This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 30-AUG-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. Agent M, our Middle East region contact joined us today and relayed that it’s good to be back and alive and still on the mend after a rough couple of months. He then gave us an update on what’s really happening in the region.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

30-AUG-24 NEWS (
Current Status Between Israel and Gaza
Kim: What is going on there in the Middle East? What is the current status between Israel and Gaza?
Agent M: The Hamas did their thing and allegedly invaded Israel, but no one can actually say that’s true. But the people are suffering. In Gaza they dropped 1000-pound bombs in very compact locations where refugees are and hundreds died. There is shortage of food and water. People have been trying to go to fish on the Sea off Gaza and they get shot at by drones. The borders are closed and nothing is flowing in, even though donations from across the world to feed the entire population are there, they just aren’t getting in. Then you have the shenanigans of the Americans, the British, and Jordanians, and C130s are dropping food from the sky into the sea which only becomes fish food. I don’t comprehend the hypocrisy of bombing them to kill them and then trying to feed them at the same time. So that’s on one side.
And recently there was an escalation, that Kim talked about in her last report because of the conversation they twisted. Apparently, the Israelis decided to do a ground invasion of the West Bank, which technically has been under the occupation of Israel for a very long time. The West Bank was originally part of Jordan and then the Jordanians donated that part to the Palestinians so they could be overcome by the Israelis, and recently that is what happened in the last few days. It’s been the biggest assault since 2002. What they have been doing is basically spreading terror and they immediately started to demolish all the roads. They use large machines to destroy roads, deployed snipers, installed curfews and anyone who moves is shot. Of course, some people there have light arms, like AKs and whatnot, and when you have people coming into your home to do you harm, you get to the point where you use these weapons. Then they say, oh terrorists are there! So, they start droning the place and airstrikes are happening. It’s all an attempt to continue the narrative to say they are advancing to meet their objectives.
Kim: Do you think this have to do with the Greater Israel Project?
Agent M: I think it does, they are doing it slowly. Everything that started in 2011 and the emergence of Isis is part of the Greater Israel Plan, yes. But the recent events are just the prop for the lack of execution on the Iranian side to start this world war. They needed a boogie man, aside from a bunch of Palestinian kids in the West Bank.
Kim: I’ve seen some of the social media coming out of there, a picture of a 3-year-old and it was saying you whore. They are enticing them into doing something. When they started this, it looked like they had the backing of the Pallavicini’s’, that’s what it looked like, the Hamas did.
Agent M: Everyone did. You had the Syrians, Bashar al-Assad and his wife were being promised by them, and the Iranians. That’s part of the fake deaths and relocations to Belize. Assad and his wife are not in Syria. He is Moscow and she is in London. I don’t know if she joined him. I think there are a lot of people pissed off and it seems like everybody is getting in everybody’s throats and the Pallavicini isn’t doing anything but making fake promises of payments.
Rumors of BRICS Launching Their Own Currency Again
Kim: We’re seeing social media talk with Iran with them allegedly threatening Israel saying any day now we’re going to strike you.
Another interesting development regarding the Middle East came to my attention. There has been for a long, long time the usage of super note cash. Meaning they pay with pallets of cash and decades go by where they still cannot get them into the banking system. Now Agent M, you mentioned they have AKs, that’s a Russian weapon. I don’t know if there is any correlation, but there is a lot of chatter about BRICS launching their own currency again. There is a lot of upticks in this and I’m mentioning it for a reason, because operatives promised they will allow them to have their own currency, but of course, they need to be in control of it. However, if they would assist them with the crash of the US dollar and replace the US dollar after its fall with the BRICS currency.
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Israel, Iran, and Iraq have been awaiting to cash some of these pallets for over 3 decades, some even longer. Saudi Arabia got theirs back during Desert Storm. I know some were sent to Iran to the tune of about $3 billion. In fact, that was actually sent by Kamala just as she became Vice President, she ordered them to be sent to Iran. There are rumors there are many in the UAE and Dubai and Turkey too. Now worldwide we estimated these fake super note pallets are around $27 trillion, but now they are up to $38 because Blackwater figured out how to start printing them.
