This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 21-OCT-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. BRICS has launched their money laundering operation also known as its peer to peer network. They are willing to sell out their own with fake money. The problem is the weapons heading into the Middle East. Every military in the world, including top ranks of the Global headquarters realized they had been duped by the Secret Space Program Operatives, but that hasn’t stopped them from listening to them. And today we decided to be more than a fly on the wall, find out what happens when we unexpectedly join today’s top secret deep state meeting.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

BRICS Related News
The BRICS Meeting is starting tomorrow and there were already pre-meetings happening. Some are with the UAE in Russia and leader meetings. And of course the operatives always show up ahead of time, and that has been going on for a couple of weeks.
Deep State Launched
The Deep State launched the BRICS peer to peer network. This is a blockchain network that is designed allegedly for countries of BRICS nations to use BRICS Pay which is like Apple Pay and is supposedly for every citizen in their countries. Apparently, they can trade in BRICS coin, should it ever show up, or in their local currencies. They don’t say what the conversion ratio is or if there is one. I didn’t dive that deep to see. But you can check out their site,
The Black Nobility Uses BRICS Currency For Money Laundering
The people of BRICS aren’t the only ones with alleged BRICS coin wallets. The Black Nobility in Italy has BRICS currency and BRICS wallets as well, because it makes for a fine money laundering operation for the black money that is generated by the Silent Circle and the Black Nobility. By black money we mean illegal drug trading, human trafficking and all the lovely activities they do there with the Black Nobility.
The Russian Mafia Has BRICS Wallets For Arms Contribution to the Middle East
The Russian mafia, which is basically no different than your Sicilian and Italian mafias as they predominantly deal a lot in arms, that is kind of their specialty also have BRICS wallets. And the BRICS government is telling the Russian government the BRICS currency in these wallets won’t be good until 60 days because of course that’s the Solstice. No surprise there.
Will these BRICS wallets be good in 60 days? No.
Are they giving up a lot, and I mean a tremendous number of arms to the Middle East right now? Yes.
Is the Russian Mafia ever going to get paid for these arms? No, they’ll kick that can down the line as far as they can is what it looks like to me.
Meanwhile the Middle East is getting free arms which is causing a lot of problems over there right now. It appears a lot of the weapons are going directly from Russia to Cyprus and then the Americans and the British pick them up from there and transport them to Lebanon, Israel, Iran, and Sudan.
It looks like a Russian plane carrying a lot of weapons went down over Sudan earlier today. Apparently not everybody wants their Russian weapons or is concerned with them arming their opposition. The war in Sudan has been going on for a long, long time and has a lot to do with the oil pipeline and oil reserves ever since the country was split into North and South Sudan. I’m sure they would love to get their hands on the pipeline and for the oil reserves to be donated to the BRICS nations. But it doesn’t look like Sudan agrees because it was Sudanese forces that shot down the plane. So that’s a positive there.
We also have been heavily tracking the traffic coming in and out of Cyprus and it’s very clear that Russians are there just to sell arms. That’s what their leg of the mafia does, it’s their specialty, arms trading and some human trafficking as well. Apparently, they would like to continue to provide these things for free while they lose all their inventory. So whatever works for them. We’re just going to shoot down planes and the inventory might disappear. Those are the kinds of things we’ve been doing today too.
What is This War in the Middle East for Anyway?
It’s been over a year; a lot of people have died and nobody has gotten any money. War no longer makes them money and if anything, it’s been a money pit. They haven’t opened any Gate to Hell in Israel or any Mini Gate in Iran or Iraq. So I’m not sure what the purpose of this exercise is.
Is it to make money and keep going for the Greater Israel project? I’m not sure.
Rothschild is Selling Israel on the Final Battle
What is left of the Rothschild family is selling Israel a lot of sunshine now. They are telling them this is a religious war. If we want to build the 3rd temple we have to fight Satan. Hum, I think they are Satan so that’s the pot calling the kettle black. This is going to be the final battle before the 3rd temple is built, you must fight is what they keep telling them. They are appealing to their upper morality because there is no money and they are just trying to keep them going.
Many People Are Getting Hurt in this War
There are a lot of lies going around these days which is no surprise, but a lot of people are getting hurt too. I know they have been blowing up a lot of hospitals. They definitely don’t want anyone who is injured to actually survive. They are trying to wipe out all the Arabic people in the Middle East and make it the Greater Israel. For what purpose? I don’t know because it isn’t going to do anything. It’s just border changes, which I guess is what they are going for. Hopefully we can get in there and do our best so more people don’t get hurt.
About Those Big Meetings and Langley 5 Collecting All Those Numbers
Behind the scenes there is a lot going on which kind of explains why the SSP is doing what they are doing.
