This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 1, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers. Last night at midnight was a very momentous day for the planet in many ways. Kim went on to tell us about many agreements that were not renewed and it is becoming very evident to the operatives groups finally, that Rothschild has no power. God made a declaration in the Hall of Records there will be Peace on Earth and we might actually have reached a turning point. But time will tell.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Earth and the Gateway Planet Treaty
At the beginning of the Dark Age, around 3 billion years ago, one of the first things that happened was an agreement, a Treaty with the lower astral races, with the humans here on Earth, and then the upper astral races that Earth would become the Gateway Planet for access, so entry going in both directions. That is how it was supposed to be, but this treaty had been violated many times over the years.
How does that translate to our day-to-day world?
Earth officially is not a Gateway Planet anymore because there is nothing to gateway to down in the lower astral anymore. That is good for our planet and for those of us who happen to live here.
This agreement had some stipulations added into it:
No Renewal for Rothschild to Be Appointed Guardians of Earth Happened
It renewed every 75 years which brings up back to 1948 and all those things that happened then. It is also the base root agreement 75 years ago to form the Corporate Government. We have corporate government and we have governments, but they were kind of one in the same in that all roads led up to Crown Corporation which led to Rothschild. And the reason why it was the Rothschild Family or the Order of the Dragon in this case is because 3,000 years ago they were appointed the Guardians of Earth. They did a horrible job obviously. They joined with the other side long before these people living today claimed that role, and they became more of a pay to play kind of group. It was corruption at the highest level on planet Earth. Because that agreement for them to be Guardian expired several years ago, when it became time for renewal last night there was no renewal. Kim would have to renew it and it would be under her terms and conditions, but she did not renew for obvious reasons.
No Renewal for the Greater Israel Plan
Take it one step further, this is also the reason the military and intelligence agencies reported directly to those families. It was also the beginning of the agreement with the Black Sun for Planetary Gateway Security. The first gateway, or pillar on one of those big elevators on earth that goes all the way down was in Israel, under Tel Aviv which is why the Gatekeeper program was put there. It also is the reason for the Greater Israel Plan they intended on renewing last night. The plan that Netanyahu was talking about during his speech at the UN Assembly, whereby Israel would have expanded throughout the Middle East and the war you are seeing there now.

Governments of the World No Longer Report to or Are Owned by Crown Corporation
There is a reason why the country’s name translates into Israel, it is because it means there Is no God, or Ra is God, which is in the lower astral and basically your Anti-Source. The gateway would have expanded to other gateways such as the one in Iraq and Iran and in Saudi Arabia underneath Mecca. There were many gateways they thought they would have under their complete control by last night. Now did they tell Mossad and the rest of the people in Israel this? Probably not. Did they tell anybody in the US? Probably not. And the reason they did not want this to get out is because governments of the world no longer report to or are owned by Crown Corporation as of last night.
God’s Declaration | There Will be Peace on Earth
What has taken the place of that old, old, old agreement of Earth as a Gateway Planet was another declaration, it was a Treaty for Peace on Earth and that was filed with Source itself. So, we are no longer in war time and no longer require gateway security. We no longer need that anymore and now anyone who worked for these militaries and agencies are independent of Rothschild. Therefore, they do not need to pick up the phone from Rothschild anymore, they do not need to listen to the Jesuit Order and the rest of the people all involved in that treaty.
The World Power Center Did Not Change to China Last Night
Kim talked about 1948 and if you go back and look at all those treaties of 75 years ago, such as the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) that was formed and all those new things that were going to take place for 75 years were there at that time. If you go back even further, you will see other events that happened 75 years prior. The world’s power center changes every 75 years for that same reason and it was supposed to change to China by last night, as the Li Family the Chinese Elders who are Rothschilds are part of the Guardians. But none of that happened last night and no money came to fund the war and the operative section doesn’t understand what she just told us.
Rothschild Not Having Any Power on This Planet Became Evident
They don’t understand what their job actually was. A lot of them feel like it was national security in a lot of cases. The Treasury Department didn’t understand either until now. The NSA doesn’t understand it and nobody really understands what is going on now. But the thing they did figure out last night, before all the hoopla, was that Rothschild clearly doesn’t have any power on the planet. They did come to that conclusion last night and there was a very angry conversation with operatives worldwide. They don’t know why they are not getting paid. But after last night due to revelations that 30% of the operative groups who were still not cooperating with Kim, they didn’t want to move forward and still wanted to report to Rothschild whether directly or indirectly whether they knew it or not – will it shrunk significantly because we don’t have an Umbrella Military Corporation anymore.
