This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 06-May-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this broadcast Kim explains what her latest investigation led to, which was started because the crazy Q people were saying there will be a global shutdown and a shift. In a nutshell, the deeper she dove into all those operating systems that are moving to alpha, the more she found out just how controlled we were, which was in every single possible way.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

06-May-24 News -Broadband High (
Why Are the Crazy Q People Touting There Will Be a Global Shutdown and a Shift?
Now if I were Dr. Evil, how would I do a global shutdown? Well, the deeper I go the more control mechanisms I find embedded in all operating systems rooted in alien tech. Electrical grids globally are all running on the same operating system. Oil and gas pipelines, agriculture, the same thing. You can cause all kinds of inflation type of events when you control those. Even the magnetic ink in the dollar bills you carry around had an operating system.
Note: For related post on Kim’s discovery that all operating systems are rooted in alien tech see, Passover Starts Tonight, Poor Heifers | Fall of RMB Bonds Has Deep State Obsessed With Alternative For CBDCs | Kim Follows Their Obsession, Discovers All Operating Systems Were Rooted in Alien Tech | AIIB Bonds Expired Will Tier 1 Banks Fall? | Archivists Say Collapse of Governments Imminent | Exciting Events Happening in the World: 1. Deserts Turning Green Spreading! 2. Evolutionary Process Going On Changing the Way Life Forms! 3. Specific Type of Algae Acting In a Way No Plant Life Has Ever Acted Before! | Just Empower Me
There is no product on the market that did not have an operating system. I went through hundreds if not thousands that were utilized by Global Headquarters and the SSP. As far as I know most of what I’m finding now were installed by non-humans for control.
But how many systems did the humans have access to? What type of access did they have and was there always an override? Remember Y2K? That was another program I found and there were multiple versions, Y2K-1, Y2K-2 and Y2K-3. It was a world-wide switch and that was actually overridden by Marduk, he decided that was not a good idea, but I’m sure there was a dastardly reason he thought that. Maybe he preferred going with vaccines instead. There was talk a few years ago about the deep state vaccinating us one way or another. And in the course of getting rid of these operating systems that is definitely the case.
We’ve had to go a lot deeper into these systems than I ever expected and one that was really surprising was tied directly to the placement of biochips in food, very similar to the biochips put into the vaccine. So, if you consumed food, which we all have, you probably have just as many chips as those who took the vaccine. But I’m telling you this now because the operation of those or the ability to manipulate those chips for maleficent purposes has ended.
Real Reason for the Rise in Food Prices is Due to the Introduction of Big Pharma Into the Food Market
Pfizer and other large pharma companies acquired this tech not of human origin originally, then of human origin from Northrup Grumman to put it in all our food. Everything that goes through manufacturing, canned goods, boxed goods, vegetables, and it withstands heat so cooking won’t get rid of them. And the food they feed the military is no different.
These biochips will eventually come out of your system, but heavy metal detoxes probably wouldn’t hurt. I’m a big fan of the folium product, pine bark tea or capsules is great for reducing the damage and the Medical Medium has a great heavy metal detox smoothie. Chlorophyll is another great one for ridding heaving metals in the body. This was in all food; you were not going to avoid this. That is what they said and that is what they did.
So the real correlation between the pandemic and the rising cost of food is because somebody has to pay to put this stuff in the food and that somebody is you. That’s your inflation. The rising cost of food is due to the introduction of pharma manufacturers into the profitability of the food market. That’s why your costs nearly doubled. So, you are paying for the vaccines either way. But Pfizer says it has gotten away from producing covid vaccines and are moving into their next venture which are cancer drugs, probably to help pull themselves out of bankruptcy. But in my opinion, I don’t think that is going to help them based on some events over the weekend.
Now, without the operating system for the biochips in food, are they going to keep the prices high is the question I have. We turned their system over to our alpha system, so they no longer have the ability to control these because their base platform has gone away. And the more platforms that go away the angrier they get and today we hit a peak.
Numerous Finds in These Global Operating Systems
Think about every single thing in your life, because it was controlled with no exception.
We have become familiar with the Internet of Body things, it has to do with an internet of disease. For example, there was one for your soul body management system, an emotional body management, a mental body management, an astral body management system. Another thing I found when I went into the Maritime system is that all transportation systems have some sort of a system so they can control it remotely. Those orange and black boxes on planes, trains, planes and commercial shipping, military shipping, helicopters, etc., they say is for your safety, but it’s not. The ship that crashed in Maryland recently was done remotely. A group of American SSP were testing the operating system and crashed the ship intentionally. The same goes for other planes that went down and hit the news over the last several years due to alleged mechanical problems. They can deploy your vehicle against you too. For example, they can have your airbags deployed while you’re going down the highway at 80mph if they want to.
