This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 16-Aug-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Well according to Kim Michael, Gabriel and Raphael decided to leave but not before leaving a gift for the Deep State. Since then lots took place in the last couple of days and nothing pleasant, but she’s going to tell us about it anyway so we are informed as to the progress made on this planet. Suffice it to say, some ‘Others’ never cease to amaze her.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

16-Aug-24 News-Broadband High (
Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael Rejected the Olive Branch Offered
This isn’t the first time I was shocked by choices ‘Others’ made. There was a point in time for me many years ago when I was having conversations all day with Marduk, Enki and Enlil on a regular telephone, so not anything weird. And then I spent a lot of money to fly and meet with them, at least it was a lot for me at the time, this was over a decade ago. Then months later I watched them at a special computer terminal try to erase me from the Alpha system and input someone else. For a couple of days, I was shocked, because I thought they were ready to help us achieve balance on the planet and we were going to work together to achieve balance, at least that is the line they told me.
Once I figured out that was not the case in any way, it took me a good three days to get past it. Then I had to figure out how to use this system all by myself, and that is what I ended up doing. It took me a long time to figure out how to use Alpha. Then a few years after that, I needed to build an Intelligence system for myself and some other things because I couldn’t trust anyone I was talking to from the intelligence world or from ‘other’ locations, and I needed to make sure I knew what was going on so I could make an educated decision for my own self. And that’s part of the reason we do these newscasts. To inform you so you can make decisions for your own self. I’m not trying to make those for you.
But yesterday was another one of those days where I’m just shocked and surprised. This time though, because of what happened last time, it took me only minutes to recover and not days. But I was truly surprised what happened after we threw out an olive branch to Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. Knowing who they are, that they were duality, so on both sides, I knew there was always a chance they would pick one side or the other.
The Souls of Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael Were Terminated
Well, they went home and back to Source who told them to come back here and clean up their mess. They had 1 day to prove to Source that they had the best of intentions on doing so. So, they came back here and they discussed what they were going to do. It turns out they decided to leave and not stay. Okay fine, but they didn’t have to make the giant mess they made on the way out. I mean talk about leaving with a bang, they definitely did that. It was definitely apparent in the last 24 hours that they strayed way too far from Source and joined the dark side. So now when they returned to Source, as per their covenant with Source, which has nothing to do with me, their souls were terminated forever. That was the consequences and that is what they chose. But not before they decided to help the deep state along with all their plans.
They Made Promises to the Deep State They Would Control the World
First, they made an agreement with the Order of the Dragon and Order of the Black Sun and the Japanese faction too, that they would now be the controllers of all the world’s assets. They gave them lots of their own keys to systems they used to use to keep a balance on this planet, and along with that they promised them a whole lot more access. They told them once they go back to Source, they would get Source to agree to make them the owners and they would have full access to Control and Command of Alpha and Omega. It’s a dying system anyway, but that’s what they promised them. They said it would take no longer than 3 days (between now and the full moon) and they would have access to the system. But that was a full-on lie. The second they arrived there at Source with said proposals, all of them were shot down, therefore those Control and Command keys would not work.
They Gave the Deep State Earthquake Programs
However, they did make quite a mess today with the limited access the three of them did have. By quite a mess I mean they gave the deep state access to an earthquake program. There were several places in the world where there was alien tech right below the Teutonic plates which could have caused a situation. A situation like you might have seen in the 2012 (film). We could have seen enormous amounts earthquakes and flooding. They gave the crazy people access to that. I couldn’t believe it, but they did. It was short-lived and the programs went away along with the alien tech that was underneath, but not before we saw a few small little earthquakes in Syria and other places.
They Gave the Crazy Deep State Access to Programs to Create a Pole Shift
They also gave them access to a program that could create a pole shift. Isn’t that great. Lucky for us they didn’t know how to use it and it was spotted before they got it.
Remaining Archivists Brought Alien Tech Back Here to Help the Crazies
The next thing they did was allow for two remaining archivists, who came from the depths of the lower astral to bring additional alien tech back to this planet to help these crazy people. They came in through Penn Station, Union Station and some places in Europe and brought as much stuff as they could overnight which we then had to cleanup today.
