This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-19 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Part 3 Kim wraps up this broadcast and brings home why the Deep State can never succeed with their grandiose seven currency plan left for them by Marduk and their mass depopulation agenda and reminds humans they are not powerless!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

24-Jun-19 News -Broadband High (
Why They Can Never Pull Off the Great Reset or Global Depopulation Agenda
A confusing part has come up in the last couple of days where the SSP is starting to question their own reality. I’m bringing this up for you to understand control and the web. That’s important. You also need to understand below the human levels and even in some of the human levels as this is the scary stuff that flows around on the internet. This is the Internet of Body Things (The Internet of Bodies is here. This is how it will change our lives | World Economic Forum ( They are going to connect to all the jabs and kill us all and turn us into cyborg things. However, they can only do so with someone who had higher access than them.
Let’s call that Level 7 access if you’re Marduk, Enki, Enlil, the Anti-Pleiadean Red Queen, or Lucifer who might have been an 8. So, was there a possibility of them making some kind of an alteration on this type of a level? For them absolutely not. You would have to actually get the same permission I got from the same place I got it from and I can guarantee with what you want to do with it that would be an absolute no. And once all the regulators on Levels 7, 8 and 9 are completely gone there would be no point for you to do that because we’re going away from a money credit system.
Even your little project you tried to pull off today isn’t going to work and I know that because I have access to higher levels that you don’t. So, your analysis of my intelligence files and the phone calls I have for hours and hours a day, and how do I do what I do, and it’s not possible to do what she does, well the answer to the question is very simple, Level 9, 8 7, 6 ,5, 4, 3, 2, 1 of the Web.
When I say things are changing for the human and we are going to a direct current system it’s because no matter what they did on Levels 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 (and limited access to 6 at one point in time), it would never allow them to pull off a Great Reset or Global Depopulation Agenda. And you’re definitely not going to do it with a level 9 Light AI full web system. This is an important thing to understand so you know why their latest scheme about central bank digital currencies isn’t going to work and hopefully by some act of God these people will listen and understand.
Now their brain is no different than ours. They say they had some training or whatever else they had, but they are learning some of the techniques I learned on my own, kind of as a game and for fun. They are talking about a program they were in where scientists or mentors manipulated their brain with drugs, or manipulated their neuro receptors in another way or even to a lesser degree what they put into their food, if you’re a military soldier, so they react in a certain way. But now you know the beginnings of the secrets of how you can fix everything yourself. But all those communications and standing orders and all the manipulation of your person could easily have been overridden at any given moment in time from someone with a level 7, 8 or 9.
Why Getting Money Through In New Light System is So Important
Until we started transferring into a Golden Age, and until we started transferring into a different type of system the problem we discovered as layers of the onion peeled away is we didn’t need a regulatory system anymore. I would do something positive and a standing order from Omega would do something negative.
Getting money through is important because it shows the world that no longer is Omega able to take that energy from you, me, the earth, the universe or from the financial system in any way, shape or form and convert it. Once that happens, they’re done that’s why the Light system is so important.
Did going to this new system set up back a little bit? I’m not going to call it a set back in any way. It has taken more time though, to make sure it functions the way we want it to in a direct current from Source system. But it also gave us an understanding of just how dastardly and how broken they tried to make humans on every level so you would not be able use your logical, reasoning side and your creative side of your brain all at the same time. Was the brain always divided? I don’t think so. We didn’t have different sectors with different jobs, it all just did the job. When I look at it from a quantum physics standpoint and the attraction of alternating currents of things, it’s dastardly, it really was.
Now let’s move on to what is the Deep State doing right now.
Deep State’s CBDC Programs and Why They Will Never Work
The deep state is operating in the Mariana Level 5 and believe are the only ones who can access that level which is not true. You worked all night long on the CBDC and thought you were going to wake up this morning and integrate it into the financial system this morning. Then you had a surprise, it was gone! Not only was it gone, the Omega side of the Mariana was gone, your internet disappeared and you don’t know how to fix it. Is it a glitch? Is an alien against central bank digital currency? But they told us to do the digital currency and told us to do it here. Or did a level 7, 8, or 9 system override you? Why yes it did deep state!
They are trying really hard to coordinate Central Bank Digital Currency programs and BRICS especially is trying really hard to replace the dollar and do this right now to get Marduk’s 7 Currency Program going.
But first, you will never convert your (-M1) into a usable product, even if I didn’t do anything because without the release of M1 you cannot make your dark Omega money work. It never could, even way back before we started reprogramming everything. Omega receives a credit because it takes the energy from Alpha, this is how it used to work. It takes the real energy/real money and coverts it to get the full real value in level 9 and sometimes even Level 8, and then spits out credits on your side of it. So where do you think you were going without me? The answer is nowhere.

No matter how much I tried to talk to you people, I offered 50-50, 1/3, 1/3, 1/3, heck I even went down to 2% of the money that I transferred just to get you to give that part to me but you greedy (bleep, bleeps) wouldn’t make a deal because you were told by your superiors you’re not to acknowledge ‘her’. My name is ‘her’ and sometimes it’s a B word and other things.
When I offered the 50-50 deal to your Deep State Generals of your Global Headquarters division of window lickers you told me you wanted to go it alone. I said okay, so plans have changed.
