It’s Clear New Trump Admin (aka New 4-Yr Movie) Has No Scriptwriters Based On That Smack Down Show Brought To You By Actors Trump & Zelensky | Everyone In The Deep State Is Now At The Improv | US Rep Joe Wilson Tweets Out MIGA? | Crypto President Trump’s Face On New $250 Bill? | Operatives Finally Realize US Govt May Go Bankrupt, But What Does The Federal Govt Even Do? | Trump Admin Claims They’ll Clean Up Rogue Operatives Or Is It A Money Grab? | Parade Of Planets Yields Nothing For The Deep State | Meanwhile Clearing Dark Matter, Restoration & Reconnection Of Earth & Humans To Source Continues, It’s Been A Lot of Work!  

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 28-FEB-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. It appears there is some confusion as to which departments actually belong to the Government and which ones reported to the Crown Corporation. There are more departments of government around the world that reported directly to Crown Corp or the Order of the Black Sun than you may think. And the reckoning for the Trump operatives and Rothschild Family is coming fast as they continue to try and exert their power and everyone else is, well not listening. And the Trump operatives have big plans to claim they are responsible for all the changes we are making. But with their plans work?

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


Duck Dynasty Latest Shows

I can’t believe the month is already over, what a long month for me and the craziness just keeps on coming.

First, I know this is just too good not to talk about and on that note, we have a video for you.

That video that has gone viral was a whole lot of nothing. I had to bring it up because its all over social media, the Smack Down! It’s kind of reminiscent of Putin riding bears bareback in Siberia shirtless. And really, it’s so clear it’s staged and it’s such bad acting. I mean when in history have you ever seen a president of any country do a smackdown live on TV? Being tough on Ukraine? It’s just bad and behind the scenes it’s even worse.

Then there was a tweet that went out by Republican Joe Wilson from North Carolina. Apparently, we have gone from MAGA to MIGA.

It just gets worse and worse. This same Representative would also like to put Trump’s face on a $250 bill. This actually reminds me of back in the Kennedy days with the $3 bills put out by the Treasury.

Tom Melville got some calls this week from Langley and a few other Intelligence Agencies including the Defense National Intelligence because nobody will talk to me directly, I think they are afraid of me. But they were all complaining about what the Trump operatives are trying to do. Langley was talking about the appointment of Radcliff, that he would like to get all the information on all the operatives around the world that are out there on behalf of the CIA. He would also like to call out or fire rogue operatives. I definitely know this guy doesn’t know what he’s doing.

We all know the Trump operatives are working directly for Rothschild and at one point in time there were divisions of the CIA that were reporting directly to Rothschild. Langley has been at a divide for quite a long time, meaning you have those of the Order of the Black Sun representing Black Sun heads of state past and present, and then you have those representing democratic presidents or those that are blue or with the Blue Dragon known as Rothschild. Since this has been going on for a long time it’s hard to identify rogue in this case.

Not only that, you’ve got agents who are deep inside different places. I’m not saying I agree or disagree with everything that Langley has been told to do and is doing, because some in Langley 5 are completely nuts and off their rocker. They are still trying to run operations like it’s 1984. They have been running around the planet trying to get pallets of cash Bush put out there a long ago when they all know full well that that cash is never going to be put in a bank. Those are super notes or duplicated US dollars and they’ve been out there for a very long time, since the days of Bush Sr. at the CIA and as head of the Black Sun or Black Dragon.

So, they’ve been running a bunch of operatives and agency people around for years and it’s not just US dollars on pallets either that were never meant to be put in the system. If you ask some of the older operatives if they are still around, they also know they were picking up these pallets of cash, shredding them and they were going into some kind account somewhere at one point in time. An off-ledger account is one thing and on-ledger money is a whole other story and this money was never meant to be on ledger. This was show money and always has been. It was something created by Bush Sr. to get people to work for nothing. But it never ceases to amaze me, the operatives who worked for Bush Sr. still don’t get it. Why are they still running what they call Project Becky and thinking they are going to be cashable when they never were before. That ship sailed a while ago.

Other things that are coming to the forefront. We were asked our opinion with a number of different things going on with the Trump Administration because they are questioning their sanity and so am I.

Apparently, people are beginning to see there is a very real possibility that the US Government may go bankrupt, this is the biggest concern. They are seeing a possibility of what we’ve been saying all along is true, that they would like to bankrupt the country and buy it back for pennies on the dollar.