It has come to my attention that these same people who are running this crazy operation of crash the dollar and promised the BRICS countries, most specifically China and of course Russia, that they would have their own currency, which is a lie. That their goal and the way they are going to crash the dollar, which would make sense to the Russians is going to be the same way they claim they did it during the fall of the Soviet Union. And I keep repeating the Russians because I know about their lengthy conversations taking place with Duck Dynasty. Duck Dynasty is so old they were actually present during the fall of the Soviet Union and they talk about it a lot, about what they did. But what they forget is, they had a significant group of alien overlords that actually did it. Meaning the crash of the ruble didn’t happen because these old guys put a bunch of rubles on some pallets and took it out of the country then brought it back in and flooded the market. And we did not have a human computer system that was interconnected globally in those days. It didn’t start ramping up until 1984. What we did have was a backbone omega system which was in agreement with the what the aliens wanted. Just because you were the cowboy boot wearing assholes who happened to show up over there in 1979 or 89, whether that be in Iran or Russia and moved money all around, you think you did all that. But no, you didn’t, you just did you’re tiny little part. There have been so many claiming they crashed the Soviet Union, like Leo Wanta who also allegedly claimed he crashed it. Well, this is what the Iranians and the Russians were doing cooperatively in 1979, so they are running the same operations again.
Note: For related post on Leo Wanta see, Juan O’Savin (#107) & Jared Kushner Orchestrate Rothschild’s Plan of Civil War in US & Financial Crash | Except Solomon’s Bloodline Curse Agreement Expires | Trillions Expected from Leo Wanta Falls Flat | Now Martyred Trump (Operation Cash Machine) on Turbo | Part 1 | Just Empower Me
They are trying to take the $38 trillion in fake US dollars and they think they can:
- Flood the market.
- Blame it on China which it already started.
- That means they get their World War.
- That will get them access to the omega system that doesn’t really exist anymore.
- And they are trying to will this all to happen.
I think the reason why we are seeing steady movement in the Middle East but not a full eruption is because they are promised they can cash in all these pallets of cash. And now their new CBDC called USTC has also been given out in fake wallets. Agent M, even you got some right?
Agent M: I received something similar, the earlier version XUSD or something like that.
Kim: Of course, they wanted you to do certain things and you said, well I can’t spend this money and there was this whole argument and of course they were going to round back to him when it was cashable. Now we have this new one, USDT which is not involving the Fed but the Treasury Dept now which has always been a Black Sun organization.
The other thing all these countries have is common is they all hold the BRICS currency in fake wallets they can’t use. So there is a chatter now going around of the US supporting BRICS as the global currency of the world. All the gold, oil, and gas would be traded in the BRICS global currency is what they are saying, but this is never going to happen the way they planned it. They think they can redo what they did in the USSR with the same results. They’ll make their deals and then come in and be the saviors, they’ll negotiate for the US with China, that is their plan.
But this is a flawed model. First, you do not control human computers networks. Second, that is not in omega’s former programming if you could even get it up and running again. Third, you will run into the Key Integrated Monetary System which will kick out your fake money. We are also digitized now and you will still have to put those numbers on a computer screen to affect the value of the dollar. Again, it’s not 1984. All the deals you’re making with these people in the Middle East that they can finally cash in their pallets and those calling and promising you this are full of it. There is no way they can achieve this without the cooperation of the base platform for human computer networks on earth.
Agent M is telling what is really happening there. This is a very real situation for the people. But at the base root it has to do with a bunch of fake super notes. And to sign-up all these countries that agreed to join the BRICS organization, who are looking at their wallets, they will be disappointed when all this doesn’t work out. But they have been providing arms to Iran, the northern African countries, and to the Hamas probably because the Pallavicini is in tight with the Greek family running things, that is part of the Black Nobility.
I haven’t confirmed this rumor yet, but I heard the person who has taken the position of Falcon, which is a position in the Black Sun of second in command to the Black Eagle departed the planet last night, so one of the top people in the Pallavicini Family is gone and not by me. But I haven’t confirmed it though.
We talk a lot about savior syndromes and I guess it’s no different for countries. They tried to use me through Tom this week and since it didn’t work, they are back to Project Becky, the cashing of these pallets, the Bush Sr. plan of creating fake money to get people to do something for nothing. But this is never going to happen, putting those dollars into circulation. If they try, they will be counted as counterfeit and kicked out of the banking system. But their lies kill people and when I get rid of 100, there are 100 more.
