This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 12 JAN 24 NEWS ( In this broadcast Kim delves into some personal stuff as she shares her experiences with many Handlers that have been thrown her way over the last decade and then some. It’s quite a read and I’m really glad I don’t have her job! LOL!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Learning More About Guardian Kim
Today I want to talk a little bit about myself and my personality. Some of you have gotten to know me a little bit on the threads so you know me as the fun Kim who is laughing and joking and blowing off things that people consider to be difficult circumstances, but that’s just who I am. To me these things are not difficult circumstances at all and you’re going to learn a little bit more about that today. But I wanted to point out one thing. A real Warrior of the Light fights with their heart, their heart is what gives them strength, their love for Humanity. My love for Humanity gives me strength, my love for Source gives me strength, guidance, wisdom, and many other things that you’re going to learn about me today.
I’ve been in a lot of strange circumstances in my life and I want to explain them to you but not scare you because there’s some scary things here that we’re going to talk about that I have done, I’m not just the smiley girl on the internet. It’s more to give you an idea on why certain circumstances are not really a situation to me. A situation is some of the things I’m about to explain to you. There have been people that have come and gone and in CARE chat they have talked about things, like they’re fighting the globalists and they’re doing protests and whatnot. And although those things are important because you can only do what you can do, but the things that I do are a little bit different and a little bit more difficult, the things that I have done in the past to achieve these objectives and to earn all these scars.
Some of Kim’s Skills
I do have the ability to remote view, which under certain circumstances becomes extra heightened. I have used this in the past to get in and out of buildings that I’ve never been in before, to run around cities I’ve never visited before, to find my way in and out of things, to find out who’s coming around the corner and maybe take a different turn, those types of things. And of course, I use it to locate different things before I had the Key Intelligence and Military System up and running the way that it is now. So that’s part of it. Most people when their adrenaline starts pumping really hard they start to shake, I mean these are extreme circumstances when people start to shake and for everyone and every human that’s different. As for me, I’ve actually learned to channel my adrenaline, to get my heart rate down to about 60 and then it’s much easier for me to do that and channel my energy in order to have a more effective result against for example, a larger physical opponent. Of course, Source is always there. When you fight with God or Source you never lose a battle.
My first physical altercation in my life was when I was about 11 years old and at that point I started learning Muay Thai and a bunch of other types of fighting skills, which at the time was illegal in the US to teach it. But we found a way to take it anyway. I was in a really bad neighborhood, so there were some instructors that offered to teach some of us young people the Arts. We spent hours and hours and hours learning how to pinch bottle caps with your fingers and fold them in half and punch your finger through cans and all kinds of things. So, I was not formally trained by any agency, these were life skills I was learning to protect myself in a very bad neighborhood, and once you learn these life skills they never go away. So, there are a number of different things that I have used to protect myself.
Does Kim Think She Is Being Attacked on Telegram?
Now this being said, there are some of you that have mentioned that I am being “attacked” on Telegram and I laugh at that statement because it’s not an attack, that is like a joke. I’ll explain to you what an attack shortly. But some people have asked why don’t I file copyright against team Bubba or something like that. It’s because I just don’t care. I know they’re NSA and I know they’re MI6 and if I was actually going to attack them it wouldn’t be with a copyright. They’re just kind of irrelevant, and hey they say there’s no such thing as bad publicity, so let them run and enjoy themselves. Let them exchange between other people who now believe they’re attacking me. I just don’t care and I’ll tell you why I don’t care.
The next thing that’s come up because of this, is there’s obviously a transition going on here, and I look at it as a positive transition. There are new things available in the app world that we didn’t have at the time we formed, even just a year ago, so I’m excited about those changes. The whole team is super excited to move forward and because of all of you we’ve been able to make payroll this month. So, I’m very happy about that and I thank you for that. It’s not really for me it’s for people that worked really hard day and night on that website to get it up and running for all of you.
But you know I kept hearing over and over again, as there was a call yesterday from Langley 5 to the local people to see if I’m homeless yet, and where do I bank, do I have any money, those types of things and they were promptly told in a nice way you can go away. But I need them to understand who they’re dealing with and why they’re having such a difficult time. So, this is in part for them as well.
