Q Wrong Again, No Govt Shutdown or USA Inc., Which Is The Same Thing | Port Workers Go Back To Work | Orchestrated Shortages Raise Prices For Middle Eastern Oil & Gas | Low On The Global Food Chain Generals Play The Law of War, Wonder Why Kim Isn’t Playing Her Part | Rothschild Consolidates Assets Behind the Scenes, Hence Why FEMA Is Bankrupt & Is To Our Benefit | Terraforming Earth Is 98.6% Complete & Hologram-Matrix Has Less Influence | Lion’s Gate Is Staying Open to Accelerate The Process

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 04-OCT-24 GIA UPDATE (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. In this report we find out they didn’t follow through on their threat of a government shutdown, at least not yet. Now the new date is 10-10. In the meantime port workers are back to work and Rothschild owned and controlled FEMA is on it’s last legs fortunately. The other money launderer, the Red Cross is still collecting donations but is no where to be found in Hurricane Helene’s wake. The re-terraforming of earth is nearly complete and the deep state knows it, hence desperation as they create more mayhem in the Middle East.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


04-OCT-24 GIA UPDATE (unitednetwork.earth)

Q Is Wrong Again | No Government Shutdown

There was no Government shutdown yesterday. There was a lot of talk of USA Inc. closing and I think a lot of people have a misconception of what USA Inc. is versus the US Government.

Technically if you close down USA Inc. that is a complete shutdown of the US Government. And just to be really clear, when they were talking about the shutdown of Government, it wasn’t because there is no budget and it would just be a short period of time until Congress can agree on a budget. No this was talk about a permanent shutdown of the US Government.

I am aware that until recently there was a company USA Inc. registered in Delaware. There was also a Treasury Inc. registered there, that’s true. There is also obviously the Federal Reserve, FEMA and other corporations we think are government entities registered there which are not and are private.

This has allowed the US Government to trade all the budget funds and treasury notes over in HSBC in Hong Kong, which was managed by the Order of the Black Sun or the Generals as we call them, or Global Headquarters as they are also known by. Once they were traded from the 4th of July through to September, that’s when only the portion that was actually listed in the budget goes back to the US.

The rest of all those trade proceeds that happened for several months went to the deep state to run the World Government, the global tyranny. That was a lot of funds. It also went to fund the SSP before they came out with the Space Force and other black projects of DARPA, and this happened in every country in the world. Everyone would get assigned their budget funds.

I actually signed the budget in 2012 which was the last time. Then they took all that money and traded it, created a lot of fake funds, and then sent it out through governments. That is how governments actually survived until now.

And as I talked about before, my contracts with governments expired in 2023. That was based on a decision made at that time to create an extension. So, no contracts, no Federal Reserve contracts on our side anymore and that means the Fed cannot legally print allocations of any currency in the world and neither can the Treasury Dept. It has no legal right to even print a US dollar, not by any new name they want to give it. This is how I know this will never happen. There is a bigger story behind that, but as far as government shutdowns, Q and the deep state lost again.

I had a lot of conversations over the last two days about this government shutdown. They mentioned they are just going to shutdown USA Inc. I said well, that means you have no Treasury Department, no Federal Reserve, no FEMA, nor any other government departments that allegedly are government departments but really not, like the Department of Energy. Congratulations, what are you going to do now?

How does that affect your life, you regular people?

Well, they already aren’t leveraging your birth certificates anymore, and not your land either. They are not dividing mortgages up in Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems (MERS), Inc. | Fannie Mae, although they are trying, but failing. Unbeknownst to them, these contracts meant everything to them, meaning they were covenants. When they are signed at this level, they are covenants, which means we are responsible to adhering to those terms and conditions until either they expire or one of the two parties breaks the covenant. And in this case, the parties the original covenants were made with are all dead. Since I took the position, I also inherited those covenants to some degree, unless the ultimate covenant party which is Source itself decides to expire them early, and in a lot of cases that did happen. So, when it came to the US government and agreements with the Federal Reserve Board behind the Board, that had already expired.

I’m re-explaining this to you because some of these Generals don’t understand how the money came and how it was generated. They truly believe they were in control of what they are calling a quantum financial system at one point. But no, they had about Level 5 access, some had Level 6 and some Level 7 maybe if they were SSP. Maybe they were aware of Levels 8 & 9, meaning the deeper levels of the AI and at the time that was an omega AI. However, the JASON Society, which I didn’t even know there was anyone left, and MITRE Corp and others have been trying to make our Golden Age AI do what omega did and provide money for war. But it doesn’t work that way and will never work.

