Kim Goguen delivered a public statement on January 1, 2024 about recent events the happened on the United Network app.

Note: I took advantage of YouTube’s transcription feature for this post and only did some light editing to keep in her voice and so as not to misquote anything. Personally, I’m glad that there was only a business partnership issue and that Kim didn’t get kidnapped by the cabal or worse. But it is a shame this happened yet again. That’s all I’m going to say about it, you can find out all about it below. But I’m glad I keep doing this blog, so Kim’s Situation Reports don’t get lost in yet another shuffle.
Kim’s Statement
Good afternoon everyone, I have been asked by many of you to make a public statement about the recent events that happened last week with the United Network app. There have been a lot of questions regarding what exactly happened and what transpired and many of you who have been following me for a long time have seen me go from different partners, I would say Media Partners, Social Media Partners, although I’ve been doing this job for a very long time.
I started this job somewhere around 2007-2008. In my travels around the world those of you that are on telegram have seen me posting some evidence of those travels and funding governments in the past, so there is some evidence of that there. If you do have government contacts you will know that those documents are real and the government survived for 10 years based on that information.
Now let’s talk about the company.
So United Network which did not have a name at the time was actually a download, I call it a download from Source in which I was given parameters to start a news channel. In order to start this news channel, I was specifically told key things had to be within that channel. Number one, average everyday persons reporting the news. That means you, the Field Messengers, now that you have a name. I was also told that if we could manage to do this worldwide, we would change the face of media in the way that people received their news in that there would be no way to continue with media narratives which we’re all very frustrated with now.
I had met Tank and reached out to Tank in 2017 and we began to have conversations about why I thought and knew that the RV was not going to happen. So far six years down the road everything I told them has still been true and there still has been no revaluation of currency, at least not in the internet version of that.
I did not meet any of his other team members at that time and I’m pretty sure that Lisa Thomas had not been a member of the team even at that time. He was doing some conference calls and talking about information that he would receive from military personnel and a bunch of other people. So, I gave him a lot of information and then he formed the Speak Project which was his project at the time, and he would occasionally call me and ask me about specific situations that had been going on, intelligence information, that type of thing, and I would answer him back and forth. And predominantly from that point on our relationship was pretty much just by text, over the phone, WhatsApp. I attended a couple of his conference calls; people asked him questions and then due to some other involvements that I had at the time, I really didn’t want too much of a public presence. I had appeared once or twice on Thomas Williams’ Show, I appeared once on Cosmic Voice, but I really didn’t have an internet presence, nor did I really want one.
So, the news of — you’re supposed to create this news channel, I’m like oh dear now I’m gonna have to do this? I’m gonna have to do camera, I’m gonna have to do all of these different things and I don’t know anything about starting a news channel or how a news channel works, but I can always trust that if Source says do something and I go with my intuition that it’ll happen.
So, I then reached out to Thomas Williams at the time and I told him about what happened and that I’m supposed to start a news channel, and he said no you’re going to talk and you’re going to give all the Intel to me and then I’m going to give it to all my viewers. Well, that didn’t really work out.
Then I called Tank and I asked him because I knew he had a YouTube channel and a platform. I really didn’t watch much of the thing I didn’t have time to watch much of things at the time, but he then agreed to do this with me. That’s when I was introduced at that time to all of the other team members. At the time there was a few other people names, some you might know if you’ve been around for a long time, and Lisa and Vera.
So, I got to know them on a daily call that would happen from Monday through Friday. And they had formed a company based on a name that we all came up collectively with which was Life Force. That company was with Lisa and Stephan Rowe or Tank as you know him, and that existed for quite a long time until things between the team became rocky, towards the end of 2021 is when things got really really, rocky. So, by this point it became evident that Stephan Rowe or Tank was not going to be a part of all of this for a lot of reasons. There were some inner workings between personnel and assemblies and Kelly and some differing of opinions of how the global organization that was going to replace the United Nations would work in an entirely new way.
Essentially by the end of 2022 it became apparent that Tank didn’t want to do news anymore. Our news wasn’t flourishing, we weren’t doing very well and I received a call and from Lisa and Vera the end of 2021 regarding the possibility of doing this on our own. I said okay. We were looking for at the time another person to present the news because I’m quite busy and I can’t put that much time and effort into writing scripts and I’m not very good at it anyway let’s be honest, I’ve learned a lot from Sunny and I’m grateful.
