This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 25-Mar-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. Kim starts off by saying there is a lot of buzz and controversy going on in the alt media about this eclipse and subsequent holocaust event for all of humanity. This event is allegedly planned by the Order of the Dragon/Khazarian Mafia, but remember there is no mechanism to create and perpetuate the genocide into happening for all of humanity.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

25-Mar-24 News (
Deep State Northrup Grumman CEO Believes Alien Ship Will Save Him
Newly appointed CEO of Northrup Grumman, which is an offshoot of Project Paperclip and tied into DARPA and SSP made a comment they are expecting an event to take place last night. During the conversation, the other person on the line asked him, well if that were to happen what is to happen to you? He responded with, oh, we’re not to worry because we are the chosen ones and there are ships in earth’s atmosphere that will come pick them up should this event occur.
This is a lie of course. Both I and the Enforcer double checked to see if there was anything hanging out there waiting, and there is nothing. What I think is the non-human aliens would like these human slave masters to continue thinking they are not going to be harmed by what they are doing, because they are chosen ones of course. I’ve heard all this before numerous times. They will be saved is the story they are fed so they should continue hurting humanity because this is in the multiverse’s best interest. In reality, they would have left them to die as they too are still humans. There is no one coming to get them, but if they want to eradicate themselves, great, we certainly wouldn’t mind the deep state being wiped out. But they’re not going to take the rest of us with them. Heck we are more likely to be picked up by a ship because we actually have them, about 25 million.
Time to Sacrifice the Red Heifer for Apocalypse Plan
Other crazy events happening include following the apocalypse plan that is written in Jewish texts and the Kabbalah. They believe it’s now time to sacrifice the Red Heifer without blemish. I’ve heard stories they planned on doing it on the 8th and stories they were doing it last night on the Temple Mount, which is causing big issues between the Jewish people and the Islamic people.
Is that what it is meant to do? Probably yes.
Now sacrificing an animal or a human is not a thing anymore. There used to be a dark mechanism that existed under the Temple Mount to harness the energy of those who were faithful to God. It’s a different kind of an energy, essence, loosh flavor if you will, that would trigger other events. But those things haven’t been there for months, so sacrificing things to create a religious war in the Middle East is probably Meyer Rothschild’s thought process, if he’s still around. The Rothschilds always hated the actual Jewish people in general, so to get their Rabbis and Councils together you start pointing out the signs, the prophecies in this book or that book saying now is the time to create a sequence of events.
The series called the Dig (TV series), which had only one season was about cloning Jewish people who could be the next Messiah. They were doing it in New Mexico, so is there a tie between the Los Alamos laboratories or facilities that used to exist in Gallop, New Mexico? Possibly. Are they doing it now? No. Do they have any of those little kids still running around? I don’t know, but there is a lot of truth behind things that are told in TV series. I often find the series that give the most information only have one season. Maybe they didn’t want to give away any further information? Then there is another series called called Zero Hour (2013 TV series) which is about the Apostles coming back and the Nazi cloning program. There is a lot of truth in that one too. But it makes wonder what else they have planned with the breastplate and the Temple Mount.
Talk Again of the Mahdi Coming Back
There is also talk about the Mahdi coming back, the Islamic version of the savior. Truth be told they are probably waiting for an actual person, but in reality, it’s not a person, it’s you. I’m not saying we’ll all be walking on water like Jesus, but it the future we could. The ‘I Am’ is coming back, the Source, the crystalline energy is what is coming back and that’s all been happening for quite awhile now, but it’s really ramping up.
The Middle East, Russia-Ukraine Wars
The uptick in the Middle East, the Greater Israel project, trying to expand into Palestine has to do with the control of the Temple Mount and all the other things the Black Nobility and Silent Circle side believe they could own and control starting last night.
