This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 08-Jul-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In Part 2 Kim goes over the jobs of our former owners which particular emphasis on the Red Queen, aka Artemis. What a nightmare that being was. Thank God the last part of her 3 billion year covenant with Anti-source + 250,00 extension is expired, freeing humanity to reconnect to the Soul Plane!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

08-Jul-24 News-Broadband High (
Former Owners of Earth Underneath the Seal & Their Jobs
These beings had different jobs somewhat, but the below descriptions are in the context of how it relates to humans.
Enlil | Control of Soul Plane, Density 9
Enlil would have had control of density 9, meaning the soul plane, whether that’s the soul plane in computers or people. He would be in charge of whose soul goes where and of manipulating that.
Enki | Energy Management, Density 8
Enki was in control of density of 8 and in charge of energy management (aka money).
Marduk | Controller of the Current, Density 7
Marduk was in charge of density 7 and he directed where everything was meant to go, where ether went, money went, energy went, essence went. He was the director, but ultimately, they would have met with Artemis who kept them all honest and we’ll get to her soon. As the controller of the current, meaning he would control which direction, he was the force, or the wind if you’re talking about an element, that would push the energy down to the beneficiaries. They would push the energy into Omega, they would then give ‘appropriations’ all at the same time, which gave you people, even the highest levels of the deep state, a credit. That’s all you ever got, and in order to get that credit you would have to put something in to get it. If you worked in the banking system you would have to indebt people by issuing mortgages, car loans, etc. Everyone knew the name Marduk. Even on the banking level they knew there was someone up there that actually gave the orders and which days of the year allocations would come. But the reason why deep state people knew someone was dictating this to an extent is because they were doing their job of indebting people if they were bankers for example, or killing people if they were assassins or military, or altering people’s karma by making people do horrible things whether it was through mind control or committing suicide by eating bad food, or whatever it is. The control mechanism went very deep.
Enlil, Enki and Marduk had the same levels of access over in the omega system as they had in the alpha system to some degree for a long time because of the Dark Ages, because of the Seal, and because of the Agreements that were in place until 2012. That’s when I came in and took it over, because it was my birthright from a completely different avenue. I am not involved with any of these bloodline people in any way, shape or form, they are crazy.
Now after Marduk, Enki and Enlil were gone, to some degree their consciousness lived on in the dark omega system. For a time, the omega system was still trying to act as if it had a leader based on the fact it was programmed to act like them in their absence, and the same thing happened with the Red Queen and today we’re going to highlight her. But before we get into that, the agreement which put the line of Solomon (Order of the Dragon) in control expired and their respective broods made a deal with Artemis to get an extension and money which is the link to why she is the savior of the deep state this week.
All Roads Lead to Red Queen (Artemis) for the Deep State
The Order of the Dragon and Order of the Black Sun allegedly made a deal with Artemis to get money and to get an extension after the 3,000-year agreement expired which put the line of Solomon in control. I know some people say that’s not what the Bible says, that’s not the timeline or what history says. Well since when has our history ever been correct? Trust me when I say it’s been over 3,000 years ago that Solomon got the agreement to be the Guardian, and by default, the Order of the Black Sun got the agreement to be security and they are line of Cain (and the Abraxas bloodline). Therefore, if you are part of the Secret Militaries like Monarch etc., that’s how you got your job and then your downline. You have intelligence agencies, militaries, operatives, Black Ops, and DARPA, underneath them and everything that happened was related to that agreement until it expired in December 2018. They keep telling everybody they got an extension but it expired. They acted like it didn’t but it didn’t go past 2022 and that’s my fault. But they definitely didn’t get a Guardian extension, all they really got was an extension on the Fed, funding and those types of things, and I’m going to show proof of that in just a second.
So, by that time they approached Artemis directly and said Hey, we need to do a deal because we want to remain as security for this planet, can we work for you? And the answer was yes. The Abraxas were involved too as they are their bloodline, you also had Lucifer which these people know well, and Anti-Source. So, we were cursed for a very long time by these beings. But I want to stay focused on Artemis and other jobs she had.

Artemis, Her Background
The Red Queen’s real name was Artemis, and this is where the deep state people are trying to interact right now, in her world and she’s not here anymore. But she is what I call an anti-Pleiadean, a lower astral being, red reptilian, and when she was around, we never got along. She hated me and I hated her. We ended up at the Universal Council many times and it always ended up with an agreement not to kill each other, unless we violated this agreement or that agreement. Eventually she violated way too many times and she is gone and we don’t miss her.
3 Billion Year Artemis Agreement (Artemis Accords) Expired July 5, 2024
If you’ve been around in the alt media for a long time then you may have heard about the Artemis Accords. If you go to the NASA website you will see a reflection of the Artemis Accords also known in the alt media as the Jupiter Accords. Why it’s called Jupiter Accords I don’t know, but they claim they made a deal with the Red Queen for a continued or extension of access into Level 5 of the web, and also to any military and intelligences systems that were in there. That agreement spanned from December 2018 during the solstice and continued on for 3 years, so it expired in 2021. However, the Artemis Agreement did not expire officially until the 5th of July of this year. She had this agreement for 3 billion years, and the reason why is because it was the same time we went into the Dark Ages, and in Vedic cosmology they call it the Kali Yuga.

