Elon Musk Is Running For Position Of Black Eagle/Black Dragon & Finding The Gold Is On His ‘To Do’ List According To Black Nobility | Trump Org Selling $5 Million Immigration Cards & Promoting The Gaza Riviera | Kim Gives Presidential Dirt Not Only On Trump, But Biden, Obama, Bush Sr., Bush Jr. & Reagan For Those Who Missed In Past Reports | Duck Dynasty In A Tizzy Wondering What Do To Do With Black Gold | Also In Their Arrogance & Ignorance Try To Rewrite The Giver of Life Declaration

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 26-FEB-25 GIA UPDATE (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. It seems we have caused quite a stir as the deep state test what they thought was tungsten and find out the truth. The Trump operatives are now putting out ads on Truth Social for the new Middle Eastern Riviera. And the hunt is on for the SSP to find and control anything then can Marduk may have left behind.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


26-FEB-25 GIA UPDATE (unitednetwork.earth)

We are just a couple days away from the end of the month, 1 day away from the new moon and 2 days away from the parade of planets, so that’s got the deep state all excited about a few things they think might happen but are not. The craziness of the Trump operatives continues, there seems to be a lot of infighting, and not just between Republican operatives and Democrat operatives in the government these days. It seems to be that there is some talk as to who is running what, who is answering to who. People who are not quite in the know and don’t understand what is going on politically are starting to question the leadership of the US. I know I am questioning the leadership of the US. As a matter of fact, after what I’ve seen the last couple of days, I’m ready to get my passport and go somewhere else.

Elon Musk is Running for Position of Black Eagle/Black Dragon

Elon has been told he is in the running for the Black Eagle position or Black Dragon and he’s been in the running for this position for quite a while. As a matter of fact, there are some people who already consider him the head of the Black Sun. This has been going on for over a year now. Others are saying he hasn’t quite earned his position yet so he teamed up with Trump operatives and is giving it a go. They are allegedly giving him access to the Treasury Dept and now soon to be Fort Knox.

That being said, there was a little bit of a hack going on and it’s gone viral. It’s an AI generated video and allegedly it played in several government buildings simultaneously, to include but not limited to the State Department. For the most part everyone thought it was funny. But the funnier part is there was no investigation as to where this video came from.

Well, you can’t unsee that can you? The only thing I don’t disagree with in this video is the two left feet part because Elon seems to be listening to a whole lot of people spinning him around in circles and not really getting anywhere. But two left feet in this dance of his new DOGE Dept and potentially the Black Eagle or Black Dragon definitely fits him.

Trump Organization Now Selling $5 Million Special Gold Immigration Cards

Instead of getting a Green Card you’ll apparently get a Gold Card to the tune of around $850,000 as I understand it, and they are only targeting high net worth immigrants into the United States. I wonder why that is.

For those who don’t know, it you want to emigrate to the United States and get a Green Card and you are willing to invest about $500,000 into the US economy in the form of a new company and create jobs you can get a Green Card fairly quickly. This has been going on for quite a long time. So, the stakes here are much higher to get yourself a special Trump Gold Card. And of course, it’s gold just like everything else with the Duck Dynasty, it’s loud, obnoxious and very nouveau riche.

New Ad for the Gaza Riviera

Speaking of nouveau riche, have you seen the latest ad regarding the new Gaza Riviera?  This video was sent to me and is posted on the official Trump account on Trump Social which means the Trump operatives have approved this message thinking it’s funny. This is allegedly and probably also an AI generated video, however, posting it on the President of the Unites States social media account is completely and totally tasteless.

I don’t think I would be posting something like that on my social media ever. First of all, it makes fun of the people of Gaza and all they’ve been through and it shows his allegiance to Israel. You’re not supposed to have personal opinions on who your ‘partners’ are when you are in the seat of the President. This is completely and totally tasteless as always, but coming from Duck Dynasty we would expect nothing less.

