This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 22-May-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim didn’t have a whole lot to share on the Deep State as they seem to be awaiting a miracle from Marduk by Friday, the promised pay day. But in cleaning up anything she could see that could be coming from the Marduk Plan, more came up that has to do with the capacity of human beings and earth, how the multiverse was created and how we as humans affect what happens everywhere.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

22-May-24 News-Broadband High (
Deep State Awaiting a Gift from the Marduk Plan
The Deep State is still waiting for the full moon and help with their Marduk Plan. There is some squabbling when it looks like something will happen, then it doesn’t. But they are still waiting for something big on Friday.
Kim Acquired DARPA’s Global Base Platform Voting System
There is supposed to be a chat between Tom Melville and some Trump lawyers but they keep pushing it off. I think they are waiting until they have some leverage. But there is some chatter that once they get a hold of this money they are expecting, they are going to ditch the Trump thing and move forward to something else. But they always make big plans and then don’t acquire anything and the can gets kicked down the road.
But I did tell Tom to let them know I recently acquired DARPA’s global base platform voting system and I’m going to vote for Jill Stein of the Green Party, or I will put someone else on the ballot. We can now do that with any country actually. What they will say in the mainstream media and what the end result is, of course is still in their wheelhouse. But from our end of it, we’ll make sure a few hundred million people have voted in that direction if we even make it that far and have an election. The way I look at it is no one is perfect, but Jill has a pulse and not a mask.
Operatives Willing to Burn the US to the Ground When the Cash Comes
What I’m seeing regarding the deal they made with the operatives, where as a group they are to receive $56 billion on Friday and then they’ll crash the US burning it to the ground, is they are not getting any funding. They expect that and then to get even more in order to revive it and build it back better after they burn it to the ground. Then they think they are going to take it over and get funding for the actual country.
I heard rumors about some German bonds from 1924 that are now cashable, that is all a lie. Another rumor is there is $300 trillion on ledger which is also a lie. If there was, the dollar would be worth next to nothing and that obviously is not the case. There is also chatter about a backup plan amongst some people within the BRICS community and the Black Nobility. They also tried threatening me, giving me handlers, and now they want to try and send someone to be my best friend. Yeah, sure, I don’t need another “best friend”. This is their Plan B since Plan A isn’t going to work out.
Why Earth Born Humans Are So Powerful
We cleaned up anything we could see that could be coming from the Marduk Plan, like time capsules set to go off on a particular day. He probably set things for the next several millennia, so we are looking at past, present, and future so nothing actually shows up.
But some further info has come up in the course of doing this cleanup. It doesn’t have to do with Marduk per se, but it has to do with the capacity of human beings and earth and how the multiverse was created and how we as humans affect what happens everywhere.
We know that earth is a keystone and a celestial onto itself, because it is part of the natural source of all creation. Earth’s ALL THAT IS creation keystone has a dark side, a neutral side and a light side. Therefore, so do the humans and all earth’s inhabitants, which is why everyone is coming here, as they can affect what is created by earth’s keystone as a keystone planet. This explained a lot to me because I thought, oh all these people are coming here to help us finish this off, but they are actually coming to finish it off for good, and to hold the light so that the ALL THAT IS, that is created by the keystone is more light than it is neutral or dark. It makes more sense to me now as to why earth born humans are so powerful.
Once earth was created it was inhabited only by celestials. These were not the original celestials of Source, we could call them junior celestials or celestial ‘lites’, therefore humanity’s base root was as a junior celestial using the keystone of earth to create throughout the multiverse.
More About the Melchizedek (Angels) versus Merovingians (Demons)
We had discussions about the Melchizedeks versus Merovingians or Angels and Demons and that often times there were 15,000 of each on the planet and then we end up killing each other off. And since earth obviously isn’t inhabited by the original celestials anymore, the Melchizedeks and Merovingians represent a light side and a dark side of celestials. We also have neutrals or supporters that can go either way, so the goal of both sides is to gain the neutrals on one side or another. Marriages between the two spawn a neutral, so it’s making more sense now. For example, if Prince William supports the dark then they gained one on their side. So, if we had 15,000 of each in the beginning, whichever side swayed the 15,000 neutrals to their side, then they would be more powerful in creating ALL THAT IS of dark or ALL THAT IS of light.
