This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 10, 2024 on YouTube and it was another long report and it’s all here in one post. The roots are gone and things are steamrolling now. She discussed what is going on behind the scenes and what the interim plan is because we cannot just slam on the brakes of a 500 year old monetary system.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

A Quick Recap of Monday
We discussed what the base roots of the financial system were, how everything came to be and this also played into the base roots of the power structure of planet Earth. So, let’s talk about the base root structures of planet Earth again. We have done a video the year before around July that talked about the worldwide government structures of the Order, who was above the Order and those types of things and it’s worth doing again for the newbies.
Note: For related post, see Review of the Former Control Structure on Earth for Next Level on Deck, the Remaining Floundering Coven Members | Part 1 | Just Empower Me
Review of the Power Structure of Earth
Marduk | Enki | Enlil
At the top there were three seats known as Marduk, Enki and Enlil. These were not human beings and these were titles, it’s has no relevance to an actual being and none of them have been around and in power for years now.
The 21 Parents (Humans)
Underneath them we had 21 parents who were human beings who had been given life extension technologies. They could live up to 7,000 8,000, 9,000 years and some of these people were famous figures throughout history, for example Nefertiti being one of them. The Parents would take direct orders from Marduk, Enki and Enlil.
Covens & Coven Masters
Below the Parents we had Coven and Coven Masters. The Coven Masters would be over the Covens and they would take direct orders from the Parents. The Sanhedrin would be for example of a Coven for a specific sector. The Dragon Families had various types of Covens over them. Now you start getting into the names you know such as the Medici, the Aldobrandini, the Rothschilds, the Bauers, the Lee family of China, the Lee family out of Singapore. Now you’re getting into the Committee of 300 members your Illuminati if you will, your Pindar, those types of people. Then on down the food chain we get into other government control structures.
Now the base bond holders were Enki, Enlil and Marduk and also the Abraxas. The bonds that were issued that the Dragon Families were aware of were way down the food chain, and this is what created the advent of governments and government structures.
I’m explaining this to you today for a reason because there seems to be a lot of confusion as to what’s going on now underneath the Families. Certain Families were responsible for financial sectors which is why when we talk finance we have talked a lot about the Rothschilds, the Khazarian Mafia being the banksters. It’s just because those people, whether they knew it or not a few levels up the food chain reported directly to the Parents that were in charge of the financial sector of the world. There were others that were in charge of the political sectors, for example. Those people may fall in part in both financial and non-financial matters. Those non-financial matters would be like, who’s going to be President and oftentimes it would be someone from both sectors. For example, President Reagan in the United States and his Vice President. President Reagan was a member of the Order of the Black Sun and so was Bush Senior, Bush Junior, Cheney and so on and so forth. Biden would be more on the Rothschild side whereas Kamala would be more on the Black Sun side. So, there’s definitely an order to things on how they choose these heads of state.
Corporate Governance
Then we have the corporate governance of planet Earth and the non-compete plan where there were specific corporations owned by both the Order of the Black Sun and the Order of the Dragon and both sides shared in that corporate control of planet Earth. For example, there’s a reason why the Rockefeller family was permitted to start Standard Oil way back in the day, which was then divided into names you know such as BP and what they call the Seven Sisters, the largest oil companies in the world, which control somewhere around 85 to 95% of the world’s oil reserves. Then you would have other companies that were in charge of agriculture, like Monsanto and Dole. These are your big corporates. Then of course we have big Pharma which is another sector of big corporates, your Pfizer, Moderna, etc.
News that the Roots are Gone Started Steamrolling
In the last 48 hours it started steamrolling that we have finally gone from the roots of the tree being a problem for us, to going all the way through to the branches and the leaves now and issues have presented themselves in the last 24 to 48 hours.
Interpole has now launched an investigation into why there is a problem worldwide with continuance of government. The FBI has also launched an investigation here in the United States as to the continuance of government or the disruption of continuance of government in the United States.
Things the FBI Has Begun Investigating
Fraud against the United States government. Now this would be your SSP members or Secret Space Program members that have repeatedly said, just wait, wait until a day ending in y. They actually have them all on video walking into the Treasury Department and/or on a recording calling the Treasury Department telling them not to do their job which is causing a disruption of government business, which is section 17 52-A-2 under the Federal Government.
They are also launching an investigation under Section 1505, obstructing congressional proceedings. Congress is unable to vote new laws into effect and have them ratified in the National Archives in the Hall of Records. They are now realizing this. They have also been unable to ratify new politicians in any country in the world as an official Head of State. They are now coming to the conclusion that the people that they have been looking to do this are not the right people.
Other things being thrown around by the FBI currently are the banks are being investigated for filing fraudulent numbers through to the SEC. For attempting to file fraudulent bankruptcy using fraudulent numbers and conveyance to the Federal Government in a court of law.
There is also an investigation into tax authorities worldwide being spearheaded by Interpole and also in the United States by the FBI for the conveyance of 80% fraudulent transference of 80% of the Federal taxes to a third-party entity. This is really happening. Is that the Rothschild transfer, is that what it’s referring to? Oh yes, it is the question the Interpole people who are investigating have.
