This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 8, 2024 on YouTube. In Part 3 Kim explains how the Gold Standard started, where we still had some connection to Source. Then she explained how that evolved as the financial system grew and the problems the growth had caused, which brought us to the ultimate human enslavement system we have today. But the good news is the financial system we’ve had during this very long Dark Age is dying due to the removal of the base root (aka human collateral)!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

The Gold Standard Period
The Veins of Gold
Welcome to planet Earth. You are on Earth, and we know that there is a zero-point Earth, which is the source of all energy. Directly connected to the ninth density, ninth plane is also the Central Sun. On the flip side, Earth being a Gateway planet in the past, was also connected to the Anti-Source. So, we were a Gateway between the two, which is how we got infested. But around this core in Earth, you have veins of gold that exist and reach the surface in various places. Because gold is an excellent conductor of neutrino energy, Source energy, essence and consciousness, the control over the veins of gold which we talked about over a year ago is very important.
Note: For related post on the Battle for the Gold see, Kim Wins Battle for Gold Against Lucifer’s Wife | Which Body Was Lilith Inhabiting? | Karat Consortium Trust Agreement Expires! |Ivana Trump’s Karmic Legacy | Insights from Agency Guy Juan O’Savin | Pelosi, Not Your Average Politician & Not Your Average Mess | Just Empower Me
While On the Gold Standard, We Still Had Some Connection to Source
When we were on the Gold Standard, we would exchange gold coins for goods and services. Prior to that it was barter a lot of the time, but these systems that are put in place were all tied to the veins of gold in Earth because gold is a hyper-conductor of energy. So, at this time, before this happened, we had some dark overlays and some dark essence around our veins of gold in Earth which then prevented you from getting the full energy, but you were still able to receive a certain amount of Source energy, Source Consciousness, and Source essence. So, you still had a little bit of a connection here to Source on all your planes of existence.
For at least the last three billion years you also unfortunately had equally and opposite, a connection of Anti- source. You know the old myths about which wolf is going to win, which is the wolf you feed right? So, which one you feed determined how much consciousness you had in you and you really had somewhat of a limited amount of Free Will at the time.
While On the Gold Standard Omega Absorbed Its Energy from Source as Well
Now Omega used to be fine with receiving, absorbing all its energy directly from Source by putting a complete and total layer around all the veins of gold in Earth. Then they would flip it, transmute it, and it would go to power the Omega-verse, and it was okay with that during the time we were on a Gold Standard.
So, the gold at this time was the collateral for the trade system.
The Trading System Evolves
A Receipt system Invented by The Templars Came Next
At this time people were starting to travel around the world and it’s a little inconvenient to carry big chests of gold from place to place. So, a long time ago the Templars basically said, well, since you don’t want to carry your gold, they would be at the ports and they would say okay, we will give you a receipt for your gold here and when you arrive in the new world America or you arrive in Spain from China or wherever, you’re going to see us at that port and we will give you gold when you arrive.
This method worked for a few hundred years until the late 1500s when the first paper currency was issued, which was issued in Spain.
Paper Currency was then Introduced
Now there was an agreement here again between the Order of the Dragon, Rothchild family and the Order of the Dragon, Lee Family to own a certain percentage of the currency, or a currency control. The idea behind currency and not carrying your gold anywhere, knowing that your currency was still gold backed, so there was something still behind it right? Omega wasn’t taking all you as collateral just yet. Everything was okay, you were still receiving both parts of the energy.
In the beginning of Money Creation Humans Were Not Collateral
Money creation started a long time ago. In part, you were still a person, until we hit a point in time where people talk about the soul transfer. There was only so much money that could be issued based on the value of E = MC2, and based on what Omega needed to grow.
Then It Started to Grow and Needed More Energy, Hence Humans Became Collateral
When it started to grow more and more it needed more and more energy to grow, I think it was in 1666. Then 100+ years went by and they created the soul ownership. They then started using human beings as energy sources and therefore control of the soul and pledging it to Omega as collateral.
