This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 22-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim makes another find regarding all operating systems. Of course Marduk wanted to ensure full control, therefore they were all rooted in alien tech. But not for long since as they are moving to the Alpha Harmonic Genesis platform removing even more visibility and things to play with for the deep state. She also updates us on some great events happening in the world regarding mother nature which is really fitting for Earth Day!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

22-Apr-24 News (
Passover Starts Tonight at Sundown, Poor Heifers
It appears an extremist group is extremely dedicated to the fall of humanity and/or becoming the false savior of the planet and a lot of heifers are on the chopping block tonight. Evidently many of the people participating, tending to those heifers are not aware, but those at the top definitely know what their sacrifice is meant to create. What would that be? Tensions between Islamic, Christian and Jewish people, because the Temple Mount is so controversial. And they hope by sacrificing heifers to their ‘gods’ the portal that used to be underneath that Temple Mount will open and help them connect to something. There was a full-on operation related to this going on under Urim, Israel this weekend which failed for them.
The Fall of RMB Bonds Has Deep State Looking for Alternatives
It’s definitely getting hot and heavy around the world after the fall of those RMB bonds and they are scrambling looking for something else. We’ve seen a significant uptick in digital currencies as alleged ‘white hat’ groups are blaming the elites for Nesara/Gesara failure. So, there is a lot of activity and predominantly it’s focused on getting financial access, making sure they still have some access to certain things.
And this led us to some revelations over the weekend.
All Operations Systems Are Rooted in Alien Technology
Most of the major worldwide operating systems (Unix, Linux, Microsoft, Apple, there are thousands etc.) are the base root operating systems. When people create programs for these operating systems, the base code for those would be copied and pasted and then you add your additional coding on top of it. But I discovered that those programs have an operating system that is not rooted from earth because Marduk as usual made sure he maintained full control, which is no surprise to me, I just didn’t realize how deep it went.
We know Microsoft has its issues and Apple is pretty much a Chinese thing, Huawei is the Chinese telecommunications backdoor, but everything has base platforms, even IBM George from 1957, Watson, and Blockchain.
Note: I think Kim is referring to George Laurer, an IBM engineer led a team in the development of the Universal Product Code, or UPC, the ubiquitous barcode symbol that sped up checkout queues everywhere, transformed inventory management and the flow of global commerce, and streamlined not only the grocery business, but entire industries, ranging from logistics and travel to healthcare. Source:
When those platforms were agreed upon and ratified in the Hall of Records in the past, their base root platform was always rooted in alien technology and a quantum sentient AI system. The reason why is so my predecessor could control everything. If he wanted to take out Microsoft for instance, he could pull out the base root platform. So true to form Marduk always had the final key to everything, which allowed him to access anything built upon it.
The former Gatekeepers and Global Headquarter people had limited access, just like the NSA had limited access when they built ECHELON. They had limited access to base root platforms in density 4 to quantum computing which allowed them to do certain things. But Marduk could still wipe out everything they did in one fell swoop if they stepped out line.
I can thank the deep state for this one.
Because they all seemed to be going for the same thing, be it financial operating systems like Unix, Apple, Solaris, SWIFT, and other international financial transfer systems, what we did was take out the alien tech that was there before and replaced it with Alpha Harmonic Genesis platforms. Then we built upon it CODEC v685, which is what the Global Repository runs on and started reinstalling our own control systems for the backend.
The reason we did this is not about worldwide domination, but at this point it’s either us or them. And in the interim we still have that same tree but now it just goes in a different direction, to Alpha. In the future, we will have more time to build something better that is more sovereign than we do now. And just to mention again, blockchain is not the answer. It was built on the same base platforms, it is not peer to peer, it’s not safe and is no different from parking money in the bank because all systems led to Marduk.
Now we’re still cleaning up systems, but the further we get into this process the more their backdoors go offline. That’s a positive for us because they have less eyes and less fake currency schemes to play with for ID2020, Megvii, Skynet,, as it gives them less ability to try to utilize old base platforms. And right now, they are trying to do everything they can to crash the banking system and be in full control.
