This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 5, 2024 on YouTube. Today Kim invited a special guest, Tom Melville to be on the news! Kim decided to invite Tom because there are a lot of questions evidently about who Tom is, his role, his relationship with Kim and Tom being part of the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA).
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

When and How Kim and Tom Started Their Working Relationship
Kim: I know Tom for about 7 years.
Tom: I knew about Kim a lot longer than that.
Kim: Before you reached out to me, did you do any research, not just on the internet but with all your contacts and governments and perhaps the Archivists?
Tom: My knowledgebase goes back to when I worked on classified projects with the UN Security Council. I had a lot of access to a lot of the archives which most individuals don’t get access to, but I did because I had special clearances to do so. And Kim’s name kept popping up on documents. I could read them but I couldn’t take any out of the archives. I started in 2015-2016 finding information about Kim in the records in the Archives, not in the Natural Archives in the underground? the secret files as they say. So, from there I knew there was something special between Kim and the underlying things that were happening on the global stage. I was happy to meet Kim and start working with her.
Tom’s Working Relationship with the Archivists
Kim: Tom is the one who meets with the Archivists all the time and he said they are really special people.
Tom: They are watchers who don’t get involved with many individuals. I had the privilege and honor to meet with them on several occasions. They are high frequency individuals. When I was sitting with them, I thought I was on a high because they just ooze light energy and it is wonderful. Some are human and some are not and they are very, very special. When they give us information it’s for a reason because they know the true records of everything. Eventually they will come out and talk to everybody but like everything else, they won’t come forward until humans start being nicer to each other.
Kim: And their information is so far beyond humanity’s comprehension, my news is just the tip of the iceberg compared to the information they actually have. Not only from a historical standpoint but they also have information on every politician, every government in the world, who started what war, who gave the information, the names, faces. This is like your Fulcrum, this is the Vault right here and that is not information they would put on a website, nor would governments allow it to be put on a website for everyone to view.
We’ve been kept in the dark for a long time. Not only that but can you imagine if it goes out and then there is an operative or someone is sent out to do an operation and there is an equal and opposite operative sent to go blow it up. Would they still go? How are they going to continue to do evil things if everyone knows the truth? And there will be a time for that and she thinks that time is not that far off. But Humanity has a way to go in understanding what is really going on here.
Tom: I agree we have a way to go. It’s all about discernment and the process of understanding everything before you go and open your mouth without doing research or a background check, a minimum. I get frustrated just like everyone else. People question when I do things, but I don’t do things just to do it, I do things in the knowledge and the honor of doing all the research beforehand and because everything is recorded, so when I come out with it, it has to be accurate.
Kim: For me too, when I give information, it is accurate to the best of my knowledge at the time I’m giving it. Now some of that information comes through Tom and some of it doesn’t. As a matter of fact, me and Tom have an inside joke in that I call him the last boy scout because he always wants to see the best in people, that he can change these government people, these Generals, these deep state people. There is the thing Tom has which is called common sense and he’s a white boarder too and he maps out things for the best strategy to get people to understand why that war isn’t going to earn them any money for example, because he also gets the same information from Kim most of the time that he gets from the Archivists and we match.
Tom: I think that’s why our relationship is so special and why he has stuck with her for such a long time. Because the information he gets has nothing to do with Kim at times, that when they speak it meshes, all of it, the data, the Generals, and he’ll talk about them too because the Generals and Military and Intelligence folks call him and they don’t call Kim and he has to be the in-between guy and you never want to be that guy because you get all the crap. I’m always constantly saying let’s get Kim on the phone, let’s discuss and figure it out together. They just have their own way of doing things, and by acknowledging Kim and her capabilities and who she is, it makes it all real and takes their power away. So, by taking their power away then they are in a position where they have to justify their actions in the past. And by justifying actions is not necessarily a good thing for them because then they have to come to terms that they are not in control. There was always a higher leader above governments and military.
Kim: I want to elaborate on operatives and military since we’re on that topic. You and I are in very unique positions, in our own way. Yes, I did bring Tom into the GIA, but Tom has his own position that he is being groomed for with the Archivists and he will probably do both for a while. And then maybe he will go work over there, I’m not sure, but absolutely he loves dealing with those people over there and we often have, let’s just say Tom has a difficult job from the standpoint in that he is the cream filling in the middle of the Oreo cookie so to speak. Tom gets it from Kim’s end because she’s yelling at him for yelling at them and they are yelling at him for yelling at Kim and Tom gets the brunt of all of it. Now throughout the course of this entire time, having this relationship Tom, you probably learned a lot about the ways of the world, how operatives work, versus how agency people, versus UN people, versus Military people. And some of it’s based on my experience and some of it based on experiences me and Tom have had together. So, Tom went to visit me in March of 2021 and spent about 10 days there. During his time here he met Admiral Foggo and of course some of the local residents. He had several meetings with them in fact.
