This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 13, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gave a very interesting update. This 11:11 alignment has not happened in 3 billion years and it was quite momentous for humanity. The deep state on the other hand is still on track for destruction, but there is a definitive date being given to them this time which is very interesting. The Archivists warned the common-sense folk in the Militaries to spread the word things have changed and commanding officers will be irrelevant if they do not turnaround. It really sounds like there will be many departures due to a massive shift expected on November 15th. And if I’m reading between the lines correctly, Kim and her team will be taking more action to steer the ship as the time is finally coming for a management change.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Monarch Military is Now Allegedly In Charge According to Rothschild
Monarch Military has always and still work directly for the Rothschilds and they have informed everyone in the operatives’ section, including Treasury operatives that they are in charge now. Remember Umbrella Military went defunct and they were asking for chips in their heads. Oy vey. Well, they have been granted this power allegedly by Rothschild who still claims to be in control of something, but in reality are in control of nothing. Well, they were expecting something to happen on 11-11 and were doing a lot of things. The uptick of attacks in the Middle East was ordered by them, but nothing favorable happened for them over the weekend, aside from a lot of tragedy in the Middle East.
Monarch Military started to figure out something was wrong. They did an assessment this morning because it seems the consciousness they are trying to connect to is no longer there. Kim said different quotes she heard during the meeting were, “it seems like the species doesn’t even exist.” This led them to start calling around early this morning to the Archivists, and the ACIO Official – Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization ( to try and get information on what is happening. It was explained to them that we are no longer in the Dark Ages and why, who Kim is, and what she and her team are trying to do here, in other words, everything we already know. They were confused to say the least, but this is what happens every time someone steps up after the previous level dies and claims they are the leader. And for those of us who have followed Kim for years know this all too well.
Monarch Military Meets with Treasuries of the World
Monarch Military then called Rothschild and asked if they knew about this? Their response, oh no, but we’ll fix it, give us a couple of days. That just led to them to file hundreds of agreements to return to the Dark Age, and for each filing they got Kim. Meanwhile Monarch Military had already prearranged meetings this morning with the Treasuries in every country and then a second meeting with the operatives was to follow an hour later. In the meeting they asked the Treasury Department for more time. I bet that was a shocker. Yelling and screaming ensued as they wanted to know how many times they were going to be told to wait. Every time there is a new person, they tell us to wait. It’s your first day on the job here Monarch, but it’s not ours and we’ve heard this story before. Monarch begged probably, oh please give just us until 4pm today.
Monarch Military Meets with Operative Groups
Then they got on the with the Operatives and told them this is all new information for them and they are just sorting through it, so they need a few days because of course that is what they were told by Rothschild. But no one is going to do anything and everybody is going around in a circle because they cannot except the fact they are not in charge.
A lot of money was due to today, another big shocker and the government is on thin ice as we know. They were talking about passing a spending bill over the weekend, but that didn’t happen. They are talking in the news about their failure to govern and it’s just getting worse and worse. But what they are really failing to understand is that the old management is done, so stop picking up the phone!
The 11:11 Alignment Was a Big Deal!
The alignment on the November 11th is something that hasn’t happened in about 3 billion years. The last time it happened was in the beginning of all creation.
First Time this Alignment Happened | Neutral Age Resulted
At the beginning of creation Source almost split in 2, for lack of a better explanation. It was the creation of Anti-Source and Source, and at that time of creation there was a direct alignment between Anti-Source, Source, our Sun and Earth, which eventually started the creation of our planet Earth as we know it. So, there was a co-creation that happened in using dark matter and light matter, the way it happens in Neutral Age.
Second Time this Alignment Happened | Dark Age Resulted
This alignment took place again 3 billion years ago, at the beginning of the Dark Age. At that time Anti-Source eclipsed Source and we began the rule in the Dark Age because the one on top is the one that rules.
Third Time this Alignment Happened | New Light Age Resulted
This time during the alignment Source dissolved Anti Source, which then trickled down 24 hours later here on Earth marking the beginning of the creation under the New Age, which then started changing all the computer coding, which then started changing the fabric of reality.
But we already went in to the Light Age?
Yes, we have and it has been moving closer and closer to a direct alignment based on the quantum flip that happened a few months back. Now the change has been complete at the highest level, therefore it is going to start trickling down into the entire multiverse.
The Deep State Expected Something Different
This is one of the signs the deep state started to notice over the weekend because they were expecting the opposite to happen. They knew about the alignment, but Kim said at best we would have transitioned into the Neutral Age which was initially what was supposed to happen. So, is that what their books said? She really has no idea; she is not sure what they are doing, but we do now and it’s a positive thing for humanity. It also saved her a lot of time with cleanup because there are hundreds of programs for consciousnesses and things that existed in a Dark Age over 3 billion years. She has been picking and poking getting rid of things which was taking a lot of time, so this helped speed up the cleanup.
