This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 18-SEP-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. Kim started off saying today is a great day for us but of course there was more cleanup to do as they are always up to something. And that something was trying to genocide as many people on the planet as they could. Fortunately that was derailed and you get all the details here.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

18-SEP-24 NEWS (
If The Deep State Can’t Win, They Want to Bring Everyone Down With Them
As I told you the GIA has people are in every aspect of the Deep State, meaning we have spies everywhere and they overheard some of their conversations on Monday. They were talking crazy, basically they feel like they are hell bound, they were going to push everybody to the limits, if they are going, they are taking the whole world with them and humanity. They know there is going to be an alignment and they are basically saying it’s going to be an end of dark essence, energy and consciousness on this planet and they aren’t going to let us have this planet. They are going to do everything they can to take us with it and preserve their dark systems. That includes AI systems, also known in the alt media as the quantum financial system and a lot of other things they are trying to implement over there. So, they were aware that things were changing and not in their favor and it seems like they lost their minds.
They Want to Snatch & Grab Kim
Other things the the deep state militaries were doing in the middle of the night, some known and unknown to us because a lot of them were American, is they were trying to devise a plan to snatch and grab me out of here. The last time we talked I told you they were trying to find another human who walked this earth who can do what I do but in their favor. Apparently, they did not find that person, so they basically would like to own me like a dog and try to get me to work the system for them.
They were planning on doing this today and they made some calls around here to see if that would be possible. Then they tried to go above their head, higher up in the deep state or so they thought, and that didn’t work out either. There is definitely a lot of security issues here, at least in my world right now. I can’t do what they want me to do anyway. My system will never work the way they want. This has been done at the hands of the Creator and not any of the people they used to report to. They just can’t understand how the universe works, but a little knowledge is dangerous, and in this case it could have been really dangerous. They planned to come with full force and were talking about an invasion of Durango, Colorado. But it’s not going to happen even if they tried.
Exploding Electronic Devices Throughout the Middle East
Since then, they have been trying some other crazy things, some of which you’ve might have even seen in the mainstream media. That would be exploding electronic devices throughout the Middle East. In the media there is talk that thousands of people have died, but thus far we don’t have any deaths, however we have thousands of people injured.
Kim then rolled some footage to let us know what is actually happening because there is a lot of misinformation going around.