UNN Community Chat Inquire Why Kim Only Talks About Trump and Not Biden

Let’s talk about a few things that have been coming up on our community chats. Some ask why I always talk about Trump and never about Biden. Well, I have actually. I joke about math is hard because his numbers are never right, there was a lot of math questions he couldn’t answer regarding healthcare and how many US citizens are in this country. He stumbles over words and I played videos of his dementia kicking in at the State of Union. So, let’s compare Presidents for a minute. I’ll just go through the last few and give you some inside information, things we know here at the GIA as to who is who in the zoo.

Who is a pedophile? Well, both of them.

Who is from the deep state and participated in the 40th year birthday ritual? You know, that ritual where young children and their blood is involved, some alters and really weird stuff? Both of them too.

I personally was in Moscow when Trump was there once and it had to do with him going through another ritual where he thought he was going to be appointed Pindar. Pindar is a very high position in the Illuminati, the Order of the Dragon where there is a special throne, a gold chair. The rumor actually spread throughout the ranks of the Order and everybody started calling him Pindar. How fitting that we have the not yet appointed or rather failed ritual person known as Elon Musk who is trying to be the head of the Black Sun coupled together in a tight little partnership with someone who thinks he’s the Pindar. He’s definitely not anything anymore, but the Trump operatives believe they are running the position of Pindar and working closely with the rest of the Order you know as the Rothschild Family, the Li Family, Russian groups, Gorbachev is part of the Order, as is Angela Merkle. There are plenty of people in the public eye who are part of the Order of the Dragon everywhere. And the other side, the Order of the Black Sun you have George Soros and the Rockefellers, all these lovely human beings.

By the way you can watch the first Lara Croft movie, Tomb Raider to see the chair I’m referring to. There is a scene towards the end of one of the members of the Illuminati and Lara Croft says, didn’t you know your dad sat in this head chair?

Biden’s Appointed Family Member Was Hunter

On the Biden side, he was closely tied in with the Li Family of China. Now as with all Presidents they usually appoint a family member or close person. Sometimes like in the case of Nancy Pelosi, although not President, it was her husband that did all the deals that she clued him in on, even though it’s illegal under the Stock Act of the US to do so, but that doesn’t mean that everyone doesn’t do it. In the case of Biden that was obviously Hunter. He did a lot of oil and gas deals which were predominantly done in the Ukraine during the first Ukrainian War. He also continued to do business in Kazakhstan where he was brokering oil deals between Kazakhstan and China Petroleum at the time where they were trying to take over Kazakhstan oil reserves. He stood to make about $250 million personally from that deal.

Trump’s Appointed Family Members were Jaren Kushner and Ivanka

In the case of Trump in the last Administration it was Jared Kushner and Ivanka. They made a lot of deals with Israel and Saudi Arabia but many never came to fruition. However, that doesn’t mean they didn’t make their cut of millions of dollars.

Both sides did the same, the only difference is Hunter is a little bit of a mess. There are a lot of people out there who do not like Biden and most who don’t are on the other side, meaning they are with the Order of the Black Sun. Now the difference between the Order of the Dragon and Order of the Black Sun is over recent years there has been a lot of conflict between the two. The Order of the Black Sun predominantly managed the security of the planet for about 3,000 years. That means they are in control of most of the militaries and intelligence agencies worldwide and the operative groups worldwide.   

Biden and Trump Are Both Dead But The Show Continues

Biden had been dead about 3 months into the presidency but many played that dementia role. One was General Hyten, then he started to lose it a little bit and they ushered in others to play that role. There were times they talked about announcing he passed away if they had been successful in gaining some control over the financial system and some other systems.

Note: For related post with General Hyten see, UN Delusion of Power, Black Rock’s SIGINT Failure & The Enforcer Vaporizes Latest Deep State Saviors
By the way that site Kim clued us in on with all these characters, (senatusconsultum.eu) was taken down months ago. Glad I got some screenshot though.