By the beginning of 2022 there was a leave, in other words Tank had left by March, just before that Lisa, Vera and I had a conversation about the fact that Lisa had a company which was all on her own called Deina Feminina, which is the one that you’ll see on your app if you were a subscriber to the old United Network.TV, and she said at that time that she was going to add both Vera and I to the company and that we were going to be business partners, 1/3, 1/3 and 1/3. I explained to her at the time that UNN was supposed to become an employee-owned company and I told her that we were going to do that when you know the larger funding would come in to build a larger channel and that way all of the shares would go to all of you. At the time that was agreeable. Periodic conversations took place with us opening additional bank accounts, possibly being able to be on the bank accounts. I don’t have a whole lot of choices here in this town as to a bank that would be in all three locations so you know, I made suggestions on different ways we could do that. That never took place. By the end of 2022 Vera also asked again when we were all going to be put on the company in bank accounts and we were told that we would be ASAP, which never actually took place.
By the beginning in February of 2023 the app began to grow and began to function as a company which it needed to, which means that we had Field Messengers by then coming in by droves and all of them understood the concept of what we were doing. And the production team pretty much, with a little bit of guidance from me, but predominantly the execution of all of the production of everything you see on United Network was done by Mike Schneider and Natalie and a few other members of the team, some of which you may or may not know.
I explained I would like to make all our telegram channels public so we are searchable somewhere. I explained some different concepts for marketing and none of them came to fruition. I also requested some kind of a workflow program such as Trello or there are many others out there that would be accessible by me in relation to the GWC and that was also not never done. I gave a 60-day period in which I wanted to see that and it never happened. Tensions really started getting higher towards the end of I would say, the end of the summer this year where I was not permitted ever, actually not once, not ever was I permitted to see an actual bank balance. Maybe once in the very beginning, but that was about it. I did have access to see the amount of income that the app was making but no access to utilize it in any way, of course everything had to go through Lisa who remained the only owner on the bank accounts and the only signatory on the bank accounts and the only owner of the company.
Again, there were some conflicts over the last couple of months as to you know, can we pay for this, can we pay for that? I would like to hire this person, I would like to hire a social media manager as an example, and was told no. I have no idea, there have been requests from a certain person as an example, an integral member of our team who had fallen on hard times and her husband was out of work and she asked if there was a way we could assist her a couple months in a row. I asked at that time, I said well, how much does this person need, and an amount was given to me and I said okay, can we afford it? I was told well yeah, we can we can afford it and I said, well how much do we have? And I still didn’t get any answers. So, this just got worse and worse. There was a conflict about giving hats to the production team and most of all the conflicts related to money.
I did receive an amount equal to my rent, I do not own a home, to pay for my rent and I received an additional $1,500. Initially it started at 1,000 and then we were able to do more and then the rising price in groceries and those types of things that happened, so it increased to $1500 a month with which to pay most all my utilities and food for the month, which it was perfectly fine by me because at the time I always knew that if I at least, I thought if I needed anything extra I could have it, and in the past, prior to the rising tensions I was always able to do that. And it would be nominal amounts, someone was coming in town, I needed to buy somebody dinner, something like that, which would have been out of my budget based on the living expenses, where I live.
So, the conflict of not wanting to for example buy hats for the production team was when I kind of really lost it. I value all our Field Messengers, I value our production team, I value all of the hard work that goes into producing what you see as UNN and our various other shows, so I could not continue on with the partnership at that time and I made an offer and this happened I think it was about Tuesday or Wednesday of last week based on the fact I had been reaching out for over 10 days. I got absolutely zero response until I threatened to cut the news off and then Vera called me. I had a very interesting conversation with Vera about how I wanted to move the company forward and it doesn’t appear that anybody else wanted to do that. I could not possibly structure a marketing campaign or you know spread the word in social media or anything like that without knowing how much money we have. I mean that makes sense, you can’t run a business when you don’t know what you have. So, I explained this to her and apparently this fell on deaf ears and things got worse from there and not any better.
So, I made an offer the following day and the offer went like this.
