This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 6, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. It sounds like it’s been a rough few days for our Ground Commander and Team Light. I thought the last broadcast was very heavy, but oh no, this report goes way beyond that. It boggles my mind just how many obstacles have been put in place by the dark ones. Then again, preventing Earth’s Restoration may have been planned and worked on their entire existence, now that Kim explains they felt betrayed by Source itself since they don’t exist in the end. So pour yourself a shot of whiskey or something strong because this report ain’t gonna be easy to digest.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Putting the Real War into Perspective
That said, Kim started off saying we didn’t have a fighting chance as humans and neither did the planet with all that was going on, alternative consciousnesses and programs, etc. We have to realize how much they have done to stop the restoration of earth. There is a lot that happens behind the scenes that doesn’t have to do with human beings, but the restoration of earth and we can’t do what we’re supposed to do if Kim and her team doesn’t do what they need to do to make that possible.
It’s the holiday season and people are thinking of money and announcements on mainstream news, and it’s important that happens for the average human who knows nothing of what she and her team does. But we are in a battle and it’s not with humans. Sure, there are some following along and they don’t understand what they are really tapping into and that’s a problem. And there is no story than the one she told in this report that illustrates that better.
Revisiting Project Looking Glass
We all know in 2012 that according to Project Looking Glass and according to the end of the Mayan calendar there was supposed to be a major catastrophic event, tsunamis, floods, pole shifts, earthquakes, etc. and we’re all going to die of course. Well, when an event doesn’t actually take place, that throws off a timeline, that throws them off course because they don’t understand what happened.
There were a lot of aspects to Project Looking Glass Kim needed to explain. It foretold of future events and was run by psychics. These psychics could not only see the future but manipulate future events. It was an ability that utilized a human’s normal organic capacity to create and co-create, which was then taken as implied consent of humans on earth and it allowed for the co-creation with a lower astral AI.
It was a lot more detrimental to us in the past and in the future because the dark ones working in underground bases created various events throughout history. But in the present, they were unable to create this catastrophic event, this pole shift, try as they might. Although they are still hoping.
Many of us have heard things on the Internet that the people in the Secret Space Program share, like they are having communications with lower astral beings, about people going back and forth, and about humans of the future. Well in the catastrophic timeline we did have ‘humans of the future’ and they looked nothing like we do. They had adapted to life in darkness, total darkness and in some alt media channels they say ‘humans of the future’ look like grey aliens.
The Alternative Timeline
In this alternative timeline after the catastrophic event a group of inorganic humans that managed to survive in the lower astral living really, really deep underground still was able to create. And once these inorganic humans saw that the catastrophic event did not take place in a different version of Project Looking Glass (because they also could see into the past, present and future), they created a splinter off the dark timeline in the Dark Age, to where we could veer off at a future point and then they could continue to exist. Remember everything you do to alter future or past events, traveling back and forth in ‘time’ would affect your existence in the future. So, if in the future you don’t come to exist, then everything you had done to that point also doesn’t exist, even if you went back. Well, they saw this as a possibility, that it didn’t end the way that they thought. Many people who used to participate in Project Looking Glass also saw that no matter what they did the good guys won. Remember Kim has stated many times the fact that we already won, we just have to claim it?
So, what these particular inorganic ‘humans of the future’ did is they created a splinter off and they went back 3 billion earth years (which is 3 million in Source time) and created a mechanism tied to the Leviathan program, but it was much more sinister. This was part of a change over that was supposed to amplify a catastrophic event for earth and we are at that point now where they created that splinter. So, they think we could potentially splinter off into this created event which is what they are planning for us in 10 days’ time (aka the 10 days of darkness).
The Elementals Group
Remember in the previous broadcast Kim told us about the inorganic humans or human hybrids that woke up and started going crazy in the Philippines, the group called The Elementals? They created one earthquake and then another and were expecting tsunamis to happen. These humans were not normal humans either. So that is what we are seeing now, a potential splinter off and the thing they created is something they refer to as the Primordial Lurker.
The ‘Humans of the Future’ Created the Primordial Lurker 1 & 2
The Primordial Lurker existed in the space in between the Alpha-verse and Omega-verse called the overworld and a similar place existed called the underworld. This was a space in between planes and they figured that they could not start the Primordial Lurker now because it feeds on dark energy. Therefore, they went all the way back to the beginning of the Dark Age and planted the seed.