The Handlers They Are Throwing at Kim Are Not Exactly High Caliber
In the last week or two they have thrown me attempted Handler after attempted Handler, people I haven’t talked to in years, agency people all kinds of stuff and I’m not buying what they’re selling. If I did it would be for entertainment purposes only, it’s not because I am going to fall prey to something or someone they throw at me. And the caliber of people they’re throwing at me right now I could run over like a freight train in part because there is a skill set here and because I have dealt with all these people from all these different countries before. Sometimes I have tripped up and made mistakes and sometimes I haven’t, but I learned something from everyone that comes forward. I’m not arrogant in any way, I’m very humble when I meet these people and talk to these people, and each one despite their best efforts failed at an attempt to handle me. However, I learned valuable things from these people and for the most part, and not to be mean to these agency people, but I kept them around long enough until I can learn all I needed to learn and then that was it. I’m going to give you both the positive side to people I have met and the negative side to people I have met and how things ended between me and them for one reason or another.
About the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA)
That being said, I also need to make a statement about something else in case people are unclear. The Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) has been around for thousands of years. It was originally intended to protect and provide security for the elite and the non-humans while they are present here on Earth and by non-humans I mean the ones from the lower astral that came here during the Dark Ages. That was their job, whether it was to feed them or find them places to be those types of things, that was the job of the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) for eons. Now the name the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) officially came to be in the 1940s, right about the time World War II ended was when it officially was registered with the name the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA). You might also know these people are portrayed in movies as the Men in Black, sometimes as the Secret Space Program operatives we talk about, by all different shapes and forms. Meaning from cyber security to physical security to a number of different things. You would also know these people sometimes in the past as the Order of the Black Sun, also called Solomon’s demons, that’s who these people were.
In 2012 Kim Took Over the GIA Over
The name became registered to myself. But after that operatives still continued telling people they were the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) for quite a long time and I have to explain this later in this broadcast and why their money didn’t come today.
By 2012 I took over as the Director but none of these people would listen to me, so I wiped out everyone that was registered. Unfortunately, these people individually had already been registered with nearly every Intelligence Agency on Earth in their systems. They were also registered to places like NATO and other Agencies, this is where you would see people like what I call Langley 5 or the Five-Star Generals. You would see a lot of different groups intertwining in working with or for the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) for a long time. So that’s who they were.
Now since I’ve taken it over, I was able to gain more access to the Alpha System since about 2016. Not that I didn’t always have access, I just didn’t fully understand how to use it, it took me years to learn, this was a process. It wasn’t like I got a handbook on how to use a Quantum system that spans densities and dimensions and other factors. If you also remember at the end of 2012, we were all going to die in Y2K. We are all supposed to die for a while now because nobody really knows what to expect. But it never happens and we’re all still here so we know old texts or whatever it is that people are reading may not necessarily be true. We talked about that in the last broadcast.
By the time I formulated the Key Intelligence and Military System is when I started having more and more access to all Intelligence and Military systems worldwide. I could tap into anyone’s Intelligence Agency, anybody’s Military system just like the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) used to be able to do, along with the NSA and the ACIO and a lot of people that we’ve mentioned before. So that gave me kind of a leg up on my so-called enemy. I also had access to the ABIL P4 system and the Net 6 system for that very reason. And I also knew when proposed pay days were supposed to be not only for the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) but also for other parties.
So, I have been the Director of the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) since 2012 and I have the highest clearance in the world. I can make my clearance to 10,000 billion if I want to because I control the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) and the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) has controlled all agencies worldwide and all militaries worldwide since its inception, at least for three millennia if not more. So that being said, that’s how I bring you the information I bring you. That’s how the Key Intelligence and Military System does what it does legally. Then I’ve told you about additional add-ons and things we’ve done over the last couple of years to make it more effective and more efficient because right now you have me as the Director and I have just a handful of people worldwide that I list in the system as Agent X. I don’t list them by name because it could be quite dangerous where they are.
So, these are the beginnings of the new Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) and it’s been running fine. But I’m tired and I don’t want to be on the system all the time. I’d like to do something else other than get alerts at one or two o’clock in the morning, sleeping would be nice. But I figure if you know he brings you to it, he’ll bring you through it and so here we are.
Speaking of bringing you to it and bringing you through it, let’s start with the laundry list of handlers and people I know and have met in person. We’re going to begin with a man by the name of Stephen Alter. This is obviously an old passport and I haven’t talked to him in a long time, I don’t even know if he’s still alive.
