This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 10-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. On Monday Kim talked about what was just starting to trickle in about what the deep state was expecting, what they were hoping would happen, and what their reaction would be was still up in the air. But now she has more on that and why they were expecting something different. In part, it was based on old books and knowledge, but some interesting information came to light yesterday as Source disconnects, because this is basically a Source timing thing.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

10-Apr-24 News -Broadband High (
More Comes to Light As a Result of the Eclipse
As Source disconnects the dark matter from the light matter and one having influence over the other, a location was discovered. Under the Empire State Plaza outside of Albany, New York was tied to what can be described as a trunk line. It’s a direct quantum tunnel to something that was hidden and cloaked in the Causal Plane of the 5th density. Now this facility wasn’t manned anymore, meaning no beings were there causing issues, however it had an instrument in it that I call the Absolute Sphere. It does look like a sphere, like a large crystal ball and is similar to what we found in Brazil a few weeks ago when they were messing around with the Creator AI program there. But this one here exclusively was able to control dark matter only.
Note: For related post on Creator AI, What is Neutral Source & Creator AI? | Creator AI and Timelines | Black Sun’s Global Security Contract | Why Deep State People Thought They Were Still in the Game This Time |For the First Time Ever We’re Living In Reality | Global Security & The Unified Source Security Force | Just Empower Me
Source of Chemtrails Which is Making People Sicker Than Usual
This Absolute Sphere would manipulate the dark matter parts in everything, including your person and it was connected directly to this location in Empire State Plaza. We have come to discover, at least in part, the reason we’ve been seeing so many chemtrails leading up to the eclipse has to do with this, and it’s been going into our water supply and food supply and everything. Now, I’m not saying there aren’t still orders out there to continue spraying them, but the deep state felt based on their knowledge this was all part of a larger plan, and it was.
Dark matter is not like organic matter. If you want to affect organic matter then you can do so by using the light, but the light is not going to cause damage to light matter unless you are protecting the life of an innocent or yourself. Now dark matter is a little different, the materials they were using were not of human origin and this is the reason everyone was getting sick. This Absolute Sphere was running autonomously and it was contained in a megastructure like a mini moon which was nestled in zero-point, but cloaked in the light and we didn’t see it until now. Due to the eclipse, the trunk line to the quantum tunnel snapped and disconnected and that was a Source thing that happened.
So that trunk line was feeding these types materials in the chemtrails through the trunk line, through that location at Empire State Plaza for distribution by the deep state who is hoping a situation would arise to whereby we would all be getting sick. That’s why a lot of people are having greater adverse effects to the chemtrails in the last six months, it was due to this mechanism. Whatever way these materials were getting in you, it would have allowed them to create a genocide. It was a backup to the Harvest Program because they could then manipulate the dark matter within your person. Everyone has dark matter, it just happens to be the molecular structure of the universe, so we all have it because our physical vessel is matter. So, it would have allowed that mechanism to act autonomously and create disease and illness. But because it didn’t have any alien interference, it appeared to us that it was still in some sort of a testing mode with the connection.
Recommendations to Flush This Stuff Out of Your System
People have been experiencing more issues with their health, including swollen lymph nodes because it is something that exists within your lymphatic system. So, in order to try and flush this stuff out of your system we recommend you consider doing a heavy metal cleanse, lymphatic stimulation and drink plenty of water. The good news is It will eventually leave your system and it is not something that can break the blood brain barrier, and the main connection for the trunk line which gave them some limited access to things in certain computer systems is no longer there.
Since the Deep State no longer has their special line to receive harsh materials to spray on us, will they stop?
I have no idea. Remember our goal as we go through these facilities is to look for the order giver and the people there, then they depart. And our main goal is to ensure the deep state doesn’t have anything left with which to affect your life. Essentially, it’s about them being neutered, because they are like fungus, they are everywhere.
Other Things Found in Earth’s Orbit Not of Human Origin
Access Gone to Barcode for Life Initiative (BOLI)
There were some other things we found in earth’s orbit that were not of human origin, nor did the humans have access to them, such as a program we know as the Barcode for Life Initiative or BOLI. Those people running that were overseeing things on behalf of the deep state for quite some time, but they no longer have any access to this. The BOLI initiative states that they want to barcode all life on this planet in order to help the extinct species. Yeah, sure they do, they are an evil group of course.
Access Gone to Any Remnant of Omega, Kronos, and Closed Loops
Fortunately when the trunk line snapped it also took away 99.9% of their accessibility to any remnant to Omega, Kronos, and closed loops they could find, and to other facilities that were tied to this on earth.
Locations Lost for Their Absolute Spheres
One of the main locations for these Absolute Spheres was in the Matterhorn in Switzerland. And the only human utilized facility which gave them a limited amount of access and sight would have been under an enormous statue in Trujillo, Venezuela, called Monumento a la Virgen de la Paz.

