This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 31-JUL-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. On Monday Kim talked about things that were beginning to brew in the Middle East and she has since figured out where the money was coming from. But first she started with events in the mainstream news and then what happened behind the scenes that made all these things possible.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

31-JUL-24 NEWS (
Lords of War Cause an Uptick in Activity in the Middle East
Alleged Strikes in Israel, Lebanon and Iran & Alleged Killing of Leaders
Allegedly there was a strike from the Hezbollah to Israel which allegedly hit some children at a soccer match. But thus far we have yet to confirm it hit anyone, if there was even a strike. We are still looking for that. Then allegedly, Israel struck Lebanon in retaliation and allegedly killed a top General in the Hezbollah. Then there was a strike in Iran where they allegedly killed a leader of the Hamas.
Days before this event they were moving the leader of Hamas and leaders of the Hezbollah to safe locations for extraction. Guess where? Belize! Yep, more fake leaders are joining other fake leaders in Belize. Everything that is happening is pre-arranged.
Fake Khomeini Promises Revenge
Today fake Khomeini announced promised revenge, to keep this charade going in the Middle East. And just to reiterate, he’s been dead for over a year, which happened in Russia I think, over some magic event he was trying to do there.
Speaking of Khomeini, the original and those who keep replacing him are 100% of the bloodline of the Order of the Dragon. In fact, they never install a religious leader that is not one of theirs. It’s part of the little trick they do to try to put as many Lucifer lovers in leadership positions, to trick the people into worshipping a person instead of God itself. And this is not about regular people who go to Temple or Church or Mosque, because they are going there with the best of intentions and not for the other people there. If you are trying to connect to your Creator, that in my opinion is the most important thing. As long as that’s your focus and aim when you go there, and you avoid the fake people in pointy hats etc., that’s the important thing. And their leadership is failing anyway and with the direct current coming in they will lose that battle.
Pentagon and UK Prepared for Full-On Warfare in Middle East
The Pentagon and the UK together sent seven ships off the coast of Lebanon because they intended to go full on warfare last night. However, there was a lot of situations that happened which didn’t allow them to do so. Hum, maybe that was some blonde lady’s doing.
For example, backup generators weren’t working on the ships, no communication lines either, and things started malfunctioning. Some ships even had to be extracted by other ships in the region because there was no power. Lots of things were happening that were unusual. In addition, the planes flying over the Middle East carrying those giving the orders started malfunctioning and were forced to land. Then back in the US a bunch of people planning on running Control and Command were locked in a base in an underground facility. Yeah, they are now in a timeout. They have been unable to open the door and are stuck in one room. Congrats to the Lords of War, you had your 5 minutes of fame in the Middle East and that’s all you’re going to get.
The Lords of War Flashed Money to Get the War Rolling During Lion’s Gate
The operatives were looking for money to get World War III started, but the Lords of War, and I say this for a reason, are pounding their war drums all over the place. They decided to flash money from a company which is allegedly a non-profit. But it says when you donate to this organization your donations are not tax deductible. It’s called ActBlue, and it’s an extreme left-wing organization that promotes democratic causes around the world. It was influential during the George Floyd incident and they did a lot of funding to Black Lives Matter and the Black Panthers when they were trying to get this whole racial thing going in the US again. They are also known to do funding for and through George Soros, Berkshire Hathaway, other groups, and to a number of other groups to promote an agenda.
Act Blue in the world of Color Wars means you are dealing with the Blue Dragon family, and the Blue Eagles, so the Rothschilds, you could call it a Rothschild fundraising center to promote their agenda all over the world. You would see Hillary Clinton involved in Act Blue and now Kamala Harris. Their website is very non-descript is really like a menu of where you would like to donate. I’ve seen a lot of activity coming from this organization, but the website claims since 2004 they have raised over $14 billion. Right now, it looks like a front for agencies and operatives. It’s always been used for acts against humanity. At the time when this money was being promised and not yet delivered, it looked like they had around $2.7-$2.8 billion worldwide because they are a laundromat, so you have to look under rocks to figure out how much money they actually had.