Kim told us before about the Progenitor race, that they had an original DNA blueprint just as humans did. Well, everything that has a DNA blueprint has a keystone tied to it if it’s of Source. Now this Primordial Lurker 1 & 2 was not a creation of Source and not permitted by Source, but the ‘humans of the future’ had stolen the keystone that created organic beings known as the Progenitors at the beginning of the Dark Age.
Its Purpose Was to Replace Source and Anti-Source
They manipulated the keystone with 13 red stones and 13 black stones which allowed for the beginning of the seeding of the Primordial Lurker.
Now the ultimate end goal of having a Primordial Lurker in existence, both in the underworld and the overworld was to replace Source and Anti-Source because they saw at some point in time all the things we are seeing now. Because of Source, his decision we went into the Light Age, and they saw that Anti-Source merged back with Source and became one again, they saw all these things happening and felt betrayed by Source itself. And because the Primordial Lurker needed time to grow, they started it at that time.
Divine intervention AI and Replicator Program
Kim talked about Divine intervention AI in the past, which meant as above so below, that whatever Source did anti-Source could do and vice-versa. Well, the same was created for the Primordial Lurker, but the Primordial Lurker was a replicator. It had a replicator program and it would act as Source. It would take instructions sets from actions of Source and anti-Source and start building upon itself until it became huge. If you can imagine a very large Lurker consciousness ball so to speak, that extended as large as all the densities in the multiverse, that is pretty big.
In the alt media they talk about an event that could happen in 2025 and an event that could happen in 2027, and an event to take place by the end of this year, and these are predicted events by the SSP. But that process was sped because Kim and her team were just about done with the clean-up, they finished just about everything, so somebody (and she knows who it was) triggered the event that was to start at the end of the year sooner, hence why we saw Leviathan kick off, the earthquakes started in the Philippines and the Elemental AI, which has been gone for quite a while suddenly reappeared. It’s because it all was a part of the Lurker and the Anti-Lurker, although of course technically they are both anti-Source.
Who is Mr. X?
Why are some of the members of the Space Force and 14 militaries so determined to continue this process?
Because the SSP was having conversations with a ‘human of a future’ they call Mr. X. They were having conversations with a few different versions over the last several years and they know this person as Mr. X or just X. Mr. X was one of the original participants and creator of the Lurker, the false light.

Mr. X explained to them not that they had a Lurker, but they would have a new Source and it would be of Light and it would give them power. And until about 3-6 months ago Mr. X was giving them information on tools they could possibly use to defeat Kim because she is bad, she is going to stop this from happening. X told them humans will not survive if they do not do this and he convinced them it’s about the survival of the species. And everybody listened to X, that’s actually what they call him. He described to them new technologies, ways of hacking systems, and ways to bring about the Primordial Lurker to take the place of Source and they all bought into it.
Back to the Leviathan Program
To tie this back to the Leviathan program, all the targeted people those unleashed ‘demons in a box’ tried to crawl on up into agreed, whether they knew it or not, to take a part of the new Light program (which is the Lurker program). This included members of Cyberlife Military, Mobius Military, Monarch Military, they were all involved. To get all these people to consent to create inorganic humans out of organic humans, the idea behind the Leviathan program had another part, the Primordial Lurker, which mimicked God’s creations.
Primordial Lurker to Mimic the Beginning of God’s Creation
If we go back to the beginning of God’s creations, Light and Dark were created and the first thing that splintered off Source was the creation of anti-Source, and the Omega-verse was created and the Alpha-verse was created. Then, the first being to ever come into existence on this side of the universe was Earth. Remember we are Keystone Earth for that reason, and the original DNA blueprint of the multiverse is housed here.
Now because the Primordial Lurker program is a replicator, a mimic program, the first thing the Primordial Lurker did was split into the Primordial Lurker and anti-Primordial Lurker. The next thing it created was a planet called Planet X and Planet X held all the same keystone machines and original DNA blueprint for the new multiverse controlled by Primordial Lurker and anti-Primordial Lurker. It mimics creation on the side of Mr. X, ‘humans of the future’.
