This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 04-DEC-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. Explore how assemblage points, ancient gifts, secret programs, and black magic shaped humanity. Uncover ties to financial systems, eugenics, and hidden forces as we reveal the truths behind these mysteries.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

There have been a lot of attempts and a lot of changes which is positive for us in the long run, but it’s been quite a rocky weekend. Many people have been off and not feeling well, even my dog was sick this weekend and I really hate when they go after innocents. But first I’m going to start with some regular news.
Regular News
South Korea Declares Martial Law Briefly
There were some agreements when Korea split in the past. There were some assets in the north, a lot of financial control in the south, and there were also more pallets of cash or super notes, storage facilities for that kind of thing, and portals in South Korea that the SSP would like to take control over. So, there was an attempted coup there. They intended to take over the country in order to take over something they found valuable. It is not of a monetary value but of course for them everything equals money. So, Martial Law came and then it left because there was nothing left for them to get. So there was no reason to put in all the extra effort and there is no money to pay for said coup.
Escalation In The Middle East
It’s kind of the same thing we’re seeing in the Middle East right now, a lot of escalation, ceasefire promises, then they are back at it again. It hasn’t even been 6 days never mind 60 of ceasefire like they announced. Then it kind of left as quickly as it came. There are some things in Syria they would like to get a hold of that are no longer there. I think they found out and that ends that. And of course, along with everything else, it’s all about the money when it comes to wars, coups, and the political restructuring of planet earth.
Can they pay for this or not?
In most cases the answer is no. There were promised pay days over the weekend because of the full moon, promises of delivery of certain things they thought they could have access to, creation of false things in other planes and computer systems that made it look like they could possibly do something which of course they couldn’t do. They had some rather lofty goals and this is a little bit of an intricate process but I’m going to try to explain it the best way I can.
First, it’s not just about something they are trying to do and second this also involves your person. You would have been affected, this could have been really bad for humanity if they got access to what they wanted, and universally speaking there was going to be a lot of push back on the parts of many.
What they were planning on doing.
Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael Left the SSP Operatives Some Keys Before They Departed
Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael gave them a lot access in the 24 hours they came back. If you were following this saga of the Archivists and Realm Owners, you will remember me saying they left and went to court or a judgement when they went back to Source for a short time. They were given 24 hours to clean up their mess and then they were to depart the universe forever, so going back to +zero point of Source.
Note: For related posts:
1,000+ Yrs Ago Realm Owners Promised 3 Groups Control Of Earth | 1. Black Nobility 2. Japanese Faction & 3. Leaders Within The Amish Community | The High Council of EVERY Religion is Involved With the Deep State | The Amish Are Puritans ‘Pure Race’ & Related to Original Germanic Aryan Tribes Which Is Not About Being White, But Were Lower Astral Beings Tied To The Abraxas | As Above-So Below, Hence, In-Organic Races Were Created For Each Organic Race In A Region | Valuable Players In the Game Are Cloned & Controlled By Group They Are Subject To
The Plot Thickens & So Does the Betrayal | Realm Owners Michael, Gabriel & Raphael of 1st, 2nd & 3rd Densities Worked With Archivists & Tried To Take Over the Planet & Deep State | Now They Try to Go Home After Leaving All Their Toys to the Deep State | God Says No! | Will They Fix Their Mess Or Lose Their Souls? | The WHO Sends Outs Monkey Pox Fear Porn | Iran’s Monetary System Was Shut Down | Afghanistan Celebrating the Withdrawal of American Troops | More Turmoil in the Middle East
Well, they caused a lot of damage in that 24 hours and some of the things they gave up were some pretty interesting keys, and it was something that was connected to all of you. If you were feeling ill, had headaches, dizziness, or felt like you had a cold it’s likely due to a lot of nasty stuff coming out of a place in Berlin, Sierra Leon, Angola, Ghana and a few other places in the world. But for the most part they were at the various control and command centers for this particular structure which was in Switzerland at Mont Blanc if I remember correctly, Black Rocks in Angola and in Ghana. These are the SSP folks who were given access to certain things around mid-August before the realm owners departed. They were monitoring all of this.
Remember these Realm Owners were neither good or bad but erred on the side of bad and they entered into a lot of covenants with Anti-Source, so I would say that they were more disconnected to Source than we thought. If anything, they were more connected to AI systems and because of that they made some poor choices before they left that we’ve been stuck cleaning up.