So now did they legitimately not know that this stuff was happening? Is this new information to them or are they just tired of same old same old and they’re finally taking action?
I would say it’s in part both. Part of this is new information, a lot of the agencies were aware that there was a higher power in this world, but they are now looking for “who is the real Authority here?” By yesterday afternoon they have figured out the following:
- It is not the SSP the Secret Space Force, the 15 militaries we talk about all the time or the SEC.
- It is not the Order of the Black Sun, not the Black Pope, and not the Vatican.
- It is not the Rothschild family, not the Chinese family in China.
It is not any of these people because if it were, the following things would not be happening:
The original pulling of all the collateral, if it was them in charge and in control that actually did it, they would be able to have stopped it from happening and they cannot. Since that time, especially from this morning all the bonds that were created digitally and otherwise against the collateral, aka you as citizens of your respective countries have been going away, they’re just deleting at a rapid rate from the financial system to include but not limited to treasury bonds and government bonds. Now remember these are assets of Banks and assets formerly of the Fed, and assets formally of your respective Central Banks, Treasuries and Governments.
Corporate World Example | Swift
Swift is an international transfer system. Now in the technology world Swift is a glorified email system, that’s all it ever was. So technically if you were sitting in say Germany and you sent an email to me in America, how long does it take to typically reach you? It should be almost instantaneous as its name implies, an instantaneous email from one party to another. However, you probably know if you’ve made any international transfers in your life that depending on what country you’re in it could take 24 hours, 48 hours, a week, or two weeks to receive a Swift transfer, and sometimes even longer. The same goes for wire transfers, IBAN transfers, ACH transfers and all the other types of transfers we make around the world in various systems, including union pay in China the CIPS system, the Russian payment system, you name it.
Why were these transfers not instantaneous?
Swift is a Rothschild owned company of course and what Swift got called on this morning, which is the same thing that is happening with all other transfer systems as well, was an enormous margin call because their line of credit went away. When we were the collateral to their financial system, they would actually use the money that was in Swift to trade against, so they had a margin account issued to them against all the monies that is in Swift. They would trade against those monies while it was in transit. Now, unfortunately for them, since they no longer have the custody of human beings and the custody of human beings’ energy also known as money, that margin account went away. When I tell you the leaves of the tree are falling, they are falling rapidly.
Corporate World Example | MERS
The functionality of MERS has no value currently because they don’t have the right to leverage your loan so to speak, because we’re not in a debt system anymore. MERS is a system here in the United States which is pretty much a worldwide system, this is your mortgage electronic recording service which allows them to issue derivatives against your mortgage, also collateralized mortgage obligations. It’s important to understand this because this will eventually trickle down to you, the consumer.
Corporate World Example | CDOS, CDLs, CDSS
We also have in the business world CDOS, CDLs and CDSS which are basically the same in the business world, commercial or corporate debt obligations those types of things. This is also going to have a significant effect in the corporate debt market, the corporate stock market, and many other areas of the world and this is why I sent that message out on telegram to be ever mindful if the bond market falls the stock market is going to fall. So, it could crash. It could. But I’m going to give you the fix at the end of this broadcast on where we’re going.
Treasury Department Filed Complaints Today
Additionally, the Treasury Department has also filed complaints today with the FBI in regards to people that keep showing up there and causing physical bodily harm to Treasury people. They don’t want to hear from those people anymore. They’ve dealt with multiple rounds of different people, the SSP now, Langley 5, other various generals in the past, people in the military, and whoever it is anywhere at this moment in time, well they’re not welcome, they cannot do business with their orders of waiting.
Government Employees Worldwide Are Starting to Stand Up for Themselves
We are having a situation where government employees are starting to feel like they have the right to stand up for themselves, before they didn’t feel like they had the ability to do that. This is actually a worldwide situation now. For governments all over the world in various public systems they’re not bad people, they just have bad management and bad leadership and false management and false leadership at least for the last several years.
There are complaints of things we’re hearing around the Republican Caucus, that they have already filed something against the current Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. The reason why is because they know he is reporting to a third-party entity (Umbrella Military Corporation) and he has failed to have any new Republican Senators ratified in the Hall of Records and then therefore into the National Archives. He’s been accused of obstructing the government, its ability to do business. Also, he is affecting the continuance of government. Now in part that is true because no one has gotten to the real authority as it relates to the financial system, who can fix it, or the party that controls the Hall of Records which is responsible for ratification because there’s always a third-party person in the middle that claims it’s them and that is false.
It has been a whirlwind of shattering epic proportions which started yesterday afternoon as to multiple failures worldwide and what we’re only seeing is the tip of the iceberg right now and it’s going to get worse and it’s going to get public.
Interim Solutions to this Potential Market Failure Situation
People are asking about market failures, they’re asking about their personal savings and pension funds and these types of things, especially those that are on a government pension whether that be veterans all over the world, or teachers, anyone that’s on some kind of a pension. Since the banking system and the financial system currently has no collateral the algorithms that have been running overnight are switching from a debt-based system to an asset-backed system now.
What does the switch from a debt-based to an asset-backed system mean for you personally?
