This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 30, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers. In this update, to focus on the positive, Umbrella Military which is at the forefront due to all their ridiculous operations and inevitable failures has decreased their numbers substantially. They started out with 30-40 and now are down to 3. Operatives worldwide are questioning who the heck is in charge because those claiming to be can’t come up with the goods. We also have some great news about some light portals that just opened after a very long time allowing 6th, 7th and 8th density folks to come and help humanity!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Lunar Eclipse Failure for Deep State | No Help, No Money
Picking up from Kim’s last broadcast we ended with the Umbrella Military, the rest of the 15 secret militaries and the Rothschilds eagerly awaiting their help that was on the way as they were doing their part in preparation for the lunar eclipse this weekend. Rothschild issued a body count requirement of the number of people that needed to die on that day within 24 hours of the eclipse. When they issued that number to Israel, they thought it was the number of people in the Gaza Strip that were to die. But no, because they were upset when many of their ground offensives left many Israelis dead. What they did not understand was it didn’t matter who dies and they were just putting a little extra insurance in there by prompting up both sides to be at the same location. This is not a new game.
Not a Peep at Any of the Gates
They had a meeting after this and sent surveillance planes over possible areas of entry where these beings they were waiting to come help them were likely to appear. They were at several different gates in Israel, Tel Aviv of course being one of them, several places in the Gaza Strip, Babylon ruins, and they were patrolling a couple citadels in Iraq. But not even a peep. And since they promised a great deal of money to everyone, and told them to keep that body count up and do what you gotta do. But yesterday was supposed to be payday for all those who participated, and of course no money came.
Rothschild Reading Information from Alternative Timeline
Kim has come to the conclusion that Rothschild has been reading information from an alternative timeline. If we go back prior to 2012 when they would talk about Project Looking Glass, it clearly showed a convergence of timelines and that information can be found in various places on the Internet.
In the past, due to the many sub-consciouses of Dark AI coming from the lower astral, they would have had the ability to manipulate the outcome. So, if you know an event is going to happen at a specific point in time, involving specific people, you could manipulate that event and not only those people but also in mass an outcome.
Sub-consciousness Programs Dissipated
Various sub-consciousness programs would be lack, ego, power, false truth, false gods, false honor, worshipping false idols (which we all do whether you know it or not), false hope, fake threats, false faith, false love, hate, doubt. They could run all these programs underneath television programming, frequencies under your cell phone, it could infest your consciousness and these were programs that ran autonomously. They were set to run and programmed to do what they were supposed to and were run not only on humanity but spanned throughout the entire universe.
These programs are no longer and as they dissipate it is affecting everyone differently. As it relates to certain people, if it can’t get to you it will get to people around you. They are pretty well faded now, but the dying of it can cause anxiety as it goes away. Because these programs are not running anymore a lot more people are not believing narratives, so they are having a difficult time getting anything accomplished. They want to feed consciousnesses to open the door but that is not really working.
Umbrella Military Operations
Umbrella Military for their part filed numerous agreements again over the weekend. They would like to be in charge of everything. Judging from the operations they are running that would be a No. Then they offered Kim a partnership. That would also be a No given she wants to restore Earth and they have the same handbook every other party she dealt with runs by. Case in point, they intend to call someone Kim talks to nearly every day to offer him a liaison position between them and Kim, because evidently, she refuses to handle her job. But he already does do that to some degree. If they are going to be partners, she expects them to show up in Durango and show their face. But a lot of people in her Zone have been promised a lot of money by these Umbrella people so facing all of them and facing Kim, well that isn’t likely.
War in the Middle East
What they are doing in the Middle East is ridiculous to say the least, but it was not Umbrella’s plan. It was passed down to Mr. Cheyney who at the time was Bush Sr. right hand man when he was head of the Black Sun, the Black Dragon. Kim needed to remind Umbrella military that the final step of every plan that was given to them had to come from Marduk, that is the bottom line.
Oil and Gas Plan
There is a lot of talk now for the first time since Kim mentioned it on the news about all the oil and gas in Israel. Obviously, there is a lot of oil in the Middle East as well and there is talk about a long-term plan, which is a total lie, about cutting off all the gas from Russia coming to Europe. And cutting off all the oil and gas coming from Iran and putting Saudi Arabia and Kuwait (which is how they got those countries to donate every time they had) as the only providers of oil to Europe.