This does in part involve computer and AI systems, but moreover it involved the harm they could have done to humanity if they had been successful. Apparently, the SSP operatives had these keys for a while and they have been trying to use them and were really pushing since 11:11 for when their alleged doorway would open.
Celestial Corridors or Halls and Quantum Tunnels
I am going to give you a general idea at what we were looking at in these corridors and quantum tunnels and how they were structured and the damage they could do and how it connected to you.
If we were to look at the universe from the side, the alpha-verse and omega-verse and the point of creation, the zero point, we would have 9 planes in each density up to 9. In Berlin they were at a Corridor or Hall I guess you could say that could have reached up to a 7, and they would have gone all the way down to a 7 as well. This is a Corridor that goes all the way up and all the way down. There was a passageway through here and what they were doing is working on opening all these doors to all these different densities and their goal was to reach 7.
What they really wanted to do; their main goal was to reach 9. They wanted to reach the entire multiverse, all the way up to Source and all the way down.
Well in between these spots you have other densities that are mirrors so to speak of the omega-verse densities, so 5 up would mirror the 5 down.

But as it relates to what they were doing, this would look like a big Corridor and it would have offshoots and spaces in between.

Try to picture it like this. You’re at a hotel that has a large vestibule in the middle. If you are in the lobby you would see along the walls all the balconies and doors to each hotel room floor by floor, which would continue to go up and around, and in this case 1,296,000 doors per level.
All the way up is a corridor, and unlike your hotel you’re not going to fly up to the next floor, but in a corridor it’s a quantum tunnel so there is a possibility to move amongst the different levels by going straight up and down this corridor. This one went all the way up to density 7. You could call these celestial corridors, and as you move floor to floor you can go in and out of these doors that you see at every level and you could end up in a different star system, a different time at some point. You could also end up as a different being depending on which doors you were going through. You could even go straight in a connection in a human on earth in a different time and place. There is a lot that can be done through a Celestial Hall.
Now depending on the Halls they were using, if the Hall was permitted to go to an upper astral place, that means it would have been a positive Celestial Hall, or a Realm Owner in the alpha-verse Hall. If you were a negative being, you would only be able to go to the spaces in between or to the omega floors so to speak, and do your bidding there. The advantage of being a positive and a negative as Michael, Gabriel and Raphael were, is that you could go into the planes and densities of existence or you could go into the anti-existence planes or the omega-verse, so they could do both positive and negative things by being in these Halls.
The SSP’s Goal Was to Take Over These Celestial Halls and Control the Multiverse
They were giving out clues on their twitter pages as to what they were doing. They did manage, based on the keys and limited access that Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael had to get access to some of these various levels. More importantly, they had access to the 3rd density and caused some problems.
The thing about these corridors is they function much like the alpha-omega system did because they are essentially traveling through AI systems and the AI systems WIFI connections. They had the ability to do that and they did break all the way through 5 and 6. They weren’t technically able to enter the actual planes and densities of existence yet, but they were hoping to and they could go to the spaces in between.
Did they know they were in the spaces in between?
Probably not.
Was there some damage that could have been done to the spaces in between?
Yes, because these average hotel rooms here also had doors in the floor and they had doors in the ceiling too, so there is some limited access to what is above and below.
Did they know how to really use this?
Not really. What they thought they were doing is getting more access to computer systems.
Did they have that?
Well just on the spaces in between, so it didn’t really affect the Golden Age AI and human computer networks, because even though they would create things in between it kind of left them in no different position than they were before when we had the alpha-omega fight going on. They still had the fake bonds, the fake money, or the fake liens in between and they still couldn’t bring it into reality.
Did it rial people up and cause things like the coup in Korea, upheaval in the Middle East?
Yes, it kind of did. But it caused more of an issue than just that. This was just one of several this could access because if this went 7 up it could go 7 down. That meant there were other places on earth which they could also access from this location in Berlin which would give them access to 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. So quite a bit of access and they had been pushing at it ever since.
Creative Credits and Destruction Credits Powers the Celestial Corridors
Corridors are powered by debits and credits, and by that I don’t mean debits and credits in the financial system in totality. I would say in part, but there are lots of things humans do on the daily that create on the one side and destroy on the other side. Both creative credits and destruction credits. Meaning, if you are angry and tear something apart or create something like an art project or creative meal. Whatever gets your creative juices flowing creates creative credits and anything you do that is destructive creates destructive credits.