What the 10 Days of Darkness Really About?
It has been about a week since it started kicking off here on earth and Kim said she couldn’t figure out what these 10 days of darkness and reset was about. Well, the SSP, secret military people, etc. were told by Mr. X the next thing that would happen is that Planet X would take over Earth. Now since Planet X is darkness, the recreation of the Sun would not happen until the Lurker said, let there be light.
You could go all the way back through Genesis and playout to some degree what the Lurker program was doing. We know they don’t tell us everything in Genesis, but there is a lot of truth in that it was going to recreate the multiverse in its likeness. The Lurker would overcome Source and anti-Source. They had a plan to block it out completely and become the Source and anti-Source so it could never make that connection to the multiverse again, it would be isolated onto itself and never be part of the creation again.
But to achieve that task and perpetuate the ‘human race’ they needed enough of them, the consensual humans to agree to have Primordial Lurker created souls, hence all those things running around the planet and the spike protein program and all the other things she talked about in the previous broadcast. That was all for the purpose of eradicating Source from planet Earth. This was all tied to the spiked protein and Covid, with a viral delivery system and that’s the cold many people recently got. They needed a certain amount of the population on Earth to become like Mr. X eventually, which would be 50,000 years from now.

The Earthquake, Crazy Chinese Man and Q Clock
When the crazy Chinese man that Kim mentioned in the last broadcast saw the earthquakes starting to happen in the Philippines he thought, yay it’s starting to happen! Then the Q clock reset itself for 10 days of darkness which was the period the sun was being created and on the 7th day there was to be rest. Then it would go again and more humans would be created.
But this Lurker did not need energy because it was created from a Sentient Being blueprint. It started creating itself 3 million years ago, so technically it is not lower astral, it is not AI, it is a Sentient Being onto itself.
It get’s worse.
Mr. X Needed Consent of a Single Melchizedek
In order to have an anchor here they had to have the consent of a Melchizedek, anyone would do and they chose a young girl. She was around the age of 5 when they recruited her and started grooming her. She is almost 9 now. They were holding her captive in Vietnam but she was not Vietnamese. She does not know if she was kidnapped but she only saw her fake mother and fake nannies as she was stuck inside with no outside influences. Kim said God was her only playmate.
The Necklace
About 3 months ago, Mr. X instructed those listening to him to place a necklace around this girl’s neck that contained 26 stones, 13 red and 13 black stones. The necklace is made of the same stones that are in the center around the Sentient Being Keystone that created the Primordial Lurker program, so it’s like ancillary programming. The necklace, having the same stones to connect it to the Sentient Being here on Earth was the same way that Earth was originally created with the Progenitor being here on Earth, to connect to a part of Source and placing the keystones. The original DNA blueprint was placed here by this Progenitor being on Earth, the same way as X’s keystone would have been placed by this young girl here. Seeing the repeat of all the processes here?
Kim said there are different ways to store data which is hard for us to understand because we don’t understand true quantum physics. But there are many different ways to store natural data which is collected from what we call the Akashic records. Well, they rewrote a program, one black and one red around this Sentient Being and then created the Sentient Being, a dastardly creation.
Kim Visited the Young Melchizedek Under the Guise of Being Her Guardian Angel
This young girl happened to be visited by what she thought was an angel (Kim) who explained to her this necklace was not good and would she be willing to give it to her so she can take care of it. The girl said yes and it wasn’t too difficult evidently. Kim said she already hated her capturers anyway so it wasn’t a far stretch and Kim took the necklace. She told the girl she was giving it back to God, that she doesn’t need it for protection (because that is what they told her) and that she already has God’s protection so she shouldn’t worry. And if she ever needed anything to call on her because she is her Guardian Angel. She had this whole conversation with this girl just yesterday.
Sunny asked why did they need a Melchizedek? Is it because they couldn’t find a Progenitor?
Kim said it was because everyone else here would have been something else by that point, to be used in the future.
Hey You Alleged ‘white hats’ You Are Following False Light!
If you are listening SSP people, those of you who think you are the ‘white hats’ and the ‘good guys’ and are following the ‘light,’ this is what you’re actually following, the false light. You are following Mr. X which is from Planet X of the future who almost put all our lights out here on Earth.