When they brought in this space junk, obviously there were other programs they wanted to do. So, they went to that old CERN site in Switzerland and some other places in the world where they decided to bring in some more omega tech to help the crazy people create the following things:
- Programmable Bacteria
- Micro Plasma
- Access to Vaccine Qubits
- And a bunch of other things we already dismantled, but they revived these programs and made sure to hand over the proper keys to the Nazi crazy people.
It became evident these are the locations they were using based on what they were expecting to happen:
- CERN Switzerland
- There is a QuiX Quantum Computing Company in the Netherlands that also received the alien tech.
- Underneath the old SHIELD facility in Wichita, Kansas, which is a high-level NSA facility.
- Under the Belgrade Fortress, in Serbia.
- Under AQT Quantum Computing in Austria
- Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak in Bulgaria
- The Citadella Fortress in Budapest
- Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Remember where the plane landed for 911? That was the access place to the underground utopia to the actual World Government who looked like humans but were not. Right underneath that Memorial. Ever wonder why they landed that plane there? Well now you know.
- Crawford Castle in Scotland (I think this is what Kim said)
- All 14 Hitler Headquarters in Germany and Poland and the surrounding area, and a couple in Russia.
Of course, these facilities were geared toward all those Nazi programs of days past for genetic modification and all kinds of diseases so we would be left here on earth with only a pure race. Wow, it must be 1948. Well, I guess if you’re going to go out, you’re going out with a bang. And allegedly, they gave the crazy deep state people information and where to go and hide so they wouldn’t be affected by the incoming storms on this planet. They gave zero to our side of course. And that’s probably because we are actually working on our side. We’re building Golden Ages, we’re changing alien technologies, we have access to Gateways and actual quantum systems that these people don’t have. So maybe they thought they were going to even out the playing field? But if that is the case, they wouldn’t have turned all the worlds assets over to these people in an agreement that was rejected. So, I’m not quite buying the balance program. It looked like they were going to torch this planet and everyone on it. The one thing I can tell the crazies for sure is if anyone of us went into one of their Apocalypse programs (and we’re up to 16 attempts now) they all would come with us, we would make sure of it. There would be no immunity for them from all these diseases they intend to spread.
Crazies Thought Today Was Pay Day and Were Boasting About Their New Found Wealth
Today was another day the deep thought everyone was getting paid and they were all proud and boasting about their new found wealth of earth and that they finally won WWII, I guess. And I guess they think we’re going back to those days. But it was all a lie.
In looking at this for my own self, since I listened to Enki, Enlil and Marduk for all those years and it was a lie, it’s going to take them a few days before they get over the lie. So they’ll probably continue to do things between now and the new moon. Hopefully they don’t have any gifts still, these alleged angels gave them, but we’ll see, I don’t know what else they might have. It will be a busy weekend for me making sure we don’t have any alien tech that can flip the poles on this planet and create an apocalypse.
So today you might have felt an illness because they were going after everything that was toxic to humans, to eliminate the rest of us and bring in theirs. They want to breed their own people, so that’s why I said we’re back to 1948. This is what I was talking about. But I think we should do the opposite and eliminate them because as far as I’m concerned their brain damage should not be passed on. I don’t know if that is a genetic disorder with their bloodlines. I know they interbreed all the time which is never a good thing and we know that from science. So, we should eliminate the imperfect race which is the deep state and their various bloodlines until we can’t find anymore. Let’s hope they don’t breed between now and then. Maybe we can take some of those programmable bacteria they wanted to unleash on us and make them all sterile, or make them a bunch of eunuchs because at this point, I don’t think they should have any type of breeding capabilities whatsoever.
My frustration is pretty high today I have to admit. I expected them to leave, but I never expected them to do this. Not being from where they are originally from. But I guess being Fallen Angels, they fell far. I never would think anyone up there would disobey anything from Source. The damage they could have done to 8 billion of Source’s creation, which is all of you would have been shocking, plus a keystone planet. It was really shocking.