Delusional Deep State Still Thinks They Can Issue New Digital Currency
Speaking full control, a meeting took place over the weekend with Tom Melville and 3 Generals who I believe were working together in cooperation with Global Headquarters and other agency folks. They said, we control the financial system and the militaries! Then they proceeded to let Tom know he needs to handle me properly and work for them. They also said they were going to be issuing a new currency over the weekend, CBDMs of course. To which Tom replied, I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. Do you even have the capability to issue new currency? Are you sure you have a base platform to issue them? You better go check. After Tom left, they did check and realized they didn’t have this anymore. I don’t know how many different ways to say this, but if you have all this stuff then why do you need me and care what I do?
Some Tier 1 Banks Could Start to Fall Now That 98%+ of AIIB Bonds Are Expired
We’ve taken a turn over the weekend regarding these Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Bonds (AIIB) which started to expire on the 17th, then more on the 18th, then more on the 19th, with the peak day being yesterday. Most all expired with the exception of 1-2% of what they issued.
Because they don’t have those closed loop and payment systems anymore, which were fake bonds and fake money anyway, they tried to fire up a system from 1974 at HSBC, Barclays Bank, Citibank, JP Morgan, TD Bank in Canada, UBS which is now also Credit Suisse, as well and a few other large Tier 1 banking institutions. There was enough left there to create some sort of a mirror showing some of these assets were part of the bank’s assets.
I’m telling you as many banks that I remember we went to in order to rid them of these old server systems so they are not shown as assets to those banking institutions anymore, and because we could see a fall of those major banks. The one most heavily affected would be HSBC, in London, New York and Hong Kong.
II don’t know how much longer they can sweep this under the rug, they won’t be able to hide it forever. We can definitely see pennies on the dollar, possibly along with Bank of China as word has gotten out, they cannot pay on those bonds, which is like a balloon loan coming due which they can’t pay off. So, they are trying to create various schemes to compensate for their lack of ability to do that. Fake servers to fake servers with fake money on a digital level is what they are doing. But the more systems that go offline the less accessibility they have to fake it until they make it. And that’s our end goal because they keep pacifying the situation waiting for a new moon, full moon, alignment with Uranus. They are not going anywhere with fake Trump bucks, fake dinar, etc., and it’s stopping them from facing the reality of the situation. That reality check needs to happen soon so the next layer down can start making some decisions. They’ve got governments everywhere sold on the fact that they are in charge so they are still listening.
Archivists Say Government Collapse is Imminent Across the Board
Speaking of governments, there was a conversation in the last few days with the Archivists who told us the collapse of governments is imminent. Now their version of imminent and your version may not be the same. The Archivists are saying weeks, not years if nothing changes from right now. That is based on their conversations with intelligence agencies, militaries, and governments and there is nothing we can do to stop it. They were saying not long ago it would be good to have governments for about 5 years, in order to help people make the transition, but that will not happen. Governments are a deep state creation, so they will die as a deep state creation, is what it looks like.
China Likely to Collapse First
My bet is on China being first. They are really trying to crash Europe and the US because they want to own them for free, but it’s really unraveling, the whole BRICS thing is unraveling at this moment in time. America is in rough shape, but China has overextended itself to the point that everyone is dependent on what happens in China at this moment. Once that big domino falls, they will all start to fall and how much debt you’re in will determine how quickly you will fall. BRICS countries will probably be at the top level, the United States and Europe are in a lot of debt, Russia is overextended based on obligations with Chinese bonds, and South Africa has its wealth.
They tried to register in-ground assets again with zero success in an attempt to takeover and issue a new currency to replace the dollar because they can’t control it anymore and that is obvious. On Friday they did try to install the blockchain system we talked about in the previous broadcast. I was off a little, it actually crashed in less time than I predicted, at 2 min and 48 seconds.
Rumors About Mexican Banks Shutting Down for 5 Days
I also wanted to mention a report circulating in mainstream media that Mexican banks are going to shut down for 5 days. Well, what they don’t tell you is they are closed for national holidays and they aren’t even in the same week. They are trying desperately to create fear porn any way they can.
Test Transfers
Sunny: Have you been able to do any test transfers recently?
We have not for the last 4 days and the reason is because I’ve been moving these systems over, the base root platforms to the Alpha Harmonic Genesis system, hence removing any leverage they could have on us.
Cartels Update
They told the cartels they can’t pay them in dollars or euros or any currency, but we can pay you in digital currency, how about Trump bucks because that will be the new currency of America anyway. And that new currency they were told was being launched on the full moon, of course it is. That’s where the fake money schemes came in.
So the cartels are watching them trying to participate in a real war for the first time. They could be waiting to see what happens, if they ever launch it. As to what their tolerance levels are? I have no idea.