And despite the rumors in the alt media, they are not making arrests on behalf of alleged white hats in the US, they are actually working together with the BRICS countries and China to burn the US to the ground. According to the US military, which is supposed to be allegedly protecting us, when they were questioned about the ground offensive of the Israel Defense Forces, they said those Trump people run their own show.
Agent M: We have a saying here, the donkey doesn’t fall in the same hole twice, meaning the donkey is intelligent enough not to fall in the same hole, but not these operatives. They are not as intelligent as a donkey.
US Military Is Helping The Crazy Trump-Duck Dynasty Operatives Burn Us to the Ground
Kim: Please don’t expect the military to save you because they are willing to help these crazy operatives and just want to know what they can get from it. It’s worse than it’s ever been. It’s not worth joining the military. To give some history, they granted Gorbachev a high-ranking position in the Order and transferred $11 trillion US dollars to Andorra for him to use personally, to let his country burn to the ground. That’s how it used to work in 1984. It’s not like the cowboys are talented, that’s like an idiot’s dream. The point is, what they are trying to do is not going to be successful but they are hurting people and we can’t get rid of them fast enough.
Let’s just say they abandoned the Greater Israel project and what are some of the greatest challenges in the region that would create?
Challenges the Middle East Is Facing
Agent M: I believe where there is a vacuum of power someone or something else arises to fill that gap. And you have some power-hungry people that either were born privileged or just trying to climb the latter. People might think this is outrageous, but I believe the first threat to the people is if all of Israel and what was tied to it was gone, the religious people on all sides will be herded and in each group they will entice their respective groups or people and try to wage war against the others, even if unprompted. It’s just power and money, so whether it’s a Suni or Shiite they all get contributions and donations just like churches give across the world. And maybe the churches don’t donate as much, but the Shiite people donate 20% of their annual income to people like Sistani and others. So, I believe these people need to be educated that these leaders are not of the light and they don’t have their best interest at heart and if needed exposed. People need to be shown the light basically.
Other than that, you will have security issues. The region is primarily tribal and there have been, due to situations that Middle East has been through for a hundred+ years, a lot of hatred between families and this carries on generation after generation in some cases. So, these need to be resolved. There has to be some form of an honor code, something everyone signs on for a new beginning. Forget the past and forgive each other and themselves and look towards the future.
Then you have food security and infrastructure. Now in the Middle East, Egypt is having blackouts and brownouts. This is manufactured because they do have the fuel. They doubled the capacity for what they need. But in places like Lebanon, the power grid there is producing zero. Everything is being run on private small generators and off-market fuel. The country itself does not have any fuel anymore and no money to import any. Iraq was donating fuel, buying from Iran at around 3 times the price and donating it to Hezbollah so they could sell it on the black market in Lebanon to Lebanese people. Syria in Damascus is having 1 hour a day of electricity. And if you go to Iraq, they at best are giving 6 hours a day. They are relying on generators or staying in the dark. These are things that need immediate attention and people need to arise to the occasion. The leaders, the alpha males and alpha females, this is their time to shine because if they are going to stay in hiding and the status quo the bad people will stay there and more will be created because they see opportunity.
Kim: And we’re not only talking about war torn areas. We also are talking about cities not in those areas that have no power either. Agent M was saying they have cisterns on a rough because they claim at the same time they are having a drought they are having a flood, and they are catching rain water because the water isn’t on all the time.
Agent M: Damascus relies on one major well and it’s very close to the Caves of Moses, Dial of Destiny location. I’ve personally been there and it’s the best tasting water you can have, but still one big city like that is relying on one well. Jordan too has a lack of water as it has no rivers. Iraq has two rivers but because the government has been so corrupted they create fake projects to steal the money and spend it primarily for escorts.
Kim: And snow and Viagra.
Agent M: These are things that need to be changed. The flow of rain that happened in the past year could have sustained the whole region for 10 years, but there was no infrastructure for it and all of it went away. It did a lot of damage to villages and people that live near the dams and rivers because it destroyed their crops. A lot of things need to be done and they are all interconnected, it must be under one master plan. And whether we like it or not these orders were set up over a 100 years ago. The people of the Middle East used to travel all across the entire place with no passports or IDs. You had relatives in what we call now different countries. I think the people are starving to get back to that point.
