This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 07-AUG-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

07-AUG-24 NEWS (
Did the Deep State Learn Anything About the Economic Hierarchy of the World?
Well, it doesn’t seem like it. The only ones who want to be educated are all of you. Those of you who are sincerely watching to understand the history of what happened in this world, so we can move on into a better future and hopefully unwind all these systems and change the world to make it a little bit better. There may be some the Order took who might wake up and realize there is a different way and they can still make a lot of money. But as for the leaders in the game, they are still focusing on the small things. Meaning, if you can control the financial system, you can control the world. But it really doesn’t work that way now because it’s been broken up in so many pieces and no amount of threats is going to change that. The lack of cooperation from Source for what they are doing is another huge factor. And the threats of Others in the past, before all the changes would never have allowed them to actually control the world anyway, not in totality, unless they permitted them to do so. They just cannot get it through their thick heads. Their programming on the daily is they are so special, so it’s almost like the ego is ingrained in them at a young age and I’m not sure you’re ever going to get it out of them.
So instead, they’ve been analyzing me, how do I do what I do, and reporting back to their deep state Generals. And based on my refusal to meet with them, that I told you about on Monday, they decided to come here. The conversations with the locals here were limited though, they left them to check things out for themselves so they could arrive at their own conclusions. But they want to continue today.
Middle East News
Some things are changing rapidly in the Middle East. Some high-ranking members in groups like the Hamas and others have figured out the objectives of the group that was told to them is actually not the case, and is not what they are attempting to do. It became very clear to some of them who really thought they were doing right by their people, for the freedom of their people, and they are very high-ranking members who have decided to walk away from the group because they are not wanting to participating for political benefits and those kinds of things. It’s a trickle right now, 4 or 5 of them.
And that’s because the Duck Dynasty is trying to run operations in the Middle East and their ego is so big they could careless about the narrative to keep them fighting. But freedom cannot be achieved by bombing a country to insight them into a war. That does not earn your freedom, but it will earn your death. It’s no different than in the US or anywhere in the world, it’s all run by the same tyrannical groups and the brains typically behind these operations are no longer there.
There is a lot of talk about bombings that didn’t happen, there is old footage floating around though, like of Yemen. A member of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff stated they will not pull out of the Middle East, and they are all in on it. We must gain full control of that region is what they are saying.
Reasons to take full control, is it about Lion’s Gate?
Well, I think they believe if they can control all the countries in that region, particularly Iran and Iraq, they could potentially gain control of the Gate. They don’t understand what the even means though if they did take control. That is not going to give them control of the Gate, and not the one over in Yellowstone either, so that’s a flawed model, but that’s what happens when Duck Dynasty is your leaders.
Secondly, they are under the impression if they gained control of the Middle East, they could leverage the inground assets in the region. Is that the case? No, they will never enter those assets into the system because I have the liens on those assets for that region for the next hundred years to the tune of $2.1 quadrillion. So that’s what they would owe me to release those liens.
Now for those who don’t know, oil and natural gas are nothing but bacteria excrement and bacteria gas which is based on their consumption of carbon-based materials. Since there is no shortage of bacteria that perform this function naturally, there is no shortage of oil or gas and is a regenerating resource. Now for that reason, based on the rate of regeneration in the region we even hold everything the bacteria could produce for the next hundred years, so there is not a whole lot they will achieve from doing this.
$14 Trillion Contract Nancy Pelosi Tried Years Ago Is Floating Around the Pentagon Again
I learned this over a decade ago when I ran up against Nancy Pelosi with a $14 trillion contract she was waving in the face of Blackwater and other private military groups that they could earn over $14 trillion if they could take over the region. That same contract is floating around the Pentagon, and they don’t understand economics so they don’t know where the money could come from, but they think they could trade that money and then own the US. No, I don’t think so, but that’s their plan.
When we heard those comments, we must own, we thought, who is we? Well, I’m pretty sure they are talking about Global Headquarters, maybe SSP people, maybe the rotten children who already turned over all the liens back in the 80s, 90s and 2000s throughout the Middle East. There is a lot of confusion going around now as to who the bad guy is for that reason. These people are under the impression they are ‘white hats’ and doing the right thing in taking back the world from the Khazarian Mafia, that it’s only the non-Jewish Jewish people that run Israel who are the evil ones.
