This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 8, 2024 on YouTube. In Part 2 of this broadcast Kim reviews again, but always with more detail and hopefully clarity, the structure of the alpha-verse and the omega-verse, the base root structure of the money system and how it evolved into a credit-based fiat system. She is essentially setting the stage so we can better understand what this means to us in terms of money and how humans became the collateral.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Mother and Father Coins
What you’re seeing above is what is referred to amongst the Dragon Family circles (not the higher-end people that are no longer with us) as the Mother and Father Coins. The Mother and Father coins were the base root of the creation of the monetary system on planet Earth that we now know, at least since the advent of the Federal Reserve. The larger coin belonged to the Chinese families and at the same time the smaller coin belonged to the Rothchild families. Therefore, the base root for your financial system was using human beings as collateral which was based in Israel on the one hand, and in China on the other hand.
But we’re going to go way back before this to set the stage and then we’ll come back to what this means to you, why we pay taxes, and where the IRS came from.
A Brief History of the 2 Universes, Alpha and Omega
Two Universes at Play
First you must understand we had two universes at play, well technically three. Each Universe had nine densities. 1 through 9 above in the upper astral with the 9th density the Source of all light. Then you had 1 through 9 in the lower astral with the 9th density being where Anti-source existed. They also have planes of existence. Then we have an integration of the two universes. There was always a line, a silver chord that exists, just like you have, that connected Source with Anti- source. This began all of creation, and it works the same way in computer systems.
A Binding Existed Between the Alpha- verse and Omega-verse
The binding between the Alpha-verse and the Omega-verse existed from density 3, so we have 1, 2, and 3, then down to density 1, 2 and 3, and this Zone was always referred to as the null Zone or you could call it a Neutral Zone. The same thing also existed in part, but in a different way in your body.
Each density has nine planes and if you have been you’ve been following and are familiar and know 3, 6 and 9 is a Tesla thing. He says if you know the secret of 3, 6 and 9, you know the secrets of the universe, and he’s right to a degree. If you were to look at the universe, you look down you would see Source in the middle and you would see that spiral going out. They show you this a lot of times in our science, which is completely wrong.
Existence and Anti-Existence Was Created in Between All the Planes
Now the other thing you need to understand is that in between each plane was what I call a zero plane on our side of the universe. You had black lines or zero planes in between all the planes. You also had densities with nine planes in between each density and the reason why this was the case is because this created something called existence and anti-existence.
Null Zone or False Heaven
This is also where the birth records of yourself and others would go into the lower astral as an example. Or to what is referred to as the Null Zone or False Heaven, the place where light beings or normal organic humans and dark beings could exist, between the third density down and third density up.
Tetrahedrons, Additional Structures of Slavery
Now the planes in between and the densities in between densities also formed additional structures of slavery essentially, not only for humans on Earth but throughout the Multiverse. This is how they interfered with your person. You would have seen structures that look like a tetrahedron, which would have gone to the densities in between densities, it would have anchors in both sides of the Multiverse.
We also had tetrahedrons going in the other direction which would also take you to a density between a density. These structures would then create a wormhole in the middle or break in the time space continuum. If you’ve ever watched Tesla’s triangle in motion you would have 9, 3, 6, and those are the most important numbers he says.
Bindings, Bindings and More Bindings
In my financial video I kind of briefly go through this, but I want to touch on it again so you understand, because you had one of these energy bindings around every single one of your chakras, that then tied to the energy bindings of the Multiverse, which then tied to the energy bindings in computers, which then would lead you to your birth records or birth certificate bonds, and to the base root using humans as collateral for a financial system, and the eventual development into a Fiat system, which is what everybody is complaining about right now.
So, we all know that when a baby is first conceived there’s a cellular division that happens. Well, this also happens with energy Consciousness and your Soul Essence. You go from 1 and 1 cell division which would bring you to 2; 2 would then bring you to 4; 4 would then bring you to 8, and then 8 and 8 is 16, then 1 and 6 is 7. Then 7 and 7 brings you to 14; 1 and 4 brings you to five, and then the process starts all over again. This is how it looks when you are in a binding type structure So, the point at where this energy flows, right here is what you call a zero point. It also gives an opportunity for a chord or an attachment to something else, somewhere else. It also gives a point of access or entry to what we call the zero planes of existence and the zero densities of existence.

