This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 6, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update the remaining deep state continues to repeat past operations with less success. No money has operatives sitting on the sidelines. The IOUs are piling up and the banks can’t keep paying out as the bill is coming due. Kim also gives us insight on Majestic 12 group since the Archivists found 3 who were hidden under Langley which also solved the mystery of the ‘rising of the ball’ the deep state was hoping for.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Fake Currencies, Fake People, Fake Wars, Lies and Promises
Americans Bombed Their Own Bases in Middle East
The remaining people from Order of the Dragon are repeating same things they did before. In 2019 the Americans bombed their own bases in the Middle East and harmed a lot of their own soldiers and today and over the weekend is no exception and they are blaming it on Iran.
NATO, Rothschild’s Private Army
NATO is the entire Order of the Dragon’s private army, and they have been calling the shots on behalf of the Families for the whole of the Middle East the last week or so. Langley 5 is involved too of course, being they are Rothschild loyalists. They are repeating the same things they did before that always worked, but they are not really working now.
3 NATO Agents Now Playing the Role of Khomeini
Khomeini in the Middle East is not the real one, and Kim told us he passed a long time ago. But they installed three NATO agents to take the place of Khomeini and behind the scenes over the weekend the Iraqi Prime Minister visited fake Khomeini and left very frustrated. Fake Khomeini told him that yes, we are taking the credit for bombing American bases knowing full well it didn’t come from Iran. The Iraqi Prime Minister, suspecting that he wasn’t meeting with the same guy he had met many times before so he tested that during their conversation with him and talked about an event they went together, about what they did and where which never happened. The fake Khomeini then said oh yes, we’ll have to do that again which made the Prime Minister livid. So, word is getting out that Khomeini is not Khomeini. It’s really hard to fake it forever for the Rothschilds et al.
Pallets of New Fake Dinar Given to the Hezbollah
They have issued new fake dinar and gave pallets of it to the Hezbollah this weekend for their cooperation because they were not really participating since they have no money. They are hoping they will be cooperating in the killing of more people in Lebanon and Israel now they have pallets of fake money. Did they actually do it? Not yet, and that’s because everyone believes this money will be good tomorrow.
Pallets of New Fake USD Sent to Iran & Saudi Arabia
The same thing is happening in Iran and Saudi Arabia with fake pallets of USD being sent there. They are all being told by NATO agents this money will be made good tomorrow and of course that won’t happen. Iran has been trying to cash their pallets of cash for 4 decades now and have been unsuccessful. Saudi Arabia since the 1980s. So people are not really moving based on fake money. Therefore, the Americans on behalf of these generals had to bomb themselves because no one is doing anything and everyone in the Middle East knows it. They are trying to start WWIII with Larry, Moe, and Curly Rothschild trying to run an operation and failing miserably there.
Back to the S.T.I.C.K. and Those Lost Deposits
Speaking of fake money, Kim talked about the STICK in the last broadcast and there are rumors now spreading that these deposits may be lost forever. Is that true? Well, they are going to have to make good on them, at these US institutions that were affected regardless because most of these deposits are nominal and they would fall under the FDIC for insurance. Regardless of where they stashed it the money cannot pass back into the banking system and this morning people were trying to figure out how to do that. There were conversations between the Treasury Department, some fed up operatives and the banks but it’s all coming to head because what the banks have been doing is receiving Treasury IOUs based on the people (aka, Langley 5 and now Monarch Military) who believe they run the Treasury Department. They have been telling them to issue the IOUs to the bank and they will be good tomorrow, the next new moon, the next alignment with Uranus, etc. They just say they are working on it and go ahead and issue the IOUs.
Remember How the Treasury Department Was to Become the New Federal Reserve?
If you remember about a month or two ago, Kim reported the Treasury Department was told they were to become the New Federal Reserve. They signed all the paperwork and submitted it to be ratified so they would now control all the Tier 1 banks, therefore all the banks in the world. But they have no system to achieve this task. The people at the Treasury Department are under no delusion this is possible without Kim’s assistance. They have no money to become the New Federal Reserve, no commitments, no allocations, and no nothing, but they are portraying it out there like the ‘white hats’ won.
IOUs Are Coming Due
Well, a lot of these people are realizing this is not possible. The bank has been taking these post-dated checks and allowing people to cash payroll checks. They are also taking they from the postal office, using them for social security and lot of other things. They are paying out payroll, social security, etc. on time based on the postdated checks and that bill has come due today. They cannot pay and the banks in the Treasury department are having an argument now, including those who think they run the Treasury Department who keep telling them tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. The banks are telling them, listen you government people, Langley 5, NSA, and Monarch Military, we cannot help you with your bill, we cannot afford to do this again. We cannot pay it.