Handler | Stephen Alter

Stephen Alter was actually part of what I call the original Jason Bourne medication people. He was an assassin as well, and he worked for the United States. I have physically seen with my own two eyes his entire box full of passports from multiple different countries. He is a Hasidic Jew or was a Hasidic Jew. He was the person that introduced me to the Black Dragon in China and when I first met him. He was called the Silver or Gray Eagle and his name is Bruce Coe.
He had been on the phone with me and taught me a lot about how they use black magic as a Hasidic Jew, he also told me how you counteract it and block it and those types of things. He gave me my first introduction on how to match your particles, meaning the vibration of your body and your matter in your body, your essence, your Consciousness, and your energy to match for example, a solid object like a wall and how you could then pass right through it. So, he did teach me a lot, and for that I was grateful. They started nicknaming him in the industry which you never leave, it’s like the Hotel California once you are an operative on that high of a level. Now this is not a CIA operative, although you could call him a CIA operative. He is not a for example, FSB or SVR operative in Russia or KGB at the time, but you could call him a KGB agent. That’s how these operatives work when they worked for the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA). He also did a lot of consulting for the Mossad and he lived in Belgium for a time.
Now we’re going to get into a little rougher part. He also was present at a meeting with George Bush Senior and Hugo Chávez during the time when they were starting the fracking in Brazil. He was responsible for getting that started and getting that going, and then Bush Senior pulled the rug out because it was just a geopolitical play. During this meeting that he witnessed, because he was there with Bush Senior and they always sent that kind of security and not the Secret Service to a meeting between two members of the Order. Now that’s going to probably break some Venezuelan people’s hearts but that’s true and during this meeting it got very heated. During this meeting Chavez and Bush got into a fight to the point where Chavez had actually pulled a gun on George Bush Senior. This Stephen Alter was sitting right there when it happened and it also ultimately resulted in the nationalization of the oil in Venezuela. So what you’re seeing happen today in Venezuela is an attempt to reverse that out with the Generals of the Order of the Black Sun, and in the past you could have called them the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) Generals being the benefactors of all the oil in Venezuela. So, I’ve learned a lot like I said from all these people. I’m not saying they were good people, but you take what you need and leave the rest.
During his visit to me when I lived in Phoenix, Arizona he made several trips to the VA Hospital. I’m telling people this so that if you if you are Langley or working with Langley or thinking about becoming my Handler with Langley, this information is for you. So you can verify who he is and when he arrived in Phoenix which was in 2011, and how many visits that person made to the VA hospital in Phoenix, Arizona so that you know my story is true, otherwise how would I know this.
Next, he was on a phone conversation in my home in another room with Bruce Coe, the then Silver Eagle turned Black Dragon, and he told him that he could probably get me to marry him. Meanwhile I’m in the other room going No! I don’t even like you. I really couldn’t stand him. I tolerated him because he was teaching me a lot of things I needed to know, which did come in handy later on down the road. But he broke, let’s just say my last button when he asked me. The following day I said absolutely not. When it became apparent that was not going to happen, we begin fighting quite a bit, because this was just ridiculous to me. Then he went after my daughter in my home. He tried to assault my daughter who was only 10 at the time, anything for the bloodline right? Just got to get into that bloodline some way, shape or form, and I also heard him saying to that same person that he thinks that my daughter trusted him and that he could get the daughter for sure. A few hours later there was a physical altercation that took place as you could well imagine. Let’s just say in a gentle way he was no longer welcome in my home. He had never seen me in that way. When I channel my adrenaline, I mean literally everything goes blank and cold, there’s no other thought except for how the person in front of me is going to leave this planet and what’s the best way to do it. I start calculating it really really fast. He basically ran out the door and I never saw him again. He made a few other attempts to contact me and that was the end of that. So, this happened in in 2011. Prior to that we have a picture I posted on telegram.

This picture was taken by me in 2010 in Hong Kong and the person you see there, the Asian man is the one they call Dr. Lee, he’s also known as grandfather and he also serves as a walk-in for Enki, Enlil and Marduk, and possibly also Anu. We’re going to talk a little bit more about walk-ins here in a minute. The person in the middle is a man by the name of Daniel Weisenberger and I’ll get into more about him in just a little bit, and the person on the left is Asher who I’ll also talk about.