So the operatives that work for the Biden Administration are the same people, albeit a little more polished let’s just say than the Duck Dynasty operatives who are also running a dead guy in the office. As you may or may not know Trump passed away quite awhile ago of natural causes. In this case it was prostate cancer which spread and he refused treatment. That being said, the operatives have been running this sh*t show for a few years now, including all of the rallies and the fake ear shooting and everything else.

Both sides pranced around dead guys as president so another similarity there. Both parties went through the rituals. Both parties sold their children or actually lent them for sexual reasons to other members of the Order, whether it was the Order of the Black Sun or Order of the Dragon. Both presidents have been on their knees for higher ranking members of the Order and I don’t mean they were begging for something or praying or anything like that. Let’s just say there were men standing very close in front of them. I’ll leave the rest to you because this is a news broadcast after all.

Wars During Biden Admin and Wars During Trump Admin

During the Biden Admin you had the Russia-Ukraine War break out. Allegedly on the Trump side they said they were going to solve this problem. This problem has not been solved. Why? Well Biden gave Ukraine and Russia fake pallets of cash and Trump gave Trump Bucks and Bank Reserve Cards even before he got back into office. Nobody has paid them anything so they are continuing with business as usual over there until someone manages to do so. In one case it was going to the Chinese and they haven’t paid either. So, they are kind of free agents right now still.

To continue on, we also have the war in Israel and its still ongoing during this Administration. Now we’re hearing Trump intends to wipe out all the people of Gaza and relocate them to Jordan and Egypt and build the Gaza Riviera. How exciting is that. Just good people all the around.

Biden for China as New World Power Center While Trump Side Thinks It Should Be America

The reason why Biden walked around with dementia is because his Chinese handlers and operatives that run the Biden show are all in favor of the Chinese takeover of the world. In this particular case on the Trump side, they believe America should be the headquarters of the world and they are fighting to bankrupt the US in order to effectuate that change where they would be the Kings of North America which is part of the Rothschild plan as well. It’s just who is in charge. The Chinese were promised they would be in charge and the other guys think it should be America. That’s the only tit for tat here. But this isn’t a new game. This game has been played for a long time and it’s been set up for awhile.

So that’s about Biden. Of course, we can go into more details and if you have been around for a while and got to see Biden shirtless in a Hennessy commercial, then you can’t unsee that. It’s still out there deep deep down in the web. But it’s been mostly scrubbed because they thought it was inappropriate then for a Vice President.

So that’s enough similarities to show you that I have talked about both sides. And I am not a republican or a democrat and could care less about who sits in the office. The only time I ever paid attention is because I had to for a job which is the Director of the GIA, Ground Command, Guardian, and Ambassador and a lot of other things not only here in the US but around the world.

Next let’s talk briefly about Obama. Also, a pedophile. He too participated in 40-year-old-birthday rituals with children and blood and has a wife which is really a husband. He sold all the US military equipment and bases to China so the US government could lease them back. That one stuck out to me. He also signed the Paris Climate Control Treaty which had a Santa clause in it as I call them, that says you have now assigned your in-ground resources over to the UN in order to fight poverty. He also permitted the UN for the first time ever to install little sub-stations of the UN on BLM land due to the fact that he assigned all America’s in-ground resources to the UN even though he didn’t have the power to do so. That’s another stellar president for you right there isn’t it. I hope he and his husband enjoy their retirement.

Moving on to the next one. There are a few secrets with these two. Bush Jr. lent his daughters to Cheney at a very young age so Cheney could perform sexual acts on them and they would exchange children regularly for such purposes. They both also participated in the 40-year-old birthday ritual involving children and lots of blood. They are all members.

There were lots of wars going on during that Administration. We had a 911 situation to which Bush Jr. didn’t respond until 3 days later. We also know there were many calls to the White House on the day that it happened and night before from an area called K Street. For those who don’t know K Street is where all your operatives hang out. K Street told them it’s happening tomorrow and you need to clear out and this is what you’re going to do and how you’re going to do it. Now remember everyone in the White House is an actor and those on K Street are the script writers. So, they knew ahead of time 911 was going to happen.

