This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 09 FEB 24 NEWS ( Kim started out with less than surprising news, that they still want to kill us all. But there’s a couple of things she wanted to go over first which is all over social media now, the interview between Putin and Tucker Carlson because it relates to their latest failed plan to bring about their One World Order. In Part 2 Kim explains why everybody’s been a bit on edge more than usual and this has to do with the quarantine being lifted and another agreement expiring.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

New Moon Means Let’s All Try to Open a Gateway
I haven’t watched the entire thing but it’s very timely with what I’m about to tell you because last night the Putin character has been very busy along with several other people trying to open a Gateway. That’s the Order of the Dragon, the SSP as well as the Black Nobility families. Today would be a new moon so a prime opportunity in their minds to do something strange. But there’s a lot more that’s come to light because of all those events. All of a sudden, all my alarms start going off because many were trying to open a Gateway or do something all at the same time. It wasn’t just Putin it was a number of different people in a number of different groups. But he did come up so I found it very timely that this interview comes out painting him as a lot more likable than he was before because he is one of many people that had a big promise made to them by the entire Order of the Dragon.
I was telling you about their plans last week and they have continued on with that same technique of promising things to many different people and not fulfilling any of them. It’s caused a lot of problems and you’ve probably seen there was a blog a few days ago about the GIA and CARE is going to be the new organization. Well they added another line and republished it saying and BRICS on a number of different telegram channels. So why and BRICS? Well, here’s where the lie comes out, Rothschild believed that there was going to be an event that would take place in the next 24 hours, therefore as part of their plan they intended to do the following things this weekend.
Crash Major Banks & Consolidate to a Singular One World Bank
They planned to crash 41 major banks and launch a One World Bank. If they had their way, they would consolidate all those currencies and all your accounts into a singular One World Bank. We wouldn’t have any more Central Banks, Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, or Tier 4 Banks and so on. We would have one bank for the entire planet Earth. Sounds lofty doesn’t it? So, I’m not surprised the intention was to take all of the money out of all of these banks even though they don’t have the capacity to do this anymore. But they thought they might by this weekend due to some alignment. They were going to put all your money and everybody else’s money into this One World Bank and force you to bank there, that was the plan. This is that QFS that everybody must join if you heard about it on the internet. Join it now, put in your Ripple coin, your Bitcoin and whatever coins it is into the QFS. But no one seems to know where this QFS system actually is.
Crash World Governments & Consolidate to a One World Government
Next, we have talked repeatedly about the potential crash of world governments, and if governments around the world crashed this is also part of their plan. They’ve been very busy telling governments all over the world to just wait, then telling political leaders and political actors they are going to be part of the new One World Government to which there are supposed to be 13 seats. Unfortunately for these people there are about 209 countries in the world and many, including Putin have been promised that top chair. Now these would be the political actors in front of the Order of the Dragon, also known as the Khazarian Mafia. They planned on doing this to gain financial and political control of the world.
Streamlined Their Operative Downline
The other thing that they have realized is that their downline is too heavy. They didn’t need all of the government operatives with a One World Government so this was part of the reason for the release of the operatives because they figured they had this so they didn’t need all of these political actors out there. They didn’t need all of the Military operatives and Intelligence operatives anymore either because they were just going to beef up NATO. They’re putting all their eggs in one basket, which is a pretty bold move. They were very confident, so there are probably somewhere around 30 or 40 different people vying for 13 chairs. There could be even more now and all of them have been guaranteed they’re going to have that chair if they do X or Y. Now X or Y could be droning strike attacks or anything and it’s the same thing with militaries worldwide. There has to be somebody in a top chair in the military sector so they did the same thing with militaries worldwide. We’re seeing the SSP also vying for those positions as King of the World or President of the World. This was the plan they were going to launch next week.
How were they going to achieve this without having any kind of global worldwide financial access, global worldwide political control structure access, global worldwide military control access, media control access and intelligence control access? How are they going to structure this?
Growth Rate Of Development Program (G.O.D.)
They’re not that bright on their own so they listen to our report and they figured if they could get control of all those sectors then it’s a win-win and I will tell you how they were thought that they were going to do this. There is an old program that hasn’t been running since February of 2017 to be exact, and the name of the program is called the Growth Rate of Development. Most of this program or 99% had been dismantled in February of 2017, but this is what they were banking on and I’ll explain to you what it did.
G.O.D. Would Have Kicked In When 80% Woke Up
Now if you notice it’s G.O.D. for short, how clever. So, if 80% of humanity woke up and we started no longer being slaves this program was supposed to kick in and wipe us all out. This is why you see some political operatives in the alternative media trying to wake people up, some of them have stated that 80% of the world’s people must be awake in order for us to achieve our objective. I have heard that from one operative who works directly for the SSP, for DARPA.
Unnatural Disasters Would Then Occur
There were mechanisms underneath the Armageddon AI program that were supposed to create earthquakes, floods, pole shifts those types of things. In addition to that, it would wipe us out so they could open us up for a re-collateral program that they thought was going to happen and then the Omega system would also come flooding in with money as well, regular human cash or energy. They would first be given an opportunity to get us all back into line, then they would have to drop us back below a certain percentage. That’s how the program used to work. But that program doesn’t exist and they were unaware of that fact until yesterday which is kind of interesting. Because if they’re trying to wake people up, they are actually helping us right now instead. And they would never have been made privy to programs like this. They might have gotten some old texts that said something would happen, but they don’t really know what that something actually is.