Wi-Fi, TV based operating systems, those frequencies came from an individualized cellular device management operating system onto itself. They can make you go crazy so nobody will believe you. Your clothing can cause radiation poisoning, blue tooth anything, routers worldwide, fiberoptic cables too. Smart meters are another one, traffic systems another one, those cameras that take your picture. They got us in every possible way. The self-checkouts in the box stores where they take your picture are direct feeds to the FBI. The Internet of Things (IoT) controlled a lot, there is an operating system for everything. The legal and justice systems are another, they could all be manipulated through the back door.
You have zero privacy in your home or anywhere. Turn everything off and you still don’t have privacy because you still have electrical lines running through your house even if you turn them off. You don’t even have privacy about what’s inside of you. They stopped at nothing. It is way worse than they ever let you in on. All the kingdoms, including the Plant Kingdom were controlled as well.
There were some other things the crazy Q people are saying which is that Marduk, Enki and Enlil are back. Nobody is back it’s all a lie. No aliens have come to help them in any way. But their return, in addition to their talk about a global shutdown and a big shift is because they expected a flip back to power and it relates to something I’ve talked about before called the Æon Flux.
The Æon Flux | When Earth, Source, Neutral Source and Anti-Source Align Perfectly
Twice a year there is a transition that occurs exclusively on earth because we are a nexus planet and it was called the eternal or Æon Flux. This is when Earth, Source, Neutral Source and Anti-Source align perfectly and there is a communication that happens between all that is which usually lasts 48 hours. So typically, it’s a Source decision making time that would happen every year and depending on where we were in the Ages they would determine what would happen and if any changes were to be made.
The Flux Was Ruled Solely by Neutral Source
The Flux was the neutral zone and that transition started on Saturday. The flux is a time of no Age, therefore no dominant crystalline time or anti-crystalline time, it is a neutral period completely and a pass through of neutrality. Now we talked about Source and Anti-Source and that Neutral Source is like the management, or regulator for Ages, to make sure no beings on either side violated any covenant with Source-Anti-Source. So, the Flux is ruled solely by the management or regulator.
Decision is Source Is Completely Taking Over Anti-Source
Normally the Flux was a time of decision making, of which one was going to exist for all eternity as we move into the Golden Age. That is the information as I understood it. Now since we are in the Golden Age now, the Flux is the perfect time to end certain things and there are some things that did end this weekend. Some covenants that were between Eris ended and an override program for Omega ended. Additional things had to do with endings in the omega-verse and the beginning of the conversion of and extension of the alpha-verse started this weekend. So even though we have the G.O.L.D. agreement, because we’ve gotten to the point where so much dark matter was gotten rid of, it appears Source is taking over Anti-Source completely during this Flux.
Deep State Was Banking on the Opposite
Now from the deep state side, they thought omega was going to take over alpha and they were going to be back in charge by Friday night. And of course, always at the last second is when I found out we were doing a pass through. For them they felt that was their opportunity. Needless to say, they have figured out they are not the chosen ones and moreover any operating systems they had control over are going away. These things are not a threat anymore and they are not going to be able to recreate programs like these. These programs were granted by a submission to the Hall of Records, which then granted them access to the base platform to build those things. So, this is a good win for us. This will also help us in the long run control financial systems further, transportation, those types of things. It was an evil plan for sure and the dark side had millions of years to create control systems, while we only had a few years for removing their control systems.

Coming soon | Q (
Now I might keep some of those control systems if they prove useful when run on our alpha platform. If we can severely disrupt their corporations in a good way, like stuff being distributed by Pfizer and patents for example, then this is an option I’m thinking about. Might it help us in bringing down the deep state until we can replace it with something different. I can definitely see some of these things being useful in taking out remaining things the deep state controls. But I’m days away at looking at this, I must make sure first I have them all and how many were running autonomously with standing orders because they can be a real problem.
