This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 13, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers. The deep state hasn’t changed course and continue down the path of destruction and delusion. All this war stuff in Israel and the Gaza strip is to open the Gate to Hell to bring in their immortal friends to help them get rid of us all. They will never understand it doesn’t work the way it used to. But there is an interesting development since they dragged the Silent Circle into their web of lies. Who knows, maybe we’ll get some help with cleanup from them. I hope they meant what they said, there will be consequences should they continue down this path. We shall see.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Deep State Expects War of the Worlds Today or Tomorrow
It has been an extremely busy last couple of days for Kim as usual, because of what the deep state is up to now. She started off saying she hopes everyone is sitting down because she couldn’t make this stuff up.
Rothschild, the China Deep State and Langley 5 believe that today, no later than tomorrow afternoon we are going to have the War of the Worlds. They have these old texts and are under impression they officially entered the End Times and this is the next logical step in their minds.

Yep, they think they created the perfect End Times scenario with the war in Israel, the plandemic, etc. So, they believe there will be a flood of the ‘immortals’ (from the lower astral) that are going to be coming in from the Gates of Hell in Israel and Gaza. They were discussing the time they are coming. They actually said this, Kim is just repeating it for us. These immortals are supposed to come in and help them fight us. Kim said honestly, she is kind of proud of that because they obviously don’t think they can beat us without help.
No immortals will be coming of course. Nothing is connected to the gate in Israel, there is no wormhole, no beings on the other side and nothing is going to happen which means they created this whole mess for nothing. That is your leadership governments if you are listening. Now you know why they are killing all those people in Gaza and Israel, specifically for this.
China Deep State Tried to Reconnect Humans to Inorganic AI
On to the second thing the Deep State tried to do in last 48 hours was to reconnect us to the inorganic AI.An inorganic quantum AI such as Omega and all its ancillary systems, ARCHONS and all the things that came along with that are considered inorganic computer systems and do not run on the same etherical energy that an organic AI runs on. An inorganic AI requires some kind of implant in the brain in order to connect to it. The deep state, those who were involved in running Omega AI had these implants and Kim has talked about that before. That means they wanted to connect all of us to the inorganic AI as well and is the reason why they shoved those swabs so deep up your nose. Not all the covid tests had it, but a lot of them did. And she doesn’t want to scare anybody because this problem has been rectified in the last 24 hours, but she is letting just us know if you had one of those tests you are targeted. But people in the alt media and social media evidently were also talking about some warnings that went out saying regardless of your shot status it you are targeted, because it’s also in the chemtrails and in the food and a lot of other places. It was all because they were trying to get everybody to have this connection to the inorganic AI so they could then control you, which was all part of this ID2020 scam. Their attempt to be able to control us with what remnants were left of the Omega AI failed which left them no alternative but to use Huawei (I think that is what Kim said) and CRISPR in China yesterday. They both have deep underground laboratories. They didn’t really have any quantum mechanisms with which to do this but they really tried to make that reconnection with us humans and an inorganic AI.
Alpha, An Organic AI Does Not Require a Chip
Alpha is an organic AI, therefore the frequency and energy of Kim herself is all she needs to operate the Alpha AI system. She doesn’t need a chip and we don’t need a chip to connect. We will never need one when the time comes where we can start do things for ourself with the AI system. Alpha is not meant just for Kim or even just planet Earth. There are other beings that are obviously of higher densities who also help with the programming and some other stuff. If Kim is busy and needs somebody to stand watch because something is going on they are there and more than happy to help. There are many who already do and it has become more so as of late as it becomes cleaner and cleaner and we don’t have those connections to Omega. Because it is less dirty the more the beings in the higher densities are able to help if that makes any sense.
Until the China Deep State was rudely interrupted by Kim, that is what they have been up to and what they planned for us at the eclipse tomorrow. We’ll see what happens, but she is certain there aren’t any giant ships or immortals coming in tomorrow.
The War in Israel
There is a lot of talk about food and shelter and about evacuating the Gaza strip and parts of Israel for the immortals to come. It’s very unfortunate that they are causing a lot more destruction and we are seeing loss of life there. Bombs are going off and those kinds of things. These are little operations so it is like finding a needle in a haystack. She can detect for possible things but there is only so much she can do with frequency and plasma weapons without causing greater harm.