And part of the reason I talked last time about coming up with solutions and challenging yourself rather than complain is because I have faith in you, and our Creator does too, if we can come together and come up with positive solutions and stop expecting the government to change. I saw your comments, and the government are never going to change. We can build a separate system outside their system that works for everybody. Without funding and support from beyond, their systems and surveillance networks will just become a group of people sitting someplace around the world.
They will still have a military because based on what I’ve seen, every country in the world has been involved in this mess. What they have done to their own people and other people, well we don’t need them in any way, shape, or form. And as for the veterans and soldiers, they aren’t read in on what the upper echelon does, how they put their lives in danger, what they do to people on the planet, and the things they make them do. I’m not faulting those people in any way, but I will tell you I have zero faith in the upper management of any military establishment in any country. I’m tired and have been working for about 18 hours, but I will say one last thing about those people, they can take their World Alliance (saying for a reason) and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine. Hopefully they are out of toys and we’ll move on.
Circumventing Existing Systems
I don’t think you will find anything to revive in the old system. I’ve read the comments in the UNN Community, by and tax avoidance it means spending more money on charity and your own trust and do what you need to do to spend as little as possible on taxes. It’s definitely possible, but you have to take the time to work on how to do that. We all know how bad taxes are and we understand governments force you to do that. That’s why we need to create a whole new system. If this planet is to get cleaned up, we all have to do it. You can’t expect one lady to get it done. And I know it’s hard to start from scratch. It was hard for me after talking to Marduk, Enki, and Enlil for years that it was over, when I found out they betrayed me. So, we need our own internet, our own everything. We need access to proper medical care and not have to worry about the FDA, the W.H.O. etc. We need to figure out a way to do it. It can be done and we can be successful if we join together and come up with a plan. So please stop arguing about semantics. Basic human needs are what we are looking for and basic earth needs so she can carry us for years to come.
It’s going to be up to us to create a better world.
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
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First off all, again, a new bank has to be created, online and if possible in physical appearance, but I think that’s going to be a hard one for now.
These banks should run on Kim’s system that scans your bio, your essence, so you don’t need a passport.
Those things belong to them anyway and they are not ment for what we think they are anyway.
They issue bonds against our person, and that turns out into a lot of money.
Well that money belongs to the people, not them.
A person is actually a wrong term, if you really research it very well and dig deep, you will see that one of the explanations of the word person is a death object.
Stupid or not, that word has to go away.
It’s what they use against you in court.
Another very important thing is that those courts are a real problem.
They have to be eliminated or replaced by other types of courts.
In this manner, you can go on and change the police and military institutions though that, even politics in time.
Again to the banking system.
Like I said, the money of the bonds of the people, should come back to the people.
I know they all used up that money, but new money has to be created for that.
EVERYONE that is born here deserves a fair chance, a good chance, meaning everyone born here should receive about a million bucks on his/ her account, from that kind of bank Kim has to create.
And I know that if you would do that, the life standard would go up, and eventually it would look like you received only one buck.
But that’s because the system is rigged.
Kapitalisme is a construction for the rich, and it’s a very demonic on, carried on the hands of demo(n)cratie.
Now we don’t need communisme or any of the other types of money/ economy system that already have been here.
We need a new one, and please, nothing with an -isme, those things are bad anyway.
Words matter, words are frequencies, vibrations.
But there’s another huge problem in the way of course and that’s the stock markets, they are part of kapitalisme and hence to make the rich richer,and the poor even more poor.
Those are the things that would even out the money that comes into the system, that is what would make those millions given to the people, turn out into the equivalent of one buck.
There is no need to change the price on products, unless they become very rare, but it’s sure not to be controlled by a stock market.
How to just do that is a whole other explanation, but for several reasons, I’m not putting out those details yet, and maybe never if the appropriate things are done to make it happen.
And then you have things like the energy grid.
As long as they control it, meaning electricity and water, they could raise the price on it so much, that they would syphon those millions out if the people again, and make it theirs, AGAIN.