This failure on their part is making the deep state very angry. No money came out and they lost control further, so they are all yelling and screaming. And by the way there is still a rumor out there that I am doing something very bad for this country. Well I disagree with the fact you are putting stuff in my food so remotely you can give me a disease in my body. I don’t consent. I don’t consent to the chemtrail program either. The purpose was always to get this stuff into you in one way or another to control you. So, me destroying their ability to do that, as well as crash ships into bridges, and removing their atmospheric controls is not a bad thing to me. By the way, non-humans also had control of meteor systems, and the last time they used that on a grand scale it resulted in what we call the Mediterranean Sea. So, to those who think I’m doing something wrong you should look at yourself.
Obviously, we have been under some serious attacks for quite a long time, but it’s getting better. Give yourself a big pat on the back because you survived more than you’ll ever know and you’re still here, and you’re still reaching out to the Creator, you never gave up faith and never gave up hope for a better humanity. And I can tell you they tried every way possible not to allow you to do that. It’s so much worse than you could ever read about on some internet site. You were not free, on your own, or exercising your sovereign rights in any way. And as far as these wars go, every single bit is remote controlled. They are brutal in every way, to appeal apparently as God’s chosen people.
Note: The only reference I could find on the Æon Flux was part of a Q&A during this broadcast, 24-Nov-23 News ( You won’t find it mentioned in my post for that broadcast because I filed it under Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me. In any case, this is what I captured about Æon Flux which seems to be of a different context.

Other Things the Crazy Q SSP People Have Done
They Took Over the Federal Reserve for Control It Does Not Have
More fun news pertains to actual physical fights going on in the Treasury Dept since the Federal Reserve in New York moved to the Treasury Dept in New York the 1st of May.
Sunny: Why did they do that?
In my opinion, the people who run the Treasury Dept are wanting to control all the wares of the Federal Reserve, which at this point is just the humans who work there, and take over utilizing Treasuries worldwide. These ones I’m referring to, who control the Treasuries is what is left of the Order of the Black Sun, so the SSP. Remember the SSP were positioning themselves to be in control of everyone and everything. So eventually they are going to move all the Fed offices into the Treasury Departments. Technically there are 13 locations but 12 we know about, and they are all supposed to move to the Treasuries buildings combining the two so that Treasuries can now control currencies worldwide.
But that didn’t work out either because their perception of what control is somewhat skewed. Their base platforms to allow these things to exist are not even on this planet. And in their little world the Federal Reserve controls the currency, but it doesn’t, it never did, it was a pass through and public face, the acting division for the financial system for the world.
All they are doing is moving some people to another building, it’s never going to give them control. These Duck Dynasty SSP people even tried to install FedNow into the Treasury this weekend. If you were any kind of an operative you would know the Fed doesn’t control the financial system, but we all know more than they do.
Mainstream News is Now Reporting Ukraine is God’s Chosen One
On Orthodox Easter Ukraine has been declared God’s Chosen one and that’s in the mainstream news. They’ve gone to worshipping Satan to being all God’s chosen people. Yet these crazies are trying to kill innocent people at the same time they want to be God’ chosen ones. And more decided to join these bible thumpers because they were expecting to get paid. They seem to think that you can fool Source. It’s anybody’s guess.
Sunny: Are there any takers yet on your New Deal?
No one yet has come to me, but I think they were all waiting to see if the Flux was going in their direction. Everybody still needs money so we’ll see. It’s pretty chaotic out there today. There are some meetings that are supposed to go on with people coming into town, possibly some military people. We’ll see if they get stopped by God’s chosen people.
In the meantime, we continue to move forward on our own and looking forward to positive changes for earth. Speaking of which, since Thursday Iraq has been flooding very similar to Saudi Arabia. It has caused some disruptions, but those rains are normal and all part of turning the deserts green!
Reference: Torrential rain floods streets for second day in Iraq’s Arbil (
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Thankyou ladies and God bless everyone.
Marduk replace his name with Enlil! Enlil hated Marduk and Enlil and his helpers confused everone about the annunaki and the human stories.
But everthing clears up quickly. Connect with your higher self! 💗
All my appreciation and respect to Kim!
Wings of Desire 1987 library scene YouTube YouTube / hema elsayed
Thanking you PJZ for all the reports. every week there is a new covenant that we never heard about so many years more i think. Either she doesnt know or doesn’t tell us the half of it.
Before she said she would have to live with inflation. Now its the biochips. An absolute dumbass would recognize all the corps are causing the inflation and that could have been countered…….. alll those meetings, long hours but she seriously needs more people around her that are not operatives but people with what we regular folk call common sense