Note: For more on the Melchizedeks and Merovingians see related post, The Holocaust Was About Targeting the Melchizedek Bloodline Who Are the Purest Souls of Light, To Be Used as Batteries | Melchizedek’s: Solomon, John the Baptist, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, 12 Apostles Were Buried in Cyprus & in Stasis Powering Dark Portal | They Were Cloned With Different Consciousness to Create the Merovingian Dynasty | Kaifeng Jews Are Also Melchizedek’s & Targeted | They Were Cloned to Create Manchurian Candidates | Part 2 of 2 | Just Empower Me
The Rest of Humanity Are Organic Life Forms with Aspects of Both
The rest of humanity is not considered celestial humans but organic life forms that has both in them. That means as organic life forms, they can go either way, but they don’t have as much creative power that a celestial does. However, they do have a lot of power to co-create and in their original form you would consider them celestial-like beings. They could be any of the three, light, dark, or neutral and that’s why the dark side is so fixated on bloodlines. And what their 15,000 plus human followers were expecting on their side, is that Marduk’s plan would save them because there is no hope on creating the Order the way it was and have as much power over humans as they once did because we don’t need the dark to create anymore.
Marduk, Duke of the Seas & His Manipulation of Power
This being left a legacy to end all legacies, he just never ends. Having known Marduk, he was very cunning, manipulative and used to getting his way by convincing all beings to do his bidding, a high misuse of power. But Marduk remember is a title, the Duke of Seas, and in order to maintain balance between light, dark, and neutral creation on earth or the creation of ALL THAT IS everywhere, there was an overseer so to speak that could act on behalf of Source, Anti-source or Neutral Source. He was supposed to make sure that the beings on earth, the hall monitors for celestials weren’t getting too far out of balance, and that also depended on which Age we were in. That position we know as ‘Marduk’ and the other Kings of the Realm would have taken that stance to be an enforcer of balance.
Note: For related posted on Kings of the Realm, see Who Were the Kings of the Realm After the Causal War 250,000 Years Ago? | Who Were the True Controllers of Earth? | You Were Considered a Citizen or Subject of Many Kingdoms & Not Just on Earth | How Did These Kingdoms Tie Into the Monetary Structure on Earth? | Just Empower Me
Therefore, Marduk at one point in time had an enormous amount of power over the elements and ALL THAT IS, so essence, energy, consciousness, matter, frequency, wisdom, knowledge, love, life, death. You name it, he had a balancer system for it at one point in time. And this being would utilize, as did a lot of others the Dial of Destiny to say, look the humans chose it, so I’m just helping them out here because everyone chose dark. But that’s not really true, we have not had the ability to choose to live our lives in an ascendant way. In order to live we have to commit murder; we kill animals and plants not in a malicious way but in order to survive and that was also orchestrated by Marduk, to become a planet of survival of the fittest.
The genetic manipulation of humans, plants, and animals on the planet itself was also orchestrated by Marduk which is why some say Marduk was the creator of humanity, which is not true. But you could say he worked very hard to genetically manipulate humanity so they are predisposed to darkness and not light. So, he had a program for that to manipulate people on earth.
Marduk Had His Own Growth Rate of Development (G.O.D.) Program
The next program which I talked about in the past but is relevant is the Growth Rate of Development program or G.O.D. program. Marduk had a separate G.O.D. program other than the ones that were turned off in alpha and omega. He had a separate one onto himself because he wanted to determine when humanity had grown up enough to become creators as part of the keystone of ALL THAT IS. That’s why when you’re here on earth we have so much power to create. And he said humans weren’t ready for it. His G.O.D. program was very different than the one put forth initially in alpha and omega by covenant and agreement. His said, when humans became awake and aware enough to over 92%, then all humans could receive direct energy from Source Creator. And the chains in place (of which there were a lot of them) on the ALL THAT IS stone, to sway it one way or another, which then sway humans one way or the other as co-creators and some as celestials in order to create a harmonic universe, light dark and neutral.
But while his governor of an estimate was for 92%, he would turn it off when it hit 76% therefore, we had no hope of getting out of this mess.
Sunny: When did it hit 76%, that’s pretty high.
In like 82 believe it or not we did. (I’m guessing Kim meant in 1982, but I’m not sure)
Sunny: How did he get away with this?
He existed for a very long time, and went from avatar to avatar for around 75 million years. I guess after existing for that long he got a little bored and he was allowed a certain amount of “enforcement” for alleged balance, but he distorted that to put you in a box so you had to choose it.
Truth be told, the power to make those changes would be on the Celestials and no one until now has gone against all those programs. The Celestials on the light side were unaware of what was going on, of these programs. The other side was given more knowledge than we were. This is the reason why those changes actually happened.
Note: For more on the G.O.D. Program see related post, Delusional Deep State Expected G.O.D. Program to Kick-In By the New Moon | Then Mechanisms Under Non-Existent Armageddon AI Program Would Cause Unnatural Disasters | Non-Existent Omega Would Flip Back Over & Their Beloved One World Bank & One World Government Could Be Achieved | Then Everything Would Be Ratified in Non-Existent Dark Hall of Records | Part 1 | Just Empower Me
The Light Side Will be the Only Celestials on this Planet Going Forward!
