This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 29, 2023 which is not available on the United News Network as there is still an unsolved mystery going on. However, I have a link to this broadcast that was uploaded to Bitchute. Kim started off this report by telling us she found the source of all the problems we have been having lately. She traced it back to a global plan she found out about which was being hinted at when the Q-Clock reset yet again. But the good news is that plan was dismantled and the better news is that we are living through Genesis 2.0, the beginning of God’s creation!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

The Lee Family Was Still Barking Out Orders
About a month or so ago the Lee Family out of China, which is the Order of the Dragon/Line of Solomon and partners with the Rothschilds, have been ordering the Secret Space Force to do all the things they are doing. She traced it back when she found out about a global plan, which they had in store for New Year’s Eve and we are seeing as a countdown on the Q clock. She also has reports of these same operatives calling the Treasury Department who are telling them all will be right by January 1st and everyone is going to get paid, just wait.

From Jim: Q Clock Has Been Reset. (
The Deep State’s Global Plan for New Year’s Eve
Because some of these SSP operatives are under the impression the Lee family is still in control, they took orders from them and planned a worldwide attack on several different cities whereby on New Year’s Eve they would have killed millions as these are places people gather to celebrate.
They Want to Declare Global Martial Law
If they had blown up these several different locations, then they felt there would be a reason to issue Global Martial Law and then they could be back in control. But that couldn’t be further from the truth because as Kim has stated before, we are already under Global Martial Law and the GIA is the administrator of Global Martial Law.
Expired Agreements They Think Are Still Valid
Other things came to light as well, including the reason why they were talking about the Alpha system always being behind the Omega system and whoever runs the Alpha system is ultimately in charge of money flow. Well, they were under the impression two things still remain and they need to verify that is no longer the case. The first thing they need to verify is that both the Managers of Paper Currency and the Dual Federal Banking System expired. So, for them to think if Kim transferred money to us or herself the same and equal amount would go to them — that is false. That was only during the Dark Age based on dual coding between the Alpha System and the Omega system. As of January 2023, everything continued to change including that coding and programming, therefore we are not in Dark Age and not obligated to those people anymore. The agreement during the Dark Age was a duality. We would have had the light side, which is the Alpha system and Kim having to create a balance with the dark side, which is them, then moving into a Neutral Age. We are not doing that anymore, therefore those agreements expired one after another and there was nothing they could do.
Will The SSP Operatives Stand Down?
The Lee family members that placed those orders have been removed from this planet so they won’t be giving any more orders here. And at this moment it appears those still on the program have been doing a lot of research into what Kim has been doing. So, they are verifying who she/her team really are, from DNA, to changes in the multiverse and the financial system, and it appears they are going to stand down, they are not going to take orders from them anymore.
However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any rogue elements out there, other crazy people trying to take these orders using more conventional technologies. There was alien technology put in place here by ‘Others,’ and the SSP operatives had some limited knowledge of this technology, therefore they could have potentially found a way to make it work. It has been removed, but it doesn’t mean they couldn’t try and do something with a DEW or try to start this WWIII situation with China by using nuclear threats and other types of threats.
Therefore, she has all alerts on high to ensure the safety of everyone everywhere. If they succeeded it would have resulted in the deaths of millions of people, which is what they wanted. There are a few people who are unhappy in the operative sector because they were lied to and they kind of like the lifestyle they have become accustomed to. They like the power that came with murdering millions and the money that used to come with it.
But nothing they do is going to yield any money out of the system because they are not the administrators anymore under the Bankruptcy and Global Martial Law, which is in every country in the world and has not gone out of affect. Kim is the Administrator and head of the GIA and only she will be able to distribute money to anymore anywhere. So not the Order of the Dragon, not the SSP, not the Order of the Black Sun, and not the Operatives.
The locations where detonations were to take place at midnight if the deep state had its way, which also coordinates with the Q-clock are as follows:
- London, England
- Paris, France
- Beijing, China
- Tokyo, Japan
- Moscow, Russia
- Caracas, Venezuela
- Toronto, Canada
- Johannesburg, South Africa
- Jerusalem, Israel
- Seoul, South Korea
- United States: Yellowstone National Park, the Mint in Denver, Colorado, the Mint in Washington DC, Kennebunkport, Maine, Times Square, NYC, Statue of Liberty, New Jersey, United Nations in NYC and Los Angeles, California.