We have chosen a compilation of metals as an asset, that means basically every bit of gold on this planet, silver, diamonds you name it, and there are also some other minerals like rhodium and other hyper conductors of energy that are in this mix. We have divided them not only by each currency (so the location in the world where that currency is required), we also divided them all between the 8+ billion people that walk this Earth, so you are technically the beneficiaries of that.
It means anything that’s issued by these Metals, you are allowed your portion as a beneficiary which means Direct Energy, delivery from Source directly to your human being without interference of a third- party entity, a third-party Consciousness, a third party you name it, Families are otherwise, Gnostic people are otherwise, because that’s also come up in the last couple of days. So that means not only energy directly into your human without a haircut as it’s called in the financial world, but you now also can receive money directly. This is also very important because money is energy.
How the Old Way Worked
I want to explain the old way because people are going to be confused about this. In the old way of doing things Banks would have had an algorithm or rules of the financial system which would have allowed a certain amount of leverage against an asset like gold, diamonds, or silver. For example, Treasury Departments were allowed a 50 to1 ratio, Banks were allowed a 25 to1, and you as a Consumer (if it’s legal for you to hold gold in your country) you would have been allowed 80 to 85% of the value of the gold itself. That’s how it worked in a credit system.
However, the new system now recognizes the fact that gold is an ever-abundant producer of energy, therefore within reason, because we still have to adhere to the laws of supply and demand and because the rules under Natural Law are take what you need and leave the rest.
So, regarding your portion of gold. You can only be at 100% energy, you can only fill your gas tank so to speak at the pump with 100%, you can only fill it 100% of the way, you can’t fill it 150% of the way and that is that. The mentality that we have fallen prey to was lack, lack was a Consciousness and we will need to learn as humans how to take what you need and leave the rest because it’s not necessary, there’s an abundant flow available to you. but if I go all the way down to your account and I register your bank account per se and then there is the unbanked which there’s a section for that as well and I register your bank account as technically the direct beneficiary of gold so to speak, then gold being a hyperconductor of that Source energy which does actually start out as an energy and then it moves its way through the planes of existence and becomes a physical item in your account and I assign it to all of those individuals, now we have not backed “the banking system” we have backed the “people’s monetary system” that we utilize without giving the bank an asset, without giving the governments an asset, and without giving the Federal Reserve an asset. They are no longer managers of your money. Does this make sense?
An Intervention from the Office of the Currency Curator (aka Kim) Will Keep the System Balanced In the Interim
Now there’s not that many people who will know what I’m saying and what’s going on, so there’s going to have to be a little bit of an intervention from the office of the Currency Curator which is me, to make sure that we’re keeping a balanced system and we’re not imploding and people aren’t going to work anymore, even if that’s in a new field you enjoy, the things they like to do. So, this intervention will be needed until we can move away from oppressive corporate structures and move into more of a free enterprise type structure worldwide. It’s going to take a little bit of time, it’s going to take a few years and that’s part of what CARE is designed to do, it’s designed to teach everyone that this is a free enterprise type structure with security because we still need security. So, this is the intention before the banking system crashes, so currencies will not crash, because currencies belong to the Office of the Currency of the Curator. This is confusing to people but it’s always belonged to the person that sat in my chair before me.
Now at the switch of the Dark Ages over to the Light ages Marduk, Enki and Enlil would not have been allowed to be in charge, it has to be someone with this particular amount of essence and that co-creative connection and all of you will have that same restoration soon. For now, it will be guarded, just like people have a guardian sometimes whether that’s your parents or that’s another legal guardian that takes care of you until we have the ability to live in a world full of sovereign beings. As we learn and grow as a people, as a Humanity, but it’s our job to educate these people and teach them a new way. That’s why the Center for Amity and Restoration of Earth (CARE) is so important and I’m encouraging people and groups get together and start figuring out how we’re going to go forward both as individual groups and collectively as a team. This is about individualized decisions, individualized ideas and there must be an execution on that idea once you have formulated it collectively or individually, and then that collective group has to move forward together. We need to start remembering it’s not an us against you, you against us kind of thing, it’s an us and nobody’s leaving this planet hopefully anytime soon, we’re in it together. We’re going to have to roll up our sleeves and teach the world to sing so to speak, for lack of a better term.
So, we’re all granted a portion of this gold, precious minerals and then it’s transferred into money essentially and goes into our account.
Sunny’s question: Does this automatically happen? Is that a Source or Alpha Harmonic Genesis system process, or is that someone releasing funds based on certain things, because you said you had to monitor certain things. So, does that just automatically happen, like you just wake up and there’s money and then it may just increase? How does that work?
Well initially we do have a monetary system which has only been around for about 500 years and in the world of your soul and in the world of Source that’s like a second, a nano second, even a zeptosecond, it’s a very short period of time. So, what we’re trying to do is come up with an interim algorithm which is this, this is me programming an interim algorithm that recognizes the fact that you as a beneficiary of the energy that gold produces, because you don’t need a whole lot.