In the beginning I am the one who got the meeting with these two gentlemen and this guy, through a contact of mine. Then after this meeting happened and I returned home for a little while, and due to my conversations with him and another man named Victor Wang, who was one of the Family Bankers of Death as I call them, the Black Bankers, around 10 o’clock at night is when I heard people crawling on my roof. Bush Senior had installed a congressional tap on my house right after this trip. I had my daughter sleeping and my mom happened to spend the night and this was happening while I was in Phoenix, Arizona.
Sunny: Kim did Bush know who you were in the master plan here or do you think he had limited information or what did they know at that point?
Project Looking Glass was where they look into the future, the past and the present and remember it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be true. But they saw the faces of a lot of the Melchizedeks that were alive at that time. I would say from about 1983 that happened during the CIA’s program where they were collecting DNA from trash in specific areas based on the readers of the Looking Glass and what they saw. You could also call these readers the Vril women. But until you hit the radar to some degree, which means you’re actually doing something like getting on a plane and flying to Hong Kong and meeting with some Asian family members, that kind of does it. A flight that I took in London in 2008, kind of does it. Why would Nathan Rothschild care if I lived or died? Why would he invite me to Thorne Country Club. Why would all those things have happened? Because they knew more about me than I knew about me at this time. And to be flat out honest let’s talk about the next guy. These are just a few of who I had passports for.
Handler | Asher Tchividjan

We’re going to talk about Asher, one of the people in the picture. We met up again the same year 2010, this time in Zurich, Switzerland. He is a Mossad agent and I think he’s dead now but not by my doing. He worked directly for and took orders from a gentleman by the name of Hans Brewer at the time and Rothschild. He is actually a Rothschild and a descendant of the royal family of France, the Rothschild installed royal family that is. During this trip in Zurich he introduced me to the Watchers. I actually met the Watchers in a restaurant next to the Bohnhoff in Zurich, Switzerland.
I couldn’t stand Asher, he was so arrogant and so awful to people. We had gone out to lunch or dinner with some other colleagues and he would treat the wait staff so awful he even made one of them cry. But I learned some valuable lessons from talking to him as well. Everybody has a different technique when they want to control you, handle you, to get you to do what they want you to do. And I had to learn, so this was my experience with the first of many Mossad agents.
Now let me tell you the rest of the story about what happened with Asher. We were in a meeting, in a hotel room that had a suite, so there was a living room area where you could have a meeting. The meeting with the other people pretty much ended so it was just me and him and apparently I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to be doing and he attacked me in the hotel room. It was a physical attack, like I’m going to kill you kind of attack. Now this was a very nice hotel and I am very well aware that this hotel receives a lot of dignitaries from around the world and it is hardwired into Interpole and other European Intelligence Agencies because a lot of business takes place there. Now I’m telling you this because I’m sure Langley or whoever wants to know can go check to see if what I’m telling you is true. So how I actually got out of there is I grabbed a bottle, which was a full-size bottle of champagne, that’s what they had in this upscale hotel not mini sizes and because Zurich shuts down early, even the kitchens in the hotels so, that’s probably partially why they have full size stuff in the mini-bar. So, I grabbed a bottle and I smashed it on the stone floor in the newer wing of the Dolder Grand Hotel, which is where this took place. Then I beat his head in with it and then beat his head into the stone floor until he passed out, and then I left. I’m sure that’s on a recording if they’d like to verify that. So the moral to the story is don’t take a meeting in someone’s hotel room Switzerland when you suspect that they’re the Mossad. Needless to say, I packed up my stuff and left the hotel, I left Zurich and went I believe to Frankfurt the next day.
There are things that happen in life that teach you lessons and that’s what I call it. I’m not one of those people that hangs on. I believe that fear is a useless emotion, it never stopped or started anything, but it will stop you from doing things and moving forward in your life. Traumatic events that happen to people are fear-based things you’re holding on to and as difficult as it is you have to let them go. I have a memory of it of course, I was there, but it’s no different than if I had went and watched a movie last week. To me it doesn’t have a root, an emotional root at all because there’s many other events like this, I’m just pointing out a few. People that have come and gone in my life, and I’m just telling you this story to paint you a picture. So anyway, the next time you feel the need to defend me on telegram, although it’s very nice of you, but someone trying to make a video of me or something is just so stupid. And if I did want to attack some of these people, trust me it wouldn’t be on telegram.
