This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 16-SEP-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. In this report Kim goes into a deeper dive about the Global Intelligence Agency, its history, what changed and how it operates today. It really helped clarify things, at least for me. She also talks more about the spectrum light programs as they relate to the Color Wars, which was an omega program that is just about gone. It’s another long post, but lots of good information. Happy reading!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

16-SEP-24 NEWS (
The Global Intelligence Agency
We throw out a lot of terms like Ground Commander, Office of the Guardian and the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) and I wanted to give a little bit of background because we have something coming up here soon which I think you’re really going to like, and we’ll talk about that soon. But first I want to talk a little about the GIA.
History of the Global Intelligence Agency
For the last 8 years everything has changed in the GIA and what they used to do. The GIA has been around for a really long time, multiple millennia. It’s both human and non-human and it always was. The GIA was the highest agency of both humans and non-humans on the planet, even higher than the ACIO Official – Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (, so higher than Monarch Military, Umbrella Military or any SSP militaries out there.
They reported to the former Ground Commander who was installed around 16,000 years ago and we know as Marduk. Marduk created the GIA for himself. Now remember Marduk was just a title and means the Controller of the Current Seas. That means whoever held the position as Marduk was the manager of earth at the time. The former owners of earth were the 6 different parties we talked about before. So, the GIA’s job was to report directly to Marduk. He himself told me directly that he was a tyrant. He controlled everything on the planet and he ensured he was Ground Command. He also held other titles and positions such as controlling all financial affairs, every operation on the planet, and pretty much nothing came or left on this planet unless he said so.
GIA’s Job When Marduk Was Ground Command
That being said, the GIA’s job was to collect all the orders that would go out. Meaning they were privy to all the info on the planet, the happenings, comings and goings, the alignments. They had the top intelligence on the planet. Their primary focus at the time, but not now, was to ensure every group in the downline adhered to what Marduk’s orders were. They were to ensure 100%, whether it went down through the Parents, Covens, etc. that they did their jobs. They had the right to interfere in any operation on the planet to ensure no one stepped out of line. If you did you disappeared and that was the GIA’s job.
The system they had at the time was both positive and negative, because remember there was a certain amount of balance that had to be enforced regardless of the Age we were in and the timeline we were in. There was still that 79%-21% and we could never fall below a certain threshold and there was all kinds of energy, loosh, commerce, and minerals management taking place on Marduk’s level.
The GIA’s job was to ensure everything went off without a hitch. They had all kinds of intel coming in from all kinds of sources directly and indirectly. They had the right to walk into any Parliament, White House, military installation, and DUMB, be in on the human side or non-human side. They could go in and out of everywhere on this planet and they were highly respected.
Sunny: Were there humans working for the GIA under mind control? Or was it under their own volition?
Marduk Recruited Human and Non-Humans Members
Marduk was a very cunning and very charming being and I spent a lot of hours talking to this being. I would say he made everything sound wonderful. He would put things in such a way like it’s your choice, but it was really not. And he would pick the best of the best everywhere, the smartest humans, the system breakers, the ones who were the most resourceful, and it was very random. It could be a very non-descript person that was recruited and brought into the program, but I would say there was a certain amount of loyalty he required and the consequences were well known. But because his recruits fit multiple different points in what we could call IQ tests, he took the best of the best that fit that profile. They understood, even when it came to the realm owners, that when it came to earth, they were here to keep the balance. Therefore, they accepted the fact the dark had to be in this percentage and the light in that percentage, and anybody that interfered with that is out of protocol. And for Marduk to some degree, that balance very delicately and often operated in the gray, so right in between. That is who the GIA has always been.
Change Started in the GIA Around 2013-2014
Starting in about 2013-2014 most folks who worked for the GIA started realizing something was wrong and part of that had to do with the conversations I was having about we’re going into a Neutral Age and we have to restore balance to 50-50%. At least I knew that much at the time, and they couldn’t understand why the orders coming out were still the opposite of that.