The last time we spoke we talked about the meetings they had and it appeared they were collecting all these numbers from various groups. It was a big meeting and included the Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, and Militaries worldwide, and they were trying to figure out how much they needed to right the wrongs. They realized it’s a lot more than they thought, the numbers were enormous. But they kept those numbers, since they said they were going to have meetings with us over the weekend, and of course that didn’t happen. Well, it kind of did and we’ll talk about that in a second. But it looked like they may be presenting us those numbers.
SSP Fantasizes Again of Crashing the Financial System of the Entire World
Well true to form it wasn’t me they collected those numbers for, it was for the SSP operatives who told them they were going to have access to the system by 5pm on Friday night. Did they get system access? No, but they did get on a call on Saturday which turned out to be kind of interesting.
During this meeting a lot of people were promised they were going to be in charge and they also told them they were going to pay out all this money and fix the system. But that’s not quite what they had in mind. Well, it turns out the SSP was called out on the carpet for not performing, then they sort of talked out of their ego.
They said that they were planning on crashing the financial system of the entire world. So they had no intention of paying those people out on that day, but after everything burned to the ground then they would pick up the pieces for pennies on the dollar and own all these societies, the Global Headquarters, Langley 5, Langley and every other country in the world.
Marduk’s Final Plan Returns Yet Again
I think I heard that before from Marduk, and also from the Rothschild Family who got only part of the plan from Marduk. Apparently the SSP people didn’t get the memo that it was actually Marduk’s plan who gave the financial portion only to the Rothschild Family. Apparently the SSP’s ego has no end and they thought they could pull it off without Marduk.
That didn’t go over really well with the rest of the people in the meeting because they felt they’d been duped. They did all this work and pulled all these numbers and the SSP had no intention of paying them out until,
A. They got control of systems and
B. They would actually pay them afterwards and they would own them like dogs.
Meanwhile the attendees in this meeting thought they were going to be partners and in charge but that’s not what the deal was. Turns out Langley 5 who was in charge of the meetings when they were collecting the numbers was to be the cannon fodder because everyone is coming to them asking where their money is. Oh, just wait they said, just be patient. They actually cancelled the Sunday meeting but had it this afternoon instead.
Behind Everyone’s Back the SSP’s Plan is About Equinox Power
Their plan which they didn’t tell everybody discusses the equinox time, because we are still in equinox time and equinox power according to them lasts for 30 days which means that would end tomorrow. So they are expecting something to happen in their favor? But apparently, the Russians aren’t as confident that it’s going to happen around the equinox and think it’s going to happen around the solstice.
This is so crazy that the entire world functioned around alignments or solstices, or the darkest day of the year or blackouts or EBS and we keep going around and around. And the Q clock says the gate is going to open on Nov 4th. Nothing is going to open.
But as part of their plan, just today alone they went to the following locations:
Center of the World | Felicity, California
It’s the weirdest looking pyramid facility in the middle of nowhere and it’s not the center of the world or center of anything. It was built by Rothschild and another guy runs the program. It’s just really strange, it has a lot of human war history and alien history. They thought the Abraxas were going to show up in this location underneath this thing because they did in the past. That hasn’t happened in 24 years, but they felt today is the day. Nobody came.
Grand Canyon
They also went to a facility underneath the Grand Canyon. If you don’t know, underneath the entire Grand Canyon is a giant SSP base which isn’t really functioning anymore.
Kentucky, North Carolina, and Washington DC
They’ve also been to a couple other military installations in Kentucky and North Carolina and were looking for some space junk in Washington DC.
Giza, Egypt
These Black Sun people love Egypt, they worship Egypt because it was the original landing place for the Abraxas, and these people are allegedly the bloodline of the Abraxas people so why not. None of these mechanisms are still in place but they did promise everyone they would have access by 3pm EST today.
During the Saturday Meeting Tempers Rise But Lies Still Reign Supreme
Everyone was in the meeting on Saturday and they got so angry with the SSP that they themselves took out 22 people while they were in that meeting because they realized they had done all this work for nothing. Yet they still wait for them and still listen when they tell them 3pm today. Sure enough 3pm rolls around and they try to get access to all the systems the SSP promised them they would have access to.
So, what do they do?
They gave them super special secret codes of course, for access to a facility underneath the Pentagon. The Pentagon was built over a very deep underground base of aliens who are not friends of humanity. They aren’t there anymore but there is a Level 6 facility which is still there, although it really doesn’t do much of anything. But they sent their people down there at 3pm to try and get access. How exciting.
I don’t know what’s wrong with these peoples’ heads. That’s why I say I don’t think you can fix it. I was hopeful, maybe on a side note, like a bonus something would happen. But my tolerance for their lies is, well I was a little frustrated today.