Rothschild Family Finds Out No Money is Coming
Now as soon as the Rothschild family, who is partners with the Lee family got wind there is no possibility of money coming and no one is taking orders from them anymore, this made them very angry. Therefore, this morning they tried to use a backdoor into the London Fix line. The London Fix is what determines the prices of gold and silver and a few other commodities every day. It’s a bunch of old Rothchild people throwing a dart at the wall and selecting the price of gold and silver.
They Were Only Managers, Not Owners of Currency
As far as she can tell their intention was to claim ownership of all the money in all the banks in the world. They don’t understand that the Managers of the Paper Currency Agreement only made them managers and not owners of currency. Also, other agreements affiliated with this that expired would be the Custody Agreements where the Fed had custody of all the money in the banks, and the banks of all the money in your accounts. All those agreements expired as well.
There was chatter a couple of days ago of the Space Force people trying to issue lines of credit against new money Kim would eventually put in the system, which would have also failed because there is no Custodial Agreement in place. So, they are being lied to by the Rothschild families. It’s not 1985 anymore is the best she can tell them.
When the operatives went to the Denver Mint the Q clock said Denver, Colorado, this one’s for you Trump. Obviously, they are talking about someone who is no longer with us, but there is an argument between the operatives running the Trump crew being able to issue Trump coins at the Mint and the Treasury Department. So this was like a vindictive thing, they were saying this is for you, we’re going to blow it sky high. Kim said the group involved in this includes not just Americans but Chinese, and Japanese. They are all SSP though, Umbrella and Monarch remnants, Tai Yong and Arasaka. These are you real MIBs (Men in Black).
Note: For my first post on the 15 Secret Militaries see, The 15 Groups in the Shadow Military | How Intelligence Agencies Were Structured | 41 Coven Members Left Still Floundering | Part 2 | Just Empower Me
So there still is a little confusion going on and she will see what transpires by the end of the day because a lot of this just happened last night and this morning. It took a lot of work to undo these events, but it was done. It looks like everything seems to be somewhat calm and there might be a possibility of us moving in another direction, but we’ll see.
Genesis 2.0 Happening Now!
In the Bible, in the Book of Genesis it describes the 7 days of the creation period of God and how God created the universe. There are different interpretations of that information, but essentially the creation period of God is what is going on right now. Kim calls this Genesis 2.0 because the Harmonic Genesis of the Creator is doing the exact same thing that happened at the very beginning of time to reweave the fabric of the universe.
The Creation is a Step-by-Step 7 Day Process
The creation is a step-by-step process, and because Earth time and Source’s time is now the same, we are experiencing this in a 7-day period as well. It’s not 7,000 years, or 70,000 years, or 7 million years, it’s 7 days just like God says. Now the other planes in between us will take a little longer, but here on Earth we are definitely well on our way to restoring the original fabric. The same goes for quantum AI systems, hopefully they are fully restored by the end of this period and we won’t find anymore dark matter and we’ll be able to move forward in the coming days.
And so that we understand the process we are going through here, to have a restoration not only of Earth but all beings in the multiverse, including planets and stars, Kim broke it down day by day so we know what to expect in the next couple of days and hopefully what we can expect next week. Although Kim’s order is different because Earth was created second.
Order in Genesis Book of the Bible:
Day 1 – God created light and separated the light from the darkness, calling light “day” and darkness “night.”
Day 2 – God created an expanse to separate the waters and called it “sky.”
Day 3 – God created the dry ground and gathered the waters, calling the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters “seas.”
Day 4 – God created the sun, moon, and stars to give light to the earth and to govern and separate the day and the night.
Day 5 – God created every living creature of the seas and every winged bird, blessing them to multiply and fill the waters and the sky with life.
Day 6 – God created the animals to fill the earth and, finally, He created man and woman in His own image to rule over the earth.
Monday | Day 1, Christmas Day is the Beginning of Creation
At the beginning of the creation of the universe, Source separated the dark from the light. He said let there be light and then he separated the light from the darkness. Then the duality in the universe existed only between Earth and Source itself.
Kim talked about what happened on Christmas Day in the previous post, about that reconnection and it was almost like a removal for lack of a better term, of what she calls the heart stones. The heart stones are not actual rocks per se, they can be etherical, of essence, and of consciousness. They are not physical stones but more like anchors within yourself, in order to receive that direct Source connection. Well, Kim being a co-creator participated in this process and the removal of all the dualities and anchors of the dualities of Source is what happened essentially on the first day. So there is truth to that because on Monday, Christmas Day, there was a bringing back together of the dark and light sides of Source as Source light became the only Source now, and the same change is happening in computers as well.