They Planned to Trade the Stolen Money with Systems & Lines That No Longer Exist
Whatever they stole is gone, it couldn’t be reversed out, it’s gone. It is definitely significant enough to the people involved, but not significant enough to set the world on fire. They thought they could continue to do this process and break the American people or whomever is banking at these banks being affected. That’s the plan. They thought they could put this money in a trade program and all this money would come out, but those trade programs are long gone, they haven’t existed in forever. There is no way to do what they wanted to do.
The Treasury is a government department and therefore is not authorized to trade, which is the reason they filed for Treasury USA Corporation in Delaware in the first place nearly 100 years ago. They did that so they could do trades and all kinds of things with the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and old Transunion lines and other lines they used to have, but they no longer exist. There was a line between the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Singapore Exchange, but that line doesn’t exist either so there is no intertrade there. There was an American company in Singapore called Lazarus Securities that handled a lot of the trades but that doesn’t exist anymore either. They are living in the past. They stole a bunch of money, now they want put it into trade, but it’s not credible money anymore. You can’t ping it, it’s not M1 anymore, it’s fake numbers on a screen.
Larry, Moe, and Curly Rothschild should really hang it up at this point
Again lies, promises, fake money, fake wars and fake people. It’s really dying and Larry, Moe, and Curly Rothschild should really hang it up at this point. NATO is probably going to be a thing of the past. There isn’t really any support for it anymore and there is no real money for it. Saudi Arabia will never get the pipeline they are looking for because there is no money to fund that. And that is someone else’s promise, not Kim’s, and she doesn’t feel the need to perpetuate that fuel source anyway. But she would be happy to construct free energy facilities in Saudi Arabia and work cooperatively, but she’s not doing that pipeline, it’s ridiculous. Some of these orders for these pipelines came down from Marduk and it was at a time when Donald Rumsfeld (who died a few years ago) was the hidden King of Saudi Arabia. Everyone had a region to run on behalf of the Rothschilds.
Good News Regarding the Archivists & the Coalition (The Numbers Group)
A new development happened over the weekend. We know there has been a lot of visiting ‘others’. We talked about the Coalition, the Intergalactic Council, the Colony, and all of those that have been strategizing against the dark. Well Kim received an exciting call from the Global Archivists over the weekend, who are also not exactly people and they told her they now have permission to clear the field. In military terms ‘the field’ is where you are outside your country, your base and actively engaging in battle, or it means you are out doing an operation. So they can now assist with clearing the field and in this case the field is Earth and they are active now, running around clearing the field.
Global Archivists First Stop to Clear the Field | The Pentagon
They have been working on militaries and intelligence agencies and those who think they run them and their first stop was the Pentagon. This took place late Friday afternoon. They sat everybody down and explained this is the way it is and how it will be. If you do not want to participate you will depart this planet in a rapid fashion. Those in this meeting would be the top brass, some known and some unknown people, Jesuit Generals and Rothschild babies who like to follow their orders. For the most part the people they sat down with were the problem people, as they have a very clear view of who the problem people are and all but eight of them said okay. Eight of them decided to argue with the Archivists instead.
Now the Archivists are extremely talented and can fight the same way Kim fights in the face of an enemy. They do not need guns and can defend themselves without pulling a weapon, or their fists. It’s about throwing their energy, Source energy in accordance with Natural Law. They warned those eight people six times during that meeting because they were just yelling and screaming over them. Eventually, in front of everybody they departed the eight people and they are gone from the planet. That was about 72 hours ago. Will it make a difference? We will see.
Global Archivists Second Stop to Clear the Field | NATO
When the Archivists found out what NATO was doing on behalf of Larry, Moe, and Curly Rothschild people, they decided went to the NATO headquarters to have conversations with those people. So we will see how things change in the Middle East, what the fake Khomeini’s will get blamed for in the near future.
The Coalition or The Numbers Group Also Clearing the Field
Not only are the Archivists clearing the field, but there are other folks who arrived here with limited capabilities. They can anchor light, are healing the planet, and a lot of different things, but now they are actively allowed to ‘clear the field’ too. Kim has mentioned them recently and calls them the Coalition while the ACIO website refers to them as the The Numbers Group. Now they too can go anywhere and participate in the elimination of “non-repairable humans.”