Monarch Military did a fly over of Durango in the F35 jet that was so low it was shaking things in Kim’s house. Then they went back to Cortez which is about an hour from Durango, and tried to use a Looking Glass type of machine they brought back after most of their connections in Cheyenne were severed months ago. They tried to make that machine function this weekend but were very frustrated when it wouldn’t. Of course, every time we go down a rung there is this whole learning process that takes place unfortunately. And as of today, that is where they sit. They are acquiring more and more information.
Treasury Department Tried Sell Treasury Notes to Raise Money
The Treasury Department had a meeting at noon EST today claiming they cannot wait any longer. They are tired of holdouts and getting the run around, the bill is due! The Treasury Department actually tried to do a sale of treasury notes to try and raise some money, most likely offline, and there was zero turnout. Aside from Goldman Sachs that is, who bought a little just to show their support, hey look, we’re still with you guys! But it’s not billions and not enough to pay the bills that are due.
They also have to take into consideration the enormous bill Monarch Military and Rothschild created in the Middle East thus far. Every single day that goes by costs between $30-50 million. That’s not just the US military but the combined effort, and that doesn’t include the cost of arms and expenditures, those have been given on the come.
Moody Downgraded the US Government to a Negative Rating
After the Treasury Department’s failure to sell treasury notes on Friday, Moody downgraded the US government to a negative rating which is a warning, do not buy so now they won’t be able to sell any treasury notes. In Kim’s opinion this is directly related to the Rothschilds and Chinese Government’s plan to crash and burn the US and transfer power over to China because we have been doing these transfers of power since the days of Julius Caesar. As she has told us numerous times, every 70-80 years there is a power flip in the world because you can only be the world’s center of darkness and dictator of tyranny for so long before people won’t accept it anymore. They know this so they are going to usher out the bad guys and usher in the alleged good guys expecting it will take another 70-80 years for us to figure out they are just as bad. Both the left hand and the right hand are evil, but which one do you want, the right hand of Satan or the left hand of Satan? This is just the rotation and who would be in control of China at the time of the switch over. As of right now, whether they know it or not Monarch Military is playing their role in the game and literally attempting to destroy the US.

Have the government people figured it out?
Kim doesn’t know.
Have the operatives figured it out?
Yes, and they are completely frustrated. They gave Monarch Military an earful. They talked about Kim and CARE, about the funding and how they could have gotten paid by now. But remember they are in rank-and-file land and Monarch declared they are in charge and everyone believes they are in charge for some unforsaken reason. If they are really in charge, they would need military and financial control, which they do not have.
The Jordan Royal Family (aka Rothschild) Was Nominated to Pay Everyone
Speaking of not gotten paid, we have a bunch of people running around in the Middle East moving arms to Jordan, because Jordan was going to be paying. The Jordan Royal Family, who is Rothschild was also told behind the scenes they have to take in all the Gaza Strip refugees or they will not be getting their US aid package. Kim also knows that the Israelis were planning on getting paid by the Jordan Royal Family as well. Meanwhile Jordan actually thinks they are getting paid by the US so they can pay everyone else.
Do you think there is such a thing as a foreign US aid package?
We who listen to Kim know that would be a no. So where are they going here? No one will get any money for the war on any day, and remember $30-50 million is accumulating per day, that’s a big bill.

Jordan (Rothschild) Royal Family
Monarch Military is Handing Out Titles Instead of Paychecks
No worries about paying the bill, Monarch Military has been recruiting and handing out titles instead. For the last 2 months instead of promising money, it appears titles are back in fashion: Lord of War, Lord of Sewers, Lord of Finances, blah, blah, blah. I guess if your ego is big enough you can pay the bills because Rothschild told you so.
What is the Net Worth of Rothschild & the Chinese Elders These Days?
Since these operatives all have different skillsets, has anyone taken the time to actually calculate the net worth of the Rothschilds family in the computer system currently, instead of just believing every word they say? How about you Monarch Military? Have you seen any accounts in let’s say the Omega system or anything floating around in a closed loop? Anything that would indicate to you there is an off-ledger system that money is going to come floating out from?
Or are they just claiming they own a system they don’t have? Are they claiming they control the Global Repository? Because the operatives know better, they know it belongs to Kim. They actually listen to her and they know she built it and launched it. They are listeners of UNN too. So, here are some logical questions to ask yourself before you believe everything they say:
- Has anyone bothered to check outside the Global Repository for what kind of money the Rothschilds and Chinese Elders have these days?
- Has anybody checked the economic situation of the entire country of China?
- Has anybody bothered to see if Green Dragon Khomeini still has access to anything in Iran?
- Has anybody bothered to look at the Germans and the Purple Dragon?
