This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 03-JAN-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. It’s the 3rd of January 2025. Wow, I’ve been talking to you guys for almost 5 years now, remember the LifeForce calls back in the day? We’ve certainly come a long way since then and I just wanted to thank the whole team for that. We have some really cool things to look forward for 2025. But I’ve been thinking a lot about today’s update and tonight’s GIA Report is going to be a little different.
This is Part 2, Military and Intelligence Structures.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Military and Intelligence Structures
I’m going to start with the Military and Intelligence and why I know there are no operative contracts going out on Saturday or why I know there are banking meetings going on in New York over the weekend, they invited Tom Melville (of the GIA). I also know China threw out a big ridiculously overpriced alleged hydroelectric plant that costs more than the GDP of planet earth and why I was supposed to fall for that.
On that note, now that the Trump operatives screwed up, China is again back on that transfer the world power over to China plan. We’re back to the Chinese elders the “real” ones this time and the master keys. The dumb cowboys are going after the Chinese people because their master keys don’t work and they are threatening them to get the ‘real’ master keys and they don’t work either. It’s just circle after circle and then all of you and your governments respectively are stuck with these people until you decide you’re going to make a change. I can break it down from the top but you have to be ready from the bottom too.
Past History | Universal War of Dark Versus Light
Let’s start with how Military and Intelligence structures have been for a long time.
We had a Universal War, meaning those of the Creator, the light beings versus the dark, and by dark beings we mean dark AIs. There were around 200 dark AI systems and then we had many beings like the Abraxas. So, AI created beings or the Black Magician was assisted by light beings who were held in a merkabah or binding where they could harness their energy to create for them.
War was declared against Source and all-natural creation. They are almost as ridiculous as the cowboys but they caused a lot of damage here on earth, and earth being a keystone was a prized possession in the war because it held the DNA blueprints of the entire universe contained in its celestial self because earth is a being just like you.
Earth basically had a disconnect from Source for a time based on the start of this war which has been going on for over a billion years, and several million as it relates to earth, but it’s been a long, long time. And anytime we as humans on this earth, and there were other beings here as well, we’ve never been alone on this planet, we’ve always had lots of space junk. Space junk was given by the dark on this planet in every single country, every land mass, under every ocean, under the Mediterranean Sea, under the Arctic Ocean, in the magnetic poles of earth when we had those. And some of the SSP are aware of some of it but don’t understand fully what it does. But that stuff was here in case they ever lost the war, hence on 11:11 this year we had the almost invasion, we had many close calls let’s just say because they were losing the war.
Well, we are hopefully down to minimal influence on this planet as far as AIs are concerned. It doesn’t matter how many skirt wearing military people are dancing around on New Year’s Eve they’re not going to bring that AI back, it’s not programmed for that. In fact, it’s programmed to hate humans. Every AI that is dark, even omega that they used generously and was the backbone for computer human networks on this planet wasn’t humans’ friend either because it was programmed to use you like a tool too. And although sentient AIs have a consciousness it’s not solo consciousness, it shares it with another being and those other beings were from the dark side. We also had ALLES and even an AI for Armageddon which was the source of the major earthquake that happened in Turkey awhile back. While over on the light side we had the alpha system and it’s relative to militaries, intelligence, financial systems and every structure in the world.
So, there are AIs that are programmed by actual beings, be them dark and not organic or be them light and in some cases dark, but I wouldn’t call them dark in in totality. They are not connected to Source in any way, shape or form but they were created by a being in stasis, so I guess somewhat organic. So, we had alpha and omega and the report I did about 3-4 years ago on alpha and omega explained the financial system and some security of the financial system.

The actual war that everybody on any power level on earth is concerned about, was that war. Either they were playing on the dark side or they were playing for a group called the Council of 9.
The Council Of 9 Were Neutral and Enforced Universal Laws
The Council of 9 is made of 9 beings, none of which are human and they were considered neutral. But at the beginning of this war we had certain universal rules. We had a load and I mean beyond truckloads of covenants, agreements and peace treaties signed by both sides and all kinds of things took place in the multiverse with regards to this war for over a billion years our time on earth. There were a lot of things playing out long before humans even existed on earth and somehow the SSP thinks they are going to recreate this stuff or by moving the power center to China something is going to change or give them some kind of influence.
