This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 04-NOV-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. It’s total chaos surrounding the elections as decisions of the political operatives seem to change faster than the fall weather. Find out what is being discussed behind the scenes. This election could seal the fate of the United States and possibly the rest of the world. Meanwhile the SSP operatives have been trying to open a gateway all weekend long hoping for a Heil Mary move
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

We normally don’t talk about elections because it’s not relevant to our world really. But I think it’s time we do talk about it because there’s is a lot more at stake here than who gets to sit in a big White House.
Kim Made a Vote on Saturday for Jill Stein
I know that’s no surprise I voted for Jill Stein. I couldn’t vote for the other ones. And this isn’t about politics so please understand that. This is about a player that doesn’t have operative control and secondly, is the outlier. If they did decide to adhere to the political line then it would be someone that would be believable to the American people.
The Green Party is now on the ballot in most states. I know there are a few that are not and a few they are awaiting signatures for. But it could be something that actually happens, and the American people and the rest of the world would buy it. It’s believable. We can’t put someone in who isn’t even on the ballot, so please try to understand why we make the decisions that we do. Sometimes it’s not about what everybody wants but is it a believable decision that doesn’t put either the Rothschilds (aka Kamala Harris) in charge as the puppet, and it doesn’t put her operatives in charge more importantly, and it doesn’t put the Trump operatives or the Order of the Black Sun in charge either. So this is the decision and we’ll see how it goes. I can tell you what has happened since then and it’s actually kind of funny.
People Are Contacting Office of the Guardian As Governments Have Only Days Left As Far As Budgets
There has been a lot going on in terms of people reaching out to us and contacting us trying to figure out what can be done since there are very few days left as far as any budget is concerned, and as far as running the US government and several other countries in the world. China is just gone. There is very little budget over there despite the fact that the Chinese government owns a large portion of most corporations over there, and despite the fact they are stealing free oil from Iran, or basically free promising money will come at some point of the future.
Russia is probably on the heals of China, not too far off. They put a lot out there for the Ukraine war. There is a deep deep discount on their oil and gas sales now based on the fact there are sanctions because it’s all black market. There is no market trading against oil or off ledger trading against oil anymore.
BRICS Talks Behind the Scenes
I know the Russian oligarchs put up a lot of cash recently for the BRICS meeting and lots of trade deals that they are having a hard time fulfilling throughout the African continent. They kind of became the face of BRICS as it relates to other countries over the last year or so due to China’s declining credibility because they have not performed. There is definitely a lot of talk about no BRICS currency being possible behind the scenes. And from there on out, there is a lot of back door dealings that happened with the fake BRICS currency as well. It doesn’t look like that is going to pan out in 60 days like they promised.
There Is Way More at Stake With This Selection We Call an Election
This takes us to other things that are stake with this selection we call an election.
Turmoil In the Middle East
Still a lot of talks and a lot of promises going on in just about every single Middle Eastern country. Promises to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Israel, the Gaza Strip, and Iraq. What they are being told is there will be a war in the Middle East, the US Government will be 100% behind it, there will be an enormous amount of funding that will come along with these promises for pipelines, and rearranging of pole position in the Middle East in terms of which nation will be in charge. Of course they have several nations allegedly going to take charge there. Revaluation of currencies is being talked about too, and all kinds of pie in the sky promises that even if they had trillions have no intention of fulfilling. Some promises are decades old as it relates to Iran and other countries.
This war is due to kickoff possibly tomorrow but definitely between the 6th and the 7th depending on the results of the selection happening in the US. You can say there are millions of lives at stake right now if the selectin goes one way or another.
Political Operatives In Middle East Likely To Walk Away By Jan-Feb?
The one thing that is an absolute certainty when it comes to these people is money talks and lack of it walks. There are a lot of discussions going on between political operatives in the Middle East saying if there is no result by the end of January or early February, they will no longer have anything to do with the current regimes throughout the Middle East. Meaning they will no longer believe them. And by regimes I’m not talking about heads of state, I’m talking about the Pallavicini Family (Black Nobility), the SSP American cowboy-Duck Dynasty people. I’m talking about those who led the pack since the other ‘leaders’ are no longer with us.
So that’s where most of them are at right now. They do all the preparations and there’s been a lot of fighter jets being positioned, a lot of cargo planes all over the place moving this and that all in preparation for this selection. So, the reason I’m talking about the selection today has more to do with what’s happening in the Middle East and a possible World War than anything else.