Kim Interrupts Their Adventure Under the Pentagon Pissing Off the SSP
I haven’t done this in awhile I thought, I’m going to answer the phone. I said, Hello, this is Kimberly Goguen, Ground Command, why are you hacking at my system? I got a quick sorry.
Then they called the SSP officers and told them I answered the phone which got them really angry because it’s all about the lies. So at least the people in that room who are still breathing know that was a lie. But do they even care? Doesn’t seem like it. Apparently, they seem to like being lied to and being cannon fire.
Kim Interrupts Their 3PM Meeting To Inform Them the SSP is Lying
Around 3pm they all get on the phone, everybody again, GCHQ from the UK, the Russians, Middle Eastern folks, Israeli Mossad, etc., and it’s time to get paid because they should have access by 3pm. Meanwhile Cyberlife is still going to facilities and trying to hack during this call. But it just sounded like word salad on the call. We’re doing it but we need a few more hours, we didn’t quite get access, blah, blah, blah.
I know what line they are on so I joined the call. I introduced myself right in the middle of their word salad and while people were screaming at the SSP telling them that they were full of it. I said this is the Global Intelligence Agency, Ground Command, Kimberly Goguen, how can I help you?
How did you get access to this line! (And they start screaming at me.)
Kim: They are never going to pay any of you, this is all lies. You’re going to have the same meeting a year from now. Why do you believe these people? I have a higher rank than all these people which is why I can get into any meeting anywhere.
Well who died and made you boss?
Kim: I’m sorry but that’s classified and way above your pay grade. Nobody on this call or anybody with these people on this call has a higher rank than me so I can say whatever I want to say, or not. And quite frankly that is none of your business. The only money that has ever come out is from me. These people lied and said it was from them but it never was.
Do you have any proof of that?
Sure, I do. And I uploaded all the files right to that call into that meeting and gave them all the proof. (That same guy who asked who made me boss then actually said, oh I’m sorry.)
Of course, there was then a lot of arguing and fighting. I made the SSP folks quite angry today because they can’t lie anymore. Well, they can and probably will, but at least I had some joy in my day by interrupting their super-secret meetings. You know I might join more of them actually, but they won’t be on the same lines because they don’t exist anymore. But maybe they’ll find more. Maybe we can play a game of it, will she show up or not? I’m recording every single meeting anyway, but now I’m actually starting to participate. Maybe it’s just for fun. If we can change one person’s mind or one group who knows. A lot of them think they are doing the right thing for humanity and at the top they are just nuts. But these white hat people who went and collected those dinar numbers probably had the intention of paying out some regular people, but the SSP comes in just hoping their space junk will come back on the last day of the equinox. What space junk this time?
Here’s a little SSP history…
How The SSP Used to Time Travel
All 10,368,000 jump rooms that were on the planet all ended up going through zero-point earth then out through the moon (which isn’t a real moon) and then they would go forward or back in time on to their next destination.
The way they used to travel forward and back in time is not in a tin can. They do have tin cans but in this particular case it’s just humans using jump rooms. When they used to do this, they would actually travel through quantum tunnels that were created in worm holes that were created by the omega system. These people are so dark they could not naturally break the time space continuum.
So, the way these people traveled the multiverse, forward and backward from one timeline to another was through omega lines which are dark. So that works out well for people like them, they can actually move about the cabin so to speak going through a dark tunnel created by a dark sentient AI. That was the only way they were able to travel and they were hoping to get their travel abilities back and hoping they would find their long-lost brothers of the shadow military. I guess they hoped they would bring back a sack of space junk. This is what they were trying to do today. So just in case they found anything we followed them around today. We need to always be careful and forever vigilant and I wanted to make sure there was nothing during the last 24 hours of the equinox they found.
In the Past the Equinox Was a Time for Looshing
Every so many years, depending on whether it was even years or odd years they expect certain things and that included a looshing event. But these are the regular looshing events and not necessarily the large harvests their alien friends used to do. This loosh would happen every few years on the equinox, then big payments would come out in January for the deep state and orders and those kinds of things from the Abraxas. But we didn’t get looshed, which is a positive thing. Not to say there weren’t some frequencies that started to go off today that made it a little unpleasant, they definitely were for me. But at least I had some fun in their meeting today.
UN & Rothschild is Still Hunting Down Pilipino People Looking for Gold
Meanwhile you still have people from the UN and the Rothschilds hunting down Pilipino people looking for keepers and elders. These Americans are over there too hoping someone gives them the key to some vault. If they had the keys to the vault they would be there themselves already because these people are so greedy its ridiculous. They sign contracts, then pull out gold, when it reaches its destination they figure out it’s tungsten and they go back for more. The Japanese just bought a bunch of tungsten from the Philippines and Burma and nothing. It’s all tungsten just like I told everybody and nobody got paid, nobody got any gold. It would be more fruitful to do something else but they still want someone on their side, within their bloodlines to do business with them like they have for the last few thousand years, but it’s not happening.