It also includes the fight that took place between the Russians and the Black Nobility Families for ending the Russian-Ukraine war. They felt the narrative outlived itself and they didn’t get the job done, whatever the job was. They were going to start moving the trigger for WWIII over to Taiwan, hence the reason for the shooting in the arena in Russia and why they were wearing Black Sun symbols and trying to prompt the continuation of the war. This was an agreement between the Russians and the Ukrainians to do this event and all the media coverage. Perhaps so they could also prove their worthiness to be taken into the ship? There was a discussion of them falling from grace and now they are all talking about NATO because in order to have a world war with Russia you would have to involve NATO.
Sunny: What’s their game plan here?
I think they believe the more dark energy they can create the more they are appeasing whoever is driving the ship they hope to be picked up by. I asked who is driving it but no one knows. They think it might be an SSP technology and that could never be because they could never pass through the time space continuum, they were never given that tech by the ‘Others.’
Star Wars Satellite-Based Weapons
Star Wars satellite-based weapons is another thing that is being discussed. Remember Star Wars wasn’t just a movie but a technology or nuclear weapons which was mentioned by the Russians a few weeks ago that would wipe out a country from outer space. I can tell you though, with the technologies we put in place last night, and it doesn’t matter if we missed anything, nothing like that is going to happen.
Talk of Concentration Camps Again
It does look like the deep state, the alleged white hats, was trying to start up these FEMA camps and trying to hire people like Tom Melville in order to round us up like cattle, then keep some of us as slaves for this April 8th holocaust event.
But I can tell you, if they had gotten access to any type of alien tech that had been on this planet for a long time they wouldn’t need to put us in these camps, because the entire planet has been for millennia in some type of a holocaust event.
Hitler was Black Sun and I’m sure the Black Nobility would love torturing humans because it’s such a joy for them, it gives them power and makes they feel special. But they have done nothing compared to what the non-humans have done to the entire planet.
More British Royals (Rothschilds) Dead
There is a fairly good confirmation now that King Charles is in fact dead. There could have been a medical intervention to prolong his life but they decided not to. Even his own inner circle doesn’t like him. Kate Middleton is definitely dead too and also gone over the weekend are Prince Andrew and Camilla.
Sunny: What caused that?
There was likely a fight between the Black Sun and Order of the Dragon. Remember the deal was if the Dragon Families gave them all their codes and master keys they would keep them alive? Obviously, the argument was over the fact that none of their stuff worked. Well, it looks to me like some intervention by the Silent Circle or Anti-Silent Circle into their assets took place. The Rothschilds would be the current reigning monarchs as all the royal families around the world, they all work for Crown Corp. So, is this a payback? It looks like it. So, is the Order of the Black Sun/Black Nobility/Silent Circle going to take out all the Rothschild Royalty families based on the fact they didn’t prove their worth and they aren’t worth keeping alive? I don’t know what they are planning but they sure are busy today.
Now the Khazarian mafia/Rothschild people infiltrate everything. And I’ve told you before there isn’t a head of state that is not part of the deep state, not one King or Queen in history on planet earth ever. You would have to go back before written history to find one that was not. The same things goes for all the religious figures, and anyone that is proposed as a leader of any sort in any field. Those people have been taken by the deep state and are just actors. There was no savior.
Lunar Eclipse Brings White Out Instead of Return of the Dark Age for the Deep State
As you know there was a lunar eclipse last night and they were expecting a turn of events as foretold in their Books of Knowledge that would turn us back to the Dark Age. Then they would have access to money and finances and a lot of other things. Well Tom Melville was offered a job over the weekend with FEMA which he could start on Monday. He asked is this a paying position? They told him, yes of course, it will be but they’ll give him a call Monday morning and pay him then.
The money they were expecting didn’t come of course and the exact opposite happened. In fact, I completely whited out the quantum system existence on this planet and put a few other precautions in place. It’s like a membrane around the planet so they couldn’t see anything. It was also between their low earth orbiting satellites and planet earth, so they went completely blind last night. I also blacked out KIMS so they couldn’t see what else was going on.