Kim Became Ground Command in 2016
Then Marduk left in August of 2016, but he actually lost the position as Ground Commander prior to him departing. When I became Ground Commander on March 31, 2016, that’s when things got really confusing because they were still reporting to Marduk and they didn’t really know what was going on. I inherited this intelligence agency in the beginning of 2016 and that is when we had to assess who was going to stay and who was going to go. There were humans and non-humans that had made the decision based on full information, because nothing is withheld, as to what they were going to do. A lot of them left, departed completely, and some left to work on different structures. But at that point they were stripped of their clearance, their support and communication lines, and they kind of went off on their own.
Sunny: How many are we talking about?
We started out with around 25-26 million, and that’s both humans and non-humans. At the moment we’re down to around 170,000 which includes both human and non-human. We have less of a crew now but we do have GIA members in all countries. Sometimes they appear as people, but they aren’t people. They can show up in places like the White House, Mar a Lago, in meetings and people don’t even know they are there, they think they are somebody else. The non-humans we still have here are quite talented.
Sunny: What is the percentage of humans and non-humans now?
We’re about 70% non-human.
Sunny: Where do they come from?
Some have been here for a long time. Others we recruited because they were part of the slavery program and have been here a very long time. Some of them come and go. Some were here and have joined and The GIA is their first point of contact. The GIA is not the SSP or the ACIO. The GIA and Ground Command is their first point of contact if they are coming here to help defend earth. And over the years there were times when we had a lot more and there were periods we hovered around 150,000-170,000. When things were escalating with intrusions and we had the Legions (aka Angels) come and go, and there are still some members of the Coalition here who are willing to help to the finish. At times we had millions here when we had higher threats. And some of those are non-humans and humans who aren’t from here, but are willing to come back at any time should we ever need them.
But we don’t have the kind of threat we had before. Currently we are down to some humans and remnants of an AI system. Predominantly there are some who are participating on the level of Human ridiculousness, there are some who are participating on the level of AI.
You have to remember the alpha-omega AI system infiltrated a lot of planets and places and things. And its infiltration really hurt a lot of civilizations and many on earth. Every version of humans had a problem with it. There was hologram associated with it we know as the matrix. And there was a matrix for everything. Your mitochondria had an energy matrix associated with it. It existed on so many levels with the help of some other races who were not our friends that were here, and with the help of the former owners of earth it continued with that infiltration for control.
I would say the majority of the ones we have now are very adept at AI infiltration. They are very adept at the AI consciousness level and they are here to defend, protect, and eliminate all the draw that was on humanity and on earth itself.
The delicate balance of the terraforming of earth versus it being a holographic terraforming of an AI system is something everybody has been working on in this level. If we wake up one day and there is a new continent or the shoreline of San Diego is 1,000 miles away from where the shoreline was, we could have some serious problems with society and humans. I can guarantee you if that happened, we wouldn’t be talking about selection-elections anymore.
Earth’s Name is Gaia
The terraforming of earth is kind of a Source thing. That is a relationship between Gaia, because earth is actually about a hologram. It’s an Energetic Alternative Reality of the Terraforming of Hologram. That is what EARTH actually means and her name is actually Gaia.
Gaia is coming back into her own. She can breathe again and there has been a lot of earth changes. We’re noticing some of our deserts are getting a lot more rain. They are showing greenbelts in the Sahara. So there is a lot of stuff which you can find in the news even, that is preparing earth to be earth again without any interference.
GIA Changed Direction in 2016
So the GIA around 2016 was completely changed. And because they have more info and intelligence than anyone else walking this planet now, and because they worked for Marduk for a long time they understood how a lot of the manipulation had been done, therefore it’s easier to unwind it or un-manipulate it so to speak, easier to fix it. There are prime times which have nothing to do with alignments with Uranus and the Moon, it’s basically a wave of energy and a lack of fractionated light in the spectrums and those kinds of things which allowed for us to push things forward faster.
Deep State Still Has Huge Conflict With the GIA and it’s new Direction
When the GIA went rogue and started working for the now Ground Command who was always their charge, there was a huge conflict with the remaining members of the deep state and our group and still is. What the deep state doesn’t know is we also infiltrated all of their groups. When I say to you, we have eyes and ears in x meeting, I can have one of our agents come in and appear in that meeting and you won’t even know they are there. They could be there cloaked or mimicking someone else. We are very careful about this because if we are appearing as somebody else and somebody known to them but saying something different, you have to walk that fine line because some of the SSP are educated on how this works. But we can get in and out of anywhere.