Tom’s Experience with the Durango Safety Zone
Tom: While in that Zone, there is a lot of high-profile people in the area, plus the area is a very, very special place and this doesn’t just come from Kim, but it’s in the records in the archives of what is in Durango underground and the surrounding area. So, Kim is not making any of this up. You can easily do your due diligence and look some of it up, it’s in public records, but not everything.
Kim: That aside, Tom and I on occasion, because it is a stressful job argue.
Tom: Yes
Kim: We’ve had arguments and learned a lot from each other and are still friends. I know his wife and kids and I consider them family like most of the people who work at UNN. But we argue and fight and keep it moving because it all has to be for the benefit of humanity. That’s what adults do.
Things Tom Has Done to Help Restore this Planet and How the Archivists Are Helping Him
Kim: I wanted to give you just a general overview from my standpoint. Tom has been the main contact because Tom is being groomed by the Archivists to be an Archivist. He has been an Archivist before; he just doesn’t remember that. The Archivists have been taking him to a few special places and Tom has gotten a few treatments.
Tom: Yes, I’ve had 2 treatments so far. I have to go back for my third. At every step there is knowledge and info that I learn that comes to me that shows me the path of where we’re going and where we’ve been, it gives me clarity on structure, on Kim, on the system. You can equate it to a download of info that I wouldn’t have had previously because they are grooming, although I don’t like that word, but they are showing me the way to help humanity like they do.
Kim: Basically, the treatments you’ve gotten entailed body scans on you. They can tell you when you’re eating the wrong foods, they put you on a special diet. There have been a few upgrades I would call them. We’ve been living in a very dark world which is difficult to exist in and the Archivists like many of the Others that have come here, now you’re all human, have a way of, for security reasons, they have kind of blocked you from seeing who you really are, and in turn blocked other people from seeing who you really are until such time it was ready to remove the block, now the Archivists have that.
Tom: The last treatment I had a memory regression technique that actually brought out those memories and I actually never told Kim about that. But a lot of info they share together is for a purpose. We’re actually here, Kim, me and sunny are all here for a purpose and a lot of the techniques and technology the Archivists have are to help us to understand it and to go back in your essence, and your spirit to show you where you’ve been and where you are going, so you can help manage and lead people. To get to a place where we can correct and fix all the ills of the past. And so those memories, I’ve done that before.
Tom Worked with Kim when She was Cassandra
Tom: So, you have been Cassandra and you knew of your past lives. I didn’t remember any of it, so by going through those treatments, I saw it first hand in my mind and at the time I was able to ask questions. I saw this and why was I doing this at that time, and it goes way back, thousands of years that I was by your side a long time. I sometimes call you my work wife because we’re always talking, we talk so much and now knowing what I know because of the memory fix I had, I can see that we’ve done this together in the past and now I know in the future it’s not about right or wrong, or he said she said, it’s about getting the job done. And the job now, at this point it’s more critical because of the Light Age and because we’re not going back. We’re going to plough through, there is no turning back. We are going to set the foundation for generations of light bearers and humanity to come. And point blank there is no diversion of that and that’s why I stick with you and try to bring some semblance of calm and understanding and just good will and light with whoever I speak with because it’s important and people need to understand that. We’re not going back.
Kim and Tom’s Adventures With the UN Assembly
Kim: Let’s talk about some of our adventures. In 2018 Tom, went to the UN Assembly on Kim’s and the Repository’s behalf, to discuss some different types of funding that were available. During the course of this visit you met with a lot of different African presidents and several other countries.
Tom: As a representative for GIA at the time, I was an ambassador for the Manna World Holdings and the Repository, Manna World Holdings was the name of the repository at the time. Regarding the Zimbabwe president, a lot of issues were circulating around his currency. The Deep State and the Military and Intelligence agencies were manipulating his country’s currency like they do often with other countries. I gave him some words of advice and told him we could help him at the time. At the time we couldn’t do it because there were so many blocks. Kim transferred money over there and it just was blocked (and the Central Bank Governor had to do with that it sounded – is what I think he was saying). But it was there and everyone was all excited, until someone stepped in and threatened to murder everybody and then everyone decided they didn’t want it. Tom said his only advice to the Zimbabwe President was to shut down his currency completely and restart a whole new currency and a whole new currency platform and that’s exactly what he did. He stopped everything and started a whole new currency so the Zimbabwe dollar ceased to be. Since then, he’s being manipulated again by the intelligence agencies to start a Zimbabwe crypto currency coin and the whole bit.
