stories.” does not “qualify as “harm”