World’s Financial System Hangs in the Balance
The second reason we are talking about the selection is the fate of the world’s financial system hangs in the balance. Global Headquarters, Langley 5, political operatives, the SSP folks, along with the Order of the Dragon and Black Sun, who have kind of remained behind the scenes and are letting the operatives duke it out, but they are all kind of in the mix here as it relates to financial system control. And without financial system control they control nothing and they know it.
Could they possibly use all their contacts and connections to get more weapons throughout the Middle East and buy time? Possibly.
Behind the Scenes the Trump Operative Group Talk About Faking It Until They Make It
Some of the things being discussed behind the scenes with the Trump operative groups-Duck Dynasty are they are talking about faking it until they make it.
Trump Wins But Election is Contested
One of the possible outcomes is Trump wins but the election is contested therefore dragging it out for another week or 2 weeks, maybe it’s 11-11, maybe 11-22. They are throwing around both dates hoping to get some kind of system control and then they’ll say oh look he did win, and all would go as planned, in their minds.
Now by as planned, they have a lot of high-level donors and participants. A lot of them are what you would call corporations that fund and feed the military industrial complex. Say gun manufacturers, say Boeing and Lockheed Martin, all those who supply a lot of weapons if there was to be a war. And they are doing so and supporting all their cray-cray because they’ve been promised multi-trillions of dollars in contracts.
There are a lot of contracts for the military industrial complex worldwide that make up the war machine that would make enormous profits should there actually be a world war. So this is what is at stake behind the scenes for a selection.
Incite Civil War in the United States
They are also talking about civil unrest in the United States. They are talking about inciting a civil war in the US which would then result in Martial Law, in which case they win as well in their minds, because they take control of all the militaries, which they kind of already have. The problem with that is you have to pay the people, meaning you have to pay the Military Industrial Complex, the Pentagon, and the National Guard and that is very very expensive.
Not only that, if there was a civil war, things like taxes should be considered. There wouldn’t be a whole lot of jobs out there, we would end up in a worse situation than if we had another plandemic, which has also been discussed. But the other parties that suffer as well are the large corporations, their corporate industrial complex shall we say, their airline corporations, Walmart, and large manufacturers like 3M. Consumers are not going to buy goods if there is a civil war during the holiday season. There are a lot of things to take into account should they go that route. So, when I say a lot at stake there definitely is.
Duck Dynasty Has Zero Support From the Office of the Guardian
Now last, but certainly not least is there is obviously zero support coming from us. We’ve had a lot of inquiries from various Treasury people who would like to see us fund the government because there isn’t anywhere they can get a significant amount of money to keep the Federal Government running at this point. Everybody is nearly broke with the additional debt calls that happened at the end of last week. They are really scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point. But as I have said and I will continue to say with 100% certainly, I will not get involved with the cray-cray behind the scenes. I don’t trust those operatives. They did nothing they said they would do during the first Trump administration and it definitely doesn’t look any better in this one.
Trump Operatives Discuss 4 Possible Outcomes
Their handbooks and things they have followed in the past are failing, so let’s talk about the possibilities they were discussed all weekend long, and it changes like the wind now.
Possible Outcome 1 | Trump Wins and They Have to Fulfill Their Promises
That means 247% profits (which doesn’t exist) on pipelines and such throughout the Middle East, trillions of dollars in contracts or other currencies to the entire military industrial complex worldwide and larger corporations. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but Delta Airlines allegedly cancelled all flights to Israel, to the Ben Gurion Airport through 2025. So, they are definitely preparing for something over there. But somebody’s got to foot the bill, just like somebody was supposed to foot the bill when they cancelled a lot of flights during the plandemic. Yet no one or nothing has foot that bill still, but they are cancelling flights anyway.
Possible Outcome 2 | Trump Wins Until They Figure Something Else Out
If they can’t fulfill the promises, which they’ve been trying feverishly to do, they are considering Trump wins until they can figure something out. Is there another gateway time, solstice, full moon, new moon, an alignment with Uranus? There has got to be something that we can think of while this is being contested, in order for us to fulfill our promises and to get what they want. This is what they are talking about.
