This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 26 JAN 24 NEWS ( In this update Kim talks about those Secret Space Force operatives we love and their latest postings on the Q clock. Seems like they are piggybacking on Kim’s previous report about the owners of the nine realms because these crazies are claiming it’s them, they are the controllers of the realms. If that were true why couldn’t they install Trump bucks when they tried again. LOL!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

What’s Left of the Secret Space Program
There are about nine groups left and they have decided to consolidate. I’ve been telling you that the secret space program operatives are the ones that are behind this particular movement in these graphics that we’re going to show you now. They started reporting different themes I guess you would say over the last few days on this particular web address.
I suspect the reason why they’re posting this stuff in rapid succession has to do with the fact they have to tell you what they’re going to do. They don’t really have too much time because they’re making up a story as they go along, so they don’t have time to make a movie about it like they would normally do, or a series or something like that. So, I guess they’ve resorted to the Q clock, this is your notification of what they’re about to do to you.
They’re talking about we are the nine and they appeared here to be quite ominous.

Now an interesting twist and turn happened since Wednesday’s report. I know Wednesday’s report was a little bit confusing for a lot of people but it wasn’t confusing for the Secret Space Program. They understood who was controlling the Realms and that we have Angels and Archangels, lower astral races and upper astral races and those types of things. Well, they decided they would like to be those people. That’s why there’s nine. They’re going to control all nine lower Realms and all nine upper Realms and this is what they’ve been going for in the last 24 hours. I’m looking at these people like are you kidding me?
There were other threats overnight as well such as the world is now compromised. Okay well good to know. We’re not seeing anything but good to know.

And then we went from the world being compromised to Pandora’s Box has been opened. How exciting.

So by opening Pandora’s Box they think that they found something in computers. It was a minor little attachment, not anything big and they’ve really been going for it. They have also promised every operative in the world that they would be paid by noon EST today. They also told governments that they’re in charge now of course because we are the Nine, we’re the people you’ve been waiting for. They want to be your people.
And now we’re going on to do a Quantum Jump you’ll never forget. Hyping stuff up aren’t they, it’s very exciting.

Then all these coded messages and different dates.

Those coordinates led you to some place in Japan. I think it was the Mozu Tombs.
Accomplishments of the SSP Over the Last Few Years
Let’s talk about their leadership over the course of the last few years and what came from the 15 militaries of the Secret Space Program.
- They have tried 14 or 15 different apocalypses. None of those actually worked out.
- They are responsible for the major earthquake that happened in Turkey a few months back.
- They are responsible for the recent volcanic eruption in Japan.
- They are responsible for the Iceland volcano eruption.
- They are responsible for the fires in Hawaii, that was Arasaka the Japanese sector of the SSP. It originated there but you have plenty of Americans in there and other people too.
- These are the people pushing Israel to do what it’s doing
- They’re pushing Gaza to do what Gaza’s doing
- At the same time doing the same thing with Iran and Iraq
So that’s kind of who they are and what they do. They’ve been responsible for basically most major events on the planet as it relates to killing us all. So pretty much anything you could say that was wrong with this planet has come from them for about 5,000 years and beyond I should say. Beyond, as in the rulers we described in the Kings of the Realms or the owners of the Realms. But on an operative level these are your guys and they really would like us to fully believe they are qualified to run the planet. I don’t know where they’re running us into except for the toilet.
Compartmentalized Specialists Are Going For World Domination
Here’s what I see. I see a group of people that have run operations on behalf of other humans and non-humans for a long time. And it’s the only thing they know. They don’t know anything about financial systems whatsoever and how they work and how to fix it or even to control it. They don’t know anything because they were so compartmentalized in what they did and what their specific specialties were. For example, Tai Yong, which is out of China predominantly is the group that is over the Wuhan situation. They’re also the group that was over the Covid situation happening all around the world and the disbursement of that. They are also the group that is heavily participating in the new disease X thing and they are very prominent in that field, that is their specialty. It’s all about management and disbursement of disease, that’s their job. And there was another attempt yesterday with a facility in Minnesota. We did find some more, a smaller version I would say of what we found in China the other day. They are definitely looking for diseases, alien technology, ways of implementing disease in people, that’s on their list for sure. But let’s just say we weren’t here and we weren’t watching what they were trying to do, I still don’t see where they’re going. I mean yes people would have gotten hurt and that kind of thing, but I don’t understand what their entire mission is on their side to dominate the world.