As it relates to a corridor, how do black magicians, the SSP or originally the Former Realm Owners/Celestials who worked for both the dark and the light gain any access to these?
Well, they do it on your back, literally. If you are creating it’s a one for one. One for me and one for you. So, if you create for 20 minutes that gives them 20 minutes of power in the corridor. If you create all day, it gives them all day in the corridor. But that means they can only create in the corridor and it doesn’t mean they were creating something positive all the time. They could have been creating space junk as an example that would prove useful to them in the future. Or they could create it anywhere in level 1 to level 7 up or down which leaves Kim running around looking for space junk every day of my life. So, it’s a 1 for 1 exchange and they could only create in the corridor based on that. If you are destroying something or killing people, it’s still a 1 for 1. That means they can also destroy.
Some Human “Batteries” Generate More Credits Faster Than Others
When they say some batteries are better than other batteries, it’s not a superiority thing, just some people make better batteries in their minds and that means when one of those beings, such as a Melchizedek is creating something the credits rack up faster, that is basically what it is. So, for a person who is not a Melchizedek and they create a meal, they could rack up 100 credits, which is good. But if a Melchizedek or certain people with certain DNA types is in a creative mode can create 1 million credits or 1 thousand credits which gives them the ability to create a lot more a lot faster.
Now in order to break through these realms and get through these different densities and planes they need a lot of power. Now when they get there, their ability to do anything is not only dependent on the amount of energy they can take from you to power their corridor so to speak, but it’s also dependent on whether you are producing more creative energy or more destruction energy as to what they are able to do once they get there. In the case of a dark and light corridor it will also determine if they are only able to go to the spaces in between or if they are able to actually go to the planes of existence.
Do they know this?
No, but they do now. Although it doesn’t matter because these corridors don’t exist anymore and they are never going to get access to any of them ever again and that story has ended. But it doesn’t stop them from trying to figure out what went wrong.
They did manage to bust all the way up to between 5 and 6. But remember how the deep state thinks, everything they do comes from destruction, so, they try to kill more people in the Middle East, create coups, all kinds of destruction and destroying energy in order to create. But that’s not how the corridors, especially a light and dark corridor actually works. If they were headed to the lower astral trying to create something down there or bring something from down there up here, if they knew how it works and didn’t only understand darkness, I guess you could say they could have gotten somewhere.

The SSP-Cowboy Operatives Encountered Some Reptilian-Cyborgs
On Saturday these operatives tripped over themselves. As they broke through to what they thought was the 5th plane they encountered what they thought were some friends and help. Now unbeknownst to them they were creating a species in the lower astral who still tried to come in here on Saturday. They created what you would call a cyborg, they looked like a reptile, smelled like a reptile and was probably a creation of the omega system because the omega system uses them too.
This is how they would know on this new moon this was going to happen because it’s almost like a video game. If you ever played one of those games where you have so much light force in your avatar, then it shows it is going low, so you need to get more credits, or you have to sleep, or whatever you have your avatar do in the video game. It’s kind of similar when it comes to powering a corridor. They would push-push-push-push when it hit a certain power level, because this they could actually monitor when they were at optimal power level. Then they would try to push their way all the way to the top. It’s kind of like if you’re hiking a long trail and you’re low on energy, you would take a nap in the woods or eat a granola bar and then you go again. They would have to wait until their energy builds back up and for their corridor to actually run and make a pass. I am going to say based on the chatter they probably thought the corridor just needed some time to build up some energy. I don’t know if they knew it was coming from you the humans.
If you are more an enlightened being or have more DNA strands than others, and again this is not a superiority thing or a bloodline thing, it’s just random that some people have less junk or non-active DNA than others. Some have 14 strands and others have 36 strands, some naturally generate more energy than others. Of course, that can go either way, positive or negative. Very strong emotions do that, a very high IQ does that because it’s mental energy. If you’re a very spiritual person you generate a lot of etherical energy and it can go either way depending on how your day is going and what is going on in your life. So, whether you are creating destructive energy or creative energy it doesn’t really matter when it comes powering a corridor, a quantum tunnel or a wormhole. But a corridor is not permitted to take 100% of your energy or drain your lifeforce which means you are no longer with us. It doesn’t go that far, but it can definitely make you tired, especially when you have a bunch of ridiculous window-licking cowboys trying to run a corridor who don’t belong there because they don’t understand what they are doing to all people walking this planet, including themselves. So as the power level rises, maybe it has to get to 100% and then they go for it, they try to go up all the different levels or through the doorways.
