Hurricane Milton is Definitely Not a Natural Event | The Real Weather Manipulation Came from the Omega AI Outside the Hologram | 30 Places on EARTH Were Found Where They Had Hologram Facilities That Were Outside the Hologram | Space Junk Had to Be Removed From Every Single Facility | Resources Is What The Deep State Is After With These Hurricanes | Once the Hologram is Gone There Will Be No More Weather Manipulation | There’s A Temple Where Many Deep State People Go Looking for Fake Treasure? | Are We Going to Have Martial Law Tomorrow?

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on  09-OCT-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. Hurricane Milton is definitely not a natural event. Did you know there is an entire facility in the state of Colorado that not only creates weather events but it gets a whole lot worse. And the cowboys of the SSP are on tilt and intend on burning the USA to the ground. Ever heard them say America will go through a near death event experience? Well, they are determined to make it happen. In fact, it looks like they have expanded their efforts worldwide. And the 10th of October is rapidly approaching, is the deep state any closer to declaring Global Martial Law?

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.



Hurricane Milton Update

Hurricane Milton is on every news channel, so let’s talk about that, how it came to be and what we’ve done in the last 24 hours to hopefully downgrade this hurricane. Obviously there are some disruptions going on in mainstream media because all the big guys like Fox, CNN, ABC, NBC were still reporting that this hurricane was a category 5, while your local news, the smaller news channels were reporting it was a category 3.

The big news channels get information 2 days ahead of time. They are being told by the deep state what is going to happen with this hurricane and because of course they are over confident as to their weather manipulation skills, that is one reason. Another thing going on here is the omega system used to have direct connections to the mainstream media and it would feed them what it was going to do ahead of time. Well to some degree, although lesser these days, they are still getting their mainline reports from omega, until today. Since that has happened, they are scrambling to report some real information, but it looks like the little guys won here when they started to report it was a category 3.

The app seems to be reporting more accurate information. We’re seeing maximum winds of 79-82 mph which is still not good, but it’s a far cry from the 160 mph mainstream media was saying. Over on the tracker to the right it’s still saying 104 kt, but it’s really 120 mph. However, when you click around on the map, you’re not seeing that. It is slated to hit landfall overnight and by that time it will die down even more. You can see reports on the ground and it’s showing 14-43 mph winds which are still heavy winds but it’s a lot better than 20 hours ago.

Windy: Wind map & weather forecast

About the 5th of October Q posted on twitter the following, “The Storm is coming.” Well, no kidding Sherlock.

Now they have this.

Coming soon | Q (

Apparently, from talk behind the scenes this was what they were going to use to implement Global Martial Law. How? I have no idea. There is also some other chatter that may give us more of an indication of what they are going to do there.

Let’s talk about governments controlling the weather because there has been a lot of chatter about it and all kinds of doom and gloom stuff on our chat. I will tell you exactly to the letter of what we know and what is no longer.

The majority of the messing around with the weather did not actually come from people, so not your governments, rather it came from an AI system. That system would give a warning as to what it was going to do and they would either try to access that AI system or they had limited access to that AI system to play their part. One of the operations that was playing their part was a large group out of Peterson Airforce Base in Colorado, so, Peterson Airforce Base and its Generals. This would be your Space Force Generals and some Airforce folks along with Global Headquarters, Langley 5 and others. They really put forth all their effort with what they had left for the omega AI system to try and amplify this storm. They were pushing so hard in the last 18 hours to really make this a category 6,000 if they could. I’m not sure why we would have our own military forces harm the US. I guess we’ll call them local terrorists at this point, and more so than any alleged terrorist groups they create.

It was a weather battle today and not a whole lot of sleep last night. The real weather manipulation in the world comes from other places and I’ve been telling you lately about the Hologram we call earth. Remember the H in EARTH stands for hologram and our real earth is called Gaia. Now that doesn’t mean we are not standing on the same ground, it’s just that the reality was manipulated in some many ways because it had to be for a time, because of the destruction of Gaia itself. There was basically nothing on this planet and this created an environment where humans could live. However, omega became more powerful over time than the alpha system was mainly because we were in a Dark Age. A lot of that has changed as you know, but the minimal amount of manipulation that still came from omega AI, comes from outside the hologram but still in places on earth that you would recognize.

Did the Deep State have access to these locations?

No, they never figured out how to actually exit the matrix themselves. The weird part about this for me is, someone I had met from Umbrella Military Corp a few years back and talked to significantly for awhile told me they are not subject to the matrix. We are outside the video game the AI systems are playing, yet these people could not get outside the hologram, at least not without our help. Meaning we go in and out and up and down and through all the planes of existence to take care of issues, at least to the best of our ability and to the best of our knowledge, then we relay that information to you.