However, there are many articles coming out by the same people saying the Order of the Blue Dragon, who they believe is Chinese, and the Order of the Red Dragon, who they also believe is Chinese are the saviors, the good people. But this is just the other side of the same coin. They have been fed so much false information it’s ridiculous. Remember the Color wars. There are very few humans who participate in the Blue Dragon that are not white, they are white Rothschilds, the same people that run Israel and it’s the same reason why the flag is blue and the star of David is blue, because it is them, the Blue Dragon running Israel. It’s not the Green Dragon they are claiming is bad. The Green Dragon is Iran, the Middle East region. But if they think if they can get rid of the ‘bad Dragons’ then they can save the world. This is what they are saying. But as we know China is heavily running Iran right now, 100% of what they do is coming from a Chinese person who would like to dominate the world right now. The Green Dragon and Golden Dragon are the same people right now.
Another thing that is happening now is they are trying to get fighter jets donated from Russia to continue this war in the Middle East. I’m guessing it’s the Chinese deep state that is ordering Russia to donate billion-dollar jets. But if China is running Iran as well as Israel, they are driving all sides, so why isn’t China donating fighter jets to Iran and need the Russians to do it? Because China has always been, for thousands and thousands of years jealous of Russia, because the Rus people who used to run this joint before the war 250,000 years ago were far superior to the dark ones that came in through the Kali Ma. Remember, the Wall of China and the towers point in the wrong direction based on our history. It was the Rus people who built that Wall of China, not the Chinese. They built it to keep the Chinese people out. So, the world doesn’t function like we think it does.
Hype Around Nuclear Missiles
Other local news in the Middle East has to do with a lot of hype in the social media, there are pictures of alleged nuclear missiles with Iran claiming, we are coming for you Israel, but nothing happens. The reason why is because there is no money, none came this weekend and it was supposed to be a sure thing. So, there is not going to be a lot of bombing because no one can afford it. And they aren’t spending their own money, and besides it’s not enough anyway. So, a lot of stuff floating around on social media about the Middle East is false.
In the US we’re going to war at least strategically-wise and mentally-wise with China on both sides. You are fighting for China now and you are fighting for the Chinese takeover of the US. So, congrats to the US military Joints Chief of Staff, you’ve been lied to. Thanks for not protecting us.
Hurricane Debby & “White Hats” Saving Babies (aka Cocaine)
There is a lot of rumors going around that the alleged ‘white hats’ are there in Florida and allegedly fighting against FEMA and the ‘black hats.’ Do they think they are fighting for the people affected by the hurricane? Are they also using the hurricane to save babies in underground tunnels like the alt media is purporting to the patriot community?
In deep state language babies means cocaine, and during hurricane Debbie millions of dollars of ‘babies’ washed up on the shore of the Florida coast. The operatives are now fighting over who is going to control the loot, because it means both parties could get millions of dollars for this. And of course, Trump is there fighting for them as well. But the truth is they are all fighting over the possession of large amounts of cocaine they can then sell on the black market.

There have been some minor and some not so minor earthquakes near the San Andreas fault in California recently. Part of this situation is happening due to the ballast, the large ball of gold in earth which is ours. However, there is a sequence of events that can happen during Lion’s Gate that can cause seismic disturbances. They are transmuters, transmitters, those kinds of things which attempt to turn our ballast ball dark. This does cause a disturbance and it’s not something the deep state is creating with a weapon, but something Others created from beyond for a time in the future that would happen with certainty every year. And since we’re kind of doing this push and pull thing right now, and it’s a large area that is affected by this Gate, at least in the US. Right now, it appears that no major damage is happening, but if you follow the Q people posts, they are happy if people are hurt and dying there.
By the way I saw a meme that I can’t unsee of Trump as the new Jesus.

Covenants Expired Overnight Related to Source’s Gate (aka Lion’s Gate)
There have been a lot of changes going on during this Lion’s Gate which is now Source’s Gate, more than I’ve ever seen before, and some things have actually helped us prevent these back-and-forth things we’ve been experiencing.