We know about the DOGE raids; they are basically trying to steal a bunch of money to help Rothschild achieve his task. They’ve been looking to try to get money out of Social Security, different government departments and siphon money through Israel, Switzerland and other places. Couple that with the fake gold debacle and they are realizing there isn’t any gold to back anything. The dollar in the US is in big trouble right now.

During this call with Langley and the subsequent call to me I explained a couple of things.

First of all, the CIA is not a government department and never has been since its inception. There are many departments they want us to think are going to be cleaned up as the swamp is drained by orange people and they are going to save the day. We’ve heard the military is going to be cleaned up, the CIA, Homeland Security, the Treasury Dept, and the Fed is dead because of Trump. By the way no one mentions the Mint. But none of this is actually going to happen by an alleged member or group of operatives running the US government, it’s simply not possible. You see in the world of rankings as to who is who in the zoo, technically places like the military, CIA, DNI, Homeland Security, the FBI, none of these are registered government departments.

Secondly, they reported to higher ranks than the office of the President. Just because these people are in a big White House, they think they can send in their own people and cleanup the swamp, but they keep forgetting these are just contractors. They not only work for the United States, they also work for the Order of the Black Sun. They also report to other folks like Global Headquarters in the past or currently, then eventually to the Black Nobility in Italy, and also to a bunch of non-humans at one point. At the end of the day they reported to the same people at the top like everybody else does.

As far as the office of the President of any country, they would never be able to phone such a high office. Meaning they would have the same communication the CIA or the Military had. They also forgot the Treasury or Mint is not a government department, the Fed is definitely not, neither is the IRS. Pretty much anything that runs finances in the US is not a government department, they all reported to Rothschild, or the Order of the Blue Dragon which has been in control the US sector. We have different colors of Dragons as you know that other countries reported to. But such a low rank as the office of the President doesn’t have the right to walk into any of these institutions, and I expressed that loudly because it’s outside their authority.

I think because a lot of these guys that work there as operatives are SSP they feel they have a higher clearance level than some of these other groups. Now that can be rectified in 2 seconds flat, as long as everyone understands they now work for me. Nobody hires thousands of people then says here is a bunch of money have a nice day and you don’t have to actually work or do anything.

So, on that note the call was heard loud and clear but there is a lot going on with the Trump operatives too.  Frist of all them throwing this Radcliff guy in there with marching orders trying to say they are going to cleanup rogue operatives that aren’t really rogue and they’re going to clean up all these other operations, this is just another money grab.

I don’t agree with all the business the CIA is into and I don’t agree with the methodologies they use, but the DOGE Dept and Trump Admin are so easy to read. Do they care about MAGA? No, they don’t. Technically without all of us citizens you don’t have a country, but in this particular case all they are really trying to do is take operations money that is earned by strange and unusual practices and put it underneath their umbrella because they are starting to lose all of their siphons and there really isn’t a whole lot left to be found by the DOGE Dept anymore. That is becoming more and more apparent. So, they are looking for anyone anywhere but especially in the US who is making any kind of money so that can take it. That’s what this is actually all about, it’s not about cleaning up or draining any swamps. This is a money grab 150% and I told them so.

Not only that, they just expect to walk into a decades old organization that has many different divisions. In the past there is a “farm” and what I mean by farm is there are different operatives and agency folks that are hired during a change in administration and they are there allegedly to serve the administration. So apparently the Trump operatives are saying they would like their division of Langley as well because Ratcliff has gone in there with marching orders saying he would like to form a new division of the CIA for the Trump Admin or another farm as they are called.

Now there are a few problems with that.

First, by administration and the definition at least in Langley terms and military terms means this is a new movie. If you think about the world of politics in every country you can think of it like Universal Studios or MGM Studios and they would put out several movies a year.

Above the movie organization you had the script writers who were Marduk, Enki, Enlil and then they would be passed down to the Parents, the editing division. Then they would call all the actors guilds around the world to play in a movie. So, every administration in accordance with militaries and agencies around the world, because even the old KGB wasn’t part of the USSR, neither is the SVR, and MI6 and MI5 are not part of the UK government either. This goes for every country in the world, the agencies are not working for their governments.

This is the part where you hire the actors in the movie. Now there are some actors in the movie that are in the face-front like President, or heads of different departments. Even the head of the CIA you see on TV is not the real head of the CIA, as an example, nor M16, SVR, etc. You never see the real head, that is just the director of that particular section of actors in the movie.

