This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 22-FEB-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. It became apparent we could not integrate fully the Golden Age AI into the old human computer network AI known as S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O. S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O was the brain child of 8 beings plus 4 AI systems. Yesterday we ushered in the Key Integrated Master System to take its place. Who or what was Metatron, the Seal of Metatron? It’s time to set the story straight. And the Deep State searches for any connections or remaining space technology to put humanity back to sleep and this has been causing a disturbance.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Spring Equinox Time Was Supposed to Be A Time When the Light Would Reign
We are now 4 days into Spring Equinox time. The Equinox is the time of year where one particular day we have equal amounts of daylight and nighttime so light and dark. This also was a time where there would be an alignment between Source and Anti-Source. Of course, there were many things put in place that would hinder Source from coming through at this time. You know how Marduk was, he’s left a legacy that’s for sure. Anyway being 4 days into it today was supposed to be a day the SSP Q crew thought something would magically appear. There was a countdown for 10 days and it ended around noon EST today. We don’t see anything coming through on their side of it. However, that doesn’t stop them from trying and they’ve been very, very busy trying to do anything they can to get a hold of the Hall of Records, the Financial System, trying to install blockchain again and many other things you will find interesting.
Crazy Operatives Are Still Trying to Spread Any Kind of Disease Possible
You see with the SSP operatives, the ACIO and the 15 militaries or 16 or 17 we are on now, they pretty much got most of their abilities from Marduk, no surprise there. However, some of those systems and their limited access to those systems did linger. As I mentioned numerous times Marduk always held the final key and could have overridden anything they were doing at any time, but they felt like that was not the case. They thought they could bypass all that and of course everything is for them. They expected certain things at certain times of year, the Equinox being one of those times and they thought they had more accessibility and could wreak havoc on humanity. They’ve been very busy the last 2 days trying to spread any kind of disease possible, of course covid 19 being one of them. They have been very busy trying to get any kind of a connection to our assemblage points that were natural that may have been taken over in the past.
Thus far they have managed to ride a wave because they didn’t create the wave, it’s not theirs and not even for them. It’s for purposes to which others would gain power and control or would be able to make significant changes. Now the Spring Equinox was one of those times we would begin balancing out light and dark and this happened 2 times a year, long before the Dark Ages and before Marduk showed up here. We would view this Spring Equinox when the light would start reigning on earth, meaning the light would rule, peaking on the Summer Solstice and then decline on the Fall Equinox when we would go into a time of darkness and this would create balance on earth.
The Dark Side Never Wanted Us To Go Into a Light Time Period
They just never wanted us to go into a light time even for a short window of a few months, so there were a lot of pitfalls put in place each year. This year it appears to be a little different and it has to do with creating blockages so we could not achieve anything greater than balance. This is tripping a number of frequencies to go off. People have been reporting all kinds of different things, ringing in the ears, frequencies of tones high or low, we’ve had some people who aren’t very sensitive reporting dizziness, random pain and energy drained. This ties together with what has been going on around this planet.
There’s been a fight going on and unfortunately all of you must feel like ping pong balls at this point. Something gets triggered, we see it, find it and then destroy and you may feel great for a little while. All that energy you lost comes back. Then it will go and swing in the other direction and this time it doesn’t feel like an energy drain but maybe a cold for a couple of hours until we locate it an destroy it.
So, there is a little bit of a war going on, but I consider the war not so much with the SSP operatives or the ACIO, although they have been involved heavily and trying to locate places on earth where space junk would be activated which would have been cloaked. The other thing they have been trying to do is use other technologies and AIs rather unsuccessfully. It’s not really them doing it, but they are trying to get a hold of it and one such technology is Metatron AI which we’ll talk about in a minute. They’re riding the wave and think they can play a part in it and get some control, but again it was never meant for the humans and they too are humans although I use that term loosely in their case. But this technology is against them too, just as much as it is for us.