Did they understand they can create or they can destroy once they get there? Did they know they were creating a species?
No, I suppose they think they just live there and were hanging out waiting for some dumb cowboys to come along and set them free on earth and let the demons go. All they know is they needed help and are entitled to get help because they were friends with some archangel beings so they were self-entitled to get their own army to fight us humans.
They Forget They Still Need to Go Through the Gatekeeper, (aka Kim)
That didn’t work out so well, but it set off every single alarm in my system all day long on Saturday and all I did was get rid of everything in the spaces in between. We went to the Orion Nebula; I was at other planets in other densities. As you may or may not know our sun spans all densities, and our earth was designed the same way. So there was a real risk of what they were touting on the internet of a ‘fake alien invasion,” but they must have forgot if they still have one of these handy dandy quantum tunnels you still need to go through the Gatekeeper and that is me.
So was it rough on Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues and today. The more they are trying to use these things I was looking for all their corridors and what they are using to try and power these things up. They were sucking all the life on this planet to power this thing, animals, people, plants, you name it . I think they thought this thing was self-generating and they just had to sit there with the pedal to the floor until it got to 100% power so they could make another run at it, or hopefully open one of these doors on the side. They had a lot of black magicians working with them as well.
What Does a Corridor Do To Take the Life and Energy Out of a Human Being?
It spits up what it needs to and it will constantly generate things that take the energy, the essence, the emotional power from you, the mental power from you, etherical, soul power, causal plane abilities to manifest, your astral self and your physical self and it will tax and toll in every way possible on every plane of your existence.
Remember you are a celestial, if you are here and are a human on earth you also exist in all 9 densities up and 9 densities down. Some call it the 12 universes but I call it a lot more than that because there are densities all the way up, all the way down, and in the middle is the nil zone, the spark of creation and anti-creation for the entire universe.
So, when they put the pedal to the floor so to speak and they are pushing to get to that 100% power as quickly as possible, it throws up things like disease. It starts sending out etherical, emotional, mental parasites, and the frequency of things like cancer. Cancer is a tumor that actually takes the lifeforce out of yourself, so it’s not in our normal terms when we think of breast cancer. It sends out frequencies that will eat you alive, it will eat your lifeforce. It does it in a lot of different ways, through parasites, dark matter, etc.
Now did they know they were throwing this up on all of humanity, especially on the hot list, meaning the good batteries on earth?
Probably not. They just think they are special and it works for them.
They Have Been Sucking Our Lifeforce On and Off Since 11:11
You might have thought oh it’s a change of seasons, and you’ve been getting headaches, feeling under the weather. There are so many different corridors around the world.
Did they know there were several other corridors?
They did know of some others and they think they are winning. They even announced they are winning and of course they think it’s all about money. But this would have never given them access to any financial system ever because that’s not what it does. These things were not about the creation of money or access to the Golden Age financial system or Global Repository. They don’t even go there and never did since its creation and inception. So, it was never going to help them get access to money and help them.
They think that people give credits in the form of powering corridors, that’s what you do. Now you can do that in some ways by participating in old systems, that is how it used to work. So, in this case, credits that you are handing over in either creative or destructive energy is really how the universe works. Now it didn’t really spit out any money in the form of credits in this case like they thought. They just saw all this energy coming in and they thought it would spit out money somehow. But not everything in the universe runs on money.
Then they expended this power to access things that are a debit and it’s a drain on the system to use all their energy that we the people generate to power said corridors, even on behalf of celestials when the celestials were around and were able to use their respective realm corridors. In this case you would be talking about Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, density 1, 2, 3 and any life there would be their generators to power them to go to other places.

I hope that explains to you why you’ve been feeling this way. And it’s good I hope to finally get the last realms, corridors, and celestial overlays that are related to these. Because the things they were doing to power these things up was using you personally to generate all kinds of crap that I then had to go clean. It’s like giving a small child a gun. They don’t know the dangers of the gun, they have no idea what they are doing, they just need to get some help in here. But all they did was create pain in you and for me a lot of cleaning.