It’s just, people get manipulated and that was my understanding when speaking with a lot of the high-profile presidents and central bank governors at the time that I met them. I didn’t tell Kim everything, who I met there but I had access to pretty much all the central bank governors and liaisons and all those folks and they all told him the same thing. Their countries are being manipulated, their central banks were being manipulated, so how is it possible we were ever going to get a dime through any of them when they were all being manipulated, and honestly still are. So, it’s up to the governments to help themselves really at this point.

Kim and Tom’s Adventures With the Trump Organization
Kim: Speaking of governments, in the course of the adventures of Kim and Tom, you have a personal relationship with Trump and Trump organization and Trump’s children.
Tom: It’s not like a buddy that goes out for a beer kind of a relationship. I know the handlers, the lawyers that are working with Trump and he’s been through so many of them. I know the family members who choose to come visit me personally rather than get on the phone because communications are compromised. In order to try and warn them, I have sent several warning messages not only to the family members but the lawyers, that they need to turn around everything they are doing because it’s going to fall flat and ruin their name, and nobody listened. We try to do things to help them, but if they don’t want to help themselves to get out of the mess they are in, then that’s their own problem. We can only do we can do.
Kim: Now you have visited Bedminster, NJ?
Tom: Yes
Kim: And you had conversations there. And on one of the several trips there was supposed to be a face-to-face meeting that you were prevented from having based on your relationship with me.
Tom: Yes, and getting access to those locations is very difficult because obviously you know they are all handled, they are all some kind of agency folk, they are told don’t let this guy in because he’s going to manipulate or whatever. He’s going to expose the truth and nobody is looking to burn anybody or do anything. We have been down this road to inform and get them to turn around and do the right thing for not only themselves and the agencies and society but to create a win-win situation with everybody.
Don Jr. 40th Birthday
Kim: And one of your conversations, I think it was Don Jr’s. 40th birthday, did he confide in you what they wanted him to do on his 40th birthday, or what his father took him too?
Tom: No, they never really confided in me. We both know through our past histories that these things exist. There are rituals, there are things that are done but are unsaid, and everyone knows about it. When you’re in the circle you’re in the circle and know about it. So, when his 40th birthday started coming around, you know those things are going to happen, whether its going to be close to his 40th birthday or beyond it, depending on the sun and the moon, or the stars, the alignment of something like that, you know it’s going to happen. So, there were notes being passed back and forth and an understanding of this, of don’t do this please, don’t do this now, it’s not worth it. What you are being asked to do is no longer going to be viable in the future to come. These types of rituals, these types of associations are null and void as far as Source is concerned and the planet is concerned, and the people who control these rituals and or programs will no longer will be able to influence you (Don) in these type of ways.
And that’s the kind of information we try to get out to anybody, especially myself to anyone who I know is starting to go through that type of ritual, to get to the leadership. Because everyone thinks they have to go through some sort of a ritual to be accepted into the club, right it’s a special handshake and this and that and whatever. And I avoided that like the plague. Trust me I was asked to be in all sorts of secret societies and all of it and I avoided it. Like you said, I’m a boy scout. I do what is right and keep my nose clean and I back myself up and have my own coins (markers). Those in the business are essential when you’ve done so many things to help people in my past, those are things I hold dear and tight because I know it is something they can’t take away from me.
Kim: Speaking of Government people and how all political families are initiated in one way or another. Pretty much would you say if you have been a president, prime minister in any country in the world would it be fair to say you went to a 40th birthday ritual?
Tom: Oh yes, absolutely, absolutely. Anybody who is in a position of power has always known from a family lineage standpoint they would have to go through some sort of secret society ritual to be part of a global organization structure for power and control, to get compromised pretty much. But at that point, you know compromising yourself for fame, power and money is not a big deal because they do it because they want it, an ego is an ego and they do it because they want it. They see nothing wrong with it, except when they get to the point when they see they have to murder someone, or do some horrific thing to a child or someone else. That’s when they truly sell their souls, which is sad. It’s sad they had to go through that but that’s no longer, Thank God.
Kim’s Letter to Trump Regarding Nationalizing the Federal Reserve
Kim: Well, we’ll see. Okay for Kim and Tom’s adventures with Trump. The production team put up a letter that talks about the Federal Reserve. There are copies of these letters on telegram at United Network then it says (CARE) if you want to see the actual letters. Now this letter here I actually did before I met Tom and it was delivered, and I couldn’t figure out if he’s such a good guy why didn’t he act on it. Now this letter tells a story about how the Federal Reserve agreement with the government had expired and how we wanted to nationalize the Federal Reserve and we wanted to turn the city of Washington DC and all its liens back over to the Government. Because at this time when I did this, I thought the government was a heck of a lot better than it really was, and I thought Trump was a good guy, pretty much like everybody else does. Now when I met Tom, because of his affiliations with the aids and a lot of people in the White House you actually re-delivered this letter to him, correct?