Umbrella Military Corporation is No More!
Umbrella Military was one of the corporates formed as the Secret Space program, and technically all the secret militaries don’t have a home anymore either. They can continue to take orders from Rothschild, continue to do things, but there is no money coming, no funding coming for that program. There is no agreement with the Rothschilds anymore, there is no gateway security required which is what their job used to be. It wasn’t running the Trump corporation or any of those people. Gateway security was the original reason why those organizations were founded and at that time, it was under a different guardianship than the Rothschild family.
A lot has changed in the last 24 hours and it is a lot to absorb, and Kim will tell everyone the same thing she has been telling us for a long time, the Rothschilds are not in power. They have not been Guardians for a long time. She knew this agreement was not going to be renewed but we just had to wait it out until everybody else figured it out.
Operatives Still Holding onto the Dream Rothschild Promised Down to 2-3%
As of this morning cooler heads prevailed in the operative section. Now we have about 2-3% still holding out for the fantasy and dream Rothschild promised them whatever that dream was. Bazillions of dollars for killing as many people on earth as they can, the WEF 2020 program, and all the other things they wanted to do and submitted for the 75-year plan. But alas, everybody else is going in another direction, so it seems.
Langley Contacts Tom Melville to Negotiate
As of this moment Kim was already contacted by Langley via Tom Melville of course, they never talk to her, and they want to sit down and negotiate. And this time Kim basically said they have 12 hours to figure it out or we are going forward in another direction.
Many Operative Groups Want to Now Join the GIA
Part of the reason she said that is because lots of operative groups have come to the party, they all want to join the GIA now. That is great for the world as a whole and she emphasized, because she knows people are going to say they are bad people, but remember they had bad management at the highest level. They were given orders and instructions to do specific things from which hundreds of thousands of dollars would come flooding out, albeit years ago that is what used to happen. But there are conditions obviously. One step off the reservation (which is the term they use in their world) and they are no longer here. That is how it works now.
Eventually that is going to lead us into new security programs and protocols. They must understand planetary defense is going to require them to actually defend something. Eventually they are going to need to have different ways of traveling and getting into our orbit, the Kuiper Belt, into different locations and they will need new technologies, and they can participate or not. She is hoping they do because we are already having people coming in and out. While they are from the upper astral and don’t have maleficent intentions, we still are going to need some customs and borders controls once we start trading. We have a lot of stuff here on earth and it’s been hidden, and in some cases we don’t see the value in it, because you have to combine certain things with other things and then we can go places and do things. And that is the purpose of the Research & Development Center under CARE.
We already have a worldwide military and a worldwide military industrial complex which is your Lockheed’s and Boeings and weapons manufacturers. We already have a worldwide agency, the GIA. If nothing else has been proven in the last few days, it was the GIA. There were people from every country in the world on that phone and even the 14 militaries (-1 Umbrella) was on trying to figure out what is going on. So now they know what is going on and why they haven’t been paid. Now they know why wars don’t make money anymore. So, to those Generals on the line who were playing around with the war in Israel and saying they need the war to make money, that is not the case anymore.
What the War in Israel Was All About
Gateway System
From a Rothschild and Order of the Dragon standpoint, the war in Israel was all about opening the gateway to re-establish their money maker which was their Gateway System. That’s how money came flooding in to the Omega system for them to pay everyone for war, to pay for everything including keeping us as slaves because that cost money too. We had things like social security that they pay, retirement pay, banking systems, how we do commerce as slaves, taxes, and all that base root came from this agreement because they are supposed to be the Gatekeeper. That meant they were also responsible for earth, this big rock the gateway sits on and all us inhabitants, us little batteries because we power gateways and open gateways.
Generals and Operatives
On the Generals and Operatives side of things, they would make the phone calls to have Yemen declare war on Israel for example, which they did yesterday. They are the ones who pick up the phone and call the Hezbollah, call Hamas, Mossad. They are the ones who do the work.
