This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 3, 2024 on YouTube. In this report she goes back to what’s been happening behind the scenes with the crazies. The good news is we are not talking about thousands or even hundreds but just a handful now. Well I surely hope that’s the case.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Behind the Scenes Between Governments, SSP and the Operatives Still on the Program
Some in the SSP and the 14 shadow militaries are still a few placing orders around the world. It’s now somewhere around 13-15 crazies who believe they are in charge and still giving it a go. From what Kim can tell Monarch Military is the one in charge now. Umbrella used to be the one in charge of all the shadow militaries, hence the name Umbrella because they all fell under them.
They are continuing to order operatives who are still listening to them to do things. One of those things being the January 1, 2024 Japan earthquake. She knows, without a shadow of a doubt it was Arasaka Military and they used more conventional weaponry for that, like a DEW. She is still checking to see if anyone else was involved. Other major events were prevented but unfortunately this earthquake wasn’t expected and they didn’t make it over there in time. It was not any kind of SSP or Secret Space Program technology involved in this, unlike the fires in Maui, but damaging nonetheless and her heart goes out to the people in Japan. At this time, it’s going to be really hard to get some help to those people who need it, but she and her team are assessing the situation.
Note: For 15 secret militaries ACIO Official – Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization ( website and related post, The 15 Groups in the Shadow Military | How Intelligence Agencies Were Structured | 41 Coven Members Left Still Floundering | Part 2 | Just Empower Me
Saddam Hussein’s Third Secret Son Is a Member of Monarch Military
This is Saddam Hussein’s third secret son, Adnan “Saif” Mohammad and he is a member of Monarch Military. He is also involved in the Q movement and Trump movement. For those who don’t know, Saddam Hussein’s nickname when he was in college was Uncle Sammy, as in Uncle Sam. He was very good friends with Bush Sr, and a member of Skull and Bones and the Order of the Black Sun.

As we know Bush Sr. became the Black Eagle or the Head of the Order of the Black Sun. The Order of the Black Sun usually is a lineage and comes from the Cain family line which is a lower astral race of beings that bred with humans, that’s how we got the Order of the Black Sun. This is why their rituals are very strange. They start their children off at the age of 3 programming them, they go to summer camp specifically for these types of things. This is why they do what they do and why they are the way they are, and why it’s so difficult for them to see the world any other way. The programming goes very deep in these people’s heads.
Adnan is in Alberta, Canada as of yesterday, he is a resident there and crazy to say the least. He is 100% involved, actively participating in the death and destruction program as he is part of that small group of people still giving it a go. If you have been following the Q clock it says the world is going to end on January 12th, which also happens to be the day after the new moon, which also happens to be the day annually the Order of the Black Sun would get funding.
Hum, this is January 6th that I’m writing this post and it says ‘Revelations’. I wonder what are they up to now?

Coming soon | Q (
They Are Working for Potential Death Payments That Haven’t Come in Years
Kim has told us numerous times about the annual meetings that used to take place. The Family Meetings would take place in July and they go down rank and file until it reached the SSP operatives, the operative level and military level (not the 5 Star Generals), and this is a worldwide thing. Based on all those orders and instructions that would trickle down to the highest ranks, contracts would then come out. Now some of the higher-level ranking operatives would receive their contracts the day after the harvest moon every year. Other operatives however would try to cause as much death and destruction, hence the earthquake in Japan and the potential threat she received information about last week regarding the targeted cities for a New Year’s Eve event. Then on the following new moon after the 1st of the year is when the death payments would come. The higher the death toll, the bigger the payment they would get per head.