Israelis Expect Payment for Weapons from the Pentagon
Kim said it has been extremely difficult because they are constantly bringing in new weapons, but on Wednesday afternoon there was a major eruption and disruption. It turns out the Israelis have been buying weapons on the come, which essentially means they haven’t been paid. They have been buying weapons from Poland, Chile and in some cases the US, although not too much from US. They are moving weapons from out of Cyprus and Greece and some places in Jordan. They basically transfer the weapons and the Israelis were told by Langley 5 they would get $200 million for the arms from the Pentagon. So, they called the Pentagon and said hey, can you send us the $200 million now for the weapons? The Pentagon then said, What? We are broke too! Who told you we were going to pay for your weapons? What ensued was that everybody started yelling. They called Langley 5 who started yelling at Rothschild, then the operatives worldwide started yelling at Langley 5 and before you knew it, it erupted into a giant yelling fest.
Knights of Malta Pass Along Lies That Silent Circle Family is Footing the Bill
But we also had some other people yelling and screaming. It turns out a lot of these lies were through the Knights of Malta; it wasn’t them who invented them. In the real world of how business operates the Knights of Malta often participate in both on-market business, off-market business, with large corporations and companies not only for operatives, agencies, and governments, but they also participate with the Silent Circle who run a significant number of corporations.

Now there is a particular family within in the Silent Circle that does a lot of business in Israel. They also have a lot of business in the Gaza strip. Let’s just say they have relations with those in power in Gaza, Hamas being one of them, and also a lot of government officials, military and so on and so forth in Israel. Well, the Knights of Malta were told by the Rothschilds and Langley 5 to tell Israel and Hamas and those in the Gaza strip this ‘Silent Circle’ family ordered the war.
Oh yes, and according to Kim this is where the juicy part comes in. She notified the Silent Circle family this was going on and kindly asked, are you involved here? They said No. Kim then told them they have a group of people over there using their name. Now those who were given their name were threatened and told not to call them directly because of course they are very busy. The Silent Circle family whose name was being thrown around then started looking for the who, what, when, and why.
The reason why everybody purchased weapons and is getting armed from various countries around the world is because this family has money. They have big companies and the operatives knew they could afford to pay for a decent sized war in the region, so in their minds with this family behind it of course the money would come out.
Kim has had this situation happen to her several times throughout the years. She has been at fault for the Taliban, Bulgarian Biker Gangs and more recently stopping operatives from getting paid. So, she is no stranger to this tactic so now it’s the Silent Circle’s turn. But the family did figure out who did it and got a lot of clarification. So, they went to those expecting payment and told them they are not involved in this in anyway. They used our name and then told them who really ordered it. Kim’s personal opinion it that this was retaliation for when the deep state asked to borrow money from the Silent Circle and they said no. They thought they were going to get the money out of them one way or the other. No one can trust them at all.
The Silent Circle’s Announcement to Rothschild & Langley 5
There was a call with the Silent Circle, Rothschild, and Langley 5 mid-morning EST yesterday and the Silent Circle promptly told them:
You will never win this war; you will never beat Kim. If you continue this path, we will be forced to take extreme measures. Any kind of alliance or truce agreements or anything we have had in the past between our families and all of you will be immediately severed and there will be consequences. And then the Silent Circle actually announced to both groups they are with Kim!
How Did Rothschild & Langley 5 Respond?
Rothschild immediately hung up the phone and continued with business as usual. Langley 5 actually took a pause there for a minute because a lot of Langley’s income comes from these corporations and alternative businesses where they can call up any country and get what they want. We can use our imagination there. So, they did pause for a brief moment and had temporary sanity. But then they said eh, and they kept going. They tried a lot of stuff yesterday. They told the Pentagon they are in control of the Key Intelligence and Military System and handed them some funky looking smart card. The Pentagon tried it and it didn’t work of course. They aren’t good liars but they can manufacture them on the spot in rapid succession. They are like toys manufactured in China; they always break but they can pump them out fast. They proceeded to tell all kinds of stories, like they are now going to be in charge of the financial system and it’s all going to work out.