Now whether they know it or not there is another set of actors, that are also hired to play the villain in the movie or maybe they play the hero. It just depends on the narrative of the movie. But the twists and turns of the movie and the excitement have already been determined and probably decades before these orders ever got passed down. So again, by ‘administration’ you can exchange with the word movie.

This is a four-year long movie. They hire the actors and pay the actors. The CIA and military in this case are paid by the movie liaisons. The scriptwriter puts out the script very compartmentalized, piece by piece to all the actors in the movie and Marduk would pay for it. Then it gets passed down through the actors’ guilds like your Order of the Black Sun, Order of the Dragon, Langley 5 eventually, but again they are just hired to do the administrative duty for 4 years. That’s it.

Because of that the military and intelligence agencies and what not have directors and managers and all kinds of things underneath them set to play the role in the movie whether they know it or not. But without any covens or coven masters playing the game maybe they thought they were the directors of the movie or the scriptwriters even? I don’t know. But alas no. So that particular group of actors’ guilds so to speak is not part of the other actors’ guild we call politics. They are kept very, very separate. Finances, the media, intelligence agencies and militaries are all kept separate. They are all separate actor guilds that play in the movies. So clearly this smack down movie we saw here a little while ago is just bad acting. It said absolutely nothing. That looked like an F movie to me. On the other side you had the financial sector who also got passed down their orders and instructions to play their part in the administration. And of course, there is a global movie playing at the same time and you could look at this as simultaneous mini series running all at the same time.

So, I’m not sure why everyone is confused about this all of a sudden. But I do know what the Trump Admin is doing this, it’s because Rothschild told them to. They said they lost control over the agencies; they can’t pay them directly so they are going to put a new face. Rothschild is really good at the new face game. When they can’t do something, they put someone in front of you that they think you will like or trust and sell you a bill of goods, but it’s the same movie and same script.

The problem is there are no more script writers. And most of the upper folks in the know, know there are no more scriptwriters. So, what you are seeing right now is a bunch of haphazard, lazy and really bad acting because there is no actual script so everyone is at the Improv now. The Rothschilds are also at the Improv, so is the Chinese Li Family, the Russians, and the Iranians. Everyone is at the Improv.

They show up every Mon-Weds-Fri which are typical paydays, especially during new moons and parade of planets like the one today and they start playing their parts or what they think they are supposed to play. They pick up the phone and they think they are getting paid for this acting job because they always did before. Maybe some of them don’t even know where the money comes from. Clearly, they don’t but if they did a little research because everyone has the information, they would know where the money came from for the last 12 years. The fact that they claimed it was their side was their fault. If it was really them, why can’t they perform again? So, people are starting to figure out and the jig is up.

A lot of disagreements are going on with the entire world and the Trump Administration right now because the movie is not playing, the actors are not getting paid, and some are walking out the studio because they are not getting paid. They realized they don’t even have a contract with these people anymore. And if they bothered to look, there is no contract between the US government, the other actors’ guild, and no contract with the other actors’ guild we know as the Military, CIA, DNI, Homeland Security, NSA, MI6, MI5, BND in Germany, etc. Every single country is an agency without a country, an island unto themselves.

We have decided to not participate in any kind of payments of the actors’ guild because the Rothschilds will say they did it and the Trump Operatives will say they did it and then they will try and take over the world, bankrupt everybody, burn the place to the ground, have WWIII and bring in all the other plagues they would like to do.

So that’s a No from me. We are not interested in any social crediting programs or anything that was written in a script we were not a part of. As far as we are concerned, we are not acting in a movie, we are in real life. We have to get up every day, we have to work really hard, we have families to raise, we have lots of things to do in our lives that do not include coming from the government.

What Does the Federal Government Even Do?

That being said, the other argument I had was what does the Federal Government do in <insert any country name> here. The police forces and fire department are city and state or province depending on where you are. So, what does the Federal Government even do? And why do we call them the Federal Government or call it the Republic? We don’t even have a government. Even the White House does not belong to the US Government if there is such a thing. They belong to Crown Corporation and I explained that in the GIA reports within the last couple of weeks.

