This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 17-Apr-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim let’s us in on a deal made between the cartels and remaining non-repairable crazies trying to maintain control, so essentially their bosses. Hopefully this conflict between the two will help thin the herd of psychopaths still walking around. That’s all I’m hoping for at the moment.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

17-Apr-24 News -Broadband High (
Bosses On the Run From Cartels
Monday night there was a lot of movement of people asking to go to CIA run safe houses around the world. And there was a lot of movement of people trying to get into Cheyenne because they, meaning the SSP, Global Headquarters, Military, Silent Circle-Black Nobility, everyone on the chopping block is running from the cartels. And I’m hearing from people I haven’t heard from for years. They are using old contacts I know are dead in an attempt to find a handler that I would accept. I told them flat out I’m staying out of it. By Monday evening I believe is when somebody stepped up and they cut a deal with the cartels because they needed to buy themselves some time.
The Deal Struck Between the Bosses and the Cartels
They asked the cartels for 48 hours, with pretty hefty conditions on both sides. The cartels had to turn over some of the things they built for themselves, like networks for 48 hours because they don’t have any systems or networks left, because that blonde lady took everything. Of course they used a different ‘b’-word. During their complaining they got a few things for a short period of time on the condition, if this doesn’t work out by sundown EST, they would completely turn themselves over to the whims of the cartels. That means they would take orders from them and no one else. Every single facility they have and everyone in their downline would get turned over to their control fully. So that is where is stands right now.
Sunny: But why would the cartel hand over what they have, what would they do that?
Maybe in their mind it would have been ‘fair.’ They have nothing left because I took everything and they need to make it a fair fight? I really don’t know what they sold them on, but what I do know is if Jesus himself could come down from the clouds and demand I give them the Key Intelligence and Military System I would laugh. I can tell you it will never happen.
So, the deadline is tonight at sundown EST, then all bets are off. The problem is these people say a lot of things and their word is never good. I’m sure the cartels know that as well. So, are they going to do what they said they are going to? In my opinion, I would be shocked. I think it’s all a lie, they just wanted them to turn over what they had. Either that, or are they that concerned about the cartels coming after them? That’s the only thing I can see that would make them hold to their word.
But to be fair, they have made a valiant effort using every possible tool and person who would participate in the last couple of days, but they are going around in a circle and making negative headway. But they are actually helping us finish off anything else they had left, so I appreciate that.
What Did Their Deal Do For Kim?
Their new tools, and there wasn’t a whole lot left, but they did give them some eyes to see some things. You could say the cartels have their own kind of intelligence system. It wouldn’t give them access to anything, but it would give them some more eyes to see for a short time. Since then, they’ve been off the charts losing their minds, doing a tremendous amount of hacking, attempts to find anything in the multiverse they could possibly access using this communication line.
They did lead us to a few places on earth and a few things that we did need to clean up. Nothing major, but things they don’t need to have. I was still getting ridiculous phone calls because everybody is looking for anyone who can own and control the golden goose. There are a lot of threats, attacks, ‘requests’ which is a nice way to say it, a lot of speculation, and a lot of fear going out into the media.
Rumors the Government Will Freeze Bank Accounts
For instance, one threat going around is the government is going to freeze your bank accounts and not allow withdrawals due to a low amount of currency in circulation. This was an actual threat to me, basically saying if you deposit, they’re not going to allow us to withdraw it. However, they must have forgotten they have no capacity to perform this function in the financial system. Even if they passed a law and gave the info out over mainstream media, if you don’t watch you wouldn’t even know. But their intention is to cause mass hysteria and a run on the banks.

Coming soon | Q (
War in Middle East in a Holding Pattern for the Moment
There is a lot of talk in the news but we have yet to see any major movements from either Israel or Iran, and possibly Lebanon. They’ve been put on hold, and there is a lot of confusion right now amongst operatives as to who is actually in charge. I believe the downline is not allowed to move in either direction, not for the cartel side and not for the SSP/Global Headquarter/Silent Circle-Black Nobility side. I believe they are in a holding pattern until this evening. They have threatened to retaliate though, but there is no money should they retaliate. There was talk about Russia making a deal in the last 48 hours to provide Iran with some weapons. I don’t see that happening unless the oil cartels received the money they are due, in other words it was actually laundered. And even though there is some money in Iran, I don’t think anyone is willing to spend their personal money. And from a government standpoint I don’t see them having much wealth since the pipeline kind of dried up. Who is in charge is a big factor as well as no money. So, they are waiting to see which side is going to pay them.