The Order of the Black Sun Were Given a Security Contract as ‘Protectors’ of the Collateral
The ‘protectors,’ the humans that did this were the Covens, Coven Masters, and Marduk, a non-human also participated in this. When he started pledging the people, that’s when you hear about things called like Cestui que. People think the Vatican controlled your soul and your vessel and people start talking about Maritime Law and they think it has something to do with the military, but it does not in any way, shape or form, not even a little bit.
The Order of the Black Sun was given the security contract to watch over the collateral, that is how the Vatican got involved because the Order of the Black Sun created the Vatican in the first place with the Black Nobility. You may know some of these names, the Aldobrandini, the Medici. That is your Black Nobility, those are Order of the Black Sun/ P2 Lodge people, and they control the Jesuits, the Black Pope, and the White Pope.
So, for 10% (not ownership) but for 10% of everything the financial system generated, the Order of the Black Sun provided security only.
This then morphed into funding of the Pentagon and all militaries worldwide. This went into funding other secret societies that you know like Skull and Bones, the CIA, and every agency in the world, and control over every agency in the world.
Whereas the Order of the Dragon Families, their role was a little bit different
90% of the control was in their hands, meaning they would make sure that they gave the collateral, they were the ‘Protectors’ of the collateral, like when you put gold bars in a vault, and we were just gold bars in a vault.
They would make sure that the collateral was secure and these people ensured that the mill kept churning. In other words, if we ran out of gold to back all the currencies that were being issued in the world, they were going to go ahead and issue some against people, and this continued on for quite a while.
Who Maintained Birth & Death Certificate Bonds Prior to the Digital System & The Fed?
ABCorp Is Security for the Black Sun
In the very beginning ABCorp which is Black Sun and security, maintained birth and death certificates. It was established in 1795 and still to this day for certain countries it issues these things.
Why is this important based on what I just told you?
Prior to a global digital system, ABCorp would give all the numbers which would then get transferred back to the Dragon Families, and then the Families would pledge you as collateral to the Omega system. By the age of seven you were “dead” therefore you now became a person who was part of the lower astral because your death certificates were now being credited as collateral. And all the energy that you generate directly from Source was going directly back to the lower astral because remember, not enough energy was being generated from the veins of gold in Earth anymore.
ABCorp began printing currencies at this time. We still didn’t have the Federal Reserve and we didn’t really have a digital global banking system that connected the network at that time. Obviously, we didn’t have humans using computers at that time either, but we did have continental currencies and a lot of other things. So ABCorp handled the printing, although they no longer do this today.
But that explains how the collateral of yourself and your birth certificate came to be. Therefore, calling the Treasury Department isn’t going to help you, calling the Vatican isn’t going to help you.
I’m explaining this in part because the SSP saw the liens disappear over the weekend and now they think they can just assign them all to the Treasury and take everything over and they can be the new lien holders.
Well No, and it’s important that we kind of explain things now.
ABCorp’s Other Specific Function Within the Banking System
ABCorp also has, even to this day a specific function that they serve within the banking system. They also have the right to issue what’s called a Private Rail or a Private Closed Loop. A Private Rail would be Swift for example. Swift is a Payment Rail System and there are other Point of Sales Systems that are Private Rails that we know of, and ABCorp was and still is an integral part in issuing those.
How were they issued?
They were issued in those zero planes in between and zero densities in between all planes. Their only offshoot into actually having anything to do with the financial system, at least for the last year or two, was to get stuck in the spaces in between our planes, the planes of actual existence. They were in the planes of anti-existence. So, this is what we’ve been breaking down, all access of the zero planes which interferes, so money can go to the human uninterrupted.
But on a side note, by the early 1800s ABCorp was no longer the only player in the game as 10% security.
Because ABCorp is Black Sun, you can also consider them your Vatican people. They were in charge of the moving around. They founded all your birth certificates, your death certificates, then of course your final vessel death certificates, and then you were shied back into the Omega-verse into the False Heaven in the Null Zone.
