This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-19 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. This is Part 1 of 3 as this broadcast was quite long and detailed. In Part 1 Kim goes deeper into explaining how the brain works in an alternating current system which is all we’ve known. But we are moving into a direct current system with the new Light system and Golden Age which will affect how our brain functions in a positive way. This is the ground work to then help explain why no matter how hard the deep state tries they will never succeed with their central bank digital currencies, Great Reset and depopulation agenda.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

24-Jun-19 News -Broadband High (
You and Your Brain, How it’s Wired and Affects Your Entire Body
A video from Therapy in a Nutshell was played so Kim could explain alternating current and how it affects you, your brain, your body, earth, the universe, and AI systems. The therapist in the video talks a lot about the reptilian cortex and what promotes fight, flight or freeze.

Note: I haven’t found this particular video but you can search her website at Therapy in a Nutshell.
Reptilian Cortex, A Regulator System for Alternating Currents
Well, you’ve heard me talk a lot about the reptilian cortex, and that it is not a natural part of the brain, at least in previous versions of humans. The reptilian cortex is a regulator system for alternating currents. What I mean by that is everything from your essence, energy, consciousness, matter (so your physical body), circadian rhythm, hormone balance, it affects everything that makes you, YOU.
If you look at society as a whole it is structured to keep you in a fight or flight mode constantly, whether that’s struggling to pay your bills, having to work lots of hours to feed your family or whatever, and the deep state knows this. A lot of this was done by either non-humans or an AI program that connected directly to your reptilian cortex. The reptilian cortex contains light, dark, and neutral of everything, so energy, essence, consciousness, etc. It also regulates just about every function in your body and puts you in fight or flight mode. All the natural things your body does have been altered unnaturally.
Note: For related post on the Reptilian Cortex see, TRUE HUMAN HISTORY | Humanity v5.0 Won a War 69 Million Years Ago | We Fought The Same Enemy Again 250,000 Years Ago But Lost | What Was The Game Changer? | The AI System Installed in the Reptilian Cortex of Our Brain Had a Lot to Do With It | How Does it Manipulate Humans? | Where Does This AI Stand Now For Humans of Light & Humans Wanting to Stay Dark? | Part 2 of 2 | Just Empower Me
Left Brain versus Right Brain
It also dictates the relationship and energy flow, and data packages that go from the right brain to the left brain. We’ve heard left brain people are logical, analytical, knowledgeable. Your left brain takes in information predominantly from environmental sources and then you process information and make a decision based on knowledge. The interesting part from the quantum physics standpoint is the left part of your brain is called the knowledge part because it receives information and knowledge fed to you through the reptilian cortex, then it processes that knowledge to make a decision.
The right side of the brain is called the creative part, and typically people with dominant right brains are artists and creative people, but the ideal or optimal is to operate in both. The right side is also the wisdom side of the brain and the two sides often conflict with each other, which is to be expected. But with your regulator that was installed, if you get too creative and you don’t pay much attention to the left side, in science they say the left side will get lazy. But that is not true because your regulator’s job is to regulate the brain so it doesn’t get above 10% of your mental capacity.
If you ever get to 30% of your mental capacity you’re considered a genius of the world. These people have learned to deal with the obstacles and overcome their limitations, so you can break through the glass ceiling. But then what it’s going to do to you is feed you more dark knowledge, more false wisdom or more false light. It’s going to constantly put your body into flight or fight mode so that you stop using your prefrontal cortex which is the one that says okay, this is real or this is not real, this is just an emotional reaction I’m having. Then it stops you from taking an action that isn’t reasonable to solve a problem. The more you are in fight or flight mode, the more your amygdala is activated and communicating with your hippocampus, the smaller your frontal campus becomes.
This also has to do with energy regulation which carries those data packages from the left and right sides of your brain and the reptilian cortex is right in the middle. It’s going to regulate that. Now an unnatural body response is going to have to happen. It was regulated by an alternating current AI system, one which humans did not have any access to or control of. The deep state’s ability to alter this was only done via programs like MK Ultra and other programs they run on all of humanity. So, people in those programs were not only ones that have those responses.
What is the Impact of Keeping Someone in Fight or Flight Mode?
Next, keeping someone in fight or flight mode to support your family or to take care of illness makes you nervous or scared which will alter your neurological state, which will alter every single organ in your body.
Did they have the ability to do some of these things in the past? Yes.
This is the Internet of Body things and disease. Foreign substances that were injected in your body because you didn’t want to get a disease could be regulated through your reptilian cortex.
Reference: The Internet of Bodies is here. This is how it will change our lives | World Economic Forum (
Now is it possible for memories, miasmas, and engrams to exist from past lives? Yes.
They had the ability to bring up a fear from a different lifetime to affect your long-term memory which is in your neo cortex of the brain and affect the hippocampus. These are what I call buttons. It has abilities to bring these up like the situation is real and that it is happening now. So your mind wants to take you immediately into fight or flight mode. The same thing goes for people who live in lack. Every time you get a big bill or bank account shrinks to some level you’re going to automatically go into fight or flight mode so that you make decisions without the help of your prefrontal cortex. This is by design, but it’s fixable.
Moving to a Direct System From An Alternating Current System Will Affect How Your Brain Functions
What we are going through now is we’re going from an alternating system to a direct system and it’s going to directly affect how your brain functions. The old wounds are still going to need some help going away and these are this lifetime’s memories. Obviously, we are not wanting any kind of a memory wipe, that is not a good thing, actually we are trying to bring back memories from the past so you realize how powerful you are.