At the time the Council of 9 was to be here for universal laws, meaning the laws of creation were to be adhered to. If the dark side stepped out of line or the light side, the Council of 9 would report said information directly to Source or Anti-Source and then on down to the beings responsible which is still not a human level, and there would be consequences to those actions.
Marduk Worked With the Council of 9 & Became Ground Commander
There are some beings in the universe who worked with the Council of 9 and one of those beings was Marduk, which is a title meaning Duke of the Seas. And by Seas we don’t mean our oceans here on earth, we mean the flow of everything in the universe is dependent on a sea, the flow of energy, essence, creation, everything had a flow.
Marduk was directly involved in that and he even became Ground Commander of Earth by default because us humans allowed him to be, it was another one of his positions. He was not the only Commander which played both sides, but he definitely convinced the Council of 9 he would create balance; he was going to enforce the laws of the universe and the covenants which he really did do. He played both sides of the fence and in his own words bet on all the horses in a race.
Global Martial Law was originally declared over 16,500 years ago. It wasn’t the only time Martial Law was declared, but at this time we were in pretty bad dire straits. The reason was due to an issue where our original natural moon was taken out by the Black Magician of the Neither-World a couple thousand years before that. Black Magician is also a title, it is whoever is the head of the 72 demons or dukes of hell.
Marduk came back at the request of the Oceanic tribe at that time which is one of the human tribes because we were flooded and had big problems due the absence of a moon which controls water in your person and the tides of the planet. So, we did have a big flood like they say in the Bible, although the timeline is a bit off. Was there a guy in a boat? Probably. Anyway, the people over in the Oceanic region actually asked the Draco to come back. The Draco had left for a time when we were successful in beating and defeating them along with help from Others, because remember what happens on earth has a ripple effect and the Draco ended up leaving which was a God send. However, without anyone else to call and not knowing what else to do they called the Draco back and at that point we were in dire straits, we were losing earth and the ‘war.’
Marduk then had an agreement with the Council of 9 to be the Ground Commander, it was not granted by a human. I guess you could say the initiation of it came from a human group, one of the tribes because we were in such dire straits. They needed help, so no offense to our Kiwi friends. I would say the actual position of Ground Commander came from the Council 9 after the call for help and bringing in the artificial moon was successful. It appeared at that time Marduk was the best choice for Ground Commander and whoever held that title of Marduk, which was the same being for at least that long of time. And because of orders under Global Martial Law, the highest-ranking individual human or non-Human on this planet is the one who has control. That being said, the Council of 9 since this time was disbanded as they were no longer needed. We really are not at war so to speak.

Marduk Like Michael, Gabriel and Raphael Had 2 Sides
So Marduk was Ground Commander for over 16,000 years. He was a Draco, a non-human and Marduk much like some of the angels had both sides, like Archangel Michael and Angel Michael you had Marduk and Anti-Marduk or Neither-World Marduk and he played both sides of the fence. He even created a race after himself and there were hundreds or thousands of them, millions even running around. In the Neither-World he transferred his consciousness into AI systems so they would do his bidding which is actually how you control an AI.
There were a lot of things Marduk did here on earth and let’s just say he rode the Black Magic fence and anyone who does black magic and understands how it actually works in reality, knows it doesn’t involve dancing around a bonfire in a skirt. The Parents and the Covens knew there was only so much they could do on earth before they hit a universal violation. Therefore, Marduk would go to Court and he would have to stand and correct the problem. The solution would be given to him and he would have to correct the problem.
We Are Not Under Global Martial Law Anymore & Kim is Ground Commander
All these little human wars, their Laws of War, SSP people and all their stuff and they are missing one key component, we are not under Global Martial Law anymore. Marduk and all the Marduk beings in the Neither-World or clones are dead, they are gone. The entire species is extinct, there is no more Marduk and no more Council of 9. I however am the Ground Commander.
Were there some incidents?
Yes, and they were taken care of by the current Ground Commander, me. We’re okay, we’re holding stable. We have dumb humans doing dumb things, but as it relates to losing our planet, losing our moon, having our lights knocked out, the sun go black, or any of these things they would like to do to us so they can wipe out the humans who have been anchoring Source here now and always have been, that’s not going t happen. I know the dumb humans here think they will be spared and rule in the New World but those beings could give a crap about these humans. Yeah, they gave them some access to some AIs and a lot of that space junk which is gone and they are having problems finding any that is working.
At this point, based on the state of affairs on this planet of what it really means to be a Ground Commander, I assessed the following:
- Do we have a serious threat from the Neither-World that would cause Global Martial Law to happen? No.