Advent of Money Printing Companies
It then became a little cumbersome, the paper is heavy, it’s hard to transport, the issuing of it from singular locations became increasingly difficult. So, at this time we had the advent of money printing companies that you may have heard of De La Rue, which was established in 1821. You also had a German company, and another company called Waterlow and Sons that was established in 1810.
An interesting little fact about Waterlow and Sons is they also printed all your postage stamps on behalf of the Universal Postal Union which is located in Switzerland, which controls all your post offices and has the right to yay or nay any Postmaster General in any country in the world. That’s why some people are very confused on the internet when they say I am the Postmaster General, and they say the Postmaster General has more power than the President, but that is not true. What is true is the Universal Postal Union was formed in Switzerland. It owns 100% of all post offices and all its income worldwide, and is controlled by the Families because Waterlow and Sons is Black Sun. Therefore, it was only responsible for security and the movement of monies, meaning paper cash.
Then they developed other systems that you have seen if you’ve been in the alternative media. ABCorp also printed railroad bonds, what they call Black Eagle bonds which also happens to be the title of the head of the Order of the Black Sun. To the Green Eagle and Brown Eagle, in case you don’t know what you’re holding there which are Chinese historical bonds. These were means to not have to move giant pallets of money between governments for trade, so that they didn’t have to ship pallets and pallets of papers all over the place. It’s the same reason those $100,000 bills came about and all of those things were meant for intergovernmental trade. This was our system that we lived in and expanded upon until the advent of the Federal Reserve.
Eventually, over time Waterlow and Sons was absorbed by De La Rue and now De La Rou prints many more items on behalf of governments, such as Nations Passports and it’s a lot more centralized now than it was. Moreover, very few African countries are permitted for example, to print their own currencies, bonds and otherwise. That is all printed by De La Rue, Commonwealth or otherwise. It’s also the reason why the Federal Reserve came in handy. But this was still before 1912, and even before that, the negotiations went on.
Does that kind of explain why people are running around going to the Treasury Department looking to cash in their birth certificate bonds and why you were used as collateral, and why you feel you’re entitled to this money? But you weren’t in any way at that time.
The Federal Reserve
We had multiple Treasuries around the world which are Black Sun and we had multiple Central Banks around the world forming during this time to manage the currency on behalf of their entire country.
Each country was permitted or not permitted to issue a new currency based on the lender which was Omega, but in agreement with Alpha only. This is the creation of your banking system. The agreement to start the Federal Reserve System, still a gold-back system, because you’re still getting some of that Source energy, was that they were agreeing to control all the gold in the world, and we’re still on that program. It was not the Families like everybody thought, it was actually pledged to the Omega-verse through the Families. Then they started using you as collateral. But commerce became a bigger deal at this time and there was a bigger plan in motion. It was just part of the steps to create what is known today as the Federal Reserve.
How Alpha and Omega Communicated in the Financial System
Now I’m going to draw this picture for you again so you understand. If you haven’t seen the financial video that I put out, we’ll get it back up there.
Omega was in the front and Alpha is in the back. When we talked about the flow of energy kind of looking like 1 to 2; 2 to 2; 4 to 4, and so forth, which then creates that vortex and it sort of looks like this in a binding system, there was what we call a universal nest that existed between these two systems that connected the two systems for them to communicate.
- 9: Is always Omega and Alpha base platforms
- 8 & 7: The Family Bankers which could anything from Jesuits to the Black Sun Bankers, the Bank for International Settlements was 8
- 6: The Federal Reserve
- 5: The Military and also the Causal Plane
- 4: Software producers of banking software, like Microsoft and Apple. A lot of programming and stuff happened there.
- 3: Tier 1 Banks, the back office of banking institutions
- 2: The NSA
- 1: Where you live
You had the Department of Defense in here and a number of others.