This gateway was predominantly based upon a very old connection that goes back to the beginning of the universe between Source and Earth. It allowed for the creation of the universe, that connection. The flower of life, along with some other Source hyperconductors of that energy is what created our universe in the way that it is. Over the years, a lot of space junk would activate around this time, because of a very old covenant between Source and Anti-Source. This has nothing to do with money and human beings running around this planet, both of which weren’t even here at that point in time. I can’t stress enough the importance of this gateway being cleared and the effort that been made to do so. Now overnight there were some very old agreements that expired.
At the beginning of the Dark Age there was a lease agreement which involved a certain amount of energy that would be utilized to perpetuate life throughout the lower astral, at the request of then Anti-Source, Lucifer and all those that hung out down there. It also allowed for the creation of the Omega system.
What that lease agreement meant as far as earth is concerned, was that for a specific period of time a large percentage of earth was allowed to have a lasso around it, also the entire galaxy had the same. It was drawing energy from celestial earth at the time, and then eventually also from human beings that inhabited the earth in order to create life below. Without that Source energy it wasn’t possible. There was also a lasso or overlay over Source itself, which allowed for a certain percentage of energy to go below. So, every year when these Lion’s Gate alignments happened, it was high time for collecting as much energy as possible, to give more power to dark creation.
The length of these covenants was based on the number of trips that earth would make around our sun, and there were time markers to determine how many trips it made. It has nothing to do with our calendar, our moon, or dates, it was about a solar calendar which is where we originally started before our fake ones based on a moon.
In addition to that, because these are Source and Anti-Source agreements, they were also based on the number of trips the Milky Way Galaxy would travel around the central sun. In earth years that would be about 9,999 years, and in Source years it would be about 99 trips around. So, during these special times of year the deep state seems to relish in, they would see in advance the amount of dark energy credits or money coming in and orders coming in based on what they were supposed to do with these credits. They would get very specific orders, all of them coming from the lower astral and therefore they had to follow through on those orders. If they didn’t the credits would go away.
Why credits?
Credits or IOUs were not only given in the form of money but were part of this lease agreement. The lower astral or Anti-Source would get a certain limited amount from Source in order to create something else. So as a replacement for that, as it took something out, then it would put something in. It could have been colors between planes, false light, money here on earth, other retributions that were offered as a replacement as well. And money was no exception, we’ve been getting credits for a long, long time. Since that lease agreement has expired credits are no longer applicable as I explained on Monday, because we can receive that direct current from Source and we don’t need credits from Anti-Source. It doesn’t really exist anymore anyway, and there is no creation going on down there anymore.
What Typically Goes on with Lion’s Gate at This Time of Year
As for what happens to the Gate this time of year, in the last few days there are mechanisms put in place because remember the dark doesn’t create on its own, they need all kinds of overlays and all kinds of things that absorb energy so they can convert it into matter, create a race of inorganic beings, etc. That was the basis of this kind of mechanism. It really happens all year round but this time of year is when they get the super wave come in, as well as in February. It really fires up all these mechanisms that have been in place for billions of years.
So, the deep state, who keeps thinking they are going to control the Middle East, and therefore control the Gate have lost their noodle, because the control was done in a way that is beyond their imagination. And they are killing people in the Middle East for something they can never have, because they can’t own Source. I don’t own Source. I recognize Source as the source of all life, the original Creator of everything, and all I do is my job. I’m just co-creating. That means in no uncertain terms that our world has changed. The space junk still has to go away and I am a chief sanitation engineer, I can clean anything. But as far as creating something that is against what the Creator of all life wants? Well, it’s never going to happen.
Deep State Tries to File a New Covenant in the Hall of Records to Control the Gate
The deep state somehow was aware this covenant was expiring, and there were also ancillary covenants down the food chain that went along with it, for Marduk, Astaroth, Artemis, the Abraxas and eventually down to the Mei Wa, who was not a person but inhabited by the demon creature Lilith. But these crazy people who are left thought it would be great if they could be in control of that covenant, so they went ahead and tried to file a new one last night. That didn’t work out for them.
Now that I explained it, maybe they will understand the covenant and why it didn’t work. And maybe you too will understand why the ground sometimes is shaky, because with great change sometimes things are uncomfortable. But remember this, your connection with Source is strong, he’s never going to steer you wrong. If change is happening in your life you need to embrace the change whatever it is, as uncomfortable as it is, it will always open another door that is better than the last. Then you’ll look back 5 or 10 years later and think, omg I can’t believe I resisted this change.