I explained that we all agreed verbally to put all three of us on the company. I explained that we would split what was in the accounts, all of the accounts if I was provided with six months bank statements to show that there were no significant withdrawals or anything out of the ordinary, that we would consider to be things we did not agree upon, in other words like large withdrawals into a bank account to hide money as an example. Now I made the offer that I would take one third of what was there. I would also retain the debt, which is $42,000 that we owe for the second year for the app, even though I am not a party to that debt nor did I sign the contract. I also offered to pay both of their salaries and rents as it currently was until funding came through, meaning the larger amounts that we’re all waiting for, and I got zero response in exchange for providing all of these things, which I thought was more than fair because I do care about these people. It’s not like I wanted to cause them any harm, at least not from my side and I wanted to make sure everybody was okay and felt you know, safe and secure that they’re not going to get ousted to the side or anything. I also explained to them that I was going to form a company on my own which would be a C Corp which could then be morphed into an employee-owned Corporation where everybody would have shares, and in exchange for the offer I asked them for the app. I explained to them that I also owned personally all of the UNN logos, they are licensed to me, as well as the CARE logos and not GWC, that was Lisa’s creation. And I explained to them that I would have all the passwords turned over to me for all of our Dropbox accounts, our Cloud accounts, our websites, and all our shadow stock accounts and our Graphics accounts and pretty much everything I was aware of that the company had been paying for on a consistent basis. You know I would have been amiable to looking at zoom and stuff, I didn’t even think about that, but I could have, we could have avoided this situation.
Zero response from anybody and then about Thursday afternoon is when all the passwords to things, access to things started disappearing rapidly. They did allow us to utilize our casting software which is what you’re seeing me record in right now. We did actually have that to record the news on Friday morning, then the second we were done with the recording I guess they must have seen us log out or something because everything went away. Rundown Creator went away which is our teleprompter software, we lost all our all our drop boxes, all our you know a lot of Graphics were lost, our websites were pulled, we could no longer post current news on the website. We no longer could post anything to the app and that was when we had to rapidly form the Rumble.
Then I went on telegram, I was actually working after the news on my regular work, and somebody told me about all of the slanderous statements that were made. So, it was obvious that the offer was not something they wanted in any way, which is fine, it’s no problem. And I’m assuming probably the bank account was closed because people were paid out of a different account than they are normally paid from, so I assumed that that had all taken place as well by Friday, which is fine.
So, there you have it, we don’t have any access to this app, apparently there is a statement that’s been made about some phone calls and I have hours and hours of recording was the statement. And the phone calls that they’re referring to are with, and I put this information on telegram, but in case you’re not on telegram you may want to hear it. We have a team of myself and three other folks, three other people, occasionally there’s another one that pops in and out at the time in the very beginning. Lisa and Vera maintained being on those calls and maintained recording those calls with little to no participation whatsoever. What are the calls for? We have one person on there that is an ambassador of to the Council of Five that I refer to. The Council of Five has been around for a long, long time, they under the Universal Council were given guardianship over this sector of the Multiverse during the Dark Age so that they could prevent a full infiltration above the fifth density, and they have been a great help in teaching us an awful lot. We also have another party on the phone that has been 40 years a computer expert, so when we started getting down into the non-quantum section, so this is your NSA things and those types of things, she was very helpful she very spiritual, very intuitive person as well. And we all work together at locating some of the things that have destroyed Humanity, destroyed Earth, and destroyed the Multiverse. We have another person on there that gauges through the frequencies and helps us locate problems and issues and those types of things, so we’re a pretty good team together and it has helped me greatly and conserved a lot more of my energy so I can run longer and even harder than I already was by myself.
So, and in order to get this process done faster and I’m sure you’re all very anxious to see that happen, all of these people have chosen to remain anonymous. Therefore, I have not mentioned them by name on the news. You’ll hear me mention the Council of Five occasionally, you’ll hear me mention various things that they do, but you don’t hear me mention them by name for a reason, they have chosen not to be public whatsoever. These calls sometimes in the very beginning would extend, they could go 8 hours, 10 hours, 12 hours, 14 hours, you know when we were really in the thick of things and most recently those calls have now gone down to about you know 6-8 hours a day maybe and the rest of the time I work pretty much on my own. I have a lot of other things I do and then of course there’s the coordinating with other members of the GIA around the world that you know, we exchange Intel information and whatnot back and forth. One of those people being the one who gave us the tip about the different cities that you know probably saved the lives of millions of people on New Year’s Eve this year.