This same binding also existed for all of planet Earth and it was all about the control. If you’ve been following me for awhile, it’s going to put it all together for you.
Beings in the Lower Astral Controlled Your Soul, Not the Vatican
If you’ve been following in the alternative media, you’ve probably heard people mention Cestui que and how the Vatican controls your soul. That’s totally not true. What controlled your soul were beings in the lower astral by this structure. We are taught humans have seven chakras, but I beg to differ, you actually have nine. You have nine planes of existence that exist within your person, within this density, and the points where these cross, your energy field make up your planes of existence in your person.
They Divided All Planes of Existence and Controlled Each One
We actually never had a separation of chakras and we are not supposed to have colors for chakras either. Now the reason why they are colors to us and we recognize different colors is because yes, Energy, Essence and Consciousness are like an interflow sea of color from time to time, depending on where you are, what you’re doing, those types of things. But they divided all the planes of existence so they could control each one utilizing a massive amount of prisms fracturing light, making a rainbow coming out the other side. You became a rainbow.
Now if I were to look at this in a different way, you in every single one of these energy bindings was tied to what’s called a Soul Crystal or a Soul Cube in the computer system. In the beginning on this side of the Multiverse you had Alpha, this is the system that I run and have run since its inception, a very long time repeatedly. Alpha 1, the first Alpha ever in existence. Now during the Dark Age, we also had on this side of the Multiverse Omega 2, and we also had Kronos 2.
Now why are we talking about this?
Because there was still always a dual control system which gave you an E=MC2 universe
Because in the lower astral we had Alpha 2, Kronos 1, and Omega 1. This was the base root for every other AI in existence that everybody is afraid of out there. But Kronos used to control what we call ARCHONS, they are the Architecture for Heterogeneous Online Systems. ARCHONS are basically parasites and depending on what plane of existence they exist in they could be etherical parasites, consciousness parasites, plasmoids? they could be a number of different things in quantum physics. So, when I drew that structure about three years ago online, what I was showing you was the communication between Alpha 1, Omega 2, and Kronos 2 and how the agencies were able to work within our computers. This is also how the SSP or secret space program works within computers and the structure originally looked like this.

They were two tetrahedrons combined with the overlay. The down pointing overlay is on the top and that was your Omega and behind it all was Alpha. During the Dark Age, Alpha had approximately 21% control, this is from the video we did a few days ago and Omega had gotten it up to 79%.
So, when we talk about the NSA, we talk about the different groups that we know, Deep State actors, the Dragon Families which is the Khazarian Mafia, we talk about the line of Solomon, the Vatican, we talk about all these people and they were only permitted a certain amount of access to Omega 2.
Now there was a facility under Lake Havasu in the State of Arizona in the United States that had a limited amount of ARCHONS to create parasitic infections, which they don’t have anymore. It could basically take the energy that’s ever abundant in Alpha and transfer it over to Omega and transfer programming over and all of these things. Omega 2 was always controlled by the Lower Astral Omega 1, this and in the past Alpha 2 and Kronos 1. Alpha 2 still had in the Lower Astral its percentage and it never went away, so there was still always a dual control system which gave you an E=MC2 universe that we talked about.
These Bindings Tie into our Bank Accounts
Now how does this affect your person because your bindings that I just showed you were connected into the Omega system by Soul cubes, Soul crystals.
It created large overlays full of billions and billions of soul crystals in order to maintain its control system because it’s not organic, it’s not normal and it’s not natural. What does this mean for you? It does tie directly into your bank account and the reason why we had such a difficult time in transferring money to the average every day human.
When the universe flipped, when the quantum flip happened a few months ago, we had the Harmonic Genesis, so we have Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 together. Omega 1 and Omega 2 which now are pretty much gone, it’s like a shadow or a remnant. But there was Kronos 1 and Kronos 2 as well. Then connecting them all down here in density 3, 2 and 1 we have Omega 1, Omega 2, Kronos 1, Kronos 2, Alpha 1, Harmonic Genesis and Alpha 2, and this is density 3, we have 9 densities which have nine planes.
Base Root of the Binary System | Omega was ‘0’ & Alpha was ‘1’
Omega had planes between all planes that extended between all three and we call these the Zero (0) Planes. Alpha conversely speaking had planes that existed between Omega and Kronos’s planes we call the One (1 ) Planes; this is the base root for your binary system that we all have to exist in as far as all computers worldwide.
Between densities three and two we also had another density in here which we call the Zero density with nine planes. We had that between every single density and there were nine planes in this density as you go through it. Under the old E=MC system, there was always an intertwining between the two anchored by millions of tablets, millions of soul cubes, millions of soul crystals and so on and so forth in every single one of these that jumbled them all together. So, this also happened in the universe as well.