Also, most of what was orchestrated on 911 was for your visual enjoyment. Meaning the planes that allegedly crashed into the towers weren’t planes they were holograms. The towers were imploded. There were planes but they went to underground utopias where people were taken hostage and used as slaves underground. There was a lot of black gold that moved out of buildings over to Canada because of other things they needed to have happen. A lot of people died that day, around 3,500. However, the caustic chemicals and smoke caused thousands more to have cancer.

This of course was done on 911 and was a ritual just like everything else that they do. And I’m sure they got a hefty sum to perform this function because there was still money flowing from Marduk. Now these buildings were already rigged to blow and it took no time at all for the operatives to set up this entire operation which the entire world viewed. That’s another lovely president isn’t it. Just lovely. There is also that movie called Vice that shows Cheney is the one actually running the White House and Bush Jr. just sat in the front. Not a big surprise for a guy who pours whiskey on his cheerios.

Let’s talk about Bush Senior who is married to Barbara Bush aka Rothschild (and also a husband like big Mike if you ask me, PJZ). Barbara was almost as bad as George, I’m sure they made a lovely pair. George earned himself the position as head of the Order of the Black Sun also known as Black Dragon for a time, that is position Elon Musk is going for right now.

Bush Senior participated in the Nazi loop game which became the Black Eagle Trust which no longer exists. The Black Eagle Trust then was in charge of operations worldwide. The Black Eagle Trust was based on hundreds of thousands of tons of black gold and the main source of funds worldwide were the White Spiritual Boy accounts. I don’t know if there is anything white or spiritual about any of those people involved, however the main account that funded thousands and thousands of banks worldwide (and these are off-ledger accounts) was Credit Suisse. The main fund was actually registered at Credit Suisse with some at UBS and a few other locations around the world. The gold was then moved to Tehran, Indonesia, and few other places in the world. And it was not natural gold but black gold to where it would be utilized to feed the grid so to speak, that tortured many humans on earth.

In 1992 Bush also participated in the funding of the Transnet pipeline where he yielded personally $1 per barrel of oil that flowed through that pipeline for his family’s fund, however the money to fund that came from the Black Eagle Trust. So, a lot of privileges as Black Eagle. It’s no wonder Elon Musk with his ego would love to be in that position.

So quite a guy really. But as President, a lot of wars there, of course all paid for and funded by the Black Eagle Trust.

Let’s go back a little further, to Reagan and Nancy. Everyone loved the good cowboy and war on drugs especially since it came from people who were hooked on heroin. Nancy also had her own personal black magic witches that would frequent the White House during that Administration. And on the Reagan side of things, how much can you really do when you’re hooked on heroine.

If you’ve ever seen the movie American Made there is a lot about the Reagan Administration hidden in there and some of those operatives who participated, I met personally. However, a lot of the Trump operatives were also Reagan operatives and lot are from the southern states and yep kind of like Duck Dynasty, at least the ones who are left. They were probably lower ranking during the Reagan Administration as operatives, but they thought they would give themselves a go here.  

The world was a different place at that time, money was flowing and Marduk was in full swing, and now that is not the case. The only reason the Trump Administration was successful the first time is because I was there on that terminal sending money because I thought he was going to help the people and do the right thing. But that never actually happened. If you remember correctly, we were all locked down for quite a long time.

A little bit more about Reagan, he cut the deal on behalf of Rothschild to have Gorbachev join and rise up the ranks of the Order of the Red Dragon which is part of the Illuminati. The deal was cut where he would manage $11 trillion personally and over $300 trillion professionally. He then became the hidden financier so to speak of the new Russian Federation and all the former USSR states. That is his region and he was in charge for quite a long time. Since the Rothschilds fund over there dried up, Gorbachev doesn’t hold a whole lot of weight with the rest of the Russian clans who run the country, also known as the ex-KGB.