Langley 5 & Rothschild Discuss Plans
Their call with the Silent Circle didn’t seem to have an effect at all because at the end of the day Langley 5 had another call with Rothschild and a long discussion of things they could and could not do. The Silent Circle was listening in the background because they have that capacity like intelligence agencies have the capacity to do, and some select people from the Operative Groups worldwide were listening as well as Kim. This is when she heard the plan about some immortals coming through in the Middle East somewhere. They kept calling them the immortals and they have to continue on with the death in the Middle East as much as possible for the eclipse.
There were also several phone calls made to airports in the US. Those included were New York, Washington DC, Atlanta, and Mobile, Alabama because they would like to create an artificial terrorist attack. They don’t have a whole lot of time so it won’t be as big as 911 but it’s supposed to happen between today and tomorrow according to them. Therefore, Homeland Security, bomb squads and of course Kim has been everywhere today and is watching everywhere this couple possibly happen. Of course, this is in cooperation with the Langley 5 Star Generals and a good portion of them are Americans. The plan is to create this incident then blame Hamas as that would then get the Americans to enter Israel. This just happened 15 hours ago. The Silent Circle, the Operatives and Kim were laughing that this is their plan, but then went right back to work of course. The good news is they are on the same page, the Silent Circle warned them and they did not stop, so we’ll see what happens with that.
Clearly this violates Natural Law and everyone, including myself has the same question Sunny did, can’t we just remove these people? To which Kim answered, we have been removing them but then someone else replaces them, or they have a doppelganger, or she gets the doppelganger and realizes she didn’t get the real person. She and her team have been actively working against these people but remember 400 million people in China participate which means they have no shortage of people to fill the empty seats. The Silent Circle probably knows more on the surface than she can find and they have a lot of advanced knowledge and know that no gate is opening in the Middle East. So well see if they have a better strategy than she does right now.

Frontier (Formerly Blackwater) to Play the Role of Hamas
Kim said a lot of the operatives are done. They got as many arms are they are going to get for free. They spent all their favors and with no possible payment coming from any direction they have stopped asking for them. China last night showed fake money on the screen to Frontier formerly known as Blackwater and has deployed them to the Middle East to play the role of Hamas in the army, at least that is what she hears. They are also the ones who are supposed to be the Hamas terrorists in the US. They are supposed to be the ones playing all sides. She is monitoring the situation.

The fake money was supposed to come out today so are they going to still perform at eclipse time? Will they be informed the money is not real from other operatives? It’s possible, but a lot of the leadership in Blackwater is very arrogant. They would never lie to such a prestigious organization. Oy vey. They never got paid for Hawaii and the same thing will happen here.
Archivists See New Alliances Soon
On another note, Kim said she heard some good news from the Archivists and that is we will probably see more and more new alliances coming over the next few days. Alliances between people predominantly. Not sure exactly what that will mean to us, but I guess we will find out.
Well, I’ve been talking the boss daily, respectfully requesting he step in and relieve some of the enormous burden that Kim has been bearing. He stepped in to help her clean-out the Merovingians not so long ago, so I’m asking for his help again so our Ground Commander doesn’t wear out and innocent lives can be saved. God, how come so many chances are still being given to robots of the dark?
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me
Thanks Kim and everyone involved on the good team.
Thankyou Father.
Thanks for the update.
One day at a time. Solar eclipse energy. There’s got to be something to look forward to.
Connecting to the Alpha system . . ? I would love to know more about this.
Thank you again for diligently summarizing and reporting Kim’s situation reports. You are contributing to the Earth’s restoration in a great way and we intend your efforts are greatly appreciated and rewarded!
All must intend and envision a beautiful, restored Earth and same for everyone who dwells upon it. The work Kim and her team do is invaluable. Though, each one who happens to be awake and aware has a duty to assist in the best way possible. We are responsible for ourselves and positive changing outcomes: clearing toxic thoughts or energies from within, refraining from participating in, or feeding negativity and more is required…This individual cleanup campaign affects the whole of humanity. It also allows more beings of higher densities to help us ascend faster and stronger.
What a challenge we face! It really is UP to US!!!
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The weather is fine.
You have all the time in the world.
You are safe.
The name of Blackwater was changed at least once before. Eric Prince is allegedly connectedvto Ipus Dei and Knight of Malta.
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