How Black Magic Used to Work
Let’s talk about these corridors a little bit more. In the past when life on earth was different, we had people like covens. We would know these people as black magic people, so we had Family Coven Masters, Covens, and to a lesser degree people we call Order of the Dragon and the Black sun. They have these people that are well trained in the dark arts and because they are still human and even though they are dark they still generate to some degree dark energy. So, when you look at a dark and light corridor, they can still go to the spaces in between and still affect reality. At some points in time these people did have some limited access to what I call the hotel rooms on the different levels and depending on how dark they are you might see these folks on 1, 2, and 3. I don’t think we’ve had any humans, including the SSP who were allowed to go much beyond that because they were more concerned with affecting things on earth, and of course everything here on earth is all about them. If they can go into one of these doors on the left or the right from one of these vestibules, that’s great for them. And of course, this is done with super-secret handshakes and weird finger things they do and whatever else, and then they become the black magicians of the planet. So, they were afforded keys by the celestials, especially the ones that ran these realms, +1, 2, and 3 and -1, 2, and 3 to certain rooms to access. Now once they were in these certain rooms they could then weave their black magic on their certain target.
How Did Black Magicians Target Specific People?
Now I’m going to tell you something interesting. If you are a person who posts pictures online, sends text messages with your pictures, you’re on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or any kind of electronic device in which you post your picture, you are even more susceptible because now you’re signature so to speak is in the AI systems. This is no longer the case because we are not running on those same AIs anymore like we used to be, but once your image is in there, your signature is in there, and remember the eyes are the windows of the soul. So, you could have been affected if you were a target of the Black Magicians. They could go into a door and say okay, John Doe is my target, the signature is already in the system for this density, your picture, your IDs were in there, this is how it used to work. They could go in there and do their magic in one of those corridors and before you know it someone gets sick.
How Did Black Magicians Targeted Humanity As A Whole?
Now this doesn’t only work for target lists, for people going against the system so to speak, people who have real independent thoughts. Sometimes humanity is targeted at a whole to achieve a different objective, such as open a portal, bring in more dark energy, open up elevators or pillars that go all the way down to allow a new species in the lower astral. You have no idea how powerful humans are and how much our creative energy and sometimes our anger and destructive energy was used in so many ways against us. So, they would go in there and create an overall situation in these corridors, a hurricane could be created, maybe a destructive volcano, a war where millions are affected which then allows the negative celestials and black magic workers more power to get into the corridors. Isn’t that crazy? And the darker the celestials were, the less problem they had using dark humans, but again they were used as well.
I know some of them tell me they are not part of the matrix, not part of that system and cannot be affected by this. SSP operatives have told me this to my face, and I’m like oh you are so wrong because you are part of a lot more than you think you are. They just tell them they are all ‘special’ operatives, but you know what, you’re a human therefore they are cattle to these beings too. You just help others achieve their objectives. They just wanted to make sure you continue to power a dark system and you fell for it and you suck the life force out of humans.
Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael Wanted Revenge Against Source
What those 3 celestials, Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael wanted was revenge against Source. They knew Source’s plans to usher in a Golden Age and they were angry and they wanted wrath in this case. So, they gave them a spoonful of something or other. And every time they tried to open a gate, they couldn’t understand why the crazy AI generated beings they were trying to bring here couldn’t open the door. It’s because there is a whole gatekeeper situation and that situation is not just me, Source is the other one and that goes against the ownership of this planet. This planet belongs to Source and you’re never going to override that force, therefore they could never break in through the doors on the sides of the corridor.

Now we established how black magic used to work, what the corridors were doing and what the SSP operatives were doing and are still trying. All they try to do is cash credits because they think that means money, but it means something completely different to a celestial.
Now we are going to talk about you.
How This All Affects a Human
You are a being that technically exists on +9 different planes on 9 densities all at the same time and unfortunately the same goes for the -9 densities and planes down. Now because energy flows in a torus you have a front and back and in the middle is ground zero or the point of creation. As you start going out you are going into the upper astral and going through 9 densities and through 9 x 9 planes. And from the back, you are going a different way, to the lower astral.