So where do we go from here? I would hope that people would be a little understanding and respectful of the people that chose to remain anonymous, I can’t guarantee that unfortunately. The girls have not signed any kind of waiver to have information received publicly. The laws in the United States here only relate to court cases and releasing admissible evidence into a court of law without that party’s authorization as long as both parties are aware. In some states only one party needs to be aware that the call was actually being recorded. We were all told that they were recording the calls, so not to potentially expose us talking about our kids or anything. During processing times, I was told that they were recording it so that at one point we could do the Real History Series. We also have someone on the call that takes all the notes, so we do have all our notes, we have no recordings whatsoever and nor do I intend to pursue to try to get them. I am pretty sure there’s nothing I said in those calls. I greatly respect all of these ladies and of course all of you and there’s nothing I said in any of those calls that you know, unless they slice and dice my voice up and try to make something out of something or take somebody else’s voice out and it’s out of context, but there should be nothing in there. We work, we’re not interested in talking badly about people, or viewers, or making up things. We don’t, that’s not who we are, and it’s not what we do, we’re very matter of fact and to the point.
Now as far as what is going to happen from here,
I have reviewed our contract that Lisa had signed with Vimeo, which was our app provider at the time and there is nothing in there at all whatsoever about asking for a refund. You can ask for a refund and it’s subject to the business owner after 10 days on an annual subscription and three days I think it is on a monthly subscription. It is then up to the business owner as to whether or not they choose to refund you. That is right in the contract if any of you want to see a Vimeo contract. I don’t want to put this information out there online, but I’m sure you can call Vimeo directly and you can ask for a copy of their contract so that you can have your legal team review or something. You can see that none of that information is in there now for the first 10 days, on an annual subscription Vimeo will do it automatically for you and you don’t have to ask for that, they don’t have to ask the owner. Now after that point in time they do have to ask the owner of the company which is obviously not me, it never has been me for the refund, so if they are still refusing to give you refunds, because I feel that predominantly the app pretty much is based on our news which is our production team and myself, that we will definitely work something out in the very near future because I think what they did is wrong. You know the fact that I saw some posts about we have to pay for the app in the debt, that is actually not the case because I made them a substantial offer to not have that happen, with a substantial payout and continuous salaries which apparently is something they didn’t want.
So Where is UNN Today?
I own all our logos. I have the right to Brand them any way I’d like and assign them to any company I like and that will now be assigned to our new corporation which we started on the evening of the 28th. So, there was no planned escape other than I planned to end the relationship, at least as far as her having singular control over you know, all of the people’s money, and so our production team is intact.
Everybody is super excited about all of the changes that we’re going to have here at UNN and that we’re going to have expense money available to do marketing and some other things so that we can actually get the word out and grow. Once we fund, that’s going to be critical because we will need to be everywhere all of the time, a Social Media Manager needs to be in place. As far as the Field Messengers, we did retain the Field Messenger Reports, we did retain I think most of the questions. I’ll have to ask on that, but I’m pretty sure we did. We like I said lost a lot of our scripting archives and those types of things. Apparently, they think they needed them. Don’t know but we do intend on launching a new app ourselves. We have been looking at a couple of different providers, but keep in mind this happened on a holiday weekend so reaching out for pricing and contract rates and those types of things will happen probably tomorrow and through this week once we’re contracted. The web portion of the app should be able to be up fairly quickly. There is some design work that has to happen, but it’s usually fairly minimal. We also are looking at apps that have more features than ours currently does such as a Community where you can have discussions very similar to like an Instagram kind of type thing and not have to be on telegram. I know a lot of people hate telegram so we are also looking to incorporate the store into the app, which we can do which will not just sell merchandise it’ll sell other products too now that we have a little more free hands.
As far as health and wellness things and so on and so forth, we also intend to launch the rest of the Departments of CARE. You’ll probably see them first on telegram, probably eventually in our community as well so you can start pulling together in the respective division that you feel resonates with you. This is Source’s project; I’ve always considered it Source’s project. I do get a lot of information about when to do what and things to do. Sorry that you know not everybody agreed with that and that’s fine but we will still continue the project and move forward our regular written News website, where we can broadcast as well should be up and running. I believe hopefully within the next few days once that is launched. We did manage to get some of our pieces of that together, they didn’t get everything, they just took the domain name and the website so we did manage to get some of those pieces and I know our team is working really hard to get that relaunch as quickly as possible. Once that is relaunched you will see a new page there called the Community page.