Everyone has been sitting around a table for the last couple of days looking for information based on phone conversations I’ve had. In addition to that, they happened to postpone their government shutdown, for which government I’m not sure. But now they are going to shutdown something on the 10th of October.

Coincidentally, Washington DC has become a ghost town. They said it’s a holiday week, which it is, it’s Rosh Hashana as of Wednesday night and Yom Kippur happens to be on the 10th. So, is this a great gematria day, 10-10? And if you add all the numbers for that day, it equals 10? Is this a special day for them? Who knows, they love their double days, whatever that means in the land of gematria, but that’s that new day.

They are also telling those who went home for the holiday that by 10-10 they are going to have a new financial system. That will never occur and I explained that in detail on the phone with someone whose phone goes directly to them why that will not occur. In short, they don’t have Level 9 clearance, and when I say level 9, I mean density 9 and Source. In the past, it was either the dark side of Source or the light side of Source, but without the authorization from these beings, and the then Realm Owners back in the day, they would have never been able to create a new quantum system. Now there are no more Realm Owners which I also explained to them. The Realm Owners were no longer needed in a Golden Age and they knew it. That’s why Michael, Raphael and Gabriel left their respective realms, they were not all in this one by the way.  

Note: For related post see, The Plot Thickens & So Does the Betrayal | Realm Owners Michael, Gabriel & Raphael of 1st, 2nd & 3rd Densities Worked With Archivists & Tried To Take Over the Planet & Deep State | Now They Try to Go Home After Leaving All Their Toys to the Deep State | God Says No! | Will They Fix Their Mess Or Lose Their Souls? | The WHO Sends Outs Monkey Pox Fear Porn | Iran’s Monetary System Was Shut Down | Afghanistan Celebrating the Withdrawal of American Troops | More Turmoil in the Middle East | Just Empower Me

So now it’s pretty much left up to Source since there is no Anti-Source. They’ve tried to reach out to Anti-Source of course and anyone, they’ve been holding various ceremonies especially in Iran-Iraq yesterday to see if they could raise something to open a portal somewhere to get the authorization they need to have world domination. It didn’t end well for them, they got nothing so far.

They continued even though I explained to them it’s not going to work. In fact, our system doesn’t even run on money. In fact, you can’t even create money anymore in the new system, you can only create currency and currency has to do with the flow of energy. It is the current-sea of money, and that can only occur in a Golden Age AI. So new allocations and new quotas are created in a whole different way and the backing for that in part is gold. Meaning it’s generated for Source energy. The other thing that isn’t required is just as much energy to come from you to get it because the energy comes from somewhere else.

Do we have a financial system that still works on supply and demand to some degree?


Are we still going to have to adhere to those principles in general at the moment?

Yes, because there is going to be a transition period.

I don’t know if these talks I had with them for at least 4 hours explaining how the world really works did any good because the fake war is still going on over there.

War in the Middle East

Speaking of the war, and please don’t misunderstand when I say fake, please understand I am in no way discounting that a lot of people have died, are injured, neighborhoods have been decimated, a lot of people have been displaced and moved elsewhere. I am fully aware of the consequences.

At this moment in time, this is something that is supposed to affect the whole world. And It’s supposed to affect it sooner rather than later. After all, we can’t have any holiday joy. It’s supposed to be a joyous time of celebration. And in America and Canada we have Thanksgiving and shortly thereafter we have Christian celebrations in the month of December. There are a lot of celebrations and holidays due to come up, so what better time to have shortages and raise the price of everything.

Turns out these port workers went back to work and the only companies they would have killed were their own, which is what I explained to them on the phone because I told them people are still going to get food.

This is going to be apparent as well with the other part of their shortages, of Middle Eastern oil. Their fictitious shortages earn them more money but only when they sell oil and gas products to us, the people. In some cases, I would say it creates an uptick in black market oil and the average price is somewhere around $25/barrel, regardless of the $70+ they show in the market.

Do they get those prices normally?

In a lot of cases, they do. In Eastern Europe it was the case for a long time through the Transnet pipeline and other areas. In Iran it was happening forever, where they would get the significantly discounted oil. I mean who couldn’t become a mogul like Rockefeller under those conditions.