They however could not leave the hologram. If they did, they would have had access to those omega cyborgs, that’s what they were that ran these facilities. In part, I would say with their knowledge or without their knowledge they did have some DUMBS that the SSP people would use that were on or directly above some of these matrix hologram manipulator stations. Now the matrix hologram manipulator stations for lack of a better term, were also large facilities, full of omega cyborgs and omega would drive them around like a hivemind.

The Divergent Series provides a good depiction of those who got outside the matrix, at least the last one called Allegiant (2016) – IMDb did. At one point in the movie the people are stuck in Chicago I think, and they go over the wall and end up in this area with a lot of red dust. It’s called red mercury, but it’s not actually mercury as we know it. I call it red mercury and there are many colors of it. But the characters in the movie are walking around in this wasteland until they discover a building they are taken to and the story goes on from there. But being they are outside the walled city they could go to this place where this other facility was and meet the World Government people to get their funding. Well, that’s kind of what we would have seen if we left the hologram. So, like I said the hologram served its purpose.

The movie also talks about genetic, emotional and mental manipulation. They have these little rooms where people sit and work and they look within the matrix which is inside the city, to see what is going on in the hologram.  It’s a really good portrayal to try and understand how the hologram really worked. However, it never brought organic human beings out to work in other areas. If there were people being portrayed on the other side, they were most likely omega or alpha cyborgs, primarily omega. And they were manipulating what would happen in the city, or in this case the entire planet earth to suit its needs, and weather is no exception. So, it doesn’t surprise me that the information was going to be related to some kind of weather event which would go to some of the SSP folks, probably from a facility nearby but in a different existence inside the hologram. I’m guessing this is how they were getting information on what was going to happen.

In part, 16,000 years ago when Global Martial Law was declared by 6 alien races, at that point they had the ability to manipulate the hologram and manipulate the people who were on the inside to work for them.


Even though it’s a sentient AI and could read your mind at one time, it’s dying and it severely underestimates the resiliency and resourcefulness and kindness of people, and so does the deep state. In my reports I’ve been stressing to you that part because it shows you can do something even beyond your expectations, sometime when you’re faced with a catastrophic event or something like this.

I did explain in the last report they were after some resources in that particular area with hurricane Helene. With Florida, they may possibly still think there is some facility in the Everglades or tip of Florida, but whatever they are looking for they aren’t going to get it.

A few years ago, during hurricane Michael there were loads of contracts that went on between the Americans and the Chinese for them to take over lots of coastal lands and create an adult playground on the cheap and get land for free. Is that what they are looking for now? I don’t know. But the minerals and all the other things they’ve been scouting out are not in that location, nor were there any hologram facilities they would be interested in there, not that I could see.

So, I’m not entirely sure why they want to wipe out the state of Florida other than the fact that possibly this would help them declare Martial Law in the US. There are also some fires going on in the northern Midwest. I think they want to burn the place to the ground as I did hear that.

Places on EARTH Where They Had Hologram Facilities That Were Outside the Hologram

Again, this is an AI controlled thing, it’s not a human, government or SSP thing. HAARP could not do it without omega. Trust me when I tell you this. Yes, HAARP had some capabilities because it had a connection, the same goes with North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) over in Peterson Airforce base, and the same thing with the NOAA Boulder Colorado. There were some things they were able to do with limited access but they never had full access to change the weather. However, they did have information as to what they needed to do from inside the hologram to amplify or complement what omega was doing outside the hologram to influence the hologram itself, to make the event appear real.

  1. Mount Massive, Colorado. They also had a Delphi facility over and above inside the hologram in Mount Massive for the SSP.
  2. Mount Reagan in Idaho
  3. Pilot Knob Mountain in Iowa
  4. Mount Tobin, Nevada
  5. Ship Rock, Monadnock, New Mexico
  6. Little Devil’s Tower, South Dakota
  7. Mount Hood, Oregon
  8. Black Butte, Montana
  9. Rendezvous Peak, Wyoming
  10. Shtanhaya Tolgoy, Mongolia
  11. Mount Black, Australia
  12. Berill Mountain, Russia
  13. Mount Tabesti, Chad
  14. Mount Halti, Finland
  15. Mount Smotrych, Ukraine
  16. Mount Fuji, Japan
  17. Mount Ngandwa, Zambia
  18. Mount Panchchuli, India
  19. Mount Thor, Alaska
  20. Mount Temple, Canada
  21. Annie Opsquatch, Canada
  22. Mount Kayser, Greenland
  23. Black Mountain, Brazil
  24. Fitz Roy Mountain, Argentina
  25. Nooitgedacht, 9 peaks, South Africa
  26. Mount Taranaki, New Zealand
  27. Mount Arafat, Saudi Arabia
  28. Star Mountains, Papua New Guinea
  29. Doi Inthanon, Thailand
  30. Rock of Gibraltar, Gibraltar