Handler | Daniel Weissenberger
Let’s talk about the next person Daniel Weissenberger. Daniel is a German SS officer and he also worked directly for Hans Brewer, aka Rothschild. Hans Brewer is one of those people who is on both sides, oftentimes you would see the Black Sun marrying into the Rothschild families and vice versa, and that happened quite often.

If you recognize this last name you’ll also recognize other people in history, probably around World War II time, people in and around Hitler. It’s a family name and of course this man is no exception. We talked on the phone many times but we met in person at the Intercontinental Hotel in Frankfurt, Germany towards the end of 2010. It would have been the end of November beginning of December and we had some meetings there. He also introduced me, while out at dinner one night to a man that built the back server system, not the Alpha system but the hidden black servers so to speak for JP Morgan. So, I proceeded to get this guy really drunk and flirted with him a little bit, and he told me all about how he did it. It was very easy, very simple.
Daniel on the other hand was just trying to get me together with one of the trustees for the Omega system or the Order so that I could trigger Alpha and she would trigger Omega and we’ll talk about her in a minute.
Daniel also introduced me to a group called Lodge 999 while I was in Germany which is where they are based. These are people who are very well trained in black magic, dark arts and things beyond the Jedi program that the US has for training what I call industrial psychics. I didn’t actually formally touch those people obviously, but I watched him hand them a picture of someone who he wanted dead and then that person ends up dead. So, they are very effective killers, they only need to know who you’re speaking of and then they can find them worldwide. They are remote viewers like we are on the Light Side and they can kill people at a distance. So of course, I had a long conversation with Daniel as well about how fascinating that is. I asked him how that works and those types of things and he kind of explained to me sort of how it works. So, guess what, you can do it with it on the light side too.
Sunny: Why are these handlers so free about giving this information to you because in my mind a handler is someone who just wants to tell you what to do.
That’s not how it works. They have to first establish trust and trust can be established in a number of different ways. Giving information to get information is one of those ways.
Daniel was very German, very abrupt, very hot-headed to say the least. I also ran into him and Asher in Russia. I met them at that time in the lobby of the Ritz Carlton Hotel, they were trying to be my go-between and let’s just say some Russian people that were there, some I would call old KGB guys, but sometimes they’re not if you know what I mean.
Back to the Order’s trustee, that Omega trustee person. Now I can be extremely frustrating with these people and I mean very frustrating to deal with because number one, the truth will drive you crazy when you don’t buy what they sell and he went at it for 11 or 12 hours. I just kind of sat there the whole time in the lobby. I’m sure there are videos of that because Ritz Carlton is owned by Marriott and the entire chain. I hate to break this to you guys but if you’ve ever stayed in a Marriott Hotel anywhere in the world then you may have seen those small little black half balls on the ceilings. Well those are cameras and they are a direct feed into the FBI, the CIA, and/or Interpole depending on where you are in the world and all their Partners. So, everything you’ve ever done in a hotel room is on a live feed to agencies and this was long before the advent of ECHELON. Also, everything that happens in the lobby of hotels and everything obviously at the Ritz Carlton, and Marriott had a deal with the Russian government and the underground facility underneath the Kremlin, that’s where they would also receive all the feeds because you know they were in there from the USSR days. It’s been there for a long time in those buildings. But it doesn’t bother me, I don’t do anything in anybody’s room or a zoom room or any other room and I could care less if the entire world ever saw. I don’t embarrass at all because I know these things. You would live your life literally locked in a closet if you knew just how far they went to surveil. It can be done through your refrigerator, your smart dryer, your television set. So don’t think there’s a room in your house they can’t watch at any given moment in time, even without a satellite over your head, of which I currently have two, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When you know all of this stuff, you’re either going to continue to live your life or you’re going to go hide in a closet somewhere because you’re never going to have any privacy, especially if you’re me. There’s no such thing, this house is on infrared and I know they hear everything I say in this house locally. I expect them to and sometimes I have conversations right from my living room in my pajamas with these people and they know it too. I’m not under any delusion here and I have nothing to hide so I just don’t care. There isn’t anything another human in the world can actually do to embarrass me in any way. But for some reason Langley 5 seems to think this could work to break me down.
So by the end of 11-12 hours of going back and forth with these people in the middle who were people from the Russian government, Daniel was demanding to see Putin, he would like to meet Putin immediately. And when the Russian man said it’s too late I can’t do that for you right now but to come back tomorrow, typical agency stuff which is always tomorrow and never today, that never took place. But he stood there in the middle of the hotel and screamed at the top of his lungs: if I do not see him right now I will shut down the whole financial system of Russia! Just like that, I will do it!
