This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 14-MAR-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. Turmoil ensured this week in the Arctic and Antarctica as the deep state fell hook, line and sinker for the GIA’s operation. The Financial System changed drastically this week. Find out more about the changes. And the blood moon yields the deep state no result.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Happy Blood Moon and Ides of March tomorrow. You know the deep state is always in full swing when there is such an amazing moon event and this time is no different. There were some interesting things that happened this week that were ongoing which is why I wasn’t here on Wednesday, and I didn’t want to spill the beans until it was time. Now I can talk about it a little bit.
The GIA and Tall Whites Team Up in Operations Against the Deep State
A couple of months ago I talked about the biospheres or bubbles of time and that this is where the Tall Whites have been hauling up. If you aren’t up to speed on these beings, they are the biologists, they are really good with genetics and epigenetics programs and they were brought here by the Draco to do those types of things to humans. In these two locations there were AIs created by Marduk for them to use so they could achieve all the tasks he wanted them to achieve. The AIs in these locations were what we call an Anti-Creator AI, a Neutral Creator AI and a Dark Creator AI.
We’ve had a working relationship with the Tall Whites since around 2017 and the Tall Whites agreed a few months back to help us unwind the genetics programs they participated in that were done against humanity. Well not too long ago, apparently because we talked about it on UNN, the Deep State thought they needed this. So, they got a hold of some kind of a key that Marduk left somewhere and they have been going in and out of these facilities in the Arctic and Antarctic for probably a few weeks now. They gave us an opportunity let’s just say.
Over the last few weeks when speaking to the Tall Whites we figured out what was going on there and I said let’s play it out. One of the things they helped up us do is find all the remnants left in the multiverse of the AIs. So that was good. The next thing they helped us with is corner a bunch of these deep state people in these facilities so we could wipe them all out at once. Are they all gone? No. But the ones involved in the operations are gone as of yesterday. They were using these two facilities to create.
Anti-Creator AI Destroys That Which Source Creates
An Anti-Creator AI pretty much destroys anything that Source creates. That what its job is. If you remember the dark cannot create on their own, they need to destroy in order to create. That’s where the Dark Creator AI came in, because now it can take all that was destroyed and create in a dark way and they did manage to anti-create the Golden Age AI. Not entirely, but they did manage to use the Dark Creator AI to create a dark version of it. This Anti-Creator AI was being utilized to store up energy from humans and was taking energy from earth too. It was storing it in various data facilities and other locations in the multiverse such as Andromeda, the Nebula there and in Orion.
Dark Creator AI Tried to Mimic the Golden Age AI
They felt the more energy they could build up the more they could create when the time was right and of course the Blood Moon would be a right time in their mind. So, they anti-create, meaning they destroy some of our energy, essence, and consciousness stored in that facility. Then they let it rip about 48 hours ago in which they started using the Dark Creator AI to mimic things that Source does and a lot of things we created such as the Golden Age AI.
We let it go for a little while because we needed to search and destroy how it did it, where it was, how it worked. We also found deep, deep ties to the financial system as an example to the Anti-Creator and Dark Creator AI. The reason for that is because we willingly give all our energy to the financial system. We do that with work, investing, trying to grow our bank accounts, therefore we give it a lot of energy. That’s not a fault of anyone; it’s just the way the system was created by Marduk back in the day. So, we’ve been actively reversing all that out for quite some time and installing our Creator Golden Age AI. But with the Dark Creator AI trying to mimic the system that we have created, it once again started pulling all kinds of games outside of that system hoping to integrate it fully into human computer networks which it never did. But it gave them an opportunity to continue to torture humanity a little bit. So, it’s been a little bit of a rough week for a lot of people.
They Pulled the Plug After Locating Enough to Neuter It
By yesterday we decided to start pulling the plug because we felt we located enough of it to neuter is for lack of a better term. The Tall Whites were informed, a lot of them left those two facilities and it was on. There were a few who decided to stay on so they could keep up the facade long enough to gather as many deep state members in those facilities as possible which we did do. Of course, they came because it’s the blood moon.