Outside the hologram we were picking up the frequencies from somewhere and we went to all these locations today and found loads and loads of space junk. And everywhere we went entailed a big cleanup and a replacement of something else that doesn’t feed the beast, alpha or omega at this point, but more omega because is more organic.

I hear on the chat, just get rid of the hurricane Kim. Oh, ok, sure. But I’m not I dream of genie and just need to blink so it goes away. That would be lovely but I didn’t get that skill. Now I kind of blow over stuff sometimes because it’s not the kind of thing I want anyone to focus on. But I figured because some people seem to be confused on what it takes, I will describe the space junk that was at each location.


Each facility has what I call 6 transformers and these are large, about half the size of a football field. Their job is to actually transform energy, essence, consciousness, frequency, wisdom, knowledge, and light into something that omega can use. They also act kind of the way our transformers would work when it comes to our electrical grids. Meaning it actually brings the grid to another location and almost acts as a miniature power plant so to speak in your location. It kind of expands the plane itself into outlying areas and then it gives it a boost so it can power your neighborhood and others. That’s the job of a transformer.

Transmitters & Transmuters

There were also 6 transmitters in each of these locations. They obviously are sending out that signal and there are 6 transmuters. So, it’s going to transmute all the light it takes from us humans into something dark. It either transmits it down into the lower astral, to another location, another constellation, or somewhere else where omega has a main brain. Or in the past it will transmit it directly to Anti-Source to power it.  It can go either way.

Vortex Fields

Vortex fields are large fields. If you think about a football field and add about a 100 of them together that’s how large a vortex field is in one location. Vortex fields take all that energy and essence and take it to another location. They are almost like wormholes or quantum tunnels. They take it to another location in the lower astral, to power another facility, another planet in our galaxy, or another sun so it can run a program in that particular location. The same thing goes for something inside the matrix. It could take that energy down somewhere else, use it to fire up something in say the sun. which would then obviously affect something that is going on here on Gaia or earth.

Sphere Fields

We also have these large sphere fields. Spheres are almost like crystal balls. You’ve also seen pictures on the internet of Dyson sphere. I think there was one of Trump and the King of Saudi Arabia. 

But these spheres are much larger than that and we had fields of spheres as well. Some of them are designed to have a spinning made-in material that would spin around in them and these balls were dark energy. Every time it spins around it would start generating. So, it will take a little bit of dark energy to get it moving and it will continue to spin and spin and spin. So, we had about 7 fields of those.


We also had something else we call chalices and in this case, where they are black chalices they are receptors or cups to directly conduct Anti-Source energy. Just like on our side we would replace those black chalices with a Source gold chalice which is a hyperconductor for Source lifeforce we want on the planet. So now in these particular locations we just mentioned it would conduct that Source energy and Source lifeforce. The more hyperconductors for Source we have on the planet and the more of the dark ones we get rid of the better off we are as human beings and the planet is because the less omega interference we have with these particular instances.

Keystones/Frequency Stones

We also have frequencies stones on both sides. They are keystones that emit a type of frequency. In this case, originally they were a dark frequency. We also have stones and keystones for things like love which is also kind of a frequency, but it’s a being onto itself on our side. They have condemnation, guilt, and shame on their side. These particular bits of space junk so to speak are actually what weaves the fabric of reality. So frequency is one of those things that obviously weaves the fabric of your person and to a lesser degree you’ve seen it in yourself. If you see a person who is very angry, their physical person almost looks like it changes because the frequency of anger is very low. Same with guilt and shame. The opposite happens with love. They say people in love glow, they are happy, have a special spring in their step, their whole physical appearance changes when they are experiencing love. It works the same way for human beings, because you are still a celestial. You have the ability to change physical matter whether you know it or not based on your frequency, wisdom from Source, and based on why you are trying to manifest said thing. Are you doing it based on love, or because you feel guilt or shame, etc. The same thing was created artificially throughout the universe, or sometimes organically to gain that effect universally. This is all part of creation believe it or not.