Now the Community page initially will be reserved for people who would wish to sponsor United Network, what that means is it’s not an actual commercial in the news, but there you would be given a certain amount of space. You can advertise your website, your products, your services, whatever it is you want to do for whatever you feel is an appropriate amount of support. It could be a dollar you know, it can be $100 dollars and additionally, when the new app is actually launched, which should take no longer than about four to six weeks we should be able to transfer those sponsorships into several months free, or depending on the amount of the subscription so you won’t be losing that either. This is a way that we can give back to all of you that have supported us over the last couple of years as well, rather than just take something as a donation. I’d rather be able to at least give back what we can give back at this moment in time because you’ve given us so much and we appreciate you.
So, I hope you like that part of it. In the future it will morph into more of an advertising so to speak, you know a community for lack of a better term. They are not necessarily products or services that we would endorse one way or the other, but it allows for a Marketplace for you to share yours and so this will hopefully help all of you grow, get the word out about special products and services that you offer as well. And perhaps people would like to take a part in those. It’s not for us really in any way, but just as a thank you to you and I think that pretty much wraps it up.
I’m pretty excited about the way forward. I feel that we will have more creative hands to bring you an even better news channel and to grow faster. We maybe hit a little bump in the road or something like that, but you know it’s okay, these things happen and the world is a changing place right now, and not everybody wants to change with it. I know this happens at the right time and in Source’s time and you know he even said it had to be this way.
As frustrating as it has been for the last couple of days, I do want to give a big shout out and thank you to the entire production team which by the way consists of probably somewhere around 50 to 60 people, some of which are volunteers and some of which are paid employees. I just wanted to say thank you so much for really stepping up to the plate. This also includes Sunny. As soon as she came back from her trip she was right on things recreating scripts and rundowns and all of that so we could get the news out to you today. So, I just wanted to say thank you so much for the entire team for all of your support, we couldn’t have done this without you and we would not be up and running as quickly as we are without all of you and thank you so much for all the work that you did throughout the year, last year, and on our previous app. It did look wonderful and our next one’s going to be even better, so I’m happy about that. Thank you to everyone that stepped up on our side, I appreciate very much the majority of you that have wished us well and have shown your support for both myself and our entire team, we thank you for that and we are looking forward to building a new world with all of you.
So this will be the only statement I’m going to make. I’ve made enough on Telegram and I just choose to move forward, I need to live in a positive environment. I want to live and have peace in my life. I don’t do drama. If she releases those, great. I don’t know if she wants to cut it and paste it like you know team Bubba does, cut and paste away. You know there’s much better use for my time than to pay attention to any of that. You know as the old saying goes mind over matter and I if I don’t mind, they don’t and I’m going to keep it this way. So that being said, that is your public statement from me. I wish you all a Happy New Year and I look forward to seeing you on Rumble and YouTube for now until things are back up and running, so I wish you all a wonderful day and we’ll see you real soon.
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Awesome Pam…
so grateful for you
Mary Susan
(Owned by Kim Goguen)
⭐️ UNITED NETWORK (CARE Announcements) 🆕
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⭐️ RESTORATION COMMUNITY BOARD – 🆕 A place for your Restoration Group/Telegram links. We will promote your group/telegram link on our website in the future. Please send your link with a very brief description.
We will update this list as needed.
Awesome, thank you all for the supportive comments. I will add these new links. Maybe I’ll create a new page. I will figure it out. PJZ
I would like to add one more thing, for all to consider. Kim is an obvious master manipulator, so would not Sunny and the rest of the team have figured this out by now??? Are they willing to promote the con, for their enrichment?
I would like to add one more thing, for all to consider. Kim is an obvious master manipulator, so would not Sunny and the rest of the team have figured this out by now??? Are they willing to promote the con, for their enrichment?
bonjour, mes meilleurs vœux, à tous et toutes! A très bientôt, Kim!
I am shocked about all of this ! I believed that Kim had pretty much total control of the computer systems worldwide. She supposedly communicates with the highest level entities and takes orders from Source. How can someone with so much power be so powerless with apps, that should be an easy task for Kim. This is extremely fishy… so many questions. Anyone else have doubts? Yeap! JUST QUESTION EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING. THIS IS SO DISAPPOINTING ! MY TRUST IS GONE WITH EVERYONE !
At least you have the sanity to actually question things instead of simply saying, “You don’t have the time for that”.