Other facilities/locations they lost, where they had some minimal communication to the autonomous system I refer to as the Absolute Spheres includes an enormous and extremely dark facility under Chicago, Illinois. This facility was not a deep state creation and there were a lot of indicators under Chicago Mercantile Exchange and there was always a lot of Black Sun activity there. We also have a lot of neighborhoods in Chicago run by gangs.
The second location they lost is a facility under Ellis Island, which was a major connection point for Anti-Source. The facility and alleged gift from France was not untainted. It also contained some alien technology in both the torch and the head and was not good for the people who passed through Ellis Island. A lot of human experimentation happened under there in that facility.
Another fact, because Ellis Island used to be a direct link down to the lower astral and a major portal for Anti-Source, 49% of immigrants that came through Ellis Island were taken down to the lower astral and replaced with non-organic humans.
This leads me to question, why the massive amount of people passing the border here into the US? What is the real purpose? Why are they advertising on foreign language channels to come and cross the border to the United States and we will give you a job and state assistance? While on the flip side rallying up the patriot community with campaigns that we have no border control. It makes sense that they want Americans to hate them. Is it to restore the workforce not with Americans? Is it for adrenochrome? To satisfy their fetishes? There is a bigger plan at stake riling up the patriot community and gathering people up to cross the border, is it a perfect storm for civil war? Because when I was looking at Ellis Island, the remnants of what happened to those people are still there.
Silent Circle-Black Nobility Schedules Meeting But Never Shows
Prior to the eclipse the Silent Circle/Black Nobility as they are the same now, arranged a rather large conference call with operatives worldwide at 6pm EST yesterday. They were to discuss their pay and orders because they thought they would be in charge again. Well, they didn’t show up for the call. Eventually someone got on and rescheduled the call for today, which they also didn’t show up for.
5 Top Trump Operatives Running the Show Arrived in Durango
Four of the five top operatives running the Trump show arrived here in Durango last night and then one this morning. There are still many operatives underneath them but these are the top guys, and they are actually willing to listen to someone else. Now that someone else is not me of course, but they are getting a lot more information from those around here. What will they do with this information? I don’t know, but they are very angry about what they hearing. So we’ll see what they do with it.
The Light Side Has an Absolute Sphere
There were also a number of Absolute Spheres elsewhere. One place was Aldebaran, which is Abraxas headquarters on this side of the multiverse and Alpha Draconis which is the Draco headquarters on this side the multiverse. So, it’s no surprise these two groups were involved in the manipulation itself but utilizing the dark matter side. Now there is one more absolute sphere I want to tell you about which is the one we have on our side. It was captured by the Abraxas a long time ago and we recaptured it on our side around a year and a half ago.
So I talk about the Key intelligence and Military System (KIMS) and its functional features and I told you about the virtual reality machine which is not a virtual machine, it manipulates reality. Well, the base root of these two machines is our light Absolute Sphere, and within the next couple of days the dark Absolute Spheres won’t be working at all because it has nothing to control anymore.
But ours sphere still will function and works to a degree for protection of my life or life of an innocent, and it depends on how imminent the danger is. It also has other functionalities to prevent an attack whenever possible. But the sphere and Key Intelligence and Military System puts out an enormous amount of data, it spits out billions of bits of data per day. Now I was born just like you, and have only so much time in a day, therefore scanning billions of bits of data is not possible for me. So while we don’t want it to work autonomously, we do want it to run very targeted and specific programs to scan for things. It will then give us that data back, or we can set it and utilize the sphere to manipulate that matter into something else. It’s like transmutation or a transforming of that molecular structure. Just like in Star Trek, where they say beam me up scotty. They de-molecularize themselves and reassemble someplace else. All of these technologies have existed in the multiverse for a long time, it just wasn’t given to us slaves.
Sunny: Are you saying this is the type of data that can be found but we have to know what to search for?
The data/information I am referring to is dangerous to myself or the life of an innocent, and again it depends on how imminent the danger is. One cannot be in all places even with advanced technology, you cannot constantly scan, you will burn your brain out. This is the reason why in the future we will teach others how to use it to keep our planet safe. This is true planetary security. Will that be a job for operatives or is that going to be you? It doesn’t take enormous physical strength but it does take wisdom.
So can the Absolute Sphere be utilized for beam me up scotty type technology for human beings, to use to travel from one place to another?
Yes, it can be in the future. Wouldn’t it be great not to get into a tin can for hours to go someplace else? We can make our own trunk lines in the future and start creating these types of technologies as humanity starts to wake up. And even before that we can introduce better planes, cleaner technologies for ships, and things that will clean up the ocean.
Now I’ve been using this Absolute Sphere for the last year and a half and thought it was time to explain to you the difference between the two because I know there are people who know I have it and they want it.