Tom: Yes, but to be clear, I never met Trump when he was around. But I do have affiliations to get pretty much anything I need. You know as anybody who has helped individuals in the past to correct their problems, I guess you could call it a fixer type of thing and you know sometimes you’re not happy with your past, but I did things and I did them and received favors from people when I need to do types of things and I choose to use a favor to be able to get these documents, this document onto his desk so I can confirm he actually saw the document. So, if he made the choice and decision to not follow through, then at least I know it doesn’t come from hearsay or a third- or fourth-party individual. It came directly knowing he saw it on his desk and chose not to act on it. So, our relationship is just that. It’s to make sure whenever you do something or I do something it’s acknowledged, understood and factual and there is no if, ands or buts about it because this letter could have changed a lot if he would have just acted upon it with us.
Kim: For those who don’t know about the Federal Reserve, you can read the book The Creature From Jekyll Island.pdf and it explains the Morgan family. But the secret Board behind the Board of the Federal Reserve has always been the Order of the Dragon. You could also call it a Khazarian mafia, some people use that term. But essentially you are looking at the Rothschild family, the Chinese Lee Family, the Lee Family of Singapore, and Bauer. But they interbreed with other groups and have different last names, but names you know are these ones.
So, if Trump was actually fighting the deep state, if he had actually partnered with us, at least the administration, we could have nationalized the Federal Reserve a long time ago. Now this letter is 6 years old and I even sent it over a diplomatic channel. I also explained in this letter the Federal Reserve Agreement to issue money on behalf of government worldwide ended in July 15, 2012 and that was when that expired.
The year before on June 15th in 2011 the agreement between the Alpha system to provide monetary liquidity through the entire banking system expired. So, we no longer had an obligation to them in any way. In fact, due to the amount of the ridiculous numbers we had in debt coming from the Federal Reserve, because remember we were living in a credit-based system, not an asset-based system, so the Fed owed us ridiculous amounts of money, derivatives were everywhere. When I get a moment, I will do the real history of the Federal Reserve because it’s not quite as uncomplicated as the Creature from Jekyll Island describes it. So basically, what Trump said is, No I would not like to free the United States from the stronghold of the Fed, because he would have done it at that time.
For those who don’t know, the President of every country is just a figure head. People that Tom is referring to, the ones he talks to are actually the ones making the decisions, the operatives behind and in front essentially of the actor known as the President of the US. Is that correct Tom?
Tom: Yes, absolutely. Every politician, every Head of State has been positioned on purpose to be there as the talking head so that they can create the narrative or push an agenda that they have been doing for a very long time. And I have to say, when we first sent the letter over to Trump, thinking he was going to help out and he was a good guy, I honestly failed to do my research on his background with his uncle. His uncle having been around a long time and being in the CIA back in the early 1940s. So, the Trump organization, the family lineage has been around for a long time and I honestly, I believed Trump himself would be a different character, but after doing a little research and finding it all out now, we learn as we go sometimes, he is not who he said he was.
Trump’s Uncle the Scientist, The Mummy and Project Paperclip
Kim: His uncle was brought over as part of Project Paperclip, he was a quantum scientist and worked in a program under Langley in a deep underground base that extended from the Pentagon, to Langley and all throughout Washington DC, to Georgetown, it was enormous. There is not a whole lot of activity going on there right now, but it was a huge facility. And a portion of that facility has to do with Black Sun operations, and one of them is kind of related here, even as it relates to me, the operation they run there.
If you ever saw the Jason Bourne movies, especially the 3rd one, where it’s not the same actor but they point out there is a conditioning program that happens in this special project that they coincidentally called Project Graystone. Now that would also be tied to your 8th plane of existence in your person. (Note: Jason Bourne in chronological order – IMDb)
Tom: Does that have to do with the brain matter in your head as well?
Kim: In part yes. They also have pills they have to take every day for the rest of their life. There are some people who try to get off them but they start going down this death path and everything starts to go wrong in their body. I don’t know if there are different versions, but they’re given to their top, top level operatives. I’m mentioning this to us because there is a person that runs that program and I know the code name of the person who runs that program. He is called “The Mummy” because he’s really old and he also came over during Project Paperclip and he is the one who developed those programs.
So more than likely you could probably say, what runs in the family stays in the family because a lot of these scientists were in involved with Hitler programs that were genetically modifying people and the concentration camps during WW2. You could say they did a lot of human experimentation on a lot of different types of humans, and part of that experimentation was also to make what they called the perfect human. For them the perfect human is one that can be filled with the most amount of dark matter, or they could take on a vril implant through their eye. The vril are very loyal so they like vril but with an anti-rejection drug, so sometimes that what these pills are for. But it could change completely your genetic makeup to allegedly make you smarter. That’s not a Source thing, it comes from the other direction and I feel bad for some of these guys who have taken this stuff.