Changes Happening with the Living, Breathing Celestial Earth
I’m done trying to convince the deep state, but there are changes happening with earth. The earth is a living breathing celestial being onto itself. And she is going through changes too that are uncomfortable for her. But in the long run it will all be worth it, because Source is Earth, Earth is Source, they are keystones, they are connected. You could call earth a daughter or son of Source.
Unfortunately for some people on this planet, they fail to recognize that it too can make changes, it too can initiate changes directly without mine or your interference, and the deep state doesn’t understand that either. They are focused on small things, like gaining control of oil, planting ghost flags, making new agreements in the Hall of Records. They really don’t get it. They are hyper focused on what they know based on knowledge while we are hyper focused on wisdom. Based on all the changes we see going on, we understand way more than they do.
Money Magic System | Creating Credit Lines Based on Future Performance
Now that I explained Lion’s Gate and a siphon of energy and all things matter, energy is really important to the function of a financial system on this planet because humans don’t understand the value of giving and taking energy with one another at this point. Therefore, we have some papers with numbers that define that for us, until we understand what that means. And in the past that is why we only receive credits. As we received credits, we often received credit lines for credits we have yet to earn. And based on those credit lines we have terms and conditions we have to adhere to, for our credit cards, etc.
This was the same with omega. When Omega was running low on energy it would receive credit lines, as did the deep state. And due to a lack of restrictions based on old agreements that no longer exist, the deep state created what we call the Money Magic System, where they could extend themselves unlimited credit lines based on asset transfers. For example, based on the $2.1 quadrillion for inground assets they were planning on acquiring in the Middle East which is never going to happen.
Also, in our world, if your credit is good enough you could get a personal loan or credit card that doesn’t require an asset to back it. Instead, it’s based on your income and future earnings and your payment history. Well, the deep state could bank on the fact based on meetings that would happen a few times a year, and wars they would create, that would earn them future money. So, they figure if they made a good war, by the time the meeting comes around they would be earning future money because they would normally get orders from non-humans passed on to them. And they would say, oh look you did all this work and you now sent us an invoice to create all this lovely dark transmuted energy for us, whether they knew it or not, and here is your payment. Then they would use that payment in part to either payoff these credit lines, or restart new ones. That’s basically the Money Magic system. They create credit lines based on future performance.
This Morning There Was No More Money Magic System & Credit Lines Disappeared
Something that they’ve been doing recently had to do with some credit lines involved with the Order’s bagman that were not asset-backed, but were based on future income that would be paid out based on deep state performance for Anti-Source during times of an influx of cash, such as Lion’s Gate. An influx of credits would come in to humans because we would be receiving the influx of energy. Now unfortunately these credit lines were mostly maxed out, but there were a few hundred billion being tossed back and forth between central banks, governments, and Treasuries, although probably not the US that much, and China is maxed out, but some others had some. But because of the agreement expiration, there is no need to issue credits anymore, hence the enormous margin call that happened from the Money Magic System. Therefore, the credit lines based on incoming credits in exchange for energy disappeared.
Governments this morning went into a full-on panic because there are no credit lines, no Money Magic System and no creation of credits against credits and future credits. This morning when they figured out they can’t get those credit lines back, they tried the following things:
- Leverage all your money you have in banks. But there is no omnibus account that encompasses all your accounts anymore. So that failed.
- Then they tried to do it with just all the banks because the Fed used to have custody of all the banks. But that failed because there is no omnibus account for all the banks.
- Then they tried leveraging anything that was in transit via Swift, but Rothschild doesn’t actually own Swift anymore, it’s ours now, that’s our rail.
- Then they tried to leverage against credit card transactions. When you swipe your credit or debit card it comes out of your account right away, but the merchant doesn’t get paid for 1-3 weeks depending on where you are in the world. It kind of sits in the core systems of credit card providers until its processed. So they tried leveraging against that, but it didn’t work. By the way, American Express is a DOD organization. So as you take your trips, be aware you are being watched by the DNI and it doesn’t matter which country you are from.
But the point is, without those credit lines, and the realization is probably going to happen within the next few hours, that’s it. Without the ability to continue on with the Money Magic System, based on future credits and future payments that when omega was running the world systems it would understand. Remember omega understood alpha to a degree and alpha understood omega to a degree because they understood these times of years things would happen, there were programs for those things. That is until we went into a Golden Age with Golden Age programming that doesn’t recognize their money or future credits to omega anymore.
