This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 06-Mar-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim explains a global media control structure or overlay which she thinks has been causing a lot of mental and emotional issues for people more than usual the last several weeks. We find out too that those self-proclaimed white hats are never going to help us and want the opposite. No surprise there.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

06-Mar-24 News (
Market Numbers & Social Media Outages
The numbers we see are not the real numbers and they are trying very hard to hide them. The same goes for social media access. They are losing access to a lot of different things and they were trying to recreate some access for themselves to enter into social media which is why we saw the outages this week. But it was more than social media, they also tried to gain access into backdoors of Google, Firefox, Safari, all your standard browsers to find a way to monitor things.
5 Groups that Control the 5 Sectors
In the last broadcast we spoke about the global headquarters folks and how each one represented different aspects of control, or alleged security of the planet. What I didn’t mention was the 5 sectors have a main world headquarters which is GCHQ, and after the conversation I had on Sun afternoon, I started listening into their meetings from this location. It became abundantly clear they have no intention of doing anything correctly with us. As a matter of fact, they spent a lot of time talking about how they were going to manipulate me into giving them access to something. They also spent a lot of time talking with the Pallavicini Family and the Silent Circle. There’s been a lot of fighting and arguments about them not having access to a lot of things.
Global Media Overlay Found and Dismantled
So upon hearing this I know I needed to find everything related to this group and tear it apart. Some of those things include an overlay that I discovered they had access to around earth that kind of went in both directions. Imagine the Star of David structure. You would see the overlay coming from Moscow on down to the Andes Mountains, the Chimborazo Mountain in Ecuador and several parts in between. The structure did have some capacity with what minimal access they had left to cause you problems as a human. It could mess with your dreams for one, your mental and emotional state. I’ve been hearing many reports of people losing it over the last couple of weeks and this is where it was coming from. It was part of the Global Media program.
Social Media Outages
Social media as we know is no different from mainstream media. They tell stories that aren’t true and send frequencies through social to try to make you feel certain things. The same goes for the internet. But when they tried to reconnect to the social media main base platform, that’s where they went wrong and why we saw all the outages.
Sunny: What was the goal of getting into social media?
It’s not just about reporting false information in social media. You see things trending in social media and they would like to use it to get people to make a run on the banks or rile up the patriots, etc. But not only that, don’t forget the silent audio cues they send when you mention something. You get a million ads about whatever that something is just because you mentioned it. And social audio cues are not just about advertising. Say you’re reading a lot about the dangers of a banana republic disease; you will have underlying frequencies of that disease sent to you. If you go to YouTube and you look up something about heart disease your entire YouTube becomes an entire disease fest. They will take those videos and add frequencies to them of that disease. They can put an underlying frequency of truth as well. Part of that was the manipulation utilized by this overlay we are talking about.
This overlay wasn’t even usable until the 2nd of November and I haven’t looked into why that is yet. But it could have been the changes in the Ages, removal of the darkness, a Deadman switch we didn’t see. But they really ramped it up over the last few weeks and I don’t know if they really knew what to do with it. What we have seen for the last 4 weeks has been crazy though. People in general, who don’t know anything that is going on are just angry and yelling for no reason or are over emotional. Old traumas are coming up, spontaneous sadness, people are splitting up, all kinds of different things. Some of it has to do with the changing of the times and wounds are going away and there has to be a release of those going way. The faster they let it go the better. Have your outburst then let it go so that is the end of it.
Fake Market Numbers
Other things they still had access to, albeit to a small degree is the ability to create a space between planes, computers and AI systems and cause a disturbance. They also put artificial numbers in the spaces in between and were reflecting more financial backing to the financial system than it really had. Yesterday we ripped it out and then we saw the market go down a few hundred points. They only showed about 500 points down but it actually went down 2700 points and they continued trading far beyond trade time to see if they could revive the market.

They also lost back doors granted to them by ‘Others’ to any and all worldwide markets for market control. Anything they had left of the Plunge Protection Committee is all gone now. When the market dropped below a certain level, this committee would step in and prop up the markets to prevent a crash, so it had a stop gap which was part of the alleged government structure worldwide. It was run by the Treasuries department, hence the Black Sun. Often times money would come out if the market dropped enough. It’s the same thing with the debt clock, money would automatically come out to support a financial system that was failing and would go to these security folks we talked about on Monday.
Regarding the markets, the goal is to have the market do what it does naturally without any outside interference. Now you’ll always has nepotism on Wall Street and insider trading worldwide, but at least to some degree the major market manipulations won’t be happening. Pretty much if they reflected real numbers we would be seeing a full on crash right now. I guess it’s a positive thing we’re not as it would send the average person into a panic and we’re looking to help not hurt people.
There are also articles circulating around the internet about these people making demands. There is an article by Ben Fulford where he writes about someone demanding they become head of the world from the Order of the Black Sun and that was true, it really happened.
Note: I think this is the article she is referring to, The Black Sun organization issues ultimatum: announce world federation or face nuclear holocaust – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis (
Whatever They Have Left They Try and We Find It and Dismantle
There is a lot of infighting of the elites and they’ve yet to figure out that neither party has any kind of full control over anything or any hope of reviving the dying system. That’s what’s been going on behind the scenes at global headquarters. They don’t need to be there anymore in my opinion. There are a lot of super-secret meetings underground at GCHQ and orders coming out that are causing us harm. If they had the ability to pay for these things it would be even worse and we would definitely be back under lockdown.
Slowly but surely every single thing they try we find. They are not securing the world, they are trying to secure the elite and their own selves, the breakaway situation from the Khazarian/Dragon families is what they are looking for whether they know it or not, so someone else can be the King of the world. I don’t see any relationship with any of those groups, their mind is too far gone.
The Lisa Thomas Team Bubba Situation
The rest of the broadcast Kim addressed things happening on the UNN CARE Telegram channel. She has decided to take it down due to the Lisa situation as it’s gotten out of hand evidently. She explained again how the deep state works very hard discrediting people, but even if this Team Bubba could achieve taking down UNN, Kim is still Ground Command, Curator or Currency, and all the other hats she wears.
I’m just going to leave it at that, she talked a lot more about this and I find the situation really sad. If you want to hear more you can listen to the broadcast yourself, it’s not a topic I want to focus on. It’s inevitable that Kim will be surrounded by people trying to take her down. I found Kim years ago and believed for a long time she is who she says she is, which is Guardian and all her other many hats. I haven’t just followed her and documented her intel for years; I pay attention to her character and am even more convinced about what her job is. What I see is a very wise, clever, strong, moral and uncorruptible woman. So of course she is going to be attacked and like she said, when she came out in public she expected that. It’s why I don’t pushing my blog on social media, at least for now. I feel called to document in real-time our history of leaving a Dark Age and moving to the Golden Age. I’m just a little scribe with a small audience, but people will find Kim’s information when they are ready to learn the truth, and I hope my site will still be here when they do.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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