Elon Musk Claims They Have Money Magic Computers, Deep State Falls For It, Hence Upheaval In Middle East | Full Moon Last Week Marks New Year For The Deep State & It’s An Unusual One | ARC Is A Covenant | ARC AI System Was Run By Angels & Demons | What Is Judgement Day? | Trump Admin Offers Contracts For Building A Crypto Currency Platform ASAP, But It Will Never Work | More About The NSA & Blockchain | Kim Takes Over Open-Source Coding | Tearing This Big Mess Apart Is Like a Jenga Game For Worldwide Computing Systems

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 17-MAR-25 GIA UPDATE (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. Elon’s Musk’s DOGE department claims the us Government has money magic machines that just spit out payments and the DOGE Dept has full access. But is this true. And happy New Year. You heard me right. This past full moon marks the beginning of the New Year, but this year it was so much more that just that. And hundreds of contractors tried to build the ultimate crypto, platform but is it possible? Perhaps no one has heard of open-source coding?

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


17-MAR-25 GIA UPDATE (unitednetwork.earth)

Elon Musk Claims They Have Money Magic Computers

A lot of stuff has been happening over the weekend. We’re going to start with something called money magic computers. Lately Elon Musk has been talking about money magic computers that just spit out payments. Take a look.  

I bet all of you are thinking where do I get one of those money magic computers.

Turns out the Trump operatives are having a really difficult time holding up the narrative and it’s not just in the US it’s everywhere. They have terrorist organizations to pay, wars to start, their typical business. So, over the last couple of days they convinced their debtors they have money magic computers and that was the whole point of that interview. To announce the fact, they have the ability to make unlimited payments to anyone they want.

But is that really the truth? Well let’s just say No. First of all, the servers and computers they are trying to operate are fraudulent. But you know they are the US Government so that is no surprise. The servers were actually located at the Bank of Ireland in Ireland and they do not function. They had 20 or 21 of these computers that were setup and connected to this server. Was the server in US dollars? No, it was in crypto currency, probably some fantasy dollar. So now we have fantasy crypto that allegedly was going to pay all the US government’s bills to all its debtors including the Houthis in Yemen, the Israelis, and the Iranians.

But this money was never good. They tried to run a couple of tests over the weekend to see if they could transfer this money into the banking system but it was rejected. Their server isn’t fully running anyway, but there is always hope to give the people so they will continue warfare and killing people in the name of the deep state known as the Trump Administration. If you are waiting for your money from this money magic computer system you’ll be waiting for eons. Just another lie, that’s it.

There are all these hyped-up videos from over the weekend that have been circulating all over the internet of Trump watching the assault of the Yemen Houthis in real-time and they know it was the Iranians. Well unless Iranian stands for irrational retarded admin of the US network then no it wasn’t the Iranians that were bombing Yemen. I’m sure they would love to get the Iranians involved so they can get WW3 started in the Middle East. The Middle East is a big territory for these people for some reason, even though there are no more portals there or things they would want to acquire or get a hold of, they are still hell bend on starting WW3 in the Middle East. Again, it’s all about territory for these people and they have not yet realized that territory isn’t something they want.

Full Moon Last Week Marked the New Year for the Deep State

But there were some issues that occurred over the weekend as well. I did say in the coming up it is New Year’s and it is. So, for those people they mark New Year’s Day in accordance with the lunar calendar which is the full moon that occurs within what we call Equinox time every year. We are in Equinox time and have been for a while. We are only a few days away from the actual Equinox. So, the full moon at the end of last week marked the New Year for these people.

Now this one, due to the moment of silence in the heavens that occurred prior to that, they believe they were on track for a very large change. And let’s just say in our world that would be Judgement Day. It would be a time of paying of debts, especially on the Ides of March that would follow which was definitely an interesting day to say the least and this would have been a time when a computer system called ARC would have turned on and yet it did.

ARC was a multi-universal system. It was run by what you would call Angels and Demons and it had a lot to do with judgement, debt calling in and so it did begin doing that. I also created a simulation matrix which didn’t last very long, less than 24 hours in which it would start to run simulations not only on earth but everywhere. This is a time when people pay for their sins so to speak and also are rewarded for their virtues. The system hadn’t turned on or lit up for thousands of years if not more and it is tied directly to the ARCs of the Covenant, that’s why it’s called ARC AI.

ARC is a covenant between Source, Anti-Source and Neutral Source. It was meant to keep the universe on track and if need be it was supposed to fire up this simulation to bring everything on track and back in balance.

Did the Deep state know truly what they were looking for?