Source’s Clearing Update
It’s been a layer-by-layer thing and a few things have been going away which were not human things such as old agreements, bindings and quantum entangling, absolute spheres tied to other agreements. There are a few things we found per agreements with Marduk and some things in earth’s orbit and the Van Allen Belt. There were some disturbances because we hit a dead man switch at 2 am yesterday which was a byproduct of the separation of light and dark matter as it tore. There was an opportunity of something outside of time, like a zero realm which existed outside of the alpha and omega verse. It was a mechanism setup by the Destroyer that if this were to ever happen it would then insert some things into the causal plane of all densities and then start trying to mirror out some dark matter. It’s been resolved though. Other than that, it has been smooth sailing, aside from the crazy people going nuts.
The ‘No Dark Matter Left’ Program Still in the Works
I’m still working in the systems and moving forward in the ‘No Dark Matter Left’ program for sure. And when I say we I mean everyone here who is participating, because this is everyone’s main goal.
The main goal is not to announce who is president of the US, it’s to restore the planet and matter throughout the multiverse. Everyone is working on the same program. The only beings in the entire multiverse not wanting that to happen are the deep state humans.
So that’s what we’re doing, making sure nothing is left coming at, in, or around the Etherical Cities of Light. We have found some stuff in Polaris and in all of the Centauri. But we’re not alone anymore, this is a collaborative effort. I know people look at governments and the deep state and think nothing is changing. But one day you’ll look back at this, it may take a year or two once it’s all completed, but you will say, oh now I get it! Now I know why it took so long. You’ll see the future of technologies, natural manifestation and what that means. There is a divine plan out there, Source’s plan. We get our bits and pieces of it, but everything happens in its own time. Source knows what he’s doing! We all have to be patient.
Note: There are a few posts on Etherical Cities of Light but here is one, Every Year on Dec 5th Etherical Cities of Darkness Open a Wormhole, Per the Orion Protocol & Agreement with the Abraxas | Hence the Real Alien Invasion on Dec 5, 2022 | The Destroyer #2, Formerly Trapped in Spaces of ‘No Time’ Among the Thousands of Alien Invaders | Kim Receives Very Positive Message from the Council of 5 | 21 Etherical Cities of Light Underway! | Part 2 of 2 | Just Empower Me
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Thankyou ladies : )
reading the serious situation facing humanity where psychopaths are doing everything they can to carry out their ultimate plan to kill us all, I firmly believe that the information that Kim gives, what she teaches, and her intelligence reports should be more public . and accessible. It’s a good priority, at least in my head and even more so in my heart. So let me be completely clear. I’m just a person who learned a lot from Kim by listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another opportunity to share this information. This is where my moral compass led me during these difficult times. PJZ OK…the information that Kim gives, what she teaches, and her intelligence reports should be more public. and accessible. This is a good priority, at least in my head and even more so in my heart…. WHAT TO DEAL WITH THE OBVIOUS LIES, IGNORANCE ON MANY TOPICS AND KIM GAUGHAN’S PREVIOUSLY UNFULFILLED PROMISES?
Deal between bosses and cartels
They asked the cartels for 48 hours, putting forward quite high conditions on the other side. The cartels had to give up some of the things they built for themselves, like the network for 48 hours, because they had no systems or networks left because this blonde took everything. OK. IS THE BLONDE EXCEEDING THE INTENTIONAL CAPABILITIES OF OTHERS? OR ANOTHER LIE? OR ARE CARTELS AND ASSOCIATIONS REALLY STUPID? IS IT REAL AND DONE TO ORGANIZE YOUR OWN BANKING SYSTEM AND ELECTRONIC NETWORKS BY BYPASSING KIM GOGIN’S SYSTEMS? AND WHAT WILL KIM GAUGHAN DO? REMOVE THEM FROM THE PLANET OR AGREE WITH THEM LIKE PREVIOUSLY WITH THE SMALL CIRCLE – WHO LEFT KIM GAUGIN SUBSEQUENTLY? 04/19/2024 KIM REPORTED ABOUT LOSS OF CONTACT WITH THE SOURCE ON??? TIME.
No Dark Matter Remaining Program Still in Progress
I’m still working on change and I’m certainly moving forward with the No Dark Matter Remaining program. And when I say “we,” I mean everyone here, because that’s everyone’s main goal.
The main goal is not to announce who will become President of the United States, but to restore the planet and matter throughout the multiverse. Everyone works according to the same program. The only beings in the entire multiverse who do not want this to happen are the people in the deep state. OK. THE BIGGEST LIE OF KIM GOGIN IS THE MULTIVERSE OF KIM GOGIN AND THE ABSENCE OF NEGATIVELY POLARIZED DESTRUCTIVE FORCES OF CREATURES IN THE UNIVERSE. THE THIRD AND FOURTH DIMENSIONS OF THE UNIVERSE – POLARIZED LIGHT DARKNESS. UNITY – ABSENCE OF POLARITY STARTS WITH THE FIFTH DIMENSION OF THE UNIVERSE.