Other things that happened. Bush and Reagan fought a lot and the reason why is because they were both in the running for head of the Order of the Black Sun or Order of the Dragon. As a matter of fact, it was actually Bush Sr. who ordered a CIA agent known only by first name Henry, I can’t remember the last name, but he is the one who shot Reagan and Bush Sr. was the one who ordered it. In return, Reagan also shot one of Bush’s nearest and dearest and left the body with the head detached on his front porch. And this fight ensued like cowboys do for the entire Administration.

There is your Presidential dirt. Now no one can say I haven’t talked about the last few presidents.

Elon Musk Thinks He is Finding the Gold

Speaking of operatives and Presidents, there has been a lot of kerfuffles going on behind the scenes because the DOGE Dept thinks they are finding gold. Coming from a guy who has been playing with demons since a child I find it very interesting that he never heard of or allegedly utilized black gold before. Here they are thinking they are going to steal the world’s gold supply and become the new Federal Reserve DOGE coin of America or whatever you want to call it, because he was promised he would actually have his crypto currency be the currency of North America. Now this is also on the roster of things he has to do to be appointed officially Black Eagle, no doubt in my mind there actually.

The Black Nobility in Italy, the Orsini Family in particular is the one telling Elon what he needs to achieve and he’s achieved none of it because they are all running around in circles. Quite frankly the Orsini Family doesn’t know what do either. They are ordering all these people around and the Rothschilds are also running them around. They don’t know what to do and nobody has control of anything.

SSP Trump Operatives Update

As for the SSP Trump operatives they have been testing what they thought was tungsten. They did find the molecular differences in the metals they stole. They are now getting a lesson on what black gold is. As a matter of fact, a lot of these operatives called the Federal Reserve and asked them if they knew. They explained that yes, they did know. Of course they knew. On a higher level at the Fed they also know they were converting real energy into what you call money in every currency in the world because let’s just say they were a little higher ranking than those in the government. So that’s an interesting sign, they are learning.

Now they are in tizzy because they don’t know what to do with black gold. They’ve been told it can power a grid or two. But you need a grid you can actually power. So, they spent the last couple of days looking for access to said grids because their grids are pretty much all gone. They’ve been sending people to places in China to see if they can get a hold of a Marduk space junk site. If they can fire up some of this stuff, they could get access to some of Marduk’s grids, then place the appropriate black gold and fire up a grid they could then control. They think if they pick the right grid, perhaps they could get a handle on the old S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O. and then use that to override the Key Integrated Master System. Yeah, not so much. But it’s 24 hours before the new moon which they think must give them some grace, but that is not going to help.  

In the last couple of days they also tried to rewrite the Giver of Life Declaration. Just so you know deep state people, it is not an agreement and I know that because I signed said covenant personally. I know what’s in it, I know what the instructions are. By covenant that means it is done with Source on the highest level or on a much higher level than any SSP operative has been or dream of being. Being a covenant, them trying to rewrite something, no one cares, because you can’t override a covenant, unless both Source and I together agree to let it ago. And I can tell you even if something were to happen to me Source is not letting that covenant go because I already signed for a successor. It might take a few years for those people to be old enough to participate, but until then it will keep running in my absence. So anyway, there is that.

Speaking of access, today is another one of those days ending in ‘’y’ and they promised to pay people and to give access to a system they alleged they created. I’ve heard others have been promised no later than the new moon which would then bring us to Friday. However, they will fall flat on their face. Friday we’ll also have a parade of planets aligned and they think that will give them some curses, some spells, some dark energy, but nah. The Milky Way is getting cleaner by the day and an alignment of planets doesn’t mean for them what it used to mean in the past.

They are figuring out somewhat they don’t have all the information. They go to the Rothschild Family and then the Li Family and it appears they don’t have any better information than they do. Of course, they give them a line and tell them oh yeah, we knew all along, and that’s ours, we still control that, but they can’t give them access to anything.