Egyptians used to eat monatomic gold cakes
If you go back through history there’s a part where Egyptians used to eat monatomic gold cakes and the reason why they would eat them is so that they could conduct that Source energy into their body. It’s not necessary to eat it, but in the physical world it does change your molecular structure, or it used to before we went into a Fiat Monetary system and the energy was siphoned off before it even gets to you. So, you can have the monatomic gold and that’s great and you may inch yourself up by about half a piece or something but it’s not significant like it used to be.
Gold in the world of electronics
Now let’s look at the world of electronics, gold is used a lot in the manufacturing of electronics because it is the best conductor of energy. In homes we often use copper which is sufficient for what it’s conducting but it’s not the best. In the past gold could be used to conduct ultimate Dark Energy, ultimate Light Energy and a lot of different things in between, so when you look at our electrical grid and how toxic it is to you, you’re getting both in predominant Dark Energy.
Gold in the computing world
Now in the world of computing gold can also be used as a hyper conductor for Source energy which is what your computer systems are running on predominantly. Now remember we’re no longer the 21% in the background, we’re in the 90s, so now if I put that as a hyperconductor and registered to each individual’s bank account there’s nothing stopping that energy from being pulled into your account, just like the ancient Egyptians used to do it within their body. Does that make sense? It’s just a completely different way of doing things.
Sunny’s question: So, does that mean that people that have more Source energy would have more money because of the conductivity or does everyone get the same amount?
No, what it means is we should have the ability, once this is complete and I haven’t done it yet because I was waiting to see the results of those meetings. But it doesn’t appear anybody else is going anywhere fast and there’s only one solution at this moment in time to fix the banking or our monetary system and this interim algorithm appears to be it. By the end of the day, it’ll probably start converting over to this other system with the veins of gold and everything that’s already been pre-dispositioned in the Global Repository. It will start making its way down into the other planes to where you actually are, because I see it as the only solution to save the monetary system, meaning currencies and those types of things.
As an individual what does this mean for you?
That means your person is designed to obviously take in Source energy, but you can only be at 100% right, being at 100% means that you can still generate more energy for your plants, the people around you, for the animals around you. And you are more adept at this because you’ve been watching this for a while. Now do other people actually understand the principle of take what you need and leave the rest?
Natural Law | Take What you Need and Leave the Rest
We are not hoarders of energy. You are hoarding it if you are preventing others from getting it. For example, are you not paying your employees on a new business, project or whatever it is you are designing and preparing for under CARE as an example. Are you saying okay, I will take what I need and I will leave the rest. In other words, you take what you need and then spread that energy out to all of the people that work with you, now you’re giving them energy not taking their energy for a wage, that’s a debt system. Does that make sense a little bit? You’re giving it to your kids, you’re giving it to your family, it can be in the form of goods and services or it can be in the form of an allowance to your kids, their education whatever that is you are responsible for providing for those that can’t provide for themselves right now.
But if you go against what The Giver of all energy and The Giver of all life’s rules are and You Begin hoarding them it’s not going to work out well for you. Essentially you could be cut off if you do that or the money would stop coming. That’s right because it’s not flowing, the energy is not flowing and that would automatically happen through the system. That isn’t a person doing that, that’s Source itself doing that, you are only a co-creator, myself included I am only a co-creator.
A co-creator is only permitted to co-create with the Source of all creation, you cannot do it alone it doesn’t work and the Natural Law of things is take what you need and leave the rest. It’s the same thing with me, as Guardian I can distribute and at the moment, I have certain responsibilities to make sure that we don’t all kind of go harikari and cause harm to each other because the majority of people in the world don’t understand what it is I’m saying about take what you need and leave the rest. We are all wealthy; you know abundantly in so many ways. Here’s some thoughts that cross my mind about this to kind of put it into perspective for you. How much do you get from your children? Sunny replied, oh my gosh so much I don’t even know how to quantify that. How about your pets? Your friends your family. You know we surround ourselves with these people because we give to them and they give to us. It doesn’t have to be monetary, sometimes it’s just us exchanging and having a conversation. It feels good to see the smile on child’s face when I give them advice or on my dog’s face when I take her for a walk.
That philosophy is going to travel into the financial system and the way that we generate money, take what you need and leave the rest. Walk softly and do no harm, all these principles come into play. There is an abundant flow of money, in some respects more than we’ve ever seen before and you’re kind of in charge of that too. Remember the way, love energy because that’s what Source is, Source is love energy right? It’s that feeling, it’s that frequency it’s the vibration of Love.
So hoarding is one thing that is not going to work and the other thing you have to look out for is trying to do negative things with positive energy like create a war, it’s just not possible anymore. So how do we prevent a situation, because this is the whole thing with Nesara Gesara. If everyone just got all this money wouldn’t everyone just kind of quit their jobs and not do their work? How does that tie into that, how does that work?
We Can’t Slam on the Brakes With Regards to our Current Monetary Structure, We Need an Interim Solution
This is where we’re starting because unfortunately when we sat down at the poker game here the hand has already been partially dealt. We’ve been driving down the road at about 110 miles an hour now for a few hundred years in relation to our current monetary structure, so we’re not going to slam on the brakes and have everybody go through the windshield because that’s what would happen if we did things incorrectly. Meaning there’d be no place to check out at the grocery stores, there would be no food in the grocery stores, no truck drivers to deliver that food.