And then you have the big companies out their, known these days as the ” magnificent” seven.
Those companies should fall under the guidance and command of Kim, on the base that they do harm to the people in the long run , supporting kapitalisme and democratie, that is designed to keep some people very rich, and mist most of us, not so rich, to poor.
That also applies for the energy grid companies.
And we don’t need taxes, I have a whole other proposal for that, but I’m not giving details on that yet, there are other fish to fry before we get to that.
If every regular person would receive that kind of money, the authorities would loose around 50 to 70% of their power they have on the people now.
This is only the tip of the iceberg, but it will finish them of quit quickly.
This system we live in is horrible, and not usable at all, if you wanna create heaven on earth, so to speak.
So lots to do, but it starts with a bank, and taking over quite some companies, because as long as they have control over it, it’s never going to happen.
Just one more thing, which is actually very important, secrets HAVE to go away, in time, because secrets lead to possible bad intent, false information, false history and so on.
Transparancy is the results of all the colors together, so everyone has to be in it.
Someone copy paste this explanation and give it to Kim, I don’t have a subscription on UNN, because for one, I don’t get it why Source just doesn’t fund her, after all the hard work she does,I mean, why should we pay for getting correct information?
And two, I actually can’t afford it, yeah poor people are always left out, isn’t that ” great”.
I do believe this is why Kim set up C.A.R.E. and it would help people get free of the censored and otherwise corrupt marketplace we are all in. It’s suppose to provide us all with free healthcare (Doctors would provide service on C.A.R.E. and get paid thru Kim) We could set up what ever services we provide each on there as well. Don’t know when she’s getting this system set up but sounds like she has too much to do.
As for UNN, I don’t get that either, If she could take over MSM or one tv channel it would probably help so much in getting this information out there because as it is and people having to pay a subscription it can’t make it out there as the deepstate news MSM is free. Although she does put out her report on Youtube for free but it is 7 days later. This transcript that is done here is at least about 4 days earlier than they come out on youtube.
I feel bad for Kim in that it’s very hard to keep a good crew to help her and seems like the odds are against her, but she springs back and keeps going so this makes me hopeful.
I dont see how we can do anything about the sitation without some oney like you said. She’s said all along that we all need to get together in our areas and help each other out to counter their plans. I agree the bank situation needs to end, she’s been at it for years trying to get them to just be service providers and not the corrupt money pit they are…or more like money laundering. She did say eventually we wouldn’t need money. She’s also under the impression that if we all got a big chunk of money no one would go to work, and this is wrong. That is the oligarchs opinion of people, but most would continue to work but maybe start their own business, eventually people need to be free of the system that has limited us for thousands of years…..
If we started out with just basic needs, food, air, water, home/land. How about no one is homeless, and this means that all these homes the banks own (scam with mortgages) then they cannot own these homes, and it could be alike a homesteading program. People can have a home but must take care of it and then do something to help the community they are in. As for electricity, there is free energy which they never planned to give to us even though they’ve said they would…it needs to be gotten out and get these banksters out of the energy business….that means oil and every other resource they’ve stolen and claim they own, these would become the world’s resources and no one could own them and make money from them.
It’s exactly what they did to the indians, they came to America, and then told them they could stay on their own land but had to pay taxes….So, I agree about the taxes. We shouldn’t have to pay taxes for anything. All this does is fund the gooberment.
Kim also don’t understand the UCC and driver’s licenses. She seems to think we still need them and this is wrong. Those are run under the strawman accounts as well, and UCC codes of commerce. If we are to get out from under their system, it all has to go. Including their casino called the stock market. I know it’d create chaos, but what is the stock market anyway? To me it’s a casino and part of the old system. There’s got to be a better way to do this and thru her C.A.R.E. perhaps there is but Kim needs help.
In all areas, she is but one person and can’t do this alone…if only she could get some that she trusts and don’t want to be controllers of the world. This is the problem, they all want power over everyone, like they are royalty and so on. People’s mindsets need to be changed since they are always giving away their power to someone else to do what they should be doing. If people weren’t focused so much on survival then they could focus on what’s important and helping each other out. All they are doing right now is fomenting civil war and the left/right paradigm.