During the process of all these things changing we now have the lay of the land. The dark side is looking for Marduk’s balance system to kick in because they lost just about everything. Now traditionally speaking, both sides actually hated Marduk, but in this particular instance they are willing to do anything and they believe Marduk is going to save them, that he put a surprise or gift to at least restore balance.
During the course of making sure there is no Marduk program anymore some things happened in the last few days.
Earth is Now a Creator of ALL THAT IS of the Golden Age
Earth is no longer an ALL THAT IS keystone of light, dark, and neutral creation. Earth is now a creator of all that is of the Golden Age, Crystalline Time and Source. So even if there are any dark celestials left on this planet, there is no longer a manifestation of something else. In other words all the bloodlines on their side, their manifestation abilities for the dark will no longer exist. There were a number of computer programs that would have helped them and will be changed out. So, the programs will go away and the light side will be the only celestials on this planet. In terms of the dark celestials themselves, we don’t know if they are going away or just their power is going away because this never happened before.
How did one being get that much power in the universe and title of the Marduk?
I went up there to ask Source and we had words. But I guess I understand how he manipulated the situation more so. Some people wake up at a very young age and then they go to school and are told everything to the contrary they end up walking away from what they already know. There is so much manipulation in society that will prevent you on this side while the dark side fosters it, and nurtures those people. They also knew who the neutrals were and were breeding them and bringing them to their side. When one celestial goes another one comes, that’s how it was supposed to be. So, I can see how the dark side was fostered for sure and the light side became aware of something but they didn’t know how to use it, there was no handbook. It was done that way on purpose to block our side, so you can see how he gained all that power.
The base root of the power that goes to planet earth as Celestials on either side or even as humans in the middle is the keystone, the ALL THAT IS. We are living literally on the keystone of the universe and our energy, the little they let us have allows us to manifest things not only here on earth and we can even remove things too, things that are harming us without them coming back.
It was a tit for tat, we were fighting against an equal and opposite force and then the neutrals to where everyone is trying to sway them one way or the other, but they made sure we didn’t have access to that information. We had more going against us than we had pushing us forward. And what the numbers said the last time we were looking for the Melchizedeks or the Celestials was we only knew we had about 2,500 working on our side. And who knows how many they had counteracting us on the other side. I am aware there are those on the other side. And I’m aware not all think they are doing a bad thing, they believe their manifestations are for god. But you would think their blood ceremonies would tip them off it’s the other god. But no! Then of course the genetically modified meat suits we have to deal with doesn’t help either to get everything working in unison. Then influxes of dark energies that would come in during ceremony days. They did everything possible to block us, then Marduk would say, oh look they choose to do nothing.
A Genomic History for Celestials Was Just Acquired
There is a genomic history for Celestials we just acquired in the last 30 minutes, so I can take a look at that and post those numbers. On their side, remember a lot is bloodlines and a lot of them are regular humans, and they were more aware of their dark magic powers than those on the light side did. The neutrals, what happens there? It remains to be seen.
But for earth this is a very positive thing. Remember, Earth was created before the stars and other celestials and hopefully this will help with the ‘others’ here who are trying to create a different reality with a lack of any kind of Marduk Spear program as they call it, the spear of heaven or hell. So, what the other side is expecting to happen won’t happen. And they won’t change, they will continue to wait until they die and governments will follow them.
Why $1 of Straight Pure Source Energy to Humans is Such a Big Deal
Transferring money is not so easy, there is always something in the way. Hopefully if all goes well, we are closer than ever. Things we got hung up on were not of human origin and then recently we had some time capsules from Marduk which we cleaned up.
But why the dropping of the $1 of straight pure source energy to humans is such a big deal is because that means the organic humans will now have more power to manifest when they are receiving direct energy from Source that doesn’t have a haircut or energy that is being blocked. And watch out when on the Celestial side they have the ability with full power to manifest without the other side contradicting their efforts. You could be one of these people and whenever you tried to manifest something in your world the other side would counteract what you are doing. They work night and day on any Celestial people they identified to counteract their effort.
So now it makes more sense to me and hopefully to all of you. I’ll probably know what to expect on the dark side within 72 hours, but to recap, they are just waiting for something to happen. On our side we are continuing to make moves forward and cleaning up the planet. So, if you are a person who does a lot of clean-up and gridwork I would go back and do another once over. Keep positive and in the light. What happens here affects everywhere else. The governors and chains are breaking so you’ll have more power, so choose wisely. Get out there and do some grounding and co-creating with earth!
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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