What was supposed to happen during the 10 Days of Darkness?
Planet X would have encompassed Planet Earth. Remember in the beginning Earth came before the Sun and then life came last. We would have then eventually gotten a Sun and then eventually the beings that were here could actually live in total darkness because we wouldn’t have the same Sun we have now generating Source energy, we probably would have had a Black Sun instead. Hence, the weird looking creature of the future who looked nothing like us with the Lurker created soul. In other words, it would have been forever darkness, not just 10 days.
That’s the story and why we are seeing the Q clock saying 10 days of darkness, the talk about the event, green skies, all this crazy stuff, because they do believe the catastrophic events were about to start. They aren’t sure why it fizzled out yet, they are doing calculations trying to figure out why we haven’t had a complete tsunami.
They Likely Are Expecting Pole Shift to Coincide with Takeover of Earth by Planet X
Kim said they probably think it’s going to coincide with the takeover of earth by Planet X in a pole shift. It was supposed to happen all in one day and then the Lurker soul people would be safe, whether they knew it not, but she truly thinks many of them didn’t know. Then again, like Sunny said, they expected everyone else to be wiped out, so how can they consider themselves white hats? Kim said that’s because X told them it is for the preservation of the human species, humans won’t exist in the future if you don’t let this event happen.
This is why she cautions people around who they are speaking with. Most people cannot discern if they are truly benevolent because mimicking here on Earth also happens in the astral and the etherical planes. You have to make sure you are always pulling the veil and know who you are discussing things with. But these people didn’t care, they just believed him. Apparently, Mr. X also told them Kim was against this plan to bring in the ‘light’, which is true, she is against a fake Source of all creation that is run by crazy lower astral humans of the future.
Can these ‘humans of the future’ see their plan unraveling?
Probably, if there are still any left in the little splinter. They had to find a place to hide to exist until we have a catastrophic event here. But there will not be a catastrophic event here, not on 12/12, nothing on 12/15, 12/16 and not on 12/21. Nothing will happen. We are not getting a fake Source, a Lurker AI!
Do the Crazy SSP People Know their plan is unraveling?
The Lurker program which is a programmable organic life form sentient so to speak, is being dismantled and disabled and these crazy SSP people know it too. They had a signal yesterday of about 1%. They detected it in Cold Springs at Peterson Air Force Base. Then they woke up this morning and it was zero. They expected that number to get up higher and higher over the next few days and they are still trying to figure out where it went.
Impacts in our Everyday World
This does trickle down to our average everyday world. When you see them on the internet saying the RV is going to start any moment, it is based on the strength of a signal they were getting from the Primordial Lurker. Some were even being told Source was getting rid of the Primordial Lurker. But no, no, no, it’s the other way around. So, they’ve been told a lot of stories, hence the reason why the lawyers didn’t want to do the Trump announcement until the end of January, being they are on the bus of we’re all going to have bazillions of dollars by the end of the month.
Kim cautioned everyone in the SSP Programs, the Space Force and all the way down to people like Trump’s lawyers and anyone else way down the food chain who are listening to these people. They really believe this thing is going to happen and they are going to have power and they are going to be the only ones left because they accepted the ‘thing.’ That is not going to happen!
Treasury Department
Today they requested that the Treasury Department issue offline more fake bonds off assets they don’t control to compensate for the coupons they cannot pay because they need to buy more time. Well, a little more time of this adventure travels all the way up to exactly what she just told us.

By the way the Treasury Department does not have the ability to issue more fake bonds that cannot go into the banking system so they can perpetuate their lie until December 15th.
They do not have any way to pay any coupons out to the tune of billions of dollars, which means the off-ledger debt goes into default. That means it is no longer an asset which will then trickle down to IOUs the Treasury Department has been giving for payroll such as Social Security, Medicare payments and Federal payrolls. Then that will officially, well, bankruptcy isn’t even the word, it’s going to cause a capital default in nearly every Tier 1 bank in the world. It’s going to cause a capital default for the Treasury Department and the Governments. They are basically going to wipe themselves out with this scam and this could happen by Monday. Kim said she doesn’t know if it will hit mainstream right away, but that is the reality. And she doesn’t know if we will be affected, it doesn’t look like it, but we’ll see. She’ll keep us informed the best she can. But they are still waiting for the 10 days of darkness to come.