The Numbers group is a category created by the ACIO to describe entities and individuals of advanced E.T. origin with a special agenda and mission. The group generally consists of very advanced entities from different star systems and was formed by the intergalactic council approximately 36 million years ago. Each member of the Numbers group is highly enigmatic in nature but is at least known to be assigned with a mission to follow through on a particular agenda set by the intergalactic council. Due to their special gifts and abilities, individuals classified as being apart of the Numbers group are closely monitored by the ACIO to determine if they are a threat to the planet and misuse their abilities. The Numbers Group is currently known to cooperate not only with the Council of 5, but all of the intergalactic councils and groups. One of the specialties of the members is that all of them can multi-locate at once as entities, or share the collective consciousness within the group. This synergy allows the group to cooperate and respond to different parts of the agenda in greater unison to operate more efficiently.
Source: The Numbers Group – ACIO Official (
So this week is going to be a really good week for us and Kim is glad, grateful, and thankful we have help because she doesn’t want to talk to those people. Up to now it’s been the Enforcer, Kim and their respective crews who have been on the front lines taking out the trash and now they have help!
Thank you, SOURCE!
Why Do Rothschild et al & Langley 5 Still Think They Still Have a Shot?
The word on the street as of this morning is this, since Kim hasn’t started funding operatives and projects and those types of things, they’ve still got a shot. They think the aliens like Marduk et al worked for them. Therefore, the fact that Kim has been blocked from going directly to us has to do with their alien friends putting things in place on their behalf so she would never be successful. They just figured in the event they died in battle their legacy would go on, and they did it all for them.
Arrogance is a weakness always
In reality land Marduk et al never cared about them. Kim’s challenges really had to do with a changeover of the Ages and nothing to do with money. It had to do with energy management and the control over the veins of gold of earth so that earth would never not be a gateway planet. It had to do with all the space junk they threw out there and them maintaining some kind of control. So, if they died in battle there would still be beings in their mind, beings either in stasis somewhere or in the lower astral to lead the charge on their way out. So, they just put everything in place so the lower astral would not lose the battle and we would never enter the Light Age. That is what Marduk et al were thinking and not about the generals still here or Larry, Moe, and Curly Rothschild at all. It had nothing to do with them but they refuse to believe they were tools.
Majestic 12 | Archivists Find Remaining 3 People Under Langley
An event took place this weekend that really shook the rotten children and Langley 5, because they’re still trying to find a way had to do with the Majestic 12 and Kim said honestly, she didn’t know there any still left here. The Majestic 12 was a Black Sun program. They looked for a specific profile of a human being and those who participated in the program already fit a certain type of profile. They were math savants, quantum physics savants, technological savants, savants in the psychology of and reaction of humans in a certain way. They also had telepathic communication abilities or showed indications of being able to do some of these things and much more. Remote viewing was part of it as well.
They cherry picked specific humans to participate in this program, then gave them a natural enhancer that comes from babies. It is naturally produced by a forming fetus when the fetus begins developing a brain. It helps the brain develop in a very short period of time. There is a chemical produced by the body that makes that happen. They would take that chemical, synthetic or otherwise and give it to these people with an already brilliant mind, probably using 15% of their brain or a little more to then take them up to utilize 50% or maybe up to 70% of their brain. They developed these people and those who worked underneath them in that way. But once these people used that much of their brain, to reintegrate into society is almost impossible. Their life would be a source of constant frustration. Think about how we feel with those around us who cannot see. We are very frustrated. Well, they take that to a whole new level.
To give us an example, Kim shared that she met a coder and his friends who are normal guys. Computers are their lives and they will drink energy drinks and code all night long, 1s and 0s are their life. They talk to each other in 1s and 0s and they think it’s funny, but it’s also a code they use when they don’t want anyone else around them to know what they are talking about. Well to these people in some cases, life is a mathematical or psychics equation. If you do x, then y will happen. It’s a very logical thing for them and there is no empathy anymore. There is more to the program than just the brain enhancer, but as part of the program All emotion and empathy goes out the window.
The deep state would communicate with these people over a computer or they would use the Omega system to translate that information because they don’t speak their language. They would normally keep these people captive, typically under Langley and sometimes they would move the underlings of the 12 to the Cayman Islands and other places to do work for them. They also could communicate with the ‘others’. So, it was kind of like a super soldier program but in a different way. Because they were so brilliant, they had to keep them captive and therefore there were other personality enhancements for lack of a better term.