Omega Would Have Flipped Back Over
Now there was a second program they were hoping that would also kick in which had to do with human beings as collateral. Once 100% collateralization was achieved then Omega would have said you’ve hit your debt limit and it would have flipped back over. Then it would have created a new collateral pool or a rehypothecation of the assets known as humans. We have not been collateral for a while now but I don’t think these people believe us or they don’t verify anything, I’m not sure which. But this is what they were expecting to happen by the end of the new moon today, which would then grant all of their chosen group of people in their One World Government to be in charge and fully paid and vested.
And they would have some kind of a computer system access to Omega when this flip occurred so they could then go ahead and install their One World Financial System, One World Bank, One World Media system and so on and so forth. But this time it would be in the face front for all of you to see. They’re not even hiding it anymore, that was the plan. Now of course this would have come after there was a pandemic and then we would also have World War III and then people would just be begging for anything. All the governments would have gone down, we would have had London down, Olympus down and all the other down movies. Everybody would be going down and they would come in and save the day. This was the program that they are running. If that happened, they obviously don’t need their downline anymore, they don’t need to support 209 governments. They decided they only need 13 people and they don’t need to support any more militaries around the world even though they’re being promised money and everybody’s promised they’ll be in charge.
The Pentagon & Some Operatives Will Wait Like They Always Do
Now about 24 hours ago we received a call saying that the Pentagon would like to come in and meet and that was pushed off until at least Saturday because they want you to sit and wait. They’re going to make you wait again to your own demise until they can pull off this plan. But here’s what is going to happen in reality land. None of these programs kicked off, they have no access to complete this task, there is zero chance of them giving you any money ever. There’s zero chance of them funding anyone anywhere but they will make you promises. If you’re watching this and you’re the Deep State know there ain’t enough chairs here to fill all the promises. For you financial and media operatives, you’re all going to be out of a job, you’re all already out of a job technically, but the release of you was hoping that you wouldn’t save respective governments for a multi-polar world. That was the hope and yet some of you still sit and wait.
SSP Meeting Update
Now a little update on the SSP meeting that was supposed to happen here on Wednesday afternoon. They did come and they had conversations with the local people and the local people basically said to them well, we’ll see what we can do. They know these SSP people are here on behalf of Rothschild, so when I was asked about it I made a suggestion to local security. I suggested since these people are used to arranging meetings with a head of state, because you could buy your way into a meeting with any president on this planet and every president’s price is different, and also it depends on what you want to meet about. You would tell one of these operatives what you’d like to meet about and it could range anywhere from $200,000 to well over a million dollars. I’ve seen it go as high as $10 million depending on who you are. If you have the money you could meet with any Head of State on the planet tomorrow, they would arrange it for you.
So I suggested since they’re here to meet with me that maybe the locals charge Monarch Military, the Secret Space Program folks to meet with me. They might want to arrange for security. But they didn’t want us to meet anyway because it’s not going to be fruitful. They pretty much knew this was going to be a waste of time. So the SSP started going around to local people and causing a little bit of a problem, basically saying look we’re on the side of the Rothschild family and the Order of the Dragon, the elite Illuminati and they’re going to pay big money on Saturday, and if you join us now and just wait and don’t go anywhere and don’t listen to those people they’ll pay out. It started causing a little bit of a ruckus and needless to say they were thrown out of here. Then everything kind of went back to normal, but as far as governments are concerned you are absolutely doing exactly what Rothschild wants you to do. Wait and on Saturday they’re going to come up with a new date. But Saturday was supposed to be a big event and when the Q clock flipped over there.
Kim is Just a Very Sophisticated Hacker According to Those Still Intent on World Domination
The Order of the Dragon and the SSP have determined in their minds that I am a very sophisticated quantum hacker because they know in order for something to manifest into reality it has to be approved and ratified in the Hall of Records. Now in the past we did have a Dark Hall of Records. And that’s where all their stuff would go because they’re on that side and we have the other Hall of Records. Well now they can’t figure out why everything I do is ratified, all the expirations, all the new declarations. Why is everything she does ratified and everything that we do not ratify? So, they have concluded she’s blocking us with her super hacking skills. So that being said I probably need to make a statement here.
The Hall of Records is was not hacked, I actually run the Hall of Records. They are looking to bypass me and get to an alien because if they can get to those aliens that are their friends, they can get an approval. That’s what they’re thinking and the answer to the question is those non-people, those species do not exist anymore. Have you been able to phone home? Have you been able to get a holographic message through? Have you been able to have anyone answer the phone but me in the last several months?
No, you haven’t and I know the Orsini family was trying this morning. They were looking for some kind of a communication portal so that they could possibly get something, anything ratified. Now there is only one Hall of Records left and that is the Alpha Hall of Records, it is the light system Hall of Records, it is on this side of the Multiverse. We no longer have a divine intervention that states as above so is below, we no longer have a barrier. I get all of your stupid new banking rules, the war covenant from this morning, all that comes to my desk and I reject it because I own it, I run it. I know you’re used to waiting for an alien or somebody else to help you but they’re not coming, there’s no Lucifer, there’s no Satan, there’s nobody coming to help you at this point in time, you’re on your own guys.
We’ve tried to tell you, everybody has tried to tell you, the Archivists have tried to tell you everybody has died, this is no longer a system, it is no longer viable. So, the fantasy of One World Government here is never ever going to happen!
Stay tuned for Part 2 as Kim explains how barriers between the planes of existence are dissolving and a merging is taking place.
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genial ! magnifique ! MERCI KIM et toute l’équipe .