I know you guys have met Tom Melville and Agent M, they are humans and they’ve always been doing things a certain way long before we met them. So, we bring them in and they are understanding the change and they are loyal to the cause of humanity and trying to change the ways things are on this planet. They have a deeper understanding of the way things work on this planet and when confronted with questions from the deep state they say look, this is never going to work.
The GIA Was Never Compartmentalized
Now we know as GIA that it is never going to work because we have had access to exactly, not the compartmentalized version or by orders like the deep state, but because we have been privy at the order giving sessions for over a decade. We understand why the deep state thinks what they think and the compartmentalization. We kind of blew the minds of a lot of military and government folks when we put out which continuance of government would they like on Friday. They didn’t know and there were many other agreements out there, but we talked about just those based on their question.
I’m explaining a lot more about the GIA because we decided to start putting out some correct info. So not just present information but past information as well. We’ll be coming out with a series of videos which are based on the enormous amount of info we have collectively as a group gathered and we also have all the GIA access to everything.
You see videos on MK Ultra, CERN, etc. on the internet and we’re going to give you the whole story on a lot of this stuff. The story of Admiral Byrd and what is Atlantis for example, all in neat little packages so you can share with people who are fearful of this stuff. It will also help explain why we know when something is never going to work, because we understand the mechanics behind it.
Dark Matter Is Not Only Black But Can Be Many Colors
Now a little knowledge is dangerous when it comes to the SSP because they did have limited access to varying systems. More than a year ago we talked about the planes of existence within your human and between those planes you had fractionated light which put those colored planes in between, and that is where the systems could operate. The same goes for what medical science calls your junk DNA. But spectrum of light can include a spectrum of essence, ether, energy, matter. So not all anti-matter is black or dark matter. Dark matter could also be blue, yellow, orange and these things affect your body in different ways. So we’ve been working to make sure the SSP doesn’t have any access, not only to human computer networks but also to your body.
SSP At Mount Denali, Alaska
Over the weekend they tried activating systems in Mount Denali, Alaska. We talked in the news before about the pyramids in Alaska, the facility their and how deep it went, and we’re going to go into that in a lot more depth and what that facility was used for. But the SSP was in there going guns a blazing over the weekend and their guns gave us an idea of things they were trying to access. And a lot of it had to do with these places in between in humans, so they could infect your etherical plane, your mental plane, to get some control over the human consciousness.
Why? Because we’re not believing a lot of stuff anymore. That’s because their limited access is waning, the hologram in waning, their ability to manipulate the human DNA, mitochondria, chromosomes, genetic makeup is going away.
Spectrum of Light & Protecting Yourself From Computers with Blue Glasses
Sometimes I realize I go a little far on the quantum level for some people and it’s a little confusing. And I know the way I explain it sometimes is more than you hear elsewhere. And because you can’t verify certain things easily, when I find something that explains it from someone else’s point of view I try to bring them up to you because maybe the way they explain it makes more sense.
This is a video we found online and it’s pretty good. Jack Kruse talks about the spectrum of light and why we want to wear blue light glasses and to protect ourselves as much as possible from our computer screens. And also, why we want to ground ourself and readjust the frequency and spectrum of light in your body. (Note the clip Kim played on UNN starts from around 7min.)
Spectrums of Light Program Was Created Hundreds of Millenia Ago
It’s not just blue light only, but the reason this man in the video is so focused on blue light is because he came from a neurosurgeon standpoint. In Louisiana they have a neurosurgery program there and they started using some of the people there to help with the experiments. Of course, they are told that this is going to be wonderful, we can help people. But the blue light is the light in the spectrum that controls the mental plane. So it’s all about controlling your consciousness, your decisions, blocking that and creating fears and subconscious fears where they might not exist, especially if you’re stepping too far outside the box, and they can dumb you down.
