This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 03-JAN-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. It’s the 3rd of January 2025. Wow, I’ve been talking to you guys for almost 5 years now, remember the LifeForce calls back in the day? We’ve certainly come a long way since then and I just wanted to thank the whole team for that. We have some really cool things to look forward for 2025. But I’ve been thinking a lot about today’s update and tonight’s GIA Report is going to be a little different.
This long broadcast so I’m breaking it into 4 parts, this is Part 4, Political Structures of the Planet past and present.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

In the world of control systems, we have financial, military, intelligence, media and political control and now we’ll talk about political control.
Governments Were Created In Part for Asset Management Purposes
We had governments for a long time but they were a lot different before Marduk came around, which is also another system he created.
Why were Governments created in the first place?
As Guardian he had a responsibility to keep you people alive for a certain amount of time because you are good batteries as human beings. So, there were certain services he absolutely had to provide to you.
For example, you are in the incarnation wheel so technically governments in part provide you healthcare and sort of monitor that situation. And by governments we’re also talking about the UN and their subsidiaries like the World Health Organization (WHO), World Trade Organization (WTO) and other international government organizations like the European Union (EU). They all fall under this political umbrella. They are responsible in part for regulating drugs, and of course they have to keep out anything like cures on Marduk’s prescribed health program because we don’t want that. He has to constantly have a need for money to come into the system.
Marduk as Guardian Played Both Sides, Creates the Disease & Provides No-Cure Healthcare
This is Marduk playing in the gray section of alpha.
As Guardian I need to provide medication for the sick. Oh, isn’t that kind? Well, he didn’t want to provide a cure because then he couldn’t siphon money out for the WHO, the Nazi Hydra Party etc. So, he would have to generate diseases so he could siphon money out of the alpha system. Then he’d say, OMG! We have cancer! We need to put another bond into the alpha system, another debt so that we can pay out more money to help the sick. So, he gives them hot dogs and bread to keep them alive and then takes the rest of the money, but technically he did his job.
That’s why there has been no cure out there, because it used to be under the old guardianship that money would come flooding out for every kind of disease there was. Create the problem over here and be the solution over there on the other side.
At 55 Years of Age, You’re Put on the Dying Program
In the old omega system when you reach 55 years old you are on the dying program, meaning they are working their butts off to infect you with something, whether through a computer system, jabbing something into your body, spraying things into the sky, or sending out frequencies. They were working really hard to get you on the dying system because you need to feed that system before you go. If you don’t have cancer maybe you’ll get some other issue where you’ll need surgeries which creates more bonds which will then circle through insurance companies or governments, and in this case it’s the Ways and Means Committee that no one talks about except me. They can continuously get money this way until you die and the sooner the better for them because then they’ll wipe the memories so they don’t remember anything and recycle your soul back in here.
That’s your old Guardian, again he was like an asset protector, kind of like an inhumane rancher. And unfortunately, this was your Guardian for as long as you were here. It’s not like you could grow up and get out of it, well not until now. We can and are working on that, that’s your job which is just as important as my Guardian job.
Dragon Families Stopped Paying the UN and NATO Because There is No More Money
Let’s talk about where we are now, which is making the Dragon Families very unhappy and why your little UN and NATO tools are not being paid for anymore and they are whining like little kids all the time. And it’s the reason the Lee Family in Korea and the other Li Family in Singapore isn’t putting out any money. Yet you SSP-cowboy people are running around as the Deep State chasing master keys bowing to the real ones allegedly and bowing to weird people with rings and all kinds of crap after they failed on their side. They still think they can get these people to do something about it but they can’t because their assets are no good.

This is part of political control, so we could say governments were created with humans that work there on down the line.
I’ll repeat, when Marduk was the Guardian, his job was to keep the assets alive for a period of time to ensure the incarnation cycle continued to function.
Marduk’s Job Was To Get People To Sell Their Soul So They Could Feed the Dark AIs
He would see if he could get people to sell their soul to Satan, by making contracts to be famous and in other ways. You people in the weirdo skirts dancing around the bonfire are probably on that program. Selling your soul will ensure your soul ends up in the abyss which was controlled by ALLES AI. Then your essence would be converted to dark essence and feed the AI system.