But we can live in less of a lack type situation and that’s where the advent of interim programs like Assurance and Essentials that we’ve talked about, which kind of bridges that gap for the people that have no idea who we are and no idea what it is I’m telling you right now and this would go right over their heads. They’re still waiting for a President or somebody to come back to save the day. They just have never had anything better or anything else in their life. So, the important takeaway from this is to take what you need and leave the rest. There’s no such thing as 200% full, it’s not necessary. Give the rest whether that’s to employees in your new company, to others in your community, give whatever it is you’re passionate about, there’s so many options now to where you have an abundant flow of energy for contributing to the humanity as a whole.
Do you see the differences in a debt system versus an asset-based system when you’re not the asset?
Initially it will serve as a hyperconductor to ensure that the gold, aka energy is free flowing into your account so to speak. That’s the important thing. It also goes to support all of the currencies around the world still unfortunately underneath the Office of the Currency of Curator. But we have the Key Integrated Monetary System and as long as it’s programmed correctly, which it is and has been for a long time, that will do the monitoring on an individualized basis. And if the governments choose to have a non-continuous of government, which at this point kind of looks that way, then the plan forward in the very near future and I mean very near future is to support all the currencies that we currently use worldwide on an individualized basis being monitored by the Key Integrated Monetary System under the orders and instructions of the Office of the Curator of Currency, which is me and I’m going to get another hat for that.
Still Need to Consider Supply and Demand and Prevent Inflation
But like I said, we still have current things that society accepts as a whole such as supply and demand, production versus demand. There are other things at play here too, such as job creation. We have to change those standards to basically allow for the fact that you are rewarded with more energy you give other people. But we also have to be cautious because our current system will respond in an inflationary way. Here’s what I mean by that right now.
The cost of milk may be the equivalent of $1 let’s just say for your Dairy Farmers. But because they don’t understand the new system, as they’re not a part of this UNN/CARE network so they don’t understand what’s happening, and they’re going to think well my gosh everybody in the country now is making double what they were making before, therefore I can raise the price of milk to $5. Before you know it, your pay is increasing, but so is the cost of living until everybody kind of gets it, which is why I say Nesara Gesara would never work. Because if you increase peoples pay there will be an equal and opposite effect especially in cabal-controlled corporations, which then affect all other corporations. For example, the controller of Silica Sand is going to dictate the price of a mirror in your bathroom because it’s made of glass right. All glass production, glass bottles, glass containers the price of those are going to go up, therefore the price of things that use glass such as pickles is going to go up. Do you see how we could cause a hyperinflationary situation if it’s not monitored. It’s just a matter of changing the system as the world changes with it so we don’t create this situation where we’re sending out abundant amounts of energy, aka money and then they’re just increasing the prices accordingly.
Still Need to Recognize the Lack Programming and Lack Mentality
Until people start getting out of that lack programming and lack mentality and that includes the C Corporate world and then the programming that started in the 70s like Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous where everybody needs to have a yacht and all of these types of programs, because it’s really not necessary, it’s just wasteful. We start improving living standards on the way we move around the world, our transportation has to change and these are the responsibilities of CARE. We understand the direct mentality and if we were to sum up the CARE mission in one statement one sentence it would be take what you need and leave the rest. All business plans should flow accordingly because the money won’t stop flowing as long as you don’t stop giving it, we don’t need abuses right now as we learn and grow. We need to educate people so that they understand how this works now.
What if Everything Crashes, All the Markets?
You know it’s irrelevant anymore. We’re just working with the system now, and I’m just trying to figure out before everyone is aware, a way to prevent some of the worst-case scenarios that we just discussed from happening. Now this is all going to be dependent on decisions that are going to be made today in these meetings. Thus far it has yet to be determined if banks will continue to work with us. If they do, they will be provided a sufficient and a decent amount of money to provide a service for you. That means you can walk into a building and still deposit a check, cash or receive cash, you can transfer money from one place to another. They would become a service provider and would be compensated very well for doing it from CARE, from me the Office of the Currency Curator and not by you the consumer. What does that mean initially in a short period of time if this can be worked out?
If Banks Decides to Work With CARE Under the New System
Number one we have no reason to have an interest rate. There will be a service fee provided to service anything that you take out of the bank. We unfortunately would not be able to get rid of a mortgage program. What do you mean I don’t get a mortgage? You’re just going to give me money? What’s the catch here? It’s a mentality thing, bear with me, but you’ll always have the money to pay the mortgage so it’s okay. But we don’t really need interest rates anymore because there’s no lending anymore right, there’s nothing to do back to the Omega system, which was a debt system, it doesn’t work that way anymore. The same thing will work for credit cards and other things. If we have Bank cooperation, they will be able to make plenty of money providing a service, meaning collecting those payments or dispersing of lending to purchase items, those types of things.