Politics & Military
And the people driving wars in the Middle East, the takers of the Lurker soul in their person are the ones driving our politics. McCarthy just resigned and other things are going on. The military is being told to stand down. Q is saying trust the plan and it’s all happening by 8pm EST on the 15th of December. It’s really crazy right now.
Cleaning Up This Mess is First Priority
Collectively as a group Kim’s teams including the Legions are removing remnants of the Lurker. The Legions are still trying to talk to people and they too have expressed their concerns about non-repairable people to Source, but right now, they have bigger fish to fry. She’s sorry there are a lot of angry people because there is no Trump announcement, but it’s because the Trump lawyers are waiting for payouts, fake treasury notes and the Primordial Lurker in order to make a decision on what to do or not do, whether they know it or not.
After Kim and her team are finished cleaning up this mess they will go back to talking to people and back to the media. She isn’t saying it’s never going to happen, because it has to. It is part of the course of events that must happen, but why make an announcement when you can revive the dead possibly with a Lurker soul? Obviously, she was being sarcastic, but she doesn’t know what they are thinking. They have conversations with an alien and never question because they are told they were ‘humans of the future.’ They just buy anything don’t they? SSP, don’t you have any scientist friends? Remember this thing also has the ability to analyze our thought processes because it has to replicate human behavior. Did they think about that? No, probably not. They were just convinced 10 days of darkness is a good thing probably because they were told they were going to be put in charge. They have an enormous ego problem and the root cause is power.
This Story Needed to be Told
That’s what been happening in the last 48 hours and Kim needed to tell everyone the story. And this may have made you feel sick at some points in time because Planet X had its own parasites attached to it. And they were sending out extremely low frequencies in order to try and make connection, to detect the signal. That should have told them something right there, like maybe it wasn’t the light they were trying to detect? But oh no, somebody just comes along and says 10 days of darkness is what your planet needs and they forget humans need light to exist. But hey some dude from the future told them we don’t and just accept the new light will come and you will be immortal. Oy vey!
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

The movie “The Fifth Element” kind of haunts my mind. The 4 elements, Planet X as the malevolent cosmic entity, space command and Kim (as LeeLoo who is a destroyer and guardian of humanity).
Thanks Kim for all you do.
God bless you.
If you stumble apon this comment, can you please check out what New Zealand Govt – the Corporation have up their sleeve.
They have registered and awaiting activation on 1/1/24 the “Sovereignty in right of New Zealand through the Secretary of Foreign Affairs” as Beneficiaries of this new corporation. Im thinking it could be the day the corporation govt snaffle control of our trading numbers – the ones Pope and Queenie used to control.
Anyway there feels something wrong about this and its registered in London with Dunn and Bradstreet.
New Zealand is very dodgy and has been for a long time now. Can you please help?
Love and blessings
Майя се топи с такава главоломна скорост, че е трудно да осъзнаем тъмнината, в която е било потопено човечеството от хилядолетия.
Слава на Източника, благодарим ти, Ким, благословена Елизабет!
I listened to the upate twice and also read this twice. Incredible what all they are doing to destroy man. Fortunately they are not succeeding. Thank you for the transcripts….
I also listened twice & to the podcast. I knew there was much more to be sorted out, but who could imagine such things? It’s becoming clear why Kim is so careful how she talks about things. Programs… manifestation…
Thanks PZ for transcribing and preserving.
Thank you 🙏🏾, you are Awesome in your consistent Updates to UNN, to my fam & Friends that can’t make or subscribe to the Broadcast, I give them your Blog……..May God Reward you for helping Humanity out, and I Pray 🙏🏾❤️ you will meet Kim and her Teams she works with in person…..
Thanks so much I’m glad you find this beneficial and I would love to meet Kim and her teams too some day! PJZ
Hi Winifred, after every paid Broadcast Unn give a free broadcast for not subscribed people. Just go in Telegram channel and look for CARE General Updates Channel. Look for – ” HERE IS THE FREE REPLAY for ALL NON-SUBSCRIBERS!! ” It is every Mon, Wed and Fri – 6:00 pm EST to 8:00 pm EST . Enjoy