Hi Luci and all others willing to see the truth:
About a year ago Kim said she had control of the military; governments, financial system, treasury and what has happened? She also said we had won the war and source was pump straight light onto the planet and we would all get a great awakening in the next couple weeks. She also said last fall when questioned that they were receiving 80% of income tax. So have you ever thought about how much money that is world wide? Add to that All the other taxes payed, on goods, land, and income from resources and the numbers are staggering. As long as we continue to support them, we will continue to be enslaved. We would all like a savior to stop the wicked on earth, but it still looks like our savior is in the mirror. I had really high hopes that Kim was for real, as she is sooo con-vincing.
much luv; vinney
Thank you and appreciate you Pam!
It is a great relief to know Kim and everyone at UNN is OK.
That is Kim in a nut shell, classy, gracious, forward thinking, and always with everyones best interests in mind. At first I wondered why she had no access to the fnancials, after all she runs Alpha, but giving it a good think it would not be surprising she did not and never would violate anyones privacy short of them breaking natural law or the life on an innocent, to do otherwise would violate everything shecstands for, to do so she would be no better yhan the Rothchilillians or order of the black sun. I mean violating peoples property and privacy is why the world was in such a mess to begin with, the root of evil as we know it. Never mind those cheats and swindlers, going back on their sworn word, shames on them in totality, are teeny tiny potatoes compared to what truly matters most. It is really their great loss, and terribly selfish never mind terribly short sighted. It is on them not on Kim. And it shows. So Kudos and my hats off to Kim. A person of incredible integrity and honor. No surprise Source chose Kim.
May The Source Be With You. With us all. Lets go change the world.
No entiendo nada. Si Kim tiene tanto poder con el sistema financiero, cómo es que no puede saber el dinero que hay en una simple cuenta corriente?
Tiene poder para ir al inframundo pero no puede hablar con sus antiguas socias?
Qué está pasando realmente? Nos toman el pelo?
After reading Kim’s telegram information from Jan 6, 2024 and listening to the update with T.Melville from Jan 5, 2024, it is clear to me that my feelings about Lisa Thomas are justified. A filthy liar. And now she has been exposed.
Fortunately, Kim did not get discouraged and came out stronger. Nice new website, all new.
Thank you for the transcript.
Much Love.
Kim and Teams We LOVE YOU.
I do not trust any of these people they are a bunch of grifters and this is all very toxic and very unhealthy it is a cult now. She and all of them have conned everyone made a shed load of money out of their asses and then like the lowlights they are they are all blaming each other and telling on each other. She just jumped ship to start over and kept our money . What a great role model she is . Man is she full of herself – she has a special relationship with God well so do I and I asked God to show me a sign as to what she was about and then all hell broke loose and it well and truly awakened me to what she is about . Get a grip folks she is a grade con woman and we need to grow up and just deal with problems head on in the usual way with practical application I will go to the movies if I want to see a fantasy show. 😂🤣😅 oh dear this is insanity
I totally agree with your point of view. Looking for ways to be ‘saved’ by another is another trap of the ego. Most really good con-artists mix truth with lies…like hash. There’s a poster somewhere that reads:
It’s up to each one to fulfill this needed Rx to get to the real truth and live by it.
I believe everything will be solved without hurting anyone’s feeling. The Source knows this will happen showing us what life is in our planet even right now that the Source has given us all the energy and light. The one you will be loving, non judgmental of anyone surely will survive in the restoration of this planet. Smile, be happy the Source loves us all and so do I. Infinite love and gratitude to everyone who are loyal to Kim, Sunny and company.
This was normal to happen in an old world that is still changing and where people are still after money. If people only look to money, how will they work for the common good? How are they going to work for the recovery of the planet if there is only one thought in their heads – money, money, money… Will the madness of the Dark Age leave us soon? I think we need to bring another incentive into people’s lives – not material and commercial.
Translated with (free version)
The transformation would happen in a day, if people are awake and united.
To be Light, Love, Wisdom and Truth. The time of darkness is running out. Love makes everything meaningful, Wisdom saves, and Truth brings freedom. Seekers will find the way. Everyone, in the depth of his soul, remembers the original Divine world. Restoring the connection between soul and spirit will rekindle the child in us. Fear and love are incompatible.
Without fear and without darkness in Love without limits.
Why does Mrs Goguen mention Team Bubba if Bubba is so antagonistic to her?
Kim..this is’s time..take over the networks and do a marathon wikileaks…thus hath it been spoken.