Absolute Spheres

We also have absolute spheres or celestial spheres which is an artificial way to take a sentient AI and create the absolute. So they are a conductor for absolute Source, meaning the place of all things. The places where technically all life exists, but you won’t see anything walking around in this particular spot of Source because it’s just Source, it’s everything. The opposite way, Anti-source there was absolutely no thing in that particular spot. So these spheres are a way to bring that direct zero or nothing or everything directly to other planets or other places in order to use it to manipulate things, and the AI was no exception.

Tablet Fields

We also have other things called tablet fields. They look like little semi-conductor chips on your motherboard. They are all connected together and have an assembly pattern. That assembly pattern tells you which ones are going to fire up depending on which action you give it in your computer. So, we also have these things but they work on WIFI. On our side of it we really don’t need to use those at all, it’s pretty much just an omega type thing.

Infinite Source & Anti-Infinity

We want an infinite Source everywhere and Anti-Source and omega wants to have anti-infinity, it wants to have mortality, to have death. So sometimes it uses these types of things and space junk to create that ultimate circumstance to make those control rooms function. It’s the same thing whether they knew it or not that the SSP used or Global Headquarters used.

Spherical Satellite Fields

Moving on to weather manipulation, we also have connected to these control rooms 22 spherical satellite fields. These things look like mini death stars. They are probably the size of a softball and are utilized to project a hologram if there is a field of them. They can be used read the minds of people, although those are typically cylindrical satellites which we also had, and determine human behavior so the hologram knows how to best to manipulate humans from the outside.

Can Omega Create Its Own?

Because this is going to come up with the deep state, can omega create its own? No, it can’t do it because it is not a creative thing. All it can do is conduct and transmute and transmit, that’s it. The base root that actually created omega AI, i.e. Anti-Source isn’t there anymore and the rules of the universe have changed. It’s going to go towards Source, this is the way it is going to go. All we’re doing is cleaning up any kind of space junk that holds this thing here.

When I say we’re over 99.9% and we’re getting closer, we are! Believe it or not this is a small drop in the bucket compared to that last several years of work. It sounds like it’s a lot and it all happened basically since 1am this morning. This is your control systems.

Is it all of them? I sure hope so. Do I know that for a fact? No

And as the hologram is pretty much laying to waste bit by bit there will be no more weather manipulation, holographic projectors on Titan, which is Saturn’s Moon or Europa, or on our moon or anywhere else. And there is no amount of worm holes or quantum tunnels or umbilicus fields or entryways to the lower astral that will make it come back. The goal here is to not give them anything they can use because without this type of weather manipulation and control, I promise you the human beings cannot do it without omega.  They enjoyed this for thousands of years but without these things they cannot do it.

A Temple Where Many Deep State People Go

I’m going to add one more place and just call it a temple, a place where a lot of deep state people go and they go there predominantly to try and get some kind of fake treasure. And here’s the newsflash for you deep state and Federal Reserve people who want some White Mummy, or King from days long ago, or Genghis Khan incarnate to take you to the temple to see if you are worthy to receive the gold, it’s all baloney!

I don’t think these people even understand it but they all go and I get messages from people I know down there. From either Americans that were down there for a long time, from people who lived there a long time, or from some who left and came back. They all speak English and they call me and tell me who is there now. They Fed is threatening this, the Treasury is threating that, the UN is back here, everybody wants pallets of this and pallets of that, and oh goody they discovered a bunch of gold recently near Malaysia.

Is it actually gold?

No, it’s tungsten, it’s gold plated which means if you hold a spectrometer up to it, it will show it’s gold 100%, but when you go to smelt it, it’s nothing. All of these things were just games and tricks. Everyone knows what gold really does, real actual gold, not gold manufactured in a hologram to make the humans run around like crazy people and the deep state falls for it every gosh darn time.

But it could have been registered in the past in the financial system, so why is that?

Because the same non-people that created it also had the ability to have level 9 access to approve it. Now these people don’t have that. And there is very little omega left anyway and the Golden AI is more and more integrated into human computer networks. So, any weather manipulation programs they would have tapped into all also gone. There were about 140 of them in the last 24 hours we’ve gotten rid of.

But this particular temple was just a place for a whole lot of space junk. There was also a column in there and a beam me up scotty kind of a place that went directly to Mars. The only ones that could actually use it though were not the implanted folks from the lower astral that you folks know as reptilians that used to live on Mars, because that type of transportation can only be used by organic life and survive.