What is the SSP’s Strategy to Obtain World Domination?
Let’s take a step back and look at your enemy for a minute. There are nine groups left in the SSP and the people that will still listen to them. They have purposely dispersed disease ‘X’ into hundreds of locations around the world because they know we are after them. Today we found several operatives in New Orleans, several under Norfolk and we’re going to continue to hunt them down so don’t think we’re not.
Now as far as strategizing against your enemy you have to first understand your enemy. So, we’re watching this at play here and as you may or may not know there was a full moon yesterday, so that’s when the getting is good in their mind. But let’s just say they actually achieve their objective and managed to open a gateway to what they call hell and let’s just say the Omega system was still running, what is their next move? In the last 48 hours they tried to install Trump bucks again, another digital currency again. Even if you installed your digital currency, you could never pull this off.
I will repeat myself. A digital currency for all of planet Earth would be highly unlikely at this stage in the game for all of humanity. We know because of the challenges we were looking at launching Life Assurance.
- You don’t even have electricity in a large portion of the world let alone Point of Sales Systems. While they now have Palm Pay in a few places, I think Whole Foods is testing it out and some of the other cabal owned stores.
- Many places in the world do not have the infrastructure for Internet and Wi-Fi access for that ID 2020 social crediting program and digital currencies for all humans.
These people here don’t understand that.
Sunny: Do you think Kim that maybe they just don’t care about the countries that don’t have access to this? Are they mainly after the larger more Western countries, is that just their focus perhaps?
Well, when you listen to them talk they seem to be going for full world domination, that’s what they say, it doesn’t appear to be a limited basis. Although, I will say some of them are very much of the mindset, if you’re not white you’re not right. If you don’t have blonde hair and blue eyes you don’t qualify, that kind of thing. Some of the groups are kind of more geared towards that, so they probably consider all the other races disposable in their mind anyway. They are trying to depopulate the planet so why not start with the ones that they particularly do not favor first.
Hacking Computers and Killing People Slowly with Exotic Alien Diseases Will Not Work
They aren’t going to achieve world domination by hacking at some computer systems and then take care of those people we can’t dominate by killing them slowly of some exotic alien disease. I’m seeing where they’re going with this but that’s probably not achievable. There are five basic root races on this planet and given the fact that of the 8 billion people in this world, some 1.3 billion of them are of Chinese nationality, so that would be yellow in accordance with the Five Root Races. If that’s what they are after I don’t really see that happening.
And I’m not really getting any kind of clear-cut plan other than they just keep promising government’s money and failing consistently. I can see that as a dangling carrot for every government and as I have said in the past, just like the Rothchild family did with the Dinar revaluation, it’s carrots for jackasses. These people seem to be doing the same thing with governments.
Let’s just say the funding came to these groups and they managed to fund the governments, then where are you going? Are you expecting governments to then take orders from you?
Because I can tell you secret space program operatives that is a flawed model and I know because I have sent a bazillion dollars to governments. I funded the budget of the United States two or three times and nobody listened to me. I have sent over $1.4 trillion to China to pay off US debt and nobody listened to me. We wrote off $196 trillion dollars’ worth of debt from the Treasury to the Federal Reserve and nobody listened to me. And now you think they’re going to listen to you? It’s a flawed model.
Hypothetically, What Would Happen if the SSP Funded Governments?