Kim: Change is never easy. We’ve been desalinating water for more than a century now. They could have put infrastructure there long before there were wars. They made ridiculous sums of money from oil and they could have constructed large desalination plants. That’s the whole reason they killed Ghandi over in Libya, because he was building waterways. I’m not saying he’s a good guy or bad guy, but they definitely didn’t want water in the Middle East. As far as I’m concerned, the faster these cowboys get out of our way the better off we’ll be. But at least we don’t have the Clintons sending Navy Seals over there to die at the moment.
Please don’t take people’s word for it when they are saying they are saving babies and this and that. They are not saving anything. For the most part they are not ordered to do any of that. There are no white hats, I’m sorry, we are on our own. And our infrastructure in America is falling apart too. Europe’s is better than ours and there its semi-nonexistent as far as we know. We have a long road ahead of us. Will they blow it up with drones? I don’t know, it’s something we have think about it. We have to think how we can protect those ocean pipelines that will go to major desalination plants so there is water and no shortage and so the electricity doesn’t go out. Imagine those people in the Middle East where it is 100-120 degrees there and they cannot even run a fan unless they have a generator, and most people can’t afford those either. Without being in this region, you wouldn’t understand their challenges. You’ve got to have someone who understands their region to be successful. They need to come up with their own ways to save themselves and they don’t need help from westerners. We’re not going to help save them, no offense to the Americans who want to save the starving children in Africa.
We haven’t been the greatest country in the world for a long time thanks to those cowboys and now they would like to burn it further to the ground. So that’s something we need to be concerned about. We now know they have sold out to China. I think they want to be China operatives. China is also lying to them and everyone is lying to the Russians. But the world needs to change and it’s going to change because we are changing it. No one is coming to save us, not the military. And it’s a hard fact.
There have been times in my life where the only thing there was Source. I thought how am I going to do this by myself. But you know, things you’ve never dreamt of are possible when you’re with Source. I mean you’d be surprised; things just show up. You could come up with a great idea on how to negotiate with all these tribes to at least agree that you all need electricity and water and what their share would be. I know you don’t like all these people and that’s fine you don’t have to, but you need to send the water through. Someone who has been there like Agent M will help us get that job done. And the medical system is terrible there as well. You don’t make appts there like you do here. You have to wait in line all day and it could take 3 days before you see a doctor. You have to keep coming back and wait in line again.
I know everyone thinks the US is burning, but trying being Agent M over here. Count your blessings. He’s still walking after barely making it. We have a lot of work to do and we have to look at ourselves too, it’s a long road, so roll up your sleeves and figure out what you’re going to do in your part and community. I know it’s disturbing and upsetting, but these people in the Middle East are strong and most don’t know what it’s like to live in an area where there wasn’t a war.
Agent M: And they falsify things all the time. Recently in Lebanon right before that incident with Israelis going into the West Bank, Hezbollah launched 40 rockets. But in the media they said they launched 320 rockets. They allegedly also said they hit Israeli forces, but in fact they only hit a chicken farm. Now you see a meme going around where the chickens are armed to protect themselves.
Kim: What we’ve also heard lately is that according to data, allegedly 8 people died of monkey pox in the last 50 years. Now if we look current data being reported over 525 people died on the African continent and there are hundreds of thousands of people who have been infected. But no, definitely not, unless monkey pox means some new kind of machine gun.
Agent M: Since the corona virus came out in the media, if you list all the variations and disease after that we would reach 100 now. It’s not going to work, they don’t have the means to spread them or the money for bribes to implement the lockdown because they haven’t paid on the last covid bonds.
Kim: But who knows, they’ve tried to ram the square peg in that round hole over and over again.
But we’re going forward with the marketplace. We have not stopped moving forward. We’ve had a lot of conversations with inventors last night. There is one where you can create plasma charged water for your entire house for like $500. People are coming out with so many amazing innovative things. There was a trade show with hundreds of new technologies I just heard about. They have these new technologies up and running currently. I thought how did I miss that? But I missed it because they have no marketing. So, we’re going to be helping these folks out, these inventors that have these things already in production.
We will all have to participate in putting together systems to replace other systems. Just remember, we are not each other’s enemy. You don’t have to like everybody, but remember you have the same mission, to make the world a better place for generations to come.
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