Langley to some degree or another was involved in getting those weapons on the come. Now what are they going to do when the bill comes due? All these things can be talked about and discussed. Again, she doesn’t care what orders you got yesterday or did yesterday, she cares about the security of this big rock. That means if we are going to be in a national security situation because all you Americans promised a lot of money to a lot people based on your upline, all the way to Rothschild and Monarch Military, then we have to handle it and it can be done in a number of different ways. And no, we are not sending arms to Israel and perpetuating the war.
The Greater Israel Plan has been cancelled and Netanyahu is in the hot seat with all the operatives because, who called Netanyahu directly to give the orders on what everyone else is going to do? Rothschild or Umbrella, until they were no more. By the way, there were more operatives who used to work for Umbrella who weren’t participating so it sounds like they were not eliminated. They were the smarter ones who stopped working because they wouldn’t pay. The Umbrella guys participating had a big enough ego to put it all on the line and see where that got them.
Monarch Military Tried to Step Up Since Umbrella Military Was No More
Kim was hearing the term gaslighted floating around amongst the 14 secret militaries so many times and she wanted to confirm that yes, they were gaslighted by Rothschild, Order of the Dragon, and Umbrella Military Corporation. That term gaslighting started because it is rank and file in their world, once one goes the next is activated. That meant Monarch Military was next up in the absence of Umbrella Military. Kim then got an agreement sent to the Hall of Records asking to be activated. What they meant was they wanted the biochips in their heads to be activated and their codes so they can now do the job of Umbrella Military Corp and all the bells and whistles that came with it.
Kim rejected it with an explanation
Look none of you have had biochips in your heads for months. You have not had any connection to the Omega system which they were not aware of evidently because Umbrella Military lied to everyone. They told everyone they still had access and we’ll give you that in the future, but not now, it’s just us in charge for now. So, Kim sent a memo saying none of the above has happened for quite some time. She told them the truth and rejected the agreement. And she told them the entire secret space program has expired. That was part of this agreement whether they knew it or not. They were the gateway managers of behalf of other folks. By the way beings from other densities would never give them a weapon that could kill themselves. Just throwing that in as Kim mentioned it at the end. In any case, she can find other jobs for them because they have a lot of experience in the things Kim talks about that no one else talks about or understands and there could be a lot of jobs in the future. But those jobs are for a different type of process that doesn’t involve ‘x’ number of demons coming in and out, and human trafficking to other locations, and supplying adrenochrome to some elites.
New Speaker Mr. Johnson Left High and Dry
A lower end Umbrella Military Corp operative such as Mr. Johnson said he was with the power; all the money is coming on Monday don’t worry. Then he put everybody off until this afternoon and no money came of course. He then called his masters in Cheyenne and no one picked up the phone. They were unable to pick up the phone at that point because they are dead and now he’s stuck.
He then called the Federal Reserve and asked what their budget is. The Fed basically came up with a line of baloney and then told him we don’t work for you and we’re not giving you any money. But it really translated to we are broker than broke and if the Rothschilds don’t come through tonight with the renewal for the 75-year agreement then we are in big trouble. Now they might not had even know what was really happening, but they were also promised by the end of the day yesterday money would come. In any case, the Fed was just lied to Congress which is nothing new.
But it has left Speaker Johnson wondering what the heck is going on. The people who put him in this chair no longer are answering his phone calls. They left him in the dust and all of Congress was making Johnson jokes. He’s in a precarious position and what is likely to happen? Probably some charge will be made in the media and he’ll be ushered out and will no longer be Speaker of the House. What a clown show, and that is what happens when you have bad management with a little bit of knowledge.
But they don’t miss a beat on thievery, I mean fundraising…

But hey, Kim can come in and help all of you because that is what she is supposed to do and eventually when we fix everything you will all be self-sufficient sovereign nations. That needs to happen. There is a transition that needs to happen. We need to start swinging things around in a different direction. That means no more budgets saying ridiculous things because you do not work for Rothschild anymore, now you work for us. And to be President you must be alive and breathing. A lot of things need to change regarding how this world works. We can still have them for a transitionary period, but if they want to still take orders from Rothschild and wait, then go ahead and wait, but if you check with the Archivists about the information Kim just gave you, they will provide the proof. What you do from there is up to you.
About Governments
If we fix governments, these are some of things that need to be addressed:
- There is so much duplicity in this world that needs to be sorted out.