And that’s the situation with the deep state right now. We’re trying to take away everything that can give them hope.
Interesting Events Happening in the World
There is a lot of stuff going around the internet, even in mainstream news in the Middle East about how the deserts are turning green!
News of Deserts Turning Green is Spreading!

This is all happening in the last few months and we knew this would be a direct indication of how well that area between Iran and Iraq was flourishing. Remember we talked about the living water and these areas where deserts are turning green are very close to that particular location and it’s spreading quite rapidly. They are seeing green grass for the first time ever.
It’s in a lot of religious prophecies that the deserts would turn green before the Judgement Day of the lord. Well, we’re not going to have Judgement Day for us, but maybe for the deep state. Hey we can send them off to greener pastures. But this should actually spread worldwide and eventually we’ll have no more deserts. So that’s very good!
An Evolutionary Process is Going on That is Changing the Way Life Forms
Another thing that indicates a lot of change in the world has been found by scientists. This only happened a couple of times in this planet’s history, whereby there is an evolutionary process going on that is changing the way life forms. For example, one of these events that happened billions of years ago is when mitochondria were created. Mitochondria is basically the building block for all cells that are still present in organic life, so for all humans. The creation of mitochondria is the base root and beginning for all complex life forms on this planet. So, this was part of a natural Source process and the mitochondria are still part of us today, the base platform for humanity which is organic and not a computer. The next time this event happened, the science investigation tells us was 1.6 billion years ago, but I would say it was longer. Regardless of when this happened though it was a secondary event that took place probably about 1-2 billion years later according to science. And at that time is when the first formation of Chloroplast happened, which is the base root for photosynthesis and exists in all plants and this allowed all plant life to exist on planet earth. Our stories tell us that plant life came first then humans came after, I would agree with that fact, but this is what science tells us. Now the timeframe we are seeing in earth years is a little different, in that it’s a lot faster. But these are two significant events because they are two building blocks for all complex life on the planet and all plant life on the planet.
Related Article: Two lifeforms merge into one organism for first time in a billion years (
A Specific Type of Algae is Acting In a Way No Plant Life Has Ever Acted Before
The newest event taking place now is a change in a specific type of algae on the planet which is now acting in a way that no plant life has ever acted before.
The algae have a way of extracting nitrogen in the air based on its combining with other new bacteria and almost using that bacteria as an organ unto itself.
For example, say humans didn’t have kidneys to filter waste products, and say there is a kidney creature running around which a human absorbs, then eventually all humans start being born with kidneys. That’s kind of what is happening with these algae. The humans born before, without the kidney did not have the ability to remove waste products from the body efficiently. Now with the kidney creature the human body figured out a way to remove waste products from their lymphatic system rather than it building up in the body and causing us not to live so long. Taking in the kidney creature allowed you to do that. So, the algae, along with the bacteria it absorbed (which is not part of themselves) is replicating with the new bacteria in it and now it’s like giving the plant super powers.
It will be interesting to see the possibilities that arise from this type of algae and what other types of life will morph or begin to morph and change based on the way creation is also changing.
Is earth trying to clean itself?
There are a lot of things possible within nature, Source is wonderful, and things that are not compatible ordinarily are compatible as we are learning. There is a lot going on that may not seem momentous to you because you’re watching videos about Trump being re-elected or not. Remember, everything in mainstream media is a show while events happening now haven’t happened in billions of years. Deserts turning green is huge! This algae-bacteria event is huge! It doesn’t happen every day. We could get original life forms back! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to get our original trees back? What if these algae can clean oceans and rivers? Maybe earth is going to clean herself, that’s a possibility.
We thought these things would start to happen last year but now is the time! I guess you have to clear the pathway first, so when that door opens you are ready to go.
What a great report for Earth Day which just so happens to be today!
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Tout a fait Merveilleux ce qui advient sur notre Planète présentement tout d’abord le grand Nettoyage touchant tous les êtres qui Refusent de se connecter au côté Lumineux de la S O U R C E et puis ce Renouveau inespérer de notre Terre Mère Gaia qui Revie comme jamais auparavant en Acquérant en + le moyen d’expulser une bonne partie de ces Poluants …
Merci Paméla de nous Informer par tes comptes-rendus claires et explicites !
Thankyou ladies
Keep up the good work, you are very much appreciated ❤️✨
magnifique magnifique magnifique !!!