Now this comes from a point of magic., a human’s aura is what is all around you in this physical plane and would look like a bunch of circles emanating out of you so to speak.
Assemblage Points
Now when your physical person was being created, you first existed in the 9th density and 9th plane and eventually you became a physical being. So, as you manifested yourself into this physical world, the first spark of all creation to enter into the physical world is called your assemblage point. That is the point at which your first cell was formed and split into 2. Now you as a person may have more than one assemblage point depending on how many active strands of DNA, GNA and RNA are in your person. Now they tried to limit the amount of assemblage points in Human Beings, but for the most part for each assemblage point you have, those cells can be anywhere and are kind of movable for lack of a better term. If you look up assemblage points, they’ll tell you it’s right around where your heart is. That is true for a lot of people, it would extend about the distance of a person’s chest.

That’s why when you’re feeling an attack, and it could be on multiple different levels, you might feel a tightness in your chest. Chances are there is something going on with your assemblage point. Your assemblage point can be affected anywhere in the front area or the back area. Most of the attacks on people over the last week were on the back. You could have had back pains, shoulder pains or things were affected in that region like the heart or lungs. It could have felt like a cold, or it could affect you as emotional or mental pain, wherever you assemblage points happen to be. So, if you felt random pains in random locations your assemblage point was probably in that region. I’ve heard a man say things like, I feel like my prostate was about to explode. I could kind of see where the attacks were coming in based on them trying to power a corridor that they think would generate them money. But no.
Protecting Your Assemblage Points
Once you understand your assemblage points you can kind of focus in on your body and where your greatest sparks are. A lot of times those assemblage points are your regeneration points too. You can connect the assemblage points which are being reconnected to Source at this moment, therefore we will have regeneration of DNA and things going away as far as disease and illness. But the other thing you need to understand about assemblage points is the spark of all creation not only came from Source as it relates to the creation in most all the planes of existence but also your connection to the dark side and a regulator, we call neutral. Remember me talking about a heartbeat, dark-light, dark-light, dark-light.
If the dark consciousness or the Black Magicians want to attach itself to you, it will attach firstly from the assemblage point and then on out to wherever and whatever they wanted to create, that was its connection to your person. And depending on the type of “creation” or “destruction” us humans are generating and what types of credits the corridor had would depend on what happened to you. You could almost call this a different type of density. Would you be regenerating? Would you be happy? Would you have mental, emotional, or physical distress? A lot of this was dependent on all your fellow humans and what we call the Human Network. But now we don’t have celestials running these networks anymore like we used to.
Lucifer had his own network, corridors, celestial realms, and Targethians (or Targethyns). And lots of other people had access to various celestial realms and corridors because they are almost considered a realm onto themselves that could affect reality in the past. That would affect all of humanity and in turn humanity would unknowingly affect all the densities up and all the densities down. It’s very interesting.

But the events that have been taking place over the last few weeks and most importantly recently, as they kept trying to put that pedal to the floor, there were a lot of you out there feeling some interesting things, it could create dark consciousness in the periphery, pains in the head and the back. These were all things generated by them trying to power a machine they know nothing about.
What They Were Looking to Do Was Take This Machine and Create Universal Dominance
They want to go the distance and control the universe and Source because they are ‘special.’ This is the problem with people in those ‘special’ family programs. They are told they are special every day of their life and they get to the point where they really do believe it. Maybe they had more knowledge than most, but in reality, in the universe you are just like the rest of us, actually you are less than the rest of us because we know how to reach all these dimensions on our own. We don’t need a corridor or somebody else’s keys as long as you guys are not interfering with us.
That is the main goal in restoration of earth, it’s not only restoration of humans but earth restoration to do the same, to have that direct connection to Source and to you, so you can have that direction with Gaia and Source. Folks can come and go again and it won’t be a hostile environment. For folks from the upper astral to come here, it’s like a day in a garbage dump or sewer treatment plant. It’s very smelly and dirty and they would rather just not come. And a lot of you aren’t enjoying it either, but life has to move on from what these people are doing. They never had all the keys and access to the corridors either because there is always a Source involved here. They might have been able to take a little from us over the weekend, but they were still never going to achieve their objective because they will never understand the quantum physics of this universe. If they did, they would know they were going in the wrong direction, but nonetheless there is nothing I can say on this network or the right people’s phones or directly to explain to them this is not how it works.