Now bear in mind I had been twisting this man’s brain all day long so he was already pretty frustrated and that was actually purely intentional on my part because I just really wanted them to go away. I wanted to get on and I didn’t know this was a whole dual lock and key thing at the time before the Light Age, before the expirations of the covenants and all the things that we’ve learned or you’ve learned from me. So, the guys, the Russian people said, wait, let me see what I can do. Anything to get out the door, but I learned a trick from these Russian people. What they would do is they would carry multiple cell phones on their person at all times, and if you wanted to get out of a situation you would have your other phone number on the ready. So you would hit the button and then your other phone would start to ring and you’d pull out a tissue, pretend like you’re blowing your nose and say oh, it’s Jesus Christ calling me, I have to go take this, I’ll be back. Then you put the phone up to your ear and you walk out and you start talking. That’s a pretty cool trick right? I watched him do it when he was doing this thing with Daniel. So, I learned something from the experience of watching him running around like a crazy person in the lobby of the hotel.
I was just sitting there drinking a coffee and watching this all happen when finally he sits down and he starts getting in my face, yelling at me. Now that was a bad idea. I had already dealt with him for 11 to 12 hours, I mean I literally got into this person’s face because now my adrenaline’s being channeled and remember what happens to Kim. My body naturally starts to go and I got right in his face and I screamed at the top of my lungs and said I am done! Then I started pushing him, there was a physical altercation that happened in the hotel room that night and as I understand it him and the other guy packed up their things and they spent the night in the German Embassy until they could get a flight out. So good ridden.
At least he eventually laughed and said you know; you didn’t have to break out another bottle. There’s a look that happens in your face when you almost go cold, people don’t know how to explain it but I’ve had a couple of people that looked at me and said are you drunk because I was slurring my words and I wasn’t, it’s like I go blank pretty much. I wasn’t on anything but coffee and I can assure you there was no alcohol in my coffee otherwise I would have been fast asleep by 10:30 at night. I was drinking coffee because I knew something was going to happen so I wanted to stay awake. It was actually a cup of espresso at the time. If anybody looks up the video I’m talking about, I had espresso with a cute little heart in it and the cinnamon stick on the side. You’ll see exactly what I’m telling you to be true. I was wearing a blue suit; I remember it vividly with a lilac shirt. So good ridden to the German SS, but thank you for the training. They have very little patience so it’s very easy if you happen to encounter someone from the German SS, no offense but all you got to do is keep pushing those buttons and eventually they’re going to erupt into some crazy man and you can’t laugh, you just got to sit there with a straight face.
Sunny: What exactly did he want you to do? You said that you were talking for like 12 hours or more, what about, what was the purpose?
Well, an atypical thing that agencies do, and this is kind of common pretty much in all agencies around the world, the trust building is a thing. Giving information, you’re safe with us are pretty common factor across the board. But pretending not to speak English is another one, to have a translator someone in between. I just pretend that I don’t have an internal translator that can read the frequency in the brain before the words come out of your mouth. It doesn’t matter what anybody is saying, you can actually read what is about to come out of their mouth and it’s like an internal translator. I just wouldn’t tell anybody that I understand everything you’re saying, we all can play the same game here. Other things that people do is divide and conquer, separate so now there’s distrust between two parties. I had observed this before, this was not the first time I’ve had this happen to me and this was what was going on between myself and another person we’re going to talk about in a few minutes.
Handler | Nikolai Savchuk
Now let’s talk about Nikolai the Russian spy. Nikolai ex-KGB agent, righthand and one of Putin’s operatives that ran his presidency. Remember no president is alone, Putin does not run the country all by himself and this is one of Putin’s operatives.

This gentleman also has a tattoo, if he’s still alive, I don’t know as this was a while ago and he was kind of up in age then. But between the thumb of his right hand and his right index finger was a tattoo of a swastika. The very next day this guy comes to the hotel and now is my best friend. He says, I couldn’t take them to see Putin but I’ll take you to see Putin blah blah blah blah, on and on we go.
Now I moved over to the Kempinski Hotel where I stayed for about a week, between Christmas and New Year’s. We met every day in the lobby of the hotel because it was the holiday season in Russia which is very different than it is in the states and a lot of other countries because the whole place shuts down, you can’t get a hold of anybody. And his daughter actually came with him because she was learning English in school and she was our “translator” for several of those meetings.