- Government departments like the Ways and Means in this country runs the Human Health Services and other different departments. Would it be fruitful for us to work with them? They always reported to the main Ways and Means Committee in the UK directly. The same goes for commonwealth countries that have HHS, they all report to the UK Cown Corporation which is why it’s all screwed up and everyone is broke. So that’s another independent department that needs to go somewhere. Currently they are not funded by the government budget, although maybe the state departments are.
- We have the United Nations which doesn’t unite anything. It’s kind of like a mafia in that we’re paying them for protection and quite honestly that is an insult to the mafia who she would rather pay to protect her. Some of you in Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, actually everywhere in the world would probably concur with that statement. We can move people working for the UN who are just trying to do good into C.A.R.E. to keep as many jobs as we can as we go forward.
- The war is a direct result of many IOUs at this point. Governments, agencies, operatives, and all that needs to be sorted out. But this war further escalated the fall of governments is what it has done. A lot of expenditure happened there from the US Military, the UK, Kuwait and Iraq and now Yemen and Saudi Arabia. She would say China except they never spend their own money, they just make phone calls to Iran firing them up. So, there is a lot of money that did not come which is going to lead to the demise of a lot of countries if they don’t start stepping forward. This is where operatives come in. Do we want to have governments? What do we want to do?
The logical decision which is better for the all is that we can keep governments for a period of time. We may not need them in the future, but if we can keep them running and actually have them service what they are actually supposed to service which was established 250,000 years ago, back in the days of tribes, even before Kings and Queens. It’s basically for the people, by the people, with the people.
Kim’s Message to the Operatives
You kind of need some street cred at this point and you don’t have any, even among the patriot community. Umbrella Military kind of destroyed the orange thing and the whole situation by telling lies to all the people and entire patriot community. The show in the White House is ridiculous, but this really applies to every country. The world is burning and you want to pass laws there are no more gas stoves. And then there are the lightbulbs. That’s what you’re talking about now and want to do?
Challenges Regarding Disclosure
For us who are wide awake, it would be sweet revenge to friends and family for full disclosure to happen. But what would it do for 8 billion people? The Alt media keeps telling everyone we’re all going to die everyday of something. So people are generally scared these things are going to come to fruition. And people love a good savior, but they haven’t realized it’s themselves yet. Therefore, some disclosure will just cause a lot of fights among the truther communities and it will send patriots and militias into a tailspin and attack everything that is out there. We must think logically about what the best path is for the people, because we are here for the people, not to be right or to win an argument. We don’t do wrath. We are here to get people moving in the right direction.
Alien Disclosure
Now as far as disclosure, obviously that is going to include alien disclosure at some point in time, programs like that. But we can leave out the part that the Secret Space program was all about letting demons into planet earth or lower astral non-human, inorganic beings and making us all cyber-genetic.
But we can talk about the universe in the right way. Let’s get our spokesperson NASA, not a space agency to talk about what is really going on, how we are really going to the moon. Putting Elon Musk in the front and how he is sending rockets is all a bunch of crap. Let’s talk about real spacecraft, about real military protection. Things that are going to make people feel safe at a time of change, when people are the most insecure because that’s when they need it the most.
Redefining Security
We first need to redefine security, what it means and what we are going to do about it. Then we come up with a long-term plan which Kim already has. She has an entire international plan for the GIA and she’s had it for years. We have plans for natural disaster relief centers which will require trillions of dollars in equipment coming from your Boeings and Lockheed who make this kind of equipment for proper extraction and real prevention and assistance in the time of need. There are a lot of other things we will have to contend with. What do you do with those manufactured terrorist organizations? There is a lot of things we can do and no one is going to be left behind unless they choose it. If your 2-3% who still believe some gate is going to open somewhere and put you back in business, well that’s your choice.
All in all Kim feels like we really are at a turning point, it looks like that is starting to happen. But we don’t know in totality what is going to happen.
Until next time.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me
God bless everyone with eyes wide open.
Once again, a fantastic update.
Thank you for the transcript
Once again, a fantastic update.
Thank you for the transcript
We don’t need gooberments, everything they do they screw up…healthcare…nope, it’s just a bunch of suits running around pretending to represent the people which they haven’t done for a long time. Humanity will do just fine without them. It at the very least needs to be downsized and yes, get rid of the UN and all aphabet agencies….ALL of them.