But for some reason everything spontaneously just disappeared yesterday. Therefore, money that was promised to say the Pentagon for their participation and other organizations now no longer saw what I call the flash cash. Then all of a sudden 97% of the activity in the Middle East stopped. Hum, must have been that blonde lady again.
Lion’s Gate Timeframe
The other reason why the Lords of War are trying to make it happen now is because it’s Lion’s Gate time. There have been things that have shown up randomly that were standing orders from demons who are no longer with us, but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t consciousness transferred into computer systems, which then creates events. One of those events is what I call the Parrot Line which was gifted to militaries around the world. It’s basically a communication line that was used for the return for non-human beings that would have happened on this particular Lion’s Gate. They were using this line to communicate throughout the world for the last 24-48 hours when it popped up. But then it died as quickly as it came. After that they were struggling with communications in the Middle East.
Global Positioning Satellites Were Cut in Lebanon
In Lebanon in 1983, there were a lot of bombings in Beirut, it was all over the news at that time. And the UN at the time used the opportunity to install satellite systems for the nation per the orders of Rothschild who runs their banking system very heavily there in Lebanon. And yesterday for a brief period there were reports even on social media and behind the scenes that they cut the global positioning satellites for the entire country which affected even everyday users.
Now those satellites no longer belong to the UN, they belong to us and not only there but in several other areas, and the military no longer has backdoor access to it. Militaries around the world were always able to hide their tail numbers for aircraft. It would say Not Applicable or something like that. So now that is no longer the case, all will be visible so everyone will know where they are. Hum that blonde lady does stay busy.
Operatives Are Now Engaged in Fund Raising Too
The operatives were also talking to wealthy families in the Middle East, the House of Thani in Qatar, the Kuwaiti Royal Family, the Saudi Royal Family and others to really ramp things up. They need lots of money for the war with all those countries they want to involve. As I said before, they are looking at $75 million per day just in the one country. If several are involved imagine how much more they need.
In the past, many Royal Families in the Middle East have lent money to the US to the tune of a few hundred billion dollars, and recently during the situation in Gaza to other sectors to get the war started again. And now they’re expected to throw money into the kitty again. The problem with that is most of the Middle East has a Neuvo Riche mentality, meaning these newly rich people are very flashy, they love having harems, many wives, lots of cars, yachts, racing horses, and lots of snowfalls in the Middle East, and I don’t mean the kind that comes from the sky. Lots of things float around the Middle East and it’s very flashy because they want to show I’m the man, that kind of thing.
Most of the Royal Families that are installed in various countries there are predominantly the line of Rothschild, so they are related to a demon whether they know it or not, and they have participated heavily over the last few years. But now they are getting to the point where they are cutting into their life style and they are not happy with that in any way, shape, or form. Therefore, the donations they are required to make in order to get this war going are just not there.
Royal Family of Qatar Demands Kim Release Money to Them
Yesterday an associate of mine was threated to call me and demand that I give allocation numbers to old historical accounts that are not at the Saudi National Bank or the Central Bank in the UAE anymore, so that they can release this money. But that money hasn’t been there for a long time. I know it glitched and it showed up but then disappeared again. They could never spend it anyway because it’s not real. So, the Royal Family in Qatar was actually threatening us yesterday to make this money good and release it to them. Then they agreed once it was done to giving us a lofty 2%. Well, I’ll address it again, that offer has been off the table a long time now my friends. And currency does not fund wars anyway, so you would have lost it as soon as you got it.
It’s really awful there in the Middle East dealing with the arrogance of the Royal Families, and being female is not a plus. I had some dealings with the Saudis, Syrians, and UAE Royal Families in the past, and I would much rather just deal with the people of the Middle East, and we’ll have our own C.A.R.E. people in the region who will actually take care of the people. These Royal Families have no regard for any other human on the planet except for themselves. If you are not of the bloodline, you are nobody in this world and it gets worse the further up you go. So these people are looking for money anywhere. Well, all you Middle East Royal Families, including fake Khomeini can take a long ride on a camel and don’t come back.
Remnants of the Deep State Plan for Two Weeks of Meetings, But with Whom?