Note: For related post on potential New Year’s Eve events see, Q-Clock Resets Again | Foretells 13 Cities on New Year’s Eve Will Mark the Beginning of the End | Except the Alien Tech Needed to Kill Millions Gathered in these Cities Was Removed | Kim Traces Orders Back to the Lee Family Who Were Also Removed | Genesis 2.0, God’s 7 Day Creation Period Began on Christmas Day! | Reweaving the Fabric of the Universe Happens in 7 Days Because Earth Time & Source Time Are Now the Same! | Just Empower Me
There Were a Lot of Promises Made to Governments on January 1st
Kim has told us numerous times that every year the US military would declare Martial Law for 20 minutes, therefore putting them in charge, bypassing Congress and receiving funding directly from the Order of the Dragon. Because most of the people that had access to the systems called NET6 or Internet 6, or the ABIL P4 system are no longer with us, the next rank down of operatives are all promising money based on the belief this still happens. They don’t understand it hasn’t happened in years. So, everyone is angry because no money came of course. Countless people from the military and operative sectors have shown up in Durango over the last 24 hours and they are very angry. They want to know what is going on.
The Truth About Kim Providing the Funding in 2012 is Spreading
They know Kim is in Durango, and evidently there has been a lot of talk and a lot of chatter about the copies of the funding she put out in 2012. She put them on telegram not only to show all of us, but she also put it there because the information was already sent out through to governments, so the agency people had received it. But by putting it out in a public forum anybody can see it. So, these operatives on the other end who have been lied to consistently have now seen it too and there was a huge eruption after she posted that because none of them knew. They were always told she is crazy and never did anything.
Note: For related post on Kim’s 10-Year Extension, see 10 Year Money Printing Extension Expired July 4th | 13 Shadow Militaries All Gone! | Cryptococcosis, the New Virus Intercepted | Candida Outbreak Diverted | Agreement with Draco Expired | The Remaining Imbeciles Have No Friends Left | Just Empower Me
Now Operatives Are Also Pulling the Diplomatic Line Logs for Her Conversations with Trump
That led to other people, like your Trump operatives now getting that information and pulling the logs for every diplomatic conversation she had with Trump on the White House terminal, the diplomatic line. For those that don’t know, a diplomatic conversation is always recorded in the Archives and the Hall of Records automatically, it’s not something you can stop.
When they say Trump took the nuclear football, it wasn’t the nuclear football, Kim is the nuclear football, she holds the 3rd set of keys to launch a nuclear weapon. What Trump took was the terminal to Mar a Lago after he left office. Now we all know he’s not with us anymore, so the operatives playing the role finally got wind of what Kim was really trying to do here, which was to save governments, thinking we could turn things around. But this new information actually turned some of their heads, which is why we have a much lower percentage of operatives still on the death and destruction program. Some are Arasaka Military, and this third secret son of Saddam Hussein is definitely involved and it’s about 15 or so people, so we’re not talking hundreds or thousands but a few people who are still planning on doing this.
The next day of promised money didn’t go over well either because they didn’t promise them money on January 12th when they think it’s going to come because they aren’t sure if it’s supposed to be a full moon or a new moon. They are also saying the world is going to end by Jan 12th, remember it’s about death payments. And they are trying to make it happen despite the fact they are aware there is very little dark matter and they have very little connection to humans, but it doesn’t stop them from trying to end the world so they can get a big payment and become Kings of the World.
By the way Trump also did not return on Jan 1st as promised. No money came out for the reevaluation of currency either. What a surprise.
Durango is Full of Angry People Asking Questions
The second part of the reason for the angry wave of people that started yesterday is because they pushed their promise of payment to the end of the month and said maybe we can fund you. But they are out of money and out of time. There is a war going on that was started by them and they won’t be able to keep it running. So, they are showing up in Durango looking for answers, not only from Kim but from the local people.
That’s kind of where the world is at right now. She doesn’t see any natural disasters but she sees them running around everywhere trying to create a natural disaster. Her alerts are going off constantly about a meeting they are having amongst themselves either for a harmful event planned for the USA, Iraq, Iran, Bethlehem, and thus far they have been unsuccessful in doing any of those things. They don’t seem to understand the mechanism behind what they want to do doesn’t exist anymore and they keep trying.
They Were Trying to Send Out Extremely Low Frequencies to Kill a Lot of People
Another event they were trying earlier today involves sending out extremely low frequencies coming from zero-point earth, which would then go out through the veins of gold. Then it would eventually go out through the fiberoptic cables, which is a giant web of cables throughout the world, and eventually through your televisions and phones to cause death and destruction killing a lot of people.