But I didn’t put my name on it, it was just white. The first reason I did this is because I wanted to get some sleep and the second reason was because I wanted them to think their transition was happening. It kept them busy alright. They were salivating and licking computer screens all last night and it was kind of funny for me. It wasn’t until this morning I actually put out there the following:
That’s when they started to go nuts and realized it wasn’t for them.
Anti-Source’s Damned or Condemnation Program
A program came to light I wasn’t aware was still there. Remember I’m not God, I’m figuring things out as we go along here and there was a program running that was the opposite of love. If love comes from Source, then an equally powerful program was running from Anti-source and it was called the Damned or Condemnation. This program went far beyond interfering with just your consciousness thought and was worse than what you would see as a social crediting program, which was allegedly designed by the World Economic Forum bosses.
9 Deadly Sins
This program took the 9 Deadly Sins to a whole other level when it came to ownership of your consciousness and the dark of your soul, which gave it the right to condemn you or consider you one of the damned humans. It picked the 9 deadly sins apart and nit-picked to such a degree that it made it impossible for you to live life in our society even 100-200 years ago without being damned.
Have you ever committed murder? Well, if you stepped on an ant or eaten a plant you did. There were even programs out there that said it’s your fault if you suffer from high blood pressure or have low potassium and magnesium deficiencies because you didn’t eat enough bananas, therefore you are damned because you didn’t take care of the temple, which is your body. Now this was an alien program and not a human one and has to do with a much larger picture and the value of your essence and energy. It puts you on the death program and not the life program, and you could not get away from this amplified sin program.
This program was on its last legs for a long time, but it was also a record keeping system for the harvest program which kind of switched on back in November which we didn’t see because it was below the radar. It was run by itself and was going amuck on Fri-Sat last week because it wasn’t’ able to kill us all under its old rules. It was rapidly trying to recategorize people so that you would be damned underneath the program.
This program now doesn’t exist anymore, but it’s ability to alter your consciousness to make decisions used to exist and it really created all diseases. The damned program was also how they genetically passed down diseases from parents to kids. That’s where genetic anomalies come in. So, in some way, shape, or form we’ve been in a slow burning gas chamber for eons. They’ve done a lot of horrible things that made humans horrible people in a lot of ways. And this has absolutely nothing to do with the deep state, presidents, main stream media. The deep state is used, they are tools, they were never the chosen ones, they were never anything to those who used them. The Rothschilds, the entire deep state are just prostitutes and they don’t care how long they use them.
Back to Kim’s Cloaked Operation
The deep state wasn’t allowed access or only had minimal access to these programs I talk about and that’s obvious. In fact, there was something in Arizona, a bright red mountain that is not human made off McDowell Road by the Botanical Gardens. There is a place called Hole-in-the-Rock (Papago Park) that is not too far from there, and underneath this area extending from beneath this mountain all the way to the Grand Canyon was formerly and underground base. This place also had some red dust technologies that could not be activated by the deep state. It’s like watching little kids trying to operate a laptop when they enter a facility with alien tech. I was also in Mauritius this week which was another location.
But it did lead me to an important discovery regarding how are they finding these places. Because the remnants of the SSP ran out notes since so many levels before them are gone, I thought about where they were getting the information. Are they in the Books of Knowledge? I don’t think the non-humans would have told them because they were going to die with the rest of us, aside from those prepared to be picked up by ship on the 8th. So, what other systems could they possibly have access to locate things of this nature on this planet? I then started going through the logs of the search history in the Key Intelligence and Military System because I gave access to the Pentagon, to Militaries and Agencies from the point of view of global security. They had read-only access, therefore they still had to send people to these locations to try to activate stuff and I’m running around chasing after them wondering how do they know where this stuff is. They were all watching and waiting trying to detect if there was something coming through for the eclipse. Then at the last possible moment they see, Cloaked Operation Progress. Now if I had done it too soon, they may have found something else for tracking and tracing, but now no one has access to anything.