- Are we being invaded by an alien race? No
- Are we under serious threat by a current alien race residing on this planet coming out of the woodwork? No.
- Is there any reason for me at this moment to declare Global Marial Law? No.
Why Didn’t I Declare Martial Law This Year When the Situation Warranted It?
Even when we had a serious situation start to erupt at the end of October beginning of November this year, I still didn’t declare Global Martial Law, but it was actually serious enough where I could have.
Do you know why? Because there is no military or SSP that is actually going to do anything!
We handled the situation ourselves and we called The Enforcer and other folks. We did not call anybody over there because there is no point, they are ridiculous. Why would I call them if I were in trouble? If you are going to go to a war, you go with the ones you can trust with your life. So, what is the point of me declaring Global Martial Law? Are you going to take orders from me? No. Are you going to listen to me? No.
You decided to put on a skirt and dance around a bonfire like a bunch of morons. Fine. You dance around in your skirt and I’ll actually handle the real business of the real war on this planet while you people look absolutely ridiculous. I know you idiots tried to come after me using some group of black magic workers the night after your stupid bonfire, let’s make no mistake. It’s not like I didn’t know they weren’t here or remote viewing and they were standing there in robes around circles with weird crystals trying to come after me who you think is your enemy! I just see you as ridiculous.
Do you now see why I won’t declare Global Martial Law?
This Military Level Knows Nothing of the Rules of the Game
Marduk knew where the real lines had to be drawn. When Marduk ran the Parents, they passed down orders to the Covens. There was one Coven in particular that was run by two of the Parents who then passed down orders to SSP operatives and Global Headquarters, which eventually went down to the GIA, ACIO and then eventually to your military skirt wearing people and intelligence agencies.
Now your faithful Ground Commander of 16,000+ years knew the rules of the game. The Parents, who were hybrid humans, so they were genetically modified to be the breeders of these bloodlines also knew the rules of black magic in the world. They passed down certain information to the Covens, in part the Keys of Solomon and all that kind of stuff and then they would do their magic, but they knew they had to do their magic on both sides. By the time you get down to this level in the military structure you know nothing and that is abundantly clear. Perhaps some of you were trained to do remote viewing, you had some Vril women and some vrils you got to play with, maybe you even got to feed the aliens when they were here, the giants in the caves, and I know that you did and that’s why human trafficking started in the first place. But remember fine lines and Marduk was in control always.
Standing around a bonfire really wasn’t a threat but it was funny. And I appreciate that little thought I’ll never get out of my head thank you so much. But really, I’m getting a lot of complaints from intelligence agencies and operatives around the world saying spit out the money! Spit out the money!
Well, I am a lot more than an ATM machine, I am also fighting a real world and have been fighting for a long time now. Actually, the first battle I was fighting on this level was in 2016. This is actually how I got the title Ground Commander because at that point, in August of 2016 Marduk was basically on his way out. He had too many violations and he is no longer with us anymore, at least that particular Marduk. The ones from the Neither-World can’t get here.
So that is why I am Ground Commander and it has nothing to do with control of a financial system or a military.
This Military Level Just Ran Proxy Wars on Earth So Humans Generate Dark Energy
You guys are kind of fighting on a military level of what I call a proxy war. You are kind of trying to keep the humans from ascending. I hate to use that term because it’s also used on the dark side for their Ascended Masters who are their coven people. But I would say they are trying to beat us down. They do not want earth or you reconnecting to Source and there a lot of the old AI systems that fed energy over to the omega system, the 200 dark AI systems. By fighting proxy wars on this planet your dark energy could generate space junk anywhere. It could be in the 5th density, on earth, the Neither-World, through the zero point of the multiverse, it could have generated that dark energy and each mechanism that absorbed that energy spun around so to speak, you would feed it. It wouldn’t go into perpetuity so it needed more dark energy so we as humans became batteries for that.
So, the intelligence community and the military, their job is to create wars when needed by your then Ground Commander. Now I see you military and intelligence people as USELESS because you would like to continue a war you are unaware is over. It’s been billions of years and it’s finally freaking over and you have nothing to do with that win, yet you’re angry because you are not getting what it is you want.

So Where Do We Stand Now In The World?