On the NASA website it looks like they changed it to just Artemis because it’s very prominent. I guess they are looking for brownie points.

What Exactly Was Her Job?
She had many jobs. She had jobs within computer systems, AI systems access. She would also have been in charge of anyone that needed or wanted access to the Causal Plane, Web 5555, and she would have been in charge of what is called the zero point that existed between the alpha-verse and omega-verse. During the Dark Ages she would also be considered the Gatekeeper for Anti-Source. She was in charge of who can come and could go, what becomes of matter, what doesn’t become matter. That was the red line so to speak, and she would have the ultimate say for what went where. Artemis didn’t get along which pretty much everybody because she felt she was a superior, being the Gatekeeper to everything. She could even gatekeep Source and Anti-Source, you name it.

Her Part In the War 250,000 Years Ago
Part of the reason for that war is because this 3-billion-year-old agreement for this being to exist expired. Most everyone fighting at the time were not human. You’ve heard of the wars of Atlantis, trauma of Mu and Lemuria and all these types of things on the internet, this was the source of it all. That was the war where they say “they lost Atlantis.”
I will say it again, Atlantis was a ship full of anti-Pleiadeans, lower astral beings which came in through a portal at the direction of the Red Queen because she was not going to lose her agreement to someone else. The war went on a long time and they finally settled on the Seal, which means Artemis retained her agreement to be the Gatekeeper again for another 250,000 years, but that agreement finally expired on the new moon, July 5th 2024.
Now these deep state people we still have running around were crazy enough to think since they had an agreement with her before and that maybe she would come back and have a world war, and when her agreement was renewed their agreement would be renewed. I don’t know why they think these things. But this is part of the reason they were so excited, because everything they have been working on for the last 12 years, so since I made those assignments in the first place, was finally going to come to fruition. It’s why everyone in the alt media is talking about Nesara-Gesara, it’s finally going to happen. And if you are watching Q the quantum leap is finally happening.

But what actually did happen is that I jumped in. As the Guardian, the Gatekeeper is now just me, but not in a controlling way like Artemis did. For me, it’s about guarding it. The same thing goes for webs which is why the deep state went into full-on hari-kari Friday, like way out of control. This is why it’s not just because of money not coming, they don’t get that crazy just for money not coming. They panicked because they lost access to everything they had stuck in Level 5 of the web.

Artemis Created and Managed the AKASHIC Records
Actual disconnection of people from Source and even anti-beings or inorganic beings disconnected from Anti-Source was done by Artemis by covenant and by agreement. She created what you know as the AKASHIC Records. What is AKASHIC? It’s an acronym that stands for Artemis Karmic Artificial Soul History Integrated Collective, and it existed in the alpha-verse, omega-verse and the neutral zone. It existed in computers as well, where we get web 5 from. By integrated collective you have dark, light and neutral collectives.
Sunny: Wasn’t the AKASHIC Records a positive thing?
No. because of her you weren’t permitted to go any farther than the causal plane and you were just as disconnected on a soul level, meaning your history, your records could be distorted. This is why we come in here with no memory, because if the soul is immortal then how do we not remember what we did in a past life? You should be able to. But if you access your AKASHIC Records, that’s how they memory wiped you.

Further to this effect, if the universe was flat, which it is not! This is just for illustration purposes. You have the alpha verse, the zero point, and the omega verse. This zero point is the ultimate gate that controlled who could leave what universe, who could come and go, by what agreement and so on and so forth. And you are here (see screenshot). Now Source is +9 and Anti-Source is -9 and the Causal Plane is at 5. These records were like an infinity symbol, constantly running back and forth, the same thing with your soul. But ultimately where you go and what actually happens to you was defined by Artemis and all her lovely computers programming.