What would have happened, just so you know Secret Space Program operatives, is then the Rothchild family and the Khazarian Mafia et al and the Chinese Elders would have claimed you were working for them (which in the case of the Monarch military has been true the whole time) and that they’re going to tell the governments how to work from there. That’s what they were going to do. They were going to basically say, okay business as usual political sector, you’re still on our side. Remember the chart from Wednesday, you’re still ours and the financial sector is still ours too and we’re still going to control all the banks and we’re still going to control all the governments. And you nine people are out because nobody’s going to pay any attention to you.
From my personal experience I think everything that they’re doing right now has no hope, even if we just sat back and watched movies all day. It is never going to go anywhere because that’s how this world works. The reason why they’re actually listening to you now is because you’re currently the carrot dangler but they’re always sitting in the background just waiting to take back control. They’ll just use you like they used me.
I know what they’re thinking, and their Eagles that they are big enough and will say they are the special ones, whether it’s some of the Black Nobility like the Orsini families or the Aldobandini families or those people as they also believe that they are special. Nobody is special here! And we’re not going to let the things that they’re talking about continue to happen or to come to fruition to harm people to the best of our ability because that’s part of our job. That’s the Global Intelligence Agency’s (GIA) job, that’s my job.
If I was Dr. Evil and the Khazarian Mafia, which I am not, I’m on the opposite side of all these people, I would say with a 100% certainty that they would take political control if the SSP funded the governments because they’re ripe for it. They have no control over the financial system, they have no control over anything, they don’t even have a communication network with which to communicate with all the governments worldwide anymore. There is no way for them to get around that and in case you’re watching this, we do know that was in Mount Everest.
The faces and the names that they know will continue to be the same faces and names once money comes. You think if you control the pocketbook of these people that the other people are just going to go away? That’s not going to be the case. So pretty much at this point in the game, it won’t change unless there are certain agencies within governments that have become what you call a “free agent” or entity unto itself at this moment in time based on that big chart I drew for you last time.
Will These Newly Freed Entities Still Listen to These 9 Self-Appointed Cliff Walkers?
A collateral pool isn’t just you, the average everyday citizens of the country. You might be in the collateral pool for example of the United States, but you may also be in a second collateral pool if you are an enlisted military soldier or General or Colonel. Now above that is the collateral pool for the US Military and each branch then is collectively pulled together as the US military. Then all militaries worldwide go into another collateral pool for another leverage against or hedging against. Then in some cases they went up to NATO, which is not the case anymore. Then they would go up to the Order of the Black Sun and so on and so forth. Well, when you’re not being held as collateral in a long chain of collateral then you are an entity unto yourself, and that goes for the soldiers in the military, that also goes for you as a citizen, and that goes for the United States military, which is not a government entity. It has been a separate section of the world government for a very long time now.
- So are they going to listen to the 9 cliff walkers? Go ahead we don’t care we have our own military now as Humanity. We don’t need you anymore. But right now the Military is an entity unto itself with no government support to pay them. It’s like hiring a private security company to protect you. That’s one entity that’s an island unto itself.
- The same thing goes for all intelligence agencies, you’re in a collateral pool and then all the agencies worldwide entered into another collateral pool until eventually you got to Enki. So, they are now an island unto themselves and this is every country, I’m just using the United States as an example.
- Next the Treasury is also on an island unto itself now. It’s not leveraged seven or eight times before you get to the actual currency provider anymore.
- The same thing with the Department of Justice worldwide, they all used to be underneath the International Court and then it would go 5 or 6 layers up from there, several different sectors of collateral pools. So, they are also on an island unto themselves.
- The United Nations no longer is responsible for the sovereignty of each Nation anymore, that was another collateral pool.
So, the governments collateralized all its citizens, every government was then re-collateralized by the UN and then up to the Families, then up to the Covens and then up to the Parents and whoever your owner was in your upline. And eventually you landed with Anti-Source during the Dark Age as an ownership.
As you can see that power and control structure and monetary lender of choice Omega is no longer the prominent factor here in the world. That has changed but that doesn’t prevent people from talking to people, even if it’s not on the recognized line that they would normally call in on and I use that term for a reason.