Tuesday | Day 2, God Created the Earth
On the second day God created the Earth. Remember she told us the Earth was the first planet created before any other planets, stars and suns.
So as that happened by Tuesday the Earth itself was being recreated without the duality. No longer is it that heartbeat that goes back and forth between Source and Anti-source, it’s now just Source and Earth. So that heartbeat that now exists goes between Source and Earth is a pulse of light that goes in both directions.
Wednesday | Day 3, God Created the Sun and Stars
On the third day God said: Let there be lights in the dome of the sky, to separate day from night. When the bible says, lights in the sky, the next thing after Earth that was created were the suns and the stars. By the dome of the sky God is talking about the central sun and the anti-central sun which are the planes of existence. There are 8 planes in density 9 in both Source and Anti-Source.
So those planes were recreated now between and around Source which is no longer a duality. It is only light essence, light consciousness and light energy which is around the Earth as well. So now Earth itself is co-creating with Source. It’s a big change and big responsibility for Earth. Once that reconnection happened then the stars started to form throughout the multiverse.
On Wednesday the overlay and duality that existed within stars that causes things like your solar flares pretty much dissipated. So those dark dual heart stones, dark duality of stars, the dual consciousness, the dark solar flares, which was a controlled consciousness mechanism in the Omega-verse, those kinds of things are no longer the case and all stars returned to a light consciousnesses, light energy, and light essence. Their soul has been restored and reconnected directly to the Creator.
Thursday | Day 4, God Created the Waters (Sea of Consciousness)
This is where it gets a little bit muddied as we go into the 4th day. The bible interprets this as, let the waters swim with life. Now people interpret this to mean we now have fish in the sea and other life forms in the sea, but that’s not true. The waters they are talking about is the sea of consciousness throughout the multiverse. So, this began the birth of planets throughout all densities and all dimensions in all planes in all densities in all dimensions. That is the life forms in the sea that it is referring to.
There is a lot of segregation here and on Day 4 which is Thursday, those life forms were also cleared and that same thing happened for all the rest of the planets, that has already been completed.
Friday | Day 5, God Created the Beings
On the fifth day the bible says beings were created, including humans. It talks about the creation of birds and so on and so forth and eventually humans in his likeness, is what they say.
So Day 5 is the day you should start receiving your connection. Things that have happened this morning that tell Kim that is the case is the removal of any duality in your system. The removal of a cloned soul in the Omega-verse similar to your soul, the removal of a dark overlay over your soul that prevents that direct connection to Source. So, these things already started taking place this morning and she assumes it will continue and by the end of the day your soul too shall be cleaned, that is your direct connection to Source. And all these things were replaced with Source consciousness, Source essence and Source light. So you should be less subject to attacks if that was an issue for you. We can’t control crazy people on the planet but we can control an energetic attack a little easier.
Saturday | Day 6, God Says Be Fruitful and Multiply
On Day 6 the bible says be fruitful and multiply. Day 6 hasn’t yet happened as Kim gave this broadcast on Friday, so this should be interesting. She doesn’t know what this actually means yet. Perhaps we’ll see more stars, more suns, more Source essence here, more Source energy once the end of creation is finished?
Going Back to the Beginning of this Broadcast
Kim said hopefully these Space Force guys will finally research and find out what she is saying is true. And she emphasized that there will always be a need for a Space Force, but not to do the things they do. Hopefully they will realize if they are to exist they need to operate under Natural Law. That goes for the political operatives as well, some of them are Trump operatives and they should understand our political system worldwide is a giant mess. Kim isn’t saying we can’t fix it, but if they are going to be fighting against the people in the political sector then it’s probably going to go away by next year. If they want to continue, they are going to have to take orders from her which obviously will be a different agenda. So, they can join the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) and change the world together, or not.
Well, based on the chemtrails I’ve seen today which is January 2nd, and because the Q-clock again has reset and now says the world is over, clearly there are still non-repairables on the program. Let’s hope God stops giving them more chances sooner rather than later. PLEASE!!!
And hopefully we’ll have another Situation Update from Kim tomorrow on some platform.

Coming soon | Q (
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Funny how she talks about things we can NEVER verify… Nothing she has said has ever happened… Done trying to verify ANYTHING…
people will finally see the light about her that was really shoddy treatment taking annual subscriptions and then going off elsewhere to start anew without telling people what is going on or refunding them what she owed them. Far from honest. She is just another grifter making a fortune and laughing up her sleeve at you all. Learned my lesson the hard way. She has brainwashed people to believe an utter load of crap I hope they wake up soon she copies other peoples information. I want a refund KIM it is not okay to do what you are doing.