Note: For related post which was really long, see Legalities As They Relate To Govts & Monetary Policy | Some Highlights: Trump Operatives Think World Govt Is Rothschild, Crown Corp. But It’s Not 1864 | US Executive Branch, Wash DC & All Its Governing Orgs Don’t Belong To The US, Any Govt, Or Kingdom | Hence EO Making All Intelligence Agencies Under Control Of POTUS Is Impossible | Treaties Duck Dynasty Try To Implement Violate Trade Expansion Act Of 1962 | What Is Unitary Executive Theory | If Americans Actually Read US Constitution, They Would Know It Has Nothing To Do With Them | Alpha Shutdown In March 2007 Because Deep State Failed To Execute Both Sides Of An Agreement | Hence Light Side Had The Right To Shut Them Down Until Balance Could Be Achieved, But Never Was | Since The Seal Agreement Expired 2012 Asset Control Moved Back Completely To Alpha | Reallocation Of Assets Of Earth To The People Via The Global Repository Already Took Place Making Sure Our Current Known Financial System Appears The Same To Avoid Turmoil

We have no financial government aspect in any way, shape, or form. We have no militaries and agencies departments of government. We have very little, maybe 15 government departments out of 100s if not more departments the US has and its redundancy, redundancy, redundancy. However, at one point in time I did put out a plan which eventually made its way to Langley 5. Others also put out plans too on how they would clean up the government. But what they forgot is, all those plans involved me. Without the pocketbook and without real negotiations and real talk on who is going to do what, without that, I don’t know where they are going.

The Trump operatives are really good at playing deny-deny-deny reassess blame. They also play the other way around claiming they’ve done everything. Anything that happens they claim they did that. Well, this one here, I don’t think they are going to get out of this one. You see I understand where these people have been for decades. But there has to be some kind of amenable plan and the problem is they can’t pay for anything amenable. So, they keep flying in like pigeons on a chess board knocking all the pieces off declaring they won and then fly away. Well, those pawns on the chessboard aren’t too happy right now and there appears to be a mutiny. People are saying we’re not doing xyz anymore because they don’t have a contract with them and don’t actually work for them. They probably weren’t happy with the other people they used to work for either, but in this case, they were lied to again. They believed Trump was the Pindar and Elon is the Head of the Black Sun, they thought they had a trifecta of power there and that could not be further from the truth. But again, they just claim these things and everyone believes them.

Well as far as I am concerned, from the seat I sit in that looks like a train wreck and this weekend it’s going to get really bad.

I don’t know if it’s going to hit any kind of mainstream but with the hacks on the State Dept and the Department of Housing when something happened and everybody looked the other way. There are other videos with Trump kissing Elon Musk’s feet and now this crap show they are putting together. This is what happens when actors try to write their own scripts, sometimes it doesn’t work out and this is definitely a very bad movie.

Note: I’m not sure if Kim is referring to this but it sounds like it.

A Parade of Planets is Happening Today

Normally in the past when there is an alignment of planets the space junk on each one of those planets triggers itself and then some other type of event. The SSP folks might have been aware of some of these things in the past and they always have high expectations. But they didn’t put the space junk there and I’m not sure they would have known what the stuff would have done anyway. In any case the space junk is not there anymore so nothing really happened today.

If anything, there are having a hard time figuring out why they are losing more and more like grids they could see which they tried to send out negative frequencies. But the grids are going away and hopefully that will be done soon. They don’t have any access to see anything financial or otherwise anymore. Their access and ability to see is getting really slim. If anything, this parade of planets was more like a death march for the deep state. As things go away, their power goes away, their credibility goes away. It’s like a country song. We on the other hand get to play the country song backwards, we get our planet back, our humanity back, our clean air back. Sometimes karma is a real bi*ch.

We’re finally getting to see ours and I know it doesn’t feel like it yet. However, things are turning around for the better and it’s all in the name of operations on our part and Source who makes us look smart. But it’s been a lot of hard work and pitching and moving at the right times and strategies. We hoped light would have dawned on Marble Head a little sooner but it hasn’t, but it’s finally starting to happen now for agencies and militaries and treasuries around the world and the Fed. The Fed is even tying to look at making some different decisions.

I’ll never forget the story of the frog and the scorpion because I look at all these people like scorpions. Thus far, in any dealings I’ve had with these people for over a decade not once in 13 years have they ever done the right thing, have they ever done any good business.

Do I think they might be putting on a show? It’s possible. They really love whatever that is in the White House and whoever is above them. So, I’m not so sure we can see any useful departments at this point. There has been a lot of hacking going on the last few days and I expected that. Langley 5 is still trying to run the show over there.