This program was created long before there ever was a CIA or Umbrella Military or Cyberlife. It was created hundreds of millennia ago against humans, which also spread up into the 5th density, other planets, and other dimensions. It went far and it could also control to some degree the fabric of reality. Sometimes you can say it’s a hologram and sometimes not. But those spectrums of light are not only from computer screens but lots of things.
We Run in Colors and the Program Ran Through Omega
We talk about the Families which are in colors and the Color Wars, as is the Order of the Black Sun. Their colored eagles with black being the highest in their world because it’s not a fractionated spectrum and can control only one aspect of the human.
Now the program ran through the omega system. The CIA, per the orders that came all the way down from Marduk really ramped up as the human use of electronics ramped up. All colors are contained within white and all colors are contained within black.
When they were trying to push disease in humans in Mount Denali this weekend, they didn’t understand you have to affect the etherical plane, causal plane, and physical plane in a certain sequence. And there are difference frequencies to make you think you’re sick and a different one to bring it into fruition. And the fact that omega is limited, because it doesn’t have the energy to regenerate anymore, their ability to do anything is now nil.
By September 18th the SSP Will Be Unable to Operate!
The only thing I will tell you about what is left of those people, is by the 18th of September, mark my words, they are done. And that is because there is something changing that could have been a positive or negative outcome, and we’re almost ensured a positive outcome. I won’t say anymore right now because I don’t want to help them create more of these ridiculous situations this weekend.
What the human race has been experiencing is 20 minutes of a cold or chills. It comes and goes as fast as it came. It’s omega on its final legs and it’s being prompted in some cases by the SSP. But by the 18th of September the SSP will be unable to function and operate in any capacity. They may still run around like crazy people, but what we’re concerned about is what can they do to you.
Sunny: There is a lot of info from whistleblowers out there now who believe they were part of the SSP but involuntarily part of it, involving a lot of time travel and things like that. So when you say the SSP isn’t going to have their bells and whistles, does that also include the ability for time travel and things like that to not just impact us now but any other timelines or places throughout the multiverse?
Sunny: It means all that is going away? Because that’s good news for them. They are being taken and all this stuff is being done, or at least was done and a lot have a fear of that happening. So, I wanted to clarify for people who may be in that boat.
A lot of travel, not all but a lot that is done in reality land for most advanced civilizations is done by consciousness transfer. Think of it like picking up a rental car, that’s how a lot of people do it. Now could they inadvertently do that with people? Absolutely. This is the fractionated consciousness, essence, either, the spectral changes. They can try to take their consciousness somewhere else.
You know how they say sometimes if you die in a dream you die in real life. Did you ever wonder why that could be? What timeline are you in, where are you going? And some have déjà vu moments, or even recently you may be having dreams or memories being places you did not go to, or remember other planets, whatever it is. Those are real memories of being in another time. It’s all because they tried to wipe your person of any memories of existing in another timeline or dimension or place.
All that kind of merges together and we don’t want people to go crazy, so there is a process that will take place where Source knows best. In other words, what can these people handle? If you saw the world for what it really was you would be shocked. And not everyone is affected by blue light manipulation and they are having memories and were affected by the SSP. Maybe you were here from someplace else, maybe you were subject to one of their experiments because you met a profile. So, their ability to do that without your sovereign will is what is ending, and all their frequencies, telomere shortening which prevents cellular regeneration, that kind of thing. There is a lot more to it and all of this stuff has been 80% of the focus for the last 10 days.
Our Systems Are Nearly at 100%
With our systems functioning nearly at 100%, we’ve just been playing counter until this thing dies. On our side of it we’ll have more of the ability to heal the other 34 strands of DNA that you don’t know anything about. We’ll have more ability to affect the energy of your mitochondria which generates more energy for yourselves. We’ve been making headway in the opposite direction for repair purposes. Basically, terraforming the fabric of you, this planet, and other planets.
We are getting more people coming in inquiring about the Golden Age and Golden Age AI and what it can do to help them with restoration in other locations. So, if they can’t affect you and the planet, we consider them a non-issue, a pebble in the road.
