This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on February 14, 2024 on UNN which is available for subscribers. In this update we find out that some crazy SSP operatives were still at it and convinced another gateway was opening which corresponds to the latest Q clock posting, but of course. Kim also explains why you might have felt completely drained a few days ago. But on a brighter note, the Silent Circle seems to be fed up too with the Anti-Silent Circle and markers were involved. Evidently the Anti-Silent Circle literally bet their life on this gateway opening and since it didn’t, well there should be less Black Nobility people still walking the planet today.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

14-Feb-24 News (
The Fisher King Gateway
According to the SSP, yesterday there was supposed to be an opening of a gateway called the Fisher King and it is something that would occur naturally. It was an alignment with Source and Anti-Source and Earth in the middle which would open this gateway at this time every year. Although it hasn’t really functioned like this for a few years, but their old docs said it would and that’s why were seeing that countdown again on the Q clock.
The Illuminator | Drains Your Life Force
The reason why you might have felt drained yesterday is because early in the morning there was a giant machine Kim called the Illuminator for lack of a better term, in Chang’an Mountain in China. Its job was to drain essence from human souls. It is really horrible, it takes pure light essence which is the blood of your soul, converts it to dark essence and then ships it off to the lower astral for dark soul creation. Kim said she felt a little weird which is how she found it. It feels like you have very low blood sugar, like you need to eat something but that doesn’t help. It’s not just a tired feeling but feels like someone unplugged you and it’s actually draining your life force. Once the essence is drawn from the body it is stored in a tubular looking thing that looks like a giant vial.

The SSP took this essence drain to a couple of different places. One place was the Hill of Witches in Lithuania. There is a strange gateway and totem looking thing there. The second place was St. Michael’s Cave in Gibraltar which is an interesting place. During WWII there used to be a hospital inside the cave. It’s well lit and has perfect acoustics inside where they perform concerts.