We Already Have Beings in Charge of the Realms
To point out another flaw in their model, there are already beings that are in charge of the Realms. They’re not in charge like they own them, they are just there on behalf of Source as Protectors of the Realms. That’s who they are. There’s a Council of them and they’re all of the light side now because we are in the Light Age. Now if you want to try to unseat one of those beings, I wish you all the luck in the world because now you’re kind of fighting against God. So, I can say with 100% certainty that’s a no-win situation. So that’s also was a flawed model. I don’t know if they thought because I knew about this structure that I was in control of it all or something, but no I’m not and I’m not trying to take control of all the Realms, that’s not my job. There are other beings for that.
Sunny: Can you share with us who some of those other beings are? Are there any names we would recognize?
Well yes, Angel Raguel would be one, two and three now. Then there is Michael and Raphael, these are all English words that we use to describe something whose real name is in a frequency in a light language. As you go further up some of them are names you know and some of them are names you don’t know. And some of them you would have a really hard time pronouncing. You would probably think I was crazy if I said them. They are all light now. There was a duel but now it’s whoever that party is and Source directly, that is the co-creation. There is no Archangel Raphael and Raphael as an example, and it’s definitely not a shadow military corporation or any of those people.
Government Update
Now let’s talk about governments for a minute to give you a little update. The Archivists have been busy going around talking to various controllers of governments in various locations, and they feel beyond a shadow of a doubt at this point (this is their opinion) with 100% certainty the governments will never work with us, they will never change.
Are Governments Going to Fall Based on the Archivist Assessment?
It looks like the answer to that is yes. They feel the same way about the United States Military and GCHQ at this point. By the way, I actually put in a message to the Archivist to find out what their estimated time frame is for the fall of governments, how long can they dangle those carrots. But they definitely feel that there is no hope of them turning around. The Treasury Department said they have to give it throughout the weekend. Yep, got to wait three days after the full moon and then they’ll be ready to go on Monday allegedly. I have heard so many times now it’s like the Peter and the Wolf story.
Now There Are Multiple Entities, When Will Each Entity Fall?
As it relates to the Department of Transportation and those types of things, you can kind of pretty much lump them into government. But the Department of Justice is one entity unto itself and that’s worldwide, that’s every Justice Department in every country. Then you have the political sector in every country. Then you have the media control sector in every country. Then you have the militaries that are separate. Then you have the agencies that are separate. So those are kind of your free agents predominantly.
Treasuries of every country in the world are now free agents unto themselves. Central Banks of every country in the world are now free agents unto themselves. So, they can choose to do something different. Will they? I doubt it. Meaning we could repurpose the Treasury to do something completely different and they’d still get paid for it. Do they want to do that? Are they still under the impression that they’re part of the US government? They know they’re not. Are they going to keep that illusion alive? I don’t know but I’m not I’m not hopeful in anyway.
I know the Federal Reserve has been in some serious meetings for the last couple of days trying to figure out what they’re going to do. They have also been told that they would be getting money. They always blow us off right before a full moon and say oh we don’t need you guys, we got this, we got the money it’s all going to happen now, that kind of thing. That’s fine, I’m starting to believe that these are all non-reparable humans, even the SSP. Even if you weren’t going against me as your enemy, I would still look at you like where are you going? There are some running around like crazy people without a plan. Then there are other people thinking they are the 9 and have those hood things on all standing on a ball or something.
And regarding the Treasury, what we’re really seeing today is a bunch of people that were promised payment by noon EST which nobody got and now everybody is yelling at everybody. The SSP is still continuing to try to find a way to fix it and telling them no later than Monday for sure. Then it’ll be no later than Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday as they try to achieve world domination which they have no hope of, even if they had the money and paid. Any good strategist can see that.
Why Funding Them is Not Going to Make Them Listen to You
And irrespective of being a good strategist, I’ve actually had experience in this realm. Always remain useful they say. Well they spent all the money in one year. Always remain useful, so they’ll just give them little bits at a time and then they’re going to have to come back to you and eventually they’ll listen to you. So that’s how they figure they’ll do it. Wrong! I did that too and no matter how much money you give them in little increments no one bothers to even pretend you exist. So been there, done that., it’s proven and your Secret Space Program people can look it up, your operatives or whoever is doing the strategy section, but I’m going to tell you right now it’s a flawed model.