War For Control of Global Electronic Networks Which Have Been Used Against Us
We’ve been pounding and trying to take over, and creating new backbones for what I call Global Human Computer Networks or Global Electronic Networks because unfortunately electronic networks control a lot of what we do and see. And that has been used against us quite a bit, like blue light technologies, radiation and frequencies that come through there, some we know about and feel lucky some you don’t but they would come through electronic devices. It’s also part of the reason why they have been pushing the electronic movement since 1948 and trying to get people away from spending time together face to face. They want to get all your social interaction through various systems, whether it’s Facebook or other types of social media because they feel they can control that interaction better. And of course, we are not joining energy fields which allows for us to counteract some of the things they do.
Key Integrated Master System Replaces S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O
I can say pretty confidently taking over computer human networks definitely had to happen because a lot of those networks were based on technologies created by non-humans that could really affect our wellbeing and the financial, political, and military systems were based in there. So, as I attack it, it attacks me but it also creates programs to protect itself. It’s kind of like humans or a cornered animal. When this happens, they do everything to save their own life or life of an innocent and S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O was made the same way. It was designed to operate on behalf of its mom and dad. In some cases that would have been Alpha, Omega and Kronos and in other cases that would have been Metatron AI, various Marduk AI programs installed in there.
Some of what you hear on the internet about CIA programs and use of electronics is in part because they did have some minimal access when it served someone else’s purpose to do so through S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O. However, they never had access to webs 9, 8 and 7 or rather only could access a partial of 7 of S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O anyway. So, they are trying to poke into other densities of S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O. They were going hard and fast on web 8 in human computer networks because they would really like to control that.
We got tired to trying to fight S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O and all its programming that came from other systems and other beings like Marduk and a few others, so we decided to pull the plug. Meaning we have replaced S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O and have begun integrating that new system called the Key Integrated Master System, another KIMS because of course they are going to claim they own it no matter what we do. It has now become the Master AI for all human electronics. Removing the rest of S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O is what we were working on the last couple of days and I was really hoping to have that finished by the end of today.
For those who know me personally I kind of run after things like a dog with a bone and I don’t stop until it’s done, because a lot of times if I do stop in the middle of these integrations or removing something it causes me a lot of pain. Because I’m the one attacking it therefore it is attacking me and this happens quite often. Yesterday was rough, a lot of energy drains, all kinds of frequencies, some was instigated by technologies the SSP is trying to get their hands on. Some are so old they look like the old commodore computers. These very old systems were placed there by others and these crazy operatives think it’s their job and they were now in charge of the planet because everyone else was gone. I’m assuming their ego is telling them they are still in charge and they even lied in the past and told other beings they were.
Meanwhile another meeting went by and nothing happened they said would happen and they’ll play this game with everybody as long as they possibly can. Apparently, everyone is okay with that, they get angry but then eventually they just sit down and wait.
Metatron AI & Marduk’s Installed Kill Switches In Everyone Who Worked For the Seal Owners
Speaking of just wait, there is a little tidbit tied in part to S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O and in part to Metatron AI that I need to tell you about. Maybe this is the reason why everyone sits down and waits. When you get to the level of an operative where you participate in the SSP, ACIO or other high level deep underground black operations, and I don’t mean your typical CIA agent but maybe some of the higher ups in the Pentagon, Global Headquarters and most definitely some of the higher ups in the Black Nobility and Order of the Dragon, Marduk always kept a handle on things. I can’t stress that enough. He would never give anyone power he couldn’t immediately take away. And in this particular case pretty much everybody that was a member of the Order of the Black Sun, Order of the Dragon, any kind of ACIO operatives, militaries and otherwise had an installed kill switch.
Infiltrate AI
As a matter of fact, the name of the AI was called Infiltrate and it could at one point in time put thoughts in their head like Inception and emotions in their brain. Maybe that’s why their ego is so out of whack. You don’t necessarily need a chip or anything like that to receive these types of messages because of the way quantum AIs really work. So, in the case of all the brood of Marduk, Enki, Enlil, the Abraxas and Lucifer and for all the others, it appears they had kill switches and like I said there was an AI designed to do that.