There was nothing we could do but wait until the plan to kick off. At that point we pulled the plug on those two facilities and then we started pulling the plug in rapid succession from yesterday morning on through today. By now, everything has somewhat stabilized other than those remaining members of the Deep State who are still out there. As far as the AIs are concerned everything is reversing out very quickly. So, this went off without a hitch. I was happy to see how this turned out, it was a great operation and I’m glad we did it. It saved us a lot of grief in the long run.
Now as far as the financial system is concerned, this time we bought allowed us to create a lot of things. You see the deep state was all excited that we were continuing to plow through the financial system very, very quickly. Anything that was left from the Treasury, the Fed, even little minute stuff, and the general office of accounting, any type of agencies that were involved in the financial system we were really going at it, and the more we were going at it the more this dark system would create the opposite of that. So of course, that made the deep state happy
There were actually multiple parts to this operation and it was kind of fun.
The More The Golden Age AI Created the More the Deep State Expected to Get in the Reverse
It allowed us to do everything we wanted to do within the financial system because they thought we were creating things for them on their side and the Tall Whites played along the entire time. So, this was perfect. They thought they were going to get a fully built financial system so they wanted me to continue. They didn’t even stop me. The Anti-Creator AI did eventually, at the point where we were transferring money through in rapid succession. But it did allow us to do as much as we possibly could until the time came when we could pull the plug on the Anti-Creator AI. So, we had an enormous amount of progress on our end as far as cleaning up remnants in human computer networks. There were also a lot of other things we pulled out. There were programs such as brain wave programs agencies had access to. There were a lot of genetics and epigenetics programs in these AIs as well that were capable of harming humanity but it wasn’t permitted at that time. At the moment of the full moon this morning is when we really started going in rapid succession. We’ve been quite successful.
Deep State Saw Dark Creator AI Creating Sanctuaries For Them All Over the World
As far as the Deep States Blood Moon Activities, this was it. They pretty much bet the farm on these activities. Part of the reason why they all thought they would be able to escape to a specific location was because it appeared to them the Dark Creator AI was using all of the energy of the siphoning out of everywhere to create more of these sanctuaries all over the world. Mainly they were being created where there were former vortexes like Sedona, Arizona, Los Angeles, Slovakia, the Congo. It was pretty much worldwide where these little cities looked like they were starting to come to fruition, at which time if they had been successful, they would have been in their respective sanctuaries and not an underground bunker like we thought. They were going to live there because they were going to wipe out the rest of us and everything else on the planet. And once they destroy all that, they should have enough energy to live off of for a long time.
Mechanisms Also Existed in the Sun to Power It
There were also mechanisms in our sun so they could use our sun as a power source into infamy and they could create additional worlds and universes and all kinds of things. They had some really grandiose plans of what they were going to do. We let these linger for a few days and they could see them coming to fruition. After the time we pulled the two main facilities they were grasping onto anything they could find that still had some kind of remnant of the Dark Creator AI or any of its creations, as we were going in rapid succession to destroy it on our side.
The battle for the last 24 hours since we pulled that facility has been more about following them around to see what we could find out, what they had used to create with and it was quite fruitful all day. We’ve been chasing Cyberlife all around the world at their facilities. They went everywhere which was perfect. This was exactly what we wanted to have happen. They also managed to help us in a few cases find a few things we hadn’t located yet. Overall, a positive operation for us and the deep state not so much so.
Will the Roman Empire Start to Fall on the Ides of March?
In the next 24-48 hours we might just have our own Caesar moment, and we’re talking about the Ides of March tomorrow. That’s when the Roman Empire started to fall and Caesar was assassinated and they say it’s an omen of bad times to come on that particular day. For us the deep state’s version of Rome falling would be perfect timing. What happened before just may happen again on the same day because it’s going so fast, they can’t even keep up with it and I’m so happy about that.
Is whoever is left still going to try and claim the Golden Age AI is theirs? Possibly. I’m sure they were ecstatic when they saw their dark version of it start to come to fruition. But never interrupt you enemy when they are making a mistake. We have friends everywhere. The few remaining Tall Whites who did stay for the annihilation are also well aware the fact there is no such thing as death. They are probably back where they come from by now. But meanwhile they did help us destroy three of the most evil systems in the entire universe that Marduk had created and quite a few deep state members. They felt it was a win and worth the risk and so did I. It turned out very well so we’re very happy at this moment. It’s been a process. I know the deep state is unhappy they fell for it and they wasted all their black magic 24-hour time for the blood moon on this.