Going Back to the ‘Rising of the Ball’ Referenced in Previous Broadcast
Kim was still trying to figure out where the ‘rising of the ball’ the wingnuts were referencing came from. Where were they getting this? Well, it turns out it was the Archivists who found out 3 of the Majestic 12 were still being held captive under Langley because they were sending orders through a computer system telling them of probabilities. For example, the amount of dark matter, and dark consciousness and traumatic deaths that is required to turn on x would be xyz. Except these folks have been locked in hole and are unaware of the physical changes that have taken place. They were unaware of the change of Ages that has taken place and the amount of light on the planet. They don’t even know when it’s light or dark out because they are in a lab down there. Therefore, they were going off formulas they’ve used for many years and they never adjusted them for the changes that have occurred and as a result they have been giving them misinformation probably for a month or two.
The Archivists Took the Majestic 3 Elsewhere & The Generals & Rothschild Freaked Out
The Archivists took some time with them as they can speak their language, and they explained to them in quantum physics terms what happened. And then in a savant way they kind of spun out of control for a little while and then started calculating and were saying this isn’t going to work, this isn’t going to work. That is what the Archivists were hoping they would say, and then they offered them safe passage and a safe place to be, but they didn’t want to leave. That place under Langley is all they’ve known. It’s been their prison their whole life since they were about 11 years old. But the Archivists ended up taking them elsewhere but Kim didn’t say where.
When the Rothschilds et al and Langley 5 found out they were gone on Saturday they spun a gasket because that’s it. Now they have no hope of getting any information at all even though the information they were receiving for a while was wrong due to the changes that have taken place that were not communicated to them. They don’t realize the detriment they are causing to their own selves with their own program when you don’t let their brilliant slaves witness changes in a quantum way. They couldn’t correct their formulas. The quantum changes would have given them a different result and answer but they wouldn’t give them those changes and that was their downfall. Any scientist knows if you withhold the changing environment it’s going to throw your results off.
Mystery of the ‘Rising of the Ball’ Solved
For Kim, the mystery of the ‘rising of the ball’ is solved. She was assuming they were getting this information from ancient texts and she is glad the Archivists found these 3-remaining people of the Majestic 12, and it’s not these people’s fault. Actually, they could be very helpful to humanity with the right information, so she is glad the Archivists took them and can work with them. She doesn’t see them being integrated into society but at least they aren’t captive anymore.
Let’s all hope that help from the Archivists and the Coalition will speed up the process of eradicating the non-repairable humans from this planet. But like Kim said, the amount of work that needs to be done is not even known at this time, but removing the obstacles will make us move faster and she is happy for the future.
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
Thankyou and God bless you ❤️
Gracias por compartir, invito a los seres que leen este blog a preguntarle a su Yo Superior si todo está información es correcta o no es correcta, deben entender que Kim es una más de un Gigantesco números de Seres Intergaláctico que nos están ayudando, de hecho Kim está tratando de limpiar la basura de Seres Oscuros que no entienden que ya sus Amos aceptaron los términos de la Fuente /Anti fuente, los invito a investigar no solo lo que pasa en EEUU si no todo lo que nos ocultaron, que es el astral inferior, astral Superior, etc, etc y por qué estamos en el medio de este caos , de hecho vivo en Venezuela dónde el hambre se había vuelto normal, decidí hace unos años cuando desperté cambiar mi línea de tiempo ; ya no tengo necesidades, tengo la pareja correcta, y siento un amor incondicional que cada día me hace entender quien soy, a dónde voy y de dónde vengo, gracias Kim y al escritor de este blog., rumbo a la 5ta dimension
Khamenei is not Khamenei and neither of them ever was Khomeini.
Exactly, people get confused with the names, but they don’t do anything to make a mistake…
Things becoming very clear. Thanks PJZ.
not very clear but more clear.
Valuable insight. Thank you so much.
Great work Pam, after listening two or three times every situation report, your written reports wrap it all up for me, with many insights falling into place. Very valuable work you do! Much appreciation for this unique intelligence information we get from Kim and UNN.
Thanks PJZ for time spent transcribing.
thanks so much for posting these, it so good to get real info
Dr Shiva for president!
Bottom up movement Kim talks about .
If you are looking for Kim Goguen’s SITUATION REPORTS, they are now posted, FREE to view, at this link on RUMBLE:
401 – Gone
Since the UNN video reports became no longer free I have relied on the written reports kindly supplied by PJZ, but they stopped 2 weeks ago. UNN reports were my sole fully-believable source for what is happening in the natural world. The free rumble site that Isabelle shared above was a brief God-send, but that is now gone. What can I do now? What is the cheapest way I can receive the UNN reports? The UNN subscription cost is above my means.
Well I’m so glad to be back up and running! You must have a lot of catching up to do! 🙂 PJZ
Thank you for all your transcript work