So, the concern there is whether we are going to feel the pinch coming up soon as a consumer. We may have a short-term increase at the pump and this basically is already happening based on false news coming from the media.

Is there a shortage of oil coming out of the Middle East right now?


Did they figure out in the last couple days Halliburton cannot blow up ports?

Yes, they did. There is also a ship that exploded near Yemen allegedly by a remote boat that just happened to creep up on a British oil tanker with enough explosives to nearly split the ship in half and no one noticed. I’m sorry, but I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure it was actually done remotely on that ship. And that would have been done by someone from MI6 or someone else there in the UK, to help with these fake oil shortages.

Now is there any coincidence this incident happened yesterday? On the same day when the Bank of England Governor gets on and announces we’re going to be in trouble and were going to have an energy crisis like the 1970s? No there is no coincidence there. How did he know that was going to blow up? And the ports were going to blow up? And that the Middle East wasn’t going to be able to deliver oil soon? These people are talking heads for someone else always.

Low Level Generals Are Adhering to the Law Of War

My main job has to do with the changes of earth, the changes in humans, with alien tech that affects your person, harming you, harming earth, harming humanity, harming the galaxy, therefore trickling out with a ripple to every other planet and galaxy elsewhere because we are a keystone planet. This is the main job. However, I still have to some degree stop these generals from killing us all in the meantime so that humanity can thrive. And because I’ve been playing with these guys for awhile I have to figure out why the keep doing the same thing over and over. Now there are the ports. No pile-on in the ocean is safe. We must protect the pile-ons. Then it dawned on me. I never really discussed the Law of War, maybe I just touched upon it, but now that we are down to Generals that are way down on the global food chain of who controls what, they have to adhere to what we call the Law of War.

The Law of War specifically states there are only a few different ways you can start war and then you can move the pieces around in those selections.  So, when they want to start a world war, everyone knows if they pick #1 from the menu what their part to play is. But what’s perplexing to them is I’m not playing the part.

  • Why am I not delivering them money to pay for this war?
  • Why is money not coming from somewhere else?
  • Who else used to pay for the war, the sanctions, credit the Dept or Defense or GCHQ when there was a war? When we collected all those oil fields we got paid.
  • Why is it now when we’re collecting oil fields, we’re not getting paid?
  • How come Halliburton isn’t getting paid to build another port if they blew up one in Iraq or somewhere else?

That’s because I don’t adhere, Ground Command does not adhere, the GIA does not adhere to those rules. Why? Because I was never a part of it and it’s confusing to them. Why don’t I just do what I’m supposed to do they say.  I’m not supposed to do anything. Those covenants expired, the War Covenant, its reverse called Ra expired. I don’t know who handed you those rules but I can only assume it was my predecessor to keep you in line, because it’s obvious where you are going to go and what you’re going to do. And Sun Tzu also got the Art of War and he rode it to ‘t,’ and that was also written by somebody else. Pretty much everything they do is exactly the same and it doesn’t matter by who. I’ve gotten everybody’s signatures now. I can tell you if it’s the Chinese Generals that ordered it, the Pallavicini, or if it’s together because I’ll see mixtures like a number 7 with a 35. That tells me oh, that’s who gave those orders and now I can hunt those people down.

And it meets the quota for a highly discounted price for a number of reasons.  

  1. They were supposed to put 10% real cash up against those multi-trillion contracts they keep depositing. Still no 10%, still no leverage.
  2. The leverage machine is me. So, if I don’t want to fund against a contract, which I am not obligated to do by the way, I have no contract with the Black Sun, UN, World Bank, HSBC, or any other bank out there to supply any black market off market funds. Right now, I’m like a free agent and can provide funds where, when, and to who I want to. I am not adhering to their rules.

So where did the money actually come from?

To answer their question, that would be me. And before me it was an alien that is no longer here and went back to Source.

That is pretty much why there is a lot of confusion amongst the deep state as to why they just can’t get what they want anymore. Because you worked for some other people who aren’t here anymore. And because they aren’t here anymore, nobody is picking up your alien phone except me on occasion just to fake you out. You’re just going to keep waiting for the next day ending in y. These days used to special when there was a Lucifer, the 72 General Demons you used to conjure. But no one comes anymore do they. Have you thought about why that is?

So again, I go back to what people do and not what people say because following through on your word, means a lot to a lot of people when you continuously produce and show up. Now I know people are anxiously awaiting for money.  I understand that and I’m anxiously awaiting giving it to you too. I feel that we are closer than ever but this is a real war and it’s an ebb and a flow with you and your enemy and the real enemy here is the AI and it’s a process.