So, if banks want to come to the party, we can still use them in a transitionary period as a service provider which is going to be quite a while. That’s going to mean a lifestyle change for the banks. This doesn’t mean they’re not going to get paid good money and all that kind of stuff but, as far as these ridiculous Families interfering, installing back doors into Banks, stealing people’s money, holding money for margin accounts like Swift and Iban and the FED wire system, all that’s ending, so participate or don’t participate. Either way we will make it and we will go it alone, it’s not going to disrupt Point of Sales Systems. Remember Merchant systems, those types of things are also in here so there’s a lot of things right now that small businesses are paying for that they don’t need to. As for corporate giants like Google and Apple, I’m sure there’s better products out there in a free enterprise world. I’m sure we could create other ones and you can either go with our program or it’s not going to be long before you’re going to get out of the way. Events are definitely unfolding rapidly as people are coming to the conclusion governments and otherwise, that the world doesn’t work the way it used to.
Now that would be like an interim step and not an end goal so don’t panic. But interim-wise we can make inch moves like this if the banks choose to stay in business, just not the way they are now. That would also include them no longer being a part of the Federal Reserve.
If the Federal Reserve Decides to Work With CARE Under the New System
The Federal Reserve, if they should and choose to continue their existence in this world they could actually become an integrated part into the Treasury and handle things like regulations and making sure that all banks are acting on behalf of consumers. Obviously, they would have to change the things that are being regulated so there’s no abuse of the system and we are going to need some different training.
There’s no capital account required at the Federal Reserve anymore and those types of things so all they’re doing is basically utilizing the Key Integrated Monetary System to monitor things worldwide. It kind of runs itself, but as an enforcement arm the Fed could make sure that things go smoothly. There’s also still a lot of accounting and all of those types of things that needs to happen as it relates to a Spending Tax. A Spending Tax which is still going to need some kind of budget, Office of Budget Management and all of those types of things to keep things running if there is a continuance of government and of course this is their choice. So even though we might not have an Income Tax in the future, especially because I’m seeing that everybody is investigating where all the taxes are going in the world today. But that’s only been overnight so we’ll see what happens. We know all that is based on the X/N Tax Authority in Belgium and everything I explained in the previous broadcast.
As of today, the mentality still exists that if someone dies in government you just find someone that looks kind of like them and is about the same height. That’s what I’ve heard this morning. There was actually a warning not to put out information as to who these people are because there’s others that have also disappeared. I’m like, you know you have no right to tell me what to do anymore and if that’s your biggest concern today then you need to take a look at your own internal selves here because you can prance around the pony all you want, but if no one’s coming to the circus anymore you’re in trouble.
So, I don’t see a crash of currencies to answer your question, that’ll solve that problem outlined in detail.
NATO Update
Another example, NATO under the Alliance has basically come to the conclusion that they are not getting the funding from their Alliance Partners they should be. Under the agreement and the Alliance, the United States government is predominantly responsible for the funding of NATO. Now NATO has been used as the private military of the Order of the Dragon, namely the Rothschild family, and they have been taking orders from them since their inception. Although Bush has been wiped off their website, he is the one that developed the treaty and as part of the security provided by the Order of the Black Sun. They predominantly ran it. But NATO has realized the cash cow, the jig is up. They’ve been running around sending weapons to Turkey and Azerbaijan and a number of other places in the Middle East preparing for World War III based on instructions that they’re getting from the Chinese Lee family and the Rothschild family in name. They have been following these orders and instructions and nothing’s coming. So NATO gave a very short window to the US government to put out or they are standing down on all orders. How short? Well by the tone of their voice maybe 24 hours, 48 hours, it’s not long. They’re going to stand down on all orders. The organization has been dissolved legally anyway, it’s not even registered in the Hall of Records anymore, so I don’t even recognize them as an entity to fund. There’s got to be some real talking that has to take place here to change that.
We are preparing to move on anyway in the next 24 hours because we will not let the monetary system of humanity die (and it’s not the same system) so that’s where the world is at right now.
Can Kim Finally Safely Transfer Money Directly to Humans Now in Their Accounts?
In the last couple of days we have worked for hours and hours and hours making sure there was nothing left connected to that slave program. In theory, once we deposit the gold which we have not done yet, that should be the final piece and we should be able to try again hopefully after the news. If there’s something else that’s there and I don’t think there is, but we haven’t had time to try. It’s been pretty busy on all fronts, so we’ll be trying again this afternoon. It’s been a week since we’ve tried pushing stuff through, that’s where we found the financial haircut that led us to the slavery of humanity programs and a bunch of other stuff.
I feel like the timing of this is so perfect with everything that is going on. You know people are standing up and kind of defending themselves a little bit more and kind of like we’re not going to take it anymore attitude combined with this. We’ve always said Source’s timing is perfect, but I just feel like it’s just coming together exactly the way it’s supposed to. Whether the Deep State recognizes it or not, the governments recognize it or not, or even people recognize it or not, it doesn’t matter because it is. In other words, the position as Guardian, Currency Curator and Ground Command and all the other things that I do in my day, it’s not about recognition for me. The only party in the entire Multiverse I care about actually recognizing any of these things is Source, that’s it. Because it allows me to co-create under those various Programs, under the guise of doing the job. It allows me to co-create under those programs. A company, a Government, a Nation, a Planet is only as good as its leader and it’s an energy that you’re putting out.