Wrapping up the Talk About the Last Few Presidents

On that note, I thought I would give you an overview of past presidents because people were asking me this question about why I don’t give information on other presidents like I do Trump. Well, I personally interacted with some of Obama’s aids. I personally interacted with other member of the staff in the executive branch in other locations in the world at the time. I was also traveling around the world to put gold in the Treasury Dept at the time but I was a little bit early. I intended on what I thought was the right thing at the time, but I learned a whole lot since the Obama Admin.

But I had some personal involvement with the Trump Administration for a few years, so there is a lot more I have to say there personally. As far as Reagan and Nancy, all that information comes from an operative on their staff who told me personally. As far as the Biden Administration, I had no interaction there, none. Obviously, I’ve been watching what the operatives are doing and you’ve heard me talk a lot about the Biden Administration. It’s just that we weren’t going to fund governments at that point and they were scraping the bottom of everybody’s barrel, Chinese and otherwise. They were borrowing money from Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar.

For those who don’t know Qatar would be called Clintonville if you were to call it the name of what it is politically, therefore, they would err more on the side of Biden. Well, they are upset they donated a lot of money and decided to flip from the Hillary side as a Rothschild to Bill’s side as Black Sun guy because they are now going a few rounds with the Trump Administration as I hear it and they are out millions of dollars. Their country is breaking, so, kudos to them. But they are not going to be able to pick up the pieces.

The bill is going to come due; it’s already been due. There are countries saying they are not going to be able to pay pensions and are laying off government workers. This is happening all over the world. In the UK I’ve been hearing that, they are delaying retirements. There are a lot of countries especially in the Middle East that are not going to be able to make payroll. It’s getting really tight and I don’t know if DOGE is going to be able to siphon out enough money from economies worldwide in order to pay for the government to keep running here too.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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6 thoughts on “Elon Musk Is Running For Position Of Black Eagle/Black Dragon & Finding The Gold Is On His ‘To Do’ List According To Black Nobility | Trump Org Selling $5 Million Immigration Cards & Promoting The Gaza Riviera | Kim Gives Presidential Dirt Not Only On Trump, But Biden, Obama, Bush Sr., Bush Jr. & Reagan For Those Who Missed In Past Reports | Duck Dynasty In A Tizzy Wondering What Do To Do With Black Gold | Also In Their Arrogance & Ignorance Try To Rewrite The Giver of Life Declaration”

  1. Thankyou Kim and God nless you.

    Why are the Orsisni and Rothschild and Soros families still being allowed to exist? Surely they shouldve been disappeared long ago?
    Why are they still here adversely affecting humanity?
    And why are people like Soros and Schwabb and Gates and all that evil bunch still out there killing people?
    Surely its time for them to all be gone and publicly. Of course it is!
    And why was China allowed to fire off missiles from their warship located between Australia and New Zealand – disrupting air traffic?
    These kind of operations need to be shut down so why are they being allowed to happen?
    Hope you can answer all these questions please Kim.


  2. Barbara hits the nail on the head. How long can Kim spin this out? Surely she has painted herself into a corner from which she cannot escape!

  3. Joachim L.-Scharoun

    I had followed Steven Greer and than the Camelot Report from Carrey Cassedy as well as Benjamin Fullford and grab what make sence to me. It is very difficult to put it all together. What I personally find out is that the talk about alien recovered technology (Greer) is misleading because it is german recovered technology. They had the idea of a mercury plasma engine from vedic scriptures and not from grey alien as others claim. Tesla invented electrodynamic flight propulsion system (UFOs) without the help of aliens. Desclosure and Exopolitik seems to be zionist controlled (Jews are the aliens living on earth). Jews are owning all UFOs and UAPs for end time deception – the last alien card Werner von Braun was talking about.

  4. Joachim L.-Scharoun

    What Kim Goguen writes reminds me of the jewish kabbalah (higher astral, lower astral etc.) only she is never refering to the word kabbalah. The concept of source and anti source is like in kabbalah sephirot and kelipoth. Many other simelaryties but never mentioning kabbalah. Would be nice to have more clarity about that.

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