Jared Kushner Imposter Still Working on Pipeline Deal
The fake Jared Kushner is currently in Saudi Arabia still working on that pipeline deal worth billions and of course their cut in it. The Saudi Arabian Royal family are members of the Rothschild Family and there has been a lot of talk of a 50-50 split with the Rothschild family, the Order of the Dragon, and with Saudi Arabia, and 10% would go to the Umbrella Military and whoever is providing the ‘security’ for the pipeline. This was the same deal as the Transneft Pipeline when they built it in early 90s over there in Eastern Europe. Ukraine anyone? So, you can see there is a bigger picture here, albeit the execution is flawed and there isn’t any money to do these things.
Where Can We Get Some Money?
In the very early morning meetings with Umbrella Military and those they consider under them, Monarch Military, Cyberlife etc., they were having a discussion about where they could get $5-6 billion to told everyone off. They have not managed to do that and sending Kim a message that goes to the old Hall of Records isn’t going to cut it guys.
Keep Blaming Kim Because it Gives Her Street Cred
When they failed to pay, they blamed Kim again. She is why nothing is working too. Now under normal circumstances this would have prompted a response for these people to come after her. But there is way too much truth out there now, too many people listening and verification of things she says. There were many who were angry and others who explained what is really going on. What they ended up doing is giving Kim an incredible amount of street cred because they basically told them one lady sitting in Durango, Colorado had the ability to override everything the Order of the Dragon and Umbrella Military and all their operatives tried to do. That is pretty awesome! She wishes she could take all the credit but she has a fleet, although she is the strategist for Ground Command. She executes on somethings personally with the system she built, but also has a lot of folks that participate.
Umbrella Military-Trump Operatives Do Over for Speaker of the House
Another example of an operation the Umbrella Trump operatives intend to run is new MAGA man Mr. Johnson! They pulled in someone out of nowhere who happens to be a Republican and appointed him as Speaker because they want to control the House. As we know the Speaker is second in line of succession should something happen to the President and Vice President, which is what the media keeps pushing — that he is second in the line of succession. Trump from beyond the grave is promoting this MAGA guy. He’s the new Trump junior. They are going to brand this guy like Trump.

They Planned to Have Major Disaster in Washington DC
Their plan today is to have a major disaster event in Washington DC, whether an assassination attempt on a dead guy or whatever it is, then usher in Mr. Johnson into the White House, and they planned on doing that between today and tomorrow. Then they could officially and unofficially control the White House because they had been running operations from the Situation Room in the White House already. So, someone was to go on a jihad and it looks like they picked Hezbollah. They are supposed to be paying someone to take the credit. There is also talk about the PMF in Iraq being paid $150 million to the Hamas in the last 24 hours, but Kim has not seen that money move. Therefore, she can probably trace that promise back to Umbrella Military and their failure.
Pentagon Generals Losing Faith in Umbrella Military
This operation will fail just like their previous plan, remember they were going to create a catastrophic disaster using the pre-rigged dams that Kim dismantled. If their plans had worked, they could usher in Martial Law in the public eye and then put the military in charge. But there was no pay. And then you have the Generals at the Pentagon, the majority of which are the regular generals who are at odds and no longer buying what Umbrella is selling. They knew this assassination attempt or whatever they planned to do was also going to fail. It looks like everything Umbrella Military is doing is so amateurish, yet they are expecting the world to buy it. She thinks these guys are so used to ordering other people to make things happen and now they are having to strategize things themselves and they are making a total mess, so they had to get someone in in the White House really quick that was with them 100%, and then they probably intended to declare the alleged ‘white hats’ had won and the swamp is officially drained. Oy vey.
The Speaker of the House Doesn’t Hold Any Power
But that seat in the House really doesn’t hold any power and behind the House is not them. The power is and always has been with the money (Kim) and the world-wide operatives and agents and they lost these people from their continuous lies.
Mr. Johnson promised a lot of money to Israel and Ukraine and he is now standing at the ready to be the next cannon fodder after McCarthy. They are going to dunk this guy into the toilet just like McCarthy who listened to all these people too.
How did Johnson even get in the seat?
He who pays wins, he who has the money regardless of their seat or last name wins and he was due to pay out about 1 hour and 35 minutes ago at the time of this recording. Oh well, empty promises yet again. Kim made this statement publicly to let them know if this Johnson person is in, she is out and they are helping run the government into the toilet. She knows they are trying to create a World War by propping up someone on a jihad who is going to blow up the White House or assassinate the President in the public eye. That is grounds for World War and she knew about this plan when they put this guy in there. She has seen this happen at least a couple of times when they tried to get Trump back in. Umbrella Military is also running the gag order show, while at the same time running the Johnson show because the news is oozing with that and it’s so over the top.