How is China Looking Right Now?
Markets are doing the same. They’re still down and they might go up a little like 0.01 or 0.02, but they don’t go up a percentage point or anything significant and then they drop back down, so they’re teetering. I have not heard anything else about the foreign ownership but I have not asked in the last 48 hours to see where they’re at with that.
So that’s about it for that side of things.
United Network Update
On our side of things, we do have some really exciting news, there’s so much going on here at United Network right now, we are on fire. The marketplace, which will allow you to sell your stuff is well underway. It’s also a resource for you, meaning books that are potential reads for health and wellness all the way through to parenting and family and pregnancies. We have resources that we linked in there so you can find them all in one place.
We’ve taken suggestions from the Health and Wellness Consortium, it’s called CHWE now and some of our staff members are talking about new medical technologies and things that are already out there, that are options for practitioners and for home use in some cases. So, we have a bunch of protocols and things we’re putting together not only for health and wellness but also help for new moms and all kinds of different things.
We are finishing the synchronizing so you can have your own storefront. You can design it how you like. We also have the ability to put your products into a number of different categories, from jewelry to household items like candles, soaps, bath and body. And if we don’t have a section for you we can make one, it doesn’t take us that long. So hopefully sometime next week that will be done.
The New Website
There’s going to be a lot of differences you’re going to see here when we launch the new website. We do have private Community chats where you need to be a subscriber to enter to talk within those chats. But as far as the overall site, it is looking beautiful, it’s up and running. The second part would be the apps which will come in one by one, it depends on which store they’re going in, but we’re hoping to see that next week as well. We are also discussing continuing on social media. We’re finding that everybody really likes it, they’re happy to see us out here. You’re going to see us a lot more on Instagram, X/Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn. When you do see us on there be sure to follow us. United Network Productions is where you’ll see us. It is also where you store owners will see your own advertisements. You’ll get to see all of your wares going all over social media so they can buy your things in more than one place, but of course it’s your choice. These are things we’re doing to help you as a small business owner grow.
The world is one race, we’re all part of the human race and what we’re trying to do here is change the face of media and I think we’re doing a pretty good job. Everybody is working so hard so I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you so much to everyone on the team for all you do and for all you’re doing for humanity. I want to play the game of life, that’s the game I’m playing and all of humanity is going to enjoy this. We’re bringing people together and I’m really excited to not be on telegram as often, Hallelujah. ‘ll be so happy when I can just go to the community and talk to people and not worry about trolls because no one is going to pay to go to a community to gripe right. Well maybe some.
Note About CARE
I didn’t discuss all of CARE on Wednesday to be very clear, because people were asking me about what about Financial Freedom, why just Medical Freedom. I know trust me, I know. There is a plan laid out for every single section of CARE. I just outlined in a very short broadcast one small sector. It has taken years of work to put together an entire structure for every industry on the planet. I remind you there are hundreds of thousands of systems on this planet for how we live in our society and pretty much every single one of them needs to change, so it’s a lot of work on our part.
Until next time.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Wow…I’m kinda getting excited here….and this will be fun if she can get things going for humanity like she says…..I know it’s alot of work, and she also has to deal with people that turn on her but perhaps these are infiltrators which we have seen come and go along the way for these past few years.
I am seriously ready for the ridiculous Q movie to end. People are still on this and now they are fomenting a civil war and I just hope Kim is got some kind of strategy that can override their agenda so that we can peacefully transition to this new system and be thriving instead of just surviving.
Thanks for doing these reports!
If you are questioning the credibility of Kim Goguen
This is
Worth checking out
Currently we are between a rock and a hard place with all these different gangsters trying to get control of the planet and my feeling is we are swapping one bowl of sh*t for another bowl of sh*t. Nothing has been done about the chemtrails but this will both horrify and give you some hope. I am sorry but I no longer trust Kim unless you can corroborate information you have no way of knowing that it is genuine truth.