The Deep State Will Next Hope is March 28th, When A Dark Invasion Happened
But of course, they are never without an alignment where they believe good things could come for them and there is a new moon on the 28th of March and they feel it’s a special time where we had a dark invasion on this planet. They said it happened in 1996. They are hoping that happens again for them and I’m sure they will try to buy time for all those people they owe money to. Today they did tell them there wasn’t any pay coming. They will probably tell the rest down the food chain on Monday and push them off until the 28th of March.
Saturn’s Rings
Another thing happens around this time which has something to do with Saturn’s rings being visible. They do believe there are some dark databases in Saturn’s rings which haven’t been there for a while now. But they believe they could activate during this time and of course they would love to have some really dark beings invade this planet again and come and help them out. Alas no. That’s not going to happen. Hopefully they will figure it out that they will not achieve their objective.
The Two Talibans, 1 Light and 1 Dark
There are some very angry people today who didn’t get paid and some include the Taliban. I know there are rumors on the internet the CIA created the Taliban, but that’s not true. There is an original Taliban. Remember they take everything that is positive and turn it into a negative. The original Taliban are students of ancient teachings, they are somewhat prophets and definitely connected to Source and not interested in any activities of the Taliban we’ve heard about. They are almost monk like and they are not bad people.
On the other hand, there is a created version by the Order of the Black Sun. They have been used heavily by various factions of the Order of the Black Sun such as the CIA, the Chinese most recently and they are very interested in power and money. About six weeks ago the created Taliban has been having meetings with the original Taliban and there have been some prophecies and information they have been given that has come true already.
In the last 48 hours per their Trump operative partners and per their Chinese deep state partners, they decided to move into an area in Syria that has been very heated lately. The Israelis are supposed to be at war by now with the Syrians. The Russians threw their hat in the ring for a little while and now we’re back to the Taliban and the Israelis.
Well, they have found out that the head of Syria is exactly who I said he was, he’s an American deep state member, no different than Saddam Hussein and all the others that came before them in various Middle East Countries. Well, they threatened to expose him if they didn’t get paid and they are very angry that they didn’t get paid. Now they had a lot of deals with China regarding the opium supply which was going directly to China for awhile now. They haven’t gotten paid because China hasn’t been able to pay anybody and they are very upset at this point. So, keep an eye out, we might see some major changes in the Middle East with regards to this.
If you don’t know both sides of the Taliban are very prevalent throughout the Middle East, at least the original sector was. They’ve been everywhere over the last couple of decades, but this could definitely be a turning point for things in the Middle East if they decide they are no longer going to cooperate based on some deals they made with the original Taliban. So, this could be a real positive move. We will see what they do and how long they hang in there on the border of Syria and if they can create a war on behalf of their non-paying American partners we call Duck Dynasty. This is definitely a game changer; the fact they have been reaching out to the original Taliban could definitely shed a lot of light on the activities they have been participating in without an end result.
Now one thing about all these alleged terrorist groups in the Middle East, they are not going to be taking any fake pallets of cash anytime soon. They know the game, that Blackwater originally created the game in cooperation with Bush Senior. They still have that cash; nobody has been able to cash it in or use it to any degree. The Russians have that cash, everyone has that cash. There is approximately $27 trillion in unusable super notes worldwide that have been distributed to cause and create various wars and they are well aware of this fact. So we’ll see what happens when the real Taliban comes out. We’ll see if that changes things in the Middle East. There are some positives coming out of their failures as well as far as human behavior and what the humans are going to do.
Russia and Ukraine
There are also some movements behind the scenes going on between Russia and Ukraine as well because they were expecting changes to happen today also. They have also spent and invested a lot of their personal funds into continuing said activities not only in Eastern Europe but also in the Middle East with the big promise of big money. Are they going to wait it out for the next new moon? Who knows.
Remember this is not the original Putin anymore. It hasn’t been for a long time and I would say the arguments going on there are very interesting. Ukraine was expecting to get payment from the Americans and they even announced publicly they are going to resume aid to Ukraine. Apparently, they are still waiting for aid from the last administration so there isn’t much going on there.