When you stop accepting injustices in your own life the entire planet now feels energetically and possibly even subconsciously that they are no longer going to accept injustices in their life and then all of a sudden everybody’s standing up. It only starts with a spark, it’s the same thing with everything you do even under CARE, it’s just a spark. You just start feeling it because it’s that spark that Consciousness that connects us to one another. Everything that’s happening now is a byproduct of things that we’re doing with UNN, with one another, the new team creations, the things that are going on not only here internally but also other things that I’m doing as well. If you expect the monetary system to value you, you have to value yourself. And now you know you have wings and I’m not saying that’s an ego thing and it’s not meant to be like you’re the Kings or Queens of the world, but you have to value other people too. It what freedom feels like because that was a bondage type system holding us back, a monetary system. So, it just feels free like oh my gosh you don’t have to worry about money anymore! That’s the lack system and we don’t have lack anymore, so it’s going to be a matter of time.
I know people are going to watch this and say to me, yeah well you know it’s now 10 pm where I am and I’m not feeling any less lack. But you’ve got to give a chance for the system to work, you’ve got to give us an opportunity to program everything in because it doesn’t look like we’re going to get any help outside. But I’m not worried about that, I don’t know if anyone else feels that way but that doesn’t scare me, I just feel this sense of Freedom and if you don’t want to join the party then don’t. I hope other people feel that sense of Freedom too because this isn’t scary, I feel like this is an opportunity to just push through things that have been blocking us forever and it’s going to get even better in a way that people are going to understand when they start to see money flowing in the world in a different way. So for the others, don’t participate, you know it’s your call at this point.
Back to the Meetings Kim Referenced That Are Going on Today
The Federal Reserve and Tier 1 Banks
Their first meeting was with the Federal Reserve and the Tier 1 Banks and I heard a lot of things like FUBAR.

They understand there is no way to do it without the Authority. I think they’ve now figured out that the Authority is not the people they were reporting to and implied it’s ‘her’. I’m only referred to as ‘her’, so I don’t know if I’m the her they are referring to, but at this moment they don’t see any other way forward. They are watching everything that they ever had as a mechanism of control over Banks, over People, over the Financial System just fall apart. How long they are going to be able to keep that under the rug I don’t know. The Treasury was also present in this meeting, so no real conclusions were made other than FUBAR.
Meeting With Some Select G20 Countries
As far as the other meeting they were supposed to have, it was supposed to be at 10:00 a.m. EST today and that was with a few select governments, the US, UK, Russia, China, Australia, Germany, France, just a few select G20 countries were going to be involved to try to determine a way forward. Now they postponed that meeting until noon, then 1pm and then I had to stop and do the news. We’ll see if they actually get on this time. I’m guessing they’re going to kick the can further because they don’t have anything to tell these people at this point in time.
The Breakdown of the Slavery Program Has Created a Lot of Angry People
There were a lot of angry people yesterday, it was crazy. I know this because the way the Key Intelligence and Military System works is that it can start to see the formulation of anger and an uptick in thought processes formulating. I can see it like a boiling pot of water. I was trying to figure out why everybody was so upset and it had to do with the further breakdown of the slavery program.
There was a facility in China, a major hub for that and this was not human technology. There was one in Rwanda, one in Liberia, and the largest Hub in the world was in Brazil. There was one in Paraguay another one in Argentina, one in Rhode Island, in the state of Georgia in the US and Sarajevo was another location. We pulled all that apart yesterday and this made them very upset. I think the SSP were the under the impression that somehow this could be turned into the Quantum Financial system. They also were trying to connect this Paraguay location to the financial system. That’s not what it was for so I’m kind of scratching my head over here. Then they went to the Treasury and they tried this all day. On Tuesday they went to SUPERNAP in Las Vegas trying to connect that to a plasma pool which was not designed in any way to connect to a computer, so I’m just still confused. They had gone to a few other locations trying to make these connections to things that are not computer centers per se, not Financial things in any way, not connected to money really, maybe collateral yes in the past, but not money. And this leads me to one more thing that I wanted to leave you with before we go.
Old Prophecies, New Prophecies
This has to do with ancient texts, old prophecies, current prophecies, religious books and otherwise, and teachings on the internet, because we sometimes look at things in life like they are a manual, whether that’s a religious text or somebody else’s prophecy. Now I caution you for a number of different reasons. For example, if you ever had a psychic reading or a tarot card reading or anything like that in your life, even though the person may be very talented and good at what they do, they can only look at the energy in the world as it is at that moment, right now. If you’re asking a question about yourself personally as an example, that is only one person’s decisions. Now you have not only your Sovereign will, but you also have the Sovereign will of the other person. You can’t make anybody do something, whether it’s a friend or a neighbor or a bank or whoever, you can’t, it’s not possible.
So now I’ll factor in the fact that we’re talking about prophecies. There have been a lot of people that have put prophecies out there for the future, known names are like Edgar Casey, Nostradamus. You can go back to Sumerian ancient texts, Vedic cosmology the Kabbalah, the Bible. But the further away you get from the second that you wrote that, and the more people that are involved in making that come true, the more difficult it is to predict if it is actually going to happen. The same thing goes for ancient texts that the SSP is reading. They may have had treaties and agreements and mandates given to them, for example by the Abraxis that they keep trying to carry out, but the Abraxis no longer exist and a treaty is an agreement between two Sovereign beings is it not?