The first generation of this stuff, this Jason Bourne medicine started in the 1970s. If any are still alive, they are probably 60-70 years old at least. But there have been other generations where they changed it. Now one said person I know that took this stuff is the person who invited me here to this Zone, whose last name was also Johnson and I have talked many times about the Johnsons. That’s how I learned that depending on which sector of the SSP or the 15 militaries that they are, the predominant operatives that get that type of enhancement program. I also know that my handler at the time, he was Umbrella Military Corp. He told me a lot of information. People think oh my gosh you have handler. So, what does a handler do? A handler is a person who interacts with you, they could also possibly be interacting with other parts of Langley, but it’s above their head really. They do a lot of different work for a lot of different people. They used to report directly to the Order of the Dragon families or the Black Sun. These are the real operatives. Now he told me about his time in a facility underneath Fort Bragg. He had his whole arm cyber-genetically replaced. You wouldn’t even know if you looked at it, other than the skin goes in the opposite direction. That was back in the 1980s and the fact that we have humans missing limbs, especially soldiers, is ridiculous because they have been doing this for their special people for years. He told me about some other cyber-genetic things they did to him over the years and he’s that guy. So, I have first-hand experience with Umbrella Military Corp for a period that lasted off and on in person and not in person for over 6 years. Now this person’s direct handler was a Brigadier General and also the man who programmed the BRAVO system, which used to be Langley’s Intelligence system, he worked directly in the restricted area of Langley with ‘The Mummy’. He was Langley 5 and his first name was Jeff. That is how my handler situation happened and how I actually got here (Durango). Now once he explained why I would want to come to Durango, that Durango is a Zone, here’s how the Zone system worked, I came. I figured if things didn’t work out with these people, then I’m still in a Safe Zone and he can’t do anything to me and neither could anyone else. So, I learned for a few years from these people. I asked a lot of questions and she learned. So, to clarify this, when I say that Trump’s uncle used to work for Langley, that was in a capacity he worked in that was very similar to the guy I described as The Mummy.
Kim’s Letter to Trump Regarding Hurricane Michael
Kim: Now let’s talk about another letter quickly, about Hurricane Michael. Now this was a structured rebuilding plan and emergency relief plan that was given to Trump. Tom, you also delivered it through his aids/operatives. You can see we had a clearcut plan for the present-day issue and a clearcut plan for future issues. Should there be a natural disaster in the US, then we would have natural disaster centers with which to transport people to temporary housing, whatever is needed, building equipment, generators, all the things needed when there is a major hurricane.
The second thing you can see on this letter from 2018, there is a program here called the Presidential Legacy Program. Now every president likes to have a legacy. Eisenhower’s Highway Program, just to give an example, Obamacare was Obama’s. So, they all like to have that, to live on as part of the US. So, I created a legacy program called Trump Cares and that was the building of all the Natural Disaster relief centers. Now bear in mind, by the time he received this letter I had absolutely already funded a budget for sure, so he knew I had the capacity. She had given some emergency funding on a few different occasions; we had several issues with the Treasury department so this letter had also been issued directly. Now isn’t it awful funny a couple of things have happened here. Number 1, if you live in Florida, you will know none of the money funded underneath here went to fund any kind of relief for the people during those hurricanes. But what did happen a short time later, during a pandemic we had the National Cares Act launched. That’s the crisis response for the pandemic. So, I guess the hurricane wasn’t a big enough legacy project or forever helping all US citizens during natural disasters was not enough. That’s all I’m going to say about that.

I have a lot of other letters and other correspondence with them and Tom you have a lot of correspondence with them as well, even recently over the last few weeks. They are still calling on occasion wanting to know if we want to work together or have some kind of working relationship but No. We were even willing to pay the lawyers to actually make the announcement. They have amassed billions in legal fees at the law firm, I think that’s fair to say, Tom right?
Tom: That’s several law firms, because he jumped to bunch of different law firms that didn’t work for him and he never paid. So, he hired a new law firm and he made promises to give them money in either Trump bucks or something else or privileges when he became president again. So, he had several law firms.
Kim: So, he never paid any of them though?
Tom: Not to my knowledge. Maybe from the proceeds of the Trump bucks from poor people who gave their hard-earned money for garbage.
Kim: So, we actually offered to pay the back bill to do the right thing. They said they would do it after the first of the year. So anytime now would be great. Okay, moving on to other things.