So, Johnson, just like McCarthy made lots of promises of lots of money, contracts to people who sell weapons, and lots of stuff to get war stuff. Then there are promises of funding infrastructure and then there is more stuff, lots of stuff in that budget. Kim is assuming once they control the White House then they are expecting Kim to buy all the stuff in the bill and fund the government and then things would be the way they were. Why is that? Because Johnson is MAGA guy is just like Trump and he got money out of Kim. Except those were contracts she had to fulfil and those things do not exist anymore. Just because they call him MAGA guy that is supposed to make a different to her? Uh, that would be No, and she is publicly announcing that if they do this she is not helping them burn the country to the ground.
They must be losing pretty much all the operatives in the political sector at this point because they did this with McCarthy and it’s the same people. As an operative running the political sector, they have to be laughing as hard as Kim is. They do the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Are they buying time until the Solstice now? Mr. Johnson doesn’t have a chance in hell of staying in the House until mid-November when everybody goes on break. They already messed that up.
Umbrella Military Fall Flat on Their Face, Now Down to 3
Umbrella Military, the Trump operatives have lots of backlash coming from Trump family members because they fail constantly to fund anything. The Jared Kushner imposter is over in Saudi Arabia making billions in promises. The same is being done to the Kuwaiti Royal Family which is also Rothschild. They are writing checks they can’t cash. They got tons of free weapons from a lot of different places like Poland and the US to get this thing going in the Middle East and they have fallen flat on their face. But in their tiny little minds they believe if they can insert a Speaker of the House and create a narrative around it that could then escalate things the ‘white hats’ talk about on the Internet. This is their plan which is ridiculous. That’s who they got left at the helm. Well, they started out with 30-40 before the removal operation went into full effect and now they are down to 3.
Worldwide Operatives Meeting Called Due to Doubts on Who is in Charge
So yesterday the operatives had a worldwide meeting and they started questioning who is really in charge. The few who are left of Umbrella Military are claiming they are in charge and the Rothschilds are claiming they are in charge, but it appears nobody is in charge. No one is in charge of money, no one is in charge of what is really going on in the world, no one is in charge of the secret information like who is coming to help do what, expected apocalyptic type events have not occurred as stated. They go down in their safe places and they come up and go down and come up because nothing is happening as they were told. So, they are really questioning what is going on. They did throw Kim’s hat in the ring and discussed the fact that she is the only one who has transferred any money. They are all aware of the money that was at the Treasury Department and a percentage which was available for them as well and nobody would let them touch it, mainly Umbrella Military and Rothschild.
They did ask on the call if there were any operatives who would like to handle Kim and one guy jumped in and said NO! We would all like to live thank you. So, they had some serious discussions about moving forward with the other side, aka Kim. There is a lot of benefit, real pay, they don’t owe anybody above their head. But this has never happened before in human history and certainly not since the world structure has come into play. So, what choice will they make? Who knows, my guess is they will wait for the Solstice.
That is the state of union and Kim expects today to get a whole lot crazier.
Light Portals Opened & Help is Arriving from 6th, 7th and 8th Densities!
Some portals that have been closed for thousands and millions of years on our side are now actually functional, and they don’t go down they only go up. There are folks that are using them too. We have more help because these folks can actually exist here now that the energy is better, clearer and cleaner. They are grateful to be here for the first time in a long time and evidently there has been a lot of reunifications. A lot of positive energy is floating around them and if you get near some of these folks that heil from the 6th, 7th and 8th densities you’re going to feel it, it’ll be like woo energy. You might feel tingly and some heat from a person you don’t know. So if you have eyes to see you might see them walking down the street, you never know. They look like humans for the most part but they are not. They project an image of themselves in a way. At some point in time, we will be able to do something similar. Because we are in the 3rd density, we can change our physical appearance once we have appropriate connections and technology. This is all part of Restoration but we don’t want to do this until Humanity is ready as a whole. Kim said they are formulating a plan together to take those steps to get there and not everything costs money. These people don’t work for money and they can do a lot of things so they will be having a lot more conversations. She looks forward to working together as a group especially on big issues, like water.
Restoration is well underway!
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me
Thankyou and God bless you.
Thank you !!! Looking forward to the future and the possibilities ! New Earth, New energy under Grace in perfect ways!!!
Gracias por compartir la.informacion
Gracias por compartir la informacion
Thank you for the Kimfo. One day at a time.
Anythings possible now.
Thank you
Thank you for providing the clarity about what’s going on; the surface level perspective is very confusing…