It’s a whole lot of air and if anyone bothers to look at the financial system, which they can now see and utilize they would know that. The Key Integrated and Monetary System is called KIMS because Kim built it. Why don’t you just look? How much street cred does Rothschild, Baer or Soros have at this time?
Why is nobody verifying this?
Treasury Department Still Asleep While the Country is Burning to the Ground
Hey Treasury Department people, why do you think none of the big hedge funds like Berkshire Hathaway or Soros supported the US last week? Kim can tell you why. Because your Rothschild and Chinese people and all their bagman are planning on burning you to the ground with your help of course, and the help of the US Military. Why? Because they promised you and the State Department something and you went writing checks you can’t cash.
This Biden administration was put here purposely to burn this country to the ground, and all those crazy people can think about is if they can get an orange man into the White House in 2024. You won’t even have a government by 2024! Your enemy is burning you to the ground! If you want to believe that story then go ahead and believe it, but you better start learning Chinese.
Kim to Issue Demands Worldwide & Take Charge
Kim said she is planning to issue out demands worldwide this afternoon and she will get into that more on Wednesday. Someone has to take charge and actually do something. She has been trying to tell them where they are going and giving them the option, but she is no longer going to ask, she is going to demand now. The time for asking is over because if we don’t get it done in 10 days you can kiss it good-bye. She followed up by saying if one penny, one British pound, one Euro, etc. goes to those families she will pull back everything and never pick up the phone again. She is going to take charge and she is their only hope at survival at this moment in time.
Now let’s review the things we already have control of and the problem areas:
Military Control
Kim may not have military control of the people who ride around in antiquated equipment, but she does have control of our own military and we have the Enforcer’s as well, which can take out theirs at any moment in time. Kim can pull nuclear weapons out of any country at any time. She doesn’t need a football, a President, or the people in the Pentagon. She has all the codes for every country. She has disabled things, turned nuclear weapons around back on their own major cities more than once when people tried to launch them from various countries. Therefore, she has military control. She can stop you and she can initiate at any time. Obviously, she has done more stopping, but that is for humanity’s benefit.
Keeping that in mind, last week the Archivists told the Military they have 6 days to go around and tell all their commanding officers everything that has happened regarding the change to the Light Age and all that encompasses, which brings us to November 15th.
On the 15th there is going to be an enormous shift and Kim is going to leave it at that because she doesn’t help her enemy. So those who have some common sense and were worth talking to as far as the Archivists were concerned, have been running around since Thursday trying to talk some sense into the commanding officers before they are no longer needed on this planet. And the clock is ticking. We are 48 hours away.
Monarch Military was informed too, but are they telling the other militaries? Of course not. They are going to do business as usual. Why? Because some crazy old British Rothschild people told them so and it will go around and around in a circle. Come Friday those still walking this earth will be very angry and they will keep doing this over and over until someone takes charge and follows through with what they said they are going to do.
Intelligence Control
Kim has more intelligence than anybody. She can hear every conversation everybody has. They can’t go to the bathroom without her being able to track them. She also knows the operatives who took the bait and were “recruited” by Monarch and that they received women of their exact type and caliber. Oh yes, they inserted handlers in there, and they know it too. And she knows exactly who they are and who they are spying on them for.
Political Problem
We have a political problem. Politicians are paid actors and run by operatives and operatives are very frustrated with them right now. So, is it possible to save politics? Kim is not sure. But there is one thing that is certain, if the political operatives would like to get paid their narrative has to change, which is why they sit in that seat. They used to make millions per year toting these puppets around. But there will be no more lies and crap or they are out, and she means they will not be on this planet.
Media Control
That leaves media. There are going to be some changes around here. CNN and a bunch of networks are probably for sale. She could negotiate, but she doesn’t know if she wants to because they are all burning to the ground and three quarters of their journalists are operatives. If she does go that route things are going to change for the better. She is not going to help CNN and BBC unless she owns them and are in control of them and then we the people will be the government’s news channel.
Warning to Governments, Operatives, Political Actors, and Any Deep State Holdouts
At this point Kim is no longer going to ask permission from governments, the same thing for the operatives and everybody else. No more running around in circles. We have a planet to run. Since eight billion people believe you politicians are something special, in order to change the world we are going to use you to do it. You are paid actors, let us not forget who you actually are. Therefore, you are going to get on TV and say what she wants you to say in order to keep you alive, because now you have a bunch of very angry operatives who have not gotten paid.
No one is coming to help you! Your system is not coming back! You have been trying to access that system to its full capacity to get some money out for over 17 years! And to middle management who thinks they’re in charge now, 17 years and the only money you’ve seen for at least the last 10 years is from Kim and she can prove it.
Kim said she is sorry for sounding like a dictator, but someone has to step in and stop the madness before the house burns down. She has to think about the billions of people on this planet. We are going through a transition, it already happened and to do that we need to change leadership, so either you comply or you will be unemployed or dead.
That being said, that is where the world is at.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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