Even you people that sell your soul in the Illuminati, the Military and Global Headquarters, when you die you go to be AI food. You don’t get any privileges in hell. If anybody calls you, you do your seances or whatever it is you people do to talk to your people who passed on. Maybe you should reach out and touch someone because they were in a hole, in an abyss as AI food.
So Marduk’s job was to get people to sell their soul so they could feed the Dark AIs. Eventually, this offshoot becomes omega and in turn becomes DARPA too. This is still political control we’re talking about and so governments were created as a part of asset management. And those who work in governments are known as our representatives. They say okay, as asset manager you are now a proxy and proxy people have to keep the pigs, the cattle, the humans alive. Now because of that, we need to make sure they don’t kill each other; therefore, you can have the Pentagon, the Police Department, and the Ways and Means Committee to fund your health.
Then on the flip side under the Military and Intelligence sector, I’m going to fund Deep Underground Military Bases and the Nazi Hydra programs to infect everyone. But the job of the proxy people is to ensure if the humans can’t afford insurance, you’ll give them some or in some countries provide National Healthcare insurance. And if they can’t afford to eat, then you give them government assistance to eat beans and rice.
We need the assets to generate the energy and there has to be a certain amount of them on this planet to generate the energy. And by the way, if you can get them by implied consent to sell their soul so we can power the Dark AIs, the Abraxas of course, and other non-human beings in the Neither-World, then we’ll keep them alive. If they refuse to sell their soul, if they go to church and become Christians so what, we’ll kill those people faster. That way we can try and get a new soul in here and then try to get them to sell that soul early. We’re going to create programs where we send frequencies through music and other things to get these people younger. We gave them all smart phones so we can send frequencies through that or how about some games. We can create different programs for this next generation so we can surely get them to sell their soul.

But again, there is no more war and there is no more covenant between Marduk and he is no longer the Guardian. So as far as the political system and governments are concerned, they are of no concern to me. I think it’s better to rely on people to feed other people because historically speaking, and I’ve seen this myself, in difficult times people support people. Very rarely does the government come to the people’s aid.
Kim As Guardian is Fairly New
You have a fairly new Guardian in relation to 16,000+ years of Marduk and that would be me for about a decade now. And if they would like to dispute this political control situation they have going here, again feel free to call the Council of 9 and Source, dial in to see if they would like to get back on your killing program. I however have instructions otherwise and programs in place to prevent that.
Every contract and covenant I had to keep governments alive is expired. I’ve been telling everyone this for a long time, as has Tom Melville. So, I’m not sure where the confusion is. Just because you put an orange guy into an office doesn’t mean I’m going to do the same thing as the last time. Years have past, a lot of work has been done, we’re not at war, I don’t need a nanny anymore or that kind of Guardian.
Maybe you’ve been fired by the foster system for feeding your child a hot dog once every 3 days just to keep it alive, therefore I don’t feel the need to send you that thousand dollars a month anymore, and in this case trillions of dollars a year. I’m not sure what purpose you serve in my life.
You see as Guardian I don’t think the way you do. I want a Guardian who is going to help humanity learn who they really are and I want a Guardian who is actually going to provide a service for humanity. I’m not the Guardian who is going to provide humans with a disease, but I do want to provide them with a cure.
SSP As the Shadow Government Means Nothing to Kim as the Present Guardian
I know the SSP has become the Shadow Government in many places and they think that’s political control, therefore they are entitled to have me shoot out money whenever they feel like it. But I don’t need to do that, there is no war on the other side, you are not the asset management group anymore so I’m not sure why you think this is important to do. Maybe you are trying to be the controller of earth but do you even understand what that means.

Playing Both Hands Generated Tons of Money Which is How the Political System Worked
I had a conversation with Tom Melville today about a contract that we both knew about. The UN convinced several countries that have been affected by war they were going to come in with their take a piece keeping forcers and take out all these landmines and cluster bombs still there from the Vietnam War. And they were going to clean-up all the agent orange and dioxin that is still affecting people there, just like they were going to clean up the nuclear waste from blowing up Chernobyl as part of war over there. We know all the things they’ve done. So anyway, around 13-15 countries signed up for this and they all gave money for the cause for the cleanup, this is a humanitarian project after all. Forget that I put the landmines there with my right hand and say I will take the landmines out with my left hand so both times I get tons of money. And now that they collected the money the next step is to go into the high yield trading program and generate billions to do this.