And what they really want is to decimate the Middle East, and this has gone back to the days of Dick Cheney. The plan was very old, it was not written by humans but passed down the ranks with promised funding should they every fulfill that plan to the tune of $14 trillion. That contract has expired and there is nothing left behind it so there is no funding for it even if they were to be successful.
Possible Outcome 3 | Kamala Wins and They Bail On All Their Promises
That’s also being discussed because behind Kamala there hasn’t been a lot of operative promises around the world. Those operatives seem to be the underdog in this situation and the Duck Dynasty cowboys have pretty much been trying to take control which is why you’re seeing total chaos out there right now.
Possible Outcome 4 | Jill Stein Wins
Poor Jill. Jill is being approached by many operatives. They promised her lots of money, lots of funding if she wins, however they would be handling her on behalf of their funders. They don’t say who the funders are, of course we know who they are, but she adamantly declined, which gives us another vote for Jill Stein doesn’t it. She adamantly declined any handlers or deep state or operative control systems which kind of leaves them out in the cold.
However, if you’re talking to people at the Treasury Dept or heads of different departments at the government, knowing she’s a sure fired ratified President is sounding pretty good. To them it means the US would actually survive and wouldn’t be scraping and wouldn’t be dependent on a new moon, a full moon, or an alignment with Uranus or any other planet for that matter. So that’s sounding pretty good to everyone else and they’re trying to convince the operatives that this might be the way to go. They’ve been talking with each other behind the scenes thinking maybe we can put the Secret Service out there as a front, maybe we can get them to manipulate her. Well, she’s not that easily manipulated and if you are thinking of doing something more drastic, JFK like, you have lost your ever lovin minds and that’s not going to work out.
Why Is the Deep State So Indecisive About the Selection?
These are the things that are building up behind the scenes based on what happens tomorrow. Unfortunately, at this moment in time the fighting is a little heated and there is no actual decision which is almost unheard of. Usually, these things are decided months if not years ahead of time. Why does it keep wavering back and forth? Well, let’s go to our Trump operatives, our cowboys, the lone rangers who say they have it all under control and that money was going to come pouring out Sunday and Monday and tomorrow which they know is not happening. They were expecting an alien invasion. They thought they miscalculated and it would then happen on Saturday. But that did not happen and no gateway opened today like they said on their Q clock.
Meanwhile the Last Bits of the Hologram is Going Down
Something else has been happening and it’s not in their favor. There have been a lot of interesting things happening as the last bits of the hologram and other systems go down. Trust me when I tell you they don’t just miraculously go down. That’s one thing I think that may be misunderstood by many. They don’t just all of sudden fall and there goes the hologram. Some days this is taking 10-18 hours a day if not more on my part and some other people’s parts as we’re all working diligently to remove space junk to ensure these things don’t happen. The same thing goes with their gateways and other things as we see them. What we kind of see whenever they say a gateway is opening is like trying to start your car and maybe your battery is dead. So, there is a noise, something that happens but you’re not going to start that battery up. And this is what we see every time there is going to be a day, an alignment or something. We see 1/10th of space junk required to start up a gateway or open something up. And because of that, there has been no real starting, no real gateway, no reclaiming of omega systems, so no real access.
They appeared to have gotten something over the weekend that got them all excited. I think old Abraxas system codes or some kind of access from some alien somewhere. I don’t think they got it actually from the alien itself but maybe found some old archives in a cave somewhere because they seem to be entering these codes at a rapid rate trying to gain some control and connection which they would never have had. Again, they are specifically designed not to allow human access should they ever get their hands on it. They are designed to kill those people should they try to use those codes if it is a human. Their DNA is activated, and by DNA I use that term very loosely. They know the amount of essence and other things within that human does not match the human trying to access it. On our side, our codes are all built by us from scratch. So, they know they don’t have that capacity or the ability, therefore they are trying use anything that is old to bring in something that is old which doesn’t really exist anymore for the most part. But we kind of took the battery out the car and probably took the starter and the alternator and anything else that could possibly allow them to start anything up.
Their Conundrum Continues, But Either Way a Huge Bill Has to Be Paid
Now they are kind of in a conundrum this evening trying to figure out which direction to go, Civil War, create a distraction, Martial Law. Either way there is a huge bill that has to be paid and there is no automated funding anymore for these types of activities. This is all a manual thing now and that is done by me and I am not supporting any of those things. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me and I am not falling for that again. They will spend 4 broke years with the worst administration in history trying to scrape and scramble and getting zero international support.