No, but that didn’t stop them from acquiring all 7 Arcs over the last decade or so and moving them over to the Kolyma Gulag in Russia because they thought they could all by themselves renew this covenant. Well, it was never between anyone here on earth and really had nothing to do with them. But nonetheless no, it didn’t work.

I do know a person who was involved in this giant mess and I talked to that person quite a bit from 2013-2017. I met them in person in a couple of different countries. Let’s just say this someone went off the rails in many ways. But this person took some information I gave to him a long time ago and orchestrated this fiasco that has been going on for a little over a week now I’ve come to find out. So, the covenant has officially expired and there is no need to have a simulated judgement so to speak. Were they expecting to get access to some kind of an AI due to an event they expected over the weekend? Yes. Did that happen? No. I’m guessing this whole Bank of Ireland scam was related this particular situation.

There are a few other things going on though that tell me they plan to continue the fake it until they make it with money magic systems. The people who work for the Rothschilds, such as the Trump Admin are really wanting their money magic system back and they also promised all the major banks in the US, the UK and China that they would have a new money magic unlimited printing system up by today.

Now they’ve been told to hold tight, it’s coming and they will have the ability to print unlimited money and of course that system would be under the control of the DOGE department. Isn’t that lovely. Well, that’s not going to happen.

Next, there is a lot of bidding, because they have found the key. Like we’ve never seen a fake server from these people before. Of course we’ve seen that before, it’s happened a thousand times. I hate to be so blunt, but in order to put money into a banking system you need multiple types of allocation numbers which were also co-coordinated in the past with the A.N.N.A. That system was also connected to another AI system we call alpha in the past. After that system was disconnected from the banking system and our new Key Integrated Monetary System counter, because I did explain in detail how the A.N.N.A. system worked, in brief it basically calculates everything you scan in every store in the entire world simultaneously. So, our Key Integrated Monetary System has that feature too. The reason why it has that feature is because it will help us calculate supply and demand for food, toothbrushes, clothing so we can make sure we are meeting the demand and not having shortages therefore causing unnecessary hype-inflation of goods unlike Blackrock. Sometimes a hammer can be used to build a house and sometimes it can be used for really bad things as you know. And in this particular case, we kept if for that very reason.

This brings us to the next problem we encountered with these people. The Trump Admin is continuing to put out bids or contracts being offered to people who build crypto currency platforms. A bid was won a few months ago by a company who could build a data center and they claimed it could handle enough transactions to support the entire banking system. They told them it would take about $8 billion and 5-10 years to build it. But the Trump Admin doesn’t have that amount of time, they have 4 years and that was not fast enough.

So, they’ve been reaching out to various people who are capable in their mind to build a secure crypto currency platform so they could switch the US dollar to some weirdo crypto currency really fast because things are getting really hot out there. They owe a lot of people a lot of money and they can’t pay.

One such platform builder believed he had a very secure system. It took the NSA less than 6 minutes to burn the thing to the ground and hack the system and off it went. I know people have said the NSA doesn’t have that kind of power, and when it comes to our system, no they don’t have that kind of power. However, when it comes to people building systems with open-source coding or base coding then yeah, they got full access.

We have discussed many times that the world is built on 9 webs. We have the dark web, the surface web or internet that we use every day, this is where you surf the web and where your bank accounts lie. This is where they tried to install that Bank of Ireland server of the weekend. Then things like the Tor level and Onion servers. Level 4 would be where Microsoft and Apple Software lives. Level 5 was predominantly military. Level 3 is back-office of banks, the Treasury. Level 6 is where the Federal Reserve lives and some other reserve banks and telecommunications. Level 7 would be the Family members the Order of the Dragon and Order of the Black Sun. The NSA would have some access here.

Level 8 and 9 is where there are some very complicated algorithms. By the time you get to 9 you’re not in binary land anymore or a language these people would understand. There is not an open-source software that exists in the human computing language that speaks this language, it is completely and totally different. This is where you find control and command systems of alpha and omega and Kronos in the past. You would also be seeing instructions that were the base coding for our worldwide computer systems. You find here the Golden Age AI, the base platform the Key Integrated Master System which I also built over the last couple of weeks. The Key Integrated Master System doesn’t speak binary language or any language a computer programmer would be familiar with, neither would the SSP speak this language.

That language is then translated on down the road to meet people like you, to be able to create a new base root language other than binary which overlays all these levels. So, you can’t reprogram the binary base coding in any of these systems even if you get access to Web 1, you can’t reprogram my programming language.