Deep Sate is in a Complete White Out
People came in today and worked at the Treasury in a complete white out. It was the same at the Central Banks, the Governments, the Militaries, and the Agencies. SOCOM too, and the back offices in banks can’t see anything that is coming in and out, they are all blind. They have no access to anything in the Key Integration and Monetary System or the Key Intelligence & Military system, which I gave them read-access to thinking there were still some good people around. Not to say there aren’t, but they will not have access for the next two weeks until this eclipse event on the 8th and probably will never have the access after that, unless they come work for us. But I’m sure they’ll run around looking for something the rest of today. I guess the media will still talk crap on TV and whether they will start a war not being able to see anything who knows. As of right now everyone is fired, but if they want to still work for those people, I’m sure they’ll provide you a system.
Earth is Positioned Into the Golden Age Piece Instead of Going Through a No Time Field First
In the 14 days between the lunar eclipse to the solar eclipse they were expecting a chain of events that we now know is the harvest. But what is meant for our harm can sometimes be used for our good. If you imagine Source in the center of the universe, if you looked at it like a clock and the place where the hands meet in the center is where Source lives and galaxies migrate around Source. Imagine your clock only has one hand that points directly to and is connected to the first planet, keystone earth.
Now what has happened by agreement and cooperation, instead of going through what they were expecting to be a time of no time field, which would look almost like a small field that would exist between Ages, you could call it neutral, then you would see the entire universe go into the next Age. Now those spaces in between were often utilized by the dark side to make adjustments. That’s why we saw an uptick in some of the tech that we’ve been working on in the last week in a future time sense, as it related to the positioning of planet earth at the time. What we did is take those spaces in between and positioned them for the next 2 weeks in earth time into the Golden Age piece.
For the lunar eclipse, instead of entering into that in the last 24 hours and then transitioning out to the next Age on the following solar eclipse, what normally would happen actually happened in the reverse.
Gaining more clarity is happening more and more, which in part has to do with the clearing, but it also has to do with the position earth is in now. We’re basically a gold band, if you were to look at the universe from Source on out in a 3-6-9-12, that little band you would consider 6 that we would pass into, in the spaces in-between. Looking like a pie, you would see the Ages itself and all the little ticks would be timelines. What you’re seeing is us utilizing those bands to then fully integrate not only here on earth but the entire multiverse the full implementation of the Golden Age. So, the clarity you are gaining has to do with those connections and because it’s a solid gold band now without any interference of any anti-consciousness, anti-matter, anti-crystalline and condemnation.
You’ll experience this for the next 14 days, then once we cross through that band and fully integrate into the Golden Age, earth will move from Source to #6 on the clock, which will then go all the way around. And as it moves around all the different points in all the densities, dimensions, etc. it will fill in with gold. So you’re going to feel that uptick in clarity, and be aware as we go through this transition that many people may not want to welcome clarity in their life. People have to look at themselves now and what they are creating. What’s going to happen when you can’t blame someone else? Clarity is great when you finally get the solution to a problem you’ve been looking for, but be prepared for those around you who are not aware and not as awake as you. Some of us were born awake and for others it came slowly, everyone is different.
Sunny: So, what happens after these first 2 weeks of the Golden Age, what then do we expect to happen?
An awakening of epic proportions for human beings on this planet. It’s going to be really interesting and I’m a little nervous about that honestly. But I honestly trust in Source. We’ll start seeing a lot more people looking for real answers. Historically speaking what will transpire is you will be using a higher percentage of your brain, you’ll be more interconnected to your body, mind and soul.
Source isn’t hateful and I’m sure he doesn’t want to see anyone go through a bad experience, so I’m sure it will happen as it happens, but everyone is at a different level. And I hate to use this word, but not everyone was born with a high IQ, but that connection and percentage of the brain they chose to use will help determine how long that process will take in some people. There are times I wish this was an easier process and I knew when we’re finally going to be done, and there are times I wish I didn’t know because there are days my frustration level is very high too. But right now, we’re still focusing on staying alive and let’s be appreciative of the fact the first phase of Harvest plan did not happen.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Thank you PZ for transcribing.
Do you happen to know where this interview :
Northrup Grumman CEO Believes Alien Ship Will Save Him