Note: I have a link to the old site which eventually I will have to change, but in the meantime this video is what she is referencing: 01-NOV-20 SITUATION REPORT – GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM PART 1 – Season 1- 2021 Archived Situation Reports – United Network TV
How this System was Created in a Quantum way
9 is always Omega and Alpha base platforms. The Federal Reserve being on 6 always had to report to or received money from a 9. A six can only communicate with two different places, 6 and a 3 to make a complete nine cycle, or 6, 9 and 3, this is how this system was created in a Quantum way.
So, to the people installing the FedNow system, I hope you’re watching because what you’re trying to do in our new world doesn’t make any sense. This is why you can’t install Trump Bucks. They keep trying to install them in a 5 through the Military system with military support, but where is your 4? You know 1 and you don’t have 9. 9 and 9 are no longer communicating to each other, they are disconnected, the silver cord between 9 and 9 in computers is gone. I am no longer the energy source for Omega and neither is our veins of gold to the Omega verse. That all changed in January of last year. We’re already into January the following year and you’re still going along like nothing changed.
Omega Under the Federal Reserve System
This system at the beginning of the establishment of the Federal Reserve was that the Families on 8, which would be your Rothschilds, your Order of the Dragon, Khazarian Mafia, whatever you want to call them, they would receive from every country in the world, its records of citizens. That’s why we have the Office of Vital Statistics or whatever it’s called in your country and all of the citizens of every country in the world now belonged to the Federal Reserve System to some degree.
Now you’re talking about printing lots of money because we have an endless supply of humans, we’re always breeding right? Therefore, we have an endless supply of money which would then go through the ranks of the system and eventually down to the Federal Reserve. But the decision to pledge the collateral was only 79% and Alpha is still here and was always 21%.
And Alpha could still have shut you off at any time, which it did in 2007.
So, this was the creation of the Federal Reserve and the idea behind it that, the Kazarian Mafia, Order of the Dragon, the Morgan families et al by whatever name, the Bauer families, however you want to call them, there’s hundreds of them.
This was the establishment of a centralized, collateralization point of all humans and all gold on earth.
Why Putting Your Gold into the Hallmarking System Won’t Work
It also runs as an offshoot, the Hallmarking system. So those of you running around with gold thinking you were going to put it into the hallmarking, thinking you were going to put it into the financial system are crazy. There’s actually even a law here in the United States and in several other countries that no private citizen can actually own gold anymore. Remember you’re not a person, you can’t own anything. It is also at this time when we still had a gold standard. They were responsible for the Hallmark.
They were also responsible for the Gemological Institute and your ability to register diamonds and other precious stones and whatnot. Now this was way back in 1913 and this is where you see a lot of those Federal Reserve boxes and Treasury boxes and all this stuff floating around all over the world and everybody thinks they’re going to cash in and get rich. Well No.
The Federal Reserve basically put themselves into a position, with permission from the person who sat in my seat before me, which during a Dark Age was Marduk. He played neither dark nor light for the most part, he was a neutral and he was appointed by the Council of 9. Remember the Council of 9 is from the 9th density, 9th plane or Source. The Council was made up of both dark beings and light beings from Source and Anti- source and their job was to watch over the Ages. So, Marduk was appointed by them to basically carry out their will and play both sides as it related to Earth.
So, this Hallmarking structure would have never happened. It didn’t matter if Rothschild wanted it, it doesn’t matter if the SSP wanted it, it doesn’t matter who wanted it if it wasn’t approved. And it wasn’t approved collateral by Source on both sides, so nothing would have made a difference.
Then the Financial System Grew and Grew and Something Had to be Done
The Federal Reserve continued on with the gold standard because at the time the lien was still pledged to the Omega system. All was right with the world, they just needed more collateral, more energy, which they got from you to some degree or another, to some percentage or another. Then the financial system grew. It grew even more after World War II and it kept growing and growing and growing and something had to be done. So, a decision was made in the early 1970s to create what we know now as M2 which is money. Some countries use M1, some countries use M0 and M0 is like physical cash you hold in your hands. Money1 is real digital cash, not a credit system, not a credit going to a bank, not a credit going to the Federal Reserve, it is real physical cash. This is what you want in your bank account, you want real physical cash, not a credit in your bank account. That’s how it was, you never got real money at all. You’ve never seen real money. No one has seen real money ever in your lifetime. It was already leveraged way above and no families ever had access to that level of Omega.