Spreading Rumors Kim is Not the Trustee Anymore
There are also people putting out rumors like Kim isn’t the Trustee anymore. Well, she will dispel those rumors later today because it actually came from the government. One person put it out there on social media or something and then of course the CIA and NSA gets involved and then the SSP heard and says oh great, more people are saying the same thing so let’s tell the Pentagon and everyone else it’s true. It’s a lie of course and Kim planned to put out the proof to the governments today that it’s still herself.
Basically, we are in the same position as a few days ago, except we keep moving and they go nowhere. They continue going around in circles but the world is not going to end on the 11th or 12th.
Continuing to Take the Trash Out
A lot of operatives disappeared over the last few days not only in the US in places like Wichita, Kansas, but other areas of the world. And these people personally went to locations to check the information they received, like to the Octagon, which was a hub not run by humans for a long time. That was a communication post to the lower astral, demon-ville or hell. That’s where they would get information, orders and instructions. They tried to file agreements there recently too so they are no longer with us. They know every time they step foot somewhere they won’t return. Even witnessing for themselves people being sent on operations never come back, it doesn’t stop them.
Why do they continue when they witness no one comes back?
Because of their programming. They are all told they are special. You are from an ancient bloodline of so and so, insert biblical character, when it’s actually the opposite. So, they are appealing to their own self sense of who they are. Most likely Saddam’s third secret son was told he was the Mahdi and he’s coming back to save the world. They are very fractionated mentally, it’s not schizophrenia, but their brain is so compartmentalized where they create their own reality, but its multiple realties at the same time. They don’t see the world the way we do. For example, on the one hand this guy has expressed that he’s the Mahdi and is in contact with people in Iraq like Sistani and other religious leaders throughout the Shiite and Suni communities. The Mahdi is the second coming of Muhammad, the savior if you will. Now on the flip side of it he is running around giving out orders to send out electromagnetic frequencies through electronic devices that are coming through the veins of gold to the fiberoptic cables around the world in order to kill everybody. He believes he is this religious leader sent here to save everybody, but meanwhile he’s sending out orders to kill everybody. There is a bit of a conflict there, no? Then who is he going to save if there is nobody left?
The Tie Back to Trump
But nonetheless, this is where the tie comes into Donald Trump. Bush Sr, Saddam Hussein, Trump, and Q are all Order of the Black Sun. If your father is Order of the Black Sun, chances are the son is as well. It’s a family bloodline and Kim hopes we are getting a clearer picture because someone asked her on telegram I think it was, why she doesn’t like Trump? Whoever asked that question is clearly a newbie here. But Kim said I don’t dislike anybody, it’s because she has factual data to prove Trump is not a friend to humanity. She has proof he participated in a 40th year birthday ritual. Usually a child is sacrificed, some rape is involved and some blood drinking and there are video tapes of this very thing. They all do it for their 40th birthday. There are also video tapes of him partying with Jeffrey Epstein, yet for some reason people still paint him as a hero. But he’s not alive and breathing anyway so just stop the lie! Yes Please! For the love of God make it stop! I’m so sick of hearing about him!
The rest of Kim’s update entails the up-coming changes for the new United Network app. Some she talked about in her Special Update, my previous post. I will not outline all that information here but will mention what is relevant as it happens instead.
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

This was an interesting update.
Thanks for the transcript
C’est vraiment MAGIQUE .
Merci à PJK de retranscrire les infos de KIM , que je fais à mon tour parvenir à 3 personnes ÉVEILLÉES .Cela m’a aussi permis d’ouvrir au maximum ma conscience et de me rendre compte qu’on était complètement manipulé de tous bords .
Bonne leçon : faire preuve de discernement , ne donner son pouvoir à personne .