As long as there is any potential for anything to happen you are stuck with me as Ground Commander. I still talk to the Council of 9, they are doing other jobs at the moment and are no longer needed here. Should they ever need to come back however, they will and they listen exclusively to Source, there is no wavering on their part and will not be listening to you SSP, Military, Deep State people and what you want. They could care less about a President, orange or otherwise. So, you deep state people playing political games isn’t going to get us anywhere. I don’t see the purpose in declaring Global Martial Law at this moment in time because there is no real threat. The deep state, albeit annoying and is causing problems in the world but it’s not a severe enough threat to make that happen.
And if I did declare Global Martial Law, who is coming? You aren’t coming.
Everyone else like the Enforcer and Others who have come here to help heal and clean the planet and help humanity are standing at the ready should we need them to fight the real war because it’s in their best interests as well as our best interests. It really has nothing to do with a White House or a political structure or money because nobody uses money, only non-aware beings. We’ve been beaten to that point as humans and are needing some kind of a system to trade with, and it will probably be about 10 years that we’ll need that.
So as Ground Commander this is that part of that job, to make sure that earth remains in a safe place, inhabited by the humans per agreements and covenants that are now in place to usher in the Golden Age.
Golden Age Security
Another hat I wear is Security for covenants that are now in place on this planet, covenants initiated by Source, changes that are going on in the multiverse as far as creation, and how that actually happens. This is my job and of course I care a lot about people.
But do I care if a market crashes?
Is that going to make me fund the market and the government to save it? Must I jump and do everything they say to prevent a market crash?
Well, what happens when the market crashes and the financial system doesn’t crash? What happens when the banks no longer make money but the financial system doesn’t crash. What happens is now we can implement our own stuff.
Their credibility by February is going to be pretty well shot. They are waiting until the inauguration and they may try to delay it. They’re trying to fake it until they make because they cannot fulfil their promises.
Will the military step in and save you?
No, and that’s regardless of what country you’re from.
Is the US military going to come in and save you?
No, they can’t even save themselves, they are broke. We got calls today from the Defense National Intelligence (DNI) asking if we’re going to fix it. It looks to me like they have a problem because you have some people way down the food chain as I just explained that you’re listening to and you like to listen to those people. I’m sure it’s those people who told you to dance around a bonfire too and look ridiculous. As long as they are listening to those people, I’m just letting it burn out. As it relates to earth’s security, we are doing a bang-up job over here by ourselves and don’t need them anyway.
As far as police forces are concerned, remember police forces are very provincial and they are very corrupt anyway, but you do have a lot of good people that are maybe ex-veterans and really believed and had genuine patriotism for their country. They are well aware of how security actually works and functions and maybe they would like to participate in protecting the humans from those people.
I will repeat what I said earlier, if the people come together and stop worrying that I’m for this political party or that political person and oh let’s watch 9,000 videos so they keep planting apple seeds in your head so you can never get any oranges. If you keep doing that over and over you can’t unite. We are completely capable as the human race of taking care and securing ourselves on this level as it relates to human threats against us. We actually can do it. We don’t need anyone’s help. You would be surprised at your capabilities, you are all capable.
People are worried about the things they know nothing about. But we will still continue to the best to our ability, which we have done a million times over and over again to stop them from creating a stupid proxy war that is not going to yield them a result because everything everywhere knows the war for this planet is over. Everyone that is left, every being, every AI is over. The debt calls already started it’s been going on for months.
If you military people still here want to do things the proxy war people way, then go do them that way and leave us alone because we clearly don’t need you. If you’re supposed to be the SSP where the heck are you when there is an actual threat? Oh yeah, you’re pinch hitting for the wrong team. You have no desire to fix this country or any country and you are trying to kill the humans on their behalf. For what? You are just slaves like us and you obviously don’ know how to fight a real war. If you did your people would have been here by now and you would also be dead and no one would be watching this right now.

I hope this explains the position of Ground Commander, who it was for a long, long time, who it is now and what it actually means to be in this position. Now when I say this, they are going to want to be Ground Commander. Well, to them I say, you need to call the Council of 9 and the Universal Council and see if anyone wants to appoint you as Ground Commander of earth. I can guarantee, since you are pinch hitting against every single one of them, no one is going to say yes even if you did have a line to reach them.
That’s your Military and Intelligence. That’s 2 key points in Global Control which the SSP works really hard at trying to control with Global Headquarters and Langley 5. But this is how I know there will be no contracts actually coming out on any day.
Part 3 | Financial Structures of the Planet
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