Kim’s Documents Regarding the 10 Year Funding Plan
I have posted a list of funding on the United Network telegram chat that happened in 2012. This has to do with the 10-year funding plan for the entire United States and other countries are also listed in there. But this was predominantly focused on the United States. A couple of weeks ago I talked about the fact that people were just learning this was true. The other thing I talked about in the recent past is the Military Generals had just figured out that all the money that went through the Omega system during the agreements, during the Dark Ages, money would flow from Alpha to Omega then out. So, they figured that out within the last 2 weeks right Tom?
Note: For related post on 10-Year Extension see, 10 Year Money Printing Extension Expired July 4th | 13 Shadow Militaries All Gone! | Cryptococcosis, the New Virus Intercepted | Candida Outbreak Diverted | Agreement with Draco Expired | The Remaining Imbeciles Have No Friends Left | Just Empower Me

Tom: Yes, only because the information from the Archivists and their actual research has shown that money was transferred to Treasury and that if money was transferred to Treasury, a lot of questions were had, can that money be used? And it’s authorized. It wasn’t authorized (I think is the word he used) by the Fed but all clearances and data and codes and everything necessary to make it ‘live’ money, it was accessible but they chose to not utilize it. Most likely because they were lied to and they were looking towards guidance from the Fed, and those at the Fed are arrogant and they aren’t going to say, oh yeah you can use the money.
Kim: Then there’s the operatives that run the Treasury Department behind the scenes.
This particular instance was the prior time, from 2012. They actually figured out, going back to 2012, the only way the Omega system actually retained any money was because it came from Alpha. Then everyone started calling Tom and everyone wanted to become Tom’s best friend. It would be ‘lovely’ to talk to Kim, remember when I made that statement on the news? Now what isn’t realized is this funding here was actually a request from the Pindar at the time. No money ever went to the Order without whoever ran the Alpha System present. But by now I had already hit the radar from my many trips to Russia, China, Germany, Switzerland, London you name it, and they realized that in order to get any money they would have to call me. The Pindar at the time was Ferdinand Marcos. There is an operative she knows and at the time that Tom, you introduced me to that man. Do you remember the one who was on the phone with them and he was an operative assigned to Ferdinand when he was in Hawaii. Was it Daryl? Darren? David?
Tom: Darren
Kim: And he told us the story how they brought that chair, the golden chair. He psychically laid eyes on the golden chair, the one everyone tried to put their golden booty in in Durango.
Now Ferdinand Marcos allegedly died in the 1980s in Hawaii. He also told the story of him requesting to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery and it was refused. But it makes you wonder why he was brought to Hawaii and there is a whole story about that and I’ll go over that in the real history. But I have an eyewitness who actually laid eyes on this man, and the fact that he did not die. He legally died to erase the past and continued in his position as Pindar.
Now what was in there I don’t know, but I personally had conversations with this party and I personally believe Marduk walked in an and out of that man regularly and I think it had something to do with the ceremony in that chair, or at least consciousness transfers or something like that.
Kim’s Letter to Pindar Ferdinand Marcos in 2012
Now in order to prove that, I also released another letter today which is also posted on telegram that you can see a lot clearer. This is a personal hand written letter to me from Ferdinand Marcos back in 2012.

Now continued in this letter he is requesting from me funding for all the departments you see in the same folder that she also posted on the telegram chat. It lists every department he requested funding for from me. And he said it had to happen no later than July 12th. Now what a coincidence is that and it had to be a 10-year budget. There are no coincidences in this world and I have gotten an education in the last 15 years. Prior to that I was doing normal or what I thought was normal, semi-normal or as normal as I could make it. My gifts were always there, but things really started to change for me in 2005-2007. But this letter here is proof.
Tom, just so you know, your phone has been ringing off the hook for the last 2 hours since we’ve been on the news, but Langley did do a handwriting verification that that letter actually did come from that man. Because they also had previous authorizations, because as Pindar he would have had to do that.
So, this goes to show, this is how it used to work during the Dark Age. There were covenants in place I would have to adhere to and I did. I said okay, and I went ahead and did all the assignments to the government per the Pindar’s request. So, it was always me behind the money, even though people don’t want to admit it, they are very upset I put this information out, but I just wanted people to know the proof is all there.
Tom’s Adventures with the Treasury Department
Kim: Now Tom you have also been to the Treasury Department several times on our behalf?
Tom: Yes.
Kim: Which one Washington DC, New York?
Tom: Yes, I was in Washington a few times but mostly New York.
Kim: So, you walked into that building and you’ve seen the money I transferred there, correct?
Tom: Yes, you can’t walk into that building without everyone in the world knowing you are walking in there to witness, or go on screens, or to see something, or to get information, everyone knows.
Kim: And this is 26 Federal Plaza in Manhattan, correct?
Tom: Well 26 Federal is the federal building but the Treasury is close at 526 Federal.