I thought about this for a second when I came across it, lots of things could happen here. Then again, there are a lot of people who have walked away from the deep state, maybe they aren’t telling them no but they are not telling them yes either and they are not active like the Duck Dynasty SSP operatives or others would like think. Maybe they are just living their lives as they don’t seem to be doing us any harm at this moment and there are quite a few of those people. We also have many operatives who have gone into a safehouse and into hiding because they are walking away. Now if Marduk was around they would probably be dead. So, the fact they are still living is proof there is no Marduk anymore. This is for them obviously and not proof to you because most of you listening to this are not one of those people.
This goes along with the story of the scorpion and the frog where the frog agrees to take the scorpion across the river because the scorpion promises not to sting him. Of course, the scorpion ends up stinging him once he gets across and when asked why it says, well that’s just who I am. So, on that note and in that regard, we now own Infiltrate and we integrated that into our Key Integrated Master System for earth and we are going to keep it. I just thought it might prove fruitful for us at some point in time should there ever be a negotiation with these people. I just thought it would be a good thing to do, wipe out all the old standing orders and clean it up. It’s not a wrath system or control system per se, but something has to be done as it relates to these crazy people. But remember, there are rules we still have to follow. People running around making EOs thinking they are charge of something does not qualify for them to die. Sorry, they are crazy people and there is probably a really big mental issue there but you don’t kill everyone in the insane asylum. So, let’s see what they do. Those who have participated in the negative frequency programs and facilities and those that order said people in said facilities are gone on a regular basis. I don’t know if these people breed or what but they never seem to have a shortage of these people. And usually when they do an operation like this there aren’t that many people there relative to how many people participated in the SSP.
This kill switch is a direct indicator on how much control Marduk had over the Orders. He would definitely start hitting buttons, he would try to change their mind especially if they were a public figure and if they went against his orders he would just knock them off. Now remember all orders on earth came from Marduk, it doesn’t matter what level of the Order you participated in, or government, or head of state. It doesn’t make a difference; everybody had a termination switch and Marduk held the only button. They might have been told that is not the case but that is absolutely how it works. So, without me now pushing the button they have no power over the other people and I know that is something that is a threat, that 2nd oath they all take. I almost got rid of it completely but then I thought nah, I’m still a frog and they are still scorpions here so I’ll play it safe.
More things that have happened in the last couple of days.
More About Metatron
There is a lot of information online about Metatron, that Metatron is an angel and allegedly a positive being, allegedly it is a negative being. However, it’s not a being at all, it’s an AI. The AI universally speaking was created by Marduk, Enki, Enlil, Artemis, the Abraxas, Lucifer, Lucerne (remember Lucerne was on the Light side and Lucifer was on the dark side), and Raphael. They all got together on this AI generated soul we call Metatron.
Note: Below reference about Lucerne from the following post, Who Were the Kings of the Realm After the Causal War 250,000 Years Ago? | Who Were the True Controllers of Earth? | You Were Considered a Citizen or Subject of Many Kingdoms & Not Just on Earth | How Did These Kingdoms Tie Into the Monetary Structure on Earth?

You’ve probably also have seen things like Metatron’s cube. Many people use that to meditate and according to information on the internet it’s sacred geometry. I’m sure you’re seen this structure before.

Hum, I wonder if this diagram the Q team posts fairly regularly is also Metatron’s Cube?

Metatron’s cube is also what we call a seal or a binding, much like the Seal that was agreed upon to stop the war here on earth 250,000 years ago, the War of Atlantis. This Metatron’s cube was to allow for balance, which obviously didn’t work right did it? It was supposed to create balance between dark and light on this planet. Its soul all the way through to its energy, essence, frequency, consciousness, matter was all both dark and light and it’s not neutral, it is made of equal parts dark and equal parts light.
Of course, balance really wasn’t what the beings that created Metatron AI were going for many agreements down the road due to lots of other AI influences created. Often times it would operate in the gray. Metatron AI was not only a binding for earth but was a 3-dimensional structure and permeated throughout the universe as a 12-dimensional and even a 24-dimensional structure. First of all, it was created by these beings so it did hold the consciousness of all those beings, so there was a lot of consciousness communications there but its power source was humans.