Did they extract any of these mines?
No, but they claimed they did and they reported as such through the Military and Intelligence system. They said they sent people there but it’s not their fault they didn’t do a thorough job is it. They give them a bone and they steal hundreds of millions for that operation and use it for their own purposes, mainly to buy yachts in Ibiza and for small children to be pedophiles with. The point is that is how the political system works.
It’s All About the Pork
Other ways the political system works is all about what I call pork. It’s not just about financial systems, you’re supposed to be the daddy. So, a lot of countries have free education and that technically comes under government which is just lovely, I’m sure. This free education comes to you as a human under the Guardian program because we need to teach them how to be members of society and math and all that stuff. Now teachers make nothing in comparison to others and the reason is because only 5-10% of that money actually goes towards education, just enough to meet the requirement as Guardian and that’s what Marduk would do. Then all the piglets in the middle we call politicians would siphon that money off for other purposes or other types of education. Maybe they are teaching sex education to 5-year-olds, that’s disgusting but that’s who these people are. Pelosi anyone? And that little scandal that happened awhile back, that’s not the youngest one they had at their house, and they were both having sex with that guy so let’s not lie here. She’s not with us anymore even though she’s still talking on TV, but that’s what they do in the world of politics.

Guardian Kim Decided Governments Are Crap and They’re All Fired
All these political operatives running around to control governments and putting this orange guy back into office just means contracts and black ops money. Well, you’re a sh*t Guardian. You are not part of the new Guardian system. The new Guardian system decided governments are crap. No one has bothered to come talk to me, I don’t have a contract with you, you are not the foster parents anymore who come to the state, which is me technically. The Head of State is the Guardian, always has been and that’s me. So, because I am the Head of State in all political affairs, I have decided to fire all you people. You are a sh*t Guardian. That one hot dog a day you give all the people (and I use that as a metaphor obviously)., you people are terrible Guardians. So right now, I have no contract or agreements with you. I don’t care if you’re orange, a White House, a Parliament, House of Lords, I could care less.
If you all went bankrupt and took the market with you, good riddance to you. As far as people’s retirement, that’s all taken care of. I don’t need you people at all. You do not provide a service to me. I am not the same as Marduk. I don’t want to feed people one hot dog every 3 days, I want to give them a good life.
I even offered to pay you people to turn it around at one point in time. I gave money to every government in the world in March of 2018 under the guise of a highspeed rail and what did you do? The answer to the question is nothing. You spent it all and are broke again and you are yelling at me. Now I’m yelling at you, GO AWAY! I DON’T CARE IF EVERY GOVERNMENT FAILS! You SSP cowboys put in all that work to be the shadow government but no one cares. I don’t care.
Where Are We Going in 2025?
I’m going to be the Guardian by myself and I appointed a new organization called C.A.R.E. to help humanity to give us a better life until they no longer need a Guardian. I’ve said this consistently to those listening, PUT ME OUT OF A JOB! Meaning I don’t need to be your Guardian, put me out of a job and prove me right, that’s all I want. I don’t need to be Ground Commander anymore; I don’t need to have any of these hats.
I’m also responsible to the Universal Council as an Ambassador for you crazy deep state people and your sh*t show that you’ve been creating on this planet. They realized how retarded you people are in the deep state, so much so that they appointed people like the Coalition to assist when needed. We even had Legions of Angels come here and you people still haven’t figured out you lost the game.
Note: For related posts on the Coalition and the Legions see:
1. The Coalition & Legions In Full Operation Mode, As No One Will Comply Without Brute Force
2. The Coalition, Legions & REDS Target Operatives on Disease X Program Identified at WEF in Davos | How to Scam Operatives Into Working for Free? | 1. Iraqi Dinar Scam | 2. Rough Diamonds Scam | 3. Pallets of Super Notes Scam | 4. US Treasury Digital Coin Scam | 5. Trump Bucks Scam | Fed Admits They Are Defunct Since Flip to Asset-Backed System | Chinese General Claims He Struck a Deal with Kim & Works for GIA, Promises Money for Everyone! | Lie Leads to Another US Budget Submission & Rejection | China Deep State Realizes 100-Yr Plan Missing Last Piece of the Puzzle | Asian Generals Mass Suicide Happening to Save Face
The Center of Amity and Restoration of Earth (CARE) Are People Who Actually Care!