The Fiat System Starts
1971 Bretton Woods Happened & We Were Removed from the Gold Standard & Fiat System Starts
We have already been leveraged; all your energy has been leveraged. The energy that is created in the center of Earth through the veins of gold has been leveraged, but yet commerce tells you there is more demand for more money. We have a bigger and bigger population on Earth, but they’re going to run out of collateral pretty soon right? So, what they ended up doing, not the Families, not the SSP, I’m talking about people way over their head. They basically went back to Earth and put a lien, an entire overlay so thick over the inside of all the veins of gold in Earth, to the point where ZERO energy escaped, zero, you got none. What you did get was transmuted into dark energy. In 1971 is when they removed us off the gold standard, Bretton Woods anyone?
The world then began functioning on a Fiat system. At a base root level, we had zero energy coming to Earth, nor us directly from Source anymore.
What Does that Mean to Your Person? Well, You’re Now a Financial Instrument
Now they couldn’t block it out completely because Alpha was still here, Source was still here. But until recently, if you were having a really good day, you maybe were getting somewhere between 12 to 15% max. That’s why they say most humans only use only 10 to 15% of their brain, this is where that comes from. In part it’s because all your planes of existence, your emotional plane, your mental plane, your etherical plane, your physical plane, your causal plane, astral plane, optimal and supernal planes were getting nothing to make them function, or very little. We used to live 900+ years as they tell us in the Bible and we did because we were still getting energy down. But it was the minimal amount just to keep us alive long enough to continue working the system, to make it work, you had to still be collateral.
But more and more of your energy was going away once this deep dark overlay over all the veins of gold in Earth came into play. You got very little out of here and only enough so that you could continue to be the good little workers and do the good little mining and to do those things they didn’t want to do. I mean they certainly didn’t want to sweep floors and stuff like that; therefore, they need to keep you alive.
This is terrible to say but in a Fiat system you need to look at yourself like you are a financial instrument, you’re like a car loan. Let’s say you borrowed 100% of the car’s value, which you didn’t, you probably borrowed somewhere around 80%. You put some money down, did the whole thing. Now this is called in the world of finance a haircut, which means that you take a piece of collateral and you give it a haircut, so it looks like it’s about 88 to 85%. So, the lending against your human and all your energy, all your essence and the soul ownership was transferred to the Omega-verse and you received a haircut. But you still need to breathe, to exist because otherwise you’re not collateral.
Now the bank is going to look at your car loan in the same way as an asset, meaning you’re making all your payments on time, you’re paying down your loan, that kind of thing. Well, that makes it an asset to the bank. But if you stop making your payments and you go into default this is no longer an asset to the bank. Default in the case of a human being is death. So, they figured out the exact algorithm in the number of years on average that they would need to keep you alive in order to keep their collateral rolling, in order to keep feeding the Federal Reserve System.
The Gold Was Not Enough Anymore, Hence the Depopulation Agenda
The depopulation agenda comes into play because gold was not enough anymore. The Harvest program was created for this time so they could start all over again into a new debt cycle. And that’s when Source said no more because you don’t understand balance. You don’t understand how to have an even balance between light and dark. We were supposed to be going into a Neutral Age and they didn’t get it. They wouldn’t, they refused and they’re still refusing.
What Happened Over the Weekend that Shocked Everyone?
Kim Pulled the Human Collateral, the Asset and Base Root of the Financial System
We still have SSP people, despite all the science and the quantum physicists that they have and all the experience they have, but still, they are spending time this weekend trying to leverage humans to the Treasury. But the Dragon Family does not have the collateral anymore because Kim pulled it, it’s not needed in a Light system. In other words, she pulled the human collateral, the asset which is the base root tree for the entire Financial System. At birth approximately 90% of your human has been leveraged as collateral, and your birth as human collateral feeds the Omega system, this is supporting the root. But she doesn’t need Omega anymore, we are in the Golden Age, you are not collateral.