I agree
info from Kim today. Jan 31, 2024
update on the “Mundane” side of existence:
United Network (CARE Announcements), [31-Jan-24 14:00] [Kimberly]
Happy Wednesday Everyone! I just wanted everyone to know I am aware of what has happened in our old chat rooms.
I have confirmed the infiltration by the NSA and it appears the recently departed team members have been set up. It happens to a lot of people that get close to me.
The posts (some of them), when traced back to the origins, will go through a GCHQ server. Some claim to be team Bubba, but that is also the NSA, 9 Eyes, GCHQ.
I have had a conversation with some of these people within the last few months. Their profile fits into a low level group of agents. I have been doing this long enough to detect them, and I know the difference between an operative and an agent.
They did the same to Thomas Williams. A recent call between Thomas Williams and Thomas Melville traced back to a “secure” server at CENTCOM. I was on another phone line listening to the whole call tracing back the call from “Mary Johnson” (as it appeared on Tom’s caller ID). The Key Intelligence and Military system makes it very easy to tap into anything I want to including telegram.
Its sad for me to see these agency people use some of the innocents who got caught up in all this “over there”. I tried to tell them in the past how they do it, they will set you up, then tell you they will keep you out of jail if you just do “this”.
That’s how David Rea (The one who started Team Bubba) got stuck running child porn/child trafficking sites.
Now they have a few other Brits who needed a get out of jail free card. I thank them for the telegram chats with me as it gave me enough time to trace everything back, run their backgrounds and files. At the end of the day “threat assessments” on the crazies is minimal.
The attempted disinformation is just a bunch of people who are under threat by their respective governments that they will go to jail if they don’t do “this or that”. All that being said, some have asked me “why I don’t say anything”, its because I have played that “game” with people like this before. I know how they do it, and now its all confirmed.
Am I willing to spend time to help these people?
Are there bigger things going on in this world?
Are the “bigger things” real threats?
So I let the agencies play little boy games and keep it moving.
Lisa was used by these people as she appeared to be “willing”, but now they are in over their heads, and I have listened to the calls/coms. They can’t say I didn’t warn them, but they chose to ignore the warnings and thought they were still playing “telegram games”.
What is the end game for the agencies?
I have put out wayyyyyyy too much truth for their liking, and if they can discredit me, it discredits the rest. That is their hope anyway. Their “mark” or “target” isn’t YOU, it is the operatives they seek to control.
So what am I going to do?
Keep doing what I always do, burn the Deep State to the ground, layer by layer until they no longer harm humanity.
I find it telling that she would c take the time to comment about things she claims don’t matter….. yet where are all of these angels?
Radio silence on announcement of Trump’s death…. suddenly its not important? I am so glad to have woken up to Kim’s lies.
Honestly a person had to convince themselves she’s not a scam.
So Kim, God isn’t clever or powerful enough to take out what you claim is but a few human that are left? HIS MIGHTY Angels are unable to finish the job? What’s more important than human life?
Kim Goguen is a fraud and she will have to answer to the true creator very soon. Jesus is coming back.
There was an interesting twist following Wednesday’s report. I know Wednesday’s report was a little confusing for a lot of people, but for the Secret Space Program it wasn’t confusing. They realized who controls the Spheres, and that we have Angels and Archangels, lower astral races, higher astral races and the like. Well, they decided that they wanted to be these people. That’s why there are nine of them. They are going to control all nine lower Realms and all nine upper Realms, and that is what they have been trying to achieve for the last 24 hours. I look at these people like are you kidding me? AND SUCH BULLSHIT BRINGS KIM GAUGIN INTO THE CONSCIOUSNESS AND MIND OF THOSE READING AND LISTENING. INVITATION TO THE PLANETARY COUNCIL AND PLANETARY TRIBUNAL
Hemos despertado de.un largo pero largo sueño y una minoría oscura no quieren que despertemos, feliz y agradecido , por la información