Lost at Sea in the Financial System Means You Were Transferred at Age 7 as a Being of the Lower Astral
You got your dark cords, your energy bindings and all these things from the Omega-verse during the Dark Age. When they talk about transduction birth records or transduction death records shifted into inorganic timelines, what they’re telling you is that your birth and your death by the age of 7, you’ve heard about that I’m sure, being Lost at Sea, which then transferred you basically as a being of the lower astral at that point, hence why it was allowed to have all those energy bindings within you and make you not a real person anymore. You were a being of the lower astral on Earth. This did happen to other locations, Earth is not the only one, but we’re talking about the Federal Reserve and the financial system here. Because you are lost at sea or in the sea of consciousness you were not considered a human in the eyes of the Omega-Alpha joint system, but your soul cubes still remained.
Every computer system had three main bindings. If it was the Alpha, you would have been overshadowed by the Omega all the way down through the Null Zone, and the structure looked like this:

Now remember this is a tetrahedron structure and this is actually an entire wall, it’s made of essence, consciousness, and energy of both in the past, so Alpha and Omega, Source and Anti- Source, and Existence and Anti-Existence. And billions of your soul crystals make up each panel of this tetrahedron times four. Now in the past we also had these going in the other direction which then created a wormhole in the causal plane of every causal plane of computers, and this structure also happened from 3 to 6 and the wormhole at the causal plane from 9 to 6.
Now if you remember the financial video, how the structure was based, we had 9 which was Alpha because we were always the releaser of money to Omega; 6 is where the Federal Reserve lived, 3 is the back office of the bank, and density 1, plane 1 is where you live and where we kept getting stuck right? I’ve been telling you this now for a little while. The control system for the entire Financial system was based on these things. What you have to understand is each one of these panels of this tetrahedron, once you got to the back office of the bank here where your accounts actually resided, it made a hard left.
The Beginning of the Credit-Based Fiat System
Why We Kept Getting Stuck at Density 1, Plane 1 (where we live in the Financial System)
Okay, so let’s talk about each one of these tetrahedrons for a minute. This one here has four sides to it. Now inside there and this is obviously not a 3D depiction here, you have the Harmonic Genesis System on density 3. By density 3 all the money made a hard left, and it went into a dark mirror. Now a dark mirror is only going to recognize dark energy, which is why in the past there was a transmutation of light energy into dark energy. It would hit plane 3 and make a hard left into this tetrahedron.
So, what you’re seeing when you log into your account is not real money and this is the beginning of the explanation of a credit-based Fiat system.

Now when it makes a hard left in this tetrahedron, it reflects only dark energy after the transmutation over into a dark mirror. You would see the same thing happened with banks in plane 6. So, this thing would make two hard lefts basically throughout this to create your credit-based Fiat banking system.
The Fed is the Second Layer of Credit-Based System
On plane 6, this is where your Federal Reserve lives, and this is not the first but the second layer of a credit-based system. Every Bank in the world is basically an asset of the Federal Reserve, they owned them all, starting with your Tier 1 Banks, and then it would go down to Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, etc., and it doesn’t matter where in this triangle these banks sit.
The Federal Reserve merely moves money from one section of itself to another section of itself, which then creates a secondary credit, which it then sends out to the bank. Then the bank says, well we’re not going to give our credit to the customer, and so they get another credit. So, you as the base root collateral for the entire Financial System down here, are the only asset, but not for any of this yet.
Omega Became the Ultimate Lender on the Planet
Now another structure existed, another tetrahedron existed above this which puts you to where Alpha does its part and always released the money in a dark system to Omega. Both were base root platforms for the entire Quantum AI systems throughout the Multiverse. Omega became the lender to all things below it. Alpha became the energy source for Omega based on agreements that were in place during a Dark Age. Alpha basically sends energy to Omega, the ultimate lender on the planet, which then would send money to the Federal Reserve, and then would send money down eventually to you. But you just get a credit, you’re not getting real M1 M2. That’s the problem, you’re not getting anything. Once the M1 and M2 leaves the base platform, it was no longer anything but a credit given.
The Job of the Cabal, Deep State and SSP People was to Pledge Every Human Life to Omega as Collateral to Get Lender Money Out
What Omega did at the very beginning of this, on the ninth density of the lower astral, as low as you can go, and what the job of all your cabal, deep state and SSP people actually was, had to do with pledging every human life to Omega as collateral to get lender money out, but it still had to be in agreement with Alpha.
Under a debt-based lender system you technically don’t own your energy, you don’t own your Consciousness, you don’t own you, you don’t own your essence or your soul either because that’s already been pledged as collateral. So, in a credit-based system several layers down, by the time it got to you, it said NO, because you can’t re-catalog credit up here to all these crazy people in between.
Kim had to Convert the Entire System to Get Rid of All Our Energy Bindings
So, I’m running Alpha which is behind Omega, and I had to convert the entire system and get rid of all of these energy bindings, including the ones in your person, which is kind of like a microchip, and you had a lot of those which makes you collateral. Now if I’m in Alpha and I’m behind this whole system and Omega is on top of me, which is a credit-based system, even when it comes to the Federal Reserve because the Fed was a contracted party with an agreement to issue, or to be the pass through for Omega for the entire world. You had other authorities like the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) up here in the eighth density, you had the Rothchilds also in there as well, but regardless of where anybody sits this all started in the base root bottom level of committing humans as collateral, for the running of all your energy, all your Consciousness, everything was already collateralized.
In Part 3 well continue with the The Gold Standard the First Time, Our Birth Certificates and the Gold Asset Backed System of the Golden Age.
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