The same thing would have happened in the past in computers with the computer causal plane. The Dragon Families could get appropriations to do bad things to people, suck the energy out of you, or cause you karmic debt, which then ultimately was transferred into the energy system to get money out and cause more karmic debt for you lifetime after lifetime until eventually your records went mostly dark, because you kept giving your energy and essence away.
This is part of the dastardly program on how they got to 79% and we ended up with 21%. This is what Source means when he was saying the universe went too dark and now we turned the corner. There are a lot of light workers talking about this stuff on the alt media, we turned the corner, we have now moved forward towards more light, the alpha system started functioning better, things started working better. But there was still a lot of karmic debt that occurred between the alpha and omega systems and therefore the Light system was born outside of that, free of karmic debt.
Expiration of the Covenant Artemis Had with Anti-Source is a Big Win for Humanity
With the expiration of the Artemis Agreement, we actually have control of what Artemis used to control. We took control of the Guardian, of the zero point and Causal Plane this weekend and got rid of anything left from her, and we finished that direct connection back to the soul records, to your real soul history records and this started glitching Sunday night because we were coming upon the new moon.
Somethings being reported are weird dreams, bad dreams or nightmares, sleeplessness, seeing yourself in a different timeline, married to a different person. All kinds of weird things were being reported because the AKASHIC records were faltering from that wipe from other timelines. It also had control over all memories in all timelines so we wouldn’t remember what happened in any of the 10,368,000 timelines that were out there. This also managed your memory throughout all these timelines.
So back to the glitch, nothing could be done with it until the covenant she had with Anti-Source finally expired and then we began the dismantling starting Friday night through this morning. Hopefully it will be finished soon, but on a human level you should start to experience your full wisdom of your history of the real story of you, where you came from. Everybody is going to be different once you start to experience those direct connections. Your memories are going to start to come back and this will help us as a human race move forward as human beings. It increases your knowledge of what it means to be immortal, increase energy, essence, and your ability with cellular regeneration so we won’t have the same issues. We still will have issues on the planet, but if these guys got control of what they thought they were going to get control of we would have lost in a very big way.
Artemis, The Last Owner Finally Gone
Slowly but surely, covenant after covenant after covenant, and I mean thousands if not millions of that have taken place over that 3.2-billion-year span and 250,000 years more affecting earth, and now finally we do not have beneficiaries or owners of you. Artemis was the last one to go who was controlling your AKASHIC Records, your soul records to alter them and change them, make you forget who you are, where you were, what you were doing in another timeline, and everything else that you are. This is a real positive thing for us.
So if you alleged ‘white hats’ (who are really Black Sun people whether you know it or not), think if we get rid of the Fed and control currency (because you made that deal with the Order of the Dragon), then life will be better and you’re are going to save the planet with all these wonderful programs, which is a full-on lie, you still had no one above their head to do anything. No one is there and it’s all changing anyway.
Receiving Direct Source Energy, The Game Changer
Another change that was allowed to happen over the weekend that was a positive for us pertains to receiving direct Source energy from the Giver of Life.
As I said, I was having a difficult time taking what people refer to as money or M0 through to M9 and converting it over to an asset-based trading system. Part of the reason I’m having a hard time is because part of that agreement of the Seal. Marduk literally translates to Lord of the Seas, meaning the Current-Seas. So, although Artemis had a role to play and she could block anybody including Marduk, he actually controlled real energy and essence. He could move the current through by agreements that would happen in an annual meeting that would take place between the owners of all of us and earth.
‘M’ is Not for Money, It Means Marduk
It got me thinking about M and how Marduk liked to leave his signatures when he would send current or lack thereof, so anti-current out to people we know as money and then laugh about it. IBM I’ve told you means I Be Marduk, and 3M has his signature as well.
I originally thought all I had to do was positively charge this stuff and boom we could go to an asset-based trading system. Now in quantum physics that makes sense to me, because I’m going to charge it positively with the veins of gold, then I can back it with gold and move that current right through the financial system. But no, no, no, because, M does not mean money, M means Marduk, and this is his ownership over it!
He would take your energy, direct it to somewhere else, and that would be real M1 if you are from the deep state, and he would convert it to credits or IOUs. And the appropriations for that would go to the beneficiary owners until there weren’t any beneficiary owners, or their agreement wouldn’t be renewed, in which case you had a good hope of trying to get something. But not when it’s still part of his dark control of the current. So, we had to change that and this put everyone in a tailspin too in the last 48 hours.

Humans Can Now Receive Current Directly From the Giver Of Life!
We can’t make it a note, and it doesn’t matter if we take a US treasury note and try to positively charge it because it’s still a note, therefore it’s still a credit. And we can’t convert the note system unless we have something to replace it, So, in the backside of the digital system we had to make a change and create an entirely new allocation system and appropriations to go directly to the human.
On a human level, for some people knowing that we moved to a currency of gold is all they need to know. But what is really key is that you now have the currency of the Giver of Life Declaration, you have a direct current. Yes, it does come through the veins of gold and we’re now using the actual metal to hyper conduct that Source energy to direct current, but you now receive a part of the direct current. Every human that inhabits planet earth receives it directly from the Giver of Life now that we are reconnected to the Soul plane. So that’s pretty cool!

That being said, now you can begin to understand the changes that have to happen. I didn’t even think about it and that’s my bad. I’m like omg! M = Marduk’s Current. I don’t want Marduk’s Current, we need Giver of Life Current, we need Source Current in all ways, shapes, and forms and not only to our person and earth, but everywhere else. But we needed to actually go through the financial system this way. I know everyone is frustrated but until that covenant expired what was I going to do with it anyway, everything has its own time.
In Part 3 I will wrap up this post and let you know who that person is that scammed the deep state. So stay tuned!
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So interesting, these trickster so called leaders of humanity that just loved to screw humans over and laugh about it. It’s really sick and demented but also probably because of their living interdimensionally and living for so long, it was a sort of mental illness or addiction type of thing where they used us and usurped us for energy because negative emotions make such nourishing loosh and so the joke is on us, even down to our money so we do need to come up with a new name for money and a new vibration so to speak on how we interact with energy in regards to how we get it, put it out and how we use it or even just talk about it.