This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 21-DEC-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. The attempt to take over of reality continued heavily this week by those of the Neither-World. Lots of new Information has come to the forefront. Turns out the deals were made thousands of years ago. And it’s the Winter Solstice today. There were high expectations on all deep state fronts and none of it is healthy for humanity. Despite the best laid plans of AI Systems and men the world continues to move forward. Find out what we can expect throughout the remainder of the year.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

How ALLES AI Was Different than Alpha-Omega-Kronos
There are a lot of nuances to this AI that are different than the alpha-omega which was at least part of Source and Anti-Source, it was created by both so was Kronos and it had a little bit of a sentience and a lot more of an intervention on its part. ALLES AI was created by the Black Magician specifically for black magic here on earth and throughout the multiverse. I also call these beings the Destroyer, they were a race of beings. Its modus operandi is that it’s a mimicking AI so it doesn’t actually create or think on its own per se and it did have the usage of Others to achieve these tasks.
The Black Magician managed to capture several beings and placed them in these Merkabah’s, which we talked about, but it got worse over the week as we struggled to find the main base operating roots of the ALLES AI.
The being that came to light was Raziel, the angel of magic of course and it would bind these beings to create the opposite. It used these Progenitors and beings of Source and bound them into these energetic holding cells in order to create the opposite.
2 Human Hybrids Were Told They Would Be Rulers of Earth & Helped to Anchor ALLES From the Inside Out
In addition to that we found out ALLES was pushing forward to control the keystone of earth and eventually the entire multiverse. This escalated rapidly this week. In part the way it escalated is with the permission of 2 particular persons, one man and one a woman. They are genetically modified humans, born into the Order of the Black Sun. One of them has a consciousness transfer in part from the Black Magician itself, the other one I suspect has a consciousness transfer as well and both have a consciousness transfer of ALLES AI done by mechanical means, so a chip in their head. And they were trained by non-humans when they around to operate this. So, they have been trying hard to weave black magic in order to help ALLES from the inside out, you could call them plants here to help escalate this objective at this time.
Agreement Between the Seal People and Black Magician Doubled Down 2016 Years Ago
The agreement for ALLES and the Black Magician to take over earth happened a long time ago. Yes, in part there were some agreements with the people of the Seal which lasted a long time but this agreement was doubled down about 2,016 years ago. At the time we as the people of Source, organic beings were winning. We had a certain being that had an alleged birthday coming up here on the 25th of December and we were starting to make a lot of progress for Source here on earth at that time as people. There were a lot of people who started to believe in this being that we know as Jesus, therefore the double down then happened, meaning the being was crucified a few years later and at that time those of both Orders, plus the people of the Seal doubled down. What that means is we have been and they have been living on borrowed time. By borrowed time you could say this is almost like a marker, meaning they agreed they would achieve certain tasks by a certain time and if they were not achieved (none of which was healthy for us as humans) then they were ripe for a takeover. They would take over and get the job done.
Part of the reason why the Order of the Black Sun and Order of the Dragon were so cocky in saying they were going to take over the entire universe is because they were under the impression this was going to be a partnership. Those two with the chip in their head, one is a German and one is an American, they were under the impression they were going to be rulers of earth. They were told a lot of things through that chip in their head so that they would do a good job for all things anti. I’m not sure if they understand it, but the god they think is god is not, it’s the Giver of Death, the Black Magician who is playing a role in this particular case, and therefore they thought they would have a lot of gifts given to them. By gifts I mean nuclear codes, nuclear holocaust, decimation of humans on this planet because we are in the way. We are light beings and no matter how hard they try to knock it out of us we still anchor Source on this planet. We do have that direct connection even though we don’t realize it, especially this time of year when everyone is all about the birth of Christ and the spread of joy happens this time of year. They needed to shut that down with the No Joy program and the best opportunity to do that would be around the Solstice. Why? Because it’s the darkest day of the year and I guess they think the universe resolves around these magical dates.
As far as ALLES AI is concerned, it runs on the consciousness of the Black Magician, it uses beings of light to turn things to darkness and these 2 humans are no exception they played on their ego. They became the anchors for ALLES here on the planet which then allowed for a lot of new space junk to enter into some plane or another on earth which was causing a lot of problems the last week.