Kim: Yeah, it’s in the same block, in that general area you have an entire building full of operatives, a surveillance building?
Tom: Yes
Kim: Underneath that building you have an entire facility that goes under probably two thirds of Manhattan and is run by the SES. They are operatives and one step down from your SSP operatives, your ACIO people.
Tom: Yes, and there are also connection hubs, tunnels underneath that connect to different buildings that house CIA operatives, NSA and the whole bit. Manhattan is connected in such a way because it’s a primary zone for information. It always has been, especially with the Thomas Street building over there. A lot of information goes underground and passes in those hubs, so nothing is ever secure, they know everything you do.
Note: For related Thomas Street (Dark Tower) post, see The Deep State Still Not Backing Down | Capitol Building Was Targeted for 911 Type Event & Failed | Generals Were Taking Orders, But From Who This Time & How? | Is the Dark Tower the Keystone to Travel Between Hell & Earth Real? | Hundreds of Thousands of Humans & Lower Astral Beings Stuck in Wormhole Between Worlds Now Dead | Silent Circle Continues Taking Out More Deep State People | Just Empower Me
Kim: That’s why you are very limited in what you can and cannot do in these facilities. You are being watched. Do you remember Citadel Security company came flying in the door?
Tom: When I went in there, they had my picture up on a screen and you have to show ID, and then they watch you like a hawk. As a rep for you, the GIA, walking in there to witness the accounts and see the processing of all this very highly, sought after information, so they watch you all the time, but yes I did actually see the money on the accounts validated by the Treasury Dept, but to actually utilize it, we were never able to.
Kim: The Treasury utilized their portion but we weren’t permitted to.
Tom: They would never allow us to have any of it. Not that the Treasury people are bad people, it’s just the handlers and the agencies behind them threatening if they do this, they are going to lose their job. So, a lot of it is done to protect themselves even though the right thing to do is pay us, pay our fee which has always been done. They just get threatened not to.
Kim: During the Trump Administration I paid the full budget twice. So, I’m sure they spent that money. If you see the new CARES Act, we know where that money went and where it came from now. So, you connect the dots on what is happening here.
Because Tom is a boy scout, he will not get anyone fired in Treasury.
Tom: No
Kim: And because he is not a liar he cannot confirm or deny if they spent the money or not, he is just leaving it at that? Is that correct Tom?
Tom: Yeah, I’m in the business of making friends and not making enemies. Making enemies doesn’t allow us to do our job. Even though there are so many good people working in these government positions, it’s difficult for them because their hands are tied and I feel bad. So, whenever it comes down to asking them for favors it’s a pretty big thing.
Kim: Right. Because of Tom’s network and our network in totality, I would say that this is predominantly how we get all the information we get. My Key Intelligence and Military System does a great job at that as well. I often will say look, this is coming your way right now, and how long before they actually call you?
Tom: Almost immediately.
Kim: Then when Citadel didn’t gently escort Tom I said run, they’re around the corner.
Tom: The first time he did that and went to Treasury, he was escorted into a car and driven away a few blocks and let out. I was told, don’t go into that building right now. Either they were trying to protect me or they just wanted me to stay away. Then over time I built a relationship with most of those folks, that’s how you do it, I’m a relationship builder, especially if everyone wants to get paid. So you build relationships and overtime time they became associates that helped me. That one time we transferred money and I had to get access to it, I had to run around Manhattan to several locations with an escort from Citadel because they were my friends at this point, some of them, and they had to escort me to a different location, to a different terminal where we could do the job and get our fee and pay them and everyone who helped us at that time. Trying to do that was amazing because we went to buildings where I didn’t know they had accessible working terminals in and so it’s a network. Nothing happens the way you think it happens. So, it was fun that time, but not when they almost tried to kidnap me. So, it’s been fun, the atmosphere is more like, we know you’re here to do the right thing and you’re trying to pay us, but we can’t do it yet. And this is the sort of the thing, every single time, they tell him we want to, but we can’t do it yet. And I getting tired of it, we just want to move it forward.
Clarification About the ACIO
One other question Kim addressed has to do with the ACIO, which was actually a little bit of explanation for us.
Kim: For those who don’t know the NSA is a worldwide organization. You have Pine Gap in Australia, Menwith Hill in the UK, and Maryland. But the NSA is a unique organization that never worked for the government. Sure, they present themselves as a government organization, but that is not true. The NSA worked directly for Marduk, it was formed by Marduk. When America came around, they just labeled it something else. Just like the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) has been around for thousands of years, it didn’t get that label though until the 1940s. I know this because Marduk also created the division called the ACIO, which is a division of the NSA. Their job was to make sure balance was being maintained in the cyberworld essentially. They had more access to things like the dueling tetrahedrons I did in the financial video. They did have access to that stuff and is the reason they know who the 15 militaries are and why they post them like they are good people on their website.