While I believe Kim is doing what she says she is, it seems it’s imperative that once she gets C.A.R.E. going she needs to get the word out. The subscription thing she has going needs to end, I too don’t undestand why she don’t get help from source to do what she is doing and is expected to have a business and sell subscriptions to her news when she is doing such a huge job….
I’d love to help but who am I…??? I’m sure most people would love to help but again, what can we do either way? We’re just not so organized as they are and also they’ve still got the power at least in the minds of people who think they are in charge.
The 5 things that need to be exposed and changed
eliminating government
I wished she could just focus on getting C.A.R.E. started and I agree a bank that isn’t aligned with anyone in these factions.
So….where do we begin?
You are totally right about all you said and I feel just the same way.
But yeah, who am I?
I have so many great ideas, and I’m sure that I’m not the only one.
The archivists had to go anyway, we don’t need neutral ones that can possibly switch over to the dark side.
We need light people, people who don’t care about power, but about the whole.
And yes, people should take care of their houses, cars etcetera, if they would receive a huge amount of money.
It’s complex, but possible.
One thing that should be excluded is it being possible for someone to become a billionaire, that only will lead to misery.
That’s something that would put people in a position to do possible bad things.
There’s a need to put limits on things.
But yeah, everything has to be scraped of the table and we have to start all over again.
Only if Kim would listen to some of us, like for instance you and me, or invite us for a conversation, could be online on a secured line, or whatever.
To get things moving, that should be done, I know she has a lot of work, but it really needs to be done if we wanna get somewhere.
Thanks for your response, your response actually gives me some hope that there’s still some people with a good eye on it all, who can grasp the problems, see them for what they are, and how it could be fixed and what we need to do for that.
And no, it’s not going to be easy for a lot of people, but it’s the only way to do so.
BTW, something very important I forgot to mention, that money isn’t meant to spend it as one wants, many many details and regulations circumstances and so on for what how and so on. But no one would ever get really poor again, that’s the whole idea, because it’s true that that they have the power they have right now.
Nesara Gesara apporte plusieurs idees positives .
“Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael Rejected the Olive Branch Offered” < learning that floored me, i would have never imagined they would sell out.
bonjour à tous et toutes ainsi qu’à kim sans oublier nôtre source de vie terrestre originel. je vai faire simple et court: nous avons pas à partager nôtre planète terre avec des vies nons terrestres et malvaillante quelles soient sous formes animal, végétal, humaine d’apparence, toutes leurs inventions, stratégies, manipulations, soumissions, objets quels qu’ils soient, tout doit disparaître ni plus ni moins! la planète terre n’as plus à souffrir via ses fous, 98% de leurs idées voir100% sont anti véritables vies terrestre, même leurs frics identique à toutes leurs religions en sacrifices planètaire. oui il est temps que la lumière source original première face ce quelle vient de réaliser avec ses anges, archanges! une disparition sans aucun retour possible! liberté sans douleur et sans mort dans les univers la galaxie, dans sa totalité! merci bon courage fin de journée à tous/toutes!
question comment reconnaître un véritable humain, par apport à un non humain? car vue le nombre des véritables humain, nous idem pour ma part somme peut-être non humain? et si tel était le ka, je ne serais pas trés heureux d’être un monstre anti vie terrestre!
How is the psychopath’s or reptilian system to run and manipulate human world for such long time? because their system is very old, and organized in such a way, controlling every level from the media, military, medical, government, entertainment, religion. Each participate has a handler, and each level has a sub level or sub-sub level in hierarchy.
A new system in my humble opinion, think like start up a new company, there will need a business plan , recruit volunteers or retirees (such as CEOs)with their experts in a particular field to be the board members. Board members have same intention and mind, is a think or idea tank. The intention of new human system is for the humanity in unity but not like the old system for the elite wealth and domination power.
Humanity has been divided and heart wounded but there is always a hope. This timeline is more positive now than any past timeline. We as humanity is changing the history.