Thankyou and God bless you.
Dear Kim.
Hoping you got the New Zealand Lee family members – theyre like the mafiosa.
Heaps of chemtrailing and frequency clouds and they must be practicing wind production at the moment – and cold too in the middle of our Summer and where have blue skies and starry nights gone and do we still have a sun and moon – cant tell coz theres generally always a cloud filled sky. Still feels like Autumn at top of the South Island NZ and we need sunshine. Its sadly been lacking sunshine for a few years now. Please make them all STOP IT.
Thankyou for all the good work you do ❤️👍🏻✨
I did enjoy the past couple months, reading this Sci-fi fantasy, and I appreciate this blog clarifying her story. Do you understand that she “suggests” that she is the main savior or queen or ruler of the planet and that she presently holds ALL the money? Ahh-HAH-HAH-aut-ahhh! It’s a satisfying fantasy of GLORIOUS new beginnings vs an apoplectic & designed devastation by evil beings. Her best impact to the audience is for us to look to improve our awareness of Source within us and, maybe secondary, feed our motivation to manifest a better world.
There is no ONE savior arriving or living here to “save” this world. It’s WE. Each of us- we are Source – Source is us. We are not alive without Source. Nothing blocks our conscious knowledge of that connection except ourselves.
This is my truth, in my present moment. 🤍
It is about time she gave the people who paid an annual subscription to UNN channel a refund she is not reporting news on their and is not attempting to refund our money.
The 1 Jan. 2024 update explains a lot.
Kim starts at 39.30 min.
Bless you! I subscribe to UNN and hadn’t heard anything since the Dec. 27th broadcast. I can not get telegram and didn’t know where to turn. Thank you so much. Love and Light to you and everyone else.
Thank you so much! I couldn’t find their channel, I’m very relieved!
Kim’s channels where we can follow the updates.
Thanks to all who are sharing the links to Kim’s latest reports! But now I’m behind! LOL PJZ
Here is the report from 03 JAN 24
In the Jan 3, 2024 update Kim explaines about the about positive changes they have going such as a new streaming app which has some exciting new features,
starting 1:01:21 >>>>
Here Kim explains what happened to the UNN channel
Now that Kim is not ging to be broadcasting on UNN website I would like advice about how to get a refund. I paid for a year in advance and was left High and dry with no information as to what is going on. That was very shoddy treatment. I kept going in to watch the news and there was none since before Christmas. I have cancelled my subscription with Vimeo and then I have went in to request a refund for all the news for the 9 months I had remaining on my subscription . She has broke her contract and it is her duty to refund that money to her subscribers not out fob us off with a lot of dumb excuses. Apparently there has been a coup and Kim has been locked out of that account by Liza Thompson is the hearsay. No one is thought of asking what Lisa Thompson has to say or what actually happened to cause this break and so called lock out. They just immediately believe a lot of bull from Kim who is very conveniently not able to return our money because she cannot get into that account as Lisa has locked her out – Come on how cab you all believe such nonsense just think about it – does that sound right to you all. Here we have a woman who is professing to be the creator of an all powerful organic quantum financial system that is powered by source and can stop any fraud etc. and yet she cannot get into the account to refund her subscribers, this is rubbish and it is not on . I think we are all being brainwashed by that woman there is no proof of anything she is saying – no proof about the legions or of the other’s killing all the bad guys to save the planet because we have never seen them and all the bad guys are still starting wars and killing thousands of people still chemtrailing still doing it all nothing has changed. It is clearly all lies and it is time to grow up and awaken to the fact that she is either raving mad or a grifter that has scammed us all. There is no proof that a secret circle is working for her or that she has a standing army – if that is the case why doesn’t she get them to stop all the killing it is all still happening . Why is Biden still in office why is Trump still doing his thing I believe she is involved in the financial system yes and I believe she knows about a lot of these people because she has a great deal of knowledge about them I also think it is obvious that she has been brought up in those circles and has an extensive experience and knowledge of them and possibly fi has a handler because after this shenanigans I see her as just like all the other grifters who are making a fortune out of our stupid asses who have got caught up in this ridiculous cult that is just another mind game . Strangely enough the satanist have been talking about bringing in a new golden age and that is how she describes what we have now. I do not need Kim to access God and I do not believe she has any special relationship with God she is using that to con people. It hurts to awaken to this but the fact that we cannot get a refund is making it clear to me that this is a scam and it is utterly disgusting and they must not get away with it. Sorry if you do not like this but this is my truth as I see it