The Federal Government Doesn’t Really Do Anything for Us Anyway
But when you really truly think about it, there really isn’t a whole lot the Federal Government does that means anything to you. Sure, the State government stuff like the Fire Dept and those things will continue because they are paid by local and state taxes. Social Security and all those things go through the Ways and Means Committee. Do they have any money? Well, not really, but we can create our own and create a different kind of funnel. We did it successfully once before and paid Social Security successfully using a backdoor into the FISERV system which handles all those things on behalf of the Federal Government. So, if we have to do those things we can do so in the interim until we have a better program that comes out like Life Essentials. So, there are plenty of other things we can do to keep things going smoothly until these crazy people figure out what they are going to do.
Middle Eastern Elite Will Be Extremely Disappointed
One thing I know for sure is a lot of Middle Eastern elite will be extremely disappointed one way or another. Those things they promised are probably not going to happen and I’m not willing to pay those people unless they pay me back what they owe me. And right now, they owe the CARE organization around $400-500 billion, obviously not to me personally, but this is our 2% administration fee under a contract that actually expired back in 2022. We don’t have that contract anymore therefore I can change that number to anything I want to. But they still owe us a lot of money which they have no hope of paying, but they gladly spent amongst themselves. They have plenty of Bentleys, cars, condos, and travel on my dime.
We’ll see what tomorrow’s selection will be. You just don’t know what is going to take place tomorrow and neither do they, they are all over the place. Will these operatives put themselves into one of those tenuous situations where they have to fulfill all those promises or lose all their contacts and connections according to operatives in the Middle East? That will end in January, so by the time their selected president gets into office no one in the Middle East will talk to you anymore and you won’t get your world war anyway. That’s what everyone is discussing on all sides, the Muslim side, the Sunni side, the Shiite side, the Jewish side and the Israeli side. So, you can kick the can for a couple of months until maybe you get some kind of function.
Israel Just Announced They were Attacked By Everyone But it’s Just Lip Service
Let me tell you what kind of function they are up to right now. There was a big announcement by Israel that they were attacked by Iran, by Syria, by all these people and any minute Iran is going to attack them blah blah. But there is no proof, no footage, no nothing, zero but lip service, that’s all they got. They are telling them all these things happened but nothing has happened, aside from creating fear.
Speaking of fear and whatnot, there have been a lot of questions from a few Middle Eastern countries like Syria and Iraq which have been at war for a long time or always on the brink of being at war for one reason or another. Well, someone made a comment to me that they have seen everything, but the one thing the Americans haven’t done to us yet is pull the zombie attack. But you know we’re prepared for it either way and they started laughing.
There isn’t a whole lot those people haven’t seen and they have survived. They know lip service when they see it, no one is really buying it. Are their alleged leaders in various countries really buying it? Oh yeah, there is no amount of lip service and BS that their egos don’t buy. They dangle carrots big enough that the castle they build in their head is so huge they’ll just wait. But they’re not going to have any operatives working for them come January or February. That’s what it looks like pretty much throughout the entire Middle East right now.
As far as we the people, we threw our hat in is the ring, we played the game. Are they really willing to compromise like they said? I doubt it. I think there is more chance of me flying away on a unicorn somewhere, but you never know. And as far as the rest of the world? Who knows. You have a lot of loyalists in China, the US, Russia, and the UK.
But tomorrow I have lots of things to do as far as finishing off these connections and working with Source. There are a lot of things happening behind the scenes and they are all positive for us. We are continually working diligently for the peoples benefit while trying not to have a World War. But hold on tight because it could be a rough couple of months.

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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Thankyou Ladies and God bless you.
Well Pres DJT is right there as the popular and sElected POTUS coz Americans voted for him.
Have you thought about using his ‘Brands’ overwhelming popularity around the world to control him (instead of the black sun controlling him) ?
Surely you can see the number of worldwide populations who love the DJT MAGA Brand. I think its the hope of NESARA/GESARA that causes this.
Is there a reason why you arent doing/supporting NESARA/GESARA? Id just like to know please – it sounds like a great plan for humanity moving forward right now.
Do your plans have a better outcome? Or a better way to begin?
Thankyou good people.
bonsoir, un monde de fou en liberté c’est une réalité!! identique aux hologrammes cinématographiques anti guérison, vérité!!!