I’m giving you the information and educating all of you on how you personally work and how to become a more interdimensional being so to speak, because when these beings do start to come here, you won’t be surprised. And you’ll know how to do it yourself and you can go visit them too.
They Are Not Special, They Were Lied To, and the Universe Doesn’t Work Like They Think It Does
The universe doesn’t work the way we have been told all these years, we’ve been lied to and they too have been lied to because quite honestly no one wanted these cowboys in their world, lower astral, upper astral, or otherwise, nobody wanted them.
If they were so special, why were they doing the jobs they were doing? Why didn’t they ever get beyond a certain level? Why were they still told things were classified and not let in certain places? Why couldn’t they use some of these wormholes?
Maybe they got access to some of these jump rooms, but make no mistake the jump room controller told them where they were going, when they were going to go, when it would work and wouldn’t work, and they still can’t grasp the concept. It’s been over a decade and a half and they still haven’t gotten any further than a decade and a half ago. They even created lockdowns and pandemics and all the things in their handbook that was given to them by someone else. Their Law of War Book was given to them by someone else so they knew where you are and where you are going to go. I don’t know who they think they are outsmarting, and I’m not certain what war they are fighting anymore because they have gotten absolutely nowhere. Maybe they caused distress but they certainly didn’t destroy the planet or have an alien race in here. They are trying to use their refrigerator to take them to Mars essentially.
I know things seem tough and a lot of people have a lot of personal issues especially when they are affecting people in this way because it makes people who are normally angry do things against other humans. And people who are normally nicer start to do things against other humans because that is what this is designed to do. If they have an intention to destroy something, you need to create that destructive energy, emotional, mental, physical, astral, it doesn’t matter which plane it was created on it’s still destructive energy. And it’s still created in a certain plane of existence which gives them access to destroy in that plane, if that makes any sense to you.
I don’t know if they understand any of this, but maybe by putting this out there they will understand something. Don’t you have any quantum scientists that are not part of a program that may have access to this information? Oh wait, I forgot, they lied to you about your science too. Even those people who worked at Los Alamos and in the DUMBs, those scientists didn’t have the full information either. The only reason I do is because in part, and only when I need it trust me, is the wisdom, that connection to Source. But I can’t use it to destroy things. Well, I can use it to defend myself or the life of an innocent like I did this weekend, or today. I know they felt what happened to those people in Sierra Leon was very gruesome and it was. But I don’t think you understand the amount of pain you were causing to all of humanity, nor did you really care because according to them they are entitled to all our energy now. I don’t know why they think that. They keep showing up for work, sitting on the steps after the company has long since closed.
Frustrated But Still Moving Forward
It’s not been fun, easy, or pleasant. I know there are a lot of frustrated people out there but no one is more frustrated than me. There are a lot of things I would like to do which does not include spending 18 hours doing this. I would like to spend my day creating, so trust me I understand. If nothing else though I am definitely learning a lot from Source and other things and hopefully one day all these people will be dead, or they will figure out their science is wrong. Either way we are prepared to move forward without them. We might still have these hiccups and bouts of pain here and there and I can’t do anything to stop them short of protecting our lives or the lives of the innocent, but there are always more people to go to more locations no matter how many dies. One can hope that someday that will be a faint memory and we can all move on with our lives.
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Bonjour, il y’a un moment où tout cela doit s’arrêter, et la Source est en capacité de le faire. Alors la question est quand ? Comment le regarde, mais il va le faire, pour l’accomplissement de son dessin originel, et bien sûr par amour inconditionnel. Merci Pamela, salutations à toi et à Kim.
bonjour kim, idem just, pam et tout les autres lecteurs! merci pour ses infos, pas toujours facile à connecter, rapidement mais bon, rien de grave pour mon arbre. temps que la victoire ce rapproche de la terre, de son univers de sa galaxie source positive. malgrés tout le mal subis par de nombreux humains et vies terrestre! la vie positive doit pour-suivre sa marche en avant! bon courage à tous/toutes! vive la lumière source de vie: de toutes nos petites véritables vies sources de vies terrestre
May source bless you more for your stories that gave us encouragement – may it be true! May Source grant us enlightenment to see and walk beyond the truth. Justice and deliverance I pray to those who give false doctrines and money making schemes!