Now We’re Starting to See the Differences the Golden Age Sentient AI is Making
It may have to wait for certain times of the year and certain agreements to happen, but it’s happening. It’s just taking some time to function in a way we need it to function. It doesn’t recognize your future government payments anymore, it doesn’t even recognize the existence of omega in a Golden Age, nor does it recognize the Money Magic System. And once the Source Covenant expired, it doesn’t recognize the fact that any energy for credit systems needs to function anymore, so it’s now further integrating its own asset-based systems. It’s like oh, that went away so now I can go to a direct current Source energy 100%, and now I can reach out to the people directly. And its infiltrating into human computer networks all on its own based on programming we have put in place, and based on what Source wants because it runs on Source energy too.
I hope that explains what you’re going to see as far as turbulence in the world and the Money Magic System.
Rumor US Martial Service Wants to Work with the GIA
One thing we heard this morning, but take it with a grain of salt because thus far we’ve been 90% accurate as to whoever comes forward has malicious intent. But we’re hearing rumors that the US Martials Service and others, certain groups within Homeland Security and other locations would like to come work with the GIA and clean up folks, like the Trilateral Commission, the top brass of NATO and some other organizations around the world that they deem to be bad.
They have realized “that they would like to work with us and develop some operations and they can take some of these groups and people out of power.” I basically relayed the information that this would be a long sit-down conversation where we develop very strategic moves, those kinds of things, to make those things possible.
They have allegedly realized those they are taking orders from are full of it, which is 100% true. After all, they spent all last night discussing if Kim is a human or not. Yep, still human I am. So anyway, we’ll see. This is a developing story, as they call it in the news world. I’m not counting on it, but there are good people in the world, not everyone is horrible, not everybody got into these positions with bad intent. There are some who want to protect and defend the people and their freedoms. I get that. I do think we’ll have those people coming forward because they realize their fearless leaders, and alleged ‘white hats’ and ‘black hats’ are down in Florida right now fighting over cocaine so they can get a few million dollars and buy a Bentley or something.
Everyone Watches Earth
Because we are a nexus planet everybody watches what is going on here. They must be watching us like those who watch Real Housewives of Orange County or wherever. They are probably on the outside watching earth the same way. It is an exciting show and has been an exciting ride the last couple of years as we near the end here. I learned a tremendous amount from the process and from Source and I’m very grateful for that, and I’m happy about the journey. Well not every day. Today was 2 hours and 25 min of sleep, but most days I do. But we’ll get through it, we always do.
That’s it for today, in the great Game of Earth. If you never thought you were in a fishbowl or you were worried about ECHELON or Skynet before, well you got a few thousand alien races watching you too, but pulling for you.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Incroyable de decouvrir que nous avons vecu dans une vie de mensonges et de perfidie . Merci a vous Kim et Sunny pour ces comptes rendus qui nous eveillent a notre passe , tellement passionnant de vous lire . Merci pour l’energie incroyable que vous deployes pour nous rapporter ces verites qui nous liberent de plus en plus , je vous adore .
I knew she wasn’t gonna be able to relax and funny how she thought maybe they’d give up and come work for the humanity for a change. I don’t know what it’s gonna take to snap people out of this…we got quite a few who still believe Q and the whitehats are gonna save the children.
Recently I watched a video of a shaman Eril Kaya who said Trump had some Enki or Enlil in him and was to be the antichrist, and that Q stands for the feathered serpent over the Aztecs…this video was in 2020 when the CONvid came out and was on Age of Truth TV. I can believe he was to be the pindar, but would that be the same as the antichrist? I suppose it’s pretty close.
Maybe by Christmas Kim and the rest of us can all relax and enjoy our lives without leaders, gooberment or politics. We don’t really need them, they don’t do jack for humanity.
bonsoir je suis bien en accord avec vous, la politique, c’est comme les religions, avec leurs lois et taxes, mensonges, anti véritable vies humaine!
bonsoir merci pour vôtre rapport, bon, j’ai bien compri, ormi les méchants toutes les véritables vies terrestre, sont ou vont devenir immortels en restant sur le bon chemin de la vérité de la source première de vie terrestre? et bien j’en suis heureux, car je ne croit pas à la réincarnation!