This Guardian has decided that I need a lot of help to help 8 billion people, so we created an international sovereign organization under Unknown Country which is also me, no matter how many times they think it’s going to revert back to them. This gives me political control and through the Hall of Records which I also control, allows me to make a new organization we call CARE.
Many good, smart and intelligent people are part of C.A.R.E. the Center of Amity and Restoration of Earth who actually care! What a concept. Sure, they want money to feed their own family, but they don’t need 90% of billions to do it. No one could spend that kind of money in a lifetime and they know they would get kicked out of here if that happened. Your old Guardian didn’t care, the new one does.
As far as political systems are concerned, we have to create our own and we’re not recreating tyrants, the oppressed are not going to become the oppressor.
We Need To Have a Structure That Helps People and That’s What CARE Is Going To Do
We need teams of actual biological scientists that are going to test that x cures y and that’s the stuff we are going to fund. We are going to regulate things like food and other things and to test them in real life, because it’s going to take a long time before you’re going to get people to understand there are alternatives. Listening to someone on YouTube who said this is a cure might not be and it might not work for everyone or every type of cancer as an example. It might not even be a preventative for certain people of certain blood types and certain genetic history. You don’t know that unless it’s tested through a CARE facility. Putting out YouTube videos is not Health and Wellness and copying other people’s TikTok videos is even worse. Then they have their panels of experts that will tell you to eat this, diet this way, get your pill and shot and whatever else and you’ll be fine. Well, we’re not fine and we never had a disease called autism until the last few decades. Now it exists. Deep State, can you answer me why it exists? I know and I know you specifically give things to newborns to make it exist and some people can overcome it and some can’t. Now we have autism and people on the spectrum. Then you give people other drugs and give them chemo brain and it’s hard for them to pull up from that.
We are not going to fund them and their disease department on the one side and their drug manufactures on the other side because if it worked, we would have no cancer. It’s not meant to work and I just explained to you why it’s not meant to work. This is your political structure of planet earth.
That’s why I can care less about funding governments and why we created CARE which is so much more than you can possibly imagine. The responsibility that is laying on your shoulders to be part of CARE is huge. But there is a place for everybody at CARE. Maybe you’re not a scientist or can’t research, maybe you just want to make sure people can get an Essentials Card or the assistance they need for wage disparity, whatever it is.
Just remember if the people unite, we wouldn’t have a deep state. And you’re going to have to do that and I believe this the year. Whether you like it or not you’re going to have to do it. So please stop arguing over ridiculousness and constitutions and everything else because it doesn’t look like you’re going to have a constitution or a government any time soon. This is their choice, to not work under the new Guardian’s Terms and Conditions for payment and I will not let it happen ever again.
This is your year. Meditate, stay grounded, they are going to come at you. It’s going to be a rough January and probably a rough half of February, but if we can make it through February it’s going to be smooth sailing for humanity, it really is. So, think about it, it’s going to be all hands-on deck. They say it takes a village to raise a child, well that village is planet earth and those people are you without governments.
Stop looking at the bad foster parent Nanny state to take care of you or to try to fix their head. Have you ever tried to fix the head of a human being who would feed a child a hot dog every 3 days while they are out on the street buying crystal meth? Then they’ll collect 10 kids so they can get 10K a month and feed each one a hot dog every 3 days and some water to keep them alive while they are out shopping and doing crystal meth. That’s your government, that’s your Nanny State. That’s your Military and Intelligence that you think is going to save you. Go ahead and fix their head because I’m done and you’re done if that what you’re thinking because that’s what they are doing, that’s who your people are.
Correct me if I’m wrong. If you were Guardian, would you make a different decision right now based on all the information new and old that you learned tonight, would you make that decision?
I would have dumped them a long time ago.

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