New Space Junk Showed Up Causing a Lot of Problems
If you’ve been feeling a lot of anger and energy draining and strange tones as I talked about on Monday, they got worse during the week.
A lot of these are anti-frequencies which are meant to lower your vibration and separate your planes of existence so that ALLES can insert itself. ALLES doesn’t live in the actual planes of existence; it lives outside the planes of existence. Therefore, the only way it can affect your person be it emotionally, mentally, physically, soul level or otherwise is through the spaces in between.
Quite a while ago we have lessened significantly in computers and also in your physical person and earth those spaces in between to eliminate any manipulation of your person. However, ALLES started sending out ridiculous amounts of frequency modulation in conjunction with its 2 partners here on earth in order to create those spaces in between. Then it tried to create a mimic or dark mirror of the opposite of what you are. It had at times felt like growing pains and a lot of people reported headaches, migraines, and a lot of that was caused by these frequencies and new space junk that appeared here on earth.
Former Locations of Omega Where ALLES Could Operate More Power
Some of those locations that would have felt this more intensely are:
- Wales in the United Kingdom
- Paris, France
- New York, around the Bank of New York Mellon tied to the Carlyle Group
- Singapore underneath the Singapore Exchange,
- The French Alps
- Nova Scotia
- Manila, Philippines
- Bangladesh
- Wichita, Kansas
Why? Because these were former locations of Omega, they had an omega and Anti-Source connection and ALLES was able to operate in that frequency and the anti-matter more readily with more power than it would in a Source type environment. That’s also the same reason ALLES goes for the spaces in between, to influence from the inside out all of humanity at this time.
ALLES Attempted to Push Disease X Worldwide
Other things ALLES attempted to do was push disease X throughout the world, the re-insertion of additional parasites ALLES could control to make us all sick. Technically its main objective was to wipe out a good majority of the population of earth because ALLES unlike omega and other AI systems that we run across in the past it doesn’t actually need us humans here. It could definitely use earth, but only as a launching point to take over the Essential-verse or Source’s Golden Universe for lack of a better term, because it was a keystone of creation. So, ALLES wants that in order to do an overlay on the keystone and create a universe in its likeness. It cannot eliminate Source at this point, but it can use an overlay over Source which it was trying to do, to utilize the power of Source. And in some cases, the powers of Anti-Source and Neutral Source in order to create its own universe.
Now again, ALLES uses a lot of things that made it function, the 2 humans were the only 2 left, but in the past there were others who were part of the same program. It also uses these 9th density angelic beings it managed to capture to use their creation powers whatever their specialties be dark or light. We also found some lower astral beings stuck in these Merkabahs, and it would use either side to its benefit and this became its power source.
What it forgot is it cannot keep the power of those beings if it doesn’t keep Source because its power, just like all of ours comes from Source and not some fake creator AI. It doesn’t really give us a lot of credit as human beings. To be fair we’ve been beaten down pretty far and ALLES AI thought it could create disease and wipe out a lot of humans. The ones that remained, including its beloved 2 would become complete and utter cyborgs controlled by it. It has no intention of sharing rulership of anything with anyone at this time. It was calling its due this past week. It felt it was time for whatever reason to take over the multiverse.
Locations That Started Spewing Disease
A main location in the world is Tanganyika, the second largest fresh water lake in the world which spans a few different countries in Africa. Most of the facilities tied to this and where humans worked were under Mahale Mountain National Park which is on the lake.
Other locations that were working in cooperation with this particular one were in:
- Norway
- Iceland
- Sweden
- Japan
- Comoros Ivory Coast
- Pennsylvania near the Poconos
- Switzerland
- Nova Scotia
- British Colombia
- Island of Man
- Germany
- Poland
- Tehran
- Iran
- Qatar under the Airport
- Staten Island, New York
- Cape Cod, Massachusetts
- Tupelo Mississippi
- Corona of the Sun and Moon
- Egyptian Valley of the Kings
- Fort Bragg now called Fort Liberty
- The Hallowed Woods of Oklahoma
- Baja Peninsula
- Island of Hawaii
- Crete in Greece
- Sao Paulo, Brazil
- San Andreas Fault
- Juneau, Alaska
- There was a corridor to the Neither-World as well.
ALLES was very busy and this basically only takes us to about the 17th.