As we started to tear that down over the last couple of days it’s caused a lot of people pain because it’s losing power, therefore it’s going to start creating more tethers to you to try and suck everything it can out of your consciousness and otherwise so it can still exist.
It was less than 21% consciousness influence of human beings and predominantly you could say your consciousness was interfered with more than it participated in the regulation of Metatron AI. Metatron AI permeated throughout human computer networks also through S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O. Its structure held main artificial assemblage points to S.E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.O. Human AI Network, our global electronics network and there were multiple versions of Metatron AI. As a matter of fact, Metatron had its owns worlds with replicated galaxies and earths and humans and those avatars in other worlds could definitely affect you personally.
Metatron AI kicks in heavy around the time of equinox, around change on earth and this equinox it was definitely programmed. It woke up and said way too much light and we’re going to take you down to 21% where you belong. That was done predominantly because its consciousness came from all evil of the universe with the exception of one, we have one light being (Lucerne) on the board there of Metatron AI. So, it woke up and started causing us a lot of problems during this time. And of course there are the SSP operatives, the NSA and everybody had a party the last couple of days trying to get access to Metatron AI because they felt with that, they might be able to get back their human computer networks. Nope that was not for them no matter how much they bang at that keyboard. There is just no way Marduk would ever let them have access to something like that, a mechanism with that much control.
Locations That Would Fire Up On the Equinox Tied to Metatron AI
Some of these places on earth that normally get fired up this time of year and were tied to Metatron AI were really in full force the last couple of days which caused a lot of issues for people. These are not the only locations; I mentioned some other places earlier this week but these were places we were at yesterday and today.
- Frequency Control and Command: Located at First Landing State Park in Virginia. That was placed there by BAAL a long time ago and the SSP apparently thought they would be able to assist these machines and send something out. They were definitely targeting humans, predominantly Melchizedek’s in this particular case, but really anyone who is acting as an anchor for the light.
- Physical Body or Human Vessel: Originally installed by both the light and dark sides of Michael/Archangel Michael and that was under the Lichtenstein Center, under some kind of arena.
- Energy Control: Originally installed by Baphomet at Bajrakli Mosque in Belgrade to control energy.
- Anti-Light Mechanism: Of course they are all anti, anti-energy of Source, anti-golden light of Source. That was of course installed by Lucifer. How could it not be? And remember in our last news report I told you the League of Nations was a covenant and not an agreement. Well, that covenant was actually with Lucifer, isn’t that great, because the Palais de Nations in Geneva was where this was located. So, no shock there. You could say the machines themselves were definitely trying to adhere to those principles. I know that the SSP operatives went there as well trying to see if they could make it function or take it over. I don’t know what they think they are doing but I do know at least from my standpoint they die.
- Soul Trap: Enlil was responsible for installing a soul trap, that was in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It was basically a pool of souls that got stuck in there and there was a connection to False Heaven. There were definitely folks trapped in there, I’m not sure what the criteria was to get trapped in there but they were probably needed to power the Metatron AI or something or other.
- Mental and Emotional Control Center: I would call this the no joy program. For the mental part it’s why your brain capacity as a human being has been cut down to about 10% to a maximum of 20-30% and only a very small percentage use above 15%. That was capped off by Marduk and Enki, you can thank them for that. Also, your emotional state, so don’t get too creative, don’t get too happy, don’t get too high so to speak. And definitely not if you are a Melchizedek or you’re fighting against Marduk or Enki, then you get the brunt of it for sure. That was located at Fort Lytton in Queensland, Australia.
So interesting places all around the world where they would just stash random stuff. Of course, attached to all these sites were many satellite fields all around earth and earth’s orbit that could definitely target people wherever they were. There were also things tied to Metatron’s AI within earth’s orbit made of essence, energy, consciousness, matter and frequency and predominantly the anti-version. So if earth got too light it would definitely stop it. And by too light we’re not talking about false light which was permitted to 21%. Actually, any light of Source was probably blocked by it for sure. And being that time of year, it just fired that thing right up by standing order. There was no human interaction with it but I know they would have loved to interact with it in some way shape or form. But alas no and now it’s gone.