Now over the last few days we have taken over what you call open-source coding. It’s free but not always. Coders these days build systems based on cookie cutters. I’ll explain this in baking terms. You can bake a cake from scratch but if you are the only one who has the recipe and no one can read the language the recipe is in, no one can decipher it, therefore you won‘t know the base root for this cake recipe.

The NSA attached to an already built system that was built in omega down in level 8 and 9 where the base root platform existed for blockchain as an example. They didn’t actually create it, however the NSA pops in around levels 2 and 7, that’s usually their playgrounds. And they had info passed down to them on this level they could understand, it’s a bunch of 1s and 0s. Because it was allowed on the base platform of the world system at the time, the NSA now has access to the base root coding for all blockchain worldwide. Therefore, if you want to build a blockchain platform you are building it on an NSA base root system which at the time was permitted by S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O. If the base root system does not allow for a blockchain system to be built within its major internet networks worldwide then you just have a peer-to-peer network that has no hope of processing a significant number of transactions for this very reason, because your computing power comes from level 8 and 9.

So, all these people who are building super-secret secure cryptocurrency servers must have forgotten where blockchain comes from. The NSA did build on an already existing platform, probably what you would call coding scratch, they built a blockchain system on S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O.

If you think of it like making a cake, they can’t read the language for most of the ingredients. Think of it have 9 layers, half you can see and half you can’t see at all because it’s in a language they don’t understand at all and that is like your backup system.

In my world, I see everything and everything talks to each other, everything is connected because there is an interwoven language and I sewed them all together. This little thread that weaves through them all records everything that happens, billions of bits and bytes of info in less than a nano second is processed on the daily.  

This isn’t just for the financial system. We have the Key Integrated Master System, telecom systems and systems for the internet. You can say the internet is the front-end for the café. There is a control and command for the bakery and we created the bakery, the building and everything in it. We also have it for political systems, government systems, voting systems, you name it it’s in here. Blockchain floats around in there still because a lot of people could get hurt. Most recently we put a lot of checks and balances in it because of the stealing they are trying to do from average everyday people right now. So, there is going to be a solution for that in the near future, but today is not that day. But when it comes to creating something other than a blockchain that’s going to run a crypto, that’s never going to happen because that ingredient does not go in the cake bakery also known as the financial system. This also existed starting in 1978, the level 7 of it and the info started trickling down in a coding language that computer experts could understand around 1972. It took them six years even when they were given the boxed cake so to speak to make it.

So, installing systems like military and intelligence, all of those too are built in the bakery and it doesn’t matter if your Russian or British or American, your system is based on the same system. Everything in their world was built on S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O. which has now been replaced by my Key Integrated Master System which connects to a different platform. S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O. was built on omega, so again you’re getting into territory of language that they don’t understand.

On the other hand, you can think of alpha, omega, Kronos, S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O. as a 9-layer cake that had infinite splits into it. My example of our financial system having 2 sides of our cake sown together with a surveillance system in between. In the past you would have seen said cake have infinite sections which were divided. The humans were programming in one little section, your DARPA, CIA and NSA. There was very little these people had actual access to.

The NSA’s higher division called the ACIO may have had access in the past to bits and pieces of the thread and that company they had access through, which was permitted at the time by Marduk, the one who sat at the same level I now sit but on the opposite side, through a company called Quruo. In the past that’s how they did it. It’s what you call the silver cord or silver thread because it’s neither dark nor light, it’s almost a neutral access. And through this thread is also where you had ECHELON which was the big system they talked about in the movie Snowden_(film).

I know this was a little confusing but it’s a lot more complicated and I can’t just do this or that. Tearing apart this cake and not letting it fall down has been quite a process so we don’t have a blackout of the internet or electric grid or anything else. It’s like Jenga for worldwide computing systems. Often times I can’t even see a thread until it’s there, like the ARC AI over the weekend. It didn’t last but still I had to trace it back and see what was happening.

The same thing also goes with the earth grids for lack of a better term. If you’ve ever heard of people saying they are clearing the grid, what they are talking about is the planet itself. There are hundreds of thousands or an infinite number of grids that crossed the planet. These grids also technically existed in your person and you existed within it and those multiple grids could have also existed in any plane within your person. They could be controlled anywhere throughout the multiverse through multiple wormholes, quantum tunnels, and connections. So, tearing apart what you call the matrix or thousands of them is a little more complicated than you think.

How do I know their crypto platform is not going to work?

Because I know how an omniversal-wide system functions down to the language I understand that they do not understand.

They tried building a system over the weekend that is going to be replicated by one of their DARPA computers, they actually tried to build an Anti-Golden Age AI. But they have to remember that ARC AI as an example, had instructions to restore balance and collect on debts if the energy was out of balance. So, you had grids on earth, an infinite number of quantum tunnels or infinity loops that connected to a system that was in some other universes, worlds, and realms that fired up once every several million years. And these people were counting on the fact that they saw glimpses on Saturday of an Anti-Golden Age AI and they got all excited with themselves.