But the limiters, the regulators feed the brain constantly. The energy or neurological function goes to the one you use the most. Now what if they could determine which one you used the most. If it’s the right side they kept feeding more dark energy into your brain through your reptilian cortex so you would go more to the knowledge side. If someone is way too calm, then they would give them something to fight or flight about. And then of course they have a disease name for every single one of those things, agoraphobia, claustrophobia, etc.
As we move to this direct current system, all your energy, essence, consciousness, and matter will no longer flow through the reptilian cortex and this process has already begun in the last few days. Now every part of your brain is going to be fed the same amount of light. So direct current for your brain means you are going to start receiving light energy directly from Source without any kind of interference, regulator or resister trying to stop it. Over time this is going change the way that you think. But people have a tendency to want to hang on to traumatic events, we are trained by everybody to be in a constant state of fear, so learning to rewire your brain will be different for everybody.
Kim’s personal experience with channeling fight or flight responses to other parts of her brain
When I went to college I moved across the country. I was trying to save enough money for school, trying to get all my grades in, all my medical records in and there was a lot of stuff going on in my life. I was starting a new school, I had to get my own apartment, find a job. I was a young age and at the time I developed a lot of anxiety about things like, what if I don’t pass my classes and have to repeat them? I didn’t budget for that. I was working 30 hours a week, going to school full-time and trying to make all my payments which was stressful and I developed a stomach ulcer. So, one of the techniques I used after researching why I was going into fight or flight mode was I would pretend there was soft feather stroking that part of my brain until I calmed down. And it worked for everything, every circumstance.
Then I took it a step further. I started training myself and focused on parts of my brain. If this can work on the part of the brain that causes anxiety I wondered if this was going to work on the part of the brain that tells my heart to pump faster, or make me sweat or other types of things.
My first success was I could drop my heart rate while running on a treadmill to 60 beats per minute when normally running on a treadmill my heart rate would be around 129-130. I thought wow. Then I started thinking more about this and said well, I know the average human uses about 10% of their brain so how can I change this to use all parts of my brain. So I started training myself to do just that. I focused on parts of the brain that controlled logical thinking, creativity, and I had different connections with Source and really understood the difference between good and evil, life and death. So how could I control all these things? I thought about when the body goes into fight or flight mode, my body produces a lot of adrenalin to get it ready for a fight or for something I need to do to survive. What if I could take that function and instead of letting it trigger my body to do weird things or to make irrational or emotional decisions for things that are not going to work, I could do something else.
I started looking at the energy that flows through my body and how adrenaline works so I could take that fight or flight response and channel it through other parts of my brain. The parts that cause me to reason through situations, to make decisions and on the other side of my brain, the part that causes me to be creative and resourceful on how to get out of these situations.
This can actually make my body stronger when I do this. There were times when I intentionally put my body in these fight or flight situations. That can also happen by going for a workout and not having eaten anything, which is not smart, I don’t recommend that, but what it did for me is get my body to say, produce adrenaline, get my body parts functioning so I could get through what I have to. Then I would go to the gym and say, how much weight can I lift? That was my test.
Now believe it or not, from channeling that adrenaline, both sides of my brain, then trying to control my organs and neurological functions and voluntary movements, I could lift 2, 3, 4 times as much. It became a cool experiment on what else I could do, which became very useful because I’d come across 6’5 operatives when I started traveling all over the world. But I knew if I could get my adrenaline pumping and channel it to the part of the brain I needed, whatever part that was, I could go up against these people. I learned how to do this.
You can actually rewire your brain and even retrain your organs right from there. I know adrenaline produces cortisol and all kinds of things, but it doesn’t have to when you learn how to re-channel it to other parts of your brain. So, this little trick I’ve been doing with alternating current running through my body is how I bypassed their regulators and restrictors and retain my body.
The New Light Direct Current System Will Mean No More Restrictors
Now as far as the changes that are happening, you are not going to have those restrictors anymore, not have an AI system saying feed more darkness, or more light if they need you to live a few more years because that’s what makes a good battery. You really have more power than you think. With a direct connection of ALL THAT IS within your body, physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally you can control a lot more than you think. Say you want to lose weight; you can look on the internet to find out what controls eating and then focus adrenaline there and rebuild things. Or, if you are getting older and forgetting things, like where you put your keys, you can focus adrenaline on those parts of the brain. The breakdown of the brain and energy not going to the proper parts of the brain, the interference of your neurological receptors from external sources is what causes dementia and Alzheimer’s and for you to forget your keys.
It’s amazing what you can actually do in a direct current system. I hope that gives you a little snippet on how powerful you can become, and it doesn’t mean you won’t retain memories.
The Universal Brain
The universal brain can be considered the universal Akashic Records, but in part the Hall of Records has a direct effect on that. And just like you have a brain, the universe also functions similarly but not entirely in the same way as your brain. The entire universe and all its bodily functions meaning suns, stars, planets, galaxies, earth, moon, everything functions on a larger scale on an alternating current basis.
That means you have current coming from Source, and from Anti-Source and you have Neutral Source and a couple of ?? (I can’t make out the word on the audio) tied together as your regulator, and a lot of this was controlled by AI in part. But the AI systems were there just to make sure everything ran in accordance with the current Age we were in, with who was in charge and not in charge. So alternating current of everything is driven by something because we know in the world of electronics current is what makes everything work, which is what I’ll talk about more in detail on my whiteboard.
Stay tuned for Part 2.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Thankyou ladies ❤️
A question for Kim 🌺✨
Is this why some of the vaxxed people have a problem with their prefrontal cortex right now?
Will the new direct light energy cure their problem if they can comprehend and then practice whats being taught here in this post and part 2 and 3 when theyrre available?
Thankyou for all your good and hard work ❤️✨
You are doing a great job.
Thank you so much for promoting Kims job in the Global Restoration.