Personnellement j’ai fait la démarche de la SOUVERAINETÉ auprès de la COMMON LAW COURT ,dès 2021
Vous êtes les bienvenus – PJZ
Thank you for these updates. I looked on Rumble and of course some post her videos on Odysee too, and then see Team Bubba who put up a channel on rumble named United Network News and two ‘Judgement day part 1 & 2’ of Kim’s conversations and guessing ‘Lisa’ also is part of Team bubba. It’s sad to see that Kim has no one, almost….that she can trust to do their part for the news and truth of the situation we have here on this planet. You can hear Kim’s frustration and I get that how she dislikes Trump, for none of us were aware that he did his 40th birthday celebration, and sad when you think someone is a good guy to find they are no different than the evil groups we are trying to get rid of. Some were calling him and his ‘white hat’ group actually ‘grey hats’. I know some of the ETs have warned the grey hats that they need to end this ‘shit show’ and free humanity, totally and disclose the truth to humanity via the MSM like they could have done years ago and we’d be so much better off right now. but I knew we had ‘two sides of the same coin’ here for years and been trying to tell people that the normies aren’t the only ones that need to wake up.
According to some sources, these ETs that offered to help us clean up the black hat and satanic lucerferian groups were denied because the grey hats like having their power and never intended to totally free humanity for some time, and they would never totally disclose the information about ET races, and their contracts with them in exchange for technology. They would also never give us free energy even though they are using it now. I believe they are only and have always been working on their Blockbuster Hero/Savior Biblical program of the matrix frequency construct they have going and since most of that has been dismantled, as they thought they’d be the ones in charge, it’s gonna take some time for this to trickle down to the masses if they don’t start telling the truth in MSM to all the brainwashed minions and groups, secret societies who want power over others. We have no representattives who will tell us all the truth except for Kim who isn’t allowed to tell us everything but I’m all for THE WHOLE TRUTH….yes, we can handle it if we just grow the hell up and put on our big boy/girl pants and start helping each other out. Not much shocks me anymore but I know humanity will get a huge one if we can ever get free of their constant ‘rule’ of leaders and royalty crap.
So I think this year is gonna be great, if only we can get people to stop looking up to gooberment and these leaders to solve our problems. I’d love to get rid of them all, police and set up another sort of society that doesn’t tample on our constitutional rights and actually help us THRIVE…no NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE necessary. This is just getting so ridiculous with the Q clock and BS we are lied to constantly. I’ve been frustrated with it all for a few years now.
I hope Kim can at least get things going again and not with people whom she can’t trust aren’t part of the Team Bubba who keeps constantly attacking her.
Here is their latest atempt to attack Kim on Rumble:
I started listening to team bubba when Kim started dragging her feet about Trump and the legion. At this point if there isn’t proof I’m not believing it..Kim isn’t who you all think she is. And no one hates to say that more than me. The whistle-blower Lisa is still working with kim.. they are all making a lot of money off of subscriptions. She’s admitted she has never spoken to Langley, the generals or the legion according to this whistle-blower she gets her info from other people.
I’m sick of being lied to.
Yes I agree once you know the truth the spell is broken and you need to get away from this in order to look at things like this which are helpful and the education we all need to understand what our enemy is doing to us and how to protect ourselves. I feel the same I was so taken in my Kim absolutely adored her except for the Supernatural stuff not believing that.
Check this out for your education it is heavy going but we all need to know about it.
I think it is very important to educate yourself on matters like this that they do not want you to concentrate on. Kim is just another thing to entertain you to stop you finding out about what matters – I am not going to knock Kim I have lots of information that has awaken me about her – once you know the truth it is what it is the spell is broken and I am not going to try to educate you all on that because I know you won’t listen. This is what you need to know about and it is more important to concentrate on educating yourself with what is important this woman is not doing anything to help you. But thank you for your update .
This video is one of several videos we are calling the COVID Truth Educational Series. It has been put together in a step by step educational format. The purpose of these videos is to help clear up the confusion of the lies that have been told to the public through the COVID agenda. We believe that educating people about the truth of what was done to the human population through COVID is the best defence humanity has against this ever happening again, and those who planned COVID are definitely planning to do something again in the near future.
This video is meant to be free and uninterrupted. It is put together as a public service by We are Engineers, Scientists and Researchers that run a handmade EMF protection products business. We are also Authors of the Book “Forbidden Tech The Complete Guide To Energy, Social, And Biological Technologies That They Did Not Want You To Know About”
We Hope You Benefit From this Presentation and Share it / Mirror It To Help Spread The Word.
From Rumble: Great Reset Technology