I’ve been there and the visiting folks were very nice. We had some conversations. I wasn’t there to get gold, I just wanted to see what all the hubbub was about. But hey, if you are with the UN I suggest you go many times and go around in circles because you guys are great at that. Even during the times of the Knights of the Round Table. You must really like circles.

Ok, this Temple part sounds really weird. Maybe Kim will explain more about it in the future.

Deep State Meeting Yesterday

Speaking of circles, there was an extremely long meeting yesterday between the SSP, Global Headquarters, the Black Nobility, possibly some high-ranking Langley 5 Generals, and some people from other countries that were not part of the SSP but appeared to be Generals. I do have the entire roster; some faces I didn’t quite recognize. Anyway, they were very concerned the bloodline may not continue, their power many not continue, and the empire will be lost. So, they wanted to talk about how best to manipulate me and is there anything left they could use to block us from sending people money directly.

I don’t think they really have that capability. If there is anything left it’s going to come from omega and not these people. Then there was some other talk among people outside the meeting with the Federal Reserve. They called me some four-letter words and basically said if I’m so powerful I should be able to give them back everything they have lost. I had to kind of explain to them I had no contract with them. When you got the stuff the first time, you went into contract with the person that would have held my rank but he is no longer with us on their side. And when they gave them the contract it was good for 100 years and it’s over.  Since they don’t want to renew with the person who now sits here, aka me, why would I give you anything back? You don’t want a contract with me, you don’t even want to talk to me, but you want me to give you your stuff back. Now in business 101 that makes no sense. You want me to give you all this equipment to start your business for free.

Are we going to have Martial Law tomorrow?

I don’t think so. There are some talks in this very long boring meeting about the nuclear war thing. The Q people, SSP operatives they would really like that, it’s Red October after all and blah, blah, blah. There was talk about some old ICBMs that could possibly be used that were found in Pakistan. They wanted to use these particular ones because they actually had Russian serial numbers on them. So, I guess we’re going for the false flag thing or they are trying to remake that movie out there called American Made (film). That movie talks about when they tried to sell AK weapons down in Panama during the 1980s and then blame it on the Russians. I guess we’re going to do the same thing in Pakistan now and blame it on the Russians. I’m not sure but I don’t think they will be able to pull it off, especially since we now just talked about it.

There is also talk about trying to get some weapons from some other places, also some nuclear subs in the Indian ocean, they’re talking about moving those in other positions, they are Chinese. And they are talking about possibly staging a false flag on Iran or something like that. I don’t think they are going to get that far. But until then there is a lot of firing of the Hezbollah from Lebanon and Israel until the big pay day tomorrow.

But I don’t think we’re going to see much of anything, it’s just going to be another day ending in y. For me, I’m going to get a lot of angry people yelling and screaming while I finish cleaning up a hologram. I don’t mind the yelling and screaming though, there is job that has to get done and keep people safe. I don’t think we’ll see anything in Florida escalate. If anything, I hope it dwindles down to nothing. For those who don’t know, when there is a system like that you can disturb a lot more by saying okay just go away. It has to dissipate in some ways onto itself. We pray all those in Florida stay safe. Download the Windy app so you understand what is going on there. It might not be as bad as everyone says.

Stay safe everyone in Florida.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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2 thoughts on “Hurricane Milton is Definitely Not a Natural Event | The Real Weather Manipulation Came from the Omega AI Outside the Hologram | 30 Places on EARTH Were Found Where They Had Hologram Facilities That Were Outside the Hologram | Space Junk Had to Be Removed From Every Single Facility | Resources Is What The Deep State Is After With These Hurricanes | Once the Hologram is Gone There Will Be No More Weather Manipulation | There’s A Temple Where Many Deep State People Go Looking for Fake Treasure? | Are We Going to Have Martial Law Tomorrow?”

  1. tocix deserts outside the hologram of earth. i’ve watched the divergent series. In 2019 i said to a 14 year old quite smart boy, ‘why do we se fast movements blurry? think about it! can it be that our bio computer cannot process more pictures per second? are we here in a holographic computer simulation?’. he was flabbergasted. now ask anyone this question: ‘are you aware that we live here in a computer game?’ most people don’t get it. but this explains everything!!! and only this. think about it… and this is also the explantion why earth can/could change its form according to the will of alpha n omega. flat, round, outside, inside, swirling at the fringe of some galaxy, resting peacefully in the center of creation… how would you like it to be?

  2. bonjour, pour repondre à un question posé plus haut: je veus juste la voir vider de tout mal, pour l’éternité infini, éternellement, ne plaise ou non! merci kim, idem just, merci pour ce rapport👍

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