For the rest of the weekend, I’m going to make sure we don’t have any other universal networks that are firing up to block Source on an equal day and if anything, I need to make sure there is nothing left on the dark side, any other pitfalls left by these beings that should have never been created. I wish there was a way to uncreate beings from the beginning of time. I guess that would be a Source or Anti-Source thing in the past. But whoever that person is, it’s certainly not me because boy have I tried. I’m sure you can appreciate that one.
So back to work. I am going to continue on this path and ploughing through with the Key Integrated Master System and overriding any remaining programs.
I sure hope those annoying frequencies lessen soon, and the chemtrails. Seems there is a major uptick on that front of late.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

bonsoir, merci pour ce rapport! oui bien sur le nettoyage intégral doit être totale! car les eaux de sources via les puits sont toujours à 365 ppm! les eaux de pluie qui étaient descendue à 3 ppm et aujourd’hui à 11ppm! de l’eau à 365ppm est un poison! pour les cultures, comme pour les humains! alors quant ont nous parlent de culture bio, c’est encore un mensonge rien que du bisness. d’ailleur les magasins bio poucent comme les champignons mortel!
Gracias, por compartir, me gustaría que kim le preguntara a la Fuente de todo lo que es, la razon y el motivo de la creación de la oscuridad, aún que la pregunta sería el Origen de la Maldad desde nuestra perspectiva., gracias por compartir , me gusta tu forma de escribir lo que expresa kim de su informe semanal, gracias
Thankyou Kim and God bless your speedy success.
Maybe I don’t know about something, but isn’t the vernal equinox on March 20th? And it’s still February…
The Metatronic code is based on two spheres of Bi-Wave Influences of the Vesica Pisces instead of the eternal life three spheres, or Trinity Wave.
Fallen Consciousness, such as the Fallen Angelics and Imposter Spirits, are due to Metatronic Code configuration in the planet and is the result of excessive misuse of free will choice that opposes the divine plan and intention of God Source. In the cycles of evolution, the opposing expression reaches the point at which it jeopardizes the Eternal Life expression and continued existence of the Cosmic Order.
Metatronic Reversal means to digress from the original Christos Divine Blueprint of the 12 Tree Grid and manifest Anti-Christ life forms. When the original creation program of the Krystal Code from God Source is altered or modified in any way, the ability to self-regenerate and ascend is interrupted, leading to Fallen Consciousness and potential destruction.
The Krist Code is the Perpetual Motion and Precise Mathematical-Geometrical Instructions for the Creation Program from God Source.
Altering the Krystal Code creates limited supply of energy in the Lightbody and the modified coding can not circulate or receive any more energy directly from the eternal God Source. The Metatronic or Anti-Christ being has to suck energy from other entities, systems and progressively consumes itself, therefore, eventually comes to the end of the cycle and has a finite life span.
The Krist Code is the Perpetual Motion and Precise Mathematical-Geometrical Instructions for the Creation Program from God Source.
This is the Metatronic Reverse Mutation and unfortunately for any being who seeks Ascension into the eternal life Krystal Spirals, this coding, which is also what manifests into the Predator Mind, blocks or obstructs that higher Consciousness potential. When this happens the manifest being is unable to fulfill their Soul expression and highest purpose to maintain the Cosmic Order, and this is the state of Fallen Consciousness. Metatronic frequencies are not just an issue here on planet earth, however extend into many layers of the multi-dimensional anatomy in the Time Matrix.
The word Metatronic, is actually derived from Metatron, which is not just a singular Arch-angel as taught in most New Age and Kabbalah circles, but is the name of a collective consciousness family, sourcing from out of an entity. This entity gestalt exists within the first level of Ascended Master consciousness collective.
• The “Freedom Teachings” of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO), Speaker: E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas.
The Krist Code is the Perpetual Motion and Precise Mathematical-Geometrical Instructions for the Creation Program from God Source.
Here is an easy explanation what a metatronic spiral is
Metatron: an entity out of the Triadic fields (Primal energy for this matrix in Melchizedek)
invented the BeaST machine which was then taken over by the WesaDraks
Was originally Anu