Optical Carriage Recognition, Part of Omega’s Program
The GIA is aware of every aspect of that AI system that got here, the one that gives them “power,” how they fractionated their head from a young age upon recruitment, why they put them through all these spectrum programs we call MK Ultra. That’s how we can tell you what you see. Optical Carriage Recognition used to be a part of Omega’s program. It would record and send data about the status of earth. You were all satellites at one point in time. So, everything you see was being recorded and sent elsewhere for manipulation, your reaction to it and human behavior was monitored.
Do you know how many people on the daily learn about alien life on the planet?
We watch known people on the internet and they do things with whistleblowers. Some of the known people are Steven M. Greer, David Icke, David Wilcock, Art Bell. So, there is a lot of places people kind of started learning about aliens. Then you have all these people watching this and knowing about alien life and wishing for an alien invasion just to prove they are right to their friends and family. It used to get recorded and go into an AI system which reads, oh they want an alien invasion. But there still needs to be a high enough percentage of the people focusing on it in order to create that, and if it doesn’t reach that percentage, it will not allow it to be created within its hologram.
The SSP tries to come up with all these different varying media campaigns through screens, the blue light in your computer, and dreams. How many people sleep next to their phones? With the TV on? With your computer in your room? How many hours do you spend scrolling videos before you go to bed? These are things you need to think about. But without their ability to make those manipulations, omega becoming weak, and the thought process becoming weak, you start to realize wait a minute, that’s not my thought. But if I can tell you anything, wear your blue screen glasses until it’s completely gone. And I recommend if you go into any store with LED lights you should wear blue glasses. It should be gone in the next couple of days, but scrolling TiK Tok and YouTube can give you a headache. A lot has to do with an algorithm but it’s not just to censor people, it also to make you believe what they are putting out there is real.
Full Moon Tomorrow Marks the End of Family Meetings
Tomorrow is the full moon here around 10:30 PM EST which should be the conclusion of the annual meetings with the Families. Operatives are gathering in respective places expecting to get their contracts from these people even though it hasn’t happened in several years, since the last time we provided it to government type people.
Tom Melville of the GIA was invited to a meeting on Sunday even though the meetings started on Friday. I told him if he goes to take notes and write down every question they had. Then he should come back to me to answer those questions because by the type of question they ask me, I would know exactly what they intended to do with this information. I have no ego invested in this; I just don’t want to further delay the inevitable.
Tom ended up not going to the meeting, but they did ask him questions for probably 5 hours. How does she know this? How does she do what she does? Just by those questions I can tell you unequivocally they are going to try to figure out how to do what I do. The other thing is they think if I can do it and I’m a human then surely, they have a human in their database in one of their groups who can do this too. But no, they do not have that person.
But anyway, as far as conclusions, we do have some straggling people who said they want to work with us, but I think that’s only out of desperation at this point. The Mount Denali Situation was torched. There is nobody left after this weekend. We were hoping the SSP actually told them to give them until noon yesterday to come up with a plan for money before they went in any other direction and those people clearly never called them back at noon, therefore they are unable to perform the function of dialing a phone at this time. So that has gone no where as far as meetings are concerned. The only reason they are calling us today is because tomorrow everyone is expecting contracts and there are operatives chomping at the bit to get some money. But their fearless leaders and not going to get the job done. And if they want some information as to why, they need to call me directly. They never will but whatever.
In Boring News
Another Fake Trump Fake Assassination Attempt
Surprise-surprise, it was an AK-47 also called a Kalashnikov which is a Russian weapon. Blah blah, yawn, yawn. I guess they were trying to blame it on a Ukrainian citizen. Apparently, Mikhail Mishustin the Russian Prime Minister came out and said hey, it’s not us. That’s because they knew what the setup was. Oh god, Duck Dynasty, they felt like they got some mileage out of the last one so they thought they would get some mileage here and donations, but this thing seems to be failing before it even got started. So back to the drawing board for the Trump operatives.