I spent a lot of time with this guy day after day and the other trustee lady. I was actually the one that ordered the Department of Defense terminal, the AVP4 terminal for verification of both her and myself. I ordered it through a friend of mine that I’ll only call JB, he knows who he is and everybody else probably knows who he is as well and he got it from the Five-Star Generals. It was delivered to Moscow and they did install it at this time at the Russian Central Bank. At the same time shortly thereafter, once the terminal arrived in Moscow, JP Morgan Chase Representatives, Credit Swiss Representatives, UBS Representatives, Citi Bank Representatives, Federal Reserve Representatives, Treasury Representatives, Barclay’s, Bank of America, you name it they were all there and they all stayed at a place called The Golden Ring Hotel in Moscow.
Now remember the divide and conquer thing here.
I was at the Kempinski Hotel for maybe a week, I actually had pictures I took out the window, it was snowing in St. Basil’s Cathedral. But the name of the game and the reason why we were there is because I as the principal of the Alpha system and her as the Omega trustee, so it would have been me transferring to her out to all these people, and they all came in like vultures. While I was there, I also met one of the other Five-Star Generals in the lobby of the Marriott Grand Hotel, his name was La Phillip and he worked at the Berlin office of the US Department of Defense, that was actually the security for the financial system. It is the reason why you’ll often see if you happen to work in a central bank or you have worked with the government of any country then, you would have seen “This is protected by Treasury of USA” which is the Order of the Black Sun, a corporation and not part of the government in any way.
I also have letters that I want to show you about that too. So, this went on for months and he just couldn’t get me there. Once you start to learn the KGB personality the ex-KGB personality and you start to learn their mannerisms, which is why you spend so much time with these people and you don’t just shoot them in the head and leave. You can’t really do that because how are you supposed to learn how they all work unless you spend time with these people and I was there for six months this time.
He also went to the hotel lobby desk and because he’s an agency guy he confiscated my passport. He told me he was going to get a visa renewal. That didn’t happen. I ended up having to go to the US Embassy to get a visa to leave. He eventually gave me back my passport the beginning of March and they tried to forge documents stating that I, as Power of Attorney had turned the Alpha system over to them. Yes, they did, I am aware of that. That was also on behalf of Putin and it was the same time that Marduk, Enki and Enlil arrived in Russia and started having direct talks with Putin on what he was supposed to do. They were supposed to give me $2 million allegedly and I was to come back in six months. This would have been in January when all of this took place. I didn’t end up leaving until around the 4th of April maybe and at the time I thought I was really going to get this money. They told me I could, I had to come back in six months and the reason why is because in the middle of 2011 is when the Trust, or you could call it the Alpha system, the never-ending flow of money in allocation numbers agreement with the Federal Reserve had expired. That was in 2011 which meant there would be no more obligation. But he was told firmly to wait until that date but I never got the money and Nikolai the Russian spy took it.
Nikolai the Russian spy also came into my hotel room one day, this was nothing nefarious, he came in to give me some “information”. I had just gotten back from the gym and he looked at me, held my face and he goes, you’re so cute, so cute. There’s a point to this because right underneath my chin were his two fingers, right here on my face the two thumbs and I didn’t think anything of it. I’m like, why all of a sudden am I so cute. Well within about 24 hours I literally started urinating blood. I got really really sick. So, I learned this trick also from Mr. Nikolai. What they do is they put one chemical on one hand and another chemical on the other hand, never let the two hands touch while you have that chemical on your hand. All he had to do was mix those two chemicals and he didn’t get sick, I got sick. I obviously wasn’t going to call a doctor, at this point they probably would have killed me. I went to the pharmacy and got ridiculous copious amounts of vitamin C and a number of other things that I could pick up that were over the counter and I managed to get myself back into shape. It took a couple of days before I was even feeling a little bit better and probably a few weeks if not longer until I was 100%.
Sunny: What do you think the goal of that was? Why would he do that?
Because they had already gotten what they thought was the Power of Attorney. They had already replicated my passport; they took my passport for that reason. They probably created some kind of a ‘Russian Kim’ which is funny to me for many reasons, and thought that they could just continue on and nobody would be none the wiser. I would have just dropped dead in the hotel room and then she becomes me.
They truly are ruthless.
Stay tuned for Part 2.
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