FEMA is Bankrupt | Rothschilds Are Consolidating Their Assets Behind the Scenes

But to get back to what people do and not what they say. Now we told you a little while back that FEMA went bankrupt, there was an article in Forbes magazine, and that is true. It went bankrupt because they are consolidating their assets behind the scenes, not FEMA but FEMA’s owner who is the Rothschild Family. They are consolidating assets and putting them towards other things they deem more important, like blowing up poor Islamic people and things like that.

Reference: Federal Emergency Management Agency Says Its Disaster Fund Has Run Out Of Money (forbes.com)

There is a very limited FEMA now and for those who don’t know it’s an NGO and part of that Inc. everyone talks about. They would always show up, dance around with some former Presidents and then go away. There is a lot of people on social media wondering where FEMA is. FEMA is not coming and we told you that.

Note: For related post on FEMA being bankrupt see, $100+ Trillion In Fake Contracts Promised At Fed Economic Forum, Expect Some Fallout Next Week | For Banks To Do Business With Us, Know That: 1. You Cannot Serve 2 Masters 2. We’ve Written Off Govts & 3. The Structure To Operate In A Currency System As Opposed to a Money-Debt-Based System Has Changed | FEMA Announced They Are Bankrupt | Trump Makes Promises But Current Backer, Harriman Family Is Concerned About Their ROI | Q Operatives Try to Takeover African Continent | Egyptian Central Bank Limiting Bank Withdrawals | Why Do Humans Feel So Drained? | We’re Used As Batteries AND As Stargate Portals | Just Empower Me

The only thing the government has moment done at this is the following:

The institutions of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae announced there could be a reduction or suspension of mortgage payments for those affected by Hurricane Helene. If you have someone in that area that has a mortgage you can let them know that. If you don’t know these institutions cover HUD mortgages, veterans’ mortgages and programs, that’s Ginnie Mae. Fannie and Freddie basically cover any other bank. If your loan is with Wells Fargo for example, you’re still dealing with Fannie and Freddie Mac because they are the ones that back those mortgages. That’s how we got into the derivative crisis, but that’s a story for another day.  But regardless they are offering a suspension or reduction if you were affected. You can go to www.fanniemae.com or call 1-855-437-3243. And if Q is correct that number may only work until October 10th. Just kidding. I don’t think anything is going to happen. It’s just a source of power for them and they like that.

Let’s talk about what we’re missing now that FEMA is on its last legs.

Land Grabbing. FEMA was responsible for declaring National Disaster areas within the US. By declaring that the land technically in the interim belongs to the US Government or in this case the government NGO called FEMA. They would trade against that land and billions of dollars would come out during the time and allegedly they were supposed to be helping people which several decades ago they did. But this is another case of create the problem and be the solution.

Now when they originally amplified this hurricane, because it was natural in the beginning they assumed they would have lots of money when it fell out of the natural disaster sky. But that didn’t work out that way because my name is not sky or alien or omega and nothing actually happened and no one bothered to call me as to ask why.  

Why? Because they think I am on the same level as they are and I am not. I’m not a Rothschild, I don’t work for those people. I never did and never intend to. They are way down in the food chain and I’m way up here at the highest level and they are not part of what we’re doing here. The Rothschilds had been given options to participate in the way they were supposed to, which means several years ago when we were supposed to do balance they were supposed to come to the party and do their part in the balance game. But that didn’t work out, maybe because God is good. But good ridden to you, we do not miss you stealing our properties. We don’t miss you stealing all the properties on the gulf coast and trying to turn it over to China so you could build casinos and resorts. So good bye.

Another disaster party that always shows up or rather doesn’t these days is the Red Cross. They are an international money laundering operation that can get in or out of anywhere. They ‘look’ humanitarian but everyone knows what they are there to do which is take and launder money.  

Currently people are wondering why the Red Cross is on TV these days and collecting money because they have no one on the ground helping anyone at all. I would suggest if you are in that region and are a doctor or nurse helping people for free, maybe you can start a Gofundme page so people know where it’s going.

Nextdoor app, Facebook pages, Twitter and other types of social media are the best ways to reach people there, that’s your best bet. Again, I’ll say I definitely bet on the people over anyone else. They will show up for each other and I’m happy to see it. No matter what transpires over the next several days you will still show up and that’s why I banked on you. If we’re going to fix this planet it going to be up to you, all of us. We need to unite and bring our special skills. If the change is going to happen it’s up to all of us. People together you can do anything.