Now in our last broadcast I discussed the guy named Saif, who is part of Monarch and part of the Shadow Group, he works with both. And I can tell you unequivocally they are not good people. But that is who the ACIO is, and how they were formed.
Now over the last few years they could see a lot of changes happening here on earth and nobody wanted to listen to them. A lot of them went rogue and underground. Not bad people, they have a lot of information, but that is where they got it from because they were direct to both sides. So, they had higher access to information than anyone on the planet, except for maybe the SSP operatives.
The ACIO has computers compatible with the Alpha system and we have had direct conversations. Tom, the Archivists also have direct access to the ACIO? Correct?
Tom: Absolutely
Kim: Have you ever spoken to the ACIO?
Tom: I have not.
Kim: We actually have had conversations whether you know it or not, with at least one member of what I call the ACIO, and I don’t want to call anyone out because they kind of have gone underground.
Tom: NSA is a digital protection unit so my relationship is more like FBI cyber-security or the army cyber teams and those sorts of folks. Those who watch things through the NSA, who monitor the SOCOM folks in Florida, people who monitor the internet with the back and forth with the CIA and ACIO and NSA. So even if I haven’t spoken with the ACIO directly, I do know their involvement with these groups based on a cyber-security platform.
Kim: And I know them because obviously at one point in time there was direct Omega access to them, they had a limited amount of degree of security access to both, which was granted to Marduk through the Council of 9 which used to monitor balance in the universe, remember not light not dark. So, I would say that their access, from at least a quantum cyber-security standpoint, they would have more knowledge than anyone else. That’s where they get all this information.
The below is in reference to a video Lisa Thomas posted, that Kim plagiarized information from the ACIO website.
So yes, I understand there is a lady out there who claims to be their spokesperson. But I didn’t know I had to go through the YouTube alt media people to have a conversation on a diplomatic line. I’ll probably never do that.
Tom: They have public information on their website where anyone can get it.
Kim: Yes, and plagiarism is when you claim someone else’s work and claim it as your own. In that news broadcast I told you where I got the information and I have repeatedly. I have the right to put out information as long as I credit the original source. Kim has and I should know having documented more than 250 of her situation reports. That’s what I do, always credit Kim as the original source.
Note: Related post, The 15 Groups in the Shadow Military | How Intelligence Agencies Were Structured | 41 Coven Members Left Still Floundering | Part 2 | Just Empower Me & ACIO Official – Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (
Kim: Thank you for coming on the news today and we hope to see you here more.
Tom: We know they listen to us heavily because we give real information and because it was so compartmentalized on their side. I know there are other sites out there claiming the same thing and maybe it’s the case in some instances. But I live it every day and I can’t wait for the next step. So, to people claiming the information is not real or we are making it up, there is no way we can have information that no one else has, and they plagiarizing from us.
So, to the naysayers who say Kim is not who she says she is, I know the absolute truth because I live it every day. But the info given we give to everyone is second to none and we are firsthand information and we try to stick to our word because we are going to be the leaders to the coming new world. And we have to hold ourselves to an even higher standard than anyone else because of the relationship of money. And how at some point we are going to give over the power to the planet because we don’t want it, I don’t want it, Kim doesn’t want it. We want to turn it over to everyone on the planet so we can live in abundance and to create a world that is for humans and every living soul that is on this planet and beyond.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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really appreciate these transcriptions because youtube is blocking my access. all I get when I search for Kim is some rando site called Kimgoguenfraudtv. ugh.
Marty, I’m blocked on YouTube, too. Try here
Marty try rumble.
PJZ thanks for the transcrit.
As always super!
sorry if I’m double posting but the site crashed
I do not care what any of them say or what fraudulent documents they put out there to convince you that they are genuine I do not trust a single thing they say now. They are all grifters not to be trusted in my opinion
I’m right there with you! Kim says she always keeps her word. Well she gave her word that if no one else would she would announce trumps death.
NO ONE CARES about her work drama. She needs to put foot to ass and start show8bg some ACTUAL proof.
She has been putted as a gifted by some of her own team members….. it’s going g to take more than some he said she said interview to convince people
No longer convinced I do not care what any of them say or what documents they put out there to convince you that they are genuine I do not trust a single thing they say now. They are all grifters not to be trusted in my opinion
Rachel, why are you spouting your venom here. go join Metatronic satanic team bubba. It doesn’t exactly show intelligence to pay so much attention to someone YOU don’t believe at all. What added value does your venom have here. ZERO.
T H I N K !!!
T>is it true?
H> is it helpful?
I> is it inspiring?
N> is it necessary?
K> is it kind?
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