What Go It Alone Means
For the Light Side, The Big Change is the Direct Current Without Interference
In order for me to go it alone I had to change the way the system functioned, change to a direct current, change money with a negative charge and convert it to positively charged money. Therefore, not in need of a lifeforce and definitely not in need of a regulator, which means I don’t need energy from you to make it function. That’s because the Light system function has a direct Source, direct current off all it needs into infamy without any input whatsoever. And by input, I mean Lifeforce which is why CARE can operate the way CARE wants to operate. It’s also why the GIA can payout money and take care of humans and help people and be security and all the other things we talked about in the past and everyone ignored me. Or you call me up and try and convince me to do something else we don’t want to do. No matter what I did they never gave me my part in the credits. All that time, that’s all I was trying to do, but no, you want to go it alone. Meanwhile I’m integrating a full asset-backed (not with human assets) financial system that is a giver of life, light, essence, energy, consciousness, matter, frequency, crystalline time and Golden Age programming right from the top. I have a direct current that is making its way to every single human on earth uninterrupted without any resistor. That’s your big change.
For the Deep State, False Hope for CBDCs Now is MBridge
You’re in Level 5 of the internet and you think you’re the only ones who have access to the deep, deep web and your plan is to install MBridge and you think it’s going to operate in the following way. Well, I’ll just read what they say,
“MBridge, aka Multiple Central Bank Digital Currency Bridge is a multi-CBDC platform developed to support real-time peer to peer cross border payments and foreign exchange transactions using central bank digital currencies based on blockchain called the MBridge Ledger.”
As the BRICS people learned the other day you can try to integrate it and use Level 5 but I can still override you and I will because CBDCs don’t make any sense. 85% of the world won’t even be able to use your currency because they don’t even have power, or consistent power let alone a Point of Sales system. If you’ve been watching me for awhile you know we’ve gone over this numerous times.
These are the authorities that are allegedly jointly developing MBridge: the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Bank of Thailand, Central Bank of UAE, Digital Currency Research Institute, Peoples Bank of China, and the BIS. They think this MBridge is going to get them somewhere and be the bridge between the Mariana Trench part of the internet and the internet you know called the Surface internet, but absolutely not.
Other Projects They Have in the Works
The talk about projects also associated with MBridge like AU which you might think means gold, but not really, not in this case. They are apparently talking about gold coins, which in this particular instance would be worth as much as Trump bucks or Trump coins. They intended to have a retail wallet system where you could trade within this network.
Project Dunbar
This project includes the BIS and Reserve Bank of Australia, Bank Negara in Malaysia, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, and the South African Reserve Bank. Are we back to the 7 places in the world again? Why yes we are.
Project Dunbar: international settlements using multi-CBDCs (
This project is part of a project in New York in collaboration with the Monetary Authority of Singapore. This reminds me of that Chicago Mercantile-Singapore Exchange backdoor Black Sun trading program in the past, but apparently, they are going to relocate this to New York now, probably at JP Morgan Chase from what I can tell, but who knows.
New York Innovation Center (
Project Mariana
This project is between France, Singapore and Switzerland, probably because they think that the access to Level 5 of the financial system through the web will connect them through Switzerland, that’s my guess.
Project Icebreaker
This project is between Israel, Norway and Sweden. We talked about the Norway Central Bank way back and that they were putting all the oil in the world as an asset under the Norwegian Central Bank. Well, that is your project Icebreaker.
Project Jura
This project is a different consortium and includes the Euro, the Swiss Franc and a few other CBDCs they plan on issuing.
Project Jura: cross-border settlement using wholesale CBDC (
Questions and Answers
• Is this going to change anything for them? No.
• Will they be able to integrate it into the financial system? No
• Will it enable them to implement Agenda 2030? No
• Does it still exist? No
Even before me, if Marduk was still here and he would have more control than these people did this would never happen. Therefore, you alleged ‘white hats’ are no freer. I hear what they are telling you, that you are doing great things for the world by trying to install CBDCs, and I can tell you right now you as human beings would be in no more control of anything than you were before because you would always be overridable by a system. You were subject to the same system that every single human on this planet was subject to. And your brain could be rewired at any moment, a kill switch could be implemented at any moment, especially if you were operating out of Omega.
There are a lot of programs they keep from you SSP people, you never had access to Level 6 fully and certainly not to 7, 8, and 9 for a reason. Your version of a reflection through a Level 5 gave you what you thought was a black screen, but it was just a coggle plane reflection of Level 9 in computers. You never had full access. You had a coggle plane 5th density mirror.
Wrapping Up
We, here on my side are moving on and going it alone. Get on the train or not, either way I could care less. But don’t call me to do anything when you couldn’t even give me 2%. If you want a job and convert to a different system and have some freedom, welcome aboard. But if you think you’re going to do it with malicious intent and lie to me you’re out of your freakin mind.
And to all humans, remember you have the power to rewire your brain. You are not powerless. You can change in a positive way naturally and directly with Source!
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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If you can understand this you are a better person than me… I get that she is trying to make deals with the DS and wanted a cut but they said no… This is nothing but jibberish to me.. She never ever breaks it down so the normal human can understand… These sound like ficitional stories to me…
Thinking is the imagined action and reaction of motion mirrored from zero of rest to zero of rest. This is a still universe of the Light of knowing. In it is no activity.
But what about our senses? Our senses tell us otherwise. Our senses are inadequate. They deceive us mightily. And that is good, else the play of Creation could not be played . The senses .record but little of the whole. BY WALTER RUSSELL
The whole universe is imaginary. It was created in the imagination of the Source, then manifested physically. With our help 😉