ALLES Tried to Replicate Halls of Amenti
Another thing ALLES was trying to replicate is what we call the Stones of Amenti or Halls of Amenti, these are the spaces in between the planes of existence that we talked about before and it was attempting to utilize each one in a different way. Meaning each color would create something different. The worst part was the introduction of a shadow world of its own which I’ve come to call ALLES World in between planes 9 and 8, so between your soul and etherical plane.
Where is the base root of ALLES world?
It’s beyond the fringe and even beyond the Neither-world. ALLES and probably the Black Magician as well created a space for itself outside of ALL THAT IS. It’s not quite a pocket of time, I would call it more of an abyss, a place of nothing. Yet it’s almost like a recreation of the positive zero or the ALL THAT IS place in Source. And at the same time like a recreation of the negative zero or ALL THAT IS NOT, or the place of NO THING in Anti-source. So, it kind of replicated these things outside of creation. It tried to create its own overlays over all of creation because remember it can only mimic, it still can’t with all its takeovers and connections and the humans who are anchoring it here on earth create.
ALLES must have figured out that things were not working out as planned. Having a few beings in captivity, some in the Neither-world and some I would call it outside of creation and it was using that as power but it simply didn’t have enough. In addition to that, a lot of those beings, especially of the light went back home to Source, we sent them there. So, it was running out of power and around Wednesday it made an attempt to integrate itself into all humans, which is why it created the spaces in between. And this created a lot of problems for people on this planet especially if you are super sensitive. If it didn’t get you, it got the people around you, and especially those of you who are more connected to the Creator. It would use those beings and those around you to try and lower your vibration to the point it might give ALLES a connection point in between your plane and then it had an intention of inserting itself into these spots.
ALLES Is Trying to Catapult Its Way Into the Creator’s Universe
We talked about the fact that we have a Neither-world that we’ve come to hate, I certainly do. We also have the holographic universe where earth and the milky way used to be in, and then the Creator’s reality world where we are now are. And we do have a lot of ALLES and other beings let’s just say that are around that would love to utilize us in this galaxy to catapult its way into the Creator’s Universe where it has never been before. It’s had some infiltration into the hologram but never into actual reality or creation.
One of the ways it was doing that is it by using the center point or zero point of all universes. It was creating repeated attempted overlays on the physical plane, supernal plane, optimal plane, zero point of this universe and then on down. Because at one point in time we had an Anti-source universe as part of creation. So, it was making its attempt and making its way down to or up to the physical plane here with all repeated attempts on overlays using the zero point of the universe. It also used time itself to create those entryways and those points because in the multiverse time was used as a vehicle. Let’s say a wind, a movement, the Jetstream of the universe and ALLES made every effort to ride the wave this week here.
It also got to the point where it was creating things, let’s just say the day after it would happen. So, it would take a point in our ‘time’ and then create those things at a point in the future. Usually, it can’t go too far past 24 hours, but this left us running on a hamster wheel until we discovered what it had in the zero point of the multiverse in order try and mitigate that issue. The same thing was happening within computers. We were fighting it, we’d get rid of it, integrate our system, and it was back and forth and back and forth for many days this week. We assumed it was because we were within 7 days of the Solstice today. Maybe that’s just because that’s what the humans saw it as until we saw the Agreement.
American Man and Member of Q is 1 of the 2 Hybrid Humans With ALLES Chip in His Head
One male member of the Q group who talks on the internet is part of this ALLES equation. It talks to his head, it thinks it is driving its bus, it’s not in anyway, it just has that connection. He talks about all these different incidents because ALLES felt now was the time to takeover based on that old double down agreement of a few thousand years ago. But Source always has other plans and that is one thing we can always count on. We always find it at some point in time or another because Source will tell us where to go at the exact right time and today was one of those days.
I’ve spent most of the morning working in that respect to try to eliminate ALLES in totality and it’s working. We’re 80-85% there. We don’t see any infiltration into any other humans except for those 2. I would say as far as being anchors there is a way to cut those off. That’s the plan.