The exploding electronic devices were things like walkie talkies, cell phones, small pagers, electric shavers. You can kind of see the extent of these injuries and I know we don’t use pagers much in America but they are tiny little devices with a AAA battery and it wouldn’t cause these kinds of injuries. So, it was concerning and kind of hard to figure out honestly.
This Was an Experiment Starting in the Middle East
Interestingly enough, we traced it to the semi-conductor chips in these devices, which are pretty much in every single cell phone in the world, laptops, electric cars, etc., they are everywhere. Now because there is no battery that is going to explode like that the first place, we went to look at who is producing the semiconductors and there are two main companies in the world. Then we traced back chatter to some Order of the Black Dragon members and other Dragon members within China and Japan, so apparently this is where the orders came from to conduct this experiment in the Middle East. It was considered an experiment, does it work.
What Caused the Electronic Devices to Explode?
They were going in through backdoors through a system called Genisys, and apparently, they still had some access based on some things they also install with these chips. The companies responsible for receiving and acting on those orders were Quest Global ( in Singapore and Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) in China. This particular company also has locations not only in China but in the United States and Japan and the main locations they were operating out of were in the United States, Japan, and China. We also had the second largest company of semi-conductors which is the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company or (TSMC) and they also were operating not only in Taiwan but China, Amsterdam, and the United States.
The idea behind what they were doing was connecting to the kernels behind these chips and then sending out a version of what we know as an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) which is what was actually causing the damage in the humans. So yes, it caused the batteries to explode, but the injuries sustained coming through the chips within these devices is what caused the majority of these injuries.
Now they had plans to continue with this program throughout the US, Europe, and most all of Asia. They intended on trying to kill as many citizens of the world as possibly. We know for a fact they were doing this with the full cooperation of the American government, American deep state, and the Pentagon. And in Israel the IDF was fully aware and condoning the activity. They even suggested and highlighted various locations they could test first, as well as various members they considered to be their enemy in the Middle East.
Targeted Was a Targeted Genocide Attempt
It was definitely a targeted genocide attempt and if they had been fully successful this would have started spreading throughout the entire world. We could have had a really big problem for anyone who had an electronic device. However, that was shut down today and we worked really hard at that so there would be no more injuries. Let’s hope that is the last of that. They do not have the ability to send electromagnetic pulses through the chips they produce, and bear in mind they are responsible for 90% of the production of chips on the planet for all electronic devices on the planet, so even in your dishwashers, washer/dryers, electric cars, etc.
And I just want to thank the US Military in particular, for protecting the American citizens like they are supposed to, and for your full cooperation and participating. Even having a meeting telling them which American citizens they should target first and in what areas to gain the most impact. You’re disgusting.
The Deep State’s Lost All Access September 18th
On Monday I talked about the 18th, that the Deep State would be pretty well done, and around 11pm-2am my time is when they lost all access. What we meant by done is a lot of their nefarious activities, proposed financial crashes, vaccine identification systems, social crediting systems, and a lot of diseases they could create. All these things were done in cooperation with the alpha-omega system and predominantly they only ever had access to the omega system which could only create dark programs on this planet.
Participants in This Attempted Genocide Being Sent to Source
So, what they were doing today was limited, it obviously wasn’t achieving the objective they had hoped for with the electromagnetic frequencies. By the time it shut down they considered it not fully working, which is why they kept testing it. But they won’t be able to test anything now. And as for the people we can find running the program and giving the orders, they will only be testing their visit to Source at this point.
We are still hunting down some of the Americans that participated in this and I don’t care if you appear on TV, this was a blatant attempt at genocide, not only in the Middle East but the entire world. You and your Israeli friends who were laughing are no longer going to be able to do so because we know exactly where we’re going to send you. We are increasing in numbers within their circles and will push forward regardless with no mercy.
Alignment With Source Happening Through the Equinox
But on our side, what we saw transpiring was the beginnings of an alignment with Source. There is no longer a Neutral Source or Anti-Source to align with and this started last night and will continue through to the Equinox and probably for several days after. It is a prime opportunity because of the influx of atomic particles coming from Source. I know the Deep State called them hydrogen particles because they don’t really understand anything. An atomic particle is the base root of all life itself. Everything has atoms and, in the past, we had 3 different types of atomic particles when we lived in a light-neutral-dark universe. The increase in the Source particles started dissipating what was left of the dark and the neutral including any energy going to the omega system. So, what was left was minimal by morning and within the next few days there should be none left.
Atomic Clock Change to Crystalline Atomic Time
What that means is even their ability to go through computer screens to infect people and try to make people make decisions, give them thoughts that are not their own, or make physical changes to your body that they could affect with these systems is gone. Now I will repeat that they had limited access, but the system itself per old covenants that expired still had access and could also run autonomously. This has been our main concern.
But the atomic clock change to crystalline atomic time means that we should only be left with the actual atomic particles of the Creator throughout the universe at some point in time. That started here on earth and is a positive change for humanity and will change the way these atomic particles communicate with each other without anything interfering within them, which we know as time.
Unfortunately for the deep state, it left them to go a little crazy. What is next for them? What human things they will try to do? We are not sure, but we’re watching them very closely, but there isn’t really a whole lot they can do at this point, even getting a hold of me is not going to help them any, whether they believe that or not. My system will not generate money for them or create disease for the next pandemic or war. It’s already been pre-programmed in a completely different way and no amount of stealing is going to change that.
Hopefully they won’t have anything left to connect to in electronic systems. And if they do connect with these kernels that are now ours by the way, they will spread energy and probably healing frequencies, which is the undesired effect of what they were wishing to do. Since we now own these kernels, these are programs we can now run and will be over the next couple of days as well. So, I just want to say thank you SMIC of China and TSMC Taiwan for allowing us to take over your network per your own stupid mistakes, just like we took over Huawei, the other major 5G network. Thanks for pointing that out for us. We’re checking out a few smaller companies too, that manufacture 1-2% of the world’s electronics to make sure we leave no stone unturned here.
That’s what we’ve been working on, making sure the atomic clock changes go smoothly. We had a few things out of Afghanistan that were interfering and out of the Forbidden City in Beijing, but other than that it’s pretty much be smooth sailing on our part.
What Can Humans Expect From This Atomic Clock Change?
You can expect a little more energy and some more positivity. This is another step that we’ve been talking about for 8-9 months now, where we wouldn’t see the spread of disease like in the past, and every day we’re getting a step closer to that hope and dream of mine and Source for fulfilling his promise on what he said he was going to do.

That’s the news update that I can let out. And by the way, we’re working on restocking the oils so thank you so much for your patience.
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Thankyou and wooohooo : )
bonjour kim, idem just, encore de bonnes nouvelles, merci à toute l’équipe, merci source de toutes véritables vies terrestre des univers, des galaxies, de ta terre liberé de son nom: gaïa ( le retour du positif pour l’éternité infini, immortelle! sans partage, aucun, que ce soit avec de la neutralité, ou du négatif! salut pour l’éternité infini sans retour possible à la lumière, vôtre temps c’est écoulé, les anti humains, les faux humains! ce qui est merveilleux pour toutes les véritables micro sources de nôtre source mère de vies gaïa! merci pour ce retour gagnant