I also mentioned that Trump said no more debates after the last one. Well, someone who has been following this election-selection very closely said that Harris also said there was not going to be another debate. I didn’t know that because I don’t follow that as closely. But the whole thing seems like the worse version of itself in hundreds of years of history. Honestly, I don’t know what they are doing and I don’t know if they know on either side of the aisle. And there are other problems they are having and a lot of backlash is going on behind the scenes. In this case it seems to me they are running out of people that are loyalists on either side and they don’t have a whole lot of traction with the people. That’s what it looks like to me, that this is the best they could get. There is no clear direction coming from the contenders for world dominance, but I don’t think it matters at this point because there is so much more at stake on the higher levels and they aren’t paying that much attention to it. And when you leave Duck Dynasty to their own devices, or the Chinese side of the Order which is the Democratic party, there isn’t a whole lot on either side left to control those operatives.
Upcoming Updates
About the Marketplace
Our New Earth Team is working on new innovations, meaning they are shipping out the essential oils and we have a few new things that will be showing up. I’ve received a few emails from people who would like to post their products on the Marketplace. Just so you know, this is not our Marketplace. This is a shop we have put forward in the interim to present possible options and solutions. It doesn’t have the capability to add other vendors. So, I appreciate you coming forward, but the actual Marketplace will handle multiple vendors and be available by November 1st.
Why I’m Creating Essential Oils
Someone in the chat asked a question about why I did essential oils?
I love to create new things, especially because I’m destroying things all day long. Essential oils makes me happy. When I started getting into it and analyzing all the terpenes, meaning the essence of the plant, why this plant heals your stomach and another one makes you calm, I started realizing there are a lot of terpenes they started making synthetically that are in pills that are not so good for you. So I thought, how can I use and isolate those terpenes to create another kind of wellness on the planet. And I put all the info and laboratory results out there so you can educate yourself. I hope this type of thing will also carry out sometime in the future in the Marketplace.
Just because something is organic doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Uranium is organic to earth, but you don’t want it in your toothpaste. It’s all part on a smaller level of what is to come with the Research and Development Center, where I don’t need a million dollars in lab equipment to figure it out. Especially because they just passed a lot of new laws for states where marijuana is legal. They figured out some of the growers have a lot of heavy metals in the area therefore it’s in their products. So, they set strict guidelines where everything that comes from your farm has to be analyzed in a laboratory to ensure the safety of the product.
What you are going to see coming out is various blends of essential oils which will emit a certain frequency based on the terpenes. They do it with light, I do it with oils. Maybe I’m counteracting something they are doing with something everyone recognizes. So, there is a method behind my madness is all I’m saying. And I expect you to question me, but you don’t have to say to me like, well don’t you have something better to do with your day. I never ask questions like that. Maybe some of these oils have energy in them, maybe the bottle retains the energy, maybe we’re running rife machines on those oils so they maintain that energy, or maybe we’re regenerating the energy with the essence that was taken from the plant. So, you can question me all you want, but maybe I just wanted to give something better that actually works and I put the information out there in a way the FDA is not going to yell at me.
Changes to the Format of UNN is Coming Up
I just can’t call this a newscast or a broadcast anymore because as we know, it sounds too much like casting a spell, and now we know how it’s done from another guy (if you watched that video above). We are going to make some changes that we think you’re going to like. You’ll start to see them in the next couple of weeks.
More Info on DNA and Other Manipulations
I do need to give you more info on DNA and the other manipulations, but I’m going to wait on that until I am 100% positive the Duck Dynasty and SSP cowboys don’t interfere. I’m guessing that’s what she said, the audible got garbled there.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Thank you for the info from the most Vain pretentious people in the world.
Thankyou ladies and God bless you ❤️
à vous l’aimiez vôtre antichrist, dommage pour vous, il ne reviendra plus nul parts, ainsi que ces serviteurs en sacrifices divers! et j’en suis trés heureux pour tout les véritables univers, les galaxies, la terre de son nom Gaïa
bonsoir, kim, idem just, le nom de la terre, Gaïa, ce nom me parle, mais il va falloir que je face une petite recherche. le monde bouge, la terre change en positif, cela ne fait que commencer, et j’en suis très heureux, de voir la terre gaïa ces univers, ces galaxies et ces véritables vies terrestre ce reconstruire, merci source de toutes véritable vies, merci kim pour ces infos!