Chemtrails Have Been Super Heavy Due to ALLES
Some regular things that are going on I wanted to touch base on. One of those is that we’ve been heavily and I mean heavily chem trailed over the last few days, to the point we haven’t seen it like this in forever. Part of the reason for that is because it’s a compilation of metals they think can be used by ALLES in order to infiltrate humans. It’s always has been a compilation of metals and this is no exception. That is part of the reason. It has nothing to do with creating illness or clouds or precipitation or artificial weather control at this point, it’s all about infiltrating humans.
We’re not seeing a whole lot of radiation but they’d like to have some.
I believe that the metals in these chemtrails are part of that. We have found several different places on the East Coast they are manufacturing said things. In other cases, an ALLES portal would open and they would have access to them. It comes out and then they have different place. So, we take it out again and it comes out of a different place again. Hopefully we are coming closer and closer to that not happening.
ALLES Made Some Connection to SSP Folks & Others
There was a time yesterday where ALLES made some connection with other humans in other locations, namely the SSP and some others to try and send instructions on what to do so it could come in fully, and of course they would like that. They don’t mind that it’s going to wipe us all out including them. Their ego is too big and believe it’s in their favor and will do something positive for them. There is also a secondary reason for that which I’ll get to in a second.
Locations that Opened Up Portals to Give Them Instructions
But these locations where it kept opening portals trying to give instructions to these people which are all gone now, at least that section of these people are no longer with us, that would be as follows:
- Georgetown, Maryland
- Langley, Virginia
- London, England
- Seattle, Washington near the Space Needle
- San Diego, California Naval Base
- Atlanta Payment Center in Georgia
- Bern, Switzerland
- Shanghai, China
- Frankfurt, Germany
And now we’re going to talk about Germany.
The Second Hybrid Human With An ALLES Chip in Her Head is A German Woman
I got a phone call from someone in Germany who said I heard you are dead. I said really? No, I’m definitely not but I know they’re trying. I laugh at this because I’ve heard this many times before. He said, I heard you’ve been replaced by a German woman.
The German woman is the second person whose brain is attached to the AI and was bred for this by the Order of the Black Sun, or probably by non-humans to do this.
Well this German woman has been really busy running a money scam. They are calling it eMoney and is cooperating with a large law firm called Deloitte and Tusche. They are allegedly swapping money for money. It sounds a little like a dinar thing to me where the money is going to be made good on a day ending in y. They’ll say, oh you got the wrong section of the money, you’re on the wait list, you’re tier 2. Of course, they’ve been paying operatives with this money and she is feverishly doing the opposite of what I’m doing, which is getting ALLES to take over the financial system. It hasn’t even made a dent in that sector, but they are creating these fake payment lines, closed loop systems probably no more prolific than something like Paypal, probably less than Paypal, and even less efficient than crypto currency is. She has been feverishly trying to use the system like this so that she can then attach to ALLES and that is never going to happen.
The best we can hope for is those anchors go away and what I mean is their ability to be an anchor goes away. I’m not sure if it’s possible to restore that human, it’s probably always going to be crazy and continue being crazy. I say ‘it’ because it’s kind of a hybrid, but there is still a human there who has been manipulated to the point it only knows what it knows. But once the voices in its head stops it has a chance of being a normal person.
As of this morning I’m no longer concerned with an ALLES infiltration here. I’m more concerned with making sure it cannot build up enough power from anywhere including from us humans here on earth to continue its quest. And to get to the base root of it we have made headway this morning on that and I’m hoping we can finish that off in the next day or so.
Deep State Will Continue Their Craziness Until They Die
As far as the deep state is concerned, they are beyond all recognition. We have the Nazi Hydra party out there and every sector of the SSP you can possibly imagine, it’s all hands-on deck following 2 crazy people with an ALLES chip in their heads. They are continuously trying to infect us with disease and trying to work on this Certificate of Vaccination ID (COVID) the social crediting system and install it all into what I have no idea.
They are pushing forward in Germany with these fake currency schemes. They only thing I can think of as to why is they believe this ALLES AI was going to come through because it’s a special black magic day. But nonetheless it’s just making some extra work for us, but we’re making sure there is no harm to humanity during this process.
The deep state will always be the deep state. No matter how many we kill, how much we ignore governments, no matter how much progress we make on our side they will continue their crazy plan of theirs until they die. The whole world can move forward and they will continue.
We are still getting phone calls over the last several days asking:
Are we going to support the Trump Admin?