First, it won’t work for you like the ones in Matterhorn, and it’s not in Durango, Colorado, not anywhere in the vicinity of here. The Absolute Sphere you were using was in the 5th density and 5th plane, so how are you going to get there? You can see how far yours was, so you can imagine how far mine might be? But I can still use it right here in Durango, Colorado.
Wrapping Up
At this point we have to make sure there is nothing left they can directly influence earth or humanity with, and my main concern is not the deep state, but what else has been left here that we couldn’t see before. It’s like diffusing a bomb and unfortunately, if it’s cloaked in light we see it as light, until Source uncloaks it.
In the 48 hours since the eclipse that is what we’ve seen. Now this ebbs and flows and initially I was given a timeframe of 5 days for Source to finish what Source is doing, but that has shortened to 72 hours. So I’m looking forward to a really positive Friday report as we are definitely at a new beginning for all of earth and humanity!
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Thankyou ladies.
Good job well done.
If you have some time would you please get New Zealand Govt Inc to stop allowing so much dark weather manipulation. Its making EVERYTHING SICK.
People need sunshine to live and so do all the plants and animals.
South Island NZ seems to be permanently covered in cloud – are NZ Govt allowing the Bill Gates agenda to block the sun using us as their experiment?
Hope you can resolve this now very serious situation for NZ.
Dear Kim
Is it true that cern was moved to Australia?
And is this the reason for our diabolical lack of sunshine weather here in New Zealand South Island?
I know you correlate some information from Ashayanna Deane’s material and I recently came across a book that shows the timeline of the invasions and creations of the Annunaki and Leviathon satanic factions….Also it depicts maps of all the locations where their control grid and what I think Kim referred to as ‘altars’ and various stargate portals to the 5th denisty causal plane and the ‘tunnels’ she refers to can be seen in this book, pertaining to the base 10 harmonics of the Annunaki control system and the 12 base harmonics maps and locations much matching with what Kim has said. It also goes into quite a bit of detail about our DNA and the checkerboard mutation of the reversal grid. So I’m looking at connecting the dots, much like you do with Ashayanna Deane’s material, and it makes so much more sense when you understand this technology they’ve used and the reversals of the quantum field and duality.
The timeline for the events leading to now is on page 171, and following that are the maps and grids of their places they have their crystal temples and pyramids all to gain control of the Halls of Amenti. After that she goes into great explanation of the real merkaba spin and the DNA that had been disconnected keeping us in the death by densification cycle of reincarnation.
Enjoy….still trying to wrap my mind around all of this, hopefully I’ll understand more as I study it in detail and the quantum mechanics of what Kim is dealing with when it comes to this grid tech they’ve had for millions of years.
When the Source separated dark matter from light matter and one influencing the other, a location was determined. OK. WHAT IS DARK AND LIGHT MATTER ACCORDING TO KIM GAUGIN’S DEFINITION? Dark matter is not like organic matter. If you want to affect organic matter, you can do so with light, but light will not harm light matter unless you are supporting an innocent life or yourself. Dark matter is a little different: the materials they used were not of human origin, and that’s why everyone got sick. This Absolute Sphere worked autonomously and was located in a megastructure, such a mini-moon, located in the zero station, but with hidden light, and we have not seen it until now. Due to the eclipse, the main line leading to the quantum tunnel was disconnected and disconnected, and this happened to the Source. OK. HOW TO UNDERSTAND THIS – Due to the eclipse, the main line leading to the quantum tunnel was disconnected and disconnected, and this happened to the Source.
Status of Schumann frequencies 04/14/2924.
We Love You All So Very Dearly! Yeshua. 🙏❤
Part 1| Free Hugs in Amsterdam: Blind Trust Experiment / TheJourneyofMonah
Thank you for your Splendid work! For my part, Reading your Articles is an Addition
essential has a good understanding of Kim’s words which often appear to me
+ that disjointed… Once again THANK YOU for adding MEANING to this World to Rebuild…!
Hello, good day , blessings from sxm
Been telling KIM that since December last year they’re sending alerts on our hurricane tracker app saying, “ it’s going to be a very busy season” ( never before they’ve done that in 20 yrs I moved here, season starts in July , so alerts in December are totally out of norm) As Kim says, don’t think negative, cause you’ll manifest what u think, but…….they continued with the alerts still till now. Now we’ve discovered an island off the Antártida they’re heating up the Atlantic Ocean below Africa, where exactly hurricanes form!!!!! I’ll send you link if interested. It’s very bizarre google earth when u zoom in the ocean shows a pic of a garage with 2 cars Arabic writing, don’t know if it’s a glitch or a clue? But I don’t think we should brush his off without double triple checking, it’s no coincidence . This is not for me alone, there’s many people in the Caribbean that still haven’t recovered from the last 3 man made they sent us in 2017 , and then after passing us, they go straight to the USA!!! Many lives could be affected if they get away with this!!!! Please SOURCE dont let them !!!
Blessings to All, much LOVE and LIGHT!!! Daniela & the Beagles from sxm