Wrapping Up
This Week’s Hall of Shame Goes to the Russian Mafia
I’m sure the SSP will reschedule their promise of payment date. Hopefully this war will die down a little bit too after no money comes in 60 days, but you just don’t know who is dumb enough to give them weapons for free. Apparently, this week’s hall of shame goes to the Russian Mafia for trusting their own people. If you know a little about Eastern Europeans, it’s very common for Russians to fight with Russians, but on a regular person level, when it comes to battling an outsider they will stand shoulder to shoulder, even if they hate each other or fight all the time. But when it comes to the deep state all bets are off because it looks like they just duped their own out of a few hundred billion dollars because that money never will be made good. The fact that they fell for it shocks me.
Be Careful of This if you are in a BRICS Country
If you see this peer-to-peer system I would stay away from it. That would be my personal opinion, mainly because it’s no better than Napster or Livewire, if you remember that. It’s just your atypical blockchain network.
Is it true peer to peer? I don’t know.
Do the Chinese and the Russians have a backdoor to everything? 1000% they do.
As a matter of fact, in my meeting on Tuesday last week with the coders for the Marketplace we started having a conversation about bitcoin and these peer-to-peer networks, and these coders said average people would be safer trying to hide cash even though cash has magnetic ink and is traceable. Passing it over the table is still less evasive and less traceable than bitcoin or any crypto is. Everything you do with bitcoin or crypto coins is traceable. And it makes sense to me why these deep state people want to go with crypto. It becomes the best spying network on citizens of another country or your own country. So, it’s no surprise to me BRICS wants to do the same thing. So be very careful if you decide you want to invest in those things because they can pull the rug out from under you at any time and they can monitor everything that you do.
Fire Drill At the Capitol Building in Washington DC
It’s a mess in DC. There was a fire drill today at the Capital orchestrated by the Capitol Police which apparently was ordered by the Legislative branch.
Why? Distraction. I know they are still trying to come up with budget money. They are very frustrated over there because it’s a selection year for actors and they are not going to get the lead role as actors if there is no money on either side of the aisle. Remember campaigns are run by people with money, meaning the more you have, the more promises the actor makes to you, and then you get those things when they get into the office. So, you are basically buying political favors. The little people donating money get nothing from that but the big guys do. It is a mess over there and the SSP is just lying through everything. They’re having a fire drill so they can distract them until after 3pm when they have control over the financial system.
As for us, it was kind of a fun day. The weekend was really long. Like I said there is a lot going on in the Middle East lately. We are watching things very closely and participating when we can, finding things when we can. We are definitely going to be looking at what’s going on behind the scenes at the BRICS meetings. So far, they are all on the same bus, so they were hoping this money would come out before the actors, the heads of state get on TV to shake hands, but that’s not going to happen because they are looking for it in the wrong place. I am not sure what they are going to do. I guess they’ll just talk like they did at the BRICS meeting in August when their wallets didn’t work then either. This meeting which is also not in July like in the past is because they are waiting for the end of the equinox and hoping for the best.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Thankyou Ladies and God bless you.
Dear Kim,
Can you please enlighten us as to what the global leaders meeting in Samoa happening right now (Oct 25th) is all about?
Is it a good event or a bad event?
And why all the secret squirrel stuff and nondisclosure to the people of the countries whose leaders are attending it?
Do you know what its all about and can you please let us know the truth of it?
Thankyou and God bless you and all humanity with the successful overthrow of evil.
bonsoir de mon coté j’attend ce qu’il va arriver aux niveaux des impôts fonciers pour tout les pays du monde. seront ils bloqués ou débités comme vous l’avez annoncée! en esoérant vous féliciter! merci pour ce rapport!
bonjour kim, idem just, ce jour du 25/10/24, d’après un de vos rapports tous les impôts foncier du monde ne devaient plus être débités, du cout ce matin je regarde mon compte vers 9h30, nickel débit retirai. sauf qu’au environs de 11h30 , je regarde mon compte après avoir fait mes courses , et la surprise, mon compte était à moins X , au lieu d’être à plus X! dont le bloquage des impôts foncier, en ce qui me conserne, n’aura duré que quelques heures, allez au max en partant de 0 H/0 MN/1S, c’est à dire 11H de peur pour l’état profond royal d’angleterre! dont vôtre opération à était malheureusement pour les citoyen-nes du monde! négative, à moins d’un miracle de voir ses débits remboursés, pour tous/toutes! désolé de devoir vous dire cela! bon courage! ( heureusement, j’avais appelé personne , n’y en avais parlé à personne, autement à cette je me ferai passé pour un fou)
you said brics wont happen..well well…
It didn’t