This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 20-May-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Kim started off by saying there were meetings over the weekend about C.A.R.E. and moving forward but she didn’t want to get into the details around that at that this time. She just wanted to let us know that is where her focus is, on moving things forward. But for this broadcast she wanted to set straight some rumors going around.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

20-May-24 News-Broadband High (
About the Alleged Death of Iranian President
As I’m sure you’ve heard there was an alleged helicopter crash that killed the Iranian President and some members of his staff. What is to come in the near future, according to the mainstream media is that Khomeini, who is the Imam of the Shiites is going to select an interim President who will serve for 50 days until an election can be had to select another President.
But let me tell you about this alleged helicopter crash.
During the time of the crash the weather was bad, therefore they couldn’t locate the helicopter by air due to fog. Then they tried to locate it by ground by sending some ambulances to where they thought the crash occurred. Whoever is running this show, clearly it was their first day because the narrative was so haphazard. First, they could find them. Then they couldn’t find them. Then they were all on board, then they were not onboard, and then they’re not sure who is onboard. It was this game they played over the weekend. Finally, in the last 24 hours they made a decision to announce they found the helicopter and the Iranian President had died.
The Truth
The President of Iran is not dead, nor is his staff. They were located in Belize awaiting new instructions. They will probably get a new life and all that comes with it, just like they did with Hitler and different folks. So obviously the President was onboard with this plan.
We have also talked about the fact that the Order of the Dragon controls Khomeini and Iran. As a matter of fact, Khomeini is actually the head of the Order of the Green Dragon. So, he was put in charge of a lot of their affairs on behalf of the Rothschilds and Chinese Order of the Dragon for quite some time now.
We talked about the fact several times that the real Khomeini is dead, but Iran is no different than the US where we walk dead heads of state around in a mask. He has tripped up a few times with other heads of state in the region because he was not able to confirm some events in the past when meeting with them privately. This is no surprise, as not all masked men know all the answers to the questions.
But there is a reason why all this is happening now.
China’s Money Problem
Over the last couple of years Iran and China have built a very strong relationship due to the fact there was a plan to transfer the world’s power center over the China or BRICS and to crash and burn the US. So, under this plan the Li Family of the Golden Dragon has full control over Iran and all the sanctions you see. So, the fight between Israel and Iran is just one hand fighting the other hand in order to achieve an ultimate outcome of control over the Middle East. But China, as we know has been going through many problems lately. They don’t have the money to complete this plan, they are bankrupt. Therefore, a deal was made within the last several days.
The Deal Between China & the Pallavicini Family
China would receive $5.5 trillion from the Order of the Dragon if they give up control of Iran. This is the sequence of events the operatives came up with.
- First the President of Iran dies.
- The allocated payment is due to China on Friday to give up full control. So, if this actually happens then China would receive $5.5 trillion which would get them out of debt and into a stable state.
- Then Khomeini, the Imam would be the next to die.
- They would then install another person to be the Imam of the Shiites.
The parties putting this forward are part of the Pallavicini family, what is left of them. In fact, the guy putting this forward isn’t even 40 years old, which for the Families is a pretty young age, which means someone got very excited to be part of this Family and decided to step up.
$75.42 Trillion Worth of Promises Made
Here’s the deal that they made and this is really bad. The Pallavicini Family, along with China ordered that the Order of the Black Dragon find Mei Wa’s system keys to omega. She had been given these master keys by Satan or someone down there which would allow her to control a lot of different systems. As omega has faded away, they only had very limited control and access to things, but the Pallavicini Family didn’t know that, and they are counting on it to then try to take back control of all world systems. And over the course of the last several days they have made $75.42 trillion in promises to various countries around the world, including Russia and South Africa. Actually, the only country not slated for any money was the United States.
The Lower Level Deal
However, $56 billion was promised to Langley 5, some SSP people, including the Q crew and Trump operatives to allow the US to burn to the ground. Now if you do happen to follow the Q crew, they put out there 24 hours beforehand that “Iran is out – Egypt is in” with some weird coded message like they normally do. This happened the following day, which tells me the Q crew and team Trump agreed to take the money. And they were all proud of themselves allowing the US to burn to the ground so that it could be built back up with themselves at the helm.
The Higher Level Deal
The deal at a higher level between the Pallavicini Family and Order of the Dragon was this. In exchange for the Mei Wa codes and them executing on a long overdue plan put forth by Marduk, they would be 65% owners of planet earth and 35% would go to the Order of the Dragon, which is why China probably got some money. The UK probably was also promised while they go through this global restructuring. But that is a check the Pallavicini family will never be able to cash in this lifetime or the next one. I know that because they will never get enough financial control to issue anything.
Marduk’s Plan for the Greedy Little Humans To Take Over the World
This is important for the world to hear so they know how flawed this model really is.
Marduk created a plan to take over the world. He already ran the world, so this is for the little humans to take control. It actually sounds like somewhat of a good idea on some level because there wouldn’t be one power center on earth, there would be 7 and I talked about this before. There would be 7 Bank of International Settlements, 7 World Trade Organizations, 7 IMFs, and 7 United Natons.
So, there would be 7 different locations where these organizations exist, but under one umbrella, which would have been controlled 65% by the Pallavicini et al and 35% by the Order of the Dragon. Originally it was going to be all the Order of the Dragon because it’s more than just a financial separation. It would also be military and intelligence control of the planet. Now they don’t have the ability to execute on this plan but they believe since Marduk gave the orders for this plan that he would have installed a backup system to make it happen. So, they’ve been running around with Marduk’s keys and Mei Wa’s keys trying to access every single system they could possibly access, which is great for us because anything that hasn’t been active in a long time is coming to the surface so we can clean it up.