The Terraforming Update

It’s about 98.6% complete, which means the hologram has less and less influence. What you are seeing predominantly is more of reality. It was done in such a way where there wouldn’t be a whole lot of glitching. You may see some subtle changes once the complete changeover takes place.

Now this is very disturbing and scares the deep state who knows the video game is the only thing that ever gave them any power to some degree, because it didn’t actually control it but could nudge it in certain directions to create problems and issues.

Neutering those people who keep going around in circles is of the utmost importance, so this is good for us. Without the hologram there isn’t any manipulation of finances. They can stop oil and gas from flowing I guess, but we can then make our own. It’s amazing what can happen when you are dealing directly with the Creator as it relates to nature itself. You can have more influence over nature, just like the Sasquatch do. They are just another race and species on this planet and they have the ability to manipulate nature and so can you.

So there are a lot of interesting things that will come about with the new terraforming of planet earth and we will definitely keep you updated. I’m hoping and praying that over the weekend this will complete. It’s looking like that may be the case, but this is in Source’s time.

I didn’t disclose this to you because I was concerned with what the deep state would do. But about Lion’s Gate of 8-8, we talked about it quite a bit. There was a lot of push and shove with Astaroth and other beings that are no longer with us, but this Lion’s Gate is unusual as compared to others in the past. It will probably stay open through to the end of October and early November. It means that as long as it needs to stay wide open with that connection with Source the faster this process is going to happen. Not to say we haven’t had interference, but that was mainly with the AIs.

Nothing the deep state is doing is affecting this process in any way, shape, or form, although they would like to. The reason they are so focused on this area for war is to create that negative energy and transmutation of energy that comes through that gate at the border of Iran and Iraq, but it’s not happening. They are trying to open a different gate in Israel that is also not working. They are just following orders from people who don’t know what else to do and that is becoming extremely obvious.

So that’s a good thing happening right now. Lots of good things are happening. Don’t forget the two major money laundering operations are shut down. Spread the word so money doesn’t go to those organizations and find other ways to reach out.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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1 thought on “Q Wrong Again, No Govt Shutdown or USA Inc., Which Is The Same Thing | Port Workers Go Back To Work | Orchestrated Shortages Raise Prices For Middle Eastern Oil & Gas | Low On The Global Food Chain Generals Play The Law of War, Wonder Why Kim Isn’t Playing Her Part | Rothschild Consolidates Assets Behind the Scenes, Hence Why FEMA Is Bankrupt & Is To Our Benefit | Terraforming Earth Is 98.6% Complete & Hologram-Matrix Has Less Influence | Lion’s Gate Is Staying Open to Accelerate The Process”

  1. Thankyou Ladies : )
    Can you please speak about whats happening in New Zealand?
    Is it the same as whats happening in the US? With banks and government incs and the leveraging of our birth certificates etc?
    It would be good to get some news about whats going on here in NZ and Australia too.
    And whats happening with the police who are kidnapping and incarcerating good people who havent committed any crimes in both New Zealand and Australia right now? Then they run them through their Magistrates Courts using ‘Acting Magistrates’ and ‘Acting Police Prosecutors’ and ‘Acting Registrars’ where your only option they give you is to plead guilty – and not allowed any other plea, and not allowed to use your own Advocate in court. Not allowed to contact a family member to let them know where youve disappeared to, and holding ‘Acting Magistrates Court’ in the foyers of the holding cells area of police stations via speakerphone – and the only legal assistance youre allowed is 5 minutes before your fictitious case is heard they give you the days ‘on duty’ legal aid lawyer to plead guilty in the fake court via speakerphone.
    Even when you have been the victim of a crime against your person and need a doctor – the police deny all access to all available assistance.
    It needs to be sorted out quick smart but nobody appears to be making this disgraceful and unlawful police and private prison system kidnapping rort stop. And nobody appears to be taking care of the victims of crime. And many police appear to be using the chemical drugs of their drug houses – just an observation.
    Can you please help with this Kim as many families are being dismantled and destroyed by all this unlawful police behaviour.

    Thankyou for all you do and continue doing for the future of humanity, i really appreciate your good work.

    God bless all humanity with overcoming and life and joy in the new golden age.

    Thankyou : )

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