St. Michael’s Cave in Gibraltar

There were 9 SSP operatives there with several of these vials which they took to Saint Michaels Cave and to the Hill of Witches because they thought it would open a portal or a gateway there, which didn’t happen and now we have 9 less SSP people.
Other SSP People Arrived in Durango to Disrupt Meetings
Speaking of SSP people, we don’t have too many of the higher-ranking ones left and the only reason we have those currently is because 24 hours ago they showed up in Durango, Colorado with a few of their underlings. They came here to disrupt the locals and people from the Pentagon who were there with their operative people as they were ready to go for a meeting. But 6 hours before the meeting was a go these guys decided to interrupt. They tried to tell them that Kim is nothing and they’re going to be back and they’ll have everything they want by today, which also happens to coincide with the crazy Q clock.
Except now they kind of have their tails between their legs. They did want to meet with Kim, even though she’s nothing at the same time, which left the locals a little bit confused. So, you want to meet with her, to then get money from her, so you can give it to us? Why would we want to do that? Then you have the Pentagon people who just want to meet with Kim by themselves, why do they need the SSP? Because the SSP tried give them a whole line of baloney, like you’re not qualified to meet with a person such as that. She is really difficult to handle, blah, blah, blah. We have to handle a person like that.
Kim’s personal opinion as to the reason why they wanted to schedule a meeting with her is because they thought they would have regained some power and control and then they would be somewhat equal after this gateway alignment, so they could then have a conversation about what they want.
The Pentagon People Still in Durango
The Pentagon people are still here with their respective operatives. They are not causing any issues as far as she understands and they want to move forward. There is a little bit of, why do we have to wait kind of thing, but it should be moving forward soon. They absolutely know there was no Gateway opening, that the SSP failed. But it might have opened if it hadn’t already been cleaned up. She expects to see some forward movement this afternoon. As of now they seem to be ready to go forward. There is a little fighting with the crazies, they want to delay them more, probably until the next alignment whenever that is.
Uptick in the Middle East
We have seen a slight uptick in the Middle East, partially because one of the places where the gateway was is in Israel. That was the darkest gate on earth for a long time. There were a few other locations in Germany, Lichtenstein, Amsterdam, Odessa, Ukraine, and Devils Slide in Utah. Those were some of the places they were looking to gain access to or through.
Has the Silent Circle Finally Had Enough?
The whole world is getting very frustrated worldwide and that includes operatives and the Silent Circle with this repeated old text, gateway and here we go again. Everybody is sick and tired waiting for another day ending in ‘y’ and the constant reset of the Q clock. In fact, one time, just for a couple of minutes it even said, we are soooo back. But only for a couple of minutes because no gateway opened, no help came, no reptiles. So now it says the EBS will go off in 3 days. There is no EBS to go off, but will they just keep resetting it? Well not this time, at least Kim doesn’t think so. Then again there could be somebody running that website who will continue to give mis-information. But there was an interesting development which makes Kim doubt they will reset the clock and that’s because in order to get people to wait for this miraculous event to happen today, there were some markers involved.
What Are Markers Again?
A marker is when there is an agreement between two people or even a group and they agree you are going to perform this function, whatever this function is, and if you fail, now you’re life is on the line, meaning they have the right to eradicate you from planet earth.
So at the higher levels on their side the Black Nobility Families who are the Anti-Silent Circle and wanted to pursue this gate took markers from the Silent Circle. They definitely thought this Gate was it because it was written in the ancient texts. Now this Anti-Silent Circle group has until 3pm EST to perform on the marker, if not the Silent Circle is going to wipe out them out. So, these Black Nobility/Anti-Silent Circle people bet their life. Now what Kim understands is we don’t have 5 different Black Nobility families anymore, we now have just 3. So, something happened this morning but she didn’t have time to look into it yet as to why we only have three. Now, it only gets better, the Black Nobility families also issued a marker to the remaining SSP which are the Monarch Military people. So, there is a marker for their performance between those 2 groups as well. Monarch Military said they will absolutely get this done. And by get this done means more corpses in St. Michael’s Cave, at the Hill of Witches in Lithuania and even more in Chang’an in China.
So, the other SSP people that came to Durango and caused a raucous must have drew the long straws which saved them for a period of time. There are about 4 of them here that have markers on their heads. Will they be stuck there? She doesn’t know but thinks the locals have to ex-communicate them, like they did in the John Wick movies, they ex-communicated them from the Intercontinental Hotel. And these SSP/Monarch Military people are not friendly with the people in this Zone in Durango. They are from the Jackson Hole, the Federal Reserve Rothschild Zone operative section in Wyoming. There are others Zones in the world of course, London being another. So they would have to ask them for protection and be granted that protection. But after yesterday, with their massive egos trying to order people around with attitude, telling them, don’t you know who we are! she doesn’t know what’s going to happen to them. Are they going to exist or not on this planet? Her personal vote after watching them yesterday is to have a conversation with them because it would be fun for her, entertaining, something a little different.
As it stands now, the Silent Circle has no intention of backing down. She knows the Anti-Silent Circle has pled for more time and mercy and it fell on deaf ears. That’s what she’s hearing. There are so many times the Silent Circle has been stopped from moving forward by the Anti-Silent circle who said just wait, we’re going to do it and it never ever works and it will never work. We’re not in that Age anymore. Their information is from an alternative timeline, so can you please either get out of this one or we can help remove you.
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Thankyou and God bless you : )
It is absolutely obvious that humanity must quickly rebuild itself in order to eliminate the formation, with alien self-awareness, carrying out its old programs of slavery, ignorance, hunger, wars (including bacteriological), and editing of Divine genes and climate. The transition is not cancelled, and it is in our interests that it takes place smoothly, so that we can more easily cope with adaptation to new conditions according to the Divine plan.
Kim may well be the saviour of the human population only time will tell. The accusation has been made that Kim’s position was given to her by the Draco (Marduk) and she has been enhanced by a Draco controlled Ai and may well be a Trojan horse or pidepipper taking us somewhere we don’t control.I urge people believe nothing unless it’s in your experience. Question everything because whatever the truth things are obviously not as being portraide to us as they really are and it’s very difficult to verify this information