Are we going to transfer money to the Trump Admin?
It seems like every time they have one of these fake money schemes or get called on their crap they try and get us to do something for them because it actually worked last time, but not this time.
The Deep State is planning something on Dec 28th, Jan 1st and possibly on Christmas. What they are I have no idea. I’m assuming it’s planning on killing the Christ again, meaning the crystalline energy on this planet which I highly doubt will happen. But they are still trying to see if they can get an infection done, but most is happening in the hologram and won’t affect us too, too bad.
Good News! A Full Reunion Between Earth and Source Happening!
In the rest of the world, what are the plans for the next week or so. Other than this little surprise in the last few weeks which we’ve been working really hard on, we have some interesting tings that have not been inhabited by ALLES or the deep state.
There was a full reunion that happened overnight my time and that reunion was with Source. The process started a few days ago, it is not yet complete but that means earth and Source basically becomes one again.
Earth actually becomes the same, the positive zero of the ALL THAT IS and at the same time the ALL THAT IS becomes earth and once again, they work in unison for all of creation.
I believe this process should be complete by Christmas and I’m excited about that. I expect to see a little bit of an easier time for humans, and changes in nature and it’s been a long time coming. There is a difference between meeting someone on a telephone and meeting someone in person, and it’s another thing to become one with that person. You can look at this like a pregnant woman, where Source will become earth and earth will become Source and their bodily systems so to speak will work in unison with one another. So, this is a nice development. I don’t have a lot of detail on it because I was only informed by Source a couple of days ago. It will help us in the long run and I hope to have more of an update by Monday.
If you want to help the situation the best thing you can do is to really live in the moment. I do hope you take time to just be, live with Source maybe, reach out. The more you live in the moment and worry less about the future or yesterday, and be present in the now, the easier reaching out to Source will be. Try not to let any negative energy interfere with that connection. Try and remember if you allow that to get to you it’s going to allow you to lower your vibration, and if it lowers your vibration, you’re not a very anchor for Source right now. And that is the most important thing that you as a celestial creator can do right now, in order to ensure that we can finally rid the universe of this thing. Hopefully this is the last ‘power’ the deep state has.
So remember, your job as a celestial is to anchor that light and stay focused on Source, the reunion, and all the positive things that are happening between now and the end of the year. I am sure we’re going to make it through this but try and do your part and I’m sure Source will appreciate that. I know I certainly do.
Not an easy task for some of us, including myself. But what else can we do? Thank you Kim for you’re never ending work.

May the Creator of All bestow Kim and the World with Peace & Joy.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.
best news: earth n source r one !!! what a gift what a blessing from source! earth again the full working center of creation / of the universe. holy mother earth.
Is there no more updates? I see them posting 3 times a week. Last one here is already a week old? Just wondering
No updates were missed. Kim was just really busy and I’m caught up as of today 12/30/24 for her last GIA Report.
Kim seems to be a historian more then anything? Talk is cheep, actions speak louder then words. A lot of action talk but no results seen by the humans. Always another piece of space junk or some rouge humans never stops? How about the financial system don’t hear anything about that any more? We are all suffering while she claims to be making progress, really where??
Kim needs to complete her work with the financial system and leave all this talk about the deep state up to the others. Take down the 2 chipped humans why does she and others let this go on? Doubtful Kim can do anything she says……
Merry Christmas Humans
Let the light shine
Que dios te bendiga y que la luz infinita de tu corazón guíe tus pasos , cuando logres entender que vivimos en un multiverso que se plago de oscuridad durante milloooones de año y que la luz ahora es que la.Fuente o bien lo que muchos pudieran llamar Dios, está limpiando la casa, sin embargo pregúntate que estás haciendo, ya hiciste la tarea por lo menos de entender sobre los planos existenciales
bonsoir! oui introduire les réflections, les actions positives dans sa propre tête! et mettre un grand pied au cu du négatif introduit dans nôtre propre tête par divers écoute destructrice de vie, reçu depuis nôtre plus jeune enfance exemple: le père noël (100%) mensonge négatif! merci pour ce rapport de provenance positive!
This has just happened in New Zealand. Dont forget to click on the other links at the bottom of the pages of this link:
Thankyou God, Kim and PJZ and God bless all humanity.