What Wwas Promised Under Marduk’s Final Plan
- China and would control from India on East.
- Russia would be in charge of all of Europe, both eastern and western Europe.
- South Africa would control the entire African continent.
- Brazil would control the entire South American continent.
- The United States would control the entire North American continent.
As far as the Q crew and Trumpers, they believe they are going to be the controlling party/ the managers (not the owners) and they would make a lot of money as power brokers for the North American continent. They have pretty lofty goals there. What irritates me the most is there are a lot of good people in the US who are true patriots and all over the world too, but here in the US they have quite a large crew of people counting on turning the country around. Then you have this Q crew who are just really bad people, misleading patriots while behind their backs they are agreeing to burn the country to the ground. - In the Middle East they have promised varying countries varying degrees of control, the GCC with Saudi Arabia at the helm. Then they started promising Iraq when they started issuing the new Iraqi dinar and revaluation to control all the Middle East. Now it’s going to be Iran.
They haven’t picked anyone to control the Middle East yet but they prefer it to be Iran and that’s why you’re seeing all this turmoil in Iran. And if you don’t know, the former Shah of Iran was a Pallavicini. So, there is actually some chatter that maybe they want to install a new Shah, maybe Satan will crawl up in that and take the religion out of it, who knows, but that’s the chatter now. - The United Kingdom would be over the Commonwealth Nations as they currently think they are, and the monarchy system.
So, Chuckie would die of cancer or whatever he’s ailing from these days and then William would be installed as the new head of the region whether he wants to or not.
In order to achieve these tasks, based on the fact all commodities are traded in US dollars, a huge crash would have to take place first in order to implement all these currencies. Then there would be 7 different base currencies for the world and those currencies would control entire planet earth backed by a centralized currency, either the IMF, SDR or they would choose gold if they had access to it. This is the plan that I’ve been aware of that has been around for at least 7 decades.
So that is the reason why we saw what happened in Iran, it was the first part in executing the plan.
Getting Marduk’s and Mei Wa’s Keys Would Never Work Anyway
The Pallavicini Family managed to weasel out from the Order of the Dragon, Marduk’s master keys. They didn’t work, but they didn’t tell them that when they were negotiating for their 35%. Then they went and found Mei Wa’s old keys. Both Marduk and Mei Wa’s keys had to do with omega control, but they believe they had some limited control over alpha as well. Except remember, Marduk’s only access was through the Parents and the blonde twins we call Cassandras (aka Kim in the past). It wasn’t Marduk who accessed alpha, it was them and they’re gone now. The keys were never going to work anyway, but limited knowledge is dangerous. I’ve been up since 1 am because they were going like gangbusters last night because a full moon is coming, and 3 days before, then 3 days after is always their window.
They are talking about a banking crash, stock market crashes to effectuate a change. I understand they wanted to divide the financial system in 7 sectors too, its’ the same thing that was promised to whatever is playing Putin. I remember Marduk having this conversation back in 2013, that he was going to be the savior of all of Europe. At the time we were having an argument over Rus land and they agreed to dump me off in Germany and run a part of the western sector. I didn’t want to run anywhere, but I had to throw my hat in the ring to see what they would say, and they still would want me controlled. So, I am aware of the plan and Marduk would never put out a plan he didn’t have the final key to. And just because these people think they have his key doesn’t mean they have his plan as well. So again, another flawed model.
Expect More Potential Disruptions as Pay Day Nears
We could see some more disruptions as they are going the distance, working really hard in this final battle. One of the first programs they got a hold of could manipulate dark matter, dark energy and it could also alter the fabric of reality. They targeted some specific people last night and it hit like every nerve in their body and amplified it. They are just lovely folks. But it was kind of turned off.
They tried hacking a lot of systems they believe has any money in it because they have 4.5 days until pay day. They will stay alive as long as they are still locating additional control systems, and once they locate the last one, they will all be dead along with their Order of the Dragon partners. I have footage of them in the Key Intelligence and Military System (KIMS) and I can identify them now. And God bless those operatives who took the promise of payouts. In the meantime, they are saving me a ton of time by finding things I couldn’t before.
More Progress Around the Banks
We’ve taken Tier 1 bank operating systems and merged them with the Global Repository’s operating systems over the weekend. What that means is customer accounts that are in banks are now falling under the Global Repository system.
In the last 48 hours we’ve been working on Tier 2, 3 and 4 banks making sure we have the same exact operating system. When we transfer out of the Global Repository it’s not a transfer from the Repository per se, but it is from the Repository and sub sector of the bank where they account is actually located. So, we’re now making our master accounts in different banks around the world for ease of transfer. What was taking between 20-40 minutes to go through the system is now down to around 10 min which is really good. A lot of things are going to be happening at the same time and now we’ll be able to move quickly.
Final Thoughts
We talked about when I drop $1, they will realize they lost. Well, when you get down to the level of people still existing right now, they were told according to Project Looking Glass I never would drop $1. This is the second lie about me. Just like they lied about June 13th, that being the day I would concede, which is why I would typically go through hell two weeks prior for over 10 years. But when they saw that in Looking Glass it was June 12, 2012, which obviously hasn’t happened. They know I will eventually do it; we will prove that is the case, but they didn’t want their operatives to stop running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
But what happened this weekend has proven to be a bonus for us. It takes out more people that would do us harm in the future, especially as it relates to infrastructure and development in the Middle East area. These people would never let that happen. Their buddies working with them on this plan, the Orsini’s the Anti-Silent circle would be in control of the US and is still on the war path. The Anti-Silent Circle is still here because the younger ones stepped up, and they are in their 30-40s which ordinarily would never be in control for a few more decades.
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