In our world we see treaties as agreements between two Nations or a multilateral treaty being a treaty between multiple Nations right, the United Nations as an example, or NATO. So, if the other party is no longer there doing their part in the “treaty” you don’t have a treaty. Therefore, you can read all the ancient texts given you by the Abraxis of what you think is going to happen on the full moon, the new moon, next week, but there’s nobody on the other end to do their part. What’s worse is the further away you get from that point and the more people that are involved, the more factors that could come into play to not allow that event to happen.
I’ve had people that have reached out about various people that have given prophecies or talked about things that are going to happen in the future and I said to them, well okay, but that was 20 years ago, the world was a different place, we had different kinds of beings in existence that don’t exist anymore. We had possibilities, or sometimes no possibilities of these things happening or returning whatever it is you know. Then I had someone that made a comment about Revelations, that it’s going to start this, it was even on the special Q clock that I refer to. Well, okay the Book of Revelations was written a long time ago by some prophets that could potentially see into the future, but if God doesn’t want Revelations there’s not going to be Revelations. That’s still a human creation and a warning. It could have been a warning and there’s been plenty of times where I’ll wake up in the middle of the night or even early in the morning or have a hard time going to sleep because my warning bells are going off about something. The point is if you prevent that event from happening then it changes the outcome.
I think people are sometimes confused. There could have been someone that had the best of intentions putting out information 10 years ago or 20 years ago and expected that to be the case 10 years from now. I’m not saying it will or will not happen, but it just doesn’t mean that it’s going to happen. The same thing goes for the Deep State, they could have gotten orders and instructions 10 years ago or 20 years ago or whatever from a group of aliens or otherwise and if they’re not here to do their part of the treaty then it’s all pointless. The same thing with people wondering if we’re all going to die and going to be raptured. Well maybe God changed his mind. Maybe you need to amend the book you religious prophets out there. You know whoops, the Revelation has been cancelled and so has the Apocalypse and Armageddon. Maybe Source will put out some t-shirts or something for that to get the word out.
I think that’s also part of all your jobs too, is to help people because if they’re going to be fearful in times of change, they are not going to understand an ever-abundant flowing form of energy, cellular regeneration, that once our DNA is repaired at some point in our lives we don’t need to actually eat. We have a lot of good things to look forward to. It may look turbulent right now, but you have to trust and have faith. When you get up in the morning, do the right thing under the new system. Remember take what you need and leave the rest and it won’t matter to you if the markets crash and you lost a lot of money, as long as you’re not fearful, is my retirement secure. I have an ever-abundant flow of energy and money. I don’t have to be concerned because my account is going to fill back up one way or another. My kids are going to be okay; I’m going to be okay; everyone is going to be okay. If you live and walk in faith and not fear it will work out. I know it does because I’ve done it. I’ve had not a dime in my pocket to feed my child and food shows up at my front door, you know I’ve done it. It does work, you just got to get out of the lack mentality and remember that you are a co-creator of abundance in your life. You can co-create fear and manifest lack or you can co-create abundance and that is your personal choice and no one else can make it for you, not anymore. So, with that I am going to leave you.
Quite the inspiring report. Hopefully this dispels a lot of fear. There’s always a way forward, there are no such thing as problems, only solutions not yet found.
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Ms Goguen refers to prophecies, but she doesn’t differentiate religious-belief from thinking laws.
Has Ms Goguen informed herself about Rudolf Steiner and the cosmic entity he called Ahriman?
Es interesante, todo un informe sobre planos, densidades y libertad y hay quien sigue enfocado en las.profecias, sin embargo que es.una profesora, o entonces que es la Fuente que todo lo es.
Just eant to thank the person who run this blog.
I appreciate you
KIM goguen is show8bg her true colors. Check out team bubba’s videos exposing her. Pretty compelling stuff
Gracias infinitamente, somos co-creadores, y las profecías son solo una ilusión, por qué esperar una profecía negativa, pues co creemos una profecía de luz , amor y abundancia., así que yo creo en la respuesta de mi yo superior , me dice que crea en Kim
When I awakened from the thrall of Kim my mind started to ping and I awakened from this whole NEW AGE CULT that is being put forward -“We are going into a new golden age” that kept going through my head and also calling God source and saying we are all Gods. Source is collective conscience it is not God and this new age ideology is not Gods creation it is Luciferin and the Satanists were going into a new golden age. This is another power structure and it is very much a business and you will notice that Kim and Sunny Gault are putting that forward ideology forward and so is most of the alternative media. I honestly fell so much better just switching off from listening to KIM and all these other people in the alternative media who are making their living out of this. God is called God and God is the creator of the universe and also the creator of Lucifer who was once a beautiful angel. I was doing soe research and I came accross this post and it speaks the truth to me I feel more grounded more in control of myself and my life and I am not trying to be all light. We are not Gods. I think this is a fair assessment of what is going on if you decide to have a look for education purposes.