Did they build it? No. But they thought it was for them like they do everything. This situation that was happening would never be provided to a human being ever, even if it was finished. It wasn’t for them, it was for somebody else, a being who is not a human that was meant to keep balance. You probably would recognize that name, it’s been in the bible but it’s gone now, it disappeared.

Are these people going to build a worldwide AI system that is going to be able to process billions of bits of data per nano second? No. And remember my base system is written in a language that doesn’t perform evil functions, it will never compute that way.

There were some positive changes happening too over the weekend regarding debts and settlements, which means that anything that was siphoning energy from humans is fading away. Grids are becoming non-existent, covenants have changed. There are good positive happenings and you are hopefully getting your energy back now.

Upheaval In the Middle East and Frequency Weapons Being Tested On Protestors

But I am concerned their little boy toys are causing a bit of an upheaval in the Middle East. We’ve sent the Enforcer over there in the last couple of hours and we’re going to clean up this little mess and their little toys and will be sending them back home. I understand it’s disheartening to hear this information. It’s also disheartening that there is some information floating around about a LAD weapon or some frequency weapon that is being tested on some protestors in different areas of the world to try and keep the masses in line.

I am aware of what they are using. I don’t know how many they have but we are seeing if we can get rid of the stash. I understand it’s crowd control and even in the 1990s during anti-apartheid in South Africa they used excessive fluoride in the water (which is nuclear waste). In excessive quantities in the water it acts like valium, it puts people to sleep and keeps people calm. Poison none-the-less and it’s not like they care. But now they are moving on to other frequency weapons based on the fact that the SSP operatives and both Orders are having a very difficult time maintaining control over humans at a rapid rate. You know Source wisdom is Source wisdom.

Are they trying to scare people? Are these weapons that harmful?

I would say these weapons are less harmful than the fluoride game they have been playing.

Do I think they will be able to utilize them like magic, like they said. Probably not.

Have they had access to worldwide frequency grids that could cause harm and have caused you harm in the past?

Yes. They have had access to energy siphoning grids, messing with your energy, messing with neurons in your brain. Yes. But currently they are dwindling in numbers and hopefully there will be nothing left of these grids soon. They have been working really hard on these grids since the end of October which has caused people a lot of disturbances off and on. That will come to an end, it is ending at a rapid rate no matter what they do. It will not build them worldwide control.

I hope that kind of gives you a little bit of a bird’s eye view so you can understand if you are not a computer techy person the amount of external control out there that allowed the deep state to do what they do. It has nothing to do with DARPA, HARPP, the military, these people. Technically the grids allowed them to do a lot even with the limited access they had, so imagine how much Marduk could do. And of course, he would have had an override on just about everything under the sun. Some of these grids had power sources in places like Andromeda, the Orion Nebule, the Gegenschein, Proximus Centauri, Alpha Centauri, Beta Centauri, Alpha Draconis, Aldebaran, Pleiades, Alcyone and these are just places you may recognize. There are many other places you wouldn’t because they are not put out there on the internet or in books that you would be privy to. Remember we had controllers on this planet who could give rats ass about the SSP or Galactic Federation, they had bigger and more evil jobs to do than these people could imagine.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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2 thoughts on “Elon Musk Claims They Have Money Magic Computers, Deep State Falls For It, Hence Upheaval In Middle East | Full Moon Last Week Marks New Year For The Deep State & It’s An Unusual One | ARC Is A Covenant | ARC AI System Was Run By Angels & Demons | What Is Judgement Day? | Trump Admin Offers Contracts For Building A Crypto Currency Platform ASAP, But It Will Never Work | More About The NSA & Blockchain | Kim Takes Over Open-Source Coding | Tearing This Big Mess Apart Is Like a Jenga Game For Worldwide Computing Systems”

  1. Always looking forward to this post where Kim’s comments are put into writing. I am a long time follower of Kim’s. She is very good at providing the “Other side of the Story”.

    Keep up the good work of putting Kim’s words into written form that I can be reviewed more than once. Remember people learn in many different ways, site, hearing and even feeling.

    I would be interested in her take on Crypto currencies like XRP & ADA, will they be able to survive?
    Bobcat Boyd

  2. bonsoir merci pour ce nouveau rapport! aujourd’hui, il me tarde au plus vite de voir, tout ce gros paquet de merde disparaître, pour l’éternité infini, éternel!

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