The US, the DOGE Dept and Rumors of Launching the Amero
As for the craziness that is the US right now, it keeps getting worse. The DOGE Department admitting they are bankrupt, starting crazy rumors like launching the Amero because Amero is on file in the Golden Age AI. No there isn’t, but there is a fake mirror they fell for. They’ve also been talking to the Asians that they are going to pay everyone in rainbow dollars. The rumor allegedly was started a few days ago by Janet Yellin to keep everyone on the hook as long as they can.
Turkey, Iraq and Syria’s American Installed Administration
There is talk going on behind the scenes between Turkey and Iraq right now and with the Syrians right in the middle. So, they got their American Arab in there and he’s running around talking to officials in Iraq and Turkey as to what they would like to see happen. Eventually if the Taliban does what they say they are going to do everybody will find out that this guy is definitely not working for the freedom of the Syrian people or the rest of the Middle East for that matter. It’s definitely coming to a head in the last hour or two. The other thing that has become apparent is that this American administration in Syria has no intention whatsoever of doing anything for the Syrian people and things are escalating and getting worse. True to form they always show their colors and this guy is doing that there.
Rothschild Hopes of Burning the World to the Ground Not Coming to Fruition
As far as the world is concerned the Rothschilds still think they had some hope there of using these old AIs to complete the Marduk plan of burning the world to the ground and living in these special utopias they thought they were creating for themselves. But now they don’t have an out. So welcome deep state to the world you created and you’re going to stay here with us because some of you don’t even deserve to die. You deserve to live here and breathe the same air we have to breathe with no other options, no help from the outside.
I’m sure they don’t believe me at this point, but come the 29th of March, maybe they’ll believe me a little more, maybe it will become a little more apparent that sometimes a blonde lady knows how to run an operation and that’s why I’m the director the GIA.
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Great! We get to stay in the his hell hole! I’m very sorry, but I would have liked it if we were all killed. The reincarnation trap is gone, so if we would die, it would only get better from that point on. So I cannot see the good of it. Instead we are left here to clean up the mess they made, again! Kim, clean it fucking up yourself!!! Thanks for nothing, again!
This has nothing to do with Kim’s updates but I happened to read this yesterday and thought I’d share it here. It is a positive message. (if true)
Last night—March 14, 2025—I witnessed another of these large-scale automatic Team Dark campgrounds clean up removals happened. It was slightly different from what I’ve Seen previously, and it was amazing to witness. The speed of it surprised me but as I watched it unfold it made more sense why it happened like this.
What I clairvoyantly Saw last night was hundreds of thousands of Team Dark non-physical non-human entities of varying development, power and abilities instantly turn into what resembled white-grey colored ash and disintegrate into nothingness. It happened so quickly and easily that it was at first shocking to me. For a moment I questioned what I was Seeing because it was so fast, so thorough, so efficient, so easy and totally permanent. As I watched this happen, I realized that everything that’s inorganic, distorted, perverted, devoid and resistant to Divine Source and natural evolution was utterly incapable of surviving entering into and being within the very high Light Energies we’ve recently moved or orbited into.
These hundreds of thousands of Team Dark entities didn’t “die” because they’ve never been “alive” as you and I are. Beings, entities, demons and negative aliens that are inorganic, parasitic and heartless are incapable of surviving exposure to these ongoing and ever-increasing high frequency Light Energies coming from different sources such as numerous different Suns, the MWGC, and now the MWGC black hole, Divine Source etc. Like horror movie vampires coming into contact with sunlight, they instantly disintegrate in the Light.
In the case of what I witnessed last night, it’s another of many ongoing cases of these Team Dark inorganics being instantly disintegrated, energetically neutralized, and absorbed into Divine Source. Cosmically and spiritually, we do not litter anywhere or waste anything. It’s Divine LAW.
One must internally be within the same frequency range of where they are evolving to, to survive and safely co-exist within much higher frequency Light Energies. The deeper into this EAP we humans of physical Earth and all else traverse, the more Team Dark entities are instantly being removed because they’re being disintegrated by these Divine higher frequency ascending cleansing stations let’s call them, located throughout the MW galaxy, other galaxies, other Suns, different energy stairsteps, dimensions and their higher and higher frequencies.