The crazy deep state people still left think they are going to a bunch of meetings that go on for two weeks starting Saturday because the New Moon is on Sunday. I don’t know who they think they will be meeting, nobody is coming to give them orders, so they’ll be going to all the meetings by themselves. They are the only ones left now, so they are doing a reenactment and taking all the meetings which is funny because on the one hand they keep saying they can do the job better than all the aliens, and the demons and all those they used to work for directly or indirectly, yet they still go to meetings expecting someone to reach out to them and help them and give them money. It makes zero sense.
But in the absence of anyone showing up they would like to meet with us, not me directly of course. They reached out to Tom Melville, they are desperate apparently to have a conversation with him. My guess is they are looking for information on what they can and cannot do so their meeting will go well. These people who are declaring they are in charge want to take the place of the aliens above majestic clearance, higher level clearance levels, above NATO and Global Headquarters. None of them have come forward before with positive intentions, actually that’s why we’re seeing such a mess. And part of the reason for the uptick in the Middle East has to do with the fact the new moon is coming and they are having a meeting starting the day before.
SSP Prepares for Gates to Lower Astral to Open in Israel
We saw a huge uptick in activity from the SSP folks in Monarch Military, Arasaka, and Monarch. They were all in the Middle Eastern region in various locations such as Kurdistan, small villages in Iran, Mar Saba Monastery in Bethlehem, and under Temple Mount in Jerusalem. They go to these places because according to their information they are the places where the Gates to the lower astral are going to open like they used to every year in Israel. That was the main place in the world where a gateway would open to the lower astral.
Note: For a refresher of the Secret Militaries see related post, The 15 Groups in the Shadow Military | How Intelligence Agencies Were Structured | 41 Coven Members Left Still Floundering | Part 2 | Just Empower Me
How that was done by non-human beings was, the Gateway of Source for the entire planet is that border between Iran and Iraq, that’s the main gateway, so they would create the appearance of an overlay and an underlay on that Gate. That in turn would be able to utilize the direct current from Source and transmute that current and open a Gateway in another location over in Israel.
We did have a few things pop up there that they thought were for them but they were short lived lasting only 1-2 hours yesterday. This was going on at the same time as the war, and I actually found the people underneath Mar Saba Monestery because of the giant stab in the head I got at the time they tried to fire up the machine. I guess they thought I was the first target, I don’t know., but they are gone now.
Hopefully this will be the last year we’ll experience a bit of an eruption, and compared to what would normally happen this time of year it’s not that bad. Hopefully between now and the 8th of August there will be nothing disturbing our direct current anymore. Like I’ve been saying, a couple steps forward and a couple back but this fight is not with human beings, they are just going with the flow of dark energy. But we’ll see what happens if these people show up to the party. I have zero confidence in these people based on the orders they’ve been giving the last few days. You still having people running around with Rothschilds full rolodex of terrorist organizations, making deals, sending people off to Belize for retirement. This has been going on since Hitler retired in Argentina.
It’s an old game and they are playing the same exact game. Every move they are making has been made before so they are very predictable. Hopefully things will now be calmer in the Middle East. But we’ll keep watching who is funding them and it certainly won’t be us. I do know for a fact, some of these Lords of War are trying to get people to come to me to get funding for their affairs indirectly. They would like me to be their cannon fodder for the stuff they are doing. They tried to put some accounts in my name, like in Act Blue to pay terrorist organizations. They are trying to set me up, like this never happened before.
Sunny: When does Lion’s Gate wrap up?
According to the internet it peaks on the 8t of August and ends on the 12th. But there have been a lot of changes on this planet and that alignment doesn’t mean what it used to anymore. Granted, we’ve had a bit of a tougher year than usual, based on past orders from various demons and things still stuck in the omega system, but not terrible. I’m looking for some real positive changes over the next 12 days, to ride a positive wave I’m seeing coming in, no matter how much interference is attempted. Hopefully we can take advantage of that peak and ride that wave and that direct connection will never be lost again.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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bonjour, oui je veus désir voir tomber tout ce systéme de manipulation et d’esclavagisme mondial sous formes religieuses de divers orientations détournées par ses faux humains, depuis des milliards d’années! leurs fin est iminente pour ma part, j’en suis heureux! merci pour ces infos et boulots!
Agradecido eternamente.