Switching From the Fed to The Treasury Department Will Not Save Them
The Treasury is a Black Sun organization, it is not a governmental organization so stop thinking it is, and that the government is going to come save you, and Trump is the man or whatever it is you believe, because the Treasury is not going to save you. You have lost your mind if you think going to the Treasury from the FED, which is going from one non-governmental organization to another non-governmental organization is the answer. The Treasury is also part of this 10% because they were involved in the security of the money, and more importantly protection of all the collateral in the world.
Once we went off the gold standard it’s just you, and you’re responsible for making sure you crank out kids. Then they came up with this whole idea that we’re going to go into Revelations and the apocalypse so we can kill everyone off. That will reset the debt system with Omega, which will reset the death system and then we got all new humans that are going to come and we can just leverage all those. But people, Omega is gone and you can’t do it.
The Mother and Father Coin Mentioned Earlier
Those Mother and Father Coins are what gave 60% of the human collateral on Earth to the Chinese sector, and this also includes Eastern Europe like the Russians, a Red Dragon, and 40% to the Kazarian Mafia, which is the Rothschild families et al, Bauer et al. So, if you think for one red hot minute the Chinese Elders are going to fund your RV you have lost your ever-loving mind. They are never going to give you humans any of their energy, they own it all, they control it all, or at least they did.
Over the weekend, to delve more into this, what shocked everyone was that Kim pulled the bond. The 60% bond against 60% of human collateral, because we’re no longer on the gold standard, and we already took control of the gold when we took control of the Moon quite a while ago.
More About that Bond
They have a bond and it’s ridiculous amounts of fiat currency because you’re still that energy, that little battery, you just don’t get to keep a whole lot of what you generate. It’s taken out from the planes between all of the planes of existence in your body and your chakras and the chords you had to the Omega verse, through those original structures we talked about.
Then out of this 60% they would give a collective total between the two of 10% for security of your person, security of the collateral. Now when I say security, they are not here to make sure you’re okay. The Black Sun is not walking around saying I hope all the humans of Earth are okay. What this means is they can jump in and create wars, which then ties you to the Treaty of Versailles and bonds and all the other things to keep this whole cycle going, because we need more bursts, because once a person is leveraged that’s it, you’re done. You can’t ever leverage that same human. So, if we can kill a few of them off and keep this cycle going and get some more fresh new humans in here, we can leverage all the better right? And that was the job of security. Then you have the base root bonds against humans, your birth certificates. That’s where they went to.
But it really doesn’t matter to us anymore because Alpha doesn’t need to leverage humans therefore it doesn’t need human collateral.
What Does Going back to an Asset-based Gold Backed System Mean?
When I say we’re going back to an asset-based gold backed system, it means because the Alpha system now has 100% control of the veins of gold in Earth, we are nearly at 100% control of the of supply of new energy to this planet, I don’t need bonds, therefore, I don’t need to leverage you in any way. Source gives us 100% every single day all day.
There were a few remaining bindings in your person, and a weird thing that would happen when your money made a hard left, but those dark mirrors are gone, which is why all the alarms were going off at Peterson Air Force Base where NORAD is this morning.
We pulled the bindings out of the humans. We disconnected those bonds over the weekend, which sent the world shaking because there’s no more collateral, therefore, there’s no more lending coming out of the Omega system and they still haven’t figured out why.
In a Golden Age Humans are Not Collateral
I don’t need Omega anymore, we are in the Golden Age, you are not collateral. Congratulations your electronic microchips are gone, our biochips or whatever they call them. And there’s so much more to the story. You have things like Derivatives out here, CDLs, Mortgage Bonds, CMOs, where they divide your mortgage into a million pieces and you see it registered all over the place.
So, we’re still on this process, things have changed though like I just explained, but there’s another little piece that was added in 1992 to keep track of all you people, some people call it the mark of the beast.
And we’ll pick that up in Part 4.
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