You have to remember some of this stuff has been in place in earth years for billions of years and I know a lot of you are helping and I wanted to say thank you for that too. We are definitely looking at this sometimes through rose colored glasses, meaning we are looking at it through day to day struggles and I know they exist. But compared to the struggles humans as seen in the past, this isn’t nearly as bad as you think it is. But waiting for a savior doesn’t really work out either.

We are the saviors and we have a lot of work ahead of us that you see as Restoration. There is a lot of work to do, the planet is a mess, we as humanity is a mess, we have a lot of triage to do, we have a world full of people with PTSD that are hopefully going to get a little healing from the love and kindness and light of Source. But it’s going to take a lot of us to turn this ship around and I know you’re up for it.

As far as this side show it is just a side show. I don’t think they are going to achieve any kind of major mass destruction anymore. There might be little things here or there but all this stuff costs money. Just because currently the US owes Iraq billions of dollars really doesn’t make a difference when Joe Wilson puts MIGA on a tweet because the Iraqi people couldn’t give a bleep. And they have long memories too where they incited riots in Iraq, it’s been going on for decades now. They don’t forget the orders of Dick Cheney, they don’t forget the ghost flags, the Green Zones. Even the Americans who were over there at the time hunting for weapons of mass destructions. They sent them on wild goose chases, they weren’t supposed to find anything and there never was anything in that particular area. So, making a little tweet and a promise to put Trump’s face on a $250 bill ensures one thing. How are you going to have crypto president when you are still issuing currency with anybody’s face on it for that matter. Which one are you? One thing for sure, Wilson probably has a little boy crush on Trump or whatever that is in the White House or has been promised a whole ton of money. Those Fort Bragg people really like this Administration, or this particular movie because they think it’s going to payout big.

On that note have a wonderful weekend and first day of March.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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4 thoughts on “It’s Clear New Trump Admin (aka New 4-Yr Movie) Has No Scriptwriters Based On That Smack Down Show Brought To You By Actors Trump & Zelensky | Everyone In The Deep State Is Now At The Improv | US Rep Joe Wilson Tweets Out MIGA? | Crypto President Trump’s Face On New $250 Bill? | Operatives Finally Realize US Govt May Go Bankrupt, But What Does The Federal Govt Even Do? | Trump Admin Claims They’ll Clean Up Rogue Operatives Or Is It A Money Grab? | Parade Of Planets Yields Nothing For The Deep State | Meanwhile Clearing Dark Matter, Restoration & Reconnection Of Earth & Humans To Source Continues, It’s Been A Lot of Work!  ”

  1. Frank Seidel

    die in kürzeren Abständen kommenden Beiträge helfen ungemein diese Zeit zu überstehen.

  2. Gunther Hospotka

    Danke Pamela für Deine viele Arbeit für uns. Frank und Babara haben es auf den Punkt gebracht. Ich frage mich nur immer wieder, wie werden wir die große Anzahl an asozialen Wesen hier auf unserer Gaia los. Ich bin Preuße und wünsche den harten Weg. Die Menschen haben es satt, sich von amerikanischen Unternehmen z.B.: Militärdienstleistern; von Verwaltungsunternehmen, die in DELAWARE registriert sind; sich mit der juristischen Person und dem ganzen See- bzw. Piratenrecht überhaupt zu befassen. Ich stehe für GIA bereit, um in Mitteleuropa zu helfen, diese Asozialen zu entmachten. Ich freue mich auf eine Zeit nach dem Chaos, wenn wir uns alle auf “Erden” wie echte Menschen mit Ehre, Achtsamkeit, Ehrlichkeit und all den preußischen Tugenden verhalten. Wir brauchen keine ReGIERunen, aber die Menschen brauchen einen Führer der Quelle, den alle Menschen auf der Erde akzeptieren. Es ist noch so viel Unwissenheit bzw. so wenig Bewusstsein den Menschen inne. Machen wir die Gaia wieder zu dem, was Sie vor Millionen von Jahren war und benehmen wir uns wie zivilisierte Wesen auch im Angesicht aller Wesenheiten, die uns helfen in den Frieden zu kommen. In Erwartung der Offenbarung über all die Sachen, die vor uns verborgen sind. Ich umarme alle echten Menschen mit Seele, die Quelle und unsere Kimberly.

  3. bonjour, merci pour ce nouveau rapport! je pense que les gens commenceront à ouveir les yeus quand les millieux sportifs professionnels vont